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emmadoes anyone know any linux software that would let you annotate whatever window you are in, whatever app you are using, like write and draw on the screen. Like the idea of Microsoft Ink?00:24
Smaug_tomreyn: thanks!  sorry for delay in response.   what is ecryptfs ?00:44
Smaug_i don't actually know what that is supposed to be00:44
tomreynSmaug_: encrypted home directory00:45
tomreyni guess not00:45
Smaug_tomreyn: how should i deal with it?  i guess i encryped my home dir at some point, is that what it means?00:47
fuxxyDoes ubuntu have any default suspend/hibernate settings if I'm not running an X session?00:50
tomreynSmaug_: i think the 'df -h' output you posted earlier showedd that there is an ecryptfs encrypted file system mounted at /home/thomas, sized 225 GB. this size may be misleading, i'm not sure what it's based on. an ecryptfs file system would normally mounted when you login, assuming this mechanisms still works properly.00:50
Smaug_tomreyn: ok00:52
gambl0reare there any specific sdd brands that do not work with ubuntu?01:00
gambl0reim looking at samsung, crucial, western digital. which works straight out the box with ubuntu?01:01
tewardgambl0re: to my knowledge *most* SSDs work out of the box, I'm not aware of any that need special firmware or drivers.  (Whether they work with your system's hardware that you already ahve or not is a different story, and not necessarily Ubuntu specific)01:04
tewardto my knowledge, all the brands you just mentioned work out of the box.01:05
fuxxygambl0re, if you have an SSD that uses the SATA interface, you are 99.999999E12354 % guaranteed that it will work with ubuntu.01:05
teward^ thid01:05
gambl0rei read that some ssd brands had a bug with TRIM?01:06
tewardNVMe or such might be different or tricky, but if it's a typical SSD that uses SATA it's almost guaranteed to work01:06
OerHeksthose are 3 year old stories, gambl0re01:06
tewardgambl0re: i think you're talking about 2015-era SSDs from Samsung01:06
tewardthat's *3 years old* and long since fixed01:07
OerHekssame answer as in ##linux01:07
tewardif you go and buy a new Samsung SSD today, TRIM should work fine OOTB with LInux01:07
gambl0rethanks guys01:08
OerHeksjust don't fill the ssd to the brim, 90% or a little more01:08
teward^ that01:08
gambl0redont you insert the ssd just like you would with a ram stick?01:09
OerHeksbut that would be not true with LVM01:09
fuxxygambl0re, depends on the interface.01:09
tewardgambl0re: you might be thinking of M.2 or NVMe SSD drives01:09
tewardnot standard SSD drives01:09
boblamontI'm suddenly getting Terminal Emulator is not set. errors when I use F4 to open a terminal window in Lubuntu. I did sudo update-alternatives --config x-terminal-emulator and it said lxterminal was already selected... what do I need to do to get F4 to open a terminal to the directory I'm in in PCManFM?01:10
gambl0resorry im talking about m.201:10
gambl0rethe ssd that looks like a ram stick01:10
cnnxI went to kernel.org and downloaded the latest stable kernel and now I'm compiling it01:11
cnnxin theory I can boot from it when its done and I do make install ?01:12
ducassecnnx: that's not something we support01:12
OerHekscnnx, one better uses the mainline repo for that, but you can https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/BuildYourOwnKernel01:12
ducasseeven those are only intended for testing01:13
ubottuThe kernel team supply continuous mainline kernel builds which can be useful for tracking down issues or testing recent changes in the Linux kernel. More information is available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds01:13
OerHekslaest stable would be 4.19 http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v4.19.1/01:15
XLVi fought the law and the law won.. i am installing 18.04.101:48
XLVcouldnt do anything, even going into recovery, installing nvidia 4.10 drivers and removing nouveau had the same effect01:48
WoCXLV did you remember to blacklist nouveau ?02:00
XLVWoC, it was removed02:00
XLVanyhow it wasnt nouveau02:01
XLVit got stuck on somethng else02:01
XLVbut it was a last ditch effort to install nvidia drvs in there02:01
xdruppiis there any rules for computer host name?02:15
OerHeks" Each element of the hostname must be from 1 to 63 characters long and the entire hostname, including the dots, can be at most 253 characters long.  Valid characters for hostnames are ASCII(7) letters from a to z, the digits from 0 to 9, and the hyphen (-).  A hostname may not start with a hyphen."02:20
xdruppiOerHeks: can it be upperscore/lowerscore mixed?02:42
OerHeksi believe not ..02:45
OerHeksjust lowercase02:45
WoClest i'm mistaken, there may be some issues if you use host certificates and creative uc/lc mixes ?02:47
zzo38Can you please to tell me why ppa:ondrej/apache2 doesn't work? Even though I managed to install it and put apt-get update but it doesn't find the package, even though a command apt-cache policy lists that source.02:58
coldpressis it possible to force another user to source their bashrc?03:12
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mountainssince I upgraded to 18.04 my Fruho stopped working.04:01
mountainsI can't connect to any VPN servers now.04:01
mountainsTried removing and reinstalling Fruho to no avail.04:01
PenguinPerkLooking for a hand. I am running Ubuntu 18.04 and i need to install docker 18.06? This isn't working "apt install docker-ce=18.06.1"04:10
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Bashing-om!info docker-ce bionic | PenguinPerk04:16
ubottuPenguinPerk: Package docker-ce does not exist in bionic04:16
PenguinPerkubottu and Bashing-om what am i missing then: docker-ce/bionic,now 5:18.09.0~3-0~ubuntu-bionic amd64 [installed]04:22
ubottuPenguinPerk: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)04:22
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Bashing-omPenguinPerk: Not in the repo - so I "assume" a PPA ? what shows ' apt policy docker-ce/ ' ?04:23
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PenguinPerk18.06.1~ce~3-0~ubuntu 50004:24
PenguinPerk        500 https://download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu bionic/stable amd64 Packages04:24
ubottuUbuntu bug 500 in kdegraphics (Ubuntu) "Package description does not match content/dependencies" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50004:24
Bashing-omPenguinPerk: Yup - PPA .04:25
Bashing-om!ppa | PenguinPerk04:26
ubottuPenguinPerk: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge04:26
Bashing-omPenguinPerk: Might see what is offered: https://download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu/dists/bionic/nightly/ .04:28
PenguinPerkBashing-om, nightly's are not stable correct/04:29
lordcirthNightlies are by definition compiled every day with the latest code.  They will change constantly and may have bugs.04:29
PenguinPerkBashing-om, I am working on building a Kubernetes cluster on Ubuntu 18.04...04:29
PenguinPerkBashing-om, is there a docker version for Ubuntu 18.04?04:31
mousesPenguinPerk: https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-install-and-use-docker-on-ubuntu-18-0404:31
Bashing-omPenguinPerk: "docker/bionic 1.5-1build1 amd64"04:33
Bashing-om!info docker bionic | PenguinPerk04:33
ubottuPenguinPerk: docker (source: docker): System tray for KDE3/GNOME2 docklet applications. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.5-1build1 (bionic), package size 13 kB, installed size 43 kB04:33
PenguinPerkBashing-om, I have seen that but when install the latest i get 18.0904:34
Bashing-om!info docker cosmic04:35
ubottudocker (source: docker): transitional package. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.5-2 (cosmic), package size 1 kB, installed size 9 kB04:35
