
SuperLagIs there a way to find out which package installed a certain config file?00:16
guiver_dSuperLag: `dpkg -S /path/file` should show what you want00:26
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benccChrome doesn't render utf-8 characters inside a docker ubuntu image. like U+1F601 😁01:14
benccam I missing a font?01:14
AndyChow888Either that, or the default fonts you chose in Chrome don't render that character.01:17
benccAndyChow888: I didn't choose a font. I just installed it from http://dl.google.com/linux/chrome/deb/01:19
AndyChow888What I'm saying is that you can change that default font for one that supports that character, if you do have a font that supports it.01:20
benccon desktop it just work01:20
bencchow can I check the difference between ubuntu desktop and ubuntu inside docker container?01:20
notbobdoleey guys I've got a multi button mouse that when I double click - seems to regeister as a different mouse click01:23
notbobdolesingle click is fine on the extra buttons01:23
notbobdolehow do I debug/fix/configure extra mouse buttons?01:23
AndyChow888notbobdole, you could use something like sxhkd or Xbindkeys01:24
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de-factowhy is gnome system monitor a snap? it does not work properly...01:55
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notbobdoleAndyChow888, So here is the thing.. The mouse exposes itself as two devices, one with mouse buttons and another as a keyboard with 247 keys. it is programmable what button causes a specific key with the windows software02:04
hyperknothi, on a server the default name servers are set up in /etc/resolv.conf I'd like to set them to resolvconf is not installed. what is the recommened way to do this? Should I install resolvconf?02:07
srulii added 18.04 install (dual boot 16.04 & 18.04) basically i added a few lv's and installed 18.04 in those, in grub i have option to boot 16.04 but it boots 18.04, i need to boot my 16.04, how can i do it? https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/YSXRgbn3yd/02:19
AuroraAvenueHey anyone know how to set-up this tor snap? https://uappexplorer.com/snap/ubuntu/tor02:52
AuroraAvenuepavlushka, hello old friend :)02:53
notbobdoleAndyChow888, apt install libratbag piper -- modern way to handle programmable mice02:56
notbobdoleneeds 18.04+ , but works for mice they have in the db02:56
AuroraAvenueHey anyone know how to set-up this tor snap? I NEED  a guide | https://uappexplorer.com/snap/ubuntu/tor03:08
AuroraAvenuejoin #freenode03:34
raubWhat is the difference between the php.ini files in /etc/php/7.0/cli/php.ini and /etc/php/7.0/fpm/php.ini?03:34
raubI see https://askubuntu.com/questions/356968/find-the-correct-php-ini-file, but, why?03:36
AuroraAvenueHey anyone know how to set-up this tor snap? I NEED  a guide | https://uappexplorer.com/snap/ubuntu/tor03:40
AuroraAvenue!anyone ?03:46
ubottuAuroraAvenue: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:46
AuroraAvenueow been over an hour & I donot hav security to use Gnu+Linux03:54
AuroraAvenueshall just sit here.03:57
lotuspsychjeAuroraAvenue: please only ubuntu questions here03:58
AuroraAvenuelotuspsychje, are you a qualified psycho-therapist?04:03
lotuspsychjeAuroraAvenue: feel free to receive your answer in #ubuntu-discuss04:04
AuroraAvenueI'll take that as a No, then.04:07
kgeeI've been having intermittent issues where any audio turns half to static until I restart pulseaudio (and reboot any programs I subsequently want audio from). I've experimented with different audio sources (headphone jack, laptop speakers) and different programs (firefox, amarok) and it is definitely none of the above.04:59
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kgeehow can I get more pulseaudio info to try and troubleshoot further?05:00
AuroraAvenuetwo hours later.05:02
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gonutsfordonutshey guys, i just rolled an ubuntu 18.04 server and im adding user accounts. i want the user to set a new password on login so im setting passwd -e {username} but they are being prompted to enter their current password on login, which doesnt exist....what should i be doing here?05:42
