[00:14] -lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [T160: Automatically sign into the captive portal] wxl (Walter Lapchynski) commented on the task: https://phab.lubuntu.me/T160#3187 [00:14] -lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [rMANUALfe6aefd36b1b: Fix screenshot for qps] lynorian (Lyn Perrine) committed: https://phab.lubuntu.me/rMANUALfe6aefd36b1b [00:15] -lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [T160: Automatically sign into the captive portal] wxl (Walter Lapchynski) commented on the task: https://phab.lubuntu.me/T160#3188 [00:22] -lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [T160: Automatically sign into the captive portal] kc2bez (Dan Simmons) commented on the task: https://phab.lubuntu.me/T160#3189 [00:34] -lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [T154: Fix shortcuts related to Super key] Steedalion (Steed) commented on the task: https://phab.lubuntu.me/T154#3191 [00:44] -lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [T154: Fix shortcuts related to Super key] wxl (Walter Lapchynski) commented on the task: https://phab.lubuntu.me/T154#3192 [00:45] -lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [T117: Must haves for 19.04 release] Steedalion (Steed) commented on the task: https://phab.lubuntu.me/T117#3194 [00:47] -lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [T154: Fix shortcuts related to Super key] lynorian (Lyn Perrine) commented on the task: https://phab.lubuntu.me/T154#3196 [00:49] -lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [T117: Must haves for 19.04 release] wxl (Walter Lapchynski) commented on the task: https://phab.lubuntu.me/T117#3198 [01:07] -lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [T154: Fix shortcuts related to Super key] Steedalion (Steed) commented on the task: https://phab.lubuntu.me/T154#3200 [01:08] -lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [T79: Write a Welcome Center] tsimonq2 (Simon Quigley) commented on the task: https://phab.lubuntu.me/T79#3201 [01:26] -lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [rWELCOME8ec541ec8f3a: commit Redesign to match Wendy's design specs. Needs CMake finalized.] SBanya (Samuel Banya) committed: https://phab.lubuntu.me/rWELCOME8ec541ec8f3a [01:29] -lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [T154: Fix shortcuts related to Super key] wxl (Walter Lapchynski) commented on the task: https://phab.lubuntu.me/T154#3203 [01:32] -lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [T154: Fix shortcuts related to Super key] wxl (Walter Lapchynski) commented on the task: https://phab.lubuntu.me/T154#3204 [01:34] -lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [T161: Samba doesn't work] tsimonq2 (Simon Quigley) just created this task: https://phab.lubuntu.me/T161 [01:35] -lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [T141: Native nm-tray connection editor] Steedalion (Steed) commented on the task: https://phab.lubuntu.me/T141#3215 [01:37] -lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [T161: Samba doesn't work] kc2bez (Dan Simmons) commented on the task: https://phab.lubuntu.me/T161#3217 [01:38] -lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [T154: Fix shortcuts related to Super key] wxl (Walter Lapchynski) commented on the task: https://phab.lubuntu.me/T154#3218 [01:52] -lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [T154: Fix shortcuts related to Super key] Steedalion (Steed) commented on the task: https://phab.lubuntu.me/T154#3219 [01:54] -lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [T154: Fix shortcuts related to Super key] Steedalion (Steed) commented on the task: https://phab.lubuntu.me/T154#3220 [02:08] -lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [T154: Fix shortcuts related to Super key] Steedalion (Steed) commented on the task: https://phab.lubuntu.me/T154#3221 [02:33] -lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [T161: Samba doesn't work] hmollercl (Hans P. Möller) commented on the task: https://phab.lubuntu.me/T161#3223 [02:36] -lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [rMANUALb635840cb61a: Add sort to discover] lynorian (Lyn Perrine) committed: https://phab.lubuntu.me/rMANUALb635840cb61a [06:04] francescodilaurenzo was added by: francescodilaurenzo [06:17] -lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [rMANUAL8fa6f15be615: Add back button to discover] lynorian (Lyn Perrine) committed: https://phab.lubuntu.me/rMANUAL8fa6f15be615 [06:34] -lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [rMANUAL974f5803293e: fix load link] lynorian (Lyn Perrine) committed: https://phab.lubuntu.me/rMANUAL974f5803293e [06:58] -lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [rMANUAL3b9014e2243e: Add creating a partition and partition table on kde_partitionmanager] lynorian (Lyn Perrine) committed: https://phab.lubuntu.me/rMANUAL3b9014e2243e [10:24] @HMollerCl [I've heard simon use vim, In lxqt I've been using featherpad, in lxde I used gea …], Kate is awesome [10:46] Yeah, the difference between Kate and Featherpad is tiny. Disable the plugins you don't use and hide most of the UI and it's very lightweight. One of my favourite features is that can hide ALL of the UI without losing any functionality; Featherpad can't do that right now. [11:44] I'm a little confused with the tabs (in Python) using Kate. Apparently tabs in Kate are different than tabs in featherpad. [12:11] Found out! [14:48] Kate is awesome ;_; [14:48] I have yet to try out featherpad [15:38] Does featherpad have syntax highlighting? [15:38] It seems like it's analogue to notepad on Windows [15:38] Also color themes would be nice. I hate staring at a blank white screen, hurts my eyes [15:39] @Wafficus [Also color themes would be nice. I hate staring at a blank white screen, hurts m …], You can try customising [15:40] Gotcha. I only use featherpad for copying and pasting since I can never figure out how to do it in tmux with vim [15:40] For later posting on sites like pastebin [15:41] Nice [15:44] @Wafficus FeatherPad has syntax highlighting and 2 color schemes, dark and light [15:44] Ooh sick I never knew [15:44] Does it have vim bindings? Ha [15:45] @Wafficus [Gotcha. I only use featherpad for copying and pasting since I can never figure o …], highlight and ctrl+shift+c doesn't work [15:45] what is vim bindings? [15:45] So you can configure editors like emacs to have vim bindings or key shortcuts [15:46] From the looks of it, it doesn't look I can ha [15:46] (Photo, 704x534) https://i.imgur.com/LCk5xqO.jpg dark theme - python [15:47] @Wafficus [So you can configure editors like emacs to have vim bindings or key shortcuts], key shortcuts?? [15:47] it has some [15:49] Well like the ability to depend on h and j keys to scroll up and down, etc [15:49] Cool to know about the themes [17:04] it hast a list of shortcuts under preferences. [18:23] Good to know [18:48] well featherpad does not have rst syntax highlighting [18:48] https://phab.lubuntu.me/T109 [18:48] -lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Wishlist, Open] Add restructed text syntax highlighting to featherpad: https://phab.lubuntu.me/T109 [18:50] it is quite difficult when having qterminal prefrences open it doesn't let me type into vim [18:50] so hard to document that for the manual [18:50] that's weird [18:52] admittedly featherpad can't either [18:53] random find: tooltip for fcitx mentions ubuntu kylin and has what seems to be chinese in it [18:53] well [18:53] fcitx-qimpanel-configtool [18:53] whatever the hell that is [18:53] and why it's in accessories i don't know [18:55] i guess the not-being-able-to-type-while-preferences-is-open isn't that weird. libreoffice and featherpad too [18:55] but not konsole [18:56] but it is the case with kate [18:56] but it's not the only one [18:58] i'm not sure that's a ghost worth chasing [18:59] @tsimonq2 check out my latest commit for cmake. Idk if it built correctly cause I only use Qt Creator [19:00] Ok [19:19] @tsimonq2 thanks man [19:29] so that fcitx-ui-qimpanel package.. i'm not sure we really need it. to make it worse, the only skins available are totally ubuntu specific. i'd say the classic ui is probably sufficient. [19:38] the only reason we have it is because we included it in our seed. it's not required by anything else. it looks like gilir included it from the beginning, for some unknown reason https://phab.lubuntu.me/rSEED36954132114242935d6d84691fa569f89b1024c9#change-zFX3ZdiYDDtB [19:38] if we're going to keep it, we need to update the .desktop file, which is likely going to conflict with kylin's motivations for it since it is their baby (they develop it) [19:38] @TheWendyPower hey Wendy, Let me know if you got the specific UI design parts sectioned off and cropped off. Once you do, you can commit them to the related folder in the welcome center. Also please provide me with dimensions for each section because I want it to be exactly how you'd like it [19:39] Hope you guys are having a great week so far. Mine has been too stressful with job searching stuff but it'll work out before March latest June [19:40] it needs quite possibly it won't a big issue if we provide the appropriate translation strings [19:43] and i bet we could make the argument that it should be in Categories "System" rather