
en1gmai found the folder but cant figure out how to copy it to my phone as a storage device00:00
en1gmais it under /mnt or /media?00:01
EriC^^en1gma: it should be under $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/gvfs00:04
EriC^^try "ls $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/gvfs"00:04
en1gmahow do i use "sudo nautilus" to backup /~/.mozilla to phone though00:05
en1gmai dont think i see that mtp with nautilus00:05
EriC^^does the phone appear in the left column?00:05
en1gmayea but if i goto that phone icon and hit paste it says i dont have permission even though i have sudo nautilaus open where i hit "copy" from00:06
EriC^^go to /mnt/home..... copy .mozilla then go to /run/user/1000/gvfs... etc and paste it in the phone where you want00:06
EriC^^maybe you can only paste in a specific place? sorry i've never pasted anything but pics and music before00:07
en1gmawill try one sec00:07
en1gmai see a 999 but not a 100000:08
EriC^^go with that00:09
en1gmaim in there and i see a gvfs file thats binary00:09
en1gmait dont look like the phone directories in that /999 fir00:10
EriC^^hmm it should be a dir00:11
en1gmathat gvfs is a file though00:11
EriC^^what happens if you double click on it?00:11
en1gmaam i supposed to "paste" right there?00:11
en1gmaoh ok 1 sec00:11
en1gmallocation could not be displayed when i double click the gvfs file00:12
en1gmano permission to view00:13
EriC^^en1gma: odd, try in the terminal "cd $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/gvfs/mtp<tab complete it>"00:13
EriC^^after that it should say "Phone"00:13
en1gmai typed ls and it shows internal and storage so thats right area00:14
en1gmainstalling "mc"00:15
en1gmai cant cd into "Internal" or "Storage"00:17
adikwokhello, seniors, please help00:22
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Bashing-om!ask | adikwok00:23
ubottuadikwok: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience00:23
adikwoki am using ubuntu gnome, with lxde desktop, yesterday i do apt update, .. and now i can not go back to lubuntu login screen with my username and password00:23
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adikwokBashing-om: !ask |  am using ubuntu gnome, with lxde desktop, yesterday i do apt update, .. and now i can not go back to lubuntu login screen with my username and password. all my firefox setting also missing, .. since i can only login into lubuntu login screen as root.00:25
Bashing-omadikwok: At the login screen ctl+alt+F2 to gain a console interface,. can you login here to the system ?00:26
adikwokBashing-om: wait, i try now00:27
adikwokBashing-om: yes, i can login from there with my username and password00:28
Bashing-omadikwok: k. Now "who" owns the desktop ' ls -al .ICEauthority .Xauthority ' ?00:30
adikwokBashing-om: ls: cannot access '.ICEauthority': No such file or directory00:32
adikwok-rw------- 1 root root 48 Nov 16 07:03 .Xauthority00:32
Bashing-omadikwok: Well, at least we know where the issues lies .. as "you" should be that owner .00:33
adikwokBashing-om: how to make me as owner?00:34
Bashing-omadikwok: Where ' adikwok ' is your username of the system do ' sudo chown adikwok:adikwok .Xauthority ' . reboot .  Not sure what we will do about the missing .ICEauthority file yet .00:40
MikeRLAnyone know if we'll see a PPA update to the recent Thunderbird and Firefox releases? Seems when there's a point release of them that's not a security update Ubuntu never gets it officially...00:41
MikeRLI would ask at #ubuntu-mozillateam, but that channel doesn't seem too active.00:42
OerHekshttps://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mozilla-security/+archive/ubuntu/ppa ?00:44
OerHeksFF 64, 2 hrs ago00:44
adikwokBashing-om: i changed the owner of .Xauthority into adi, .. logout, and login. still can not login to lubuntu login screen with lxde00:44
Bashing-omadikwok: cd /home/adi ; sudo touch .ICEauthority ; sudo chown adi:adi .ICEauthority ; sudo chmod 600 .ICEauthority '. reboot again to see that effect :)00:47
MikeRLOerHeks, Where are you seeing v64?00:47
adikwokBashing-om: ok, should  i revert back, .Xauthority owner to root?00:47
MikeRLI sure don't see v64 anywhere, and I tried changing the filter.00:48
Bashing-omadikwok: No .. you mist own that "00:48
adikwokBashing-om: ok.00:48
OerHeksMikeRL, oops, there is a 2nd firefox next ppa https://launchpad.net/~mozillateam/+archive/ubuntu/firefox-next00:48
adikwokBashing-om: i try this and reboot .. excuse me.00:49
Bashing-omadikwok: sorry bad paste .. mine " -rw------- 1 sysop sysop   54 Nov 15 13:24 .Xauthority  " .00:49
MikeRLI meant Firefox stable, sorry.00:49
OerHeks63 is the newest to come, AFAIK00:49
OerHeks= stable ( from their site )00:49
MikeRLIt seems like users don't get the point releases unless they are security fixes.00:49
OerHeksi see FF 63 is current in my 18,04 install00:50
MikeRLI will give them credit though for doing a good job keeping up with the betas and nightlies.00:51
MikeRLIs there any good way to get 63.0.3 quickly?00:52
Towsermy wifi won't work. it is connected and asigned an ip however routing isn't working00:52
MikeRLMozilla needs to do what Google does and update it through an official PPA.00:52
OerHeksi see FF 63 is current in my 18,04 install ...00:53
MikeRLI know.00:54
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adikwokBashing-om: i did. 07.47.07 - Bashing-om: adikwok: cd /home/adi ; sudo touch .ICEauthority ; sudo chown adi:adi .ICEauthority ; sudo chmod 600 .ICEauthority '. reboot .. | still can not login as adi00:56
Bashing-omadikwok: next then ' ls -ld ../adi /home . Where adi is your user name on the system .00:59
perplexityany idea what pkg contains rpcclient?01:00
Towseri have it installed on a macbook and the wifi doesn't work right01:00
adikwokBashing-om: ls -ld ../adi /home .01:01
adikwokls: cannot access '../adi': No such file or directory01:01
adikwokdrwx------ 21 root root 4096 Nov 16 07:52 .01:01
adikwokdrwxr-xr-x  3 root root 4096 Okt 12 16:33 /home01:01
Bashing-omadikwok: Well !!! Un-good . Confirm what the username is on the sytem please ... as the user's /home should exist .01:03
adikwokBashing-om: i only can get this, ls -ld ../home/adi01:05
adikwokdrwxr-xr-x 38 adi adi 4096 Nov 16 07:59 ../home/adi01:05
adikwokBashing-om: but i can not get ' ls -ld ../adi/home '01:06
Bashing-omadikwok: Trying to wrap my head around this . Try this ' cd / ; ls -al /home ' I hope we see " drwxr-xr-x 25 sysop sysop  4096 Nov 15 13:24 sysop " where I am sysop .01:07
adikwokBashing-om: ' cd / ; ls -al /home ' .. drwxr-xr-x 38 adi  adi  4096 Nov 16 07:59 adi01:09
Bashing-omadikwok: Correct , ,, Graphic's driver ' sudo lshw -C display ' . what shows in the "configuration" line ?01:18
adikwokBashing-om: configuration: latency=001:19
Bashing-omadikwok: And we have no driver !01:20
adikwokBashing-om: i ran inxi -Gxx. ..  Display: server: X.Org 1.19.6 driver: vesa unloaded: fbdev,modesetting01:21
Bashing-omadikwok: OK, pastebin - lspci -k|grep -iEA5 'vga|3d' - to see what we have to work with .01:22
adikwokBashing-om: http://termbin.com/nong01:23
Bashing-omadikwok: Ouch dual Intel on an Acer machine .. I have no experience with Intel graphics .. someone else here will have to pick up my slack .01:25
adikwokBashing-om: i cant even see my termbin.com/nong in my firefox :[01:26
Bashing-omadikwok: Well, it is there - I can see it .. All I can surmise is that it is a graphic's issue on your system - I have not a clue what to look for in an Intel system graphic's wise . Intel "just works" .01:30
adikwokBashing-om: ok. sir. i dont know what to do, next. i just tried to ran apt update, many errors too01:32
Bashing-omadikwok: Yukkie poo ! Pastebin that update/upgrade output .. see what we can do while awaiting another to pick up on the Intel graphic's .01:34
adikwokBashing-om: http://termbin.com/cue6  .that supposed the apt update,01:36
Bashing-omadikwok: Looking .01:37
Bashing-omadikwok: "No space left on device" pastebin ' df -h ; df -i ' . see what the story here is .01:38
adikwokBashing-om: seems like my disk is full. alhtough i had 80gb hdd.01:38
adikwokit only used 14gb for ubuntu /01:39
Bashing-omadikwok: No telling yet 'til we see what the usage is and where .01:39
adikwokBashing-om: http://termbin.com/4z9f01:40
adikwokBashing-om: i can not install pastebinit, disk is full /var/cache ..( i dont remember the last words.01:41
Bashing-omadikwok: Not a inode allotment issue .. ' df -h ' ? .. try as ' df -h | nc termbin.com 9999 ' .01:42
klu3is it safe to clone a 1tb hdd to 1tb ssd using the linux command?01:42
adikwokBashing-om: http://termbin.com/c4fu01:44
Bashing-omado Ho-boy " /dev/sda5        14G   14G     0 100% / " Bet it be /boot here . ' dpkg -l | grep linux- ' in a pastie .01:45
adikwokBashing-om: what made me can login, is since yesterday, i did apt update.,, it used to be fine01:45
Bashing-omadikwok: ^^01:45
Bashing-omadikwok: So fat we have that you had lost the access rights to "your" desktop - presently there is no graphic's driver loaded fopr the GUI .. and npw there is no operating disk space .01:46
adikwokBashing-om: yes, likely so. since i dont understand ubuntu. just love to use it. ..01:47
adikwokBashing-om: here is the termbin. .. http://termbin.com/0bbe01:47
Bashing-omadikwok: A pleasant surprise p the spaxe is not used there .. so ' cd / ; sudo du -sx * | sort -n ' to find where the space IS consumed, ( and we deal with all those 'rc' packages at a later time ) .01:52
adikwokBashing-om: i can run this, cd / ; sudo du -sx * | sort -n .. but can not run cd / ; sudo du -sx * | sort -n | nc termbin.com 999901:55
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adikwokBashing-om: here is termbin... http://termbin.com/6svv01:57
Bashing-omadikwok: Rather large directories ..but seems the main one is "recup_dir" . What is this ?02:02
adikwokBashing-om: i dont know either what "recup_dir" is02:02
adikwokBashing-om: how to look for "recup_dir" ?02:03
Bashing-omadikwok: As you do not know .. I am at a loss as to what to advise . See what they are and move them off the drive to storage elsewhere, maybe ? Then there are smaller measures we can take to gain a bit more headroom .02:05
adikwokBashing-om: ooh .. i found it. . it is some of recovery file from formatted windows, when i was dual boot before02:05
Bashing-omadikwok: photorec recovery files ???02:05
adikwokBashing-om: yes . yes , i just remembered i used it yesterday02:06
Bashing-omadikwok: OKay ! .. If they no longer serve a purpose. delete them !02:06
Bashing-omadikwok: Just make sure they are no longer needed !!!02:07
adikwokBashing-om: ok, i will photorec again to another ext-hdd02:07
adikwokBashing-om: my ex windows drive is not mounted, its /dev/sda602:07
Bashing-omadikwok: Good, chances are the recovery files are incomplete anyway as you did run out of disk space .02:08
Bashing-omadikwok: windows drive sda6 .. that is *NOT* a drive .. but a partition on that 1st hard drive ! be careful what you do here !02:09
adikwokBashing-om: yes, i read before when lost dual boot, better to not mounted that partition which used to had windows, so i unmounted it02:10
adikwokBashing-om: i did rm -rf recup_* .. now i can install pastebinit, but i dont know how to use it.02:13
adikwokBashing-om: is it correct? .. http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/v5xWWRW22Z/02:13
Bashing-omadikwok: Windows had this thing of partitions identified as a "drive" ( \:c ) .. where in linux each drive is a seperate physical device . sda, sdb, sbc are 3 physical drives .. sda1 is 1st partition on 1st hard drive - sdc4 is fourth partition on 3rd hard drive ... and so on .02:14
Bashing-omadikwok: Looks better . what shows now ' df -h ' ?02:15
adikwokBashing-om: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/vyYSQRxCnW/02:16
Bashing-omadikwok: "/dev/sda5        14G   13G  672M  95% /" .. still got to do some trimming .. 95% capacity -  linux does not do well . run for starters ' sudo apt update ; sudo apt upgrade ; sudo apt autoremove '. Then we do some more trimming . We got to get some operating room .02:20
adikwokBashing-om: ok, i do it now02:20
adikwokBashing-om: done.02:23
adikwokRemoving linux-headers-4.15.0-40-generic (4.15.0-40.43) ...02:23
adikwokdpkg: warning: while removing linux-headers-4.15.0-40-generic, directory '/lib/modules/4.15.0-40-generic' not empty so not removed02:23
Bashing-omadikwok: Consider, 14 Gigs is real tight for a full blown ubuntu install - the recomendation is 30 Gigs ( and more is better) .. re-install time ???02:25
Bashing-omadikwok: THat warning can ne ignored .02:25
adikwokBashing-om: i dont know how to re-install without losing all settings and data, .. and i still had /dev/sda6 which i need to recover02:26
adikwokBashing-om: i used to dead or alive in gnome-desktop since i fell in love when i looked at ubuntu bionic beaver. but my laptop too old to run that gnome, so some seniors told me to try lubuntu . im afraid gonna changed all my gnome settings. so i tried lxde.02:28
adikwokall went well imho, until yesterday apt update02:28
adikwok1Bashing-om: hello ... sir/madam .. now i can login to lubuntu lxde, using my username adi02:31
Bashing-omadikwok: If you can live with keeping a verry close eye from this point on to disk usage .. well great . But you can see what one can get into when there is no disk space. Presemtly we do not know what all packages will have to be re-installed ( grahics driver !)  to get this system back functional . 14 Gigs is real tight! .02:33
adikwok1Bashing-om: just now, in my confusion, i tried to logout and login .. with adi . and it works ..02:33
adikwok1Bashing-om: i am looking for the way to re-install without losing settings, .02:33
Bashing-omadikwok1: That is good news .. we go back to work getting some elbow room .02:34
