=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash | ||
ddoobb | Hey guys I'm trying to enable hibernation in Xubuntu, it seems to be disabled by default. Do I just follow the Ubuntu tutorials? There doesn't seem to be anything about Xubuntu out there. New to Xubuntu. | 04:53 |
ddoobb | I have a problem. I did 'xfce4-session-logout -h'. The system turned off. Now it turns on in exactly the same state everytime, with the browser opened with the same tabs and everything. I reboooted it multiple time. I can also not access the desktop and the panels. What is going on | 07:19 |
ddoobb | Windows are opening without their title bars | 07:19 |
Alinka-malinka | i am not sure but how can i speed up the mouse wheel scrolling? | 08:37 |
Alinka-malinka | its working slow | 08:37 |
brainwash | Alinka-malinka: Settings > Mouse | 09:58 |
brainwash | Alinka-malinka: actually not there. looks like you have to configure separately for your apps if possible, or via this tweak https://unix.stackexchange.com/a/307932 | 10:08 |
Alinka-malinka | oh damn i am nto sure if i can configure that lol... | 12:44 |
brainwash | is it a specific application? like, the web browser for example | 12:46 |
sia | ive added sound notifications for irssi now, can anyone | 12:49 |
sia | mention me and pm me for test pls? | 12:49 |
sia | fdf | 12:50 |
sia | what happened | 12:50 |
Alinka-malinka | yes brainwash for firefox | 12:52 |
brainwash | Alinka-malinka: in that case you have to modify some setting via "about:config" in firefox | 12:54 |
Alinka-malinka | Hmmm let me check | 12:58 |
Alinka-malinka | yes i found it and i did a little modification, but still i am not happy with it, i dont know, its a feeling like i am scrolling it more rather then it moves in screen | 13:00 |
Alinka-malinka | for example the touchpad works smoother when i scroll with 2 fingures | 13:02 |
brainwash | maybe it depends on what setting(s) you have changed | 13:03 |
Alinka-malinka | fingers | 13:03 |
Alinka-malinka | i put 1 and 1000 | 13:04 |
Alinka-malinka | i guess i need to find the sweet spot | 13:04 |
brainwash | there are several scroll related settings | 13:05 |
brainwash | if you search for "scroll" or "mousewheel" | 13:05 |
pawel_ | is there a way to switch to the stable channel of xfce on 18.10? | 13:05 |
brainwash | what is the stable channel? | 13:06 |
pawel_ | 1.12 i belive | 13:06 |
brainwash | you mean 4.12 | 13:06 |
pawel_ | yeah | 13:06 |
brainwash | I don't think you can | 13:06 |
brainwash | and why you want to do that in the first place? | 13:07 |
pawel_ | 4.13 is really buggy | 13:07 |
brainwash | which component? | 13:07 |
brainwash | the panel? or the file manager? | 13:07 |
brainwash | it's possible that workarounds exist | 13:08 |
pawel_ | sometimes plank displays the panel in active apps and also the wisker menu doesnt show the wine menu proper | 13:08 |
brainwash | isn't that unrelated to xfce 4.13? | 13:09 |
brainwash | whisker menu is an external panel plugin | 13:09 |
brainwash | and plank is not part of xfce | 13:09 |
pawel_ | the plank problem is only recreatable on 4.13 | 13:09 |
brainwash | that's quite odd then | 13:10 |
brainwash | 18.10 still uses the 4.12 xfce window manager | 13:10 |
pawel_ | xfce-panel is 4.13.3 | 13:11 |
brainwash | plank = xfce4-panel? | 13:11 |
pawel_ | no | 13:12 |
Alinka-malinka | also i could not make the wobbly-windows working | 13:12 |
Alinka-malinka | i enable the plugin | 13:12 |
Alinka-malinka | but it dont want to work :-/ | 13:12 |
pawel_ | as we speak its happening xd | 13:12 |
Alinka-malinka | like this compiz manager is broken or not reacting or something | 13:12 |
brainwash | Alinka-malinka: not much we can do about that | 13:13 |
brainwash | pawel_: I guess I don't understand the problem | 13:13 |
brainwash | pawel_: you mention both plank (dock app) and the xfce panel | 13:14 |
pawel_ | here is a screenshot https://i.imgur.com/JW6wmf1.png | 13:14 |
brainwash | that is only plank | 13:15 |
brainwash | are you sure that your issue is caused by the xfce panel? | 13:15 |
brainwash | is the plank version still the exact same? | 13:16 |
Alinka-malinka | oh thats a a problem, because when i run the ccms --release command it start working, but the windows get frozen, is there any other wobbly-windows feature for xubuntu? | 13:16 |
brainwash | Alinka-malinka: there is none | 13:17 |
brainwash | maybe the KDE window manager can that | 13:17 |
brainwash | kwin | 13:17 |
