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vlouvetI have a 'headless' ubuntu 18.10 server in my homelab that I am trying to install kvm+qemu on00:49
vlouvetIs it possible to install, for example, centOS server, ubuntu server 18.04, etc. on this host?00:50
Sven_vBvlouvet, should be, but qemu probably is one of the rather slow approaches.00:52
vlouvetI'm just starting on the whole virtualization journey under Linux... what are the other options to use Linux as a 'headless' vm host?00:53
Sven_vBdepending on your use case, a container like docker might be enough00:55
vlouvetSven_vB: of the open source options which would *you* recommend for speed?00:56
vlouvetunderstood, thanks!00:57
Sven_vByou're welcome. :)00:58
GoopHow long should it take to install Mycroft on Ubuntu LTS 16.01:06
Goop16.04, sorry. Did not finish that.01:06
OerHekssudo snap install mycroft i think https://snapcraft.io/mycroft01:07
pragmaticenigmaOerHeks: I don't think they were looking on where to install from... as "install duration"01:09
OerHeksoh, i was including the search for the package01:10
pragmaticenigmaGoop: Can you be more specific about what or why you are asking?01:10
OerHekswell, depends on networkspeed, and relativity of time01:10
GoopSo I have never installed Mycroft before, and it is taking unusually long for a piece of software that the CEO advertises can run everywhere.01:12
GoopI'm struggling with installing Mycroft.01:13
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naccGoop: how are you installing it?01:41
qwebirc7745How does this work?02:03
qwebirc7745do I just ask questions?02:04
Bashing-omqwebirc7745: Ask a ubuntu support question02:06
qwebirc7745I just upgraded to 18.04 and I'm trying to install hugin from ppa:hugin/hugin-builds. During installation, the system reports that: E: Unable to locate package panini02:09
Bashing-omqwebirc7745: That then is an issue to take up with the PPA aintainer . We have no control over a PPA02:12
Bashing-om!ppa | qwebirc774502:13
ubottuqwebirc7745: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge02:13
OerHeksno cosmic packages https://launchpad.net/~hugin/+archive/ubuntu/hugin-builds02:14
rfmqwebirc7745, and looking at https://launchpad.net/~hugin/+archive/ubuntu/hugin-builds i don't see 'bionic' (18.04) listed as one of the published packages... definitely need to check with the PPA maintainer.02:14
OerHeksnone of his ppa's are updated https://launchpad.net/~hugin02:15
vlouvetvirt-install seems to have no install candidate on my ubuntu 18.10 server.. any ideas why?02:16
Ben65Hey, I'm trying to set up the most basic ftp server in the world. I need to allow uploads to one directory, that's it. what is the easiest way to accomplish this02:17
OerHeks!info virtinst 18.1002:18
ubottu'18.10' is not a valid distribution: artful, artful-backports, artful-proposed, bionic, bionic-backports, bionic-proposed, cosmic, cosmic-backports, cosmic-proposed, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, partner, precise, precise-backports, precise-proposed, stable, testing, trusty, trusty-backports, trusty-proposed, unstable, utopic, utopic-backports, utopic-proposed, vivid, vivid-backports, vivid-proposed, wily, wily-backports, wily-02:18
OerHeks!info virtinst cosmic02:18
Ben65vsftpd has given me nothing but problems, so I purged it. I know there are basic http servers, i need something like that for ftp02:18
ubottuvirtinst (source: virt-manager): Programs to create and clone virtual machines. In component universe, is extra. Version 1:1.5.1-0ubuntu2 (cosmic), package size 173 kB, installed size 826 kB02:18
pragmatic_enigmaBen65: FTP is not recommended as the protocol is insecure... you should consider SFTP which is already avaialble if you have openSSH installed (meaning you can SSH to the remote system)02:18
Ben65pragmatic_enigma: trust me dude i know02:19
Ben65pragmatic_enigma: but these cameras don't have an option for anything but ftp, so i don't have an option02:19
pragmatic_enigmaBen65: The #ubuntu-server channel may have better support in helping getting vsftp or another suggestion up and running02:20
Ben65That channel is usually dead02:20
SteristI'm on the latest LTS and the volume buttons on the keyboard have "mysteriously" stopped working -- they did used to work, the brightness keys still work, and there is no proprietary drivers in use (or available), anyone have an idea what's going on?02:21
qwebirc7745thanks Bashing-om I tried to contact the PPA maintainer through Launchpad but Canonical currently has problems with their Ubuntu One account system which prevents me from logging in to Launchpad and signaling the problem.02:22
vlouvetOerHeks: I found that my ubuntu install didn't have 'Universe' in the apt sources02:22
vlouvetI want a 'headless' virtualmachine host... installing virtinst package appears to pull in x11 and a bunch of other things....02:23
Bashing-omqwebirc7745: They be working on it at this time . try again later .02:23
joeb3_Sterist, settings - sound.  Make sure the right output device is selected.02:23
OerHekssudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu $(lsb_release -sc) universe"02:24
qwebirc7745Bashing-om: thanks, it's been a few days actually...02:25
Steristthere is only "Speakers" and "Headphones (Unplugged)" and yes, speakers is selected02:25
OerHeksor sudo add-apt-repository universe, as of 12.0402:25
vlouvetoh, I installed the source, and went ahead with the install of virtinst02:26
qwebirc7745Did anybody find a solution to the display scaling problem in 18.04, currently limited to 200% etc, instead of the fractional options in 16.0402:26
vlouvetbut WTF, why do I need to install iconthemes just to run a vm hypervisor cli? seems overkill02:27
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.02:27
pragmatic_enigma!info virtinst02:30
ubottuvirtinst (source: virt-manager): Programs to create and clone virtual machines. In component universe, is extra. Version 1:1.5.1-0ubuntu1.1 (bionic), package size 173 kB, installed size 826 kB02:30
pragmatic_enigmavlouvet: If I had to guess, the intention of the package is to be installed in a GUI environment. You might have to find out how to install it with a CLI only environment02:31
vlouvethrmm... well I couldn't find another 'CLI only' method to create KVM images in Ubuntu (virtinst) was referred to in the official documentation ... so I just went with that02:33
vlouvetthanks for the advise, it was very helpful!02:33
pragmatic_enigmavlouvet: virtinst lists virt-manager which is GUI... I'm not sure if there is a way to get only the virt-install that you might be seeking02:34
pragmatic_enigmavlouvet: honestly, you may need to consider a different toolkit to achieve your goal. everything about virtinst appears to be geared towards a GUI environmnet for managing virtual machines02:36
pi0i tried installing ubuntu on my laptop03:03
pi0but its in a constant loop03:03
pi0does 18.10 use uefi?03:03
dingir_how to see via ssh what commands are run at boot/login ?03:03
dingir_i have a script for noip2 hostname update, cant find it...03:04
dingir_where to look for it?03:04
fasslnot sure but i think you can choose?03:08
fasslif its systemd look into /etc/systemd/ and or /var/lib/systemd i think03:11
OerHeksyes, uefi is possible03:13
ubottuUEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI03:13
lordcirthpi0, what do you mean by a loop?03:13
pi0i downloaded 18.10, created a usb disk, during the install i requested to have all partitions removed (for fresh install) and selected encrrpyt the new ubuntu installation for security03:15
pi0use lvm with the new ubuntu installation was automatically selected03:15
pi0everything during the install went fine03:15
pi0now i cannot boot into the OS and its an endless loop03:15
dingir_how can i see what commands are run at startup?03:17
lordcirthpi0, so when you boot the computer, how far does it get before rebooting?03:17
dingir_i added a program via the gui to start a program03:17
dingir_i want to see what that command was...03:17
pi0from start up, it appears to be 3 lines of something are displayed for what seems to be 1 tenth of a second03:18
pi0not enough time to read the message03:18
lordcirthdingir_, go back to where you set it and look?03:18
lordcirthOr did you add a program from a list, rather than specifying a command?03:18
dingir_im not home ;[03:18
dingir_nah probably added it manually via the gui03:19
dingir_been a long time... only can ssh the box atm03:19
lordcirthAh I see03:19
dingir_dont know if i can see what commands were added to the boot commands03:19
pi0lordcirth: is there an issue with install home encryption by default?03:20
fasslgrep /etc for the executable name03:21
lordcirthpi0, home encryption or full disk encryption?  Still, there shouldn't be a problem with either, no.03:21
dingir_its noip203:21
pi0can it performed after the default install?03:21
lordcirthpi0, perhaps you could try recording a video of the screen and freezeframing it?03:21
lordcirthpi0, anything can be done, but it'd be far easier to reinstall03:21
th_any way to check apts background downloading status?03:22
pi0via laptop it would be a little hard03:22
lordcirthth_, tail -f /var/log/apt/*.log03:22
pi0going to try something, installing it again this time w/o encrpytion03:22
lordcirthpi0, worth a try03:22
pi0its an older laptop but has enough juice to make the installs like than a few minutes03:23
pi0like = less03:23
th_lordcirth: ya thats showing logs from a week ago, i usually use apt-get but today i did regular apt command and now its downloading bunch of stuff in the background and i cant run any more apt commands until that finishes03:24
pi0but lordcirth i did have a question regarding 2FA03:24
pi0i have a yubico key that i wanted to use03:24
pi0so it will not log into the system if key is not present03:25
pi0does that seem possible?03:25
pi0which browsers do you use firefox or chromium?03:25
lordcirthpi0, for physical access or ssh?03:26
pi0physical access03:26
lordcirthcertainly possible, however, if you are going to that extent, you ought to be using full disk encryption, and you could instead put the bootloader, /boot, and a keyfile on a USB.03:26
th_lordcirth: well it just finished background downloading, its just annoying not knowing whats going on with apt03:26
lordcirthth_, well, now you can install nethogs, which will let you at least see how fast its downloading.  Handy tool in general.03:27
pi0hmm still endless loop03:27
th_"apt update" seemed to trigger the background updates, "apt-get update" does not03:28
lordcirthpi0, you could try changing the EFI settings to boot in Legacy mode, and installing that way?03:28
pi0let me do that03:28
pi0one sec03:28
pi0and i will try encryption03:30
surgyim trying to install the package colmap03:49
surgywhen i open the application "software" it is in the list but does not respond to me clicking " install". when i apt-cache search colmap there is nothing03:50
surgyif someone could help it would be greatly appreciated03:50
surgywhen i open the application "software" it is in the list but does not respond to me clicking " install". when i apt-cache search colmap there is nothing03:51
pi0lordcirth: legacy was the trick!03:57
pi0and encryption worked too03:57
lordcirthpi0, great04:00
lordcirthpi0, are you interested in requiring a key on a USB to boot?04:00
pi0yes yubico04:01
lordcirthpi0, looks like it's possible: https://www.howtoforge.com/ubuntu-two-factor-authentication-with-yubikey-for-harddisk-encryption-with-luks04:03
lordcirthHowever, a split boot on a normal USB does have the advantage of making an evil maid attack a bit harder.04:03
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Bashing-om!info colmap bionic04:09
ubottucolmap (source: colmap): Structure-from-Motion and Multi-View Stereo. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.4-1 (bionic), package size 2496 kB, installed size 9659 kB04:09
pi0let me take a look04:09
pi0evil maid attack?04:09
Bashing-omsurgy: ^^ in the universe repository. Do you have that repo enabled ?04:10
pi0do you have a link for a POC?04:10
gambl0r3does kde plasma support fractional scanning?04:10
surgywhen i open the application "software" it is in the list but does not respond to me clicking " install". when i apt-cache search colmap there is nothing04:11
lordcirthpi0, evil maid is when they get physical access, replace the unencrypted kernel with one that logs your password, and come back later.  Or similar.04:11
surgyim trying to install the package colmap04:11
surgywhen i open the application "software" it is in the list but does not respond to me clicking " install". when i apt-cache search colmap there is nothing04:11
lordcirthsurgy, 18.04?04:11
Bashing-omsurgy: And I say again " Do you have the universe repo enabled ?" .04:12
surgylordcirth: i think so how do i check?04:12
surgyBashing-om: yes04:12
lordcirthsurgy, cat /etc/lsb-release04:12
lordcirth!info colmap xenial04:13
ubottuPackage colmap does not exist in xenial04:13
surgylordcirth: so i need to upgrade my distro?04:14
lordcirthProbably the best way.  You'd want to at some point anyway04:14
surgylordcirth: is that sudo apt-get distupgrade ?04:15
lordcirthsurgy, no, that will upgrade you to 16.04.5, but you'll want to do that first04:15
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade04:15
surgylordcirth: what is the codename for 18.04 ?04:16
