
seb128good morning desktopers06:49
dufluHi seb12807:00
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seb128hey duflu07:15
didrocksgood morning07:23
dufluMorning didrocks07:24
didrockshey duflu07:24
oSoMoNgood morning desktoppers07:47
jibelGood morning07:59
oSoMoNsalut jibel08:02
jibelSalut oSoMoN, ça va?08:04
oSoMoNjibel, bien, et toi?08:05
jibeloSoMoN, bien, il fait beau et le w-e est proche :)08:12
clobranogood mornig all o/08:15
oSoMoNgood morning clobrano08:16
clobranohi oSoMoN :)08:16
clobranoseb128: could you schedule some time to reply on this Yaru issue? https://github.com/ubuntu/yaru/issues/925 it seems that gnome-initial-setup uses a different icon when launched soon after ubuntu installation than when launched lately08:22
gitbotubuntu issue 925 in yaru ""Welcome to Ubuntu" icon isn't squared" [Icon Theme, Info-Needed, Open]08:22
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* Laney nods solemnly09:03
seb128clobrano, adding to my backlog09:12
clobranoseb128: thanks!09:12
seb128didrocks, I don't really "use" github actively, but I've an account (and I PRed a systemd change that got merged on friday :p)09:13
seb128should be enough to Cc me :)09:13
didrocksI tried @seb12809:14
didrocksother handle?09:14
didrocksor just github which didn't find you?09:15
seb128I don't know how github works09:16
seb128https://github.com/seb128/ is my page09:16
seb128maybe I need to enable some option to be CCable?09:16
didrocksweird, @seb128 should have worked though09:16
didrocksI don't think so09:16
seb128k, no idea then09:16
didrocksmaybe because you never commented on the project and there is a "no spam" option?09:16
seb128yeah, on a systemd PR it autocompletes for me09:17
seb128so I guess github has some smartness09:17
seb128likely to limit errors/long&useless completion list09:18
Laneyyou only get completions for people that are known in that project yeah09:18
seb128hey Laney!09:18
Laneyhi there09:18
Laneywhat's up09:18
didrocksmakes sense09:19
Laneybug: "this bug will crash your desktop" laney: "ooh, let me try"09:49
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1795279 in gnome-shell (Ubuntu) "18.10 Wayland session closes when using Slack and possibly other Electron snap app" [High,New]09:50
seb128Laney, so you confirm the bug? ;)09:56
LaneyI just commented.09:56
seb128looks like it's known as  bug #175469309:57
ubot5bug 1754693 in xorg-server (Ubuntu) "Xwayland/Xorg crashed with SIGSEGV in st_renderbuffer_delete() from _mesa_reference_renderbuffer_() [often when running Skype or Slack snaps]" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/175469309:57
seb128ah, I see you just tagged that one09:58
seb128Laney is one step ahead :)09:58
* seb128 goes back to updating poppler09:58
* Laney is watching the govt fall apart10:25
kenvandinejamesh: thanks for the fontconfig patch!12:20
kenvandineI'll get that uploaded today12:20
jibeldidrocks, lp:~jibel/livecd-rootfs/seed_snap_on_layered_squashfs proposed for review12:44
jameshkenvandine: it was a bit of a pain getting things together, given how the changes were all applied via rebase and interspersed with other work.  I think I got everything needed though.14:24
kenvandinejamesh: great14:24
kenvandineyeah, it looked kind of nasty :)14:25
jameshSRU'ing 2.13 kind of feels less risky14:25
seb128hey again, good afternoon desktopers!15:41
seb128quiet day from seeing the backlog15:57
kenvandinehey seb12815:58
seb128hey kenvandine, how are you?15:59
seb128kenvandine, jamesh, I'm going to state it again, but I think the fontconfig SRU is the wrong approach/solution to that problem, it also feels risky as a SRU and abusing our position of snap upstream to change something in the distro which is not needed by the distro itself16:00
kenvandineseb128: good16:10
kenvandineseb128: we are out of ideas :/16:10
kenvandineit is useful in the distro those, we do have seeded snaps effected by this16:11
seb128you are using the distro to workaround a problem in the snap/tech imho16:12
seb128I already pointed that in the email discussion, but you are not going to get away the same way on other distros16:12
seb128Debian isn't going to do a stable-serie-upload of the new fontconfig to sort that problem16:13
kenvandineyeah, it doesn't help other distros16:13
kenvandinewe know16:13
kenvandinebut at least it helps ubuntu16:14
kenvandineseb128:  but... this is going to bite us again too16:14