Bashing-omadikwok1: there is no purpose now in re-installing the operating system unless you can come up with some way to get more room to install into.02:35
adikwok1Bashing-om: really good news..02:35
adikwok1Bashing-om: i think, later can rearrange partition. if recovered file had move to ext-hdd. since it is 46gb in my /dev/sda6 noe02:36
adikwok1Bashing-om: i personally thank you for your guidance in that .ICEauthority and .Xauthority and so on.02:37
Bashing-omadikwok1: As we move merrily on ' sudo apt autoclean ; sudo apt clean ; sudo apt autoremove ; sudo apt -f install ; sudo dpkg --configure -a ; sudo dpkg -C ' where those last are checking for package problems .02:39
adikwok1Bashing-om: ok, i do it now. sudo apt autoclean ; sudo apt clean ; sudo apt autoremove ; sudo apt -f install ; sudo dpkg --configure -a ; sudo dpkg -C02:40
adikwok1Bashing-om: done. with nothing happened.02:42
adikwok1Bashing-om: i did .. sudo apt autoclean ; sudo apt clean ; sudo apt autoremove ; sudo apt -f install ; sudo dpkg --configure -a ; sudo dpkg -C02:43
adikwok1with the result.. Reading state information... Done02:43
adikwok10 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 3 not upgraded.02:43
Citizen-Se7enadikwok1: what are the three packages not upgraded?02:49
Bashing-omadikwok1: adikwok1 While there is no built in way to remove all of your configuration information from your removed packages you can remove all configuration data from every removed package. To purge all removed but not yet purged packages, where The state is rc, the package is removed, but the config files are not removed....with the following command.02:49
Bashing-omadikwok1: Run ' dpkg -l | awk '/^rc/{print $2}' | xargs sudo dpkg -P ' .02:50
adikwok1Bashing-om: ok, i do it now02:53
adikwok1dpkg -l | awk '/^rc/{print $2}' | xargs sudo dpkg -P02:53
Bashing-omadikwok1: :) .. then we see where we now stand ' df -h ' .02:53
adikwok1Bashing-om: wow .. it purging many things ..02:54
Bashing-omadikwok1: We got to get some head room .. and this is an old old install with a lot of old old config files that serve no purpose :)02:55
adikwok1Bashing-om: thats what i ve been looking for, tying to slimdown. so i can use only what i can use.02:56
adikwok1Bashing-om: here is pastebin02:56
adikwok1Citizen-Se7en: i dont know yet, ..02:56
Bashing-omadikwok1: Ya got to ! /./ 14 gigs is sooo small by today's standards . Might also consider what all you have installed that you do not use .. and get rid of it . Ya want down to 80 % to have some comfort space .02:57
adikwok1Bashing-om: which one should be kept? so i can get rid off others with rm -rf02:59
Bashing-omadikwok1: Yukkie ! .. still at 95% capacity with all that removed ?? You got yer work cut out for you . At 95% linux does fragment files ! .. maybe a good idea to defrag this system once you have it at a safe level .03:01
Bashing-omadikwok1: Renoving what is no longer needed I meant the packages that you may have installed in the past and no longer need .03:02
adikwok1Bashing-om: any clue, what packages, i must kept for system stable?03:03
Bashing-omadikwok1: Nope ! Your system - only you can know what you use .03:04
Mibixwhat is that one way to format a disk so i dont lose a bunch of space03:05
Mibixforget the commands i used when i converted from NTFS03:05
adikwok1Bashing-om: ok, i will learn it slowly slowly, which must kept and which can be deleted03:05
Mibixooo reduce i-nodes!03:05
adikwok1Bashing-om: how to get rid off unused liquorix kernel?03:06
Mibixcan you set number of inodes and stuff in the ubuntu disks gui?03:07
Bashing-omadikwok1: I failed to note it .. show again ' dpkg -l | grep linux- ' . So I see exactly what we are looking at kernel wise .03:07
Bashing-omMibix: only at the partitoning stage .. once set inodes are set .03:08
adikwok1Bashing-om: ' dpkg -l | grep linux-  .. http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/qGyXpTWYFc/03:08
Mibixits a blank disk I just installed just trying to set it up and cant remember how i did it, been a while :p03:09
Bashing-omadikwok1: "linux-modules-4.19.0-041900-generic" is the unused liquorix kernel ?03:10
adikwok1Bashing-om: no .. liquorix kernel is gone now03:11
adikwok1i am using that linux-modules4.19.0-041900-generic03:11
adikwok1Bashing-om: i am using that linux-modules4.19.0-041900-generic03:12
adikwok1and some kernels for recovery state.03:12
Mibixis there a command to see what number of inodes i set on my other partitions?03:13
Bashing-omMibix: See: https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/26598/how-can-i-increase-the-number-of-inodes-in-an-ext4-filesystem .03:15
Mibixlooks like on all my drives im only using 1% of inodes lol03:17
Bashing-omMibix: takes Lots of small files to run out of inodes :)03:18
Mibixhaha ok so it looks like i have 305201152 inodes on my other 10tb drives03:18
Mibixonly using 560 on my full one haha03:19
Mibixi'll do 50000 i guess03:19
adikwokBashing-om: thank you for your help. .. it works.03:21
adikwoki just shutdown -r now. .. and can go to login with my username and password again, ..03:21
Bashing-omadikwok: :D  I must stress, however, the target is 80% disk usage to allow some elbow room for the future .03:23
adikwokBashing-om: i will search what can be deleted.03:23
adikwokBashing-om: now i must go to meet someone, trying to ask orders to make a living, .03:24
adikwokBashing-om: i am a salesperson, and i wonder why can not make money with ubuntu, ...03:25
adikwokalmost all computer center stores i had ever looked, never found ubuntu store. ..03:25
Bashing-omadikwok: Take care . for your consideration - I too run real Tight: http://termbin.com/x02e3 . I do exerice care !03:26
Bashing-omadikwok: Talk to lotus ! He does ubuntu store .03:27
adikwokBashing-om: strange my firefox can not see any termbin. pastebin. ..03:27
adikwokBashing-om: great if i can know some expert to learn how of ubuntu-store .. ( i am a sales person, i need to make money . and really i think it is great market, .. very difficult one. but worth it )03:28
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Bashing-omadikwok: FF blocking ??.. do not know as I do not use FF - try a different browser and see ( when you get some operating head room ) .03:28
Bashing-omadikwok: http://lotuscomputers.be .03:30
adikwokBashing-om: i can see from chrome, .. your /home is 8% left too ;}03:30
adikwokBashing-om: wow .. http://lotuscomputers.be .. selling laptop with ubuntu installed. ..03:33
adikwokBashing-om: i haven seen many yet in here, jakarta, indonesia. .. almost all still running windows. fewer people use mac03:34
Mibixdoes this look right? mke2fs /dev/sdf/ -b 4096 -L "10TB L" -m 0 -N 100000 -E lazy_journal_init=103:35
Mibixnot sure about the quotes for tha label name03:35
Mibixoh wait lzay journal init 003:36
adikwokBashing-om: thank you for your info, i got to go now, .. learn ubuntu later,.03:36
Bashing-omadikwok: :) take care .. I "DID" just do some extensive house cleaning on my system . // Help is what we do here :)03:39
adikwokBashing-om: xie' ..03:40
epic_nullHello. So long story short, I have a problem that showed up upon attempting to boot my system. Due to the fact this happened when I had packages waiting for a reboot, I don't want to do anything without care.03:49
epic_nullMy "/dev/sda6" drive has a file system with errors, and my laptop booted into BusyBox so that I could fix it manually03:50
epic_nullWould anyone be willing to help me through the process so that my laptop is recovered without breaking too much?03:51
eelstrebori've been trying to figure out how to do bcache - it seems that you have to format an entire drive instead of specifying a partition on the drive that you want to setup a cache on?03:52
Bashing-omepic_null: file system errors generally one will runn fsck from a liveUSB . Got it on-hand ?03:53
epic_nullMore like "On Kneck" ~~sorry, I joke inappropriately when I'm nervous~~03:54
epic_nullis there a soft shutdown from busybox or can I boot to the usb from here?03:55
Bashing-omepic_null: Depends on what the file system state is and what is set in the system for a soft reboot .03:56
Bashing-om!sysrq | epic_null03:57
ubottuepic_null: In an emergency, you may be able to shutdown cleanly and reboot by holding down Alt+PrintScreen and typing slowly, in succession, R, E, I, S, U and B. For an explanation, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_SysRq_key03:57
Bashing-omepic_null: You can also force fsck at boot time by passing fsck.mode=force, as a kernel parameter. This will check every filesystem you have on the machine.03:58
epic_nullfsck does report errors, I know that much.04:00
epic_nullI just have 0 experience with the program, and don't want to destroy the system while trying to work with it04:00
Bashing-omepic_null: If it says a manual intervention is needed . then a liveUSB(DVD) is required .04:01
Bashing-omepic_null: On another note, the system is already borked . all we can do is what we can do to UN-bork it .04:02
epic_nullAlright, I've got the thing booting to the usb04:03
epic_nullAnd I know it's borked04:03
epic_nullbut at this point it's only "Broken" not "Destroyed"04:04
epic_nullThere's a "try ubuntu without installing" which is my first choice, but given the situation, would I need "Check disc for defects" instead?04:04
Bashing-omepic_null: A looksee to see what the file system check reveals ' sudo e2fsck -C0 -p -f -v /dev/sdXY ' where you know the valie for XY ftom ' sudo fdisk -lu ' .04:06
Bashing-omepic_null: boot that "try ubuntu" and once at the desltop, ctl+alt+t to gain a terminal .04:07
epic_nullI did see a thing that mentioned that I didn't want a -p when I was fsck04:08
Bashing-omepic_null: -p trys fixes where response not required . see ' man e2fsck ' .04:09
madmangunYesterday, I had the same issue and used the live USB.  Opened gparted and right click on your root partition (mine was /dev/sda5) and click check.  gparted checked and corrected the problem(s).04:10
madmangunI rebooted during a kernel upgrade for xanmod.  System became unresponsive and force reboot.  Computer booted to busybox.  The above worked for me.04:12
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
epic_nullYeah... that sounds like it could be my situation - I did a hard reboot (Long story - short version is I do it to fix my keyboard.) but didn't think about the updates waiting04:13
madmangunyep, same result different situation :) borked the root partition.  I opted for the quick point and click fix with gparted and it let me know it found errors and corrected them.  Rebooted and ran sudo dpkg --configure -a to finish the upgrade04:15
epic_nullSo it's gparted check (currently running, I think), then reboot to system and try to fix update.04:16
epic_nullThat I can trust myself with04:16
madmangunFreaked me out for a moment.  For some reason the fsck option during boot kicked me to busybox without checking the drive.  Yeah, gparted at least worked for me.04:17
epic_nullI just clicked to apply. Does check and repair have a high chance of breaking things?04:18
epic_nullI ask cause it gave a warning04:18
madmangunI haven't had a problem with it yet.  I've used it before for a different issue.04:18
madmangunYeah, I ignored the warning while grinding my teeth.04:18
epic_nullI totally 100% agree the warning should be there, but it makes me nervous04:19
madmangunyep, I know the feeling. Unless bashing-om or anyone has a better idea.  It's worked for me both times I've done this.  There is always a chance it may not work.04:20
energizeri am using l2tp vpn client, and i want to set the KeepAlive parameter. where can i find the config file?04:21
Bashing-omepic_null: madmangun Sure; nothing wrong with fiving it a shot .. Gparted runs e2fsck -f -y -v on it for you,04:22
epic_nullYeah but I'd rather trust something set up to do it for me when I need to do it on a critical system04:23
epic_nullPerhaps I'll remember this and set up a virtual enviornment later in which to learn how fsck works04:23
madmangunThis may help epic, I'm not familiar with that vpn client. - https://github.com/hwdsl2/setup-ipsec-vpn/blob/master/docs/clients.md04:26
Bashing-omepic_null: I have a very short memory ... and as an aid I have a cli_cmds text file :P04:26
madmangunsmart move bashing-om :)  Same here and a ~/bin direcctory full of scripts04:28
epic_nullWhat vpn?04:30
Bashing-ommadmangun: Oh guawshhh. I have a text file in my /bin to list what scripts I have and where :P04:31
madmangunThat's to funny.  put my custom scripts with notes in each one in bin folder in home and modified my path to add it.  Some of the scripts echo out some very nasty things remindming me how to fix some odd ball ubuntu issues.  Squints eyes.... looking at you nvidia04:36
epic_nullHmm... I got a thing that said I have an error, and I saved the details of the run, but the error seems to be in the "resize" portion04:37
epic_nullsays "Couldn't find valid filesystem superblock"04:37
epic_nullDoes that mean it's bORked?04:38
madmangundid you select the correct partition?   Do you know which is your root?04:39
epic_nullI have the damaged partition, and based on size, I believe that makes it the main one04:43
epic_nullI didn't dictate the setup but I believe it is root04:44
epic_nullYeah, looking at my partitions, there aren't a lot of other candidates for the root partition04:44
Bashing-omepic_null: consider: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2177756 .04:46
madmangunhmm..  i'm not sure on this, It looks like your going to need to get your hands dirty on the command line.04:47
epic_nullI'd drop a picture, but I'm still figuring out how to do that04:48
madmangundefinately /dev/sda604:50
Bashing-omepic_null: sda6 is your ubuntu partition , what partition did you run gparted check on ?04:50
epic_null /dev/sda604:51
