
IrcsomeBot<Duong Ngo> Still no one answers me, how to show ibus icon on Panel bar? I have checked "Show system tray" option of ibus setting but it doesn't appear.00:55
emmaDoes anyone know of any software available on Kubuntu that lets you do what Microsoft Ink does? (The ability to marker up the screen on top of whatever app you are using)01:19
emma@info aredia03:17
emma!info ardesia03:17
ubottuPackage ardesia does not exist in bionic03:17
emmavalorie: what happened to Ardesia?03:27
valorieemma: what is it?04:23
valorieit's not a KDE package so we wouldn't have dealt with it04:23
emmaoh dear04:24
emmavalorie: im trying to find some software that runs on Kubuntu that can be used to mark on the screen (like write over the top of whatever the screen is showing).  Actually it turns out Kwin has that in it (almost) if you go to settings > desktop effects and turn on Mouse Mark but the odd thing is -- to use that you have to hold down meta+shift while marking with your other hand...04:25
valorieis that difficult to do?04:27
emmaI don't think that's too practical except for some cases where you won't do much with it. I have a stylus. I want to actually write all over the screen on my wacom tablet. I don't want to be holding down the meta+shift keys all the while.04:31
valorieso you think that ardesia does what you want?04:32
emmaI think Ardesia was the software that did this but somehow it no longer exists.04:33
valoriewell, just because it's not in the archive doesn't mean it doesn't exist04:33
valorieis it in Debian?04:33
valorieyou can always easily install a deb if so04:33
valorietwo things can happen - upstream stops making releases which means that nobody bothers to package it for Ubuntu04:34
Unit193Debian 84095904:34
ubottuDebian bug 840959 in ftp.debian.org "RM: ardesia -- RoQA; not in jessie or stretch, dead upstream" [Normal,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/84095904:34
valoriethe other is that the person who used to care enough to package it no longer cares, etc.04:35
IrcsomeBot<ahoneybun> If the stylus has a button you could map meta+shift to it.04:35
valorieah, dead upstream04:35
Unit193(See also: Debian 728861)04:35
ubottuDebian bug 728861 in ardesia "ardesia: Does not display UI elements and crashes" [Serious,Fixed] http://bugs.debian.org/72886104:35
valoriewhich means that it's not being developed04:35
valorieso they are no longer fixing bugs, security problems, etc04:36
valorieyou might look on github and see if someone has picked it up and renamed it04:36
valorieemma: why do you want to draw on the screen itself, rather than on screenshots?04:40
emmavalorie: it may be enough to draw on screen shots.04:43
valorieok, you can easily do that in GIMP or Krita04:44
emmai was going to make videos of marking up certain documents04:44
valorieand I think that there are some smaller applications that support simple things like arrows, circles, etc.04:44
Unit193Sadly I only know of a few viewers, and overkill GIMP. :P04:45
valoriekpaint used to be awesome for that04:46
valoriedunno if that still exists -- it was the basis for Krita04:46
emmakrita is a good possibility. Im not 100 percent sure why I wanted to draw on the screen directly.04:47
emmaI think krita can open pdf also and draw on it.04:47
valoriedunno, but the krita chan certainly will04:47
emmai get certain documents and images from people who want feedback. I was going to make videos with simplescreenrecorder of the work they send me and write over it as I give feedback.04:48
Unit193valorie: There's a 'mypaint', but that's pygtk04:48
valoriewell, gtk is generally already in kubuntu systems since we provide firefox04:49
valorieso that's a possibility04:49
emmamy instinct is that when you install software that was made for Gnome inside of Kubuntu you are doing something filthy and you are filthy dirty animal who should keep your head down.04:50
valorieSpectacle was supposed to get simple marking up capability but the devel dropped it04:50
valorieemma: lol04:50
valorietools are tools04:50
Unit193emma: Note that not all GTK is actually made for GNOME, though!04:50
valorieright, most of it isn't04:51
valoriegnome is a small packageset as I recall04:51
valoriesort of the opposite of KDE04:51
valoriewe have all sorts of stuff within KDE04:52
valorieShutter does that04:53
valorieactually: https://alternativeto.net/software/snipping-tool/?platform=linux04:53
valorieooo, Hotshot is in Qt04:54
valorieso you could be somewhat "pure"04:54
emmawhat is the name of the default screenshot app in kubunut?04:55
emmait's pretty good overall already.04:55
valorieyes, but no marking up04:56
emmais that the one you use?04:56
valorieI use it almost daily, yes04:56