yu99iebionic beaver04:18
yu99ie18.10 is cosmic cuddlefish correct?04:18
Bashing-omyu99ie: Correct 18.10 == cosmic .04:19
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Tecanif i wanted to update the arduino package for ubuntu 18.04 how hard would it be ?05:43
Tecan1.0.5 is very old05:43
lotuspsychje!latest | Tecan05:53
ubottuTecan: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.05:53
lotuspsychjeTecan: see also !backports and there is an arduino snap also05:54
Kaidok5797If anyone remembers me from last night... I have good news and bad news... good news is the install completed and I can still boot into windows just fine. The bad news is Ubuntu has installed but I have no way to boot in to it because I did the boot loader part wrong...05:55
Kaidok5797So now I’m kinda at a loss05:57
lotuspsychje!recovergrub| Kaidok579705:57
ubottuKaidok5797: Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub05:57
Kaidok5797Ooooo perfect! Thank you ubottu! You guys are awesome in here05:58
destinydrivenHey guys I'm not sure what I did but I ended up having php cli version on 7.3 whereas most other modules are on 7.2.12 and now some of my php related cron jobs stopped working06:03
lotuspsychjedestinydriven: wich ubuntu version are you on?06:05
lotuspsychjedestinydriven: you have errors on apt?06:06
destinydrivenI don't06:06
lotuspsychjedestinydriven: and wich way did you install other versions?06:06
destinydrivenEverything via apt06:06
destinydrivenYes ppa06:06
destinydrivenlet me get the exact ppa06:07
lotuspsychjedestinydriven: we reccomend to ppapurge external ppa's back to vanilla first, to make your system clean again06:07
lotuspsychje!ppapurge | destinydriven06:07
ubottudestinydriven: To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html06:07
destinydrivenlotuspsychje, ok I will try this06:07
lotuspsychjedestinydriven: once your external ppa's are cleared, your system should become normal again with the correct package versions06:08
destinydrivenOk great06:08
lotuspsychjedestinydriven: after the ppapurge, sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade06:08
Kaidok5797So this is literally reinstalled Ubuntu all over again..06:09
destinydrivenlotuspsychje, noted06:09
Kaidok5797Or at least its reinstalling the base system again... We will see if it makes me reinstall the whole thing06:11
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lotuspsychje!dualboot | Kaidok5797 start here06:18
ubottuKaidok5797 start here: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot06:18
Kaidok5797ok so back to the installing grub part Ubottu I’m on a screen where it shows all my installed operating systems... it lists windows vista (I’m using windows 10 so I dunno where that came from) three times. I’m assuming those are the three other partitions that are pre-installed on my system. It says if that list is correct its ok to install the boot loader to the master boot record of my first har06:18
Kaidok5797d drive.......06:18
Kaidok5797so should I go ahead and installed the grub boot loader to the master boot record even though it says windows vista and I’m really using windows 10?06:19
Kaidok5797Hmmm that page doesn’t really answer my question though06:22
Kaidok5797oh well I’m gonna say yes to this question and see what happens06:22
Obscenityyou can rename the menus anyways06:23
Kaidok5797ok ok good lol because thats what I did06:23
Kaidok5797Ok gotcha06:23
destinydrivenlotuspsychje, what about doing something like sudo update-alternatives --set php /usr/bin/php7.2   I tested that in a virtual machine and it seems to have fixed the issue for me06:23
Kaidok5797Beautiful! Boot loader came up and let me choose to boot into Ubuntu... now to see if it actually DOES06:24
Kaidok5797Hmmm It appears to not be working. I have just a black scree.06:25
Kaidok5797Actually the monitor appears to have turned off06:25
Kaidok5797Should I be seeing some signs of life at this point or is this normal upon first boot?06:27
Kaidok5797Well I think she’s dead Jim.06:28
lotuspsychjedestinydriven: if apt doesnt complain, your good to go06:29
destinydrivenOk great. I will still try using pap-purge (I'm just having trouble specifying the correct ppa)06:30
Kaidok5797This....is not good06:30
destinydrivenlotuspsychje, I tried this:   sudo ppa-purge ppa:ondrej-ubuntu-php-xenial/php7.306:31
destinydrivenCould not find package list for PPA: ondrej-ubuntu-php-xenial php7.306:31
lotuspsychjedestinydriven: check your sources.list to see whats all in the list06:32
lotuspsychje!sources | destinydriven06:32
ubottudestinydriven: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories.06:32
Kaidok5797So I can get to a grub command line06:32
destinydrivenlotuspsychje, It's not in sources.list.   It's in a file called ondrej-ubuntu-php-xenial.list in /etc/apt/sources.list.d06:34
lotuspsychjedestinydriven: you need to find the right ppa format again you added in the first place06:35
destinydrivenlotuspsychje, yeah that's the problem. What I mentioned above is the only one I see06:36
destinydrivenCan I just comment out the contents of this file ?06:36
lotuspsychjedestinydriven: this one? https://launchpad.net/~ondrej/+archive/ubuntu/php06:36
destinydrivenAhh do I don't need to specify the php version06:37
Kaidok5797Yea I am at a loss from here06:37
lotuspsychjeKaidok5797: the more info you provude to channel, the better volunteers can help you06:39
destinydrivenBut I only wanted to get rid of php7.306:39
lotuspsychjeKaidok5797: how did you install dualboot? how did you partition? wich ubuntu version? uefi settings right?06:39
Kaidok5797ok... I’m working on gathering info..06:40
Kaidok5797So when it tries to boot into Ubuntu.... I get a black screen06:40
lotuspsychjedestinydriven: sorry mate, we cant support external ppa's here i can only reccomend the official way= purge ppa's and all its related packages06:40
Kaidok5797Computer is still turned ON but the screen is blank as if the monitor is turned off (no backlight)06:40
Kaidok5797I was able to use the CD to boot into a grub command line but since I don’t know any of this yet that was un-useful to me06:41
Kaidok5797Now I’m back into go through the install process with detecting keyboard layout06:41
Kaidok5797Yea... so now it appears to be trying to install again... even though i never told it to do that.06:42
lotuspsychjeKaidok5797: please dont post every step you doing here, try to focus on the actual problems you cant bypass06:43
Kaidok5797I mean.. thats what I started with when you told me to post more info06:43
Kaidok5797It won’t boot. Black screen06:43
destinydrivenlotuspsychje, thanks, understood.  Does it equate to the same thing if I just try to use sudo apt remove php7.3-cli php7.3-common php7.3-readline etc?06:43
lotuspsychjedestinydriven: im not sure wich php versions are all on thet ppa, but i would reccomend the whole ppa purge06:44
lotuspsychjedestinydriven: once your system is clear to vanilla, you can work your way to official packages again06:45
destinydrivenlotuspsychje, ok thanks again for all the help06:47
lotuspsychjedestinydriven: no problem, hope it helps and feel free to hare your next steps06:47
destinydrivenI'm just making note of all the php modules I already had installed06:47
lotuspsychjeKaidok5797: did you carefull read that !dualboot tutorial?06:49
Kaidok5797Yes. Thats actually what I went through last night to get to this point06:49
Kaidok5797I just don’t think this is going to work with my machine.06:52
lotuspsychjeKaidok5797: make your life easy and install ubuntu singleboot?06:56
Kaidok5797I wish that were a viable option06:56
Kaidok5797I guess ubuntu just isn’t going to work for me.06:57
Kaidok5797To much weirdness with my system06:57
Kaidok5797I think had I been able to set that partition as primary and not logical so I could set the flag to bootable it would have worked.06:58
elias_aKaidok5797: What does your pc do when you try to boot it to Ubuntu?06:58
Kaidok5797Black screen like the monitor turns off. Computer is still on though just no backlight at all.06:58
elias_aKaidok5797: Any HDD activity seen on the HDD LED?06:59
elias_aWhat is the hardware like?06:59
Kaidok5797Its a mess lol. Its old hardware. An old HP all in one machine.07:00
Kaidok5797windows 10 (came with windows 7) AMD chipset07:00
Kaidok57972ghz processor.07:00
ledeniKaidok5797: video card?07:00
elias_aAre you sure the CPU should be able to boot with current kernel(s)?07:01
Kaidok5797No, I’m not sure lol07:01
Kaidok5797booting back into windows.. then I’ll get you what kind of video card it has07:02
elias_aKaidok5797: Can you set it to boot from USB? Make a bootable USB live stick and test with it?07:02
Kaidok5797I’m using a CD... and I tried that. I was able to get to the grub command line but I know nothing about Linux command lines yet because this is all new to me.07:03
Kaidok5797Ok graphics card is AMD Radeon HD 632007:03
Kaidok5797Interesting... I was reading a thing about getting the black screen and the first step was when you get to the black screen to hit Ctrl +Alt +F107:07
Kaidok5797When I did that it now says (text. Only) Untuntu 16.04 LTS ubuntu tty1 and it asks for login07:08
Kaidok5797I tried the user account I made during set up but it won’t take it07:08
Kaidok5797EriC^^ !!!!!07:11
EriC^^hello Kaidok579707:11
Kaidok5797So I’m having issues lol. But since you know where I came from in this, maybe you can help?07:11
EriC^^what issues?07:11
Kaidok5797Well when I try to boot into ubuntu, i get a black screen...07:12
Kaidok5797But remember I was unable to set the boot flag to on07:12
EriC^^are you getting the grub screen?07:12
Kaidok5797I believe so07:12
EriC^^try adding nomodeset to the ubuntu entry07:13
EriC^^do you know how?07:13
Kaidok5797No idea07:13
EriC^^Kaidok5797: press "e" over ubuntu > go to the line that says linux /boot/vmlinuz .....quiet splash07:13
EriC^^and remove quiet splash and replace it with nomodeset then press F1007:13
Kaidok5797Ok lets give this a try07:14
Kaidok5797ok done. So now I still get a black screen, but at least the backlight is on07:15
EriC^^try pressing ctrl+alt+f207:16
Kaidok5797ubuntu tty207:16
Kaidok5797Asks for login07:16
Kaidok5797The account i created upon installation does not work however07:16
sam_wongI just want to know if installation of additional desktop (e.g.KDE) will make the system unstable?07:19
EriC^^Kaidok5797: are you sure caps-lock isn't on etc?07:20
sam_wongthe message I posted dimmed compared with other. Am I connected?07:21
Kaidok5797Yes, just double checked07:21
EriC^^sam_wong: yeah, we can see your messages07:21
EriC^^Kaidok5797: ok, go to advanced in grub then recovery07:22
EriC^^sam_wong: to answer your question, i dont think it would become unstable, but sometimes messages like the notification system and stuff can get 'mix-and-matchy'07:22
EriC^^and possibly other stuff, like kde style notifications on your other DE appearing etc07:23
Kaidok5797Eric^ I can press enter for maintenance or control D. To continue. It also says ERROR* No UMS support in Radeon module!07:23
sam_wongwill it crash the kernel in the most severe case?07:24
EriC^^sam_wong: i dont think so07:24
EriC^^Kaidok5797: press enter for maintenance07:24
Kaidok5797Ok I get a root@ubuntu:~# command line07:25
EriC^^Kaidok5797: type "mount -o remount,rw /"07:25
Kaidok5797Still at the command line07:26
EriC^^Kaidok5797: type "passwd <your username>"07:26
Kaidok5797User <myusername> does not exist07:27
EriC^^type "ls /home" do you see anything?07:27
Kaidok5797Bash: is : command not found07:27
EriC^^it's an L07:27
Kaidok5797In blue letters my username appears07:28
EriC^^hmm ok07:28
EriC^^what about "grep 1000 /etc/passwd"07:28
Kaidok5797Just gives me another command line07:29
EriC^^Kaidok5797: type "cat /etc/passwd" what's the last line, do you see your username?07:29
EriC^^any 1000+ entries?07:30
Kaidok5797Doesn’t appear so07:30
EriC^^ok, type "adduser <some username>"07:31
Kaidok5797Last line is _apt:x:105:65534::/nonexistent:/bin/false07:31
Kaidok5797Ok prompting for. New password... entering07:31
Kaidok5797It DOES say though, before I continue “the home directory “/home/<myusername> already exists07:32
Kaidok5797Password updated successfully  Changing the user info for <myusername> enter new value or press enter for default07:33
EriC^^put the name you want, leave the rest blank07:33
Kaidok5797Ok back to root@unbuntu command line07:33
EriC^^ok, type "ubuntu-drivers devices"07:34
Kaidok5797Bash: ubuntu-drivers: command not found07:34
EriC^^ok, type "reboot"07:35
EriC^^then do the same nomodeset edit and try to login to tty207:35
Kaidok5797Ok I logged in now07:37
Kaidok5797At a command line with my user name07:37
EriC^^Kaidok5797: do you have internet on it?07:38
EriC^^try "ping -c1 google.com"07:38
andrewrsHey, I have a gigabyte brix pro gb-bxi7-4770r with a RTL8821AE wifi card. Running 18.10. Followed the guide on https://medium.com/@elmaxx/rtl8821ae-wifi-drivers-in-ubuntu-16-04-4c1286524afa, used the crap out of the forums, on WICD, wifi still slow as crap. What should I try next?07:39
Kaidok5797Yes I to07:39
EriC^^Kaidok5797: type "lshw -c video | nc termbin.com 9999"07:39
Kaidok5797No packet loss07:39
Kaidok5797Bash: lshw: command not found07:40
Kaidok5797Is that an L or an I07:41
EriC^^an l07:44
EriC^^Kaidok5797: an L07:44
Kaidok5797Ok I used an L07:44