Bashing-omPenguinPerk: The package manager will always look at the latest version. On your case the PPA .04:35
lordcirthPenguinPerk, do you perhaps mean a docker container template of 18.04?04:35
PenguinPerkDocker version 18.09.0, build 4d60db404:36
lordcirthPerhaps Ubuntu and Docker use different versioning.  Doesn't seem like that ought to stop whatever you are doing?04:37
Bashing-omPenguinPerk: Right, and we have already shown that is from a PPA .04:37
PenguinPerkWhen i ran the kube-init I received an error. [ERROR SystemVerification]: unsupported docker version: 18.09.004:38
PenguinPerkAfter some reseach it appears that I need to have Docker 18.0604:38
lordcirthOr possibly a newer kubernetes, instead?04:40
PenguinPerkLet me check, wasn't thinking that way04:40
PenguinPerklordcirth, I am done for the night...picking it up again in the AM. TY04:49
mountainsTrying to get my HP LaserJet 1018 to work with Ubuntu 18.04.04:52
mountainsReally frustrating experience.04:52
mountainsAny help?04:52
MiarHi, just wanted to bump this up - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/180205205:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1802052 in linux (Ubuntu) "WMI Error - ACPI Exception AE_NOT_FOUND" [Undecided,Confirmed]05:05
cfhowlettbumping it here will do nothing.  best bet is to subscribe to the bug.05:05
MiarOh, I just bumped it here in case somebody is around who can take a look and help :)05:06
PenguinPerklordcirth and Bashing-om - to install a particular version of docker: apt install docker-ce=18.06.1~ce~3-0~ubuntu05:10
Bashing-omPenguinPerk: No, apt directs to our repository ,, where docker-ce does not exist .05:14
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Bashing-omPenguinPerk: To install docker-ce will have to explore or inquire of the PPA what the versions are that "might" be made available in a particular release. Generally only one version is offered.05:22
mountainsapparently i got it to work now05:25
mountainsjust need some new toner05:25
mountainsso 16.04 is supported until 2021?05:26
cfhowlettbut 18.04.1 is also LTS so consider upgrading05:26
mountainsso 18.04 is only supported 2 more years until 202305:26
mountainsthat's not much extra for the risk of something going wrong when upgrading05:26
cfhowlett18.04 is LTS =  5 years support05:27
cfhowlettand pretty sure now to 2023 is more than 2 years05:27
mountainsyes, supported until 2023. that's only 2 years beyond 2021.05:27
cfhowlettah, OK05:27
mountainsso i'm saying i'm not sure it's worth the risk for just an extra 2 years beyond the 16.04 support of 2021.05:27
mountains16.04 system runs very well, so why chance it?05:28
cfhowletthowever, there is an easy test05:28
cfhowlettinstall virtualbox, put 18.04 in the box and pass your USB connections to the printer.  test away05:28
mountainswhat's that going to test?05:29
mountainsthe printer?05:29
cfhowlettpassing your connections through will enable you to test all hardware05:30
mountains‘Night Light’ – warms your display after sunset to promote natural sleep patterns05:33
mountainsis this supposed to be better than redshift?05:33
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mountains"The most notable improvement will be in CPU usage. The Ubuntu Desktop team has greatly improved and reduced the CPU usage caused by Ubuntu 18.04."05:38
mousesmountains: Not sure.  There's always f.lux too which I've used and enjoyed in the past05:38
mountainsxrandr --output HDMI2 --set "Broadcast RGB" "Full"05:41
mountainsThis is what I used to type when I booted Ubuntu in order to get full color on my monitor. Without doing that I would get "Automatic" which was not Full.05:42
mountainsNow when I type that in the terminal with my 18.04 build I get an error message.05:42
mountainsCan you help me modify that to work with 18.04?05:42
SvetaMy laptop screen is pale (hardware failure) and an external monitor is connected. The installer sees it, but shows the 'try ubuntu' or 'install ubuntu' dialog on the wrong screen, and the quality of the image is insufficient for me to be able to move it. How do I prevent or work around this?05:45
SvetaIs there a keyboard shortcut for 'try ubuntu' ?05:46
cfhowlettduring boot you can use the accessibility options to select high contrast.05:47
cfhowlettSveta you should also be able to modify the display options after boot, for that matter.05:51
gambl0redoes ubuntu support fractional scaling?05:51
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mountainsSo that the the GPU outputs at full range when Kodi starts and switches back to limited range when Kodi exits."06:12
mountainsWhat's the benefit of Xrandr Limited color mode?06:12
mountainsless memory?06:12
spoolqSo I've had an issue for years, over multiple releases of Ubuntu, where some MP3s will be silent. They play, audio visualizers do their thing, but no sound can be heard. It seems to affect most players, as well as Firefox and Chrome, but if I open them up in Audacity I can listen to them with audio there.06:18
spoolqI've thinking about finally bug reporting this, but I figured I'd ask if this was a known thing. It seems like it should be, given the issues I've had, but googling has failed to turn up anything. No bug reports, no discussion.06:18
cfhowlettdid you install the restricted codecs, spoolq ?06:19
cfhowlettor VLC Player?06:19
spoolqYes, but the documentation is awful.06:19
spoolqVLC is silent.06:19
spoolqIt affects a bunch of audio content on videogame website giantbomb.com too, both in their browser media player and the downloaded files.06:20
cfhowlettI would guess that some mp3's have exotic encoding, i.e. 44k instead of ##k.  ***guess***06:21
spoolqCould I trouble you by asking you to visit this page, click play and tell me if you hear anything? https://www.giantbomb.com/shows/episode-181/2970-17661/free-podcast06:22
spoolqMaybe it is sample rate. One audio book I have that's silent is 32k, the podcast I linked is 48k. Both silent.06:26
cfhowlettno issues.  I'm on 16.04 through a virtualbox06:26
spoolqAll right, thanks.06:27
mousesspoolq: All good here on a ChromeOS, Ubuntu 18.04, and Gentoo06:29
spoolqMaybe it's my computer then. My Ubuntu has changed over the years, but the motherboard has remained the same.06:30
mousesI highly doubt it - the fact that some are working and some are not = I'd really think that would nearly have to be software06:30
mousesUnless you have some kind of exotic/non standard audio device?06:31
cfhowlettONLY on 18.04?   and on SOME, not ALL, mp3's?  doubtufl that it's hardware ...06:31
spoolqI output via hdmi to an home cinema receiver these days, but I had the issue before then too.06:31
mousesspoolq: Have you tried booting the machine from live image and playing it?06:31
mousesspoolq: that would settle the hardware vs software step of the trouble shooting06:32
spoolqNot only on 18.04, I've had it for years. Back in the 16.04 days too, most likely.06:32
spoolqI haven't tried playing a problematic sound file from a live cd, I'll make sure to do so before bug reporting.06:32
NewToLubuntudoes anyone know a package I can install for reassigning keyboard keys?06:34
NewToLubuntuI want to assign one to function as a right mouse click06:35
spoolqThat's way more difficult than you'd think it would be. I'm not aware of any easy solution. My own attempts to reassign some keys to my Swedish åäö characters ended in failure. It was way easier for me to reprogram my keyboard.06:37
NewToLubuntuI basically want something like mousekeys worked on windows06:37
NewToLubuntuor if I could reassign my side buttons, they appear to do back/forward06:37
mountainsWhen I'm doing a full system upgrade to 18.04 should I have all my browser windows closed?06:45