emmaI like the way you can screen shot a rectangle with spectacle and then drag the image into various documents without having to save anything.04:57
emmaI had bought this new laptop but then it wasnt going to work because the touchpad was too new. But the new Kubuntu release 18.10 had the kernel I needed so I finally got to start using this laptop.05:00
valorieoh that's good to hear!05:00
* valorie is also running cosmic05:00
emmavalorie: are you a developer?05:05
valoriewell, I'm not a coder or packager05:05
valoriebut I'm part of the kubuntu team05:05
valorierelease manager which is mostly begging people to help test things, doing testing myself, and writing some of the text for the website05:06
IrcsomeBot<ahoneybun> Yep valorie is all over the place lol.05:46
valoriesame as you, aaron05:46
* valorie has never been to Japan!05:46
BluesKajHi folks12:06
JackWinterhi, am trying to install 18.04 on a laptop, and i can see it install various things including the kernel, but the install never finishes.  it ends up with the installation windows and a grey progress bar and does nothing else.  how can i troubleshoot what goes wrong?12:26
JackWinteris there an account that i can login to from a virtual terminal?12:28
JackWintersome more info, the system already has win10 on it.  it does have an efi partition, and i added an ext4 formatted partition for / and swap space12:29
JackWinterif i turn the system off, i can boot into an empty grub, but don't know how to find the system from there12:30
JackWinterguess that something is going wrong with creating the grub entries?12:31
BluesKajdo you have another linux a lready installed on the laptop, because if the installer sees another grub it won't overwrite it?12:32
BluesKajor grub only partially installed, which sems to be the case, then try the VT/TTY to install or update grub12:35
JackWinterBluesKaj: no i don't think so.  i can see if i can clean out the efi, maybe another boot loader there?  did try to install kde neon before with exactly the same results.  the bios only presents me with the windows and an ubuntu boot loader12:36
JackWinterwhat username/pw would i need to get into a terminal from the ubuntu installer?12:37
BluesKajdidn't the installer ask for a username and pw?12:37
JackWinteryes, but that doesn't work from the vt running from the install stick12:38
JackWintermaybe i can boot the full kubuntu environment and run the install script from there.  maybe terminal output will show me something, what is the install script called?12:39
BluesKajdid you try the enter key when grub loaded after booting?12:39
JackWinterBluesKaj: i think i did, i just get the grub prompt with no choices at all.12:46
JackWinterdo i need to disable secure boot?12:47
JackWinterbit lost with all of this, and sure how secure boot fits into it all.  though happy what the laptop appears to find the ubuntu uefi boot loader.12:47
JackWinternot sure why the install script won't finish and won't give any error at all12:48
BluesKajyes, disable secure boot12:48
BluesKajJackWinter, I don't bother with uefi/gpt  even on this new pc , legacy BIOS works for me, since i really don't need more than 4 primary partitions13:03
JackWinterBluesKaj: yes, but someone else asked me to add an easy to use linux to their laptop.  not sure i want to remove all the other partitions, partition it again and see if the bios can legacy boot.13:08
JackWinterit looks like it would boot if i could only get ubiquity to finish properly13:09
JackWinterubiquity -d shows absolutely 0 output.  how do i make it verbose so that i can see where it's getting stuck?13:10
BluesKajso there another OS on the laptop?13:10
BluesKaj what media are you using to install kubuntu?13:12
JackWinterBluesKaj: there is a preinstalled w10 on it.  i'm installing from a usb stick13:13
JackWintergonna try to run ubiquity -b, to see if it finishes13:13
BluesKajok, then ubiquity needs to add grub to the /uefi/boot, but if you use the auto install to your selected partition then that should work13:15
IrcsomeBotSalamun_alaykum was added by: Salamun_alaykum13:17
IrcsomeBot<Salamun_alaykum> Hi13:17
BluesKajJackWinter, ubiquity should see W10 and the /uefi/boot partition and add grub to it, but I recommend you ask in #ubuntu, there are several uefi/gpt experts there that can help you13:18
IrcsomeBot<Salamun_alaykum> I'm new user of kubuntu and need help … I think i suddenly deleted the sound driver then  … Sound icon on the panel is gone too  … Who can help ?13:20
BluesKajSalamun_alaykum, run aplay -l and pastebin the output13:23
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.13:24
IrcsomeBot<Salamun_alaykum> @BluesKaj, **** List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices **** … card 0: HDMI [HDA ATI HDMI], device 3: HDMI 0 [HDMI 0] …   Subdevices: 1/1 …   Subdevice #0: subdevice #013:26
