
robert_ancellRAOF, what should I do about https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-software/+bug/1754864 for the SRU?03:58
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1754864 in gnome-software (Ubuntu Bionic) "Flatpak related refs are not installed when using GNOME Software on Ubuntu 18.04" [Low,Triaged]03:58
robert_ancellMark it as verified with a note that the change isn't there?03:58
RAOFrobert_ancell: Bah. I thought I could trick the pending-sru report by removing the verification-needed tag.04:16
RAOFMarked as verification-done.04:18
dufluSpeaking of SRUs, could anyone (RAOF?) please help me with the nomination in bug 1803271 ?04:55
ubot5bug 1803271 in gjs (Ubuntu) "[regression] Much higher CPU during some gnome-shell operations" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/180327104:55
dufluMy patch isn't appearing in the sponsorship queue, I think because of that04:56
dufluTa muchly04:57
dufluWeirdly, the latest entry in the sponsorship queue has my name on it despite not being my bug04:58
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seb128good morning desktopers06:27
RAOFHey seb128!06:31
seb128hey RAOF, how are you?06:31
RAOFseb128: Good. Wading through symbols files for a C++ project…06:32
seb128those are always fun :/06:32
seb128Trevinho, hey Marco, I'm not sure to understand your comment on https://code.launchpad.net/~juliank/ubuntu/+source/nautilus/+git/nautilus/+merge/359188 ... you want that fix to be merged or you prefer not because you work on changes that deprecate it?06:46
dufluHi seb12806:56
seb128hey duflu, how are you?06:56
dufluseb128, going well. Busy with a backport that's long overdue06:57
dufluReady in a sec06:57
dufluHow is seb128?06:57
seb128I'm good, still having a bit of a cold and could have slept longer though. It's ok, it's friday, almost the w.e :)06:57
dufluBoo, and yay06:58
didrocksgood morning07:11
dufluHi didrocks07:16
didrockshey duflu07:17
seb128lut didrocks07:23
didrockssalut seb128, ça va ?07:24
seb128ça va, un peu le rhume encore et un peu fatigué, mais c'est bientôt le w.e :)07:24
seb128et toi ?07:24
didrocksça va, vivement le week-end oui, bien fatigué par cette nouvelle semaine chargée07:25
seb128hehe, friday ftw \o/07:34
Trevinhoseb128: hey... I'm saying that both are fine07:45
TrevinhoBut since we're going for 3.30 probably that is better07:46
dufluOh hey Trevinho, I just stopped for a guacamole break, and thought of you :)07:48
dufluHome yet?07:48
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Trevinhoduflu: ❤️07:57
oSoMoNgood morning desktoppers08:03
dufluHi oSoMoN08:03
oSoMoNhey duflu08:04
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Trevinhoduflu: more into tacos now  https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/tysdtGkR/IMG_20181123_015810.jpg08:05
didrockssalut oSoMoN, Trevinho08:08
oSoMoNsalut didrocks, buon giorno Trevinho08:08
seb128lut oSoMoN, comment ça va ?08:15
seb128Trevinho, we are not going to have nautilus updated this week, so meanwhile we can merge the obvious fix08:15
oSoMoNsalut seb128, bien et toi?08:16
seb128ca va, c'est vendredi !08:16
oSoMoNhappy to have the week-end in sight, I need some rest08:16
seb128yeah, same here08:18
Trevinhoseb128: yes fine indeed08:24
TrevinhoHi didrocks 😊08:24
willcookemorning all08:54
willcookehi Laney09:04
seb128hey Laney, willcooke, happy friday!09:05
willcookeflu jab in a couple of hours09:07
dufluHi willcooke, Laney09:31
willcookeafternoon duflu09:31
willcookeoff to the pharmacist for my injection.  bbiab10:47
dufluHi willcooke11:42
dufluWhy am I still here?11:42
willcookeI was wondering the same thing11:46
andyrockis the free the flu jab in UK?11:49
* andyrock still has to register to NHS11:50
Laneynah only free for some people: https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/vaccinations/who-should-have-flu-vaccine/11:51
willcookeI paid for my wife's at the same time, but then it turns out she could have got it free because she has an asthma inhaler11:54
seb128andyrock, Canonical is paying for it, see the email from this week on the company list, you can expense it12:03
andyrockseb128: yeah I know but I was just wondering12:04
jbichayay, free vaccines for everyone12:05
dufluseb128, I was wondering if that still applies 6 months opposite :)12:06
dufluAlso, good night12:07
seb128night duflu, have a good w.e!12:07
* xnox ponders if i'm on irc or not14:05
Laneywho can say14:07
dokoa ghost14:08
* jbicha slaps xnox around a bit with a large trout14:08
xnoxLaney, ah, well, i guess seb128 just wants to avoid talking about keycodes14:08
