
PenguinPerkAnyone using kubernetes ?02:06
valoriePenguinPerk: for what?02:40
valorieI know people on twitter etc. who do02:40
dokocpaelzer_: for 1799397, is that seen with gcc-7 (or gcc-8) in disco as well?08:34
cpaelzer_doko: I asked the guys who recreate it atm09:09
cpaelzer_didn't do so on my own yet09:09
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jbichaapw: hi, it looks like you copied linux-aws cosmic instead of cosmic-proposed to disco? https://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_excuses.html is complaining12:49
apwjbicha, looking12:50
apwjbicha, hmmm some tooling failure there for sure, i'll clean up the mess and get that sorted so it never happens again12:53
* Laney hears muffled screams12:55
apwit is a good job britney is ever-vigilant12:58
TJ-apw: did you pick up yesterday's reports of the mainline builds failing since 4th Nov, due to 4.20 having removed oldsilentconfig but the kteam-tools adhoc/any-syncconfig-fallback.trigger still being applied?12:59
apwTJ-, why would they do that13:00
TJ-apw: who do what? silentoldconfig has been deprecated for a long time, and was removed for 4.2013:02
apwright, but changing a user interface is always bad13:02
apwanyhow, that patch is meant to only get added if we have syncconfig added13:02
apwor don't have syncconfig or something13:02
apwdid they re-get-rid of syncconfig ?13:03
TJ-apw: right, it adds it for 'future' proof but now needs removing13:03
apwbut it should only get added when we don't have the new interface that i am now using13:03
apwso if we have that interface we should be good13:03
TJ-synconcfig is there in scripts/kconfig/Makefile, but the comments against it say it's "internal only" now13:03
TJ-apw: anyhow, the BUILD.LOG for the mainlines since 4th show the problem13:04
apwso they are changing the interface again, having changed in like 2 releases ago13:04
apwthey should be beaten with sticks13:05
TJ-apw: indeed; commit 79123b1389cc7 says syncconfig is now an 'internal implementation detail' and is deprecated for external use!13:06
* apw sighs13:06
TJ-silentoldconfig removed in 0085b4191f3e13:08
apwyeah which we are coping with13:18
apwjust they changed the form of syncconfig so i cannot find it any more13:18
apwTJ-, ok ... fixed I believe and i have thrown the necessary rebuilds at the builders13:35
ahasenackbdmurray: hi, when able, could you please check rbasak's last comment in https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/backuppc/+bug/1677755 ?13:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1677755 in backuppc (Ubuntu) "Missing dep8 tests" [Wishlist,Confirmed]13:46
=== caravena_ is now known as caravena
=== Sven_vB_ is now known as Sven_vB

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