epic_nullIt also didn't fail until the resize step04:52
madmangun*shaking my head* not sure why gparted barked out that error.  You could reboot to the live usb again and re-try or follow the steps in the link bashing-om provided.  If all else fails you'll have to reinstall by deleteing /dev/sda6, unmounting /dev/sda7 and delete it - reboot and install ubuntu again alongside windows.  Installer will use the free space.  :/04:59
Bashing-ommadmangun: epic_null GPT partitioning .. No experience here .. there is but ONE backup superblock .05:01
madmangunAfter a re-install OR if you get this fixed.  I'd suggest this article on moving your /home folder to another partition in case something like this happens and you want to make sure you don't loose anything in your home folder ever again. - https://www.maketecheasier.com/move-home-folder-ubuntu/05:02
epic_nullNoted. oooh, that's probably not good - I now have an "error fsyncing/closing /dev/sda#" when I pen gparted05:09
MarchHareHere's a stumper for you sysadmin nerds. I've got a sql file I've dumped into /tmp/dbdump.sql. Right now, my script tarballs it along with another directory (after cd'ing to that directory's home), and that's fine. Everything works. However, when I blow up the tarball, I would prefer to have my dbdump.sql pop out as ./dbdump.sql, rather than /tmp/dbdump.sql. How would I go about telling tar to do this without explicitly copying it05:11
MarchHareto the pwd where I'm running tar.05:11
MarchHareBut when I blow it up, it blows pops out in my pwd, not in /tmp or where it was when I rolled it up05:12
epic_nullerm... this... may be a problem... Gparted is now showing the entire space as unallocated (after the errors have occured)05:16
epic_nullWould attempting to reboot be a mistake here? And would it make sense to attempt a data rescue?05:17
epic_nullI don't know the tools well enough to know what to attempt05:17
madmangun@epic_null - I am stumped on this.  The other time I used gparted to correct a partition was when I had expanded a partition and had a lockup.  Rebooted and my partition was unallocated.  I used the check/fix option and it was corected in that situation.05:20
epic_nullHmm... I tried to mount /dev/sda6 and got a "can't read superblock" error... I really hope I didn't just screw, but...05:24
Mathisenepic_null, try fsck05:26
madmangunDid you receive the error after rebooting and re-running gparted?  If not give that a try.  He has (graphically using gparted) done that Mathisen.05:27
epic_nullI haven't rebooted the system but I did reboot gparted05:27
epic_nullAlso it only shows sda part of the time right now...05:28
epic_nullThis... is not good...05:29
Mathisenepic_null, i would not use this disk anymore at all sounds like it seen better days.. time to recover what you can from it to another drive05:30
epic_nullI can't chjange it right now I don't have my tools05:30
madmangunYou may try opening a terminal and executing sudo e2fsck -C0 -p -f -v /dev/sda7 and see what happens. I think you'll need to reboot at this point and re-run gparted.05:30
Bashing-omepic_null: ^^ sda6 **05:31
madmangunYou can reinstall Ubuntu without effecting Windows.  You'll loose your linux data of course.  You will need to use gparted to delete /dev/sda7 and unmount your linux-swap and delete it.  Reboot to the live cd and you'll have the option to install Ubuntu alongside windows.  It will use the free space.05:31
epic_nullYeah, I got a short reead error05:32
epic_nullAnd I was never worried about the windows data05:32
madmangunsda6 !  sorry about that05:32
Mathisenepic_null, the more you use this drive the worse it is gonna get.05:33
Bashing-omepic_null: consider sparing off that super block . But I have no experience with GPT to know how . You do have one spare .05:33
epic_nullSo my goal right now needs to be "rescue any data that's possible" and then "Remove data from disk"05:34
epic_nullI'm going to have to run and do something first05:35
epic_nullI will be back05:35
Mathisenuse something like Ddrescue and save to diffrent disk then start to recover. just dumb to start now if the bad is in bad shape05:36
Mathisenif disk*05:36
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=== capella|away is now known as capella
epic_nullSorry about running out like that - I had to get to target before they closed06:18
lotuspsychjeepic_null: ubuntu is 24/7 no problem when part or join06:20
epic_nullYeah but I kinda left in a hurry when people were helping me. That's not good form.06:22
lotuspsychjeepic_null: the best way is just re-ask your issue to the channel, where you left06:23
lotuspsychjeepic_null: volunteers are working togheter here, to pickup at any time from any-who06:23
epic_nullI'm currently attempting to deal with what might have gone from "a hard shutoff at a bad time, screwing up the system" to "A dead harddrive"06:25
mobile_chow do i install android-androresolvd https://paste.pound-python.org/show/YOpqO0sGH3qPkYS4ANuc/06:25
lotuspsychje!details | epic_null06:27
ubottuepic_null: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel.06:27
lotuspsychjemobile_c: try to apt automreove first please06:28
lotuspsychjemobile_c: have you added external ppa's of any kind to your system?06:29
Sladeubuntu cosmic doesnt have a stable docker release? or am i missing something   https://download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu/dists/cosmic/06:30
lotuspsychjemobile_c: seems like there's an existing bug on it already: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/android-androresolvd/+bug/174065006:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1740650 in android-androresolvd (Ubuntu) "package android-androresolvd 1.3-1 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,Confirmed]06:30
lotuspsychjeSlade: apt-cache search docker or snap find docker for your ubuntu release06:31
Sladeheh searching the cache for docker is an insane amount of returns06:32
lotuspsychjeSlade: alternate see also this tutorial: https://linuxconfig.org/how-to-install-docker-on-ubuntu-18-04-bionic-beaver06:33
Sladelotuspsychje, heh your link confirms what i'm saying06:34
lotuspsychjeSlade: seems like theres no stable indeed06:34
Slade"STABLE (NOT YET AVAILABLE!), please check availabilty before using"06:34
lotuspsychjeSlade: also keep in mind, cosmic is a non-lts right06:34
mobile_clotuspsychje: is there a fix06:34
lotuspsychjeSlade: you want stable things with less bugs, choose lts06:35
Sladebionic and artful both had them06:35
lotuspsychjeSlade: after a time cosmic will have it too, consider trying the snap?06:35
balsaqi have seen an incredibly amount of spam in freenode lately06:36
lotuspsychjemobile_c: you havent answered my questions yet06:36
lotuspsychjebalsaq: where?06:36
Sladelotuspsychje, not familiar with snap. googling now06:36
lotuspsychjebalsaq: pardon?06:36
balsaqin the room defocus06:36
balsaqthey got a bit to fix it touhg06:36
balsaqhas it been hitting here too?06:37
lotuspsychjebalsaq: please forward your issue to #freenode please06:37
lotuspsychjemorning ZaZaQR06:37
balsaqhas already been reported just wondered if it was like that here06:38
lotuspsychjebalsaq: every channel uses its own modes & protection06:39
balsaqgood i hope it works here06:41
lotuspsychje!snap | Slade06:42
ubottuSlade: Snaps are containerised software packages similar to flatpaks or appimage. For more info, see https://snapcraft.io06:42
lotuspsychjemobile_c: add yourself affected to the bug please, and write your own story, add your pastebins to the bug06:42
Sladecosmic is a few months old isnt it06:42
lotuspsychjeSlade: 18.10= 2018, 10=october06:42
ZaZaQRUbuntu is my favorite linux based operating system06:44
lotuspsychjeZaZaQR: join #ubuntu-discuss please06:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1803663 in android-androresolvd (Ubuntu) "installed android-androresolvd package post-installation script subprocess returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New]06:48
lotuspsychjemobile_c: there was already an existing bug, you didnt have to create a new one06:49
lotuspsychjemobile_c: now the devs will duplicate it..06:50
mobile_cthe existing one one was different06:55
mobile_cjust cus it fails doesnt mean it is the exact same bug06:56
mobile_cfix one bug in the script another bug might appear06:56
lotuspsychjemobile_c: if its a dupe, devs will find it anyway so06:57
lotuspsychjemobile_c: thanks for taking your time to report it06:57
lotuspsychjemobile_c: by the way..your kernel is not up to date were are at .3906:59
lotuspsychjemobile_c: always keep your system up to date before reporting bugs in the future07:00
waheediCould ubuntu log the partition table in any of its logs, somewhere?07:01
waheedii have a lost partition table, and I have a dded a partition where my ubuntu used to live before the loss07:01
energizerMy VPN keeps disconnecting after an hour and I don't know how to diagnose. Where can I get help?07:06
Katnipyour vpn07:53
frendaAnybody here using ring.cx? There's a red exclamation side by my id in ring application. What does it mean?08:07
lotuspsychjestart here frenda : https://ring.cx/en/documentation/faq08:09
motokotoboomHi all08:13
motokotoboomhttp://us-east-1.ec2.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/trusty-updates/universe/i18n/Translation-en is missing08:13
motokotoboomwho can fix it?08:13
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HipHop-openboxHello can anyone tell me is apt-fast really work or fake?08:45
EriC^^HipHop-openbox: what package is that?08:46
guivercHipHop-openbox, I don't know it; but the first answer on this may help - https://askubuntu.com/questions/52243/what-is-apt-fast-and-should-i-use-it08:47
HipHop-openboxApt-fast replaces apt-get for package management.. years back ppl proved app really didn't speed up the process to download08:48
EriC^^HipHop-openbox: i think if your isp doesn't limit single downloads or the mirror doesn't have a cap it wouldn't make a difference08:48
HipHop-openboxYet there are new articles claiming it works08:49
EriC^^if your isp limits the single download or the mirror is the limit, then using multiple concurrent connections should help08:49
EriC^^HipHop-openbox: cause it depends on the mirror and your isp08:49
EriC^^let's say mirror #1 let's you download at max 400kb/s and your connection can handle 1000kb/sec then using 2 mirrors that use 400kb/s would get you to 800kb/s08:50
HipHop-openboxEriC^^, thanks... Been using Linux long time.. reading bs kills me..08:50
EriC^^i dont think apt mirrors are very much capped though, try and see for yourself08:50
EriC^^you could test it using aria2, downloading a huge file using wget, and another huge file using aria2c with multiple connections and see if it makes a difference08:52
EriC^^!info aria208:53
ubottuaria2 (source: aria2): High speed download utility. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.33.1-1 (bionic), package size 1306 kB, installed size 4885 kB08:53
tabaskohowdy, Im bit stuck with writing cloudinit for 18.04. I have multiple files I want to create at boot, but it only seems to create first one08:53
tabaskoshould I have multiple write_files: definitions or just type all files under one definiton08:54
HipHop-openboxEriC^^, 5 yrs ago someone did a test on this apt-fast data given and tested should little gain.  If memory served me right there were issues with servers it hopped onto to get files.  In traceroute. There was no advantage08:58
HipHop-openboxBut on that note glad to see Ubuntu has spent time compling better packages to make experience better08:59
EriC^^HipHop-openbox: i think it for sure works after reading the readme quickly08:59
EriC^^HipHop-openbox: i think in the end it's dependent on caps and stuff, try it and see if it helps for you :)09:01
EriC^^HipHop-openbox: if you have an insane internet connection, and server1 has a cap, and it's downloading from multiple servers, multiple packages at the same time, i dont see how it wouldn't help09:02
HipHop-openboxEriC^^, Great idea! Waste of time if using only one trusted PPA09:05
=== capella is now known as capella|away
TheWilddocker. https://kopy.io/iOTVO and "dokg --configure -a" doesn't fix it. Now what?09:37
OerHeksi think you want to remove postgresql-common  ?? https://packages.ubuntu.com/bionic/postgresql09:40
LachezarHey all. Got a problem with 'systemd-resolve': sporadically it stops resolving hosts, at the same time I am *sure* my DNS server works fine, as queries directly to it (host ... work flawlessly.09:40
LachezarThese resolving pauses tend to be 10-20 seconds long (can't exactly measure) every so often (minutes between incidents).09:40
* Lachezar has to repeat, because the identification kicked in after I (tried to) joined #ubuntu.09:41
Shawn|HD5650Mhowdy folks09:41
Shawn|HD5650Mthe folks in #lubuntu are too quiet09:42
Shawn|HD5650Manyone here know why there is no LXDE for 18.10?09:42
ssriramHi, I am on 16.04 and able to ssh via localhost, and private ip. if i try to ssh via public ip (after port fwding) i get "kex protocol error: type 30 seq 1" error.09:43
guivercShawn|HD5650M, LXDE is pretty much abandoned;  it continues development really only on r.pi (raspbian)09:43
ssriramCan anyone help me regd this kex ssh issue.09:43
OerHeksShawn|HD5650M, lxde is in universe09:44
OerHeks!info lxde cosmic09:44
ubottulxde (source: lxde-metapackages): metapackage for LXDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 10 (cosmic), package size 2 kB, installed size 10 kB09:44
LachezarThis is getting ridiculous. Can't even watch Twitch, 'cause every so often it crashes with "Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno -3] Temporary failure in name resolution"09:45
ssriramanybody faced this kex ssh issue09:48
Shawn|HD5650Mhow the hell is it abandoned?!?09:48
Shawn|HD5650MLXDE was the best thing for older machines09:48
