
IrcsomeBot<Anarchotaoist> Has anyone successfully got Droidcam (or other phone webcam software) working on Kubuntu over USB?02:17
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lordievaderGood morning08:23
BluesKajHowdy all13:46
IrcsomeBot<wizzyceiro> hello13:47
ghostcubehi folks, i upgraded to 18.10 yesterday, and now i need to do alsa force-reload on every boot, i tried a lot , setting audio group, purge alsa.base and pulseaudio and reinstall them nothing works so far still no change22:05
ghostcubehmm ok this seems to be a bug in 18.1022:17
ghostcubeso, alsamixer shows all sound devices properly, all cards are unmuted im in audio grop all is purged and new installed pulse config is created new, where to file a bug? pulseaudio?22:26
est31ghostcube: why do you have to force-reload alsa22:39
est31what is your symptom22:39
ghostcubei upgraded to 18.10 from 18.04 and only got dumy output, but i think i found it22:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 210472 in timidity (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #1801538 Timidity daemon doesn't play nice with pulse audio" [High,Confirmed]22:39
ghostcubewill try this now every other workarround isnt working22:40
est31ghostcube: I'm asking because I myself had a very similar bug22:41
est31I worked around by changing the output jack22:41
ghostcubeyeah jack works :D22:41
ghostcubei just wantet to run pulseaudio for some reasons22:41
ghostcubei try the tmidity remove22:41
est31no, the output socket22:41
ghostcubeah, ok sorry22:42
ghostcubemisunderstood :)22:42
est31I don't even have tmidity installed...22:42
est31hmmm my bug is different then I guess22:42
ghostcubewhats your bug?22:43
ghostcubei have tmidity installled so i think this will solve my probs22:43
ghostcubebrb have to check if it works22:44
ghostcubeha! it worked22:50
valoriewhat is timidity?22:53
valorie!info timidity22:53
ubottutimidity (source: timidity): Software sound renderer (MIDI sequencer, MOD player). In component universe, is optional. Version 2.13.2-41 (bionic), package size 575 kB, installed size 1527 kB22:53
ghostcubeits just a command line tool that can play midi files22:55
ghostcubebut it seems to be an regression, cause the original bug filed against timidity is from 200822:55
ghostcubein 18.04 all worked fine it startet right after the update last night22:57
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