Kaidok5797Command not found07:44
EriC^^you seem to be missing a lot of packages for some reason07:44
Kaidok5797Remember I used the mini.iso install07:45
EriC^^Kaidok5797: hmm07:45
Kaidok5797Can’t I install needed packages from the command line?07:46
Kaidok5797Like the sudo apt get whatever thingy? Lol07:47
EriC^^Kaidok5797: ok, try pressing ctrl+alt+f7 or f1 to see if you get any gdm login screen, if you dont, then go back to the tty2 and press ctrl+alt+del to reboot and go into recovery mode, we forgot to give the user sudo privileges07:47
Kaidok5797Ok ctrl alt f7 displayed a list of stuff..  with the word OK next tot hem07:48
EriC^^ok, that's the boot log i guess07:48
Kaidok5797To them. Now its just sitting there no command prompt07:49
Kaidok5797Try F1 instead?07:49
Kaidok5797Ok back to the tty2 login screen07:49
Kaidok5797Going to go into recovery mode07:49
Kaidok5797Ok back in recovery mode07:50
EriC^^type "mount -o remount,rw /"07:50
Kaidok5797Still displaying the no UMS support error too btw07:51
EriC^^that's np07:51
Kaidok5797Ok cool07:51
Kaidok5797Ok new command line07:51
EriC^^type 'adduser <your username> sudo'07:52
EriC^^reboot and as before07:53
Kaidok5797Change the nomodeset thing again?07:53
Kaidok5797What was the key combo after changing to nomodeset? I lost my history07:55
Kaidok5797Right I mean after F1007:55
Kaidok5797I get black screen07:55
Kaidok5797Thats it... thanks. Sorry about that07:55
Kaidok5797Ok I’m logged in now07:56
EriC^^ok, type sudo apt-get install lshw pciutils usbutils07:57
Kaidok5797Ok its done and set up it says07:58
EriC^^try 'lshw -c video | nc termbin.com 9999'07:58
Kaidok5797Warning: You should run this program as a super-suer07:59
Kaidok5797Warning output may be incomplete or inaccurate, you should run this program as a super user http:termbin.com/d1wt07:59
Kaidok5797And thats it, back to command line07:59
Kaidok5797No prompt to go ahead07:59
Kaidok5797Just a command line08:00
EriC^^Kaidok5797: type sudo apt-get install ubuntu-drivers-common08:00
Kaidok5797Ok its downloading and installing..08:01
EriC^^Kaidok5797: type sudo ubuntu-drivers devices | nc termbin.com 999908:01
andrewrsCan anyone help me with a realtek wifi issue?08:02
Kaidok5797Doing its thing... in the background I suppose, no output yet.08:02
Kaidok5797Ok command line again08:02
EriC^^any link?08:02
Kaidok5797No output08:02
EriC^^try sudo ubuntu-drivers devices08:02
EriC^^does it list any recommended drivers08:03
Kaidok5797Working in the background again08:03
Kaidok5797And command line, no output08:03
EriC^^Kaidok5797: ok, try 'dpkg -l | grep amdgpu | nc termbin.com 9999'08:03
Kaidok5797Ok how do I type that character after the first -?08:04
EriC^^it's a small L08:04
Kaidok5797Ohhh gotcha08:04
EriC^^oh you mean the | pipe08:04
Kaidok5797No no I have that08:05
Kaidok5797I was talking about the L lol08:05
Kaidok5797Typing that in just takes me to a new command line, no output08:06
EriC^^is xterm installed? try 'dpkg -l xterm'08:07
Kaidok5797That seems to be par for the course on my machine lol08:07
EriC^^does it say "ii" at the start?08:07
EriC^^yeah at least it's consistent :D08:07
EriC^^ok, type 'sudo apt-get install xterm'08:07
Kaidok5797Ok done installed08:09
EriC^^Kaidok5797: ok, try "DISPLAY=:1 startx xterm"08:09
EriC^^that's a one after the :08:09
Kaidok5797Startx command not found08:09
EriC^^oh for heaven's sake :D08:10
EriC^^which DE did you install during the mini iso install?08:10
Kaidok5797which distro?08:10
EriC^^yeah like gnome ubuntu lxde etc08:10
EriC^^the desktop environment08:10
EriC^^ok, try sudo apt-get install --reinstall ubuntu-gnome-desktop08:11
Kaidok5797Unable to locate package ubuntu-gnome-desktop08:12
EriC^^are you sure it's 16 not 18?08:12
EriC^^try 'cat /etc/issue'08:12
Kaidok5797Ubuntu 16.04 LTS \n \l08:13
EriC^^!info ubuntu-gnome-desktop xenial08:13
ubottuubuntu-gnome-desktop (source: ubuntu-gnome-meta): The Ubuntu GNOME metapackage. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.58.3 (xenial), package size 3 kB, installed size 11 kB (Only available for i386; amd64; powerpc; armhf; arm64; ppc64el)08:13
EriC^^Kaidok5797: type 'sudo add-apt-repository universe && sudo apt-get update'08:13
Kaidok5797Add-apt-repository command not found08:14
EriC^^haha :D08:14
Kaidok5797It took like 2 hours to install... you would think all this would be installed already08:15
EriC^^Kaidok5797: type 'sudo apt-get install software-properties-common'08:15
EriC^^Kaidok5797: side note, why did you use the mini.iso instead of a full iso?08:16
EriC^^ah the cdrom08:16
Kaidok5797Because I only had one blank cd with only 700MB space total on it08:16
Kaidok5797Lol yea08:16
Kaidok5797Probably should have waited and just bought a USB stick08:17
EriC^^i'd get a usb08:17
EriC^^the reason being cause sometimes you'll need a live usb to troubleshoot stuff or fix stuff, it's handy to have08:17
Kaidok5797Gotcha ok08:18
Kaidok5797Ok done downloading and installing08:18
EriC^^the mini iso might give a live environment, ive never really installed using it so im just guessing08:19
Kaidok5797It doesn’t have that option when you boot with the mini.iso08:19
EriC^^ah i see08:19
Kaidok5797Should I try the add-apt-repository line again?08:20
EriC^^ok, type 'sudo add-apt-repository universe && sudo apt-get update'08:20
Kaidok5797Ok its working this time lol08:21
Kaidok5797Ok done08:21
EriC^^ok, type sudo apt-get install ubuntu-gnome-desktop08:21
Kaidok5797Its doing its thing08:22
EriC^^sounds good08:22
elias_aStanding ovation from Finland!08:22
Kaidok5797Yes lol08:23
Kaidok5797Standing ovation from Indiana, USA too lol08:23
Kaidok5797So are we basically reinstalling this.. manually? Is this what a manual install looks like?08:24
Kaidok5797This is way more interesting to look at and watch than graphical install screens lol08:25
e_motionWhoop! Greetings from Germany!08:26
Kaidok5797Ooooo yay Germany!08:26
Kaidok5797I took a German in high school. German heritage here.08:26
Kaidok5797Took German, not A German lol08:27
cm13g09So - I've just spent 30 mins tracking down what I thought was a keepalived bug - and turns out it very much isn't.  Seems to be a combination of netplan and systemd, because Debian boxes with systemd have no problem.08:27
e_motion@Kai, neat. :) Just thought about canibalism x)08:28
cm13g09Essentially, the virtual IPs evaporate off the interface because, seemingly, systemd-networkd gets reloaded somewhere underneath keepalived08:28
cm13g09Yeah... once a week systemd-networkd gets reloaded...08:29
e_motionon purpose? (sorry, wasnt following through. Fighting with an NginX right now :x)08:31
Kaidok5797E-motion it is on my bucket list to visit Germany some day. Incredibly amazing country and people.08:31
cm13g09e_motion: was that aimed at me08:31
e_motionNice. :) Make sure to visit some of the bigger city's like Berlin. :)08:32
Kaidok5797Ut oh EriC^^ black screen again08:33
Kaidok5797Oh for sure!08:33
e_motion@cm13g09 uh, ok. Didn't got that x)08:33
EriC^^Kaidok5797: does ctrl+alt+f2 give a tty?08:33
* cm13g09 is now confused - time for breakfast!08:33
Kaidok5797Oh wait08:33
Kaidok5797when I hit ctrl screen came back to life08:33
elias_aBerlin is extremely lovable and interesting. Sorry for offtopic. :P08:34
Kaidok5797Its still installing. I guess Linux version of the screen going to sleep08:34
EriC^^Kaidok5797: yeah08:34
Kaidok5797Yea thats my fault for starting the off topic... but Germany makes me excited lol08:34
Kaidok5797My fav country other than my own.08:34
e_motionWhere u from, btw?08:35
Kaidok5797Indiana, US08:35
e_motionah, nice. I want to visit US at some point. :)08:35
Kaidok5797There is a lot to visit here, lol. I wouldn’t even know where to begin to recommend lol.08:35
e_motionhaha, i guess so :D08:36
Kaidok5797My brother lived in Germany for a few years ( he was in the U.S. Army) absolutely loved it. I was so jealous lol. He brought back a lot of cool German stuff though... especially food.. ohhh the food.08:37
EriC^^i wonder what high speed car chases are like there on the autobahn08:38
Kaidok5797Hahahaha no kidding08:38
EriC^^what are the cop cars there? carrera gt's or something?08:38
elias_aEriC^^: There are not that much chases. Why would there be?08:41
EriC^^i mean when a chase does happen, it'd be pretty interesting cause the roads are made for no top speed08:42
Kaidok5797German cars are a feat of engineering themselves too.08:43
Kaidok5797Not exactly “slow” lol08:43
elias_aEriC^^: My impression is that the number of high speed chases is relatively low and they usually use a chopper to monitor the vehicle being chased.08:44
Kaidok5797That makes sense08:45
EriC^^yeah it'd still be interesting, some guy with a bugatti veyron, open autobahn at 3am08:47
EriC^^i think the bugatti has a higher topspeed than what a chopper can do anyways08:47
EriC^^it'd be an interesting chase in any case :D08:48
elias_aOnly stupid people would drive 200 km/h + at 3am in darkness...08:48
EriC^^yeah well it'd kinda relative08:49
EriC^^i remember watching some series of this guy who had cops chase him in stockholm forever on a bike, 300km/h in day time traffic08:51
EriC^^the guy was pretty nuts08:51
EriC^^of course he was popping wheelies too at 300 in his hayabusa08:51
Kaidok5797On a BIKE?08:51
Kaidok5797Ohhh wow08:52
Kaidok5797Wow that guy is nuts lol08:54
Kaidok5797EriC^^ its done... back at the command line08:54
Kaidok5797Ctrl+alt+del and try to boot now?08:55
EriC^^Kaidok5797: ok, try sudo apt-get install gdm3   for good measure08:55
Kaidok5797Gotcha ok08:55
Kaidok5797Already newest version08:55
EriC^^ok also run    dpkg -l | grep -E "radeon|amdgpu"08:56
EriC^^does it mention xserver-xorg-video-amdgpu and the radeon package?08:56
Kaidok5797With quotes in that last command?08:56
Kaidok5797Yes it lists both of those08:57
EriC^^ok cool try restarting08:58
Kaidok5797Cross your fingers08:58
Kaidok5797Black screen08:59
Kaidok5797Oh wait08:59
Kaidok5797I cannot thank you enough!08:59
elias_aEriC^^: Of course there are bozos on german roads, too: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=puyd8XwPzl009:00
EriC^^Kaidok5797: no problem :)09:00
Kaidok5797Hmm its not letting me log in though lol09:00
Kaidok5797No error when I try09:00
Kaidok5797Just keeps me at the login screen. Shows my user though09:00
EriC^^Kaidok5797: try pressing "ctrl+alt+f1"09:01
Blexyhave you tried logging in the command line?09:01
Kaidok5797Ok got ubuntu tty1 login09:01
EriC^^login and type "cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | nc termbin.com 9999"09:01
Blexyoh, yeah, do what eric says xD09:01
Kaidok5797“No such file or directory09:02
EriC^^i feel like something got typo'd09:02
Kaidok5797I’ll retype09:02
EriC^^Xorg has to be capital X and then it's zero between the .09:03
Kaidok5797Space between 0.log and | ?09:03
Kaidok5797Yea still no such file or directory09:03
EriC^^Kaidok5797: ok, try "grep <your username> /etc/passwd"09:04
EriC^^what's the number there after the :09:04
Kaidok5797Its <username>:x:1000:1000:<MYNAME>09:04
EriC^^ok, just as a sanity check see if "stat ~/.Xauthority" gives you anything back09:05
EriC^^see if the uid is 1000 and what the permissions are if it does09:05
Kaidok5797Ok well is not letting me input ~09:06
EriC^^why not?09:06
Kaidok5797That key works though because I can input 109:06
Kaidok5797Beats me09:06
Kaidok5797When I try to type it, nothing appears09:06
EriC^^hmm, ok use "$HOME/.Xauthority" instead09:06
Kaidok5797Oh wait09:07
Kaidok5797Once I type the next letter the ~ appears09:07
Kaidok5797Is that normal?09:07
EriC^^not really09:07
ducasseit's a 'dead letter', type space after it09:07
rpifanim a dead letter09:08
Kaidok5797Cannot stat “ /home/<username>/.Xauthority” No such file or directory09:08
Kaidok5797Lol rpifan09:08
EriC^^Kaidok5797: try 'DISPLAY=:1 startx xterm" and see what it says09:09
Kaidok5797Its working in the background09:09
EriC^^is it logging anything?09:10
Kaidok5797Xauth: timeout in locking authority file /home/<username>/.Xauthority09:10
Kaidok5797(EE) fates server error:09:11
Kaidok5797Giving up, (lol) unable to connect to x server connection refused09:11
Kaidok5797Timed out.09:11
Kaidok5797Now command line09:11
EriC^^Kaidok5797: try typing "touch $HOME/.Xauthority"09:12
Kaidok5797There was other output mostly non useful it seems. one line states “ cannot open log file09:12
EriC^^that's interesting09:13
blackflowEriC^^: Kaidok5797:  non-root Xorg logs to ~/.local/share/xorg/Xorg.0.log   btw09:13
Kaidok5797Cannot touch /home/<username>/.xauthority Permission denied09:13
EriC^^Kaidok5797: try 'sudo chown $USER: -R $HOME"09:13
Kaidok5797Ok had me enter my password09:14
Kaidok5797No output just back to command line09:14
EriC^^press alt+f7 and try to login again09:14
Kaidok5797Nope, no go09:15
EriC^^ok, back to the tty09:15
EriC^^try DISPLAY=:1 startx xterm   again09:15
Kaidok5797Ok I’m back09:15
Kaidok5797Ok doing its thing without output yet09:16
Kaidok5797Timeout in locking authority file09:16
Kaidok5797Its still working09:17
EriC^^ok, seems like some permissions problem cause it can't even create the log file in the user dir09:17
EriC^^Kaidok5797: try as your user "rm $HOME/.Xauthority" again, then "touch $HOME/.Xauthority"09:17
Kaidok5797(EE). Cannot open log file /home/john/.local/share/sort/Xorg.1.log09:17
Kaidok5797Cannot remove /home/<username>/.Xauthority no such file or directory09:18
