
robert_ancellRAOF, the faffing comes with the old technology :)00:38
seb128good morning desktopers06:28
dufluHi seb12806:32
seb128hey duflu, how are you?06:40
dufluseb128, slightly unwell but otherwise good. How are you?06:40
seb128oh :( get better then!06:40
seb128I'm good, having still a bit of a cold still though :/06:40
seb128cyphermox, hey, do you plan to upstream those recent plymouth patches you upload or do you need help with that? (I'm happy to create gitlab.freedesktop.org PRs for those)06:53
dufluHello didrocks07:27
didrockshey duflu07:27
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willcookemorning gang08:54
willcookerebooting, brb08:55
Laneyhey thereeeee09:01
willcookemorning Laney09:02
didrockshey willcooke, Laney09:02
dufluo/  willcooke, Laney09:02
LaneyOH MAN09:04
dufluI want we he's having. Half dose09:04
willcookeSomeone's had their Wheatabix09:05
willcooke* Weetabix09:05
willcookeSo, I'm trying to verify this one: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/grub2/+bug/178436309:05
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1784363 in grub2 (Ubuntu Bionic) "High delay when booting (grub waits with a blank purple screen for 10 seconds before booting the kernel)" [High,Fix committed]09:05
willcookebut it talks about installing grub-pc, and I don't have grub-pc installed09:06
willcookeis that right?!09:06
Laneythat's the bios one isn't it?09:07
willcookethat would make sense09:07
seb128hey Laney willcooke09:07
willcookeI now have grub2 2.02-2ubuntu8.9 and it looks fixed now09:08
dufluSpeaking of which... seb128 have you looked into the seamless UEFI booting that Red Hat was doing?09:09
seb128does anyone here has usb-c to help verifying bug #1800715?09:09
ubot5bug 1800715 in bolt (Ubuntu Bionic) "Prompt for credential when it shouldn't" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/180071509:09
dufluI've been thinking for years it would be nice09:09
seb128duflu, yeah, funny you mention it, I was co-working with Hans from RH who works on that a week ago09:10
seb128he got his changes merged upstream for different component, just not for grub because grub... we should perhaps look at backporting that09:10
seb128willcooke, oh also, he suggested upstream changes to plymouth to improve the "plymouth is showing for a second" issue, https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/plymouth/plymouth/issues/6409:11
gitbotplymouth issue 64 in plymouth "[PATCH] Update splash_delay based on previous boot's time" [Bugzilla, Opened]09:11
seb128I didn't know by today plymouth has a fixed 5 seconds delay before kicking in09:11
seb128to avoid extra transitions on fast machines, like you don't get it at all09:11
dufluI was about to ask about that too. Rumors for years have been that plymouth slows boot down09:12
seb128but then if you boot takes 8 secondes you have it for 3 seconds which is worth than having it for 8 seconds09:12
seb128that patch he suggested would adapt according to the recorded boot time from the machine09:12
dufluseb128, surely the cleanest solution is to skip plymouth then? For initial boot at least09:14
willcookeseb128, @ usb-c - no, fraid not.  I will ping YC and/or Jerry and ask them to find someone to test it09:14
dufluWe could just animate below the UEFI/BIOS logo screen until gdm is ready09:15
Laneywillcooke: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/grub2/+bug/1784363/comments/1409:15
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1784363 in grub2 (Ubuntu Bionic) "High delay when booting (grub waits with a blank purple screen for 10 seconds before booting the kernel)" [High,Fix committed]09:15
Laney   Installed: (none)09:15
willcookewhat did I do09:15
Laneyprobably grub2-common is the one09:16
willcookethank you09:16
seb128duflu, skip in which cases? also you can't really skip it, it's not only the splash screen but also handling prompting for disk password and stuff09:17
dufluseb128, I forgot about that. I just mean there are too many transitions. So yes if we can make plymouth not appear at all on fast unencrypted systems then that would be some improvement09:18
willcookeseb128,  @ bolt - I've pinged OEM09:19
seb128I tried the fc29 iso on my inspiron, it feels a bit weird. what they do to avoid the transitions is to keep the vendor logo on screen for the boot09:19
willcookeyeah I saw that too09:19
seb128it feels weird to me to have the dell logo sitting there for 15 seconds09:19
dufluUnless plymouth can be ported to render within the bottom half of the UEFI BIOS splash screen09:19
