
Perdelliangenii: ah. did not know that00:02
Perdelliangenii: and dd apparently has a status=progress setting of which I also was not aware00:02
geniiNo more piping it through pv ! ;)00:02
valorieI usually just use the built-in usb writer00:03
valorieoccasionally doesn't work, but almost always does00:04
Perdellianvalorie: built-in usb writer?00:04
valorieStartup Disk Creator00:04
valoriehuh, no longer builtin00:05
* Perdellian is trying to get an archlinux iso written in a bootable way so that she can get a second opinion on whether her LUKS/lvm setup is really hosed and toast00:05
valoriewell, I used it at SeaGL last weekend successfully00:05
PerdellianI think valorie may have already seen me decrying my woes00:06
Perdellianor maybe that was someone else00:06
valoriealthough we ended up having to burn a DVD because that little eeepc wouldn't start from USB00:06
Perdellianmy thinkpad won't boot directly from SD, so I have to use a USB adapter00:07
Perdellianand by dog, I hope the kubuntu installer didn't nuke my setup before I even hit the install button00:07
valorieit didn't have a drive, so we used my usb cd/dvd drive to install crunchbang++ to it00:08
valoriehard to find 32-bit images that are still supported00:08
PerdellianI miss my little old AOD250 sometimes00:08
valorieof course, hard to find 32-bit computers still being used!00:08
valoriethat lappy was pretty sweet00:09
Perdellianunderpowered, like all atom-based stuff, but a wonderful little form factor00:09
valorieeveryone I know who had an eeepc loved 'em00:09
Perdellianthe Aspire One D250 was my netbook. good little linux device. great for taking notes, and the recessed touchpad made it actually non-painful to use (although chord click was difficult due to the center-hinged mouse buttons, but oh well)00:10
Perdellianvalorie: so does this utility take the place of unetbootin?00:12
valorieI've only used unetbootin once00:13
valoriefound it very clunky00:13
Perdellian'cause I wasn't seeing unetbootin in the repos00:13
valoriethat isn't to say that startup disk creator isn't clunky too00:13
valoriebut I'm used to it00:13
Perdelliana simple dd *should* suffice, but, well, the image ain't booting00:14
valorieI've used dd as well00:14
valorieslow but almost always works00:14
valoriehave you checked the image?00:14
valoriethis is why I seed all the *buntu ISOs00:14
valoriebecause ktorrent always checks them when they finish downloading00:15
Perdellianthen again, I am transferring it over wifi via samba00:16
valoriethat shouldn't make a diff, but.....00:16
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows00:16
geniiPerdellian: I have a D260, great little machines00:17
valorienever hurts to check00:17
genii( I'm actually running Lubuntu-Next on that one right now)00:18
valoriethe 18.04 lub-next?00:19
valorieworking well for you?00:19
geniiYes, excellent in fact00:19
genii..I do have ram maxed to 2G and a 60G SSD in it too00:19
valoriegood work simon and walter!00:20
Perdelliancrap. startup disk creator isn't even letting me select my iso00:21
valorieit will00:22
valoriethe UX is awful, but it will00:22
valoriejust ignore the little window and infront and do it00:22
valorieclick the Other button if you can't00:24
valorieas long as your usb shows up you'll be successfull00:25
IrcsomeBot<Anarchotaoist> @valorie, Etcher the few times I have used has worked well!01:06
Perdellianso a question01:20
Perdellianhow well does the kubuntu installer play with dual-boot of Win10 while doing full encryption of the Linux side?01:20
Perdellianlike /dev/sda1 = Windows, /dev/sda2 = /boot, /dev/sda3 = extended, /dev/sda5 = luks-encrypted LVM with swap, /, and /home01:21
aienaI need some help with ldd. It's picking up the right GL lib for .so.1 but not for .so  . Here is the command line dump with question in detail. https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/KRqpt6nHBf/ Can someone please help me fix order. I am on Kubuntu 17.1001:51
ubottuUbuntu 17.10 (Artful Aardvark) was the 27th release of Ubuntu. Support ended on July 19th, 2018. See !eol and https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-security-announce/2018-July/004483.html02:10
=== Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life
denza242how do i fix the bcd stuff02:46
denza242win10 installed first then ubuntu02:46
IrcsomeBot<Faszinosium42> Is there a way to change the Linux distro (to Kubuntu 18.04) without backup and reinstall all my programs ?02:48
denza242somehow i accessed the kubuntu partition03:56
denza242now how do i make that the default03:56
denza242boot-repair saved me05:03
denza242...hopefully without bricking my win10 partition05:03
denza242now my question is how do i share a folder between my two computers05:05
valoriedenza242: thumb key?06:36
valorie@Faszinosium42 you can just install kubuntu-desktop06:37
=== mkv is now known as m4v
=== mkv is now known as m4v
BluesKajHi all12:27
IrcsomeBot<Velizar Peshev> (Photo, 1280x720) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/bOv3L41y/file_10946.jpg13:05
IrcsomeBot<Velizar Peshev> Guys this appear on my friend PC with Kubuntu 18.04 LTS13:05
IrcsomeBot<Velizar Peshev> I have no such problem on my PC13:09
IrcsomeBot<Velizar Peshev> My fr does not updated kubuntu just rebooted pc and this shit appears13:09
IrcsomeBot<Velizar Peshev> Cannot boot kubuntu..13:09
=== Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life
IrcsomeBot<bauchhaus> @Velizar Peshev, Some problem with the harddrive controller15:04
IrcsomeBot<bauchhaus> Type "exit"15:04
IrcsomeBot<Velizar Peshev> @bauchhaus, Fixed by checking for hdd errors via usb live drive15:20
=== w0dencafe is now known as wodencafe
denza242can i change the partition size of my linux install to be smaller and increase my windows partition post-install without my system getting bricked21:02
bpromptdenza242:    as in, move the Linux partition beginning a little bit over to the right, and have the windows use that slack?   I don't think so, there are partition tools that claim to do the data moving safely, but I'm very doubtful21:06
denza242ah ok21:06
denza242well i guess i get to test out Proton then :321:07
Alexfrenchi thought if you had spare space on the left or on the right21:07
Alexfrenchit is possible to stretch or expand one partition no ?21:08
bpromptAlexfrench:    sure you can, so long there's space, now if there was data in that space..... then you would want it moved first, or it'll get overwritten21:09
Alexfrenchobviously yes i agree21:10
bpromptAlexfrench:    I mean, in the aforementioned, the windows partition can expand just fine, is just that the linux partition might get the ax in the process, the assumption being that the slack is being used up by the beginning of the linux partition21:13
Alexfrenchah ok21:17
juacom99hi, one quick question, i'm adding a PPA and when i make 404  Not Found [IP: 80]. I try with 2 diferent PPA with the same result. i know that removing the PPA will solve the problme but i want to install some packages from theme21:20
juacom99i'm on Kubuntu 18.04 by the way21:21
Alexfrenchmz too21:28
denza242can I completely remove the swapfile on my system22:36
denza242without anything too bad happening22:36
denza242i realized that swapfiles are probably bad for my ssd22:37

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