Peng | You never know | 00:15 |
plavcik | hello, I want to report bug with do-release-upgrade tool, but can't find how to do it with web interface only only | 08:21 |
plavcik | I will give next 5 minutes of my life to Canonical, if someone will point me to quick way, how to do that | 08:23 |
plavcik | here are details, if someone can utilise it bye | 08:27 |
* acheronuk rolls eyes | 09:44 | |
TJ- | Using lptools et al, I'm tring to iterate attributes of a bug. Unfortunately lazr.restfulclient.resource.Entry nor .Resource are iterable (no __iter__() method) - is there something else I'm missing. I'm trying to do "x = {}; for bug in bug_tasks: ... x[] = dict{bug}" so that later I can call "y = sorted(x, key=lambda b: b.heat, reverse=True)" | 18:44 |
wgrant | TJ-: why are you trying to convert it to a dict? That doesn't really make sense | 22:29 |
TJ- | wgrant: because Python's sorted(x, key=lambda..) doesn't seem to like it any other way than as an iterable | 22:41 |
wgrant | TJ-: sorted cares that the thing it's iterating over is an iterable. It doesn't care that the objects in that iterable are. | 22:43 |
wgrant | The problem that you're probably running into is that sorted(x) where x is a dict is only going to iterate over the dict's keys. | 22:43 |
TJ- | x.iteritems() | 22:44 |
wgrant | is the start of one approach to fix that, yes | 22:45 |
TJ- | never mind anyhow, I switched to using launchapdlib directly a while back and the scripts are back track :) | 22:45 |
wgrant | What do you mean? | 22:45 |
TJ- | I think I was dealing with some limitations of what lptools would expose; but it was several hours ago and I've lost track of the issues now :) | 22:49 |
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