mountainsDoes it make a difference?06:45
c|onemanI think linux is smart enough to deal with that06:46
cfhowlettmountains, perhaps less ram usage = a speed bump but unless you are running multiple tabs, should be a minimal benefit06:47
mountainsWell, I noticed in the terminal window when I was upgrading some error messages that certain config files couldn't be edited because they were in use or something like that, so it said "ignored" and moved on to the next thing to do.06:48
mountainsI wonder if that would be taken care of when rebooting.06:48
cfhowlettafter install do sudo apt full-upgrade06:48
mountainsjust typed that now. nothing to do.06:49
cfhowlettafter reboot do so again06:49
mountainsAfter my upgrade when I went to Software Updater I was prompted to do a small Partial Upgrade.06:49
mountainsSo far I haven't had any issues except that my Fruho stopped working with my Air VPN service and App Grid stopped working. In the latter case I reinstalled it now and it works fine.06:50
mountainsInstead of Fruho I'm now using Eddie Open VPN.06:50
mountainsI had to modify slightly my xrandr command from xrandr --output HDMI2 --set "Broadcast RGB" "Full" to xrandr --output HDMI-2 --set "Broadcast RGB" "Full"06:51
mountainsthe upgrade freed up a lot of space on my drive.06:54
NewToLubuntudoes anyone know how to run .swf files? firefox can't seem to open them06:59
NewToLubuntuadobe's site mentions a 32 bit version for ubuntu but can't figure out how to install it06:59
cfhowlett!flash | NewToLubuntu07:00
ubottuNewToLubuntu: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash07:00
NewToLubuntuI found flashplugin-downloader and flashplugin-installer on Synaptic Package Manager07:02
NewToLubuntuI am 32-bit though so I think restricted-extras is what I need to go for07:02
NewToLubuntuI added and clicked apply but doesn't seem to work07:10
NewToLubuntuam I missing a step to enable?07:10
NewToLubuntuI added both ubuntu extras and lubuntu extras07:10
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HaMsTeRsThanks everyone.  I finally got Ubuntu running on SurfacePro 507:32
HaMsTeRsEverything everything works great except, Touch screen not work, sleeps turned into hibernate, and power status not showing07:34
coldpresswhy doesn't bash's reverse search history work through a symlink?07:50
EriC^work through a symlink?07:50
EriC^how do you mean07:50
coldpressmy ~/.bash_history is a symlink to the actual history file07:50
coldpresshistory is being saved, but reverse-i-search does not work07:51
EriC^coldpress: report the bug?07:53
coldpressi don't know if its normal behavior for bash07:53
EriC^sounds like a bug07:53
EriC^actually it works here07:54
ducassecoldpress: ask in #bash if this is normal behavior07:54
EriC^coldpress: if you type "history" does it show you them?07:55
EriC^coldpress: type "ls -l ~/.bash_history"07:55
coldpressducasse: EriC^: must have screwed up the permissions somewhere, it works outside docker but doesn't work inside docker07:57
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gijoe3kDo you guys know what happened to Get Deb?08:28
ducasseno, we don't08:31
ducassei doubt you're going to get another answer here08:31
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elias_aWhen using ping command from command line in 18.04, is it using ipv4 or ipv6 by default?09:23
Ben64try to ping ipv6.google.com and find out?09:26
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mirazi_hekethey, i want to install ubuntu mate 18.10 with encrypted disk + lvm. Base installer does not allow to turn off swap and i want it off mandatory, can you guide me please through manual setup?10:03
ducassemirazi_heket: just disable swap and remove the swapfile after installing10:08
mirazi_heketducasse: can that be done after installing encrypted lvm volume?10:08
ducassesure, it's just a file10:09
mirazi_heketguides says gparted will do it, alright will check10:11
Ben64i think it's a file now by default, not a partition10:12
ZtaI want my Debian to look like Ubuntu (Unity to be specific, but that's getting more of a Utopia these days.) What is it that makes Ubuntu look like Ubuntu? Is it just set of Gnome Themes and Gnome Shell Extensions and a wallpaper?  Can I install those packages on Debian and have it look like Ubuntu?10:24
fishcookeranyone with kernel panic addicted https://pasteboard.co/HMx10uf.jpg?10:34
tchakatakZta i would try to install the repo from ubuntu, and install the packages if you want unity.10:39
tchakatakor, make a custom of your gnome env10:40
Greyztarevening,how come systemd-networkd throw network unreachable when network in config truly is,config here https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/62CGTGPX54/10:42
Greyztaralso i dunno,but seems to default to dhcp on reboot even when removed /etc/netplan/* im on 18.04 might add10:44
mirazi_hekethey, i successfully removed swap from encrypted lvm, but i still want to resize root partition, can someone help me please?11:35
mirazi_heketdid little research and this worked: sudo lvextend -l +100%FREE /dev/ubuntu-mate-vg/root11:39
mirazi_heketsudo resize2fs /dev/ubuntu-mate-vg/root11:39
Greyztarno wonder it was confusing,router clings on to adress for my ubuntu box and straight out refuse let it go,same with other device,cant get new ip all static options off,time for pi with openwrt or so i guess11:40
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ddoobbHey guys I have a Qt application (paraview) that's launching with a dark theme even though I am using Adwaita on my system. How can I force it to launch with a light theme?13:21
ddoobbI know for gtk apps 'GTK_THEME=Greybird paraview' works but googling didn't throw up any help about qt13:22
pikapikaIs there any way to "servicify" the whisker menu?13:23
pikapikaNormally it appears to launch process each time its clicked13:23
pikapikaWhich is slow sometimes13:23
pikapikaIf it somehow involves editing and compiling the source, I guess I could tolerate doing that as well13:24
BluesKajHowdy folks13:29
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mirazi_hekethello, in order to have sound in the system every reboot i have to set sound output to analog output [Stereo Headphones] in alsamixer tool (CLI, ncurses). I have latest ubuntu mate and asus xonar dg, how to fix that?13:53
rorymirazi_heket: you should go to sound settings, and set the sound profile for your unused devices to "off"13:55
rorymirazi_heket: e.g. I have to disable my monitor input or it keeps getting set as default13:56
rorymirazi_heket: click the sound icon, sound settings, hardware tab13:56
mirazi_heketthe second device from graphics card is disabled13:57
mirazi_heketand integraded sound card is disabled by bios (so no entry for that)13:57
rorydo you know what device is active before you activate your xonars?13:57
mirazi_heketno sure, i would compare things but i dont know where to look13:58
BluesKajmirazi_heket, sometimes the settings in your media player can be set to your xonar's options, for example in vlc  tools>prefermces>audio settings14:02
mirazi_heketsystem-wide solution would be welcome14:03
mirazi_heketas im using sound in firefox too14:03
BluesKajyeah, sometimes this works, /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf, options snd-youraudiodriver index=0 , which gives the xonar sound card driver precededence over the on board audio14:08
Sven_vBis there a way to make mke2fs display progress but fewer informational messages?14:08
mirazi_heketBluesKaj: how do i get driver name?14:09
BluesKajpecedence even14:09
BluesKajmirazi_heket, cat /proc/asound/modules14:11
mirazi_heketBluesKaj: will test after reboot, give me some time14:12
