
saptechwxl, thanks for the reply. around September I installed 18.04, don't remember seeing it or not. I've since upgraded to 18.1000:02
wxlsaptech: that also may be an additional confounding factor. you basically have lxqt installed on top of lxde. that's going to be.. problematic.00:02
saptechhmmm, I thought I followed a guide on upgrading00:04
wxlwhich one? there's one that will get you close to what 18.10 should be, but even then may have some rough edges00:06
saptechlet me go through bookmarks00:06
saptechI guess I didn't bookmark it00:10
saptechwxl, this is not it but it was similar to these instructions00:11
saptech"Upgrading from Ubuntu 18.04" section00:11
wxlthat's not for lubuntu00:12
wxldid you read the release notes for 18.10 *l*ubuntu?00:12
wxlyou didn't see the big warning at the top?00:14
saptechhere is link00:14
wxl"The most major and notable problem is that upgrading Lubuntu from 18.04 to 18.10 causes a fair amount of issues. Therefore, we are not officially supporting this upgrade path at this time, however we have prepared a page in the Lubuntu Manual which can help address the problems that arise after the upgrade."00:15
saptechupgrade from commandline section00:15
wxl^^ from the release notes00:15
saptechwell my issue is that virtual keyboard00:15
wxlnote "can help" and not "works flawlessly"00:15
wxli would look into the way ibus and/or fcitx is setup00:16
saptechlooking through the link on upgrading, it mention removing some programs, assuming most are lxde programs00:20
saptechit mentions xfburn, what replacing it?00:20
wxlthey're all *gtk* programs00:23
saptechyes, but I can't find a replacement for xfburn00:23
saptechwould I need to install one?00:24
wxli'm pretty sure we have one just don't remember what it was00:24
xdruppihi i got this warning while running apt-get upgrade https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/KcmvFVZGmh/06:02
xdruppii was wondering if it's seomthing i should be worried about06:02
Shawn|i3-350Mso why does the new lubuntu 18.10 LXQt variant download with missing tools?08:44
Shawn|i3-350Mno ifconfig, not sure how to get the address to wifi in the new old school terminal configuration for networking08:45
Shawn|i3-350Mno ethernet cable at disposal08:46
Shawn|i3-350Mconnecting to wifi on lxde was not as problematic as this new LXQt08:46
Shawn|i3-350Mon this IBM thinkpad r4008:46
Shawn|i3-350Mnot even a network setting option in the freakin configuration center08:47
Shawn|i3-350Mlooks like someone in lubuntu's dev team hates connections to non broadcasting wifi channels08:48
Shawn|i3-350Mwell, tried connecting to a foreign wifi channel, copied the device address to my connection profile, and its not connecting to the non broadcasting wifi channel >.<08:50
Shawn|i3-350Mis this new release even stable?09:02
Shawn|HD5650Mwhy is there no 18.10 LXDE variant?09:37
Shawn|HD5650Mat least it supports a P4M09:41
Shawn|HD5650MPentium 4m09:41
guivercas I stated in #ubuntu - LXDE is pretty much dead (it continues).   LXQT works on pentium M, pentium 4 - I've tested it on QA-testing (i386) including 19.04 Lubuntu09:44
guivercifconfig has been relegated for ages (you can download it if you want; but it's not been a default for some time; ip addr; ip link, ip route etc. has been default)09:45
guiverci tested 18.10 (& now 19.04) on thinkpad t43; but thinkpads of a single model didn't all have the same wifi cards added (they were options; 3 available for t43 for exampple; at least two for my r50p;  I can connect to hidden wifi on 18.10 & 19.04, but it's likely related to your chipset used by wifi09:48
guivercShawn|HD5650M, this may help with 'newer' (GNU/Linux; it's not just Lubuntu) network config commands - https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/network-configuration.html.en   (ps:  yeah I hated changing too...)09:54
Shawn|HM55I gave up on 18.10, and went back to 18.0409:57
