
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
craigbass76I've got a laptop and two monitors. Is there a way to make the laptop display get mirrored on just one of them?13:27
GridCubeyes, just choose that option from the display manager13:28
GridCubeoh, you mean you want to have just one of the two extra monitors be mirrored?13:29
GridCubei don't know if that's possible no13:29
GridCubemaybe you can do it using arandr and dragging two of the monitors to occupy the same space13:29
craigbass76I hit "mirror" and applied, then unchecked it, and XFCE accidentally did what I wanted, but it didn't stick13:32
craigbass76I haven't been able to do it again13:32
GridCubeyou have to apply for changes to take effect13:33
craigbass76If I just disable the laptop monitor, is it going to come back on when I'm out of the house? I'm worried I'll forget to turn it back on and get a black screen13:33
GridCubeyes, once there's no other monitor xorg will fallback to the available one13:33
craigbass76What about when I set up panels? Which ones are going to land on the laptop's monitor?13:37
tsgloveI have re-mapped ctrl to CAPS key.   Yet if I do Ctrl-Tab to switch applications, it seems to not read the ¨ctrl key_up¨.   So the small-windows showing the open applications stay up on-screen.13:46
tsgloveAny idea what I could check?13:47
brainwashtsglove: caps toggling?13:53
tsgloveon xfce session start, I run the following command:13:54
tsglovesetxkbmap -option caps:ctrl_modifier13:55
tsglovebrainwash, yet... it´s like it doesn´t read the key_up of the mapped ctrl key (physically caps)13:55
brainwashtsglove: I assume that you need to disable caps lock14:01
tsgloveBefore running that command?   Hadn´t thought about that.    Thank you.  I will try that.14:02
tsglovethanks brainwash14:02
brainwashshouldn't matter if before or after14:02
brainwashI'd think that it should be easy to find solution(s) on the web14:02
brainwashusually you sway keys instead14:03
tsglovebrainwash, found this --> setxkbmap -option caps:none14:09
tsglovewill try that14:09
irgendwer4711hi, what is the standard value for mouse speed on xubuntu?21:38
irgendwer4711I lost my old settings22:02

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