than "Utility" (i.e. "Accessories") (not to mention the fact that they oddly have it in GNOME;GTK when it should only be in Qt) [19:44] fyi https://github.com/lmq3342xja/fcitx-qimpanel [20:27] -lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [rMANUAL309f32ceaf4f: Add how to change contrast/brightness] lynorian (Lyn Perrine) committed: https://phab.lubuntu.me/rMANUAL309f32ceaf4f [21:16] Dev related, is C++ Primer 5th edition good? [21:16] I've been burned by those stroustrup books because it's too surface level. I only ask cause I've been learning c++ and qt through those video tutorials and need a solid c++ book as a reference. [21:29] -lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [T154: Fix shortcuts related to Super key] wxl (Walter Lapchynski) commented on the task: https://phab.lubuntu.me/T154#3225 [21:35] Shellc0der2 was added by: Shellc0der2 [21:36] Hello everybody. What would be the Lubuntu support group? [21:37] @Shellc0der2 [Hello everybody. What would be the Lubuntu support group?], https://telegram.lubuntu.me/support [21:37] @tsimonq2 [https://telegram.lubuntu.me/support], Thank you very much [22:01] @tsimonq2 is the stand-up help on IRC? [22:01] ah yes [22:02] cool [22:02] Who's around for the standup? [22:02] I am [22:02] me too [22:02] @marneu wxl @kc2bez @ther [22:02] @TheWendyPower [22:02] yo [22:03] here [22:03] 0/ [22:03] What's standup? [22:03] Like a meeting? [22:03] A short meeting where we talk about what people have been working on [22:03] Oh sure sounds good [22:03] I'll give it a few more minutes for wxl and @TheWendyPower if they want [22:04] Sounds good [22:04] cool [22:09] Oh, lynorian? [22:11] Alright, let's get started with this. If your name's called but you arrive late, please do wave. :) [22:11] $ echo $(shuf -e @marneu wxl @kc2bez @TheWendyPower tsimonq2 @HMollerCl docEbrown @Wafficus lynorian) [22:11] @marneu @Wafficus @kc2bez docEbrown tsimonq2 wxl lynorian @HMollerCl @TheWendyPower [22:11] @marneu: You're up. How's Reddit stuff? [22:11] etc. ofc :) [22:11] Reddit's been quiet. [22:12] There was one post about the screensaver/-locker looking like ass, so I guess people are noticing ^^ [22:13] At least, lowering the spam filter strength had the desired results: Legit posts get through, and we didn't have any spam/offtopic posts. [22:13] Ahh. [22:13] Sweet. [22:14] I found a bug+workaround for the apt-version of telegram, but I didn't get around to reporting it (or updating the existing report on launchpad). [22:14] The gist of it is that Telegram does not recognize LXQt as a valid desktop environment. ... Boo! [22:15] Anyway, that's about it. I've been kinda occupied the last few days. [22:17] Cool. [22:17] I had an appointment come up that I'm at so can't say much [22:17] wxl[m]: No problem. [22:17] @Wafficus: You're up. [22:17] Hey [22:17] So [22:18] I've been working on the welcome center and the functionality has improved. It looks like a super basic version of what Wendy wants. I asked her to give me the exact dimensions for her Photoshopped buttons so I can overlay them ontop. This only includes the initial screen [22:19] I'm pretty sure i just have to add another .ui element for the second window as well. [22:19] I've given up on the Stroustrup book and will take up the C++ primer 5th edition as well, and I've been still doing the VoidRealms tutorials. [22:20] The only issue I have is incorporating CMake so help me out with that Simon when you get the chance so I know it actually runs with CMake [22:20] That's it for me. Other than coping with a crazy week, happy to go home to you guys [22:21] Oh yeah the buttons actually go to the online manual and community pages [22:21] Awesome, thanks. :) [22:21] Just gotta add the internal os links [22:21] Thanks [22:21] I'll check out the CMake thing in this upcoming week. [22:21] @kc2bez: You're up. What's new? [22:21] Didn't have too much time to review any of the manual but lynorian has been hitting it hard. Excellent work there. [22:22] helped wxl with bug 1801438 [22:22] Bug 1801438 in calamares (Ubuntu) "'Install Lubuntu 18.10' icon on desktop results in 'Execute File' window appearing" [Undecided, Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1801438 [22:22] keeping an eye on all the new tasks and providing feedback [22:23] pretty much it for me been a busy week. [22:23] Cool cool, thanks for the testing work [22:23] docEbrown: You're up [22:23] And welcome, by the way :) [22:23] hey thanks very much ;) great to be here. [22:24] So I've been working on diffusion for lugito, spent the first part of the week getting more familiar with phabricator, setting up a local instance