ginggs | doko is #913626 only with s390x ? | 09:36 |
doko | ginggs: apparently yes | 09:41 |
ginggs | doko: thanks, i'll have a look | 09:44 |
ginggs | doko: i find it weird that r-cran-stringi and r-base are both in dependecy level 1 in the ubuntu tracker | 11:06 |
xnox | didrocks, Could not open desktop-minimal from checkout of (any of): | 12:24 |
xnox | destkop-minimal | 12:24 |
xnox | desktop | 12:24 |
xnox | didrocks, you need a faster keyboard =) | 12:24 |
xnox | fixed | 12:25 |
jibel | xnox, thanks | 13:01 |
jibel | (for fixing the typo) | 13:02 |
didrocks | grrrrr, I will never be able to type desktop properly! | 13:45 |
didrocks | thx for fixing! | 13:45 |
ogra | didrocks, time that we rename it to "bureau" ? | 13:48 |
didrocks | ogra: ofc! that's my followup commit | 13:50 |
didrocks | :) | 13:50 |
ogra | ! | 13:50 |
bdmurray | coreycb: so bug 1795424 is v-done correct? | 15:47 |
ubottu | bug 1795424 in nova (Ubuntu Bionic) "[SRU] queens stable releases" [High,Fix committed] | 15:47 |
coreycb | bdmurray: yep, finally! | 15:54 |
bdmurray | coreycb: Do you mind modifying the tags? | 16:00 |
=== cshep is now known as platonical | ||
coreycb | bdmurray: done | 16:29 |
infinity | coreycb: Any plans to fix cinder in disco? (see the autopkgtest failures) | 17:09 |
coreycb | infinity: taking a look | 17:09 |
infinity | coreycb: Ta. | 17:10 |
ahasenack | is this something that can be easily fixed in bileto, or should we really stop using it for disco onwards? | 17:22 |
ahasenack | E: The repository ' disco Release' does not have a Release file. | 17:22 |
ahasenack | looks like all we need is one package in that ppa built for disco | 17:22 |
xnox | ahasenack, that is fixable. | 17:23 |
xnox | ahasenack, not built =) _copied_ | 17:23 |
* xnox does that | 17:23 | |
ahasenack | yep, copied | 17:23 |
xnox | are we both doing it? | 17:25 |
ahasenack | I'm not | 17:25 |
xnox | i have | 17:25 |
xnox | =) | 17:25 |
xnox | good | 17:25 |
ahasenack | good | 17:25 |
ahasenack | thanks | 17:25 |
xnox | will be published eventually. | 17:26 |
infinity | Better idea, the stable-phone-overlay stuff should all be torn out of bileto. | 17:32 |
xnox | infinity, we thought we did. | 17:40 |
xnox | infinity, i think it still is wired up to britney triggers, cause bileto triggers britney with that --extra-ppa or some such. | 17:41 |
xnox | infinity, and sil is away to fix it =/ | 17:41 |
teward | stupid question I know, but what's the suggested/proposed timeline for a Py2 removal? | 17:55 |
teward | if there even is one (since that has a huge number of rdeps too) | 17:55 |
doko | Rejected: | 18:32 |
doko | libecpg-compat3-dbgsym_10.5-1build3_s390x.ddeb: Version older than that in the archive. 10.5-1build3 <= 11.1-1 | 18:32 |
doko | libecpg-compat3_10.5-1build3_s390x.deb: Version older than that in the archive. 10.5-1build3 <= 11.1-1 | 18:32 |
doko | libecpg-dev-dbgsym_10.5-1build3_s390x.ddeb: Version older than that in the archive. 10.5-1build3 <= 11.1-1 | 18:32 |
doko | [...] | 18:32 |
doko | so postres 10 and 11 are not co-buildable? | 18:32 |
doko | postgres even | 18:33 |
xnox | there should be like an upload of 10 which drops the transitional packages, no? | 18:34 |
infinity | doko: Once the transition is complete, it should just be removed. | 19:12 |
infinity | doko: | 19:12 |
ubottu | Debian bug 913353 in "RM: postgresql-10 -- ROM; superseded by postgresql-11" [Normal,Open] | 19:12 |
infinity | doko: Unfortunately, entangling psql and icu might make that fiddly. | 19:13 |
seb128 | bdmurray, thanks for fixing update-notifier, we (desktop) were looking at that earlier since we did the previous update that was blocked in proposed and we were about to upload ... do you prefer your solution? L_aney also pointed out that update-manager went for ignore W503 and that it would be good to be using a consistent style between those projects | 20:17 |
bdmurray | seb128: I don't really have a preference and being consistent would be sensible. | 20:22 |
seb128 | bdmurray, you are ok if I do the change from the pastebin then? | 20:32 |
bdmurray | seb128: Yeah, that's fine by me. Maybe sending an email about 503 vs 504 would be good too. | 20:38 |
seb128 | bdmurray, where do you suggest sending it? | 20:44 |
bdmurray | seb128: ubuntu-devel? | 20:45 |
seb128 | just to ask if as a project we have an opinion/preference? | 20:46 |
bdmurray | If the goal is consistency then saying this one is preferred | 20:47 |
seb128 | k | 20:49 |
wxl | doko: do you have any idea why calamares would be looking for a liboost-python tied to python 3.6? | 21:03 |
wxl | (i ask you because you recently did a no change rebuilt of calamares, assumedly for that reason) | 21:03 |
wxl | fwiw this is true also with the version in proposed, though i had no hope of that fixing things | 21:09 |
mwhudson | wxl: i don't know about this package at all but a lot of packages have bad code to find the libboost_python soname :( | 21:21 |
wxl | mwhudson: well it's been working. fwiw | 21:22 |
wxl | searching that for libboost i only return a cmake module which is i doubt what we're looking for | 21:23 |
wxl | yeah the naming stucture of the soname at least hasn't changed since cosmic.. this couldn't in some way be a result of merged-usr could it? | 21:29 |
wxl | doesn't seem like it would... | 21:30 |
wxl | and i DO have this does indeed suggest something amiss with calamares...... but then we did a no change rebuild already so color me confused | 21:32 |
tsimonq2 | wxl: Try grabbing these packages locally real quick: | 22:08 |
tsimonq2 | It could very well be an outdated boost1.67. | 22:08 |
wxl | @tsimonq2: even though the same version's in proposed which i pulled down? | 22:29 |
udevbot | Error: "tsimonq2:" is not a valid command. | 22:29 |
tsimonq2 | @@@@@@@wxl: Oh really? | 22:31 |
udevbot | Error: "@@@@@@wxl:" is not a valid command. | 22:31 |
* tsimonq2 runs | 22:31 |
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