[17:02] hey zaki [17:21] hey zaki [17:21] hi pavlushka [17:22] * pavlushka on dinner [17:22] zaki: what's up? [17:22] pavlushka, not much [17:24] pavlushka, I was able to get webmin login page from LAN after disabling IP table. but after that can't login using root password [17:25] zaki: login using normal user, and remote root login is disabled everywhere by default [17:36] pavlushka, not even from the localhost itself [17:37] I used links to get that page. because no GUI installed [17:38] zaki: if you are a admin user, you dont need to be the root, your normal password do all the privileged work assuming the user is in sudo group [18:41] pavlushka, same [18:42] zaki: what same? [18:43] can't login [18:58] zaki: you get the interface in the browser but can't login, is that the case? [18:58] yes [18:59] error log not showing any error [19:00] zaki: can you ssh into that machine from your machine? [19:01] pavlushka, yes [19:01] zaki: then try to check the webmin log [19:24] pavlushka, https://www.bbc.com/news/entertainment-arts-46186552 [19:24] [ Stan Lee: Marvel Comics co-creator dies aged 95 - BBC News ] - https://www.bbc.com [19:39] pavlushka, just installed webmin on my ubuntu system and this working without any issue :/ [20:38] pavlushka, good night