
qwefytuoitytyInstallation freezes. It is necessary to check. I cannot establish 18.10 64 I can not install 18.10 in VirtualBox/VMware Player. With 18.10 64 Ubuntu-Mate iso - ok. Host Windows.23:01
qwefytuoitytyhttps://ufile.io/xn27h mkv 1!@$^&&RWQWTI&r*^%#@!@DGHIUbvc&*23:01
qwefytuoitytynot establish -> I can't install 18.10 6423:04
qwefytuoitytyvb 5.2.2223:06
qwefytuoityty Ubuntu-Mate 18.10 64 iso - ok23:10

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