guivercLXDE is supported & security updates done for it up to 18.04 LTS, it was replaced with LXQt in 18.10 (& later)09:49
Shawn|HD5650Mwas always my go to for usability09:49
ducasseShawn|HD5650M: lxde has been superceded by lxqt09:51
=== neunon_ is now known as neunon
Shawn|HM55falling back to 18.04 until 18.10 is updated for lxde09:51
Shawn|HM5518.10 LXQt doesn't run like 18.04 LXDE on my IBM Thinkpad R4009:52
Shawn|HM55freenode is on the fritz09:56
mobile_cwelp how do i do apt android* but omit x package09:58
OerHeksmobile_c, you will get a lot of packages, so no, i have no clue what package you want to skip >> https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=android10:01
OerHeksgood luck :-D10:01
Lachezarmobile_c: "apt android" : E: Invalid operation android10:03
Lachezarmobile_c: Do you mean "apt install android"?10:03
mobile_ci want to skip android-androresolvd10:05
mobile_cbut still install all other android* packages10:05
Lachezarmobile_c: "apt-get install $(apt-cache pkgnames 'android' | grep -v 'android-androresolvd')"10:06
ducassemobile_c: 'apt install android* -android-androresolvd' should work10:08
mobile_cE: Command line option 'a' [from -android-androresolvd] is not understood in combination with the other options.10:08
waheedinow if first sector is 409640 why fdisk makes default 411648?  First sector (409640-977105026, default 411648):10:09
LachezarOK. I'm totally bummed! "host video-weaver.fra02.hls.ttvnw.net" yields an address, but "ping video-weaver.fra02.hls.ttvnw.net" says '10:11
LachezarTemporary failure in name resolution10:11
Lachezarmobile_c: Mine should work. I dislike 'apt' anyway ;)10:12
mobile_cmobile_c@Mobile-C:~/git/gpp-2.4.1/test$ sudo apt-get install android* -android-androresolvd10:15
mobile_cE: Command line option 'a' [from -android-androresolvd] is not understood in combination with the other options.10:15
ducassemobile_c: sorry, the hyphen is only to remove packages, not preventing installation. my bad.10:17
=== mkv is now known as m4v
Shawn|HM55gnight folks10:35
catbeardHey so I'm in liveusb10:51
catbeardRemounted / as rw10:51
catbeardLvmetad is failing10:52
HaMsTeRsyou trying to make it persistent?10:52
catbeardTrying to mount lvm and reset user password10:52
mobile_c$(apt-cache pkgnames 'android' | grep -v 'android-androresolvd')  still causes it to be installed ;-;10:53
HaMsTeRsyou trying to reset root password?10:53
catbeardVia chroot /mnt/localdisk10:53
catbeardUser password10:54
catbeardBut ya10:54
HaMsTeRsI'm not sure if this would help.  But arn't you suppose to access to single user mode during Grub setup and then mount the volume and chroot10:55
HaMsTeRsthen you reset the password by just passwd10:55
catbeardI am I just don't know the commands10:55
catbeardTo mount the lvm10:55
HaMsTeRshm.  I dunno either.  sorry10:56
mobile_c/me does 'sudo apt remove android-androresolvd ; sudo apt install $(apt-cache pkgnames 'android' | grep -v 'android-androresolvd') --reinstall' to be sure10:57
* mobile_c does 'sudo apt remove android-androresolvd ; sudo apt install $(apt-cache pkgnames 'android' | grep -v 'android-androresolvd') --reinstall' to be sure10:57
Lachezarmobile_c: It is possible that android-androresolvd is in some of the other packages dependencies.10:58
* Lachezar wonders how mobile_c managed to type '/me' in chat. CTRL-ENTER?10:59
catbeardNo worries10:59
catbeardBlasted with a reinstall without lvm11:00
Bey0ndB1naryI am using Ubuntu 18.0411:02
Bey0ndB1naryI've tried Citrix Receiver 13.4, 13.5, 13.10. But still not able to type using my keyboard once i login to Citrix Reciever.11:03
Bey0ndB1naryCould someone help please ?11:04
mobile_cfk i still get  [INSTALL_FAILED_NO_MATCHING_ABIS: Failed to extract native libraries, res=-113] from adb install11:04
mobile_cLachezar: probs added a space before it11:04
mobile_c <SPACE>/me11:04
mobile_c /me11:04
* Lachezar tries ctrl-enter11:17
* Lachezar Goes off-line temporarily.11:17
SpookanI bid you all farewell, i'm done with irc. Have a nice life!11:26
ddoobbIs there a way I can run a sandboxed instance of an application in Ubuntu. I'm looking to briefly use the legacy version of some packages whose latest versions I already have installed. Something more convenient than a a full fledged virtual machine?11:33
guivercddoobb, snaps?  (assuming programs you want are available packaged as snaps; or you could snap them..)11:38
ddoobbIf I create a new usr that isn't going to work is it?11:49
ddoobbBecause the packages installed by the new user will be visible to other users right?11:50
joop_ddoobb: what is the problem exactly?11:50
ddoobbjoop_ I'm trying to use an old addon for a software that only works with an old version of that software. i already have that software and use it heavily, and don't want to install the old version of that software just so I can use that one addon.11:52
luna_Thanks Canonical for the birthday present 1 day early :)11:52
ddoobbSo I want a temporary virtualisation or something so I can use it and remove it11:52
joop_Would a container be a solution?11:53
anddamhowdy, I installed wine-development on 18.04 and I got a lot of i386 packages pulled it. Now I see wine-development pulls in wine32-development and wine64-development, do I need both if I'm only aiming to run a certain amd64 windows executable?11:54
ddoobbjoop_ what is that11:54
joop_ddoobb: Look into LXC containers, or Docker11:55
joop_a container is somewhat like a VM, though it shares the kernel with the host.11:55
anddamthe wine-development depends line is      wine64-development (>= 3.6-1) | wine32-development (>= 3.6-1), wine64-development (<< 3.6-1.1~) | wine32-development (<< 3.6-1.1~)     so I figure picking one of the arch-specific package should pull the same dependencies11:55
joop_Somewhat of a fancy 'chroot'11:56
guivercanddam, i recall reading an explanation on why both were needed but can't recall (may have been some parts are x86 only, so both are needed to convert the 64 bit calls to 32 bit as not all api's deal with both .. but I don't use it so didn't try & remember, let alone I'm heading to bed.. -- you may find it's necessary..12:07
OSAMAdotBINanyone know how about themes and can identify this theme for me?12:09
BluesKajHowdy all12:24
vltOSAMAdotBIN: The sound of silence?12:34
OSAMAdotBINanyone familiar with changing the prompt of gnome terminal?12:36
tsglove2I have re-mapped ctrl to CAPS key.   Yet if I do Ctrl-Tab to switch applications, it seems to not read the ¨ctrl key_up¨.   So the small-windows showing the open applications stay up on-screen.12:37
tsglove2Any idea what I could check?12:37
ssriramHi, I am on ubuntu 16.04 and able to ssh via localhost, and private ip. if i try to ssh via public ip (after port fwding) i get "kex protocol error: type 30 seq 1" error. https://pastebin.com/cF8J2scX. this is the output12:37
hateballOSAMAdotBIN: do you mean bash? ie what typically says username@host:~$ and so on?12:37
tsglove2If I use the regular ctrl key (left-bottom0, it works fine when I key_up the ctrl (left-bottom one).12:37
OSAMAdotBINhateball: yes of course... I want to change it to three colorful dots12:37
hateballOSAMAdotBIN: here's a guide https://www.howtogeek.com/307701/how-to-customize-and-colorize-your-bash-prompt/12:40
OSAMAdotBINhateball, thankyou12:40
Bey0ndB1naryI am using Ubuntu 18.0412:53
Bey0ndB1naryI've tried Citrix Receiver 13.4, 13.5, 13.10. But still not able to type using my keyboard once i login to Citrix Reciever.12:53
Bey0ndB1naryCould someone help please ?12:53
HaMsTeRsRich guy12:54
=== alephnull_ is now known as alephnull
tichun*sigh* how to make a text file in nautilus? this is insane13:20
elias_atichun: Nautilus is a file browser, not a text editor.13:20
tichunelias_a: ...13:21
tichunelias_a: facepalm13:21
elias_atichun: Use gedit.13:21
elias_atichun: What is your problem?13:21
tichunelias_a: Hmmm... making a file in a file browser?13:22
mgedminthere's the somewhat less-known templates facility that still works I think?  you create an empty file in ~/Templates/Empty File.txt, and then nautilus gets a right-click option New Document -> Empty File13:22
mgedminyeah, just tested it on 18.10, still works13:22
tichunmgedmin: OK. But that is nuts. Imagine someone not familiar with that trying to make a text file.13:23
elias_atichun: Are you asking or referring to some olded conversation?13:23
elias_a* older...13:23
* mgedmin shrugs13:23
tichunmgedmin: And also to make a template you need to make a file in the first place :)13:23
tichunelias_a: I've just joined13:24
mgedminlaunch gedit, save as ~/Templates/whatever, done13:24
mgedminI mean, a text editor is how you create text files ...13:24
mgedminok, never mind13:24
tichunThat simply sucks way too much13:24
elias_atichun: How would you like it to work?13:25
tichunelias_a: right click on empty space in file manager and select 'new text file' from that context menu?13:25
tichunOr just new file13:26
tichunI think it used to be like that and it is like this in Dolphin? I bet mint handles that as well.13:27
elias_atichun: So you would like Nautilus be like windows explorer?13:27
tichunelias_a: So you are saying you would like to be using DOS?13:27
yeatstichun: what are the advantages of that when you would still need to use another app to create contet in the file?  (not challenging you, just curious)13:28
* mgedmin has some ideas, like no need to find the same folder again, in gedit's save as dialog13:28
tichunyeats: LOL. Just click on it and it will open with appropriate app13:28
* mgedmin would like to see if he guesses right13:28
elias_atichun: I really don't get your way of reasonin here. Sorry.13:28
mgedminyeah, launching the right app by clicking a file might be easier than finding gedit in the app grid13:29
tichunelias_a: It is the same as yours13:29
tichunyeats: It is exactly like now. You have a file, you click on it, it opens.13:30
yeatstichun: relevant: https://askubuntu.com/questions/208291/how-to-create-a-new-blank-file-in-nautilus-3-6-and-above13:30
yeatsI never used that, but I don't use the GUI a lot for that sort of thing13:30
donofrio10 years for LTS support wow - ubuntu is awesome (just 'had to share')13:37
TheHonorableKit-yeah ten years is a really long time lol13:39
brainwashthat's like a whole decade13:40
TheHonorableKit-like, literally13:40
brainwashhopefully for servers only13:41
TheHonorableKit-I would expect as such13:41
TheHonorableKit-I would hope though that a newer version of LTS will come out far before ten years is up13:41
rubenwardyMy question is: Can I reinstall Windows 10 without corrupting my Ubuntu installation?14:07
rubenwardyThis may be an X/Y question lol14:07
rubenwardybasically, I bought a new laptop then immediate installed Ubuntu14:07
rubenwardyI'm having glitches with the touchpad (even though the laptop is Ubuntu certified)14:08
rubenwardyI want to check to see if it's a hardware issue14:08
rubenwardyand to do that, I need to reinstall Windows (probably)14:08
moffaOr you can try another Linux distro14:08
Mathisenrubenwardy, yes you can but you most likely need to repair the bootloader after "grub" depending on how you do it14:09
moffaWindows will generally wipe the bootloader, so you'll need to recover it after14:09
rubenwardyright, googling said as much14:09
rubenwardyhave people tried this before?14:09
brainwashor install it on another (external) HDD14:09
xtronthere are a lot of loop devices mounted on /snap/*, how to get ride of them14:09
moffaDid you Google your touchpad issues?  It might need a workaround14:10
* mgedmin used to like the 'mbr' package in the MBR, with grub in the linux partition, so when windows overwrote the bootloader all I had to do was make the linux partition active again and maybe reinstall mbr14:10
moffaxtron: they are used by snap packages14:10
* mgedmin hasn't used dual-boot in the last 10+ years so he will refrain from making actual advice14:10
rubenwardyI have, the fixes haven't worked14:10
rubenwardymy friend has the same laptop with no issues14:10
rubenwardythey use Arch though14:10
moffarubenwardy I would try Arch via live usb then14:11
rubenwardythe bug is this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/dell-sputnik/+bug/165163514:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1651635 in linux (Ubuntu) "XPS 13 9360 trackpad locks into scroll mode" [Undecided,Invalid]14:11
rubenwardy(but 9370)14:11
rubenwardythe end comments suggest the touchpad needs replacing14:11
moffarubenwardy since it's a new laptop, it's unlikely that it's a hardware issue14:13
rubenwardyit is dell though14:13
moffarubenwardy Dell tests their laptops like everyone else.  I'd recommend to try Arch via live usb.14:14
xtronmoffa, quite a dirty way of installing snap apps, will uninstalling these apps remove mount points?14:14
moffaxtron yes, there are some built-in ones as well.14:14
elias_aWhat could cause that trying to open a certain WWW-page fails with Firefox and yet is succeeded with Chromium? The web server answers to ping promptly.14:20
elias_aUsing 18.04.14:20
xtronapplications from "snap-store" couldn't launch properly14:20
mgedminelias_a: what does the network tab say in firefox's dev tools?14:21
elias_amgedmin: Which field should tell me something important?14:24
LoopAtHomehello is anyone listing14:25
tomreyn!ask | LoopAtHome14:26
ubottuLoopAtHome: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience14:26
LoopAtHomemy ubuntu is not updating14:26
tomreynLoopAtHome: not updating as in not installing bugfixes and security patches, or as in not upgrading to the next ubuntu release?14:27
LoopAtHomesee i went to software Updater14:27
=== [1]MrMobius is now known as MrMobius
LoopAtHomeand clicked on update , it is saying you have less space on boot14:28
tomreynLoopAtHome: which ubuntu version do you run there? did you upgrade it from an earlier version at soem point?14:28