EriC^^ok try the touch command09:19
EriC^^be gentle ;)09:19
Kaidok5797Cannot touch, permission denied lol09:19
ducassewhat does 'ls -ld $HOME' return?09:19
Kaidok5797Dr-x——— 3 <username> <username> 4096 Nov 13 02:47 /home/<username>09:20
Kaidok5797Those are - - -  not a solid line09:20
EriC^^type "chmod 770 $HOME"09:21
mouseslol you don't have write access to your own home :)09:21
Kaidok5797Ok no output, new command line09:22
EriC^^press alt+f7 and try logging in again09:22
mousesbet it works this time :)09:22
Kaidok5797You guys are magic09:22
Kaidok5797Its so pretty09:22
mousesKaidok5797: How did you end up removing write access from your own home directory, is the question I am wondering09:22
Kaidok5797Beats the heck out of me lol09:23
Kaidok5797This is an absolutely beautiful and fluid user interface... wow09:23
Kaidok5797So where to begin? Is there a new to Ubuntu tutorial?09:23
mousesFor your educational experience, that ls -ld you did = the D shows it's a directory, the first 3 characters are user access (read write execute), the second 3 are group access (read write execute) and the last 3 are everyone else (read write execute) :)09:24
mousesso in your home, your home was only read/execute by you09:24
mousesthe - means no access09:24
Kaidok5797EriC^^, mouses, and ducasse I cannot thank you guys enough for all your help in the past 24hrs.  I got frustrated a couple of times but you guys didn’t let me give up.09:24
mousesKaidok5797: Give it three months and you'll be here in channel helping others :309:25
EriC^^Kaidok5797: good work, enjoy now :)09:25
Kaidok5797I hope your right09:25
mousesyou'll pick it up fast, it just makes sense09:25
mousesto be honest I think it's easier to learn how to run a ubuntu system than it is running a Windows system.09:25
mouses(assuming you want more than just push button get bacon)09:25
Kaidok5797I choose 16.04 because I didn’t think my system could handle the newest version.. but this is running a billion times faster and more responsive than windows 1009:25
Kaidok5797I do want more than that09:26
mousesKaidok5797: 16.04 is long term support and still a totally great choice :-)09:26
Kaidok5797Its so much faster wow09:26
EriC^^Kaidok5797: in the future, maybe get a 18.04 ubuntu iso (gnome is the default DE now) and install it from fresh09:27
mousesKaidok5797: hahah yeah, it's not a bloated mess :-)09:27
Kaidok5797Plus it still like looks amazing09:27
Kaidok5797Ok ok09:27
EriC^^the mini iso seems kinda broke assuming you didnt fiddle around a little and not tell us09:27
mousesIf you have not done much yet, I'd just go to 18.04 now09:27
Kaidok5797I haven’t done ANYTHING yet09:27
EriC^^yeah especially since you want gnome, im sticking with 16.04 myself cause i prefer unity09:28
Kaidok5797My only fear with 18.04 is that I just barely meet the processor requirements09:28
Kaidok5797So I fear it will be sluggish09:28
EriC^^hmm does it say on the site it needs more cpu power?09:28
Kaidok5797I don’t recall seeing on the site where it checks your hardware for you.09:29
EriC^^cause for me ubuntu 12.04 was way slower than 14.04, seems to keep getting quicker each lts09:29
Kaidok5797Gosh even surfing the web is faster09:29
tarzeauKaidok5797: with which browser?09:30
Kaidok5797Oh just Firefox... because its pre packaged09:30
Kaidok5797I prefer chrome09:30
Kaidok5797I’m assuming I can’t download chrome for ubuntu from their website..09:30
ducasseyou can09:31
Kaidok5797Oh wow09:31
tarzeaupreinstalled, prepackaged are also most other browsers09:31
ducasseas long as your system is 64-bit09:31
Kaidok5797It is09:31
Kaidok5797So is there a script or something that will check my hardware for 18.04?09:32
EriC^^i think you should be good, what i'd recommend is get a usb, make a 18.04 live usb and test it out and if you like it then install09:33
Kaidok5797Gotcha ok09:33
Kaidok5797Awww no mIRC for Linux09:34
rpifani use irrssi09:34
Blexy18.04 just needs a 2GHz dual core, do you really have less than that?09:34
Blexy+1 for irssi09:34
EriC^^Kaidok5797: hexchat is an alright gui irc client09:34
brondifkaidok57: did you update your system  already?09:35
Kaidok5797I’m JUST at 2Ghz dual core. Some hardware detectors actually detect my hardware at 1.68 GHz for some reason09:35
Blexyjep, irssi is a command line tool, bit difficult to handle for beginners09:35
Kaidok5797No, I haven’t updated09:35
brondifgood to do!09:35
BlexyKaidok5797: jep, first thing you should do after login is apt-get update && upgrade in tty09:36
Kaidok5797I’m still being blow away about how fluid, fast, and beautiful this is09:36
Kaidok5797From terminal correct?09:36
EriC^^* && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade09:36
Kaidok5797I can use the terminal within the desktop though correct?09:36
Blexydidn't he want to stay on 16.04 for now?09:37
EriC^^dist-upgrade just does a full upgrade (kernel and whatnot too)09:37
Kaidok5797So I get errors lol09:37
Kaidok5797Permissions issues again it looks09:37
Kaidok5797Hold on though let me get a IRC client installed first so I don’t need to use my ipad09:38
Blexyah, messed up dist-upgrade and plain upgrade again xD09:38
BlexyKaidok5797: you need to do "sudo apt-get ..." not just "apt-get ..."09:39
Kaidok5797Ohhh gotcha09:39
Kaidok5797Ok now it works09:40
Kaidok5797So when downloading software from a website.... do I want to download the flatpak, snap, or Source archive?09:42
Blexyoh, as far as i know, none of the above, you want to get stuff out of the repositories in the most cases... what do you want to install=09:44
Blexytype "sudo apt-get install hexchat" in terminal09:45
Kaidok5797Ok terminal is still doing the updates09:45
Kaidok5797Also chrome won’t install09:45
Blexythat way, you load the files from the offical repositories, and let your paketmanager install the program09:45
Blexywait for the update to complete first, it may block other installs09:46
Kaidok5797It downloaded the Linux version automatically and it opened it up in a thing with an install button.. the clicking the install button does nothing09:46
Kaidok5797Gotcha ok09:46
=== e_motion is now known as e_motion_afk
=== Blexy is now known as blexy_afk
Kaidok5797Oh wow... I can still access stuff from my windows partition09:54
Kaidok5797For some reason I can’t get empathy to connect to IRC09:54
tomreynyou could take a screen shot of the connection configuration screen and post it to imgur.com (be sure not to disclose any passwords)09:57
Kaidok5797Hold on I got hexchat to connect... now trying to figure out where to put my password for nickserv10:00
mousesKaidok5797: it's in there somewhere :)10:04
mousesOh you have to manually add that10:05
Kaidok5797Yea... lol lots to learn. Just learning how to get around in Ubuntu in general... this is quite fun though!10:05
mousesKaidok5797: https://slackalaxy.com/2016/10/19/hexchat-auto-login/10:05
mousesthat should walk you through it10:05
mousesKaidok5797: Gotta love that shiny new OS feel :)10:06
mousesKaidok5797: since it's a new system, I'd strongly recommend opening a terminal and doing a sudo apt update10:06
mousesand then a sudo apt upgrade10:06
brondifkaidok55: maybe network freenode connect10:06
mousesKaidok5797: unlike windows, all software can be updated with one single unified command :-)10:06
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Blexymouses: he already did a update, we talked him through it ^^10:11
mousesOh, wonderful :-)10:11
Kaidok5797Mouses... yes someone a bit ago had me do that.10:16
Kaidok5797Hmm mouses how can I get chrome to install?10:18
Kaidok5797Its listed in software with an install button next to it10:18
Kaidok5797Clicking install does nothing10:18
OolKaidok5797: you can install chromium-browser instead, is the open source version10:20
Kaidok5797Does it allow you to login with your google account as well?10:21
Kaidok5797I still need to figure this out though for future cases10:21
Ooltry and see :)10:21
ducasseKaidok5797: it does10:21
BlexyKaidok5797: you can just go to www.google.com/chrome, it should detect your os and offer you to download the .deb-pakage. download it and double click it, it should open your application manager automaticly10:21
Kaidok5797Blexy I did that...10:22
Kaidok5797But it doesn’t install10:22
Kaidok5797Or well it says it does10:22
Kaidok5797But then a window pops up with an install button for it10:22
Kaidok5797And thats the install button that doesn’t do anything10:22
jinzo78Hi all. I have a discussion with a guy - blackflow iirc - some days ago about a problem I had with my client/server application and with my two Ubuntu instances. The issue was the "cannot allocate memory" error. At that time, that person said that it could be a full tmpfs issue, and suggested me to do a df -h to analyze the file systems. Today, I f10:25
jinzo78ound that my server was again in failing state, so I tried to go for df -h and I managed to do it. That's the result: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/KcjGjr6kYy/. Also, I tried to enable a new systemd unit I created but I had this message: Failed to reload daemon: No buffer space available. What could it be? Thank you in advance!10:25
Blexypuh, I'm not quite sure what exactly goes wrong, I haven't used ubuntu in a while, sorry10:25
Kaidok5797Actually... nothing I try to install from the software thingy actually installs10:25
ByteShiftyou dont actually have to use/be on ubuntu to chat here right?10:26
e_motionnah, its IRC. You can connect from what ever platform you like10:26
elias_aByteShift: Nope - but this is solely an Ubuntu support channel so that's what we talk about. :)10:27
ByteShiftTHis is my first time ever using linux, so im just trying out some of the features you cant do on windows10:28
Blexyoh, you can do everything on windows you can do on linux, question is if you should xD10:29
Blexy(and if windows let's you do it or if you need to force it to xD)10:30
ByteShiftHow long do you guys spend every day on you terminal? I always just imagine the people that use linux are always on terminal, no matter what they are doing.10:30
Kaidok5797Weird... so when I go to software... and click on the installed tab... chrome is listed... with an install button next to it. When I click said install button it asks if I’m sure I want to UN-install..... but I clicked an install button10:30
Kaidok5797Aha... now its letting me install10:31
Kaidok5797That was bizarre10:31
ByteShiftim gonna restart my computer(vm) and see if i cant change some settings to get it to run faster.10:32
BlexyByteShift: well, it depends. at work, linux is my primary os, so i only open terminals when i need to. at home, my primary os is windows (until game devs make all games for linux, too) and i use the terminal all the time i boot up linux, because i wouldn't boot linux if i wasn't about to do stuff which needs the terminal10:33
BlexyKaidok5797: if computers never did strange stuff like this, i would be unemployed xD10:33
Kaidok5797Lol good point10:33
Kaidok5797Gosh this is so much faster than windows 1010:34
BlexyKaidok5797: it's much more lightwight, you don't need to spin up so much programs that talk to microsoft servers xD10:35
Blexyjust mixed tab with enter xD10:35
blackflowjinzo78: come again, what servers are that? VMs?10:36
jinzo78blackflow yes, it's a VPS10:36
blackflowjinzo78: what kind? I suspect it's not a VM at all, but a container/openvz thing maybe10:36
jinzo78blackflow OpenVZ10:37
blackflowjinzo78: right. you should talk to your hosting company then, they have issues on the host side. while at it, I recommend you to get away from openvz and use proper virtualization. there's.... little benefit in using openvz today, if any.10:38
jinzo78blackflow I was thinking about switching from that provider to AWS or some other virtualization platform, this is not the first time we have issues for our application. With what you said, you're convincing me to do it as early as possible. So are you sure that it's not a problem of mine but it's an issue on their side?10:42
Blexyjinzo78: migration to aws is not as easy as you may think, it will be extremly expensive as long as you don't plan to make greater chances on the code10:43
Blexyand if you do, you will be bound to aws forever, as all the changes need to be revoked if you leave10:44
jinzo78Blexy what do you mean?10:44
blackflowjinzo78: I'm pretty sure it is on the host side. OpenVZ is OS-level "virtualization" which is just.... namespacing in the host kernel. systemd requires certain features from the kernel and if it is too old, problems may arise. that host is probably some older centos thingy, usually they are.10:46
blackflowjinzo78: at any rate, you have out of memory situations with no visible out of memory situation :)  that really points to the host side issues, especially your latest error about systemd being out of buffer space. I'd say open FD limit reached on the (host) kernel10:46
blackflowbut even if you didn't have any issues, openvz is something I'd always recommend to migrate from.10:47
Blexyjinzo78: if you just use e2 instanced (or else, not quite sure right now how they are called) aws is epensive as fuck. if you use aws right, it is quite cheap, but that requires to use the database services, loadbalancing services, etc, instead of large e2 instances. to use the amazon tools, your application must be specifically desinged10:47