ddoobbwhat's the name for when a package sets up an alias that you can type in terminal to launch it but there's no package with that exact name? what's it called14:13
BluesKajmirazi_heket, np14:13
ddoobbAnd where can I see all of them active at once?14:13
BluesKaja package sets up an alias ? the user sets the alias in .bash-aliases14:17
treehug88I don't think he/she means a strict filesystem alias14:17
ddoobbBluesKaj I don't know whats going on, basically i can write 'paraview' to launch an application 9called paraview) but there's no package named paraview14:18
BluesKajthen his question beyond my scope14:18
treehug88ddoobb what do you see when you type:  ls -l 'which paraview`14:18
HaMsTeRsGuys, this is the final step before I port ubuntu box as daily drive14:20
BluesKajparaview is the repos, check your package manager14:20
mirazi_heketBluesKaj: what file you recommended me to modify? it does select my graphics card audio14:20
ddoobbtreehug88 just a cursor '>'14:21
treehug88what about 'which -a paraview'14:21
HaMsTeRsI'm trying to make ubuntu to report battery status14:21
HaMsTeRsbut it seems this is a know issue and I couldn't find any work around on this14:21
HaMsTeRsI'm running ubuntu 18.10 under Surface Pro 201714:22
HaMsTeRscould anyone shed me light14:22
TJ-ddoobb: that's due to unmatched quote marks. press Ctrl+C to get back to the shell prompt, then use "ls -l $(which paraview)"14:22
treehug88TJ- nice cat h14:22
TJ-HaMsTeRs: battery status should be under /sys/class/power_supply/BAT*/14:23
ddoobb-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 84216 May 29 14:22 /opt/paraviewopenfoam54/bin/paraview14:23
BluesKajmirazi_heket, /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf, tjhen add the line:  options snd-youraudiodriver index=014:24
HaMsTeRsHey TJ!  Thanks for your help yesterday, I got GPT/UEFI installed and working properly14:24
HaMsTeRsTJ-: I read that before, but I got no BAT* under power_supply folder14:25
TJ-HaMsTeRs: congratulations :)14:25
HaMsTeRs:)  and battery status is the last thing I need to solve before I completely move Ubuntu as my main OS14:25
TJ-HaMsTeRs: OK, that means the ACPI isn't reporting the device. Can you "pastebinit <( dmesg )" so we can check what is going on?14:25
treehug88ddoobb I think that since that's in /opt it's probably not installed by a ubuntu package. Not positive since I'm not an Ubuntu acolyte14:26
TJ-treehug88: yo'd be correct; you can find out with "dpkg -S path/to/somefile"14:27
Greyztarcan i use functions i add for bash inside a script?14:27
HaMsTeRswow, never know there's such a handy tool now days for pasting things to pastbin :)14:27
HaMsTeRsTJ-: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Mx7RkVD5vP/14:27
TJ-Greyztar: you mean functions in the parent shell environment ?14:28
HaMsTeRsThanks :)14:28
TJ-HaMsTeRs: give me a few minutes to digest it :)14:28
HaMsTeRsplease take your time14:28
GreyztarTJ-: yes i guess so,or is it a way to ""import" it so it wokrs inside script?14:28
HaMsTeRsjust wonder how long would my paste stays in pastebin :P14:28
GreyztarHaMsTeRs: think u can set time for it when making paste :D14:29
mirazi_heketfrom this screen im able to change sound output https://pasteboard.co/HMGmUXL.png when i move to analog out and change value, by default sound goes to case front panel14:30
TJ-HaMsTeRs: does sysfs report a /sys/class/power_supply/ADP1 ?14:30
ddoobbThanks treehug88, Tj-14:33
ddoobb#!/bin/sh at teh beginning of something means it's a bash script right14:34
HaMsTeRsTJ-: I got the folder, but doesn't report anything interested especially I've viewed almost all the files in that directory recursively, but none of them contains battery status14:34
TJ-ddoobb: no, sh is not bash. Usually it is dash. check with "readlink -e /bin/sh"14:34
TJ-HaMsTeRs: that's fine, I just wanted to confirm that it exists, since dmesg shows it finds the ADP1 (but no BAT*)14:35
ddoobbOh, thanks again TJ-14:35
HaMsTeRs:D.  I actually just looking for something to report battery status, I can live without the battery indicator.14:36
HaMsTeRsbecause if I move to Ubuntu as daily drive, I need to know when I'm getting out of battery14:36
HaMsTeRsI do not want my battery died while working on documents14:37
TJ-HaMsTeRs: I see there is someone maintaining a set of patches for the Surface models. Looking closer, there is a specific additional kernel module for the ACPI which enables battery detection. This is the repo: https://github.com/jakeday/linux-surface14:37
TJ-HaMsTeRs: I'll check if any of that is upstream in the mainline kernel, or in Ubuntu?14:37
BluesKajmirazi_heket, it's odd to have ** in the box below the volume on you alsa ccontrols , it's usually 00 for open, or MM for muted14:38
HaMsTeRsThanks TJ-.  I've been to that site also, but seems "Battery Readings (not yet working for SB2/SP2017)" also14:38
TJ-HaMsTeRs: the ACPI patches from here aren't in mainline https://github.com/jakeday/linux-surface/blob/master/patches/4.18/acpi.patch14:39
HaMsTeRsI'm on SP201714:39
mirazi_heketwell, nothing is muted anyway, just sound by default goes to front panel...14:39
BluesKajmirazi_heket, so you don't use speakers?14:39
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mirazi_heketi do use speakers14:40
TJ-HaMsTeRs: Strange because the patch/driver looks sane. I'd need to look at the machine's DSDT to be able to debug it further though14:41
TJ-HaMsTeRs: so it seems despite Microsoft's embracing of open-source they're not providing docs or drivers for their own hardware14:42
HaMsTeRsI guess that's one reason why it's pain to run linux under surface.14:42
BluesKajmirazi_heket, never seen ** in the opem/mute indicator in alsamixer ctls before this, I wonder what that means14:42
HaMsTeRsTJ-:  Maybe I should try the patch14:43
HaMsTeRsI've not yet apply the patch yet14:43
mirazi_heketi doubt thats revelant, i dont even touch that14:43
TJ-HaMsTeRs: can you show me "pastebinit <( sudo strings /sys/firmware/acpi/tables/DSDT | grep -i windows )"14:43
BluesKajwell, whatever it is, it's new to me14:43
TJ-HaMsTeRs: looks like Jake provides pre-built kernel images you can try, too14:44
TJ-HaMsTeRs: I want you to try something with the Ubuntu kernel. It is a common workaround for these types of ACPI firmware problems.14:47
TJ-HaMsTeRs: issue the command inside the " marks (copy/paste it):  "  sudo sed -i "s/^\(GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX=.*\)\"$/\1 acpi_osi=! \\\\\"acpi_osi=Windows 2015\\\\\"\"/" /etc/default/grub    "14:49
TJ-HaMsTeRs: then lets check it worked with "pastebinit /etc/default/grub"14:49
HaMsTeRsSeem there14:53
TJ-HaMsTeRs: perfect! Now do "sudo update-grub" then reboot, and when up and running again, "pastebinit <( dmesg)" so we can see if it improved matters14:54
HaMsTeRsthanks TJ-.  done, I'm rebooting the system now.  will be back in few minutes14:55
=== crimastergogo_ is now known as crimastergogo
HaMsTeRsHi TJ-:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/52tKvX6QjV/15:01
TJ-HaMsTeRs: thanks15:01
HaMsTeRsthanks TJ-15:02
TJ-HaMsTeRs: no radical improvement for power sources at least, so it does look like you'd need those patches15:04
TJ-HaMsTeRs: from Jake's driver it seems to read the battery state we have to read an iic (i2c) device15:07
HaMsTeRsTJ-: Thanks TJ.   Actually that's too technical for me, while I'm pretty much still a noob :D15:07
HaMsTeRsJust one quick question, if I run the prebuild script, would that included all the 4.18 patches already?15:08
HaMsTeRsor do I have to patch them one by one?15:08
TJ-HaMsTeRs: IIC=Inter-Integrated Circuit serial bus. Let's see if the bus/device is there. "pastebinit <( ls -l /sys/bus/i2c/devices )"15:09