guiver_dAuroraAvenue: i use tor-browser on my boxes to access fb;  i just grabbed the version listed in software-boutique (it's a great place for some unusual good software - it adds repo's for you if required; and if it's listed there, I trust it - ie. a vetted store)05:43
AuroraAvenueguiver_d, I need it tobe a snap! I've already installed tor-the-programme; Now, I just need to configure it? But step-by-step, thanks for the info.05:45
hartman1986gonutsfordonuts - To my knowledge, the admin needs to set up an initial password. you do that when you create the account but you can also change the password with the passwd command ie: passwd (user)05:47
gonutsfordonutshartman1986 - for real? like...theres no way to force the user to set it on initial login?05:50
gonutsfordonutswithout having to retype some nonsense that i have to send to them?05:51
hartman1986gonutsfordonuts - Not that I'm aware of.05:52
gonutsfordonutsthats pretty bush league05:52
hartman1986gonutsfordonuts - You can force them to change it once they login, but they need the password to login first.05:53
gonutsfordonutsim not enabling password for login. they authenticate to the server via SSH and a public key provided by them. so they dont need the password to login05:54
gonutsfordonutsbut it appears I do need to provide them a password because otherwise the system erroneously asks them to supply their current password, which doesnt exist05:55
gonutsfordonutsseems pretty buggy05:55
gonutsfordonutsseems this wasnt though through very well05:55
gonutsfordonuts¯\_(ツ)_/¯ but what do i know05:56
hartman1986gonutsfordonuts - try having them just hit enter for the current password and then type their new password when prompted. With the key they are already in the system so that might work.05:56
gonutsfordonutsyeah no dice there unfortunately (just tried that myself)05:57
hartman1986I've never tried it though05:57
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kgeeso how does gnome/kde automatically log in users on boot? (since that is a standard option)05:59
kgeeunless the password is stored on disk or some other garbage it sounds like the same procedure you want behind the scenes05:59
gonutsfordonutskgee - no idea...i dont think what im trying to do is that complicated, but ive spent an embarrassing amount of time googling for it/trying to figure it out and coming up empty handed06:00
gonutsfordonutsim trying to do this on a headless vanilla 18.04 server and absolutely no luck - but no shortage of quirky and weird behaviour06:01
kgeegonutsfordonuts, https://askubuntu.com/questions/281074/can-i-set-my-user-account-to-have-no-password06:02
kgeeI havent tried this but it looks easy enough?06:02
kgeeit would be worth testing things locally if you can. that way you can determine if it is a account problem or ssh problem.06:03
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gonutsfordonutsstandby kgee, ill try this out now06:05
gonutsfordonutskgee so that gets me a bit closer!06:10
kgeedo tell06:10
gonutsfordonutsaccording to that stackoverflow page, this is how you give users passwordless sudo privileges, which seems to work06:10
gonutsfordonutsnow instead of doing passwd -d {user}, im doing passwd -e {user} which will expire their password. when the user logs in now, they are prompted to set a new password06:11
gonutsfordonutsand it all works fine there06:11
gonutsfordonutsso they can set their password now on first log in06:12
kgeegreat. I have a feeling there is a catch though06:12
gonutsfordonutswould be really nice if i could get them to not have passwordless sudo AND be able to set their password on first login...perhaps i need to understand the /etc/sudoers config file a bit better here06:12
gonutsfordonutsthis current state is workable though, so thank you for that kgee06:13
kgeeyeah, passwordless sudo is not great. Are you expecting these users to have sudo at all?06:13
gonutsfordonutsah some of them yes06:14
gonutsfordonutshang tight, im gonna try one thing to give password sudo06:14
kgeewell heres a gross hack: I'm pretty sure you can create a script that runs on ssh login.06:14
kgeeif the users log in with elevated permissions I believe you can use those same permissions to revoke themselves06:15