jinzo78To both Blexy and blackflow: understood and thank you! I will contact you again if I have any other issues :D10:54
blackflowjinzo78: Blexy: I'm not sure what Blexy is talking about, AWS can be treated as simple VPS hosting, especially their Lightsail products, ie. no need for any lock-in code changes.11:00
Blexyblackflow: jep, it can, but that is the most expensive way to use aws.11:00
blackflowBlexy: how do you reckon  https://aws.amazon.com/lightsail/pricing/11:01
Blexylike i said, very, very expensive, there are many way cheaper options11:02
Blexyalso, lightsail is used for small projects, if you need to host a company-grade website you'll need ec2 instances. while lightsail is quite expensive, but still competetive, ec2 is paid per usage, and if you host a full webserver with all databases and depending services on ec2, you can also just gift your company to aws, because your first payment will be more than its value xD11:06
blackflowBlexy: nonsense. that pricing is in line with other VPS providers, and is on the CHEAPER end of the spectrum. But eh.... offtopic for  #ubuntu11:06
Blexyjep, offtopic11:07
Blexyblackflow: you are a developer, aren't you?11:08
blackflowBlexy: Ubuntu dev? no. Otherwise yes11:22
Kaidok5797Not gonna lie... this is a lot of fun lol11:24
Kaidok5797If it were possible to use my iCloud Drive and Apple Music in Ubuntu among a couple other things... I’d just take the full plunge and say forget windows11:28
hateballThere's always the option of migrating to services that work on your platform of choice11:29
Kaidok5797Ehhh my thing is with mobile devices, I’m all in on Apple11:30
Cheezhateball: that usually involves a sunk cost though.11:30
Kaidok5797All in on iOS11:30
Kaidok5797I use iphone, ipad, Apple TV, and Apple Watch11:30
Kaidok5797Not going to find replacements for all of those that work together like all of those do in the same way.11:31
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Blexyblackflow: sorry, were afk. that explains it to me, many devs are quite happy with aws, while most sysadmins have mixed feelings. it just is not so easy and cheap to use in a corporate it enviroment12:08
Blexybut still, offtopic, sorry12:09
CoolerZwhat is the standard location of chromedriver executable?12:11
CoolerZdo i put it in /usr/bin ?12:11
CoolerZit needs to be in PATH12:12
enzotibit is better to use /usr/local/bin and don't mess with /usr/bin12:12
CoolerZchromedriver --version12:15
CoolerZChromeDriver 2.43.600233 (523efee95e3d68b8719b3a1c83051aa63aa6b10d)12:15
CoolerZselenium.common.exceptions.WebDriverException: Message: 'chromedriver' executable needs to be in PATH. Please see https://sites.google.com/a/chromium.org/chromedriver/home12:15
CoolerZWhy ? just why12:15
CoolerZits in the PATH12:15
EriC^^what does which "chromedriver" give?12:16
meowschwitzso um12:17
meowschwitzcan I completely remove systemd from 18.04 LTS?12:17
CoolerZEriC^^, i just showed you12:17
Mathisenmeowschwitz, why ?12:17
Mathisenmeowschwitz, go join the gentoo people :)12:18
tomreynmeowschwitz: you can. will your system still work? no.12:18
EriC^^CoolerZ: i meant to run the command 'which chromedriver' and paste the ouput12:19
meowschwitztomreyn: so to be clear, I can't, without breaking the box12:19
Blexythe question never is if you can, the question always is if you should xD12:19
meowschwitzMathisen: I don't want to start a debate on merits of systemd, it's causing me trouble and I dont feel like debugging it12:19
Mathisenmeowschwitz, ok lets start fresh, define your troubles and/or error and so on '12:20
Mathisenmaybe we can solve that12:20
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meowschwitzMathisen: I have 7 production SQL mirrors and systemd took upon itself to do something once in a while that removes the IP from one of the network interfaces on each box12:21
tomreynmeowschwitz: i haven't actually tried it, but i'd be very surprised if it would be possible to replace systemd entirely without causing major breakage. and even if you got it working with some other init system, it'd hardly be a supportable here anymore.12:21
meowschwitzMathisen: I have no first clue about how to go on figuring out what is it exactly that systemd *does* that causes it or why it does that and I am not really inclined to do so anyway12:22
Blexymeowschwitz: checked the syslog? did it contain any useful info?12:22
meowschwitzBlexy: nothing useful, it only indicates that there's some sort of timed process, beginning with "Created slice User Slice of root", reaching some targets, and then after that the IP is gone from the interface12:23
meowschwitzsystemd pid 1 is emitting that itself12:23
Blexydo you have any cronjobs running that could cause the error, either direct or indirect?12:24
meowschwitznothing custom, all these boxes do is run mysql12:24
CoolerZEriC^^, there is only one12:26
Blexyhow does the interface react after it loses the ip? is it still up, does it still react to arp, or does it shut down?12:26
CoolerZEriC^^, oh thats weird12:26
meowschwitzBlexy: it is still up, just the address is removed from it12:26
CoolerZwhich chromedriver doesn't output anything12:26
meowschwitzBlexy: I have no idea how it acts, these are production boxes, I immediately restarted the interfaces without doing any tests12:27
EriC^^CoolerZ: what about "echo $PATH"12:27
CoolerZEriC^^, that will print the PATH12:27
CoolerZi put chromedriver under ~/.chromedriver/12:28
EriC^^CoolerZ: i know what it does :D what does it actually output though?12:28
CoolerZand its in the PATH12:28
EriC^^CoolerZ: i thought you said you put it in /usr/local/bin ?12:28
EriC^^CoolerZ: ~/ isn't in $PATH by default12:28
meowschwitzso, bottom line, systemd cant be removed from 18.04 without major breakage, correct?12:28
Blexymeowschwitz: well, you'll need to find the error, so you need to take a look even on production systems. i am very sure that systemd does not cause the error, at least i never heard that systemd messes with interfaces12:28
CoolerZEriC^^, i edited .bashrc12:28
CoolerZand reopened the terminal12:29
CoolerZEriC^^, someone said don't put it in /usr/bin12:29
meowschwitzBlexy: no, what I am *going* to do is clone one of the boxes and try removing systemd completely. Failing that, I will reprovision the whole thing with devuan12:29
Blexymeowschwitz: since systemd handles all processes and is a vital part of your os, no, it cannot be removed safely12:29
CoolerZanyway i have to go12:29
CoolerZany last thoughts?12:29
EriC^^CoolerZ: they suggested /usr/local/bin , which is fine12:29
Blexymeowschwitz: kk, cloning is a good ides12:29
geirhayou should modify PATH in .profile and then log in again12:29
CoolerZEriC^^, well i can run the chromedriver from the terminal12:30
CoolerZso it works12:30
meowschwitzyou can imagine that my prejudice against systemd is not improved12:30
CoolerZand if i print PATH it shows ~/.chromedriver12:30
CoolerZso that works12:30
thyriaenHi there - quick question - I would like to dual boot 2 linux distros alongside eachother ( i already have my 1st installed grub on the MBR ) - with the 2nd install how do i setup grup so i can boot both distros ? ( do i just not install grub again  ?, if not where do i install it to ? will it reccognize the old distribution / the new one ? )12:30
geirhaCoolerZ: but that PATH is ONLY available in your interactive shell (and its decendants). It will not be available to other programs, such as chrome12:31
EriC^^thyriaen: i'd decide whether you want to use grub from the first install or the 2nd, and then remove grub from whichever you dont want and run sudo update-grub to pick both up12:31
Blexythyriaen: in most cases, you should be talked through installation and configuration of grub while installing your second system by the installer. most distros do a great job at detecting grub/other os and asking you what to do ^^12:33
EriC^^geirha: which chromedriver isn't picking it up, possibly it needs +x on the binary? CoolerZ12:33
geirhait needs to go in .profile or .pam_environment, so all programs in the X session will get the PATH change12:33
lorforlinux*thyriaen* you can just install the new distro it will install its grub on the disk and you'll be able to boot both the distros12:34
EriC^^i think it needs +x, cause "which chromedriver" wasn't working, my 2 cents12:34
thyriaenthanks for the answers :)12:35
thyriaenill just try something ^^^12:35
geirhaEriC^^: nah, he showed that chromedriver --version worked from his interactive session12:36
EriC^^oh i see12:37
geirhajust needs to be in chrome's environment, not just interactive bash's12:37
meowschwitzokay, you all were correct and removing systemd without breaking the box is impossible12:47
meowschwitzI will spend several hours trying to track down the issue12:47
meowschwitzif it does affirmatively turn out to be systemd and I can not fix it within sane time I am getting rid of ubuntu permanently12:48
tomreyni assume you're aware that you can also buy commercial support from canonical and have them support you?12:50
Blexyit won't be systemd, i am pretty sure about that. but if it is, please report here, i would be very curious ^^12:50
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lorforlinuxBlexy: sorry by mistake i am figuring out how to switch between rooms in weechat12:56
coconutlorforlinux, Blexy, e_motion: code for Germans?13:11
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e_motionnot sure what exactly u want13:14
e_motionCoding in german?13:14
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Greyztarso many hours rtfm only to discover was right on first try just "one simply does not use -A in iptables when should use -I"13:17
Greyztardevil in the details haha13:18
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lightbluehi, I wanted to change the PATH environment variable by altering .bash_profile inside my home directory. After editing and saving the file, I restarted terminal and no changes took effect until I manually sourced the file. Is it normal that this happens?13:33
BluesKajHey folks13:33
lightblueAfter restarting my computer now every time PATH is correct.13:34
geirhalightblue: .profile is read during login13:35
geirhaI don't know about .bash_profile though, I just use .profile, at least up to 16.04, .profile specifically gets sourced (by sh) when lightdm initiates your x session13:36
geirhaok, so it somehow read .bash_profile too, cool. Logging out and back in again would've sufficed though13:36
lightbluegeirha, I see, thanks13:37
lightbluegeirha, I tried .profile before .bash_profile, the same thing happened. I guess they both are sourced at login13:38
geirhaYes. I'd still stick with .profile though. Then you don't have to rely on bash being involved during login. If you have both .bash_profile and .profile, bash will only read .bash_profile, sh will only read .profile.13:40
hggdhlightblue: ~/.basrc is used every time a new shell is started13:48
VozivIs there an easy way to find out what's creating random br- network adapters on each boot? I'm on 18.04.1 and have docker installed (I suspect this)13:48
VozivReason I ask is that I have another program that relies on the mac addresses of my network adapters for whatever reason and that keeps breaking after each reboot13:49
geirhaeverytime you start bash in interactive mode at least (i.e. not read when running bash scripts)13:54
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XenophonFis there a good howto out there for generating APT repositories?14:47
tewardXenophonF: generating how?  Mirroring?  Or just having brand new signed apt repositories?14:56
lordcirth_workXenophonF, like, making your own ppa or internal repo?14:56
XenophonFI want to make my own repository, with blackjack, and hookers.14:56
XenophonFpreferably something automated, where I can hook into a CI process14:57
InglebardHi, I use phpmyadmin on multiple machines. There are a lot of error in it. The main issue seems to be an out of date phpmyadmin version which is not compatible with php7.2. There are some bug reports about it. Does someone know if it will be fix ?14:58
XenophonFeven more preferably, one that's GPG-signed14:59
lordcirth_workInglebard, what Ubuntu version?15:01
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pragmaticenigmaInglebard: do you have a link to the bug reports. Most of the bugs will need to be addressed by the phpMyAdmin project maintainers. This channel is helped by volunteers, we don't have insight into the decisions being made about bug fixes and when they will be released.15:05
InglebardI think here is the main one : https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/phpmyadmin/+bug/176736115:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1767361 in phpmyadmin (Ubuntu) "4.6.6deb5 not working on Bionic as PHP 7.2 is default" [Undecided,Confirmed]15:06
pragmaticenigmaInglebard: It would appear that the development group for phpMyAdmin has released updates for 7.2 compatibility. If you can't find one, make a bug report to have the Ubuntu devs pull in the latest from the project site. Otherwise, (this is unsupported here) you could manually install the most recent and up-to-date version of phpMyAdmin15:10
pragmaticenigmaInglebard: If you choose to manually install the latest version, make sure to uninstall the package first15:11
hggdhdo we have phpadmin as a package in Ubuntu?15:11