TJ-HaMsTeRs: The device is there (i2c-MSHW0125:00)  so it looks like the reason Jake's drive can't get the readings is that he's been unable to figure out the correct I2C command values to send15:14
=== Dreaman is now known as Blade
HaMsTeRshm. ok15:15
HaMsTeRsTJ-: where did you learn all those linux skill :D15:16
TJ-HaMsTeRs: hacking code, experimenting15:19
HaMsTeRsTJ-:  so should I install Jake's kernel ? or nothing I can do at this moment?15:20
HaMsTeRsand wait for new version15:20
TJ-HaMsTeRs: I don't see any indication Jake is trying to get his patches into the mainline kernel. It would be good if that were the case. Might be worth asking him if that is happening, or planned.15:23
HaMsTeRsTJ-: I'm drafting a message now.   So is there any why I can get the battery status manually?  so I could trigger it from time to time?15:26
TJ-HaMsTeRs: not that I can see; as it requires knowing specific command bytes and result values to be sent to/from the I2C device15:28
HaMsTeRsOk, so would you know if there are any warning before battery die or out of battery in this case?15:29
HaMsTeRsso I still have time to save my documents15:29
TJ-HaMsTeRs: I'd suspect not, since we have no way to read the battery level15:30
HaMsTeRsOh well15:31
HaMsTeRsanyway thanks TJ- :)15:31
=== SimonNL_Afk is now known as SimonNL
=== WoC- is now known as WoC
ledeniHaMsTeRs: can you try 'upower -i /org/freedesktop/UPower/devices/battery_BAT0 | nc termbin.com 9999' and give us url15:40
HaMsTeRsnothing return15:40
HaMsTeRsHi ledeni15:40
ledenihi HaMsTeRs15:41
HaMsTeRsnothing return from upower15:41
ledeniHaMsTeRs: ok sorry i just try on my system and working15:43
HaMsTeRsthanks ledeni :).15:43
tomreynHaMsTeRs: upower -e ŋrep BAT15:43
tomreynHaMsTeRs: upower -e | ŋrep BAT15:43
tomreynHaMsTeRs: upower -e | grep -i BAT15:43
tomreynsorry ;)15:43
HaMsTeRs$ /org/freedesktop/UPower/devices/line_power_ADP115:44
HaMsTeRsno BAT15:44
tomreynokay, your system probably has no battery then? i didn't follow the conversation, don't know what you're trying to do.15:45
tomreyneither no battery or the bios doesnt announce it to the OS15:45
HaMsTeRsI'm running Ubuntu on Surface Pro 201715:46
HaMsTeRsbattery status not reporting to the system15:47
tomreyni see, and tj already went over it with you. if he couldnt help, i wont be able to15:47
HaMsTeRsheh, don't say that.  already appreciated for your help15:48
TJ-tomreyn: the Surface devices expose the ACPI BAT* on the i2c bus and we don't have the correct command/result values to be able to access/decode state15:49
tomreynthanks for summing it up.  but yeah, i have no clue about this, can't help.15:51
TJ- Someone (Jake Day) is maintaining a repo of drivers for those devices but even that hasn't yet solved the SP 2017 BAT reading15:52
TJ-This is the kind of area where MS could show it's real Open source credentials by releasing a driver, or the technical data15:52
tomreynmaybe the hardware branch hasn't been told about microsofts' "new" open source friendlyness, yet.15:54
TJ-Or maybe it's still 'embrace, extend, extinguish'15:54
lordcirthPretty sure we're nearing the end of the first E15:55
HaMsTeRsI can say, the same USB (with Ubuntu installed) placed on my x260, everything works fine15:56
TJ-HaMsTeRs: if you twitter you should send a suggestion to MS CEO on open-sourcing the driver/tech data :)15:56
HaMsTeRsI could try, but don't think they'll care.15:57
lordcirthMS has no intention of improving desktop linux, quite the opposite.  But it could be fun to ask.15:57
TJ-HaMsTeRs: you never know; copy it as an issue to Jake Day's repo, might get a few ppl to support you... MS is quite sensitive these days re open source15:58
HaMsTeRsMaybe.   So in my case, I love everything on my Ubuntu linux except the battery status issue which makes me unable to use it as my main OS.  I works lots of document and spreadsheet, I cannot afford battery die without noticing16:02
HaMsTeRsso this stopped my switch16:02
HaMsTeRsso I guess I'll have to stick with Wins again16:02
HaMsTeRsuntil oneday someone could resolve the issue16:03
HaMsTeRsEnd of Story :D16:03
HaMsTeRsthanks everyone16:08
HaMsTeRsIt's 00:00 here, i need to go to bed.16:08
HaMsTeRshave a good day to you all16:08
HaMsTeRsSpecial thanks to TJ- , lordcirth, tomreyn and all others who helpd16:09
HaMsTeRsme on the case16:09
HaMsTeRsgood bye16:09
lordcirthDidn't really help but ok :P16:09
BluesKajwhat about this for battery indication https://itsfoss.com/display-battery-ubuntu/16:11
BluesKajtoo bad he left16:11
=== SimonNL is now known as SimonNL_Afk
=== UBUxUBU is now known as UBuxuBU
TJ-BluesKaj: the problem is the device firmware isn't exposing the battery readings16:41
BluesKajTJ-, bummer16:47
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UBUxUBUhow to i make flsah install in chromium17:27
UBUxUBUwhen i try to watch tv it say allow flash and i do then it asks me to download it and o try but nothing happens it does not download17:27
UBUxUBUhhow to i get flash installed and running ineither ubuntu firefox or chromium17:28
leftyfbUBUxUBU: why not use chrome? It's built in.17:28
leftyfbUBUxUBU: https://www.wikihow.com/Install-Flash-Player-on-Ubuntu first result on google for "ubuntu firefox flash"17:29
OerHeksflash is not needed, in html5, but if the videowindow asks for flash, click install, and a security dialog should pop up, click yes, and you are fine17:29
tomreynbecause of its proprietary compoenents, i would guess17:29
OerHeksflash is dead17:29
tomreynor should be by now17:30
tomreynsudo apt install pepperflashplugin-nonfree17:30
leftyfbOerHeks: won't work if the partner repo isn't enabled17:30
UBUxUBUit is needed17:30
leftyfbpepperflashplugin-nonfree is in multiverse17:31
UBUxUBUi just logged on to my TV and it wont do anything less i get flash17:31
UBUxUBUthen it ask me to turn t on and i do and it wont play17:31
UBUxUBUthen it ask to download it and it wont download17:31
leftyfb"As of 2015-05, the old "pepperflashplugin-nonfree" is deprecated in favor of an official, maintained, one-step package called adobe-flashplugin, which works for Firefox and Chromium and derivatives, but not for Yandex.Browser 46.0.2490.3623 beta (64-bit version) on November 2015"17:31
leftyfbUBUxUBU: follow the first link I gave you17:31
UBUxUBUi dontnunderstand why ubuntu cant wtch tv w/o doing this17:32
UBUxUBUthis is like kindergarden17:32
leftyfbUBUxUBU: what version of ubuntu are you running?17:32
UBUxUBU18 04 0117:32
UBUxUBUshouldnt matter if it 10 years old17:32
leftyfbUBUxUBU: ok, follow the first link I gave you17:32
UBUxUBUno wonder i keep win around17:32
leftyfbUBUxUBU: and yes, it 100% matters17:32
OerHeksblame the website?17:33
mirazi_hekethey, how do set alsa to output sound by default to normal output (not front panel)? can provide all info17:33
UBUxUBUmy software uodater doea not look like that i cant find those extras in ti17:34
UBUxUBUwhat do i search for in the software thing un ubuntu17:35
UBUxUBUwhat do i enter into the search bar17:35
UBUxUBUusedto be called restricted extras17:36
UBUxUBUthe link did not help me17:36
tomreynUBUxUBU: the package you want to install is "pepperflashplugin-nonfree" from the multiverse section of the ubuntu repositories17:38
leftyfbthey left17:38
leftyfbno patience or ability to figure things out17:38
tomreynobviously ubuntus fault ;)17:38
leftyfbtomreyn: I did link to the official wiki that says that package is deprecated17:39
tomreynleftyfb: i didnt spot this link posted previously17:39
CookieMinstall flashplugin-installer from the repos, which will automatically download and install the plugin17:40
leftyfbCookieM: correct, I already linked to instructions on doing so17:40
leftyfbbut since ubuntu has changed to gnome, the UI is slightly different so exact screenshots aren't enough for someone who refuses to use their brain to adapt to changes17:41
tomreynhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/Chromium/Getting-Partner-Flash looks like they could have understood.17:41
TJ-mirazi_heket: configuring the output profile depends on how the driver describes the outputs. "aplay -L" might help identify which sink you need17:41
tomreynleftyfb: you seem to be right about preferring the package from the partner repo there.17:42
CookieMI didn’t like the new gnomey inteface and went back to my sweet Unity17:42
mirazi_heketfound culprit17:42
mirazi_heketTJ-: https://paste.ofcode.org/8CrKTbC55qhHSnupwq9XAj17:42
leftyfbCookieM: I never liked unity and have always used gnome flashback. I haven't moved to 18.04 yet because of work17:42
mirazi_heketim checking now how can i set that (can be by cli)17:43
mirazi_heket"amixer set 'Analog Output' 'Stereo Headphones'" now i need to find how i can set this by default (dont want really use /etc/rc.local or similar approach)17:44
CookieMmaybe because some serious settings were hidden in gnome but magically became visible under Unity17:44
leftyfbtomreyn: I just walked though the instructions I posted. I actually can't seem to get pepperflash or the installer to show up in the software center UI search results17:46
TJ-mirazi_heket: are you using ALSA directly, or via the standard pulseaudio?17:46
mirazi_heketright now its direct approach, not sure if pa can handle that, i dont mind17:46
TJ-leftyfb: possibly they don't have any appstream data?17:46
leftyfbI don't think the installer does, by the nature of how it does things. Not sure about pepper17:47
mirazi_heketok, case solved17:49
=== Skybot|2 is now known as Skybot
Sven_vBhow can I get a more descriptive error report from debootstrap? https://paste.debian.net/plainh/a43535ba18:57
rickyandrewsHow can I go about configuring a command to run every hour in linux, I'm net.19:20
rickyandrewsHow can I go about configuring a command to run every hour in linux, I'm new.19:20
OerHeksrickyandrews, there is cron19:21
ubottucron is a way to schedule execution of software/scripts. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CronHowto19:21
rickyandrewsHow do you set up cronjobs without the use of an editor? Say on a server or something inside a script19:22
OerHekswhy without editor ??19:22
OerHekscrontab -e # and add your instance19:22
rickyandrewsNo I mean, what if I do something like setupcron.sh19:22
rickyandrewsand I want that to automate it19:23
AndyChow888What is setupcron.sh19:25
AndyChow888And which implementation of cron are you using?19:25
rickyandrewsWhatever comes by default19:25
rickyandrewsWould it be something like (crontab -l ; echo "1 * * * * echo "Hello world"") | crontab19:26
AndyChow888-l is to view. -e to edit.19:27
rickyandrewswell is using -e going to add it19:28
rickyandrewscrontab -e prevents me from being about to do anything now19:29
rickyandrewsSo that didn't work anyway.19:29
ddoobbHow do I search for a package from installed packages?19:29
rickyandrewserrors in crontab file, can't install.19:29
ddoobbdpkg -S?19:29
AndyChow888ddoobb, apt list --installed | grep -i search_term19:30
AndyChow888replace search_term with what you want to search19:30
ddoobbAndyChow888: thanks mate19:33
TJ-ddoobb: AndyChow888 it's much easier to just do "apt list --installed <partial-search-term>" as in "apt list --installed *apt*"19:34
AndyChow888TJ-, I'm honestly not familiar with apt. I use | grep all the time. But you are correct.19:35
TJ-AndyChow888: I find "man XXXX" really useful for picking up a flavour for this kind of thing, I browse/skim them occassionally19:36
cognitionis Apparmor to ubuntu what selinux is to RHEL?19:54
blackflowcognition: I wouldn't make that comparison, no. Both are mandatory access list LSMs. SELinux should be available on Ubuntu too.19:55
blackflowbut if you're asking whether AppArmor is default supported MAC on Ubuntu, like SELinux is on RHEL and clones, then yes.19:57
cognitionblackflow: Thank you, I appreciate it19:58
QutorialCan't open images in digiKam20:12
Qutorialany channels to recommend, or other suggestions?20:12
AndyChow888Have you setup digikam? Defined collections and defined the database?20:14
QutorialI did initial setup20:14
QutorialI switched from Win10 for extra speed and to be FOSS20:14
QutorialI'm just trying to get FAST preview of my raw files20:14
Qutorialeverything is suuuuper slow20:15
Qutorialtime from double click to preview is #1 priority20:15
AndyChow888Humm, is there no thumbnail generation?20:16
Qutorialno, I don't know how to add a folder of raw files to it even20:17
Qutorialadd album, add folder both grayed out20:17
AndyChow888Are you using KDE, Gnome?20:17
QutorialStock Ubuntu 18.0420:18
Qutorialwhatever comes with it20:18
ioriaQutorial, can you try with gtkam ?  (digikam is for kde)20:20
QutorialI'll try that20:22
ioriaQutorial, and i'd install ubuntu-resticted-extras if you work with media types (you might need a reboot after that)20:22
AndyChow888What is your current database configuration in digikam? If you go in settings, configure, digikam.20:23
Qutorialioria, thanks20:23
Qutorialmedia is one of my primary things20:24
Qutorialphoto editing/management, 2d/3d authoring and editing20:24
ioriai guess you need that pkg20:24
AndyChow888There's also a "preview settings" configuration. I would check that.20:25
QutorialAndyChow888, I picked sqlite for everything at launch20:25
AndyChow888How big is your collection?20:28
Qutorialmy photo library is on disk only, I only manage one card full at a time20:30
Qutorialhaven't found anything fast enough to be worth using20:30
AndyChow888Do you have over 100 000 items?20:30
Qutorialno, I have 300 files in this batch20:30
QutorialI find the good ones, process, and archive to a 2TB portable20:31
QutorialI WAS using picasa20:31
QutorialI'm sure you've heard that before20:31
Qutorialliterally, all I want is super fast raw file preview20:32
AndyChow888Ok. Maybe the database has become bloated. But in your preview settings, "Embedded view shows a small quick preview" should be selected over "shows the full image"20:32
AndyChow888You might want to look at your database, using sqlitebrowser. I'm a bit out of ideas.20:33
QutorialI guess the problem is that I'm supposed to work from a permanent, fixed location always20:33
Qutorialthere's no good way for me to just browse a directory20:33
AndyChow888digikam is, from my understanding, more of a collection manager than an editing workflow tool.20:34
Qutorialthe 1, sole feature I want is fast preview of files20:34
Qutorialany suggestions for that?20:34
Qutorialthese applications are all huge, slow, and cumbersome20:35
QutorialI don't need any other features20:35
AndyChow888You could just browse the folder? With nautilus?20:35
QutorialNautilus is the built in file browser?20:37
AndyChow888Yes, Qutorial20:37
AndyChow888files, they call it now. But the real name is nautilus20:37
Qutorialit does raw file preview?20:38
Qutorialwould be fantastic if so20:38
AndyChow888You might have to install "gnome-raw-thumbnail"20:39
AndyChow888sudo apt-get install gnome-raw-thumbnailer20:39
AndyChow888Then sudo nautilus -q20:39
ioria!info gnome-raw-thumbnail20:39
ubottuPackage gnome-raw-thumbnail does not exist in bionic20:39
AndyChow888!info gnome-raw-thumbnailer20:40
ubottugnome-raw-thumbnailer (source: gnome-raw-thumbnailer): RAW file thumbnailer for GNOME. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0.1-0ubuntu9 (bionic), package size 17 kB, installed size 63 kB20:40
ioriaoh, yeah20:40
Qutorialit looks like it takes over 10 seconds to open one image!20:41
AndyChow888Probably. How big are your images?20:42
ioriaQutorial, ok, so what's your hw ?20:42
