
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: ubuntu-release-upgrader (disco-proposed/main) [1:19.04.3 => 1:19.04.4] (core)00:06
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted lxc [source] (xenial-backports) [3.0.2-0ubuntu4~16.04.1]00:11
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted lxcfs [source] (xenial-backports) [3.0.2-0ubuntu1~16.04.1]00:11
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted lxd [source] (xenial-backports) [3.0.2-0ubuntu1~16.04.1]00:13
mwhudsonso what's the python3.7-defaults story?00:18
mwhudsonruffus needs bad-testing or marking as a "big" test00:18
mwhudsonand then it's gotten entangled with the perl transition?00:18
xnoxmwhudson, yes https://code.launchpad.net/~xnox/autopkgtest-cloud/+git/autopkgtest-cloud/+merge/35846801:04
dokomwhudson: disentangled, perl went in. ruffus is the last blocking one for python3-defaults05:08
dokoahh no, looking at notest ...05:09
=== blackboxsw is now known as blackboxsw_away
dokographviz is blocking perl as well via the failing python-ruffus test05:13
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: automake-1.16 (disco-proposed/main) [1:1.16.1-3 => 1:1.16.1-4] (core) (sync)05:40
mwhudsondoko: we need to point Laney at https://code.launchpad.net/~xnox/autopkgtest-cloud/+git/autopkgtest-cloud/+merge/358468 then?06:09
mwhudsonor sil2000 but he's on leave06:10
mwhudsonmaybe apw06:10
dokoLaney: please update for bionic: laney:force-badtest libreoffice/1:6.0.3-0ubuntu1/i38608:25
dokoto  libreoffice/1:6.0.6-0ubuntu0.18.04.108:25
dokostill fails on i386 with the same issues08:26
dokoinfinity: for bionic you have: adconrad:unblock ocrmypdf/6.1.2-1ubuntu1  please could you mark this test as failing as well? seen triggered by python3-defaults08:27
Laneydoko: https://code.launchpad.net/~laney/britney/hints-ubuntu-bionic-glib2.0/+merge/35844909:03
Laneymwhudson: thanks09:03
Laney(I do get the emails though)09:04
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: nautilus (disco-proposed/main) [1:3.26.4-0ubuntu7 => 1:3.26.4-0ubuntu8] (ubuntu-desktop)09:20
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: plasma-discover (cosmic-proposed/universe) [5.13.5-1ubuntu6 => 5.13.5-1ubuntu6.1] (kubuntu)11:07
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: plasma-discover (disco-proposed/universe) [5.13.5-1ubuntu6 => 5.13.5-1ubuntu7] (kubuntu)11:08
Laneyxnox: can you do ruffus retries with the right triggers pls11:15
dokoLaney, xnox: looks like LocutusOfBorggave those back11:43
Laneycoordination is hard11:44
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: zeroc-ice (disco-proposed/universe) [3.7.1-4ubuntu2 => 3.7.1-5] (cli-mono) (sync)11:51
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted zeroc-ice [sync] (disco-proposed) [3.7.1-5]12:02
dokopython3-defaults migrated \o/12:29
LocutusOfBorglol somebody generated a trigger wrongly12:33
LocutusOfBorglibhtml-parser-perl/3.72-3build2 ibmoose-perl/2.2011-1build1 libnet-ldns-perl/0.75-3build1 perl/5.28.0-312:33
LocutusOfBorgforgetting an "l" :)12:33
LocutusOfBorgthis should make perl a little better if libzonemaster-perl tests are good12:33
LocutusOfBorgqaplà doko!12:33
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: zeroc-ice (disco-proposed/universe) [3.7.1-5 => 3.7.1-5ubuntu1] (cli-mono)12:59
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted zeroc-ice [source] (disco-proposed) [3.7.1-5ubuntu1]13:05
xnoxmwhudson, i am wondering if clisp is missbuilt on 32bit platforms14:08
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: gnome-initial-setup (cosmic-proposed/main) [3.30.0-1ubuntu3 => 3.30.0-1ubuntu3] (ubuntu-desktop, ubuntugnome)14:25
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: rejected gnome-initial-setup [source] (bionic-proposed) [3.30.0-1ubuntu3.1]14:26
=== blackboxsw_away is now known as blackboxsw
santa_dear release wizards,15:50
santa_not sure if this is relevant for the pre-release work but systemd has a higher version in cosmic than disco because of a security update: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/systemd15:52