Inglebard@pragmaticenigma OK15:11
pragmaticenigmayes hggdh15:12
pragmaticenigma!info phpmyadmin15:12
ubottuphpmyadmin (source: phpmyadmin): MySQL web administration tool. In component universe, is extra. Version 4:4.6.6-5 (bionic), package size 3770 kB, installed size 24436 kB15:12
hggdhpragmaticenigma: yes, sorry, my bad -- search for the thing with the worng name...15:12
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pragmaticenigmahggdh: I've had mixed luck with the package. It's often much older than the released version from the project group, and I don't see security fixes as often as I'd like to for the released version.15:16
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hggdhpragmaticenigma: it is in universe, and probably synced from Debian (so it depends on the Debian maintainers)15:33
CarlFKwhy does this ln fail on the 2nd time?    ln -sf /media/sdc di;  ln -sf /media/sdc di ->ln: failed to create symbolic link 'di/sdc': Operation not permitted15:34
pragmaticenigmaCarlFK: because the link already exists15:36
CarlFKpragmaticenigma: man ln .. -f, --force               remove existing destination files15:36
pragmaticenigmakeyword there... is "files" ...15:36
hggdhCarlFK: you probably should look at info ln instead15:36
pragmaticenigmaA link is not a file.15:37
xtronwhen I 'lsblk' on ubuntu 18 lts, it shows so many 'loop' device mounted at /snap/* , what is this? and how to remove them?15:37
Inglebard@hggdh, @pragmaticenigma, if you are still talking about phpmyadmin. "it is in universe, and probably synced from Debian (so it depends on the Debian maintainers)" => yeah but debian strecth use php7.0 so they don't have the issue. So  won't update right ?15:37
pragmaticenigmaWhen I'm attempting to update a link to point to a new destination, I inlcude the -n option, which treats a link as a file. Which then allows the -f to treat it as a file and remove it before recreating the new link15:38
pragmaticenigmaInglebard: That's why you submit bug reports15:38
hggdhInglebard: it is probably in experimental, though15:38
CarlFKthis works: mkdir x; ln -sf x y; ln -sf x y (no error)15:41
ioriaCarlFK, is there a removable device (fat) on /media/sdc  ? 'cause symlink  does not work with fat15:48
CarlFKioria: yes, but the link is being created in the current dir which is ext415:48
CarlFKioria: it is the same error.. I wonder if ln is doing surprising things :p  carl@twist:/media/sdc$ mkdir x; ln -s x y  =>  ln: failed to create symbolic link 'y': Operation not permitted15:51
hggdhInglebard: yes, the newest phpmyadmin is in Debian Unstable, at version 4.6.6. There does not seem to be any 4.7 already in Debian15:52
ioriaCarlFK, try with absolute path15:52
ioriaCarlFK, ho, sotty you are ON sdc15:52
coconutAnyone here know a site like https://linuxjourney.com , but then for bash?15:53
CarlFKioria: that was just to show what it looks like trying to make the link on the fat fs15:53
destinydrivenlotuspsychje, everything worked out well after running pap-purge and running full-update15:53
ioriaCarlFK, yeah, i know .... try with ntfs15:54
Inglebard@hggdh: OK15:54
Inglebard@hggdh: something reported here : https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=89059515:55
ubottuDebian bug 890595 in phpmyadmin "phpmyadmin: warnings when running under php 7.2, apparently fixed by new upstream series 4.7.x" [Serious,Open]15:55
CarlFKioria: that won't help - the usb stick is created by dd-ing this img http://cdn-fastly.deb.debian.org/debian/dists/testing/main/installer-amd64/current/images/hd-media/boot.img.gz15:55
ioriaCarlFK, i see15:55
hggdhInglebard: yes, I looked at it already15:55
Sven_vBwhen I paste multiple lines of text into SSH, which is connected to a screen session that has its input focus on an shell script, and the script takes several seconds after reading each line before it tries to read the next line, where's the text buffered meanwhile? can I terminate the SSH connection already w/o losing the text? what if I change the active window in screen? will the other lines arrive in the slow shell script eventually?15:57
ioriaCarlFK, i think you need to copy all the files in another directory (maybe with an autorun) and the symlink ?15:58
CarlFKioria: or just rm the symlink before I try to create it the 2nd time15:58
ioriaCarlFK, i lost that part,yes sure15:59
pragmaticenigmaSven_vB: The text is likely cached on the client side, waiting for the server to request more from the buffer15:59
Sven_vBpragmaticenigma, thanks!16:00
pragmaticenigmaSven_vB: If it's a large amount of text, why not SFTP the text to the server. Then ssh into the server to have the script read from it?16:01
pragmaticenigmaor cat the file and pipe it to the script16:01
Sven_vBpragmaticenigma, it was just a few lines, so I thought I'd be lazy.16:02
Sven_vBI aborted and stored it now though, and ran the job again with stored input.16:03
Sven_vBso I could close my SSH client16:03
pragmaticenigmaI see Sven_vB ... careful there, that's how half the internet gets redirected to china ;-)16:03
pragmaticenigmaSven_vB: reference to being lazy... lazy is how mistakes are made is what I was trying to say16:04
Sven_vBah ok :)16:04
Sven_vBsome day I'll learn to use a better terminal multiplexer that can buffer my inputs :)16:05
pragmaticenigmaSven_vB: screen might work, I just don't close my sessions until things complete. But at least with screen if the connection breaks, you could restore the session and verify your theory16:06
Sven_vBthen again, when screen can react to keystrokes that I type after pasting my text, wouldn't that imply screen must have read (and probably buffered) all previous input?16:06
hggdhSven_vB: a nice one is byobu under tmux16:07
pragmaticenigmaSven_vB: Not sure how screen exactly works with buffers. I know that it intercepts a lot between both stdin and stdout16:07
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vanfanelHello! I am trying to install Lubuntu 18.10, amd_64, and while the disk utility can see my internal hdd (/dev/sda), the installer won't see it. It's the first time I see this with a GNU/Linux install.. any ideas, please? I have tried creating both GPT and MBR partition tables, but the install program does not detect the disk to continue,16:41
compdocvanfanel, some boards have special sata ports that are used for raid. which ports are you using?16:42
vanfanelcompdoc: how can I find out? Maybe some dmesg info?16:43
compdochmm, maybe. I would just look inside at the ports16:44
neurrewhen I do sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade soon after boot, i get ": Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock-frontend - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)"16:45
neurreI suspect something else is automatically trying to check for updates16:45
vanfanelcompdoc: This didn't happen with Lubuntu 16.x, it has started happening with 18.1016:45
neurrewhere can I disable such automatic checking?16:45
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pragmaticenigmaneurre: There are automatic refreshes of apt... it's best not to disable them16:45
compdocvanfanel, I see. very odd. I would never use 18.10, personally16:46
pragmaticenigmaneurre: should only take a moment and you can run the commands again16:46
neurrepragmaticenigma, well at least the error message should be improved16:46
vanfanelcompdoc: why?16:46
compdoconly supported 9 months, or whatever it is16:46
pragmaticenigmaneurre: Feel free to submit a bug report if you feel there is an issue with the message16:47
vanfanelcompdoc: you would use 18.04 instead, right?16:47
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compdocand I do use it16:47
vanfanelcompdoc: will do so... I have no time for these issues :) Thanks for the idea16:47
compdocgood luck!16:47
pragmaticenigmacompdoc: It's best to refrain from personal opinion here. Without knowing the use case of another person, it's really not helpful16:47
compdocoh please...16:48
vanfanelpragmaticenigma: we need working computers and we love GNU/Linux, so compdoc said the right thing :)16:48
lordcirthneurre, you can disable it like so: https://linuxconfig.org/disable-automatic-updates-on-ubuntu-18-04-bionic-beaver-linux ,  but only do so if you are willing to take charge of doing regular updates yourself16:49
OolI heard that none LTS version will dispeared to make place to a rolling release, but I don't know if it still true16:49
ioriaCarlFK, i think it's about permissions (root owned directory); ln with sudo works and it creates a dead link inside the target but no error output; idk if it helps16:50
pragmaticenigmaOol: Unless you read a press release direct from Ubuntu or Canonical, it is rumor and should be disregarded16:50
compdocvanfanel, on many motherboards, sata ports 1 and 2 are the best to use and sometimes the fastest ports16:51
compdocor 0 and 116:51
compdochowever they number it16:51
ioriacompdoc, he's gone16:51
Oolpragmaticenigma: it was on a hangout with ubuntu del from canonical16:51
pragmaticenigmaOol: again, unless it's in a press release, it's not official and only rumors. Also, this isn't the channel for that discussion16:52
CarlFKioria: my  x y example doesn't do what I thought it did.  both are trying to create loopy links inside the existing dir16:56
ioriacompdoc, yes, btw i think i misunderstood the -f flag; it does  overwrite the target file16:58
ioriaCarlFK,  yes, btw i think i misunderstood the -f flag; it does  overwrite the target file16:58
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devioshey all - when i use MSTSC to RDP into my ubuntu desktop box from a Windows machine, it works great.  When I use RDCM (remote desktop connection manager), i only get a black screen.  Any ideas?  Anyone else have this problem?17:05
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rrohdeHi, question on the nautilus search behavior when trying to attach a file for email: When clicking the search icon in the top right, I can only add 1 char and then it jumps to the bottom right and continues to char input there for some reason.... Is there a way to prevent that? The problem is that the search result doesn't match anything if split into two.  In contrast, when searching in nautilus by just opening the file browser out18:17
rrohderight, the search behaves as expected and does not jump to the bottom right.18:18
pragmaticenigmarrohde: sounds like a bug to me, not something you could fix18:20
lordcirthThat's a weird bug18:22
rrohdeI had hoped that there would be some gconf magic that would prevent that second search. I believe that's the kind of "just type" search in nautilus, that doesn't require a click on the top-right magnifying class icon.18:22
rrohdeIf it's a bug, it's 100% reproducible from Thunderbird > Attach File > Search for file18:22
rrohde(forgot to mention that I am on vanilla 18.10)18:29
pragmaticenigmarrohde: can you get it to exhibit that behavior in other applications... such as gedit or text pad with the file open/save dialogues?18:32
rrohdeyep... just tried from the save dialog in gedit.18:38
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rrohdeexactly the same behavior - Click search icon > start typing > text continues to be entered in the bottom right18:39
rrohdefunnily enough, I only ever needed that search to work when attaching stuff to email, never tried it anywhere else.18:39
rrohdeso the window that's called from either application, whether it's a attachment in Thunderbird, or a save file from gedit, it's still a nautilus panel?18:40
rrohdeso the glitch is a nautilus one?18:41
aroonianyway to scroll down mouse wheel increments slower?  Ubuntu 18.04.  logitech anywhere mx mouse.  it scrolls so much per notch that its useless.  ideas?18:46
pragmaticenigmarrohde: correct, it's a nautilus problem. that was why I asked if you saw the same thing in two different apps. Also, Mozilla sometimes leverages their own libraries which are built from nautilus (i.e. I see a nautilus dialogue in KDE when no nautilus is installed.)18:46
rrohdeWhere you able to replicate that then as well?18:46
pragmaticenigmarrohde: I'm on Kubuntu 18.04... and it appears Thunderbird is able to interact with Dolphin so I don't have the same bug18:48
pragmaticenigmaI swear I've seen this mouse scrolling question several times now18:49
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pragmaticenigmaarooni: If there isn't a setting available in the mouse control panel, then there isn't a way to change it at this time18:50
rrohdepragmaticenigma: Should I do a desktop recording then and report a bug?18:52
pragmaticenigmaI don't think there is a way to attach a video to a bug report. It's best to describe in the best detail you can on launchpad. When the ticket is picked up , they will ask for additional information they need18:53
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rrohdehmm, how do I file a bug report against nautilus? Been years since I done anything on launchpad (and IRC, for that matter)18:55
andrewrsCan anyone recommend a wifi USB 3.0 adapter that works well with 18.10?18:59
rrohdeapport-bug nautilus <<< remembered :)19:06
pragmaticenigmaandrewrs: This channel is for support questions. We can assist in supporting hardware you already have. For question regarding recommendations, please check out the #ubuntu-offtopic or search the web for linux compatibility listings for hardware devices.19:14