seb128I know what you do it, that SRU is a strach though imho ... but I'm not in the SRU team so let's see what they say about it16:14
seb128kenvandined, I guess flatpak didn't solve that problem either? might be worth talk to alex about what he thinks a solution would be16:17
kenvandinethey did solve it with the uuid change16:17
kenvandinethat makes the cache relocatable16:17
kenvandinebut i don't think that helps us16:17
seb128how is our situation different from theirs?16:18
* kenvandine tries to remember16:19
kenvandineactually that isn't solving the fontconfig version mismatches16:20
kenvandinewe do allow the snaps read access to the cache, the problem is the cache version mismatch16:21
kenvandinewe can access them via path or uuid16:21
seb128but I though they had different filenames?16:22
seb128for the different versions16:22
kenvandinethey do16:22
seb128so we basically need one cache or each version?16:22
kenvandinewe need to generate caches for each16:22
seb128we could basically have an helper that static build/include the other fontconfig version that that does a cache generation on the client16:23
kenvandinethere was a problem with that... but i can't recall what16:23
seb128like on bionic have a fontconfig-cache-cosmic which includes libfontconfig from cosmic and LD_PRELOAD that to do the fc-cache16:23
seb128oh well16:24
kenvandinewe would need it to be bundled with snapd16:24
seb128let's see how the SRU goes then16:24
seb128well, since you want a distro hack you could do a distro hack16:24
kenvandineseb128: well your idea could help make it more future proof :)16:24
seb128like add that helper/lib to gnome-session16:24
kenvandinewe would prefer not a distro hack :)16:24
seb128rather than changing libfontconfig for all users16:24
seb128you do distro hack by doing a SRU16:24
kenvandinei know16:25
seb128that would be a less risky SRU16:25
kenvandinenobody is happy with that :)16:25
seb128well that's a suggestion in case the fontconfig SRU feels like not SRU material16:25
seb128do SRU a generate-new-cache hack in some component (or new package)16:25
seb128but yeah, ideally snapd would do that16:26
kenvandinei think that might be the longer term solution16:26
seb128also if the cache needs to be generated once16:26
seb128does it mean it's the first start of the first app?16:26
seb128I guess not since the snap can't write to a system location, so it doesn't benefit others...16:26
kenvandineright now it's per snap16:26
kenvandinebut if snapd did it16:27
kenvandineor snapd's userd could do it in the user's session16:27
kenvandinethen it would just refresh the cache for the user and all snaps run by that user would benefit16:28
seb128anyway, I know it's not an easy problem, thanks for looking at it16:29
seb128sorry for being negative about the SRU, it's just the backlog comments that made me feel again that this SRU was a strech and a bit risky16:30
jbichathere is one package (maybe fontconfig?) that can cause annoying issues with missing letters in apps when it is updated to a new version until you log out or restart16:30
seb128that's the sort of problem that SRU testing should hopefully catch if that's an issue16:31
jbichaI saw a Debian user yesterday complaining about the "Kelp" and "dd or Remove Software" menu items he was seeing16:31
seb128I've the sort of corruptions without package updates on my old laptop, just after suspend/resume sometime, it can also be video drivers issues16:32
jbichaunfortunately, that kind of bug also shows if we try to SRU a UI font like Cantarell or Ubuntu16:32
* kenvandine hates touching fontconfig16:32
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jbichakenvandine: Seb touched it last so he's responsible for it now! 😸16:33
seb128well seems like now kenvandine is touching it \o/ :)16:34
* Laney takes baby steps18:06
Laneydistro patches DIE DIE DIE18:06
* Laney missed the change to make a Sideshow Bob reference18:07
Laneyfor shame18:07
bcurtiswxhttps://paste.ubuntu.com/p/8Gx3ZzRkXX/ and https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/rnJfMzTqq9/ im looking for duplicates in launchpad currently18:35
seb128bcurtiswx, what is in the make.log?18:45
bcurtiswxthe 2nd link is the tail of that log18:46
seb128tseliot, ^18:47
bcurtiswxits a just updated disco on Linux Neon 4.18.0-10-generic #11-Ubuntu SMP Thu Oct 11 15:13:55 UTC 2018 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux18:50
bcurtiswxnot just dist upgrades but a daily package update18:50

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