santa_that got into my way when building packages for disco, not a big tradegy since I could workaround it15:53
cjwatsonI could copy it forward but I'd rather wait until disco is properly open before doing stuff like that15:59
cjwatsonJust in case it gets in the way of some transition that's blocking disco opening16:00
xnoxsanta_, cjwatson - well there is one more security update coming16:01
xnox(in security proposed ppa)16:02
santa_no prob, just wanted to notify the issue, just in case16:08
xnoxsanta_, yeah, cool thanks.16:14
infinitydoko: unblocks have nothing to do with tests.  That test has very much regressed from the looks of it.16:47
infinitydoko: (re: ocrmypdf)16:47
ginggsinfinity, doko: i think that ocrmypdf failure is due to ghostscript17:14
infinityginggs: The last two definitely seem to be addressed by:17:14
infinityNot sure about the first.17:14
vorlonvim hinted through; maybe that's enough to get perl in17:17
vorlonah no, clisp-module-gdm needs separate sorting17:17
infinityvorlon: And the two bizarre rdep failures for clisp itself...17:18
ginggsinfinity: i think this https://git.spwhitton.name/ocrmypdf/commit/?h=debian&id=6b5934ff4ef974613474fa69077777d2d2f338a517:18
xnoxvorlon, infinity - should fix livecd-rootfs tests [ubuntu/disco-proposed] livecd-rootfs 2.544 (Waiting for approval)17:23
infinityxnox: That change is silly (IMO)17:28
infinityxnox: snap-seed-parse isn't some third-party binary we have no control over, it's *from* livecd-rootfs, and there's no reason for it to be logging informational messages to stderr.17:29
infinityxnox: Ignoring stderr because we're dumb isn't the right answer.17:29
xnoxinfinity, i'm not ignoring stderr.17:29
xnoxinfinity, i'm logging it to the full log. and there are messages there, printed always.17:29
infinityxnox: You're sending stderr to stdout, so yes, you're ignoring that there's stuff on stderr.17:29
xnoxon my books, ignoring would mean 2>/dev/null17:30
infinityxnox: From the POV of autopkgtest trapping stderr as "maybe there were errors" (which is a sane default), redirecting it to stdout is ignoring. :)17:30
xnoxinfinity, i agree this is not nice, but this unblocks the world. making that script better is/was out of scope for me.17:30
xnoxinfinity, i did flag this up previously, but there is no tracktion on this. and all of these people are gone this week.17:31
xnoxthere are multiple things wrong here =) people really should run livecd-rootfs adt before upload, locally. it works.17:31
xnoxand cpc sauce should not have started to use a newly introduced functions before livecd-rootfs migrates and gets published in their ppa.17:32
infinityYeah, I guess the real problem here is that the result is on stdout, so the author decided to log to stderr.17:32
infinityTaking a second argument for output file, then logging to stdout (except for actual errors to stderr) would be saner.17:32
xnoxi'm happy to open that as a bug report17:33
infinityPlease do, and assing to the original committer with prejudice. :)17:33
infinityBut yeah, we can take your hack for now.17:33
infinityI'm okay with temp hacks, as long as they're actually temp.17:34
infinityKnocking on all the wood.17:34
xnoxcause like doko has been pointlessly retrying livecd-rootfs tests for days now =) he clearly wants to keep the planet warm via our scalingstack ;-)17:34
vorlonanyone else already working on clisp?18:58
infinityvorlon: I only scraped the surface enough to say "WTF", feel free to dig deeper (please).19:19
infinityvorlon: If the cl-asdf and cl-unicode failures end up being the only perl/gdbm blockers, I'm tepted to badtest them (even though that's a bit of a lie) because hey, two out of three lisp interpreters still work.19:21
infinityvorlon: I'd be more comfy about that call if I knoew what the most popular common list interpreter was, mind you.19:22
coreycbdoko: can you reject my latest openstack-pkg-tools upload to disco? it is fixed instead by your latest upload of python3-defaults.19:23