pragmaticenigma!hardware | andrewrs19:15
ubottuandrewrs: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection19:15
bumblefuzzso, I have something new in my OS19:15
bumblefuzzjust installed and updated 16.0419:16
bumblefuzzthe enable networking and enable wi-fi options are grayed out19:16
bumblefuzzand I am unable to select or deselect them19:16
bumblefuzzessentially I can't turn my wifi on or off19:16
bumblefuzzthis just happened, out of the blue19:16
bumblefuzzany way to figure out what this is?19:17
pragmaticenigma!enter | bumblefuzz19:18
ubottubumblefuzz: Please try and keep as much of your info as possible on ONE line - easier to follow for everyone.19:18
bpromptbumblefuzz:    rule out hardware, bear in mind that many machines these days come with either a wifi switch for on/off usually on the left or right or front sides, or by using a [FN] key combination19:20
bumblefuzzit isn't that19:20
bumblefuzzit isn't that19:20
bumblefuzzmy wifi is on19:20
bumblefuzzthat button turns it on/off19:20
bumblefuzzit doesn't prevent ubuntu from turning it on/off19:21
bumblefuzzit's on and the option to toggle it is grayed out19:21
andrewrsCan anyone help me with a realtek wifi issue? I have a rtl8821ae, I followed this guide and tried some other stuff and no dice: https://medium.com/@elmaxx/rtl8821ae-wifi-drivers-in-ubuntu-16-04-4c1286524afa19:31
ikoniaprobably best if you describe the issue to see if people can help19:33
andrewrsI'm getting less than 1mbps and occasional wifi drops. Other devices in the same location are getting 10-30+ plus depending on location.19:34
pragmaticenigmaandrewrs: also, did you attempt to use the card as is before following a guide? that article is more than 2 years old. it's possible that it isn't accurate anymore19:35
andrewrsYes. I started poking around because my connection was so slow. Right now I have it connected to my phone via wifi, and it works OK with the phone right next to it.19:36
andrewrsThe things I tried didn't seem to make it worse, just no improvement.19:36
FunnyLookinHatI'm having trouble getting an xinput call to stick around between suspend / resume on X - I've got it in ~/.xsessionrc but that doesn't seem to do anything.  Any suggestions?19:43
thinkyhi there19:48
thinkyis there any way to watch Netflix on Chromium?19:48
BluesKajit should work thinky, it does on chrome19:56
thinkyBluesKaj: it asks for html5 or silverlight installed19:57
thinkyin archlinux there is a plugin called chromium-widevine but not for ubuntu19:59
leftyfbnetflix uses html5. It should just work20:00
BluesKajthinky, look for HTML5 Supported, in more tools>extensions20:00
thinkyit works for other video streaming websites but not netflix20:03
thinkyi can watch youtube20:03
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BluesKajthinky, using an adblock?20:06
BluesKajwhitelist the netflix site20:07
thinkyBluesKaj: no it is pure chromium nothing installed20:08
thinkyit is not about adblock20:08
ioriathinky, can't you use firefox ?20:09
thinkyplay button is grey and when i click on play it opens a page telling html5 or silverlight missing20:09
thinkyioria: well chromium is faster than firefox20:09
ioriareally ?20:09
ZtaHi. I'd like my Debian to look like Ubuntu. I mean purely UI-wise.  I can install the background image in my gnome desktop myself =) My I'm rather new to Gnome, so what is it I need? Icon pack? Theme? Some gnome shell extensions?20:10
thinkyioria: isnt it? O.o20:10
leftyfbZta: you might try #debian. Or just install Ubuntu.20:10
BluesKajdoesn't chromium have the  HTML5 Supported extension in customize and control:more tools>extensions?20:11
thinkyBluesKaj: ;)20:11
thinkynot really20:11
BluesKajthen it's to=ime to switch to chrome or FF20:12
ikoniaZta: talk to the debian guys20:12
Ztaikonia: I thought perhaps someone in here would be more qualified in knowing what makes Ubuntu look like Ubuntu and not Debian.20:13
thinkyBluesKaj: isnt chromium softer lighter faster?20:13
ikoniaZta: we don't support debian - so the debian guys need to work it out with you20:13
* coz_ thinks the "to=ime" should be standard for "time"20:13
BluesKajthinky, nope20:13
BluesKajcoz_, it is20:13
Ztaikonia: Fine, you don't support Debian.20:14
ikoniaZta: correct, this channel does not support debian20:14
coz_th out of curiosity, I just got here, what are you using besides firefox?20:14
coz_thinky, ^^20:14
thinkycoz_: u dont have much option. chrome chromium ff opera20:15
thinkyu need to choose 1 of 4 :p20:15
Ztaikonia: Do you know what packages that are added on top of the Gnome Desktop that give it the Ubuntu theme, colors, and icons?20:15
coz_thinky, then FF out of that list20:15
leftyfbthinky: so why not just go with firefox or chrome?20:15
ikoniaZta: have a look at the ubuntu-desktop meta package20:15
Ztaikonia: Thanks.20:15
Ztaubuntu-gnome-desktop and perhaps ubuntu-gnome-default-settings.20:16
thinkyyea good idea :p20:16
thinkyhow can i uninstall chromium then?20:17
Sircle In a range of $200 to $300, what laptop to buy for highest possible computing power? first hand and second hand options welcomed20:17
ioriathinky, enable DRM and install libavcodec-extra20:17
coz_thinky, sudo apt remove chromium?20:17
thinkyioria: in where?20:17
ioriathinky, prefewrences20:17
thinkyioria: there is no such option in chromium20:18
ioriathinky,  in ff20:18
thinkyi know ff it works i can watch there20:19
thinkyi just wondered if it is possible in chromium20:19
ioriaon xenial there would be a ppa iirc20:19
pragmaticenigmathinky: chromium doesn't include the proprietary DRM modules needed by netflix to playback video20:19
thinkyook i better use only ff :/20:20
thinkynew things = new problems..20:20
ioriathinky,  https://sites.google.com/site/installationubuntu/home/ubuntu-14-04-lts/browser-tweaks-firefox-chromium20:20
ioriathinky,  not ifyou are on bionic or later20:21
thinkyi am on the latest one :p20:21
thinkyioria: link seems interesting20:22
ioriathinky,  not if you installed 18.04.120:23
thinkyi installed 18.04.120:23
thinkyso back to ff .. ok20:23
coz_thinky, I've never done this, however, I am guessing you can install any or all of those browsers with ,hopefully, few issues, but, FF has rarely let me down ,  ubuntu 4.5 maybe as I recall20:24
ioriathinky,  on a test machine you can try the debian pkg or copy the libwidevinecdm.so20:24
thinkyi better keep the stable one20:24
thinkyactually ff is giving problems to me on windows.. not sure on ubuntu..20:25
thinkythey release updates everyday too much20:25
coz_thinky,  of course on windows!20:25
thinkygoodbye chromium :p20:31
coz_thinky,  inreality, linux can have issues specific to it's "Distribution" fedora, ubuntu etc, etc..20:33
thinkyyea i noticed that20:34
* coz_ thinks all the distributions should join and call it "Hickey" what a mess that would be !20:36
coz_althoug, there's probably one named hickey, /me checks20:37
coz_I have to correct myself, 4.10 was the one I started with20:40
thinkygood nite everybody20:52
courrierI'm getting 2 issues after upgrading from 16.04 to 18.04 :21:14
courrier* DNS requests always fail, despite a right config of network manager: I temporarily edited resolv.conf with OpenDNS IPs to get it working successfully21:14
courrier* systemd-udevd uses 100% of CPU at each startup till I stop it due to hid2hci exiting with code 1 http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/DfVNWGTbBw/21:14
borischristfrhello in which channelcan i get some help with my computer? i have my laptop in dual boot ubuntu/windows, and now ubuntu works good but in windows the screen stays black as if it wasnt working, when i connect it to external screen it shows well though.. how can i fix that ? yesterday i didnt have that problem, i dont understand21:51
ikoniaborischristfr: the guys in the ##windows channel would be my first stop21:53
borischristfrok tyank you21:53
derpingithi. i'm having a problem with certbot compiling.. can someone help?22:20
OerHeksup to Bionic there is a PPa https://launchpad.net/~certbot/+archive/ubuntu/certbot22:22
PdromeDid I manage to login?22:23
PdromeHi all, is here ok to ask something about FFmpeg or should I just go for the FFmpeg irc?22:24
MathisenPdrome, ask22:25
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PdromeBit of a controversial question so would prefer to ask here so thanks... About 2 years ago I was doing gamedev research and found suggestive evidence that FFmpeg may exist using reverse engineered code from Rad Game Tools. Is anyone here aware of this?22:27
MathisenPdrome, ok i was wrong :) maybe better to ask the ffmpeg people directly22:29
Pdromesorry correction: Leaked actual source code22:29
PdromeOkay Mathisen and thanks I will ask there and likey get banned haha22:29
PdromeWish me luck22:29
OerHeksPdrome, correct, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bink_Video22:32
OerHeksnothing wrong with RE, bink2 is also available now.22:32
OerHeksso, i would turn that statement aroud: bink/bink2 still exists, because of ffmpeg22:36
PdromeOerHeks thanks for posting - I am just paranoid that FFmpeg may use code from RAD and not sure if liability is there or not22:43
scwizardso I downloaded this trackpad thingy22:46
scwizard"touchpad-indicator" I installed that22:46
scwizardand there's an option "disable touchpad when mouse is plugged in" which is what I want22:46
scwizardbut the program thinks the mouse isn't plugged in even when it is22:46
scwizardwhich means I can't get the behavior I want22:47
scwizardanyone have any idea how I could go about disabling my touchpad when my mouse is plugged in?22:47
EriC^scwizard: write a udev rule22:49
EriC^!udev | scwizard22:49
scwizardthx, I might do that, i'll put it on github if i do22:49
scwizardwas hoping there would be an easier way but what can ya do22:50
scwizardalso just wanna say22:50
EriC^oh boy22:50
scwizardcosmic cuttlefish, has been by far the best distro of desktop linux i've tried22:50
EriC^ah awesome :D22:50
scwizardsound worked out of the box, screen backlight, and wireless!22:50
scwizardsensible UI, the snap thingy is really useful, very few random bugs22:51
scwizardfor instance soudnclodu would randomly crash in another distro I tried, like in firefox i mean, but haven't had any issues here22:51
scwizardit's not perfect, getting the terminal to open fullscreen by default is harder than it should be, I think I need to install some other terminal that supports select=copy anyways22:53
EriC^i like using alt+space then x to maximize somtimes22:54
scwizardthere's a few other annoyances but nothing that seriously impacts my ability to work (like that soundclodu bug did LOL)22:54
scwizardi hit a slow mirror and now my package is installing at 33 kb/s22:56
scwizarderm downloading at22:57
gijoe3kIn your guys opinion, is 18.10 worth/safe using as a daily driver?22:59
scwizardgijoe3k: as i was just saying, I've been very happy so far22:59
scwizardso yes23:00
OerHeksstick to LTS, if you need to ask23:00
scwizard16:50] <scwizard> cosmic cuttlefish, has been by far the best distro of desktop linux i've tried23:00
scwizard16:50] <scwizard> sound worked out of the box, screen backlight, and wireless!23:00
scwizardand haven't run into any serious bugs23:01
scwizardlots of other random stuff too, battery indicator displayed in the topbar by default, sound there too. Slack there once it's installed. Can install slack via snap which is mad cool.23:02
scwizardhaven't tried to print yet, so can't give info on that23:03
scwizardanother random thing, I don't get shaken down for my password every 5 seconds, which was a pain point I had with mint23:07
derpingitcan anyone pleas help me fix this when i run certbot ?23:09
scwizardderpingit: try sudo apt-get install python-crypto23:10
scwizardderpingit: how did you install this "certbot" if it was via debian package then the package isn't correctly specifying dependencies23:10
scwizardif you cloned it from github it should have a requirements.txt23:10
derpingithi scwizard . same problem23:11
scwizardif you're using this program in production you might want to consider python virtualenv or similar23:11
derpingitso the thing is that i alredy had it installed via apt-get .. and then i stupidly (trying to install a certbot dns plugin) ran the compiler installer23:11
scwizardderpingit: what's your output of: pip freeze23:12
scwizardjust that?23:12
derpingitno. need it all? one sec23:12
scwizarduse https://paste.ubuntu.com/23:13
scwizardderpingit: are you trying to host a web server? and are you being paid for this?23:14
derpingitno. i'm trying to create an ssl cert to my website23:14
scwizardderpingit: if you're being paid to maintain this website, then you want to take the more robust approach of starting over from scratch, your system could be screwed up all sorts of ways because you "i alredy had it installed via apt-get .. and then i stupidly (trying to install a certbot dns plugin) ran the compiler installer"23:15
tomreynderpingit: which ubuntu version is this? how did you install certbotß23:15
derpingiti'm not getting paid.. i host my own site on a linode vps23:15
scwizardderpingit: ok since you're not being paid, tell me the output of: which pip23:16
derpingit16.04 / apg-get install certbot... i had it all runninng.. but then, i did the thing where i ran the python compiler and all is shit :/23:16