seb128hey andyrock!09:19
oSoMoNgood morning desktoppers09:19
dufluHi andyrock09:19
willcookeI asked Dell about that too, they said that one /could/ set one's own BIOS logo thingy09:19
andyrockseb128: are you sure you pushed the branch ubuntu/cosmic yesterday?09:19
seb128duflu, right, well if your system boots in less than 5 seconds you should already be not seeing it09:20
dufluseb128, unfortunately I am around 7-9 seconds09:20
willcookeseb128, also Windows doesn't do that, it has a Windows logo (afaicr)09:20
seb128andyrock, https://git.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-desktop/ubuntu/+source/gnome-control-center/log/?h=ubuntu/cosmic09:20
seb128andyrock, unsure why it's not listed on https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-desktop/ubuntu/+source/gnome-control-center/+git/gnome-control-center09:20
seb128maybe a question for #launchpad09:20
seb128duflu, you can tweak the timeout in by creating a /usr/share/plymouth/plymouthd.defaults with09:21
seb128if you want to try how it feels like09:21
seb128but yeah, I'm going to nag about resuming the discussion on https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/plymouth/plymouth/issues/6409:22
gitbotplymouth issue 64 in plymouth "[PATCH] Update splash_delay based on previous boot's time" [Bugzilla, Opened]09:22
dufluRight. So as I understand it, eventually a fast system will go from the BIOS logo straight to the login screen... ?09:23
dufluAlthough it would be nice if some Ubuntu stuff appeared below the BIOS logo09:23
andyrockseb128: asking09:24
seb128andyrock, thx, I guess you can probably work with the repo and mp without issue, just an UI bug09:25
seb128duflu, right, the current implementation does keep the bios logo on screen during the whole boot, which feels a bit weird, but they do plan to add a spinner/animation under the logo09:26
seb128so it would be09:26
dufluYeah. So the machine looks alive09:26
seb128bios logo -> logo/bg doesn't change but a spinner get added when you reach plymouth -> gdm09:26
willcookeseb128, duflu - I remember something else Dell said - the background colour on those BIOS logos probably won't be transparent, so merging the logo and the Plymouth output might not be doable09:26
dufluwillcooke, I imagine there's an Intel UEFI spec for it09:26
willcookexnox knows the spec :)09:27
willcooke(if he was here he would be sad now)09:27
seb128yeah, there is a spec09:27
seb128hat described boot path is only on machines which provides what is needed to fetch the logo etc09:28
seb128the other day Hans was having fun dealing with screen rotations on some devices with small screen which default to portrait mode09:28
dufluYeah tablets are often wired natively for portrait09:29
seb128willcooke, https://fedorapeople.org/~jwrdegoede/flickerfree-videos/workstation-normal.webm is a video of how it currently looks09:32
willcookeyeah I saw that one.  I don't like it as much as our one with the Ubuntu logo etc09:32
willcookeit looks like it's not doing anything09:32
seb128I'm not really convinced that without the animation it's a better experience than what we current have, sure there are less transitions but there is also less feedback09:33
seb128it looks stucked on bios for a while to me09:33
dufluseb128, I agree09:33
seb128k, so seems like we are in agreement to not try to squeeze that in disco yet09:33
dufluBut I also think plymouth should be reusing the lower part of the screen and not creating extra fullscreen transitions09:33
willcookethat would be nice09:33
willcookeseb128, I agree09:34
dufluUnless it can nicely animate the BIOS logo away09:34
willcookeor even blank the screen without flickering/changing modes etc09:34
seb128willcooke, duflu, ah, you can also add "plymouth.splash-delay=0" to the kernel options in grub instead of editing the config, if you want to see the difference without timeout09:34
willcookeI'll try that later09:35
seb128duflu, right, I'm unsure animating the logo can be easily done09:35
andyrockLaney: gnome-control-center 3.30.2-1ubuntu1 is in disco but the git branch is not updated https://git.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-desktop/ubuntu/+source/gnome-control-center/log/09:35
dufluIt only depends on whether you can read/write the whole screen, which I imagine you can09:36
seb128willcooke, duflu, at least one of the changes to to have grub not change the framebuffer if it's not displaying the menu, that bit should land this cycle through upstream updates&co (and maybe we need to backport a grub patch as well) and be a small improvement09:36