vorloninfinity: well good news, I can't get cl-asdf/armhf to pass at all on the porter box20:07
infinityvorlon: That's news?20:08
mwhudsonNOTAREGRESSION i assume?20:09
mwhudsonalso not a regression is my python-tornado SRU failing to build in cosmic20:09
vorloninfinity, mwhudson: I mean that I can't get a clean baseline20:09
vorlonit passes on autopkgtest20:09
vorlonthen fails on the porter box20:09
infinityWhy have I forgotten the name of the porter?20:09
infinityOkay, better question, why can't I see it in DNS? :p20:10
* infinity restarts the VPN.20:10
mwhudsonthe arm64 porter has always had oddball dns20:10
infinityWell, it's rugby.inernal, if I recall, but irritatingly not resolving for me.20:10
mwhudsonwell modulo the typo, yes20:11
infinityThough, neither is ftpmaster.internal, so... I blame systemd-resolved.20:11
vorloninfinity: yes, see discussion internal #is right now20:12
mwhudsonthose are fun looking errors20:12
vorlonnm something systemd-resolved something something broken20:12
vorlonanyway, cheating and using my access to autopkgtest infra :/20:12
infinityvorlon: So, you're saying that on rugby, it fails the same way with the release pocket version of clisp?  Or fails differently?20:14
vorloninfinity: fails differently20:14
vorlon(at an earlier stage)20:14
vorlonugh and launching a disco autopkgtest container gave me no network by default20:30
tsimonq2vorlon: Would that happen to be an LXD container?20:30
tsimonq2wxl ran into the exact same thing with Cosmic images last cycle and we just could not figure it out...20:31
tsimonq2(It worked on my machine, so it was just me suggesting ideas, but... :P)20:31
vorlonit's not generally speaking a problem20:31
vorlonI don't know what's up with this particular disco image20:31
tewardvorlon: does a manually launched disco image in LXD work without issue with networking?20:32
vorloncloud-init missing from the image, that might be it20:32
tewardjust curious :P20:32
tewardahhhh, cloud-init, that evil thing...20:32
vorloncloud-init, that essential piece of infrastructure20:32
* tsimonq2 hands teward another gallon of coffee.20:32
* teward dumps it over tsimonq2 and goes back to determining whether he should propose an SRU or just a backport of partclone due to the major bug he found in it today20:33
vorlonok, and an autopkgtest container gives me the same result as on rugby, and not the behavior seen in the autopkgtests20:40
vorlonhttps://paste.ubuntu.com/p/DzvTdhT9KC/ if someone wants to explain this20:41
infinityvorlon: export AUTOPKGTEST_TMP20:42
vorlonoh. it's caused by the runtests.lisp being sensitive to $AUTOPKGTEST_TMP being set in env. :P20:42
vorlonaaaand now it passes with clisp from -proposed20:43
infinityWith clisp from proposed? :(20:43
infinityI mean, yay, you can badtest it with "passes with manual test", but also, WTF.20:43
infinityclisp is a flaming heap.20:44
vorlonwell, I also wasn't very granular, let me see about --all-proposed20:44
infinityI'm not sure how all-proposed would change much with those two cl* tests.20:44
infinityDid anything really change other than clisp itself being rebuilt?20:44
vorloninfinity: point being that when I pulled in clisp from -proposed I also pulled in a bunch of other stuff (e.g. perl) and I don't know *why* clisp would care, but maybe it does20:47
infinityvorlon: Right, I wasn't questioning the "you had a bunch of taint" argument, just that I too can't see why it would matter in this case. :P20:48
infinitySince clisp's dependency chain is approximately nil.20:48
vorlonITYM 'NIL'20:48
infinityAnd cl-asdf even less so (literally just wants *some* lisp interpreter)20:48
infinity(( stahp))20:49
tewardvorlon: because i'm tired: ITYM = ?20:50
infinityteward: I Think You Mean.20:50
tewardah, of course, thanks. :)20:50
infinityvorlon: Okay, publisher run to remove those two things is about to go.21:21
infinity... in 2 minutes.21:21
infinityvorlon: Of course, that removal will break all the cl-* autopkgtests that test-depend on clisp and attempt to run it...21:24