on my machine and playing with webhooks [22:25] at the moment I am adding the diffusion hooks in, and doing a bit of refactoring. I'm hoping to have a diff ready in a couple of days-ish [22:26] I'll have a few questions about how you'd like the diff submitted whether through arc or a github fork etc [22:26] but can worry about that later [22:26] thats about it really... [22:26] Awesome :) [22:26] Skip me, I'll go last. [22:26] wxl said he couldn't make it. [22:27] lynorian: Around? [22:28] Alright, moving on. [22:29] @HMollerCl: gogogo :) [22:29] Hi everyone [22:30] i created the "define mission" task in phabricator. I believe is good to know what the mission is so we can have it in mind when we do things [22:31] Besides that, I've been re-learning object oriented with python and qt [22:31] Thus for in first priority port the "additional driver tab" I've been able to get the code from bazaar now I will start to play with it. [22:31] and that would be. [22:32] ok here i am [22:32] Thanks Hans :) [22:32] wxl: gogogo [22:32] ok [22:33] so lots of discussion on the shortcuts task [22:33] if you haven't seen it, you should and read through it completely [22:33] https://phab.lubuntu.me/T154 right? [22:33] -lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Unbreak Now!, Open] Fix shortcuts related to Super key: https://phab.lubuntu.me/T154 [22:33] yeah [22:33] sorry i was getting there [22:33] np [22:34] the bug in lxqt-globalkeys causing the super key to not be passed to openbox has really opened up a discussion about how to properly situate our shortcuts over all, so i think it's a good thing [22:35] lubuntu support has still been relatively active. i had been hearing about people having problems unsquashing on usb [22:35] it seems that a recent user was using yubi (i remember another user mentioning it) so i think that's the problem [22:35] Yubi *shutters* [22:35] that said, if you do support and hear something like that, check into that [22:36] i uncovered some weirdness with one of the fcitx packages we have which i need to make a task for. if there's anyone who uses multiple input methods regualrly, PLEASE let me know so i can ask for your input [22:37] found out that lxqt-sudo isn't being a good boy but a fix is out, so made a task for that https://phab.lubuntu.me/T159 [22:37] -lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Unbreak Now!, Open] strip environment in lxqt-sudo: https://phab.lubuntu.me/T159 [22:38] been following up on a couple bug reports.. nothing too exciting yet. i actually have a pile i need to sort through. if anyone wants to help triage, let me know. i'd love to have more triagers on the team [22:38] other than that, it's been a bit of a busy week. hopefully i can get on those srus in the latter part of the week [22:38] and that's about it, i think [22:39] *coughs* [22:39] I think y'all are about to kill me for this one :) [22:39] By the way, thanks wxl [22:39] oh no [22:39] * tsimonq2 crosses fingers at the autospambot not being in here [22:39] * Disco Dingo work: [22:39] - Lintian: [22:39] + Synced Lintian from Debian with the exception of adding a patch for Disco: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lintian/2.5.111ubuntu1 [22:39] + Adam Conrad (infinity) wrote a patch: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lintian/2.5.111ubuntu2 and this got upstreamed to Debian in Debian bug 913099 which I filed. [22:39] Debian bug 913099 in lintian "lintian: autopkgtests fail on !(amd64)" [Normal, Open] https://bugs.debian.org/913099 [22:39] - Did a no-change rebuild of devscripts to pick up Disco: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/devscripts/2.18.4ubuntu2 - discussion with Colin Watson (cjwatson) here: https://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2018/11/03/%23ubuntu-release.html#t18:46 [22:40] - Wrote a document which describes our +1 infra tasks, and wrote a script in the same repo which does a lot of the common tasks: https://phab.lubuntu.me/source/new-release/ - *pokes teward to review* [22:40] - Uploaded https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lubuntu-meta/1.16 https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/calamares-settings-ubuntu/28 https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/calamares-settings-ubuntu/29 https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/calamares-settings-ubuntu/30 bootstrapping things. [22:40] - I hear rumors the archive opens today, which is sweet. [22:40] - I'm staging Qt 5.11.2 to go into the archive: https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/3458 [22:40] - Uploaded ubuntu-release-upgrader to Disco which