Shawn|HM55to me 18.10 LXQt is crap for old machines09:57
guivercShawn|HM55, if I may ask, how much ram do you have?09:58
guiverceither way, Lubuntu 18.04 LTS gives you three years of support (from 2018.April) anyway...  I find LXQt (Lubuntu) runs fine on 1gb pentium m in my QA-testing..  however I avoided testing it with GTK+ programs (ie. old LXDE or gnome lib apps) as that'd need extra ram (like running Qt apps on a LXDE machine)10:03
Shawn|HM55I like GTK+ programs, they run fine10:03
Shawn|HM55I maxed the ram on this IBM Thinkpad R4010:04
Shawn|HM55I even upgraded the optical drive to a floppy drive :310:04
guivercLXDE may be better for you; LXQt desktop will use Qt libs, so you'd be wasting ram running GTK+ based apps on LXQt  (of course waste will vary on app)10:04
Shawn|HM55how long till the problems with LXQt be fixed?10:05
Shawn|HM55for some reason, the installer window, during install only showed up black for me10:08
Shawn|HM55wouldn't show a status like LXDE10:08
guivercwhat problems?   LXQt is stable & default from 18.10 onwards.  (https://lubuntu.me/cosmic-released/)10:08
Shawn|HM55well, they took away the connect to hidden wifi channels option10:08
Shawn|HM55which pits me10:08
Shawn|HM5518.04 LXDE runs on hidden wifi fine10:09
guivercThe different wifi-widget thingy (sorry not sure of name) I took some getting used to also (LXQt/18.10), but I found it worked fine was I worked out my wifi's network name..10:09
Shawn|HM55do you run hidden wifi?10:10
guivercps: my network has a hidden ssid too10:10
Shawn|HM55how the hell did you get it to work?10:10
Shawn|HM55I copied the wifi device address, and plugged it into my new wifi profile, with everything10:11
Shawn|HM55it refused to take a connection10:11
guivercif you give me time, I wrote some notes I can upload to somewhere..10:12
Shawn|HM55I prefer the new LXQt theme too, not too bright, and very size comfortable10:12
Shawn|HM55whats ncurses?10:13
Shawn|HM55you entered wlp3s3, without the serial address?10:13
guiverci wrote it as a possible first-draft for lubuntu.me (or wiki etc), but it wasn't wanted..  (lubuntu 18.10)  .. ncurses is (new curses) is a toolkit to move cursor & draw neat boxes & stuff on a terminal screen (curses I learnt at uni long ago (1980s))10:14
Shawn|HM55why post your wifi pass D:10:15
guivercyep - wlp3s3 is what my dell d610 laptop has as it's device name (and no that's not my password; it was chosen as it was to be read as if it was a password)10:15
Shawn|HM55oh xD10:16
Shawn|HM55when I tried to highlight with my keys it closed the terminal session >.<10:17
Shawn|HM55so I just used the trackpad10:17
guivercI use only the joystick thingy10:17
Shawn|HM55your lucky you got that nice network connection notification :P10:17
Shawn|HM55the nipple?10:18
Shawn|HM55I have a keyboard nipple too10:18
guiverc(and tab a lot) - yeah nipple..10:18
Shawn|HM55its very sensitive10:18
Shawn|HM55so, is Qt superior to LXDE?10:22
Shawn|HM55in performance on older machines?10:22
guivercQt is a toolkit like GTK+ is...  Each has it's pro's & con's.   As a user, you're likely to not care; and what will matter most to you is the apps you want to use are written for that toolkit (esp. with limited ram; ie. <4gb)10:23
Shawn|HM55wonder how many GTK programs will be ported to Qt10:24
guivercQt is used by KDE, and Android.  It's corporate owned (but free for GNU/Linux, not free for phones/tablets, or windows).   GTK+ is GNU based (for ethical reasons, they didn't like a company owning Qt)10:24
guivercthe word free I used then is more $cost free (not debian's free versus non-free)10:25
guiverc(though of course, it was the free versus non-free as used by debian that caused gimp-toolkit (gtk) to become gtk+ (gimp-gnome-gnu toolkit) ... etc)10:26
guiverchistorical stuff you can ignore .. I'm old & like my history :)10:27
Shawn|HM55well, I will try again tomorrow when I wake up10:27
