
lubotgabrielprz was added by: gabrielprz11:37
UnlimiterHello! How can I help improve some vocabulary and fix words in "https://manual.lubuntu.me"?18:32
wxlhey Unlimiter you most certainly can help. we've been working on documentation on that. let me see if we've got that set up18:33
wxlok doesn't look like we do18:34
wxlbeen too busy with everything else :)18:35
wxlbut i can point you in the right direction18:35
Unlimiterplease go ahead18:35
wxloh no wait18:35
wxlwe do! yay!18:36
wxlit's in the code base18:36
UnlimiterNice, thanks18:36
UnlimiterI'll start fixing now18:36
wxlif you have any other questions, i'd ask at #lubuntu-devel18:37
wxlthere's a few other contributors there18:37
wxlas well as lynorian who is the Documentation Lead18:37
Unlimitergot it18:37
lynorianyay more people to edit18:38
UnlimiterBut I don't have Linux on my PC18:39
UnlimiterI guess I'll wait until I install Lubuntu18:39
wxlactually this will look a lot better https://phab.lubuntu.me/source/lubuntu-manual/browse/master/CONTRIBUTING.md?as=remarkup18:39
wxlyou can install it in a virtual machine18:39
wxlthe other thing you can do is actually create patches and mail them as shown at the bottom of that instructions18:39
wxlof course you got to know how to create patches18:40
wxlif you're familiar with git, it shouldn't be too difficult18:40
wxlstill you'll need to use git and shs18:40
wxlssh that is18:40
UnlimiterDid I say that I LOVE Lubuntu, because i do!18:41
UnlimiterI read the whole manual18:41
wxlglad to hear it :)18:41
UnlimiterIt's amazing18:41
lynorianI am really glad to hear it18:42
kranHi guys. Trying to install from a USB drive a Lubuntu install ISO put there via YUMI. Boots fine, I connect to wifi, select partition to replace, and I get "installation failed bad source source=/cdrom/casper/filesystem.squashfs"18:42
wxlkran: did you check the hashes and at the boot screen check the image for defects?18:43
kranThis is being installed beside a Win7 installation already there. I checked the checksum of the ISO I downloaded and even removed and rewrote it to the USB drive, same result.18:43
kranwxl how do I check the image for defects?18:43
wxlat the boot screen, select "check disc for defects" isntead of the default "start lubuntu"18:43
kranchecking now18:44
kranwxl it flashed some acpi errors, lubuntu splash, then rebooted again18:45
wxlthat doesn't sound right18:45
wxlit should end with a "no errors found, press any key to reboot" underneath the splash18:45
wxland then it waits18:45
wxlit does not reboot itself18:45
kranwxl just did it again. back to YUMI multiboot screen18:46
wxlsounds like a copy error18:46
kranwxl it's a USB drive that has numerous systems that has been successfully used various times. Should I try another USB drive? Is there a netinstall solution since I have wifi?18:47
kranI want the latest 64-bit Lubuntu18:47
wxlhaving other systems on there might be problematic18:47
kranwxl you mean with YUMI?18:48
* wxl shrugs18:48
wxlwe don't test with yumi and i know nothing about it18:48
kranwxl what's the official way to put the ISO on a USB drive so I can install it?18:49
kranwxl even better: is there a way to do it over wifi?18:49
wxlwhat i do know is if the image on the usb doesn't match, bit for bit, the official image, there's a high likelihood of all sorts of problems18:49
wxltheoretically, you could use the mini.iso, but if you're having problems with images, you'll probably continue to have problems with images18:50
wxlhere's a bunch of advice on the subject https://manual.lubuntu.me/1/1.2/booting_the_image.html18:50
wxlmy personal opinion is that the linux command dd is the absolute most reliable methodology, but also the most dangerous18:51
wxli have never ever had a failure with dd, but have seen problems with nearly every other tool i've used18:51
kranwxl OK looks like they use Rufus18:52
wxlmkusb is nice because it's ultimately a front end for dd18:52
kranwxl Rufus is asking ISO or DD. Which one?18:53
wxli don't do windows, bub18:53
lubot<HMollerCl> @kran [<kran> wxl Rufus is asking ISO or DD. Which one?], Try the default (don't remember which ist) If it doesn't work try the other18:54
kranlubot OK18:54
wxllubot is a bridge to Telegram. it's @HMollerCl chatting at you kran18:55
kranHMollercl don't know what that means, but OK18:55
lubot<HMollerCl> @kran [<kran> HMollercl don't know what that means, but OK], My 'name' in telegram18:56
lubot<HMollerCl> I'm on telegram, not irc18:56
kranI don't know what telegram is, other than that form of communication used decades ago.18:56
wxllet's put it to you this way: lubot relays message from a different communication platform18:58
wxllubot is a piece of software18:58
wxland for your education https://duckduckgo.com/l/?kh=-1&uddg=https%3A%2F%2Ftelegram.org%2F18:58
kranseems to be working now. I guess YUMI is incompatible19:01
kranwxl is Lubuntu the best lightweight system as far as being able to get support and not stressing the system too much?19:02
wxlkran: lubuntu is built to strike a balance between streamlined and usable. if it's light in exclusion to function, that's not good. if it's got too much function than necessary, that's not good.19:03
kranwxl I've had luck with Lubuntu on laptops. Putting it on an i5 desktop now.19:03
eyun89Hi there, I am a first time linux user and decided to use Lubuntu. I love the user interface and want to keep using it but the installation process is very confusing to me. I installed it on my hard drive using a usb boot. I got installed rEFInd and I see a "Boot EFI\ubunut\grubx64.efi" and "Boot boot\vmlinz-4.18.0-10-generic", I can only get to Lubuntu with the "boot\vmlinz.." which is the second option20:17