fixes https://phab.lubuntu.me/T137 bug 1799855: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-release-upgrader/1:19.04.3 [22:40] -lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Unbreak Now!, Open] Deal with disappeared lubuntu-core: https://phab.lubuntu.me/T137 [22:40] Bug 1799855 in ubuntu-release-upgrader (Ubuntu) "distribution upgrade bug - upgrading to 18.10" [Undecided, In Progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1799855 [22:40] * Cosmic Cuttlefish work: [22:40] - Poked the kernel team via IRC today about getting bug 1794922 dealt with. [22:40] Bug 1794922 in linux (Ubuntu) "lubuntu 18.10 x86 (32bit) image fails to load 'ehci-pci 0000:00:a.7: dma_direct_map_sg: overflow 0x000000016e3f3000+2048 of device mask ffffffff' repeats" [High, Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1794922 [22:40] - Uploaded LibreOffice fixing https://phab.lubuntu.me/T96 bug 1799001 bug 1796361 (the latter was because doko switched the default OpenJDK last minute in the last cycle): https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libreoffice/1:6.1.2-0ubuntu1.1 - see the bug report for testing. [22:40] -lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Unbreak Now!, Open] Our default LibreOffice theme looks bad: https://phab.lubuntu.me/T96 [22:40] Bug 1799001 in libreoffice (Ubuntu Cosmic) "Theming does not work on LXQt" [Medium, Fix Committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1799001 [22:40] Bug 1796361 in libreoffice (Ubuntu) "autopkgtests fail with openjdk 11~28-3ubuntu1 in cosmic-proposed" [Medium, In Progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1796361 [22:40] - Uploaded QtWebKit fixing https://phab.lubuntu.me/T135 bug 1799026; it migrated and is now installable: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qtwebkit-opensource-src/5.212.0~alpha2-12ubuntu1.1 [22:40] -lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Unbreak Now!, Resolved] patch qtwebkit so Trojitá emails display correctly: https://phab.lubuntu.me/T135 [22:40] Bug 1799026 in qtwebkit-opensource-src (Ubuntu Cosmic) "Trojitá plaintext emails are displayed letter by letter" [High, Fix Released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1799026 [22:40] * Misc: [22:40] - Prepared a draft of the Lubuntu Constitution which I plan on finishing up this week: https://phab.lubuntu.me/source/constitution/browse/master/Constitution.md [22:40] - Went to Woodbury, MN yesterday to go on the 100th episode of asknoahshow.com and have dinner with Dalton Durst from UBports and Brandon Johnson (formerly) from Red Hat among others. Good times. Resulted in me filing https://phab.lubuntu.me/T160 https://phab.lubuntu.me/T161 [22:40] -lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [High, Open] Automatically sign into the captive portal: https://phab.lubuntu.me/T160 [22:40] -lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [High, Open] Samba doesn't work: https://phab.lubuntu.me/T161 [22:40] - Homework mountain cut in half. Yay. [22:41] so not busy then ;) [22:41] oh yes, much killing. next time, i think maybe an overview might be better. [22:41] hahahahaha [22:41] wxl: That is an overview. [22:41] docEbrown: Comparatively, not really. [22:41] anything excited about lintian? [22:41] I learned something new, and it's something our developers will see. [22:41] That's awesome. Glad about the pr [22:42] I have a question regarding testing automation when everyone is done [22:42] tsimonq2: mate! [22:43] @Wafficus [I have a question regarding testing automation when everyone is done], Sure, the floor is @TheWendyPower's if she's around. :) [22:43] @tsimonq2: anything exciting with the new lintian? [22:43] wxl: My patch isn't in there yet fixing that one bug but otherwise just cool polish :) [22:43] Full changelog is in https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lintian/2.5.111ubuntu2 [22:44] docEbrown: ;) [22:44] ok [22:44] AOB everyone? [22:44] also re https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1794922 do they have any idea what to do? i can't find any degree of consistency or logic to what's going on [22:44] Ubottu bug 1794922 in linux (Ubuntu) "lubuntu 18.10 x86 (32bit) image fails to load 'ehci-pci 0000:00:a.7: dma_direct_map_sg: overflow 0x000000016e3f3000+2048 of device mask ffffffff' repeats" [High, Confirmed] [22:44] wxl: Patch is in the Debian bug. [22:45] * tsimonq2 finds it. [22:45] that's legit the right thing? [22:45] Yup. [22:45] https://github.com/torvalds/linux/commit/485734f3fc77c1eb77ffe138c027b9a4bf0178f3 [22:46] It makes sense. [22:46] that seems like it was autoadded based on the comment based on the fact