AndyChow888If they are 80 MB, and your read speed on the sd card is 8 MB/s, makes sense.20:42
Qutorialfrom DISK I mean20:42
Qutorialon ssd20:42
Qutoriali7 2790k, 16GB ram, gtx780ti20:42
Qutorialand yet, arrowing through 300 images at near-instant speeds seems practically impossible20:43
Qutorialnothing can do it20:43
Qutorialexcept the long-dead picasa20:43
AndyChow888Once the thumbnails are generated, they stay generated. So the initial time is not good, but at least it's a one-time deal.20:46
ioriaQutorial, i suggest installing the said pkgs and reboot (maybe also libopenraw7 libopenrawgnome7)20:48
Qutorialioria, okay20:49
CavaniniHi! I have Ubuntu 14.04 gnome3 ..... I have a problem with my audio device; does not recognice nothing ... so I don't have sound20:57
tomreynCavanini: how did you get gnome3 on ubuntu 14.04?21:00
Cavaninitomreyn: a proffessional installed it with gnome21:01
AndyChow888Gnome 3.10 is installed by default on 14.0421:01
Cavaniniproffesional: I mean, a simple man21:02
Cavaniniahm ok! :)21:02
Cavaninihow do I fix this problem? please21:02
balsaqintersting issue with 18.04, i logged into my cable tv acct to watch tv could not do it in ubuntu had to use windows to watch tv?21:03
balsaqthe ppl who make ubuntu dont know how t odo this?21:04
enfireHello. I've installed latest ubuntu on an external SSD, when I boot from it, everything is really slow, even mouse is barely moving with huge lag. Live disk booted and worked perfectly. Do you know what can be the reason?21:04
balsaqtried firefox and chomium in 18 04 neither one knows how to do tv21:04
TJ-balsaq: nothing to do with Ubuntu; That is down to how the cable TV deliver the video stream. If they use open documented standards Linux distros will be able to support it; if they use proprietary/bug-ridden software  (e.g. Flash) then it won't be well-supported, and possibly is deprecated21:05
balsaqwhy cant ubuntu make it work21:06
balsaqthey could run a flash plud in as a virtualized plug in21:06
TJ-balsaq: we do not have access to the source-code, and where there are better open alternatives we prefer them21:07
tomreynCavanini: oops, sorry, i was thinking 14.04 was still providing gnome 2, my bad.21:07
balsaqchromiun actually offered me a pop up to let flash run and it still didnt work21:08
tomreynCavanini: have you considered an upgrade, though? 14.04 is going EOL in a couple months21:08
TJ-balsaq: and the browser publishers decide if and how they want to support external executables like Flash. Flash in particular has always been a mess21:08
elias_abalsaq: Have you installed flash?21:08
balsaqdont we have ubuntu restriced extras anymore/21:09
Cavaninitomreyn: I'm not sure about that. I have a notebook with 7 years old21:10
Cavaninitomreyn: not feel safe with upgrading with this notebook21:11
tomreynCavanini: thats not a good reason to waive plans for an OS upgrade21:11
TJ-!info flashplug-installer |  balsaq21:11
tomreynCavanini: if the hardware is falling apart maybe a better goal is to plan for a hardware replacement21:11
ubottubalsaq: Package flashplug-installer does not exist in bionic21:11
TJ-ha! learn to type Tj!21:11
TJ-!info flashplugin-installer |  balsaq21:12
ubottubalsaq: flashplugin-installer (source: flashplugin-nonfree): Adobe Flash Player plugin installer. In component multiverse, is optional. Version (bionic), package size 6 kB, installed size 58 kB (Only available for i386; amd64)21:12
TJ-balsaq: I'm not sure if that fetches the plugin from the Canonical partner repository or not21:12
balsaqDOES  that mean i could have watched tv21:12
balsaqi could not finds that reposir]toiry21:13
balsaqwhere is it21:13
Cavaninitomreyn: yes, maybe you're right. This is a Toshiba Satellite 755 .... software runs GREAT ... but hardware sadly its coming wrong gradually21:13
Cavaninitomreyn: software run GREAT ... with ubuntu, obviously21:14
TJ-balsaq: as the info line above shows, you need to enable the "multiverse" component in software properties21:14
TJ-balsaq: or use "sudo add-apt-repository multiverse"21:14
balsaqhow do i so that i was trying for that before could not find it21:15
balsaqok thanks21:15
tomreynCavanini: while you have no replacement, i'd still very much recommend running a supported release. you can always switch to a less demanding GUI.21:16
TakagamiI need to go pick up an 18.04 book... it's changed enough from 16.04 LTS to have left me in the dust...21:18
tomreyn!releasenotes | start here, Takagami21:18
ubottustart here, Takagami: For release notes of a given Ubuntu release, please refer to the 'Docs' column on the 'List of releases' table at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases21:18
Cavaninitomreyn: Ok, thank you very much! Have a good day!21:19
tomreynCavanini: you, too!21:20
coconutCan the startup sound of ubuntu also be configured for "random"?21:21
balsaqonce i get the reposiitry then what do i do to make flash work21:22
balsaqdo i then have to run a commnd21:23
TJ-balsaq: "sudo apt install flashplugin-installer"21:25
balsaqok ty tj ill go to my ubuntu computer and do it21:27
balsaqhope it works21:29
balsaqwhats cool about edge i can turn flash on and off as i want21:30
balsaqi have ot off all the time normally21:30
TJ-balsaq: I stopped using any site that had Flash many years ago now21:30
balsaqyeah but watching my cable tv on my laptop is very nice21:31
balsaqits not a ewebsite21:31
TJ-balsaq: OK, any 'service'21:31
balsaqif a randowm webiste tells me i need flash i leave21:31
AndyChow888It's not a website? What is it?21:32
balsaqits my cable TV21:33
balsaqi can log into my acct and watch tv on my computer21:33
balsaqbut like TJ said ive im surfing the net and some site tells em i need flash i leave it21:34
AndyChow888How do you connect to your cable tv? Do you have a card with a coax?21:34
TJ-balsaq: it could be that the device is using some weird configuration of Flash, that includes some DRM21:34
balsaqflash needs to part of and managed by (virtualized in a container) so i cannot harm the system21:35
balsaqthe ppl who make the OS need t ouse a version of flash that they control21:35
balsaqvitualized and with a on off swtich21:36
balsaqthsat way if a trojan tried to crawl up into the OS ...its welcome becasue it is stuck in a jar.21:37
balsaqits the ppl whoi make the OS that need to know how to use it and control it21:37
blackflowbalsaq: except containers are not security boundaries. exploiting the host wouldn't be much of a problem, given sufficient vulnerabilities in the kernel.21:38
blackflowespecially so with USER_NS as some parts of the kernel might not be aware of it and think uid=0 really is uid=021:38
balsaqa plug in can be dids-allowed to make changs to the system21:38
balsaqa plug in can be run with no right to make changes21:39
blackflowit's not absolute.21:39
balsaqjust depends on coders21:39
balsaqill give erxample:21:40
balsaqand ive tried thiws experiment with xp  vista   7  and 10   ....21:40
balsaqi installed sandbox and loaded every virus i could find and after the session i deleted the sandbox and all the systems were clean21:41
balsaqi even went the the malware domain list and downloaded more virus21:42
OerHeksHow does one tell the windows system is clean?21:42
blackflowit's all moot if flash is given GPU access. gpu driver runs in kernel and a vuln there could easily allow RCE in kernel context21:42
balsaqthere is a way to blaock that21:42
balsaqi just am not a coder so i dont know how21:42
blackflowmodern software and operating systems are far more vulnerable than people give them credit. and even if you had 100% non-vulnerable software? guess what. you're betrayed by hardware.21:42
blackflowbalsaq: it's never absolute nor 100%21:43
OerHeksgood malware keeps other malware out21:43