LoopAtHomebut i have much free space left , it is lying14:28
LoopAtHomeyes i am running ubuntu mate for raspberry pi14:29
LoopAtHomeshall i send you what it is saying14:29
moffaelias_a proxy settings possibly14:29
tomreynLoopAtHome: yes this would be useful14:30
LoopAtHomeok sir pls wait14:30
IarlaI'm running testdisk 7.0 and the Deeper Search finds my Linux partition. But when I can't choose any of them (search is at 2%) and if I stop the search they aren't listed as results. Am I doing something wrong or do I have to just wait?14:30
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Iarla*but then I can't choose14:30
LoopAtHomeplz download them14:32
elias_amoffa: Cannot be the case as this problem is only with one single webshop and no proxies in use.14:32
tomreynLoopAtHome: where from?14:32
elias_aLoopAtHome: I bet your root partition is full.14:32
LoopAtHomethrow irc14:33
LoopAtHomeaccept them , to download14:33
tomreynLoopAtHome: use imgur.com or a different file hosting service for images, paste.ubuntu.com for text. text is preferred where it's just test.14:33
elias_amoffa: Seems to be a problem with some addon as in safe mode Firefox is able to open that page.14:33
mgedminelias_a: ah, this is where I forget not everyone's a web developer intimately familiar with the details of HTTP ...  look for errors maybe?14:33
LoopAtHomeyou kniw ftp download14:34
LoopAtHomeplz see my private conversation14:34
LoopAtHomeyou will get it14:34
elias_amgedmin: You're quite right in that. :P14:34
tomreynLoopAtHome: i generally don't accept file transfers via dcc if thats what you tried.14:34
tomreyn!paste | LoopAtHome14:34
ubottuLoopAtHome: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.14:34
LoopAtHomewhy sir , it does not have virus , i have bitdefender\14:35
LoopAtHomei promis , plz solver faster , you people are expert14:35
OerHeksLoopAtHome, if your boot is full, run apt get autoremove, to remove old kernels?14:36
LoopAtHomei did nothing worked14:36
LoopAtHomeshall i remove boot folder?14:38
OerHeksLoopAtHome, can you create a textfile at all? maybe your system is read only, due to a broken file/corrupt filesystem?14:38
OerHeksthat is why tomreyn wants the output of your update command, to see what is actually happening14:39
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LoopAtHomeso sir what i have to do14:41
LoopAtHomei mean how?14:41
=== ianychoi_ is now known as ianychoi
OerHeksthis is an easy oneliner:  sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade | nc termbin.com 999914:42
OerHeksand paste the termbin adress here14:42
LoopAtHomethis is do always thanks14:42
LoopAtHomewhen i will copy , is my password also going to be copied?14:43
LoopAtHomerocket@ABC-desktop:~$ sudo apt-get update14:43
LoopAtHome[sudo] password for rocket:14:43
LoopAtHomeHit:1 http://ppa.launchpad.net/flexiondotorg/minecraft/ubuntu xenial InRelease14:43
LoopAtHomeHit:2 http://ports.ubuntu.com xenial InRelease14:43
LoopAtHomeHit:3 http://ports.ubuntu.com xenial-updates InRelease14:43
LoopAtHomeHit:4 http://ppa.launchpad.net/ubuntu-mate-dev/welcome/ubuntu xenial InRelease14:43
OerHeksyour password will never be copied14:44
LoopAtHomeis the command visible14:44
OerHeksonly you get the termbin adress, and you can check yourself before sending here14:45
LoopAtHomei mean another command is in progress14:45
elias_aLoopAtHome: How will we other possible helpers see content about your problem if you send it to only one person?14:45
OerHeks( if i trick you for your password, i loose my membership )14:45
LoopAtHomerocket@ABC-desktop:~$ sudo apt-get upgrade14:46
LoopAtHomeReading package lists... Done14:46
LoopAtHomeBuilding dependency tree14:46
LoopAtHomeReading state information... Done14:46
LoopAtHomeCalculating upgrade... Done14:46
LoopAtHomeThe following packages will be upgraded:14:46
Oolthanks bot :)14:46
hggdhLoopAtHome: do NOT paste multiple lines to the channel14:46
LoopAtHomeanything else sir?14:48
hggdhLoopAtHome: yes. give us the link provided by OerHeks' command. DO NOT PASTE THE WHOLE OUTPUT HERE14:48
LoopAtHomemeans i have to sent him privately ?14:49
hggdhLoopAtHome: we saw nothing of the output, you were automatically blocked by spam control14:49
hggdhLoopAtHome: run this command: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade | nc termbin.com 999914:50
hggdhit will give you a link as a response. Give us this link14:50
LoopAtHomethanks , i am just fool14:51
LoopAtHomegit it14:53
LoopAtHomegot it??14:53
LoopAtHomehave you understood anything from it14:55
hggdhall I can say is your installation is up-to-date. Now it is back to OerHeks or others14:55
LoopAtHomeit says 0 packages installed14:55
hggdhLoopAtHome: it tells us your Ubuntu is up-to-date14:56
LoopAtHomethanks hggdh for ur part14:56
OerHeksloopAtHome, not sure when you see there is no space in your boot ..15:01
elias_aOh - he/she left. I would have wanted to see the output of df.15:05
elias_amgedmin: I thought the reason might have been an addon. However, disabling the 2 addons, Privacy Badger and Adblock Plus, the page still does not work.15:14
sheenHello there, anyone could help me with Xvkvd ? I have behavior than I don't understand, maybe i's caused by ma azerty keyboard.15:29
OerHekssheen, ask, wait and see15:31
rubenwardyI did  sudo apt remove xserver-xorg-input-synaptics and restarted the system15:33
rubenwardyI'm still getting two trackpads in `xinput list`:    https://gist.github.com/rubenwardy/d7d1ed2146970fe182d23572f377800b15:34
rubenwardymy friend with a working install doesn't see line 4 (SynPS/2 Synaptics TouchPad )15:35
HipHop-openboxrubenwardy, turn on/off function key for trackpad.. if so and still problem maybe broken. Let me guess it works in Windows15:43
rubenwardyI have a vague feeling that it happened in windows, but I'm not certain15:44
rubenwardyfunction key = media key?15:44
HipHop-openboxF keys above numbers.  Have picture of turn off turn on track pad.. of course not sure of model laptop15:45
ioriarubenwardy, honestly,i think it's a bug ; check if the 'FIX: ' part  works for you  : https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/159166915:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1591669 in linux (Ubuntu) "duplicate touchpad reported and syndaemon/synclient does not work" [Medium,Confirmed]15:46
HipHop-openboxNow in past 6 months seen more laptops without function track pads then ever before. Manufacturer errors15:47
rubenwardything is that I uninstalled synaptics15:47
rubenwardyso why is it still appearing?15:47
rubenwardythe duplicate pad didn't appear when I had synaptics installed and the conf file commented out15:50
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HipHop-openboxrubenwardy, So I hope disabled touchpad and are using mouse till you can find work around..15:54
rubenwardythere's no key for that15:54
rubenwardybut anyway: the touchpad works fine for many hours15:54
rubenwardythen goes into a freezing/scrolllock weird mode, which is fixed on restart15:55
rubenwardywell, thanks for the help15:56
HipHop-openboxrubenwardy, looked at any videos about replacing touch pad.  Maybe something loose inside... This is a last ditch effort...15:56
rubenwardyI think I'll try and reproduce it in Windoze15:56
rubenwardyif so, I'll get Dell to come out and fix it until warrantee15:56
HipHop-openboxThat sounds like great idea15:57
rubenwardyI'm 60% sure I had it happen in windows before I installed linux15:57
rubenwardyI thought it was a windows feature15:57
HipHop-openboxrubenwardy, happens when building computers time to time things get loose or damaged15:58
HipHop-openboxNot that common15:58
sheenWhen Im' asking to xvkbd to send the key 'é', it send 'é'. It works with &, ", ', (, but not with é. I don't understand why. Any help welcome16:01
en1gmathis is what 'sudo lspci' reports "01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] Venus XT [Radeon HD 8870M / R9 M270X/M370X] (rev ff)"16:17
a-chymerahi guys, I am compressing a directory with `tar tar cfJ /mnt/overflow/samri_edudata.tar.xz samri_edudata/` and its final size is `-rw-r--r-- 1 chymera chymera 21G Nov 16 04:17 /mnt/overflow/samri_edudata.tar.xz` this is huge, and the problem is if you look at the directory, it's actually smaller: https://paste.pound-python.org/show/KrNkZXTzw2lH0F96FglC/16:17
en1gmai just bought it off ebay and the ebay seller said that is the same thing as the nvidia quadro 5100m16:17
en1gmais it?16:17
moffaen1gma its better than a 5100m16:20
en1gmais it more for gaming then like autocad or engineering stuff?16:20
moffaen1gma quadros were made for engineering work but it really depends on your workload16:22
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en1gmayea but is the card i actually have in my laptop geared toward gaming or more towards photoshop or engineering16:23
en1gmayou said mine was better. im just not sure if you mean its better at gaming or better at workstation stuff16:23
cahootshi, if i use apt for some things and apt-get for other things, does that cause problems? do they use the same shared areas on the os?16:23
moffaen1gma probably for both.  My gaming card outperformed by quadro.  I think it's application-specific though.  the 5100m is really old and weak16:24
en1gmayes but workstation cards and gaming cards are of different hw and even drivers. what kind is mine. gaming or workstation16:25
en1gmai never heard of it before. "Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] Venus XT [Radeon HD 8870M / R9 M270X/M370X]"16:26
en1gmait must be geared to workstation but im sure it games too16:26
en1gmaits funny though as i was looking to see what GPU's i could put in this laptop and i hear about the m2200m, 1200m, 1100m and something else but i dont hear about the Venus16:27
lordcirth_I'm trying to reset a password on a Ubuntu 18.04 machine using init=/bin/bash like I've done lots of times - but it just goes a blank purple screen and stays there.  Ideas?16:33
mgedminhit esc?16:34
mgedmintry alt-f1/f2/f3/...?16:34
mgedminit's been a long time since I did recovery; I don't remember if init=/bin/sh on modern ubuntu systems drop you into a real shell, or if you end up in the initramfs shell with nothing much mounted16:35
mgedminthere's always the slightly more annoying option of booting a live system from usb, mounting the root partition, chrooting inside, and using passwd to change the password16:36
long-klonghello !16:36
long-klongI am having trouble copy/ pasting in ubuntu from  windows machine16:36
lordcirth_mgedmin, tried all those buttons, yeah.  I know on 16.04 it does mount /, not sure about anything else16:36
long-klongI have installed virtual box16:36
lordcirth_long-klong, windows is the guest or the host?16:37
mgedminlordcirth_: have tried recovery mode from the grub boot menu?16:37
OerHeksshift ctrl v ( for pasting in Vbox)16:37
long-klonghave enabled the options shared clipboard and drag and drop as bidirectional16:37
long-klonglordcirth_ windows is the host16:37
long-klongI have tried the solutinons from these links but it kills completly the input from the keyboard16:38
OerHekssame as pasting from ubuntu to ubuntu-terminal16:38
long-klongand the last one was this one ... with the same result https://askubuntu.com/questions/22743/how-do-i-install-guest-additions-in-a-virtualbox-vm16:39
iorialordcirth_,  did you remove  'ro   quiet splash $vt_handoff'       and add   'rw init=/bin/bash '  ?16:39
cahootshi, if i use apt for some things and apt-get for other things, does that cause problems? do they use the same shared areas on the os?16:40
DevPumpHas anyone tried to use virsh migrate with libvirt version 4.0.0 and 1.3.1? I'm running the queens repo on ubuntu 16.04 which seems to work going from the 1.3.1 to 4.0.0 but not the other way around. This error comes up going out: "error: internal error: unable to execute QEMU command 'drive-mirror': failed to read option reply: Unexpected end-of-file before all bytes were read"16:40
lordcirth_ioria, that is exactly what I did, yes.  But now I tried recovery from grub, and now it lets me get a root shell without a password, unlike previous versions.  So whatever16:40
lordcirth_cahoots, they log to different places, but they will otherwise work together fine16:41
OerHekscahoots, no, apt-get is/was the old way, apt is the newer way, both are valid16:41
mgedmincahoots: apt and apt-get are part of the same program, you can use them more-or-less interchangeably16:41
cahootsawesome thanks16:41
mgedminlordcirth_: all versions of ubuntu give you a free root shell in recovery mode IF you don't set the root password (it's not set by default)16:42
lordcirth_mgedmin, ah, that may be it16:43
OerHeks!password | this guide works pretty well16:43
ubottuthis guide works pretty well: Forgot your password? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LostPassword What's the root password? See !sudo. Don't see *** in password prompts? That's normal. Sudo doesn't ask for your password? It remembers you for several minutes. Please use strong passwords, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/StrongPasswords16:43
mgedminI love wiki pages with detailed instructions for "9.04 jaunty or earlier"16:44
cahootshi, i'm using a gce instance running ubuntu, and i see two folders in /home: one for my username, and one called ubuntu. where should i put data that i want any accounts on the system to access? i'm making a web server16:51
eelstrebori've been trying to figure out how to do bcache - it seems that you have to format an entire drive for just bcache instead of specifying a partition on the drive that you want to setup a cache on?16:54
OerHekscahoots, standard one would uses /var/www/ , make sure you are member of www-data https://askubuntu.com/questions/873839/what-is-the-www-data-user16:54