that i suggested it might be that [22:46] No, it says that on BugZilla too. [22:46] why is it only i386? [22:46] Read the commit message. ;) [22:46] weird [22:47] yuuuuuuuup [22:47] ok well i guess my initial intuition was correct. surprise surprise [22:47] i have one last thing i want to bring to everyone's attention: we're working on a mission. there's been some internal discussion about it but i want to open thta up. give me a second to hit the right buttons [22:48] there https://phab.lubuntu.me/T158 [22:48] -lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Medium, Open] Define a Mission for Lubuntu: https://phab.lubuntu.me/T158 [22:49] there's a fair amount to read there. feedback is naturally welcome [22:49] i guess i've spent a fair amount of time working on that XD [22:50] Sounds good [22:51] wxl nice work! A big cup of coffee and a read is in order I think [22:51] good work yourself docEbrown ! [22:51] ;) [22:51] If I may add, also consider the lowest spec of computer as part of the mission too, like who we aim to help with a computer lying around that could work for them. [22:51] @tsimonq2: dumb question. what's the process to getting thta kernel fix in? is adam already on it or do we need to take further steps? [22:51] In order to differentiate ourselves from Puppy Linux and others. [22:52] -lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [T154: Fix shortcuts related to Super key] Steedalion (Steed) commented on the task: https://phab.lubuntu.me/T154#3228 [22:52] wxl: This isn't something Ubuntu Foundations does, there's a whole dedicated kernel team with like 15 people or something :) [22:52] wxl: I poked in IRC, I'll poke more if nobody sees it. [22:52] (#ubuntu-kernel) [22:52] @Wafficus I'd suggest bringing that up on the task itself. [22:53] Sounds good [22:53] Wow, that sure is a lot to read. [22:53] (T158) [22:53] well it's an important one to get right @marneau! [22:54] Agree 100%! [22:54] hey is ANYONE here taking care of our Facebook? [22:54] We have a Facebook? [22:54] well we did [22:54] what is facebook LoL [22:54] ;) [22:54] wxl: I post on the page but otherwise it's just in the wild. [22:55] I had someone reach out to me about it, but... meeeeeeh [22:55] i seem to remember a discussion about us removing it from the website (it's not there) because none of us really want to bother with it (i don't have an account) [22:56] here https://phab.lubuntu.me/T154#3228 @Steedalion is suggesting we take to social media (he says Facebook) to poll about appropriate shortcuts [22:56] -lugito:#lubuntu-devel- Error: T154#3228is an invalid task reference. [22:56] oh lugito [22:56] lolwat [22:56] docEbrown: ^ XD [22:57] ha just caught me. I'll add this to the task ;) [22:58] -lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [T88: Lugito should do diffs] doc-E-brown (Ben Johnston) commented on the task: https://phab.lubuntu.me/T88#3230 [22:58] I have a meeting at work will be away for a touch [22:58] Thanks :) [23:02] -lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [T154: Fix shortcuts related to Super key] wxl (Walter Lapchynski) commented on the task: https://phab.lubuntu.me/T154#3232 [23:03] Thanks folks! [23:03] yes thanks ya'll [23:03] Thanks to you as well! [23:04] thanks, have a good one ya'l [23:07] bye [23:08] Anyone attending next week's standup should say they're attending here: https://phab.lubuntu.me/E14 [23:08] Hey is it a good time for that automation question [23:08] @Wafficus [Hey is it a good time for that automation question], Go ahead [23:09] Is it possible to incorporate selenium and cucumber with Jira to do automated testing? [23:10] Noooo clue :) [23:11] What in tarnation is this events system, Phab? O_O [23:12] I wanted to know if someone has done it in this group and is willing to mentor me how to do it [23:12] Cause a lot of future jobs I want involve all 3 [23:13] Hmm interesting I guess [23:13] Figured out events. [23:13] @Wafficus [I wanted to know if someone has done it in this group and is willing to mentor m …], Not sure man :) maybe ask in https://telegram.lubuntu.me/offtopic [23:14] bbiab, dinner [23:17] I figured it would be awesome to do automated testing with selenium somehow [23:18] What is it? [23:24] Gotcha well it is related to our dev stuff cause we could automate image testing [23:25] They do it at work for our actual product [23:25] When the site breaks with the bot is when they start filing bugs [23:25] I'll ask on #linux too though [23:38] -lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [T154: Fix shortcuts related to Super key] wxl (Walter Lapchynski) commented on the task: https://phab.lubuntu.me/T154#3233