balsaqlinux id 1000 times tougher that Xp and  i was not ableto infect XP using sandbox21:43
blackflowbalsaq: by what metric?21:43
balsaq1st off hardy anyone tried to infect consumer OS they do try to hack linux servers yes21:44
blackflowyou just said you're "not a coder and you don't know". yeah.21:44
blackflowat any rate, offtopic.21:44
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!21:44
balsaqi dont know how to mkae flash safe in linux21:45
balsaqibut is its sandboxed correctly i think it is safe21:45
blackflowbalsaq: you can't, it talks to gpu. game over. also, any xorg application is game over too, given total lack of security contexts in Xorg.21:45
balsaqbut if u have a button, a trigger that vrtuaoized the entore session,,,gpu and all21:46
blackflowbalsaq: it's not. it's "sandboxed" using namespaces. especially USER_NS. not all parts of the kernel might be aware of USER_NS, that's the problem with it.21:46
surfnI'm running headless.  And I'm trying to capture video on /dev/video0 but I'm getting X11 errors21:46
blackflowbalsaq: there's no such thing. and VMs? also quite vulnerable. case in point recent total-host-ownage vuln in VirtualBox.21:46
balsaqsandbox the entire session , use of kermal and all21:46
blackflowkermal eh? right...21:47
TJ-surfn: what are you using to capture?21:47
blackflowperhaps #ubuntu-offtopic is more suitable for this.21:47
surfnAV.io HD21:47
balsaqso we cant make something that simply disallows changes to the system?21:47
surfnand mplayer21:47
balsaqOK ENOUGH SAID21:47
blackflowbalsaq: not on X8621:47
balsaqoops caps21:47
blackflowyou need capability based hardware for that. none of the consumer grade ones are.21:48
AndyChow888surfn, what's your error message?21:48
surfn@TJ- FATAL: Cannot initialize video driver.21:48
surfnamongst them21:49
TJ-surfn: I meant which software? I presume the av.io HD device presents the /dev/video0 device?21:49
surfn@TJ- yes, and mplayer21:49
AndyChow888What are the other error messages? Use a paste service.21:49
AndyChow888You need to install the whole video stack.21:51
surfn@AndyChow888 how?21:52
surfnagain, headless21:52
AndyChow888Do you have a video card at all, even headless?21:52
surfnSo I know it exists, because I had it plugged into a monitor when I installed21:52
surfnIt's just intel whatever.21:53
surfnintel i321:53
TJ-surfn: I'd guess it depends on what mplayer command-line options you're using. There used to be a package mplayer-nogui but that was combined into the mplayer package so it needs options to be told to work stand-alone without the X server21:53
OerHeksvirtual framebuffer, perhaps?21:53
surfnok, so here's what I'm trying to do.21:54
surfnI want to see what I can see on the AV.io21:54
AndyChow888Install mesa, xf86-video-intel21:54
Takagamitomreyn I have read over most of that... it mostly just the little configuration nuances from the changes, things I would do, services I would build and have working within minutes in 16.04... I go through the process in 18.04 and run into issues for NEW configuration steps that aren't exactly documented... because they are "assumed" already done o21:54
Takagamir known...21:54
surfnto test what I can see, I'm usng mplayer21:54
surfn@AndyChow888 do you have a link for instructions?21:55
surfnand I'm using it over command line - in mac.21:56
AndyChow888apt-get install xf86-video-intel mesa21:56
frpedrohello, someone is so kind to tell me how the sound icon is put in the gnome bar21:56
surfnE: Unable to locate package xf86-video-intel21:57
surfnE: Unable to locate package mesa21:57
AndyChow888What is in your /etc/apt/sources.list.d21:58
TJ-surfn: Are you trying to watch camera connected to the Ubuntu headless PC from an Apple Mac?21:58
OerHeksi think you want xserver-xorg-video-intel21:58
surfn@TJ- yes, I'm ssh -Y21:59
surfnxserver-xorg-video-intel is already the newest version (2:2.99.917+git20171229-1).21:59
TJ-surfn: in that situation I'd set up vlc to stream /dev/video0 over RTSP which makes it easy to connect to from any device22:02
surfn@TJ- can you suggest an instructions page where I could follow along?22:03
frpedrohello does anyone know how to put the sound icon in gnome in the bar ubuntu 18?22:03
TJ-surfn: I can do better; I run exactly that config on a server to monitor a remote office. Let me pull the config files for you. Give me a couple of minutes22:03
tomreynTakagami: getting to know systemd in general is surely a good thing to do. it changes a LOT of mechanics. and there's not a lot of ubuntu specific documentation on it, but then it doesn't need to be ubuntu specific either.22:03
surfn@TJ- awesome!22:03
tomreynTakagami: but some other documentation is still lacking, at least inthe usual places, i agree. snaps and netplan could use a better introduction.22:04
TJ-surfn: here's a tar.gz file with all the files, plus a README. There are 2 camera feeds in it; you want the "studio" config22:06
TJ-surfn: http://iam.tj/projects/misc/vlc-rtsp-services.tar.gz22:06
surfn@TJ- before I add it to systemd though, i want to test it22:10
surfn@TJ- what is the line command configuration for VLC so I can test it?22:11
TJ-surfn: it's actually in the systemd template file :)22:15
TJ-surfn: the "ExecStart=" line; replace all the %I with 'studio' and make sure you've put /etc/vlc/studio.vlm in place22:17
TJ-surfn: also, you'll need to execute the two ExecStartPre= commands22:18
TJ-surfn: notice the studio service will broadcast from port 2002 so on your remote systems you'd connect to trsp://host.with.camera:2002/22:19
TJ-surfn: you may need to tweak the /etc/vlc/studio.vlm to set the size of the output stream to match what the camera produces/the bandwidth you want it to use22:22
paranoiditrying to get ubuntu dualboot ongoing, but os-prober is not detecting windows 10 from a separate drive. I have tried to mount partitions before running os-prober per some tips but nothing. http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/M7rDx4BSHM/22:25
surfn@TJ- I can't get anything to show up.22:25
surfnThe video does not exist.22:25
TJ-surfn: is the command running on the Ubuntu system, or did it fail?22:28
surfnI'm going even more basic rn.22:28
surfnI've opened VLC22:28
surfnI'm trying to get it to stream.22:29
surfnand no luck22:29
TJ-surfn: what do you mean "opened vlc" ?22:29
surfnI ran vlc22:29
TJ-surfn: do you mean you have a GUI session on the local console of the Ubuntu system that has the camera?22:29
TJ-surfn: so it is no longer headless22:30
surfnin a manner of speaking22:30
TJ-surfn: you're making this much harder than it should be; if you cannot be precise we cannot help!22:30
surfn@TJ- the machine is still headless, it has no monitor, no keyboard, no mouse.22:33
surfnI am SSH'd in.22:33
surfnand I'm running VLC over SSH22:33
AndyChow888Is mesa installed?22:33
HipHop-openboxTJ-, how are you defining headless..? means no monitor, mouse or keyboard22:33
TJ-surfn: right; so use the command from the systemd template unit, with the %I replaced with 'studio'22:34
surfn@AndyChow888 how can I tell22:34
TJ-surfn: if that command fails, tell us the exact error message.22:34
AndyChow888glxinfo | grep "OpenGL"22:35
surfn@AndyChow888 https://dpaste.de/miQD22:36
AndyChow888Yeah, install mesa22:37
AndyChow888It provides the OpenGL thing.22:37
AndyChow888sudo apt-get install mesa22:37
surfnE: Unable to locate package mesa22:37
AndyChow888I'm pretty sure this is deja vu.22:37
=== foob4r is now known as beaver
surfnnvm doing it now22:41
=== viv`d is now known as vivid
UBuxuBUwhy does ubuntu show my drive as only one big partition23:56
OerHeksas of 17.04, fresh ubuntu installs in one partition, and uses  a swapfile standard23:58

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