
kalikatzis there a wiget or clean solution to display the /syslog with a transparent background. Instead of using a konsole with borders and such?00:15
keithzg[m]kalikatz: There's certainly widgets out there, for instance https://store.kde.org/p/1169451/. You could also just open up a konsole window and remove the borders :D00:30
kalikatzthanks keithzg[m]m ill look into it, was feeling lazy and went through the widgets in the list and didnt see anything.  was hoping something was already implemented that I have overlooked.00:33
keithzg[m]kalikatz: Yeah the Termoid widget should work fine, and I do believe there are others, thanks in no small part to qmltermwidget, so I think you'll also need to install https://github.com/Swordfish90/qmltermwidget00:36
Edistoin 18.04 what setting do I need to change to make it required to login when switching users?01:41
Edistowhen I do ctrl + alt + f1 or f2 it just switches without login prompt01:42
Perdelliankeithzg[m]: that was my main takeway01:43
PerdellianI also note a lack of signal-desktop available by default except by snap01:43
Perdelliansame with skype (a group I'm in uses it for meetings. don't judge me)01:44
keithzg[m]Perdellian: That's not quite true, Signal actually has their own Debian/Ubuntu repository for the desktop app, instructions are up at https://signal.org/download/01:45
Perdellian(I'd prefer that we all use Signal for our chats instead of groupme and something a bit more privacy-friendly than skype for video conferencing, but I have yet to win those political arguments)01:45
Perdelliankeithzg[m]: hah! I'm so used to the "check AUR" mentality that I didn't even think to look for that01:46
Perdellianor, olderschool, pacaur!01:46
* Perdellian is going to miss some things about Arch, but it doesn't really fit ther use-case at this point in their life01:47
Perdellianhrm... their repo is xenial?01:49
* Perdellian is on cosmic01:50
Perdelliankeithzg[m]: coming from a rolling-release distro... how much does that matter?01:52
keithzg[m]Perdellian: Not much, I mean the Signal desktop app is just an Electron app anyways I don't think it has many real dependencies.01:52
keithzg[m]Perdellian: Yeah looks like it just requires gconf2, gconf-service, libnotify4, libappindicator1, libxtst6, libnss3, libasound2, libxss1---and no specific versions required for each. Certainly I know it works fine on Bionic and Cosmic for me!01:53
keithzg[m](I mean, as fine as a damned Electron app can work; GTK is still hilariously inept at scaling on displays, unfortunately, and the Electron developers made the original sin of going with GTK rather than Qt, amongst admittedly many other mistakes ;))01:54
Perdelliannow to see if it needs to be re-paired02:00
gradyif i create only samba user, how i manage its file permissions10:32
gradyeh, wrong channel :P10:32
BluesKaj'Morning all11:56
IrcsomeBot<Anarchotaoist> Hello! Ubuntu 18.10 is supposed to have support in the kernal for fingerprint scanners - yes? Does this apply to Kubuntu also? How do you activate it if so? Thanks!12:33
hateballAnarchotaoist are you still here?13:28
hateballMight I suggest using a normal IRC client so it's easier to hilight you? :p13:29
=== MechWarrior234 is now known as Revan-
* Perdellian ponders the default fonts and the difference from Deja Vu Sans17:51
IrcsomeBot<Anarchotaoist> @hateball, Sorry! I sent to bed. IRC? Konversation rather than Telegram?22:24
valorie@Anarchotaoist I use konversation however there are many clients22:40
valorieI have telegram but only use it on my phone for the most part22:40
keithzg[m]Konversation is great! Riot.im is also a good midpoint between Telegram and IRC, but of course I would say that, as a guy who runs his own Matrix server to use with Riot.im ;)23:01
IrcsomeBot<wizzyceiro> i use hexchat for irc, i used to use discord as my main chat platform but i quit bc of them collecting data + their tos23:27
IrcsomeBot<wizzyceiro> telegram is my main now but i may hop onto irc sometimes23:27

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