dufluYes, sounds like a good first step09:37
willcookethat will be a nice improvement09:37
willcookethanks seb12809:37
Laneythere you go09:37
dufluThough I can't tell people to "Press Esc when you see the blank purple screen" which may be a problem09:37
andyrockLaney: nice!! thx for the quick fix09:37
Laneyno worries09:38
seb128andyrock, Colin replied to you on the other channel btw, so yeah UI refresh bug on launchpad09:38
seb128let's not worry about it, it should pick up when we commit some changes09:39
* Laney did that rescan thing09:42
seb128which works too09:43
seb128good than some people are less lazy than me, I would just have waited for the next commit :)09:43
Laneyyeh :p09:43
andyrockmmm for the SRU (g-c-c/cosmic) should I merge with ubuntu/1%3.30.2-1ubuntu1 or with debian debian/1%3.30.2-109:57
andyrockthere is a patch that needs to be dropped (the one that lowercase the username)09:57
seb128usually we don't do merges for SRU but stick to the minimal diff09:58
seb128now if merging the update and taking out some changes is easier for you feel free to do that09:58
seb128I think that's the result which counts, the way you get to it is up to you, doesn't matter much09:58
andyrockwell it's a new upstream release (3.30.1 to 3.30.2) so we need some merging10:00
seb128no we don't10:00
seb128you could gbp import-orig the tarball on the cosmic branch10:00
seb128though the import might complain about the pristine-tar already having it10:01
andyrocklet me try10:01
seb128so yeah, you probably want to at least merge the changes up to the import of the orig from master10:01
seb128andyrock, ^10:02
seb128that's probably easier10:02
seb128then if there are not other extra packaging changes etc it's probably fine/easier to just import ubuntu/1%3.30.2-1ubuntu110:02
andyrockso uscan will not work because there is already an upstream tag 'upstream/3.30.2'10:06
andyrockI guess that merging with 'upstream/3.30.2' would be enough10:06
andyrock+ minimal changes to debian to make it work if required10:06
seb128andyrock, I would merge eb3c501e10:10
seb128and then take out the uppercase patch10:11
seb1289a196f3f is probably noise for a SRU and going to make the diff more difficult to review so I would keep that out10:11
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andyrockwould be nice to hide changes to .po files in launchpad11:24
andyrockevery diff got 5000+ lines just for that11:24
jbichaI'm just glad more stuff uses meson (or cmake) so we don't have the autotools clutter in the new release diffs11:43
andyrockLaney: hi updated https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mozjs60/+bug/1796238 to make it SRU compliant11:56
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1796238 in gjs (Ubuntu Cosmic) "[SRU][regression] mozjs60 crashes with SIGSEGV on gnome-shell exit, in GetPropertyOperation() from Interpret() from js::RunScript()" [Medium,In progress]11:56
andyrocknew gjs + new mutter should make `gnome-shell -replace` work again11:57
andyrocksomeone should prepare the upload (using the same packages from disco)11:58
Laneyandyrock: ok, can you make a bug for mutter too please? or convert existing ones12:03
Laneycan upload those later probably12:03
Laneymerci :>12:05
=== Class7_ is now known as Class7
andyrockLaney: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mutter/+bug/180444812:52
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1804448 in mutter (Ubuntu) "SRU Mutter 3.30.2-1 to cosmic" [Undecided,New]12:52
andyrockI could not find a better bug12:52
andyrockso I created one12:53
cyphermoxseb128: I haven't had time to do it yet, but I will today13:04
seb128cyphermox, good, thx, let me know if you need help (also would be nice to update to 0.9.5 in disco, that might fix some of our segfault issues who knows, it would for sure make easier to upstream reports than having them coming from an older version with a stack of patches)13:16
Laney#plymouth exists btw - I found it a good place to discuss when I was writing those other patches13:19
Laneythey ended up better than I would have made them when working in isolation13:20
oSoMoNwillcooke, have you had a chance to install network-manager 1.10.14 on bionic from https://launchpad.net/~osomon/+archive/ubuntu/nm-lp1754671/+packages ?13:20
seb128cyphermox, ^ in case you are not reading the channel, L_aney comment might be useful to you13:29
willcookeoSoMoN, installed it, need to reboot13:31
willcookewhich I will do now13:31
willcookeoSoMoN, well, I'm online :)13:34
willcookeI will test with some wifis13:34