cahootsOerHeks, thanks16:55
cahootsOerHeks, so would i put my actual github repo with the code in /var/www?16:56
cahootsi want to allow any users in the instance to edit the code16:56
OerHekscahoots, i think you can, the var-www user ( you ) can put it there, and your webserver does the rest16:58
cahootsok thanks16:59
RobBurkehey guys. Does anyone know of a working ambiance-dark theme for a 18.04 Gnome3 install? And a place to get it?17:00
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pragmaticenigmaRobBurke: Please ask questions like that in #ubuntu-offtopic. This channel is for support questions only, not customization17:03
OerHekstheme: https://www.gnome-look.org/p/1013462/ and manual howto use it with gnome-tweak https://askubuntu.com/questions/1047604/ubuntu-18-04-missing-global-dark-theme-option-in-gnome-tweak-tool17:04
RobBurkepragmaticenigma, sorry, I didn't notice there being a strict division between the two here17:04
PCatineanIs anyone here familiar with the jq program?17:04
brainwashPCatinean: no one is17:06
RobBurkeOerHeks, cheers17:07
OerHeks!info jq17:07
ubottujq (source: jq): lightweight and flexible command-line JSON processor. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.5+dfsg-2 (bionic), package size 45 kB, installed size 88 kB17:07
brainwashPCatinean: but someone in #jq may be17:08
ph88how do update ubuntu 18.04 to 18.10 ?17:15
ducasse!upgrade | ph8817:15
ubottuph88: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade17:15
geniiph88: Make sure /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades says Prompt=normal instead of Prompt=lts since you're on an LTS version, and then it should be automatically offered17:17
TheHonorableKit-<--- bored17:29
pragmaticenigmaTheHonorableKit-: Do you have an Ubuntu support question? Please free to ask it. For conversation and general discussion, come join us in #ubuntu-offtopic17:29
TheHonorableKit-I do not. I usually do. Ok. :)  <317:36
NoImNotN1neVoltso, what happens if i ssh into a box, start apt-get upgrade, but some interactive dpkg configure menu pops up, and then the ssh session drops from timeout...17:43
NoImNotN1neVoltwhen i reconnect, i can still see the apt-get upgrade and child dpkg processes in my `ps aux` output17:44
NoImNotN1neVolti mean, i guess i could just kill them, but i'm kinda nervous about killing dpkg while it's in the middle of doing its thing...17:44
* NoImNotN1neVolt takes unattended-upgrades to another level :P17:45
TheWildrunning 16.04.4 LTS "Try Ubuntu". Youtube doesn't work because "your browser does not currently recognize any of the video formats available". What package I should install?17:49
EriC^^TheWild: ubuntu-restricted-extras17:52
EriC^^TheWild: scratch that17:52
OerHeksTheWild, install chrome ( not sure that can be done on a live session)  or install the restricted extras package/ flashplugin-installe17:52
rubenwardythere's no need to install chrome17:52
rubenwardyand I'm pretty sure youtube doesn't use flash anymore17:52
OerHeksmost youtube works with html5, but you need an updated firefox17:53
pdadroid3Hi i have problem "The password you use to log in to your computer no longer matches that of your login keyring"17:53
rubenwardyoh right, 16.0417:53
rubenwardywhy are you running 16.04?17:53
rubenwardydoesn't Firefox update independently of Ubuntu version, anyway?17:54
TheWildI'll be back17:54
Dbuggeris there still no native way to make Ubuntu auto-connect to a vpn on startup?17:56
h00kDbugger: I did it with my openvpn config. You put the config file in a certain location and it does a thing.17:56
TheWild_installing ffmpeg does it, so there must be something that's in main or universe repository. https://kopy.io/TEKAI17:57
TheWild_omg, I have a underscore17:57
Dbuggerh00k, is it really not an option on the default desktop ui??17:58
h00kDbugger: I did this: http://e-mats.org/2016/01/enabling-openvpn-configuration-autostart-on-ubuntu/ I'm pretty sure17:58
h00kDbugger: I wasn't able to find it, but I didn't want it to rely on me being logged into a session to work17:58
DbuggerI was hoping for something less hard to remember :(17:58
Dbuggeroh well... thanks for the link17:59
h00kDbugger: so mine comes up when my network interface comes up automagically17:59
Dbuggeryeah, I just really miss a simple "Auto connect on boot" button :/18:01
simon8888hi, I am here for a stupid question which I can't google, can I make ubuntu user management to access database instead of datafile like /bin/password or /bin shadow?18:17
lordcirth_simon8888, what sort of database?  LDAP?  You could set up Samba418:21
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cage_rapheldoes any one have any issues amule crashing on ubuntu18.04??18:26
cage_raphelmy amule keeps crashing when i open it18:27
dlamdns resolution on my laptop seems super slow!  anyone kno whow to debug?!18:29
pragmaticenigmasimon8888: If you're looking for database like MySQL, PostGres or the like, the answer would be no. File based authentication is used because it is immediately available on boot.18:29
johnhmaluhello how it is possible to add my software in ubuntu apt?18:30
pragmaticenigmajohnhmalu: simple answer is no, if you're willing to maintain and setup a PPA, you can add that to your apt sources. Though support for that is out of scope for this channel18:31
pragmaticenigmadlam: use a utility like dig to try different DNS providers manually. Take a look that the man page for dig for more details18:32
johnhmaluok, so only with PPA if I'm not a Ubuntu dev. With apt it is possible only if I'm a Ubuntu dev, right?18:32
pragmaticenigmajohnhmalu: software in the core ubuntu repositories is managed and handled by canonical. This channel is run by volunteers.18:33
dlampragmaticenigma: ooo ok thx thx18:34
Jordan_Ujohnhmalu: To be clear, you've written a piece of software and you want it to be available in Ubuntu's default repositories, correct?18:34
johnhmaluJoardan_U: yes18:34
lordcirth_johnhmalu, you might want to first create a .deb package of it, that will make it easier to install18:37
johnhmaluJordan_U* sorry18:37
lordcirth_Then a PPA is a good option.  What's the software?18:37
Jordan_Ujohnhmalu: First, realize that this will be a lot of work. You're going to have to learn a lot about how projects generally release their software upstream, how to work with other people, and also likely how to package an application properly.18:39
Jordan_Ujohnhmalu: https://askubuntu.com/questions/16446/how-to-get-my-software-into-ubuntu has good resources to start. But again, don't expect this to be something you'll get done in a month or without a lot of hard learning and work.18:41
OerHeksthere used to be this wishlist, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Ubuntu/Wishlist18:42
johnhmaluJordan_U: thank you. Yes, a lot of work18:44
ash_worksiis there a way for me control the time it takes for a notification to disappear without interaction on 18.04?18:45
OerHeksash_worksi, gnome-tweak does not, but this page gives that time tweak https://www.fossmint.com/notifyosd-desktop-notification-bubbles-in-ubuntu/18:52
OerHekschoose 2. webupd818:52
ash_worksiso I have to use a 3rd-party repo?18:56
ash_worksiOerHeks: ^18:56
* ash_worksi says goodbye to support from #ubuntu18:56
OerHeksash_worksi, maybe you can find a notify-tweak tool in gnome org? then you could use gnome-tweak18:58
OerHeksi would go for the webupd8 repo, it is not bad18:58
pragmaticenigmaash_worksi: The act of using a 3rd party PPA doesn't stop support. This channel simply won't support the software provided by the 3rd party PPA.18:59
ash_worksipragmaticenigma: I know, but it introduces possibly non-apparent issues19:02
EriC^^ash_worksi: maybe you could modify the program it uses like make it a script that runs the program + your tweaked options19:02
NexilvaShould I use Chrome or Chromium or Firefox?19:02
OerHeksNexilva, use them all :-D19:02
OerHekschromium & firefox in our repos, and add the google blob19:02
pragmaticenigmaash_worksi: The easiest solution is to live with it. Tweaking settings like that can also cause non-apparent issues. The setting may control more than just the toaster notifications, and cause you to miss important messages.19:03
NexilvaWhy do they call it a repository?19:03
NexilvaWhat about a despository?19:03
Nexilvaor like a pository?19:03
NexilvaMaybe, suppository?19:04
* EriC^^ slaps Nexilva with an English dictionary19:04
NexilvaWhat if you have Home Depot, and then you have Repository19:04
pragmaticenigmaNexilva: Do you have an Ubuntu support question? If not please ask those kinds of questions in #ubuntu-offtopic19:04
ash_worksiE: Unable to locate package notifyosdconfig19:06
mlozaHello, I can't seem to figure out why netplan YAML doesn't work. I have 2 NIC and I want to both have an IP address.19:07
mlozaThis is my netplan YAML http://sprunge.us/hK0bQl19:07
ioria!info notify-osd19:07
ubottunotify-osd (source: notify-osd): daemon that displays passive pop-up notifications. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.35+16.04.20160415-0ubuntu2 (bionic), package size 106 kB, installed size 759 kB19:07
NexilvaUbuntu Depot19:07
NexilvaLike Home Depot19:08
NexilvaWould you say Home Repot?19:08
NexilvaSee what I mean?19:08
NexilvaI want to clone my repository list and my packages list from laptop kubuntu to desktop kubuntu, same version19:08
NexilvaHow canI do this?19:09
Nexilvaso that everything that is installed in laptop will be also installed in deaktop19:09
Nexilvayou knowk what I mean, man? mean man.19:09
NexilvaI mean, man.19:09
ash_worksiso following the instructions on fossmint.com left me with the E: error19:09
ash_worksiso uh, not sure where to go from there19:10
NexilvaDoes anybody know this?19:10
NexilvaHow to make a  space seperated list of all the installed packets in my laptop, so that I can install them in the desktop19:10
Nexilvathank you19:10
pragmaticenigmaNexilva: Stop, if someone has an answer they will respond. In the mean time:19:11
pragmaticenigma!patience | Nexilva19:11
ubottuNexilva: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/19:11
Nexilvaok thank you19:11
ash_worksiI installed notify-osd, dunno how to configure it19:15
OerHeksash_worksi, did you run update first?19:15
OerHeksoh oke19:15
ash_worksiand upgrade19:16
elias_aNexilva: Would this be of help? https://askubuntu.com/questions/9135/how-to-backup-settings-and-list-of-installed-packages19:17
NoImNotN1neVoltso, what happens if i ssh into a box, start apt-get upgrade, but some interactive dpkg configure menu pops up, and then the ssh session drops from timeout...19:18
NoImNotN1neVoltwhen i reconnect, i can still see the apt-get upgrade and child dpkg processes in my `ps aux` output19:18
ash_worksiI think jobs for dropped sessions cancel19:19
ash_worksiwhich is why I use screen for long running jobs19:19
ash_worksibut I'm not sure19:20
lordcirth_NoImNotN1neVolt, you should use screen or tmux to prevent this and other problems over ssh19:24
OerHeksdang, i tried that PPA myself, ash, but i cannot find it either, besides notify-osd19:25
DiplomatHey! I'm trying to figure out how I can allow a nginx execute a bash file that contains kill command. I just want nginx to have permissions to execute this specific file.. any idea? This is what I have "nginx ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/nginx/reload_nginx.sh" <-- but it doesn't seem to work because I still get "operation not permitted"19:44
brainwashDiplomat: what command do you run?19:44
Diplomatreload_nginx.sh just contains kill -HUP PID19:45
DiplomatI'd do service nginx reload, but I'm running it in docker.. so yeah19:45
ash_worksiOerHeks: well, how do I use notify-osd after installing it? or are you changing your recommendation?19:45
OerHeksash_worksi, i expected it to work for 18.04 and up, but no, it stopped with 17.10 :-(19:47
bipulHi, does anyone have idea to install Ubuntu in unattended mode in VirtualBox?19:50
lordcirth_bipul, I have recently done this using Packer.  I could share my configs if you like19:50
bipulI have tried with following script https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/NYfkF3DcnN/19:51
bipulpackers? please do share19:52
OerHeksdownload, copy, run https://www.osboxes.org/ubuntu/19:53
OerHeks.. wait, install live server??19:54
simon8888lordcirth, I am looking for a real database like mssql or mysql.19:54
OerHeksliveserver is created to fix an server install19:54
bipulOerHeks, Is it .ova file?19:54
lordcirth_simon8888, what problem are you trying to solve?19:55
simon8888pragmaticenigma, thanks for the answer.19:55
=== Skybot is now known as OhPie
lordcirth_bipul, osboxes is also an option.  Or, install Packer and run this: https://gist.github.com/lordcirth/7a815277d4da94869fb533e8bf89352519:56
bipulWhat is packer? It's new to me :(19:57
lordcirth_it's a tool for building VM images19:57
simon8888lordcirth_, we want to offer our customer a SFTP server, but instead we create each user on the server, we hare our application database. the database stores user's name and password.19:58
bipulBut how to automate the VM's creations? in VirtualBox?19:58
lordcirth_bipul, apt install packer; make a directory, put this .json and the ISO in it, cd into it, and run 'packer build ubuntu-json.iso'19:58
pragmaticenigmasimon8888: There are tools available that would allow you manage the users and handle the sync'ing between the database and the system saved credentials19:58
lordcirth_it will take like 20 minutes and then you have a VM.19:59
simon8888lordcirth_, so the thinking here which is make ubuntu user management to access username and password from our own database.19:59
lordcirth_simon8888, why sftp specifically?19:59
bipullordcirth_, So packer auto install VM's in VirtualBox?19:59
lordcirth_bipul, yes.  Read the .json file, it should be understandable20:00
