
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
flocculantUnit193: thanks - wasn't sure06:18
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Unit193knome: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/daily-live/current/ needs more Xubuntu blue.22:10
* genii keeps his sunglasses on for now23:41
geniiUnit193: What is Disco... Disco Duck?23:42
Unit193Makes me think of a song.23:44
ochosiUnit193: do we control the content of the xfce4 package?23:44
geniiUnit193: Heh, yes, that's why I'm asking23:44
Unit193I'm going to go with 'no', why?23:45
ochosii mean, is it in our package set23:45
ochosiwell it still suggests stuff like gtk3-engines-xfce (which shouldn't even be a thing anymore)23:45
* genii heads back to the coffeepot23:45
ochosiand includes "orage" for whatever obscure reason23:45
ochosiwhile only suggesting xfce4-power-manager23:45
ochosithat feels a little odd23:45
Unit193orage is an Xfce thing, soo.23:46
ochosiyeah, not a core thing though23:46
ochosiit's also a very unmaintained thing23:46
ochosiwhile tumbler isn't even in recommends or suggests23:46
ochosior does thunar pull that in anyway?23:46
Unit193...That's not even in xfce4-goodies, odd.23:46
ochositango-icon-theme is also a bit... dated23:47
Unit193ochosi: If things are way out of whack (like engines and orage), then yeah we can propose to Debian.23:47
ochosithat'd be nice23:47
Unit193Tango is what xfce4-settings defaults to (in Debian)23:47
ochosii'd rather we default to something else23:48
ochosialmost anything really :p23:48
Unit193Basically: Xubuntu doesn't really care about it, but we can upload to it.  If we make a lot of changes, it doesn't really get us anything since we don't use it and buys us a lot of merging later on.  If the changes make sense outside of Xubuntu, then that's different.23:48
ochosi(sry, i know i'm late to the party with suddenly getting interested in distro defaults)23:48
ochosiyeah, i'm trying to think about the latter23:49
Unit193I've proposed greybird and elementary-xfce, but not pushed on it.23:49
ochosii noticed how shitty the xfce experience is in fedora23:49
ochosiso i've started working on a new default panel layout and stuff23:49
Unit193"It's what the Xfce site has screenshots of" was my main reasoning.23:49
ochosii'll also go through other apps and update the defaults23:50
ochosiso e.g. the primary display feature is enabled in both panel and xfdesktop23:50
ochosicause that's what people would expect, i guess23:50

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