infinityUnless they're somehow magically conditional.21:24
infinityYeah, I don't think there is a magical "only run this test if the deps exist" conditional in autopkgtest is there?21:25
infinityThat might be useful.21:25
vorlonthere is now21:25
vorlonrecently added. not sure we support it yet.21:25
infinityAs would be a Test-Architectures field, maybe.21:25
vorlonand I don't remember what it's called21:25
vorlonbut I did see it show up as a restriction in a diff recently - skip-not-installable or so?21:26
infinityOh, nice.21:26
vorlonhttps://launchpad.net/debian/+source/autopkgtest/+changelog tada - well-named21:26
infinityAlthough, not-avilable would be more what I'm after.21:26
infinityvorlon: Yeah, that looks like it's what it implies (it'll skip if the installation pass fails), which is icky.  But in this case, would work alright.21:30
infinityvorlon: Still gross, though, cause it means tests with that restriction will now skip/"pass" if the dep chain is temporarily in an uninstallable state, when what I think the submitter really wanted was "if the deps don't exist".21:31
infinityOh well.21:31
vorloninfinity: alright, I can't reproduce the cl-unicode/i386 segfault either21:38
vorlonso maybe we should just badtest those?21:38
infinityvorlon: Fine with that too, it'll just sail back in.21:38
infinity(but also, wtf)21:38
vorlonof course, this means those packages' autopkgtests can no longer be used to catch regressions in either sbcl or ecl21:39
infinityvorlon: Just one test of one CL package on one arch each, it's probably acceptable collateral damage.21:39
infinityWe certainly have much more scary/dangerous badtests (*cough*systemd*cough*)21:40
vorlonand what should we make of the fact that in all cases, the bad addresses are 0xaf[...]?21:40
vorlonlooks like clisp doesn't have any ASLR.  maybe that's reason enough to kill it21:42
infinityI have no strong opinions about how many lisp inerpreters/compilers we need, nor which ones.21:43
infinityIt feels like Debian's CL people have more or less settled on sbcl as the One True C Lisp.21:44
mwhudsonit's also the only common lisp i have drunk beer with two of the authors of!21:53
infinitymwhudson: I've had beer with several of the systemd authors, I'm not sure that's helped me hate it any less.21:54
infinitySUCCESS (631/8)21:54
infinityI think I'm about to get a lot of email.21:54
mwhudsoninfinity: fair21:56
infinitydoko: Do you have an archive opening mail prepped?21:59
xnoxinfinity, i acknoledge systemd continious flakiness. but also note that it's like a leaky poo.... cause it's constant improvements and constant new regressions =/ never ending battle.22:09
infinity"It's like a leaky poo".22:09
infinityThanks for that.22:09
xnoxthe current flakiness around activating / starting / that weird gdm is the latest puddle.22:10
infinityThis metaphor isn't getting any more pleasant.22:11
* xnox ponders how many publishing cycles it will take, given that like delete is done; yet publish is not yet there.22:18
infinityxnox: Patience.  LP's copy interface is async, I'm making sure everything went through before I publish again and turn reports back on.22:19
xnoxnice! thanks for doing it without havoc.22:19
infinityI wish there was a restricted copy_package_sync() that britney could use.22:21
infinityBetter yet, move_package_sync(), so it would copy/delete atomically, and get a pass/fail return.22:21
infinitySadly, there is not.22:21
xnoxwell. imho we should only do copy_package; not move. and have an separate pass to notice duplicate/equal things published in both -proposed and release, and clean that up later.22:22
infinityThat's probably what we should be doing today, to avoid things accidentally going missing.22:23
xnoxcause having identical thing published in both -release and -proposed is harmless; removing a thing from -release without a new one publish and -proposed one removed as well, is bad.22:23
infinityBut move would be cleaner.22:23
vorloninfinity: still waiting for everything to publish?23:59

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