simon8888pragmaticenigma, would you please lead me to these tools?20:00
bipuloh okay.20:00
simon8888lordcirth, compatible for old system.20:00
pragmaticenigmasimon8888: I'm not fully aware of what those tools are or called. I just know that they exist. Similar to LDAP20:00
lordcirth_simon8888, something like this maybe: http://pdbsql.sourceforge.net/pdb_mysql.html20:02
CarlFKwhy did this return 1?  zcat boot.img.gz| sudo dcfldd of=/dev/sdc   --  log: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/4BDWv4m6sn/  script: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/zktxRPX9rX/20:02
lordcirth_A samba4 server using your DB as a backend20:02
simon8888lordcirth_, this is interesting solution. let me think about it20:04
simon8888lordcirth_, do you have any idea of mssql server backend?20:04
simon8888pragmaticenigma, Thanks a lot.20:05
lordcirth_simon8888, I don't see any reason to use mssql, but it would probably work too20:05
OerHeksCarlFK, try .. #debian?20:07
CarlFKOerHeks: um.. I don't think the source of the file is the problem - sudo/dd and maybe zcat are what's erroring (I tink)20:08
bipulI don't understand this  "{ "type": "virtualbox-iso", " ??20:08
bipul-iso? what iso? virtualbox iso ?20:08
lordcirth_bipul, it's the packer module that takes an iso and uses Vbox to make the template20:08
bipullordcirth_, Thank you for your wonderful suggestion.20:11
simon8888lordcirth_,Thanks a lot20:11
lordcirth_bipul, no problem.  I literally just started using Packer 2 weeks ago when a project came up that needed VM images20:11
bipulBut i found it's bug in VirtualBox since it's unattend mode does not work.20:12
ash_worksidoes duckduckgo do their own crawling?20:24
lordcirth_ash_worksi, I believe so; but that's pretty off-topic here20:24
ash_worksiI was confident the ubuntu lords would know and not care.20:24
OerHeksthere is #duckduckgo here on #freenode20:25
hggdhash_worksi: actually, we do care20:25
ash_worksio hreally?20:25
lordcirth_ash_worksi, https://duckduckgo.com/duckduckbot20:25
lordcirth_So yes, they do20:25
ash_worksithanks lordcirth_20:25
OerHeksso, the answer is no :-D20:26
NoImNotN1neVoltlordcirth_: right, but i don't have a time machine, and that process is still sitting there20:33
lordcirth_NoImNotN1neVolt, so sigterm it?20:33
NoImNotN1neVoltis that safe?20:33
NoImNotN1neVolti mean, it's dpkg.20:33
EriC^^NoImNotN1neVolt: just kill it then run dpkg --configure -a20:33
NoImNotN1neVoltdpkg: error: dpkg frontend is locked by another process20:34
NoImNotN1neVoltwell, i guess i could kill it first :P20:34
NoImNotN1neVoltthat did the trick.20:35
NoImNotN1neVoltwell, it did something.... "Generating grub configuration file ..."20:35
NoImNotN1neVoltnot sure what choice it went with re: grub install devices :P20:36
NoImNotN1neVoltthe next reboot will be a fun one.20:36
Sven_vBwhat's a good player to listen to an HLS audio stream? in VLC it pauses every few seconds20:38
=== urdh_ is now known as urdh
Kazdaxif i install ubuntu and i have windows otn he same drive20:39
Kazdaxcan i access the windows drive files ?20:39
NoImNotN1neVolti don't see why not.20:39
CarlFKKazdax:  yes and yes.20:39
Kazdaxokay cool20:39
Kazdaxi am installing ubuntu 15 minutes from now20:39
Kazdaxif thats the case ..then i dont see why i cant use ubunutu20:39
Kazdaxspecially since my windows is pirated and fucked up20:40
Kazdaxi got 2 flasdh drives20:41
Kazdaxa sandisk and a pny any idea which one to use ?20:42
OerHekscan i access the windows drive files ? .. maybe, fat32 & ntfs yes, but exfat needs a tool to be installed20:43
CarlFKKazdax: either.  and have some answers to questions you haven't asked yet: https://askubuntu.com/questions/221835/how-do-i-install-ubuntu-alongside-a-pre-installed-windows-with-uefi20:43
Kazdaxya  dont have uefi20:44
Kazdaxmy computer is old school20:44
CarlFKOerHeks: ubuntu desktop install can read winodws files.  Windows can read the ext files if you install a ext driver for windows20:44
OerHeksCarlFK, sure, ntfs and fat32 OOTB, but not exfat, which can be used with windows 10 or so20:45
OerHeksso if you encounter someone who cannot read 'windows disks/usb', check fdisk -l to see if it could be exfat20:46
OerHeksthen you will need  exfat-fuse, exfat-utils20:46
Kazdaxiam using windows 720:46
Kazdaxso i bet i am safe in that criteria20:47
OerHeksand there is bitlocker too,..20:47
Kazdaxwhy would i want to use ubuntu over windows..besides the factt hat all haxors use linux ?20:48
=== capella is now known as capella|away
Kazdaxi dont play games ..so windows isnt really relevant to me20:48
Kazdaxi guess its just that ..that all haxors play with linux because thats what they do20:49
Kazdaxie everything experimental is done on linux20:49
Kazdaxwindows gives no room for experimentation20:49
OerHekswindows needs a mouse20:49
Kazdaxyou can say that for linux systems20:50
Kazdaxlinux has come a long way from being text only20:50
TJ-Kazdax: no, Linux systems don't "need" a mouse; that only really comes in when you use a GUI20:50
Kazdaxby the way ..i used debian before20:50
texlahttps://pastebin.com/XhbP1SnZ..could someone look at my df -h and tell do I need all snap20:51
Kazdaxyea ..infact after learning some VI ..i realised VI is faster editer than MS word20:51
TJ-Kazdax: remember that by far the majority of GNU/Linux systems are headless - don't have a video device or keyboard even20:51
Kazdaxya TJ used as servers and routers20:52
ntdTJ-, ping20:52
Kazdaxi used to laight at ubuntu back when i was younger20:52
Kazdaxnow seeing the scope and how easy it is to get things done of it20:52
Kazdaxits amazing those SA could get this far20:52
TJ-ntd: pong!20:52
ntdthank you20:52
ntdremember that funny h264 video issue with kernel 4.15.0-36?20:53
ntd...which was resolved with -38?20:54
TJ-ntd: I'm afraid not, but go on, I've a feeling I'll remember with a few hints :)20:54
Kazdaxlike every question you ask about linux ..the first awnser pops up solving an ubuntu question20:54
ntdTJ-, your boxes were dropping streams, mine were acting up when using ffmpeg over libvlc?20:55
ntd...magically introduced with -36 and resolved in -38?20:55
TJ-ntd: oh! yes20:55
Kazdaxokay only one minute left for my ubuntu download20:55
Kazdaxwish me luck homies20:55
ntdnothing substantial in the changelog, what happened there?20:55
Kazdax22 secounds20:56
TJ-ntd: Sometimes its best just to move on! I had a recent issue where the v4.18 hwe-18.04-edge kernel from 18.10 cosmic would totally freeze my Asus T300CHI transformer - no clues in logs, random, etc., I've switched to a mainline v4.19 kernel and it hasn't frozen in several days.20:57
ntdi've run into a new weird issue20:57
ntdsomehow support for amdgpu-pro got borked between 4.4.0-134 and -13820:58
ntdi just can't believe i am the first to notice this20:58
ntdeither 99,99% of the population are way to busy with instagram or there are very few linux+amd gpu for compute users :)20:59
TJ-ntd: where does the amdgpu-pro driver come from? Ubuntu archives or 3rd party ?20:59
ntdfrom support.amd.com. compute system running from filesystem snapshots21:00
Kazdaxey patition scheme in rufus21:00
Kazdaxwhat should i choose21:00
ntddriver is never installed permanently21:00
KazdaxMBR or GPT ?21:00
Kazdaxi am not using UEFI21:00
ntdclean snapshot, security update, take new snapshot, install driver, fire up application21:00
Kazdaxlike can you guys focus on me for a bit21:01
Kazdaxi am the one that needs help\21:01
ntdhas been working since 16.04.1, got broken with kernel 4.4.0-138. if i boot from -134 instead the driver works fine21:01
ntdtried all available amdgpu-versions, also got broken between 4.15.0-34 and -3621:02
TJ-ntd: have you searched for existing bug reports that look like it?21:03
ntd"modprobe amdgpu":21:03
ntdmodprobe: ERROR: could not insert 'amdgpu': Exec format error21:03
ntdamdkcl: exports duplicate symbol arch_io_free_memtype_wc (owned by kernel)21:03
TJ-ntd: what are the symptoms21:03
bipullordcirth_, It says * Bad Floppy disk file 'preseed-desktop.cfg': stat preseed-desktop.cfg: no such file or directory21:03
ntdsame system, same userland, same filesystem snapshot21:04
TJ-ntd: looks like a bug in the amdgpu source if it is declaring a symbol owned by the kernel21:04
ntdexcept the driver dist hasn't changed. must be in-kernel amdgpu21:05
OerHeks*if* your usb drive is larger than 2 Tb, you would need gpt21:05
Kazdaxok thanks21:05
ntdi've tried amdgpu-pro 17.40+50, 18.10+20+30+4021:06
ntdsomething happens between 4.4.0-134 and -138 and 4.15.0-34 and -36/3821:06
TJ-ntd: From what I can see in mainline, commit 7cf321d118a825 introduced (missing) calls to arch_io_free_memtype_wc and I'd guess the out-of-tree amdgpu-pro driver is providing that function itself21:08
ntdand how am I the first one to notice/suffer?21:09
TJ-ntd: born lucky? :)21:09
ntdright :)21:09
TJ-ntd: I'm git-fetching the updates to those 2 Ubuntu kernel trees; I'll see if they've added that mainline commit21:11
ntdi don't have either amd or ubuntu accounts, is this with such a degree of certainty that you feel like notifying the powers that be?21:11
TJ-ntd: does the amdgpu-pro driver install a DKMS source bundle under /usr/src/ ?21:13
texlahttps://pastebin.com/XhbP1SnZ..could someone look at my df -h and tell do I need all snap21:17
TJ-ntd: "gitlog Ubuntu-4.4.0-137.163..Ubuntu-4.4.0-138.164" => ... "1118f980c1e5 2018-10-02 16:31:19 +0200 N Dave Airlie drm/drivers: add support for using the arch wc mapping API."  - so, the fix was introduced for 4.4.0-13821:18
ntddef not working for me21:18
TJ-ntd: 4.4.0-138 breaks yes?21:18
ntdoh, you mean the breakage21:19
ntdyes, -138 is broken, as is -13921:19
TJ-ntd: right, because the kernel was missing this interface and its now been added. So I suspect your amdgpu-pro is implementing that function itself (because it used to be missing) but now it fails since the kernel now provides that symbol21:19
TJ-ntd: so you may be able to fix that if the amdgpu-pro is installed as a DKMS source bundle under /usr/src/ (by disabling its own version of that symbol)21:20
TJ-ntd: if it installs pre-built binaries only then you can't do that21:20
ntdi thought these kernel point releases were just security,, not "feature updates"21:21
ebol4I need to tell Network-Manager to put a specific DNS server at the top of resolv.conf when I connect to wifi. looking at comment: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager/+bug/1688018/comments/4521:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1688018 in network-manager (Ubuntu Xenial) "DNS server from vpn connection is not being used after network-manager upgrade to 1.2.6" [High,In progress]21:22
ebol4apparently you can add the connection option "dns-priority" and set it to -1 to make it the highest priority21:22
ebol4as well as "dns" where is the IP of your DNS resolver21:22
ebol4I tried this, but it still ends up at the bottom of resolv.conf, not the top21:23
ebol4which is the same behavior i experience without dns-priority=-121:23
ntdamdgpu-pro 18.40 was released 10/23/2018 (before -138) and -138 has been out for several weeks21:23
ntdnothing in forums, mailing lists. how is this possible21:23
ntdTJ-, ah, ubuntu-specific you say?21:24
ntdcause i've been talking to arch users, they know nothing21:25
TJ-ntd: yes, the Ubuntu kernel releases backport mainline patches from stable releases and bug-fixes21:26
HipHop-openboxntd, Arch Linux will load latest packages for the kernel21:26
ntdTJ-, which breaks all previously released amdgpu-pro distributions21:26
ntdTJ-, any change of reverting this?21:27
ntd'cause opencl is provided by -pro21:27
ntdnot regular amdgpu21:27
TJ-ebol4: Network manager doesn't touch /etc/resolv.conf; it runs its own resolver, or configures the system resolver, which is instructed to use the nameservers received from DHCP/VPN server21:27
simurrJust installed Ubuntu minimal - only added the ssh server.  Then installed tvheadend to use a HVR-950Q.  Now, trying to decide on a UI for this...21:27
virmahaHello. Is there a way to get list of packages which I can use to install on docker so that my container has same files as native ubuntu machine?21:28
TJ-ntd: if my analysis is correct, the bug is in amdgpu-pro. I don't use that driver though so I cannot be sure this is the cause.21:28
simurrWould like something that is useable with a controller and definitely want to also be able to run emulation app (retropie / emulation station etc.)21:29
simurrprobably Kodi for tv, but I don't want JUST kodi, cause it gets stupid trying to do anything else21:29
ntdTJ-, there is no need for that functionality in regular amdgpu, since -pro is required for opencl21:29
simurrany suggestions?21:29
ntdso either that commit is to blame or several years of amdgpu-pro releases are faulty :)21:30
TJ-ntd: the regular amdgpu driver (and other drm drivers in mainline) were all patched to use that function. Nothing outside the mainline kernel itself should be providing that symbol21:30
simurrcan't do it with this first test machine because it's a Dell E6400 and can't do any cool KVM stuff, but I have another machine I'm working on that I'd like to run some VM's on.  Use this same setup as a base with tvheadend and maybe some other server stuff.21:31
ntd /usr/src/amdgpu-17.50-511655/amd/amdkcl/kcl_io.c:EXPORT_SYMBOL(arch_io_free_memtype_wc);21:31
ntdkcl_io.c:void arch_io_free_memtype_wc(resource_size_t start, resource_size_t size)21:31
TJ-ntd: the upstream patch is https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux.git/log/?showmsg=1&qt=range&q=8ef4227615e1521:34
simurrso something with a good 10 foot display21:34
ntdTJ-, a log from 2016?21:35
TJ-ntd: that is the commit that introduced the symbol21:35
ntd... yet 4.4.0 until -134 which was released this august were working fine?21:36