willcookebut I'd prefer to give it at least until the start of next week before I declare it OK13:35
oSoMoNwillcooke, yeah, let's not rush this13:35
willcookehrm, first problem (but might be my end) I can't authenticate to a wifi network13:36
willcookeoSoMoN, Yeah, seems like connecting to a wifi network from Settings generates a "Failed to authenticate" notification the first n times, and then goes away.  Feels like maybe it's converting some settings from old to new, and then works afterwards (pure speculation).  I will need to install it on my test machine from fresh again and see.13:43
willcookeTo be clear: it's now working fine though13:44
oSoMoNhrmm, it should have worked at the first attempt though, that's concerning13:45
willcookeit might still be me, I was messing with my wifi access points recently13:46
willcookeso I;d like to try from scratch13:46
cyphermoxseb128: well, I'm all setup for gitlab now; so I'll be submitting the patches/PRs. do you care to be CCed or otherwise notified?14:08
seb128cyphermox, no, it's fine, I can follow up/subscribe there14:08
seb128cyphermox, I'm just trying to make sure we do upstream our changes, especially on packages that are not easy to maintain ... we got bitten by old n-m patches that were never applied and where we don't have anyone understanding the code enough to update them and I don't want that to happen again if we can avoid it :)14:10
seb128also working upstream usually makes sense, they know their code and can help fixing things the right way or spot errors14:10
cyphermoxof course14:25
cyphermoxfwiw the NM patches you're referring to are completely unapplicable, and I don't understand the code any better to make them work14:26
cyphermoxseb128: !10, !11, !1214:26
seb128cyphermox, and yeah, I was not especially blaming you for those, just saying that not upstreaming them at the time was an error which has been bitten us back later14:29
cyphermox*shrugs* it happens; discussion on IRC didn't lead at the time to a patch that was quite ready to upstream14:30
cyphermoxok, already closed one of the plymouth PRs, it's well covered by Hans' PR, and I like the solution better14:31
seb128cyphermox, thx for upstreaming those :)14:34
cyphermoxI really don't understand why the other guy still has crashes14:36
cyphermoxI spent a whole lot of time yesterday looking at the ASM for the functions, and figuring out exactly how it's blowing up14:36
cyphermoxI can't make sense of it, and it looks a bit like broken because of compiler optimization, but I'm not sure14:37
seb128fun :/14:37
cyphermoxthen, the asserts make even less sense.14:38
seb128ask him to try building in -O0?14:38
cyphermox*or* it's just another symptom of the same race, and potentially fixed by the keyboard deactivation patch I sent14:38
seb128also maybe it would help to upstream if we rebase on 0.9.5/lower our patches, at least we can upstream the issue and see if they have a clue then14:38
seb128ah, I see you asked already about -O014:39
cyphermoxthe patches apply cleanly14:39
cyphermoxthe code isn't that meaningfully different that I can tell to explain the issues14:39
cyphermoxI mean, yeah, a newer plymouth would be good14:39
cyphermoxanyway, it's my plan to update it, just don't have the time just now14:40
cyphermoxseb128: I trade you a plymouth update for testing and finishing casper a11y? :)14:42
seb128nice try :)14:42
cyphermoxI'm talking about https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/179627514:43
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1796275 in ubiquity (Ubuntu Disco) "Screen reader is not auto-enabled on first login if enabled when installing" [High,Triaged]14:43
cyphermoxI have the "revert" in progress, I could get you a casper that's 90% of the way there, but I don't know the gsettings as well as I used to, which wasn't much to begin with ;)14:44
seb128cyphermox, I'm happy to finish that work for you if you want14:44
seb128so if you want to hand me that over and update plymouth instead we can do that deal :)14:46
cyphermoxthat's what I meant15:02
seb128cyphermox, k, let's do that15:05
=== pstolowski is now known as pstolowski|afk
willcookenight all18:30
xnoxseb128, i had a ping from you, somewhere but i cannot find it18:46
xnoxonly saw it on my phone.18:46
xnoxwhere was that?18:46
xnoxah devel18:46
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cyphermoxseb128: https://code.launchpad.net/~cyphermox/ubuntu/+source/casper/+git/casper/+ref/ubuntu/devel20:27

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