seb128xnox, hey?14:08
xnoxseb128, hola =)14:09
xnoxnot sure, if we should hangout, or talk privately.14:09
seb128did you write to me earlier? there was nothing on the channel14:09
seb128hangout is going to be a bit tricky this afternoon for me14:09
seb128I'm in a public place without headphones atm14:09
xnoxright, so my irc was not working when i did:14:30
xnox<xnox> seb128, heya =)14:30
xnox<xnox> wanna talk keycodes to me? =)14:30
xnox<xnox> andyrock, was 9 GBP for me.14:30
seb128cyphermox, nice, Hans found the cause of the plymouth segfault and put details on https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/plymouth/plymouth/merge_requests/10 :)14:43
gitbotplymouth issue (Merge request) 10 in plymouth "If we've already freed the plugin, we can't call to it." [Opened]14:43
seb128the debugging from that user on launchpad confirms the issue he found in the code14:43
seb128I wonder if /usr/share/initramfs-tools/conf-hooks.d/cryptsetup being missing/not having " FRAMEBUFFER=y" is a before or a feature14:44
seb128is a bug or feature14:46
seb128xnox, you know about that? ;)14:46
xnoxnot really, but it is a pile of heap at the moment. it all used to be better14:46
seb128xnox, cyphermox, the config is still there but in a cryptsetup-initramfs binary, I wonder if that user who can reproduce is just missing that one14:51
cyphermoxworth a check14:53
cyphermoxbut sorry I'm not really completely around today14:54
seb128cyphermox, no worry, there is no hurry there. If you feel like having a poke to the patch doing what Hans suggested next week that might give us some upstream karma though :)14:55
cyphermoxseb128: can you comment on the gitlab and say I'll do the patches?14:55
cyphermoxI had my file sync disabled on this laptop for Plumbers, didn't re-enable it yet but now I'm missing my new gitlab credentials :)14:55
cyphermoxseb128: thanks14:58
oSoMoNpopey, I need to edit https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/using-chromium-ffmpeg-in-third-party-browser-snaps/6545 to add the latest stable version which I just published, but it looks like the post is locked, can you do some magic to unlock it for me?15:09
popeyWill try15:37
popeyoSoMoN: made it a wiki post, can you edit now?15:38
oSoMoNpopey, yes, now I can16:24
jbichaseb128: could you put libpoppler-qt5-1 & libpoppler-qt5-dev back in universe in disco so that excuses doesn't complain about it?16:37
seb128jbicha, does it create any problem?17:01
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jbichaseb128: your new poppler version won't migrate out of -proposed until it's fixed :)17:01
Laneyit's those poppler items listed17:02
Laneyxnox: can you merge meson please? you are TIL :-)17:04
seb128jbicha, it's fine, we need to rebuild the rdepends including libreoffice, so that's not going to be today17:38
seb128Laney, the items on that page are the waiting autopkgtests no?17:39
Laneyit's changed since I linked it17:39
tjaaltonLaney: there are now two mutter uploads on cosmic queue, the older should be dropped?17:40
oSoMoNhave a good week-end all!17:40
Laneytjaalton: yes, i said that in release earlier, guess nobody did it17:40
seb128well if what you were pointing out is the component mismatch then someone already handled it I guess17:40
Laney(looks like someone did the demotions jbicha asked for, that's why it moved on)17:40
tjaaltonyeah I missed that17:40
Laneytjaalton: thanks!17:40
seb128seems like people care more about noise on that page that I do :)17:40
Laneythat noise prevented the tests from running17:41
seb128(but annoying that the web interface from the queue doesn't let you move only the new binaries to main, when you select "main" it seems it moves the existing ones as well)17:41
seb128Laney, which isn't that important until we know that there is a stack of rdepends that need to be rebuilt including libreoffice17:41
LaneyI still wouldn't call it noise though17:41
Laneyit was a real issue17:42
seb128right, it's sorted out now so all good, we can happily wrap the week :)17:45
seb128or at least I'm doing that17:45
seb128have a nice w.e desktopers17:45
Laneysee you!17:47
willcookeI'm calling it a night too, l8r17:49
jbichaseb128: ha, we might have been better off with poppler 0.69 like Debian. I think pochu is tired of fixing up the rdepends for poppler every release18:10
Laneydesktop-icons packaged & UPLOADED (to experimental)18:21
Laneyhappy weekend18:21
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC

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