KaervanHi folks. I'm having trouble with preseeding 18.04.1 in partitioning with lvm. I get all the way to confirming 'descrtuctive action' - the step just before it starts installing packages. but just hangs there. I've got the relevant bits at https://pastebin.com/cC5QGGSr if someone could lend a hand21:36
TJ-ntd: that was introduced into the 4.4 Ubuntu kernel with "f54657364a66 2018-10-02 16:31:19 +0200 N Dave Airlie x86/io: add interface to reserve io memtype for a resource range. (v1.1)"21:39
TJ-ntd: which was published in git describe --contains f54657364a6621:39
ntdTJ-, since amdgpu-pro has been supported on ubuntu for years21:40
ntdand is also supported on centos, etc21:40
TJ-ntd: so, as you've got access to the amdgpu-pro source you can add a DKMS patch to stop it creating that symbol21:40
ntdthe commit was intended for 4.921:41
ntdonly ubuntu is affected, centos is fine and the mcgyvered arch dist is also working fine21:41
TheWildI can't access font settings and change font size, because I'm on i3wm. Which text file contains this setting?21:43
ntdeither amd have been doing it wrong for years or "Dave Airlie" messed up. is he available on irc?21:43
TJ-ntd: no; it came from the mainline stable release by Greg Kroah-Hartman for  Linux 4.4.15521:44
ntd4.4 is LTS21:44
ntdwho thought it wise to add bells and whistles?21:44
TJ-ntd: the bug is in the amdgpu-pro driver; this is the problem with out-of-tree proprietary drivers. It's up to AMD to keep their driver compatible if it isn't in the mainline21:45
ntdso amd have been releasing a driver for two years to provide an interface not present in mainline21:45
ntdthen this interface gets backported onto an ancient kernel through a security update causing a conflict21:46
ntd...and the issue is with what originally provided the interface.21:46
TJ-ntd: I don't think so; the patch has been in mainline since october 2016. It looks like they copied it from there so their driver would work on older kernels that didn't have the patch. Where they failed is, they didn't make the inclusion of their patch conditional on the symbol not being in the kernel they build against.21:46
ntd"post hoc ergo propter hoc"21:47
hggdhntd: please stay on topic21:47
TJ-ntd: the *standard* way of writing code like that is to make it conditional on the declared kernel version, or available symbols, at build time on the target host21:47
TJ-ntd: in this case AMD seem to have simply copy/pasted the code21:48
ntdwell, 18.40 came out 10/2321:50
OerHeksthe wild, what did you find with google?21:51
OerHekshttps://askubuntu.com/questions/385076/how-to-change-font-size-using-i3-wm  1st answer, and more of the same21:51
dlamomg in my browser DNS lookups are taking up to 5 seconds, anyone heard of this problem?21:51
dlamim on 18.04!21:51
ntdanyway, lemme test TJ- theory21:56
ntdi've uncommented the export, how do i force a rebuild/reinstall of the driver?21:56
ntddkms status21:57
ntdamdgpu, 17.50-511655, 4.4.0-134-generic, x86_64: installed21:57
ntdamdgpu, 17.50-511655, 4.4.0-139-generic, x86_64: installed21:57
TJ-ntd: you'll need to patch out both the function definition and the symbol export in the source21:59
ntd /usr/src/amdgpu-17.50-511655/amd/amdkcl/kcl_io.c22:01
TJ-ntd: then you can do "sudo dkms remove amdgpu/17.50-511655 -k 4.4.0-139-generic" then rebuild/install with "sudo dkms install amdgpu/17.50-511655 -k 4.4.0-139-generic"22:01
TJ-ntd: interesting - seems like they already conditionally prevent its export for "#if !defined(OS_NAME_SLE_12_3) && !defined(OS_NAME_SUSE_42_3)"22:02
ntd /usr/src/amdgpu-17.50-511655$ grep -r -i arch_io_free_memtype_wc *22:04
ntdamd/amdkcl/kcl_io.c:void arch_io_free_memtype_wc(resource_size_t start, resource_size_t size)22:04
ntdamd/amdgpu/amdgpu_object.c:arch_io_free_memtype_wc(adev->mc.aper_base, adev->mc.aper_size);22:04
ntdinclude/kcl/kcl_io.h:extern void arch_io_free_memtype_wc(resource_size_t start, resource_size_t size);22:04
ntdinclude/kcl/kcl_io.h:static inline void arch_io_free_memtype_wc(resource_size_t base,22:04
TJ-ntd: so, it seems simply commenting out should be sufficient: /* EXPORT_SYMBOL(arch_io_free_memtype_wc); */22:07
ntdok, lemme try22:07
ntdamdkcl: exports duplicate symbol arch_io_reserve_memtype_wc (owned by kernel)22:12
ntdok, lemme try commenting out that one as well22:12
ntdkudos to TJ-. but this commit has seriously voided every single amdgpu release *ever* and no one noticed?22:16
ntdwhat can be done about this?22:16
ntd"amdgpro-pro release" even22:17
TJ-ntd: AMD should fix their code22:18
ntdstargate through a solar flare or something?22:18
TJ-ntd: they've already shown they know they need to make it conditional for SUSE, with those #if !defined's22:18
ntdok. anyone feel like notifying the powers that be about this?22:19
TJ-ntd: if you maintain out-of-tree code it is your (AMDs) responsibility to ensure it builds against any kernel the user installs, or else declare it'll only work for specific kernel builds22:19
ntdwell, they maintain amdgpu and -pro22:20
ntd-pro is only to provide extra, proprietary functionality22:20
ntdlike opencl for compute22:21
TJ-ntd: the bug report info is in the AMD docs: https://amdgpu-install.readthedocs.io/en/latest/install-bugrep.html22:21
ntdi'm just a dunce who doesn't use email. feel like taking the credit?22:21
TJ-ntd: it's your problem, if you want it fixing, report it22:22
ntdyeah, tried #amdpgu22:23
TJ-that is part of the contract with F/OSS22:23
ntdwell, if anyone loosely connected to ubuntu/canonical feel like mailing a transcript to "Dave Airlie"22:24
ntdmay invoke a sense a duty on his part22:25
TJ-ntd: nothing to do with Dave; as I've siad multiple times, it's AMDs look-out22:26
ntdduty. that pinafore or penzance?22:26
ntdgot it, was making a gilbert/sullivan joke22:26
* TJ- prefers HMS Pinafore22:27
ntdanyway, might be of interest to him. he "fixed" it and may have some clout with amd, might wanna fix it proper22:27
FleuvHi anyone experienced the following feature in Ubuntu when you turn back on your pc/laptop from sleep mode that both bluetooth and wifi adapter are not found all of a sudden.22:28
Fleuvbrb testing something to fix it22:28
TJ-Fleuv: which kernel version ("uname -r") ?22:28
tgm4883I like how you called it a feature22:28
tgm4883Like that is how it's supposed to work22:29
Fleuv:D developers hate it when its called a bug right?22:29
FleuvAnyway I will put my laptop to sleep mode once again22:29
Fleuvmaybe it will be fixed22:29
TJ-Fleuv: I saw some issues like that with 4.15 mostly related to buggy firmware ACPI, where combined wifi/BT devices had issues22:30
Kazdaxshould i install ubuntu22:32
FleuvTJ-, I guess we can call it a bug then, right?22:32
Kazdaxone of my windows app wont work on it that i like using calld paltalk22:32
TJ-Fleuv: the good news is there may be a workaround for it. Have you a kernel log that captures the issue (either 'dmesg' or /var/log/kern.log ) ?22:32
firc518fedebdo someone know where dropbear put his logs ? (don't have an auth.log file)22:34
ntdTJ-, am i correct in my interpretation that the commit was made for 4.9 and then "dave airlie" just felt like backporting it into 4.4 for ubuntu two years later?22:34
bray90820_What music player app would you recommend for a touchscreen?22:34
bray90820_On ubuntu of course22:34
Kazdaxdis buntu22:34
Kazdaxdis buntu is a great app22:34
Kazdaxthat qipes your ass and taps it for good mesure22:35
Kazdaxi am just desperate22:35
Kazdaxmaybe VLC ..is VLC only for windows22:35
Kazdaxi would suspect they might have a linux version too22:36
FleuvTJ-, something like this: "ACPI Warning: \_SB.IETM._TRT: Return Package has no elements (empty) (20170831/nsprepkg-130)" ?22:36
OerHeksfirc518fedeb, syslog, see -E http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/xenial/man8/dropbear.8.html22:36
OerHeks!info vlc22:36
ubottuvlc (source: vlc): multimedia player and streamer. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.0.3-1-1ubuntu1 (bionic), package size 32 kB, installed size 217 kB22:36
Kazdaxya see22:37
KazdaxVLC is a good player overall ..even if its on windows22:37
OerHeksvlc is in our repos for years, but i recommend mpv22:37
OerHeks!info mpv22:37
ubottumpv (source: mpv): video player based on MPlayer/mplayer2. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.27.2-1ubuntu1 (bionic), package size 952 kB, installed size 2328 kB22:37
Kazdaxya go with his advice ..he is much more senior than me22:37
ntdTJ-, i'm asking since the devs of the opencl app has this impression22:38
Kazdaxi think the dude left OerHeks22:38
OerHeksoh, he will return to this window22:38
bray90820_Kazdax: VLC is deff on linux22:38
OerHeks!info gnome-mpv22:39
ubottugnome-mpv (source: gnome-mpv): simple GTK+ frontend for mpv. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.13-1ubuntu1 (bionic), package size 143 kB, installed size 657 kB22:39
OerHeksgnome-mpv got more controls22:39
firc518fedebthx OerHeks22:39
TJ-Fleuv: no, I'd need to see the kernel log from before and after the suspend/resume. Preferrably an entire 'dmesg' from cold boot through a suspend/resume that includes the loss of those devices22:39
FleuvTJ-, here ACPI shows an error: https://pastebin.com/38qJ2vsf this is "dmesg | grep ACPI": https://pastebin.com/Gj047cGJ22:40
FleuvTJ-, there you have it :) but I don't have the suspend moment captured in this log because I rebooted in hopes to fix it22:41
firc518fedebDon't have any syslog file neather22:41
firc518fedebwhat service create it ?22:41
OerHeksfirc518fedeb, var/log/syslog ??22:42
OerHeksstandard log, that ssh uses22:42
firc518fedebmaybe cause no syslog is running on my machine22:43
FleuvTJ-, I guess I need to upgrade my firmware in the BIOS?22:43
OerHeksfirc518fedeb, odd, what linux version is this?22:43
firc518fedebI mean ps - aux | grep syslog gives nothing22:43
firc518fedebdebian 8 normally22:44
firc518fedebis it 'addable' ?22:44
OerHeksps - aux | grep syslog  >> ps -aux | grep syslog22:44
firc518fedebyes of course22:44
firc518fedebmy mistake but not in real22:44
firc518fedebbut what means 'log to standard error insteade of syslog' ? can I get the log another place ?22:46
firc518fedebI mean where is the standard error ?22:46
TJ-Fleuv: next time it happens grab the dmesg and attach it to a new big report and let us know the bug id22:46
TJ-Fleuv: report it against the "linux" package22:46
TJ-!bug | Fleuv22:46
ubottuFleuv: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.22:46
OerHeksdunno what that standard log would be, never used other ssh clients22:47
CarlFKfirc518fedeb: "standard error" is ... output yuou can see.  kinda like "console output" - look for stdout and stderr22:48
TJ-firc518fedeb: why does the system have no rsyslogd running?22:49
CarlFKhow do I get the binaries from a .deb into a local dir?  like I want /usr/lib/syslinux/modules in ~/foo but I don't want to apt install syslinux22:50
firc518fedebTJ > don't know ...22:50
TJ-firc518fedeb: what ubuntu release is it?22:50
firc518fedebok I will try to do that and redirect in in a file with '>'22:50
firc518fedebit's a debian (8)22:51
TJ-firc518fedeb: we don't support Debian, only Ubuntu.22:51
CarlFKfirc518fedeb: you will quicky find that > redirects stdout, not stderr .. you want.. (I have to look it up.. 2> I think?22:51
firc518fedebTJ yes ... don't find peoples can help on debian one ... sorry22:52
firc518fedebI ll look the differences stdout/stderr22:53
TJ-CarlFK: you can use "apt-get --download-only $PACKAGE" and "dpkg-deb --raw-extract $PACKAGE ~/foo"22:53
CarlFKTJ-: looks perfect - thanks22:53
CarlFKTJ-: E: Command line option --download-only is not understood in combination with the other options - guessing: apt-get --download-only  install syslinux ?22:56
TJ-CarlFK: yeah.. sorry"22:56
TJ-CarlFK: and of course .deb suffix for the dpkg-deb command too!22:57
firc518fedebok guys good night to you22:57
virmahaHello, I want to install packages which i've on my ubuntu inside docker23:18
virmahawhat'd be the correct way to export them from my machine and install them inside docker?23:18
OerHeksvirmaha, when you are at step 5, you can install stuff you like, https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-install-and-use-docker-on-ubuntu-16-04 .. and exporting packages https://simpleit.rocks/linux/replicate-installed-package-selections-from-one-ubuntu-system-to-another/23:23
renn0xtk9anyone know how to restart kwin on kubuntu?23:29
Richard_CavellI want to install Skype.  Should I go to the skype website or does Ubuntu have a preferred method?23:33
OerHeksthere is a snap package, https://snapcraft.io/skype23:33
OerHekssudo snap install <package>23:33
OerHeksrenn0xtk9, if you find no answer here, there is also #kubuntu here on #freenode23:34
renn0xtk9anyone knows how to reload rules of kwinrc from command line?23:34
guivercrenn0xtk9, i don't know, but you could try `kwin --replace`  (it's been ages since I had to)23:37
Greyztarhow to get fancontrol working?pwmconfig tells me "There are no pwm-capable sensor modules installed" after sensors-detect,tried adding   acpi_enforce_resources=lax  to grub no lock23:37
guivercrenn0xtk9, also if done from term; I think I added a `&` do it'd give me my terminal back (ie. run in background)23:38
renn0xtk9guiverc I just found there there is a dbus call to "reconfigure" for the kwin interace23:41
renn0xtk9that seem to work very good23:41
renn0xtk9still thanks for your help23:41
virmahaOerHeks: thanks! but apt-mark auto <packagename> doesn't install it23:47
virmahaapt-mark auto $(cat /tmp/pkg.lst) autotools-dev can not be marked as it is not installed.23:47
virmahaOerHeks: ^23:47
OerHeksdpkg --get-selections/--set-selections is the old way23:52
ph88hey guys, for windows i have Asrock F-Tune to control my fan speed (different speed depending on temperature). What can i use with ubuntu 18.10 ?23:59

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