Shawn|HM55it seems the installation on this new to me PATA HDD is not working as expected10:28
Shawn|HM55being larger capacity10:28
Shawn|HM5540GB instead of 30GB10:28
guivercGood luck - and enjoy whichever you decide to use.10:28
Shawn|HM55PATA SSD's are expensive ._.10:28
guivercmy machines still have spinning-rust  (not ssd)10:29
Shawn|HM55they aren't rusting10:29
Shawn|HM55one day I may afford buying a PATA SSD for this machine :310:29
guiverci haven't used a r40(p) in a long-long time.. I loved it; so I can't recall issues with bios & disk space sorry..10:31
guivercalso re: this room, some of the main people in this room are US based; so are sleeping right now (why it's quiet),  [I'm in au]10:34
Shawn|HM55gnight folks10:35
guivercnight :)10:35
Shawn|i3-350Manyone here have trouble with a WPA2 personal AES hidden broadcast connection on the new lubuntu?21:20
tsimonq2Not at all.21:21
tsimonq2Works fine here.21:21
wxlyou're using aes?21:21
tsimonq2I think so21:21
tsimonq2Dunno, it's hidden WPA2 personal :)21:21
tsimonq2I don't know much about networking yet21:22
wxlthere's aes, tkip, or both essentially21:22
wxlmight be reasonable to check what your router is serving up21:22
Shawn|i3-350Mwhen I try to connect, by adding my own wifi network connection profile, it doesn't try to automatically connect21:48
Shawn|i3-350Mwxl, I tried connecting with what I have always been able to connect with in lubuntu 18.0421:48
Shawn|i3-350Mfor the installer in 18.10, is it supposed to show a black screen during install?21:49
Shawn|i3-350Mor a black window21:49
Shawn|i3-350Mnot a black screen21:49
wxlnope. might be a graphics issue. you may need to install the proprietary drivers to get wireless and graphics to work properly. to be fair, it's a common issue Shawn|i3-350M. proprietary software sucks.21:54
guivercShawn|i3-350M, after I enter details (of new wifi), I then left click the icon [bottom left] & select the created profile on the networking widget21:55
guiverc(first time only anyway)21:55
Shawn|i3-350Mwireless drivers are working22:09
Shawn|i3-350Mqualcomm altheros chipset in my laptop is using the ath5 drivers22:09
Shawn|i3-350Mwhat has changed with graphical drivers between 18.04 and 18.1022:10
Shawn|i3-350Mokay that was weird, I went fullscreen, and the window is readable now22:13
Shawn|i3-350Mset up the profile after installing to the hdd, no connect attempt made22:43
Shawn|i3-350Mis there a setting I have to check somewhere to tell it its hidden?22:43
guivercShawn|i3-350M, I didn't tell mine it was a hidden ssid; just made sure the details I entered were correct..22:58
Shawn|i3-350Mwell my details are correct23:01
Shawn|i3-350MI tried changing from client to access point, still no network movement23:01
Shawn|i3-350Mwhy do they throw WPA and WPA2 into the same thing, that should not be done!23:05
Shawn|i3-350Mit aint even trying to use WPA223:06
Shawn|i3-350MI guess what the devs have changed betweeo 18.04 and 18.10 is extremely mysterious23:09
Shawn|i3-350Mor beyond mystery23:09
Shawn|i3-350Mis there something someone may want me to pastebin for helping me figure out?23:10
Shawn|i3-350Mit says Security: wpa-psk, which is very incorrect23:20
Shawn|i3-350MI might as well downgrade, since I can't fix it23:26
guivercsorry Shawn|i3-350M, I'm only sometimes around, but I rarely use wireless so have never learnt it (beyond the notes of what worked for me)23:29
Shawn|i3-350Moh -_-23:30
Shawn|i3-350MI tried using nmcli, and no avail either23:31
guivercif you `lshw -C network` (list hardware class networking) does it look like you're using the correct 'driver' for your chipset; the same as detected & used by 18.04 for example (none of my current machines have wifi so I can't advise currently or compare)23:32
guivercps: you may need `sudo lshw -C network`23:33

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