scwizardderpingit: the thing is the version of cryography you have is more recent than the latest one available on cuddlefish23:16
derpingitok one sec23:16
derpingitoutput is /usr/local/bin/pip23:16
scwizarderm it's spell "oy!" actually23:17
scwizardderpingit: i know this is going to sound dumb, but restart your computer lol23:17
derpingiti have .. lol23:17
derpingitok one sec lets dewwit one more time23:18
derpingitbtw this is a vps23:18
scwizardwait no23:18
scwizardbefore you do you need to uhh23:18
scwizardhmm idk23:18
scwizardi mean this is sorta a case study, for why people use configuration managment and etc when it comes to setting up webservers23:19
recelwhat is the lightestweight DE for ubuntu23:19
scwizardand have multiple environments23:19
tomreynderpingit: can you still tell what you did exactly when yuo "ran the python compiler and all went..."23:19
receli want to uninstall gnome and use a lighter DE23:19
scwizardtomreyn: he git cloned something then cded into it and typed "make"23:20
scwizardtomreyn: so literally anything could have changed23:20
tomreynmake itself changes nothing on th system23:20
tomreynsudo make install does23:20
TJ-recel: it's either xubuntu or lubuntu; not muhc between them23:20
derpingitsure, tomreyn .. so i had to install the certbot-linode dns plugin, so i git cloned the entire cerbot repo.. instead of running the python installer inside the dns folder, i ran the main certbot python installer23:20
scwizardtomreyn: ok well he did that then23:20
scwizardtomreyn: yeah basically he ran some arbitrary shell script he downloaded23:21
tomreynscwizard: how do you know this? i don't see these details on your previous chat, am i missing something?23:22
scwizardtomreyn: he said "i stupidly (trying to install a certbot dns plugin) ran the compiler installer""23:23
tomreynderpingit: the "history" command provides a list of the commands you ran. if you can reconstruct the exact commands you ran please pastebin them23:23
derpingitcloned this... https://github.com/certbot/certbot/tree/master/certbot-dns-linode .. then ran the setup.py23:23
recelweird graphical artifacts when minimizing windows in gnome on a fully updated 18.04.1 install23:23
tomreynderpingit: did you run any commands with sudo?23:23
scwizardtomreyn: well, he ran a "automagical install script" so it's more complicated than that, he'd need to look at what the script did and reverse engineer it23:23
recelautomagical sounds really bad lol23:24
scwizardtomreyn: since he has a /usr/local/bin/pip he most certainly did, since /usr/local/bin is only writable to root23:24
Guest60610i have a problem with my kubuntu installation23:24
recelwrong chat!23:24
recelmy bad lmfao23:24
scwizardrecel: as I said, this is like a case study for how not to set up a web server at work. This isn't his job though so what can ya do23:25
tomreynscwizard: yes, but the local pip installation may have been installed another time.23:25
recelis he at work right now?23:25
recelim dead lol23:25
scwizardtomreyn: maybe who knows! there's certainly a lot of room for confusion23:25
scwizardrecel: nono this is a personal website he's fine23:25
tomreynGuest60610: you're welcome to ask kubuntu related questions here. note there is also #kubuntu23:26
scwizardhe got a linode VPS and is trying to install his personal website on it, and get it working with letsencrypt23:26
scwizardand he did an oopsie23:26
recelLinode is a good choice23:26
Guest60610my kubuntu installation is very laggy. I am running it inside my virtual box but i have eough resources to run it.. I have an i5 8250u with hyperthreading and 8GB ram, and i gave this virtual box 3 cores and 3500 MB ram23:26
derpingitthats the relevant history23:26
scwizardGuest60610: KDE generally wants a graphics card iirc, so you need to passthrough the graphics card or something idk23:27
Guest60610the host system uses no resources besides virtual box and my linux vm is only using vscode and under resource cap23:27
MathisenGuest60610, install guest additions23:27
derpingitis basically a bunch of install - i fucked up - reinstall.. try to reinstall.. try again..23:27
scwizardyes that too!23:27
scwizardguest additions!23:27
derpingithi tomreyn all were sudo commands23:27
derpingiti pasted the history23:27
Mathisenderpingit, for the future dont run pip as root/sudo23:28
scwizardderpingit: well, here's a question, what's your end goal here?23:29
derpingitgot it23:29
scwizardare you setting up a personal website to try and learn how to run webservers?23:29
derpingitmy end goal is to create my ssl certificate23:29
scwizardor to draw clients to your law firm?23:29
scwizardor just for fun?23:29
scwizardnono i mean at a higher level than that23:29
Guest60610Mathisen: I already have those installed23:29
derpingiti host a website, and a service (SCreenconnect) from this vps23:30
scwizardderpingit: yes but WHY do you host a website?23:30
Guest60610scwizard, do you think i should try that?23:30
Guest60610or install a different flavor?23:30
tomreynderpingit: thanks for posting. i'm afraid this is  more than i am currently motivated to understand. you should *NEVER* run some python scripts you downloaded somewhere with sudo, unless you know the exact results this will produce and know tihs doesn't permanently impact your system.23:30
Guest60610what ubuntu distro runs fine in a vm?23:30
scwizardderpingit: yeah why do you host a website? Like what are you reasons personally? are you trying to make money? attract clients to your law firm? Is it a favor for church? Is it just for fun?23:31
MathisenGuest60610, switch window manager then to something more resource friendly like xfce423:31
scwizardGuest60610: i only use command line vms so I can't help you sorry23:31
scwizardderpingit: I'm asking because based on your motivations, you might want to take a radically different approach23:31
derpingiti want to start a computer repair business .. this was to be my placeholder for directing people to my remote control service *Screenconnect)23:32
tomreynderpingit: if you need to install python modules using pip because they or the specific versio you need it not available via apt (i recommend checking this first) i recommend you do so as a restricted user. pip can operate within this users home directory using the -u option23:32
scwizardderpingit: have you ever worked at an MSP?23:32
derpingiti want to be an msp23:32
Guest60610Mathisen, you mean on the already installed kubuntu?23:32
Guest60610how does that work?23:32
scwizardderpingit: MSPs do what you're trying to get going but at a larger scale, and for corperations. If you're young and interested in providing technical support, then I'd suggest seeing if you can find work at an MSP, and you'll gain a lot of insight into remote management and similar that you currently lack23:33
MathisenGuest60610, sudo apt install xfce423:34
scwizardwanting to build an MSP without having seen how MSPs work on the inside, is setting yourself up for failure23:34
MathisenGuest60610, then log out and chooce xfce423:34
tomreyn"xubuntu-desktop" rather23:34
scwizardderpingit: if you're older and have some kind of background to build on, then you should just pay someone to set up the website for your buissness23:34
derpingitthank you .. i already had the remote portion installed and operational.. i was just trying to use ssl (hence my need for certbot) .. i fucked up sowmehere along the linee.23:34
Guest60610Mathisen, ill give this a try and report back23:35
scwizardderpingit: the point I'm trying to make, is that the approach you're taking to building an maintaining a website, is fundamentally wrong23:35
Guest60610what would be a good amount of CPU cores and memory to give this? I have 4 cores (8 threads) and 8GB ram23:35
Guest60610the host is doing nothing when i run the vm23:35
FreeBDSMhow do I make sure I use vulkan?23:35
FreeBDSMwhat package do I need to install?23:36
FreeBDSMis it only used by games or also by OS?23:36
FreeBDSMif it is used by games - it probably is only used by some, how do I figure out if a game uses vulkan?23:36
FreeBDSMthere are `vulkan-tools` and `vulkan-utils` packages in the repo with identical description23:37
lordcirth__FreeBDSM, it's per game23:37
lordcirth__Not many games use it yet.23:37
Mathisenderpingit, did you solve your certboot issue yet23:37
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derpingiti'm running apt upgrade see if it helps23:38
Mathisenderpingit, well start with using your list you posted and undo your " sudo pip install foobar " with an uninstall then stay with apt23:38
Mathisenit wont23:38
derpingitdang.. have to wait now23:39
derpingitthe only addons i did via pip were certbot and crypotography23:40
scwizardderpingit: spoiler alert, it's not going to help23:40
FreeBDSMthanks lordcirth__, do you by any chance know what's in vulkan-tools and vulkan-utils? anything useful for a curious Joe?23:40
scwizard"the point I'm trying to make, is that the approach you're taking to building an maintaining a website, is fundamentally wrong"23:40
scwizardthis isn't the way23:40
scwizardto start a buissness23:40
derpingitthank you. came here for the ubuntu troubleshooting tho23:40
lordcirth__FreeBDSM, I think it's tools for developing programs with Vulkan.23:41
derpingithosting screenconnect on the cloud is extremely expensive, and i already have a perpetual on premise license for the software23:42
scwizardderpingit: well you're kinda screwed. the reason people take backups is for situations like this23:42
derpingitok thanks23:42
scwizardif i was in your situation like 8 years ago I would just kill the server and start setting it up from scartch again23:43
scwizardbut i don't want to give you the advice of me 8 years ago I want to give you the advice with what I know now, which is23:44
Mathisenscwizard, you know messing upp can help you in the long run.. i learnd a great deal when i made a booboo and learnd to fix it23:44
scwizardthe approach you're taking is built upon many different layers of mistaken assumption23:44
scwizardMathisen: yes, but you learn even more in making sure it doesn't happen again23:45
scwizardin terms of actually fixing it23:46
TJ-scwizard: derpingit is the issue that system-installed tools seem to have been replaced?23:46
scwizardas i said earlier, you need to dive into the shell script sourcecode23:46
scwizardand understand everything that it's done to your system23:46
=== name is now known as Guest11616
Guest11616Mathisen, that worked, but restarting causes me to use kde again23:47
scwizardand then make a decision on if you're going to go forward with the upstream distribution, or use the ubuntu distribution23:47
MathisenGuest11616, what worked the install or the logout and choose xfce from login promt ?23:48
Guest11616Mathisen, the logout did23:49
Guest11616but then i restarted and it used kde again23:49
Mathisenit should remember your chooise if i remmeber right23:49
Guest11616and it also remembered my session23:49
Guest11616it opened a bunch of windows23:49
scwizardderpingit: the technical answer, is you have two conflicting versions of certbot. You need to uninstall one of them completely, then configure the version you have to use the correct paths.23:49
derpingityep. thats what i'm trhing to do .23:50
scwizardderpingit: the higher level answer, is that you're best off redoing the VM from scratch, so you can learn how to speed up the rate of which you can do that23:50
derpingitbtw,.. when i run pip without sudo i get this error while trying to uninstall the certbot pip23:50
scwizardderpingit: higher than that, is the fact that a single ad hoc manged linode VM isn't the right approach for a company website23:51
derpingitthat will be my last option, scwizard .. i have a bunch of workstations connecting to my sc service that i must backup first :/23:51
Mathisenderpingit, you need to uninstall with sudo also ofc23:52
TJ-derpingit: which ubuntu release are you using? 18.04 ?23:52
derpingitofc ?23:52
scwizardderpingit: and higher than that, is that you lack the background or the talent to run an profitable MSP, it's a competative industry23:52
Mathisenderpingit, of course23:52
derpingityes. thank you. i'll contact you personally when i need life advise23:52
scwizardwell forget that last bit23:53
TJ-derpingit: OK, so the original pastebin you showed, has a locally built /usr/local/bin/certbot trying to call the system's python2.7 packages, specifically, python-cryptography23:53
scwizard"a single ad hoc manged linode VM isn't the right approach for a company website" <- is still technical advice sorta23:53
derpingitTJ- mkkay23:54
TJ-derpingit: if that were the only issue, then "sudo apt install python-cryptography" might solve it. But solving that might then lead to other missing dependencies. Usually when you do a local install, instead of installing under /usr/ prefix it'll use /usr/local/ prefix, which means python libraries would be under /usr/local/lib/ rather than /usr/lib/ ... that is likely why you've hit the issue, since it is23:58
TJ-using the system interpreter, not a python virtual environment23:58
cliffwhi all.23:59
cliffwanyone experienced issue with cloud-init with disk_config where despite the udevadm settle being used a second EBS volume in AWS is not available at boot time, hence disk_config fails?23:59

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