
=== Class7_ is now known as Class7
didrocksgood morning07:15
jibelSalut didrocks07:15
didrockssalut jibel, bon week-end?07:18
jibeldidrocks, w-e calme, matchs basket et hand samedi (en tant que spectateur :)) et repos hier07:19
jibeldidrocks, et j'ai fixé mon réseau07:19
jibeldidrocks, et doi?07:19
didrocksjibel: week-end passé chez des amis, c'était sympa aussi :)07:23
dufluHi didrocks, jibel07:23
didrockshey duflu07:24
jibelHi duflu07:25
seb128good morning desktopers08:44
oSoMoNgood morning desktoppers08:44
dufluHi seb128 and oSoMoN08:45
seb128lut oSoMoN08:45
seb128en forme ? bon w.e ?08:45
seb128hey duflu! how are you today?08:45
dufluseb128, sore from lifting many things. You?08:45
seb128I'm good, happy to be sitting at my desk today, w.e are exhausting :)08:46
oSoMoNI was away 4 days and I don't remember what this whole software engineering thing is about08:47
oSoMoNso yeah, week-end was good :)08:47
andyrockgood morning!08:55
Laneyhappy monday to you09:01
Laneyand your kin09:01
dufluWe wish you a merry Monday, Laney09:06
oSoMoNand a happy new week09:17
LaneyHO HO HO09:18
seb128hey hey Laney, how are you today? good w.e?09:23
Laneyhey seb12809:35
LaneyI'm good thanks, looks like a nice day :>09:35
seb128lucky you, it's grey and rainy here09:35
Laneyweekend was nice, we went to cambridge to hang out09:35
Laneythere was a big storm on saturday though /o\09:35
Laneywhat about you?09:36
seb128I'm good, w.e was nice, we have lunch/spent the affternoon with friends on saturday and when to visit a mini-farm for kids yesterday/had lunch there. It was a bit exhausting though, the baby had a very active w.e and wouldn't play alone nor want to sleep :-/09:40
seb128andyrock, hey, had a good w.e? It looks like you didn't push the update-notifier error check tweak you did on thursday, can you do that? Then I can finally upload that one09:44
andyrockseb128: I forgot I was on holiday on Friday09:44
andyrockI'm doing that now09:45
seb128andyrock, hey :) no worry, there was no hurry, but we had enough review rounds, now is time to get that uploaded :p09:45
Laneythere's never enough review!09:47
seb128speaking of reviews, my systemd/hwdb PR for that airplane mode issue just got merged :)09:48
andyrockseb128: done!09:53
seb128andyrock, thx!09:53
andyrockLaney: https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~azzar1/update-notifier/fix-lp-1800862/revision/94509:53
andyrockthat should be readable enough09:53
andyrockdidrocks: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-shell-extension-ubuntu-dock/+bug/1769383/comments/1909:59
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1769383 in gnome-shell-extension-ubuntu-dock (Ubuntu) "Ubuntu dock/launcher is shown on the lock screen" [High,Confirmed]09:59
andyrockI think you linked the wrong MR here09:59
seb128Laney, https://code.launchpad.net/~azzar1/update-notifier/fix-lp-1800862/+merge/358309 is +1 from you now?10:04
Laneyandyrock: that's the same link?10:04
andyrockLaney: :(10:04
didrocksyea, it's mr110:51
seb128didrocks, andyrock, so we are confident that this issue is hitting people who tweak the extensions?10:53
didrocksseb128: no, I wonder if this comment was pasted on the wrong bug report or if title/description change (which doesn't seem so)10:54
didrocksso clearly not the lockscreen issue10:55
didrockshowever, I saw this morning some movement on the screenlock issue upstream10:55
didrocksone sec10:55
didrocksah, this was just a duplication to https://github.com/micheleg/dash-to-dock/issues/76210:57
gitbotmicheleg issue 762 in dash-to-dock "Dock persists on lock screen" [Open]10:57
didrockssome people commented "thanks, it works fine", but no solution was given in duplicates :p10:58
andyrockseb128: didrocks I'm working on it11:44
andyrockit's somehow related to the 'transparency" feature of dash-to-dock11:45
andyrockit loses track of the tracked window11:45
andyrocknot sure because gnome-shell fails to send an 'actor-removed' signal11:46
andyrocktrying to find a reliable way to reproduce it11:46
tomreynhi. would you say it is generally useful for users to report the (often many) stack traces logged by 'journalctl --user' on a fully patched 18.04? are those better ignored for now unless they seem to be results / side effects of major malfunctions?11:49
seb128andyrock, k, good, thx12:04
seb128tomreyn, hey, that would probably be annoying to users and prompt them to report issues when not strictly needed, we already got negative feedback from the quantify of error nagging without that12:05
tomreynseb128: i didn't mean whether these stacktraces should be reported to users via (G)UI, but whether users, such as myself, should spend time on reposrting those stacktraces to the bug trackers.12:08
tomreynseb128: i ssupect your answer also suggests there is no use in such reports at this time, would you agree there?12:09
seb128tomreyn, reporting to the bug tracker is always useful, it might be that people are too busy and those just sit there though12:11
tomreynok, maybe i'll do a few and see what happens (if anything), thanks seb12:15
=== caravena_ is now known as caravena

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