BluesKajSalamun_alaykum lspci | grep -i audio, to find the driver13:29
JackWinterBluesKaj: running ubiquity -b (don't install boot manager) allows ubiquity to finish installing.  so i guess the problem is indeed related to the boot manager13:31
JackWinteri'll ask in ubuntu instead, they won't mind kubuntu questions?13:32
BluesKaj JackWinter  #ubuntu covers all flavours including Kubuntu, but it's not really kde related anyway13:33
JackWinterBluesKaj: ok, thanks!13:34
BluesKajnp JackWinter I'll follow your progress over there too since I'm interested in the answers you get13:35
JackWinterBluesKaj: it's kind of crappy to have an install script that doesn't show what it's doing :)  i hope i can get it working.  but if nothing else i suppose that from a live boot i might be able to manually install grub.13:38
JackWinterhad to guess about it being the grub install/config that caused problems.  a --verbose switch would probably have solved me a lot of time13:39
IrcsomeBot<Salamun_alaykum> @BluesKaj, then?13:40
BluesKajJackWinter, I'm not really clear on how to do that since it may require using chroot13:40
BluesKajSalamun_alaykum, post the output of the command here13:41
JackWinterBluesKaj: it probably will (i guess) am minded to get the refind binaries from my own laptop to just fix up the efi partition :)13:45
BluesKajJackWinter, is this an iso ?13:46
IrcsomeBot<Salamun_alaykum> @BluesKaj, lspci | grep -i audio … 00:01.1 Audio device: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] Kabini HDMI/DP Audio … 00:09.2 Audio device: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD] Device 157a13:46
JackWinterBluesKaj: what is?13:47
BluesKajok , it's a disk iso , JackWinter13:48
JackWinterif you mean the kubuntu installl image, it's kubuntu-18.04.1-desktop-amd64.iso13:48
BluesKajright, ok just checking13:49
JackWinterdoes ubuntu also have the rEFInd boot loader?  i'm somewhat familiar with that one, haven't used grub since back in the v1 days13:50
JackWintersorry, wrong channel :)13:50
BluesKajJackWinter, best to address the question to person who responded to your query in #ubuntu since i's such a busy channel13:53
JackWinterBluesKaj: yes, i'll do that.  i'll close this one not to make a mistake again :)  thanks for the help so far!13:57
IrcsomeBot<Salamun_alaykum> @Salamun_alaykum, ?13:59
BluesKajSalamun_alaykum, sudo modprobe snd-hda-intel, if the driver loads properly there will be no output from that command , then reboot14:06
IrcsomeBot<Salamun_alaykum> @BluesKaj, but its amd not intel14:07
BluesKajamd uses intel audio on some pcs14:08
BluesKajSalamun_alaykum, if the command doesn't work it will say so14:11
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john3voltas[m]hey folks23:29
john3voltas[m]how do i install the latest plasma on my kubuntu 18.04.1 lts?23:30
valoriejohn3voltas[m]: you can't at this time23:31
valoriebecause we'd have to backport an updated Qt as well as Plasma23:32
valorieyou can get *newer* in backports though23:32
ubottuIf new updated packages are built for an application, they may go into Kubuntu Backports, which is one of the official Kubuntu PPAs. See https://community.kde.org/Kubuntu/PPAs for more information.23:32
john3voltas[m]valorie: which means that at some point i will be able to do so?23:32
valorieI have the latest in 18.1023:32
valorieLTS is about stability and long-term support23:32
valorienot the newest23:32
valorieif you want the newest you need to upgrade every 6 months23:33
valorieinstead of every other year23:33
john3voltas[m]i wanted to go with kde-neon instead but apparently it doesn't support wubi/wubiuefi23:34
valorieso we do support the LTS for 3 years, but it is impossible to get the latest to it23:34
valorieis that still supported *anywhere*?23:34
ubottuWubi was a way to install Ubuntu from within Windows, but it is no longer supported in recent versions of Ubuntu and Windows, and was never well maintained even for Ubuntu 12.04. Do not use Wubi. See !install for other options for installing Ubuntu.23:34
john3voltas[m]it's running fine here23:35
valoriewell, I have no clue about it, sorry23:35
john3voltas[m]thanks :-)23:35
valorieyou might get some help with wubi in #ubuntu23:35
valoriebut..... not supported since 201223:36
valorierather a miracle if it is working for you23:36
valoriebe sure to keep good backups23:36
john3voltas[m]wubiuefi is well maintained23:36
john3voltas[m]no nasty bugs23:37
valoriemust be a fork somewhere because ubottu knows nothing about it23:37
john3voltas[m]yea, it is23:37
valorieand the bot knows much more than me23:37
john3voltas[m]ok, thanks a bunch.23:38
john3voltas[m]see you around23:38
valoriebest of luck!23:38
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