[18:17] hey pavlushka [18:17] hello zaki [18:42] zaki: downloading the arduino source using git [18:44] zaki: a pain in the ass on a flaky net connection [18:46] zaki: since yesterday [18:47] pavlushka, how is the internet price there ? [18:47] zaki: 700 BDT for 1 Mb [18:48] ah. [18:48] you use public IP? [18:48] zaki: connection setup cost is on user [18:49] zaki: nope, if I did I would have setup a private webpage by now :p [19:27] pavlushka, that's too much price I think [19:28] এখানে কে কার চাইতে বেশি দিবে এই প্রতিযোগিতা শুরু করে দেয় মাঝে মাঝে [19:29] zaki: lucky you [19:29] he he [19:29] একটা মুভির নাম [19:30] zaki: অনেক সুন্দর :p [19:30] :D [19:31] zaki: আমার পছন্দের Drew Berrymore আছে সেটাতে [19:32] মজার মানুষ [19:33] pavlushka, webmin need X window system ? [19:34] cause My one is minimal setup [19:34] whole os is just 300MB [19:34] zaki: nope [19:35] zaki: I guess I am wrong [19:36] pavlushka, about what? [19:36] pavlushka, you trie ISP config/ [19:36] zaki: I tried webmin on ubuntu server once and then it installed the whole GUI system [19:36] ? [19:37] ah. [19:37] zaki: no, I quit that without even trying [19:37] oh. [19:45] zaki: assuming that it is designed to use the localhost:10000 by default, so it needs a web-browser, so it needs a GUI [19:45] zaki: but here you can check out the dependencies, https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/webmin/ [19:46] [ AUR (en) - webmin ] - https://aur.archlinux.org [19:46] tried with command line browser [19:46] zaki: and? [19:46] nothing [19:46] login not working [19:46] with no error [19:47] zaki: what is the "netstat -lntp | grep 10000" ? [19:47] that's okay , I cheeked [19:47] now no way to check that again. removed everything [19:48] tcp 0 0* LISTEN 2802/perl [19:48] tcp6 0 0 :::10000 :::* LISTEN 2802/perl [19:49] zaki: that's my RPI3b's result of "sudo netstat -lntp | grep 10000" [19:49] yea. [19:50] I had similar [19:51] zaki: you should run an nmap scan over that ip to check the open ports also [19:52] zaki: or zenmap, the frontend of nmap [19:52] zaki: oops [19:53] zaki: you got the interface already, so no issues with the port I guess [19:54] yes pavlushka [19:54] ক্ষান্ত দিছি আপাতত [20:01] zaki: there's a #webmin channel [20:02] zaki: and you are there, ha ha ha [20:02] zaki: have you tried to ask anything there yet? [20:02] pavlushka, yeas. :D [20:03] no one answered [20:04] zaki: https://sourceforge.net/p/webadmin/discussion/600155 [20:04] [ Webmin / Discussion / Discussion ] - https://sourceforge.net [20:05] and http://www.webmin.com/mailing.html [20:05] [ Webmin ] - http://www.webmin.com [21:12] pavlushka, good night === LjL is now known as LjLZ80