Alinka-malinka | nah it will start lagging my laptop | 13:17 |
Alinka-malinka | i need it here :-/ | 13:17 |
Alinka-malinka | anyways thanks | 13:17 |
pawel_ | i use compton for window | 13:18 |
brainwash | compton is a compositor | 13:18 |
pawel_ | oh | 13:18 |
pawel_ | im sorry im a bit of a noob | 13:19 |
brainwash | so, if you want a more stable and better tested xfce environment, you should be using xubuntu 18.04 LTS | 13:19 |
brainwash | the goal with 18.10 and 19.04 is to move Xfce to the 4.14 release | 13:20 |
brainwash | hence, it may be buggy | 13:20 |
pawel_ | yeah | 13:21 |
Spass | pawel_, that xfce4-panel icon shows on Plank when you open panel preferences, annoying little issue, it occurs on 18.04 too, so 18.10 has nothing to do with it | 13:23 |
pawel_ | oh | 13:23 |
Spass | you just need to restart Plank after configuring your panel | 13:23 |
pawel_ | thats the only fix i found for that really | 13:24 |
Spass | me too, probably it's a good idea to submit a buf report, but I'm not sure if it's a Plank or xfce4-panel issue specifically | 13:25 |
pawel_ | i think that its with how plank detects running applications | 13:26 |
Spass | what comes to my mind worth testing (maybe) is changing "StartupWMClass=" in the desktop launcher of the Panel preferences | 13:27 |
Spass | give me a sec | 13:27 |
pawel_ | test | 13:30 |
pawel_ | oh ./nick doesnt work | 13:30 |
Spass | ok I think that I found a workaround, I've added "StartupWMClass=xfce4-panel" to /usr/share/applications/panel-preferences.desktop (Panel) | 13:35 |
Spass | and now when I close panel preferences icon disappears as it should | 13:35 |
Spass | you can try that | 13:35 |
Spass | hmm, but I'm not sure about it now, even when I revert that change it is still ok, so maybe I need test it after re-log, anyway, it's an old issue and restarting Plank is the only thing I know hat works 100% | 13:42 |
pawel_ | from what i can tell it's fixed | 13:46 |
Towel | Hey, I'm doing an install of xubuntu 18.04 from the live cd. Can anyone tell me what the default creds are? I tried "ubuntu" and "xubuntu" with no password but without any success. | 18:48 |
Spass | hello Towel, user "xubuntu" without password should work | 18:50 |
Towel | Thanks Spass but it still says "incorrect password." I verified the image sha256sum too | 18:51 |
Spass | Towel, where exactly you need to enter those credentials? | 18:51 |
Towel | There's a login prompt to get to the desktop. It has the only option "Other" selected and a box for username and one for password | 18:52 |
Towel | I'm a terminal now and it says "xubutnu login:". I tried "xubuntu" with no password without success | 18:53 |
Spass | so you logged out from the live session, right? if you want to install you can just boot the ISO again | 18:53 |
Towel | I just clicked "Install xubuntu" from the boot options and that's the screen it came to | 18:54 |
Spass | so something went wrong | 18:54 |
Towel | ahh okay | 18:54 |
Spass | try again, or click Try Xubuntu and install from the launcher on the desktop | 18:54 |
Towel | Good idea, I'll give that a shot. Thanks! | 18:55 |
Spass | cool, let us know how it went | 18:56 |
Towel | will do :) Doing a quick integrity check first just to make sure everything flashed okay | 18:56 |
solidfox | hello, I just switched to xubuntu and it seems I can't find my icon to change the volume (unless I use pulseaudio volume control from the menu) and I also have no way to switch from BuiltIn analog stereo output to HDMI | 19:21 |
solidfox | ok. so I lost the icon because I switched the panel layout to "GNOME 2". and sound is in the indicator applet | 19:23 |
solidfox | anyways. what I really need is to play audio from hdmi | 19:23 |
Spass | hello solidfox, new sound icon isn't an indicator anymore, xubuntu now (from 18.04) uses xfce4-pulseaudio-plugin | 19:25 |
solidfox | Spass: i found it. my PulseAudio volume control window was hiding a tab, because I increased my resolution and DPI | 19:26 |
Spass | you should be able to change output in "pavucontrol" settings (PulseAudio Volume Control) | 19:26 |
Spass | ok cool | 19:26 |
Towel | Spass, I reflashed the image to a USB instead of a microsd card and it worked like a charm. All good now :) Thanks for your help | 19:28 |
Spass | Towel, good to know :) | 19:29 |
xubuntu03i | what i am kill you | 21:29 |
xubuntu27i | helloo!! | 23:46 |
xubuntu27i | Can i install the system and the grub in the same partition? | 23:47 |
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