eyun89of the rEFInd window. Should the "Boot EFI\ubuntu.." be working or should I find a way to change the  rEFInd default boot option. I'm having a hard time understanding the situation. Thanks in advanced.20:17
* lynorian has never used REFInd so I wish I could help 20:23
lynorianalthough with booting off usb you don't want it not to boot without the USB in20:23
lynorianwasn't rEFInd for apple hardware20:24
eyun89Thank you for your response. Yeah so I tried install linux on my older macbook and it was not booting after installing in on the computer so through forums I found rEFInd. I'm still new to this so I don't know my ways around getting this to work20:25
lynorianeyun89: are you asking how to make lubuntu first in the boot order right?20:25
eyun89Sort of. I no longer have macOS installed and only have those two options: "EFI" and "vmlinz". "vmlinz" is in the second order and that is the one that will boot properly. The EFI just shows a blank screen.20:27
eyun89I read somewhere that the EFI is responsible for the boot but that is not the case for me. I'm also trying to understand the difference between those two I guess.20:28
kranLubuntu: I use a GPU that has SPDIF in headers to mix audio into the HDMI port. 2 headers are wired from the GPU pins to the motherboard pins. I tested this in a Win7 install on this system and it works fine, but lubuntu has no audio out.20:41
kranI know it's not the hardware or installation, since it works in Windows 7 on this very same machine.20:42
lynoriankran: https://manual.lubuntu.me/2/2.5/2.5.2/pulseaudio_volume_control.html does this help you at all?20:43
lynorianyou would need to select that as the output source20:43
lynoriankran: or does your SPDIF not show up at all?20:44
kranlynorian i only see Digital Output (S/PDIF) where it says port.20:44
lynorianhave you tried that S/PDIF output and is not showing up there?20:44
* lynorian wonders if this might be a driver issue20:45
kranlynorian it has always been selected, being the only option.20:45
lynoriankran: and you are getting no sound?20:45
kranlynorian i think it's a zotac 9500GT in there20:45
lynoriankran make sure it is not muted anywhere?20:48
kranlynorian yes20:48
kranlynorian maybe i need to reinstall a driver?20:48
kranlynorian it is an old GPU. perhaps reinstalling will help? how would I do that?20:49
kran"Uninstall all the nvidia drivers and then install envy-ng"20:49
lynoriankran: unfortanelty there is no package by that name in the repos for 18.10 at least20:51
lynorianwhat version are you on?20:51
kran18.10 64bit, downloaded it today20:52
lynoriankran: have you not installed proprietary nvidia drivers20:53
kranhavent installed much of anything yet20:53
lynorianalthouhg I am not sure 9500 GT is supported still20:53
kranlynorian worth a shot. what is the command?20:54
lynoriantry lsmod |grep nvidia20:54
lynorianif it returns nothing then you are not20:54
kranreturns nothing20:55
kranso what do I do?20:56
lynoriankran you don't have any motherboard audio outputs on the back of your machine?20:57
kranlynorian yes I do, but I need the HDMI to work, too.20:57
lubotleandroramos was removed by: leandroramos20:57
lynoriankran I haven't quite figured out this solution and looks like nvidia might have had a proprietary driver but the company does not have a version of that driver that works with Lubuntu 18.10 :(21:04
lynorianand since it is proprietary we can't really fix it or maintain it ourselves21:04
kranthat doesn't list my hardware. this does: https://www.nvidia.com/Download/driverResults.aspx/78469/en-us21:06
kranAny way to get that 340 installed on linux?>21:06
kranThey do give a .run file.21:06
lynoriankran 340 will almost surely not work with 18.1021:07
kranlynorian, so my only option is to get a lubuntu that's 8-10 years old or using Windows?21:08
wxl!info nvidia-340 cosmic21:10
ubottunvidia-340 (source: nvidia-graphics-drivers-340): NVIDIA binary driver - version 340.107. In component restricted, is optional. Version 340.107-0ubuntu2 (cosmic), package size 28667 kB, installed size 139972 kB (Only available for i386; amd64; armhf)21:10
wxlis that not it?21:10
lynorianoh wow there is nvidia 340 thanks wxl21:10
lubot<aptghetto> Do not install the driver from the Nvidia site, but take the one from the Ubuntu repos21:11
lynorianyeah always use repos21:11
kranso what do I do sudo apt-get install nvidia-340?21:11
wxli don't really mess with proprietary drivers too much, so i'm not a great resource with these sorts of things but there you go21:11
lynorianI was looking there to get the supported list of devices21:11
wxlthere is a tool to just deal with proprietary drivers21:11
wxlwe probably should add that to the software section of the manual21:12
kranwxl don't hold me in suspense21:12
wxlyou didn't read my earlier comment did you?21:13
lubot<aptghetto> For the EFI question: please open a terminal and post the output of ‚sudo efibootmgr - v‘21:13
kranwxl which one? you said there's a tool to deal with these drivers. didn't say what tool21:13
wxlno, what i said was i don't deal with proprietary drivers much so i'm not a great resource21:14
wxlthe `ubuntu-drivers` command should do the trick21:15
wxl`ubuntu-drivers devices` looks like it will give you a list of the devices you have that require proprietary drivers, and which packages provide those, and where they come from21:15
kransudo apt-get install nvidia-340 + reboot did the trick21:17
kranit's working now, thanks21:18

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