
UBUxUBU iwould like to propose a change to the way the minimal install occurs, i don't think it should be part of the full installer at all, but its own installer. i dont think it is a good idea to to have an OS installer, install the full system, ans then remove all the extra apps after the fact and then call it a minimal install. i think a minimal install should be a separate installer all by itself. i think it will result in a cleaner system.18:23
=== UBUxUBU is now known as UBuxuBU
TJ-UBuxuBU: are you volunteering to do that work? The reason the desktop installer does it the way it does is it avoids duplication of resources; we don't want an additional installer ISO to maintain18:45
tsimonq2UBuxuBU: We're also moving towards stacking squashfses.18:46
tsimonq2So instead of installing all of it and then removing the unneeded bits, it'll only copy the core squashfs.18:46
UBuxuBUwell then u could it for LTS releases only18:46
tsimonq2That's coming, probably, before the next LTS.18:46
tsimonq2I respectfully disagree that your idea is practical.18:47
UBuxuBUif ic ould lean how to do it i would do that for u18:48
UBuxuBUnow that i see it infornt if me installed i beleive it is the best option18:48
UBuxuBUit is very quiet18:49
UBuxuBUwow my disk in only 28C temp18:56
hwpplayer1hi people19:51
UBuxuBUwhats does it mean: stacking squashfses?19:51

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