gonutsfordonutshaha probably :P06:15
gonutsfordonutssounds tricky06:15
kgeeor at least run a command to force sudo password06:15
gonutsfordonutsOK check this out, here is what im doing wrong06:15
gonutsfordonutscheck out the How To Lock Down Rules section06:15
gonutsfordonuts%wheel ALL=(ALL) PASSWD: ALL06:16
gonutsfordonutsin the stackoverflow page you posted, they recommend setting NOPASSWD, which is now to get passwordless sudo06:16
gonutsfordonutschanging that to PASSWD is password sudo. and (for whatever reason) the user behaviour to set password on first login remains intact06:17
gonutsfordonutsthis is the state i was shooting for.  thanks for your help kgee :)06:17
gonutsfordonutswouldnt have been able to get here without your suggestion06:17
kgeecool, glad I could google the right keywords :D06:17
gonutsfordonutsyour google fu is stronger then mine06:18
gonutsfordonutsi spent at least 20 minutes poking around with nada06:18
SimonKALIi use linux terminal and I wanna send files to my project to git including all files and directories06:31
SimonKALIi used command cd /home/simon/project06:32
SimonKALIgit init06:32
SimonKALIwhat next?06:32
kgeeSimonKALI, what is your remote git repo? github? something else?06:32
SimonKALIkgee, github06:33
kgeego to your github page, find the 'clone or download' button. there should be a url in there06:33
gonutsfordonutsadd your remote repo as your origin06:33
kgeecopy the url, then 'git clone <url>'06:33
kgeeit should make the repo locally. then you can add files, commit them, then push them to github06:34
kgeesounds more like you need git advice than linux advice. there might be better experts elsewhere. maybe #git or something06:34
gonutsfordonutsyou can also run the following commands: git commit -m "first commit" git remote add origin <the URL of your git repo> git push -u origin master06:35
kgee^what he said. I'm lazy so I go with github-first approach. you can start locally and push to url too though06:35
gonutsfordonutsmany ways to skin a cat06:36
kgeeI know like... 5 git commands and somehow still manage. gits crazy powerful06:36
kgeejust dont ask me to squash/rebase06:37
gonutsfordonutsyeah its nuts for sure. every additional thing i learn with git is like "wow i can do so much with this thing" quickly followed up "oh, turns out theres 10 more things i didnt know this tool did"06:37
lotuspsychjeguys keep it ubuntu related, for discussions come to #ubuntu-discuss06:38
kgeewell in that case, about an hour and a half ago I came in asking how to get more pulseaudio logs to troubleshoot audio static issues.06:40
SimonKALIkgee, I cloned the project and paste files and directiories to this directory06:40
lotuspsychjekgee: feel free to re-ask your issue once in a while no problem06:40
SimonKALIand now what command should I use06:40
kgeeyou need three commands. "git add ." to add files to repo 'git commit -am "this is my commit message" ' to stage the changes then 'git push origin master' to move it all to github06:41
kgeebut i have to leave. good luck06:43
SimonKALIkgee, when I use git add .06:43
SimonKALIfatal: not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git06:43
gonutsfordonutssimonKALI: that means the directory you are in is not a valid git repository. it is missing the .git directory.  are you running the command in the right directory?06:45
SimonKALIthere is .git directory, I cloned it from github06:46
gonutsfordonutswhat happens if you do git add -A06:47
gonutsfordonutscd zfskeleton; git add -A06:48
gonutsfordonutsgit commit -m "Initial commit"; git push;06:48
SimonKALIoo! now is working06:52
geirhayou just forgot to cd into zfskeleton earlier06:53
amitkm9204Hi guys06:56
lotuspsychjewelcome amitkm920407:00
SimonKALIok everything works fine now with push07:07
SimonKALIbut if I wanna just edit some file and send again I have error07:07
SimonKALI ! [rejected]        master -> master (fetch first)07:09
ubottuSimonKALI: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)07:09
SimonKALIerror: failed to push some refs to 'https://gi07:09
SimonKALIhint: Updates were rejected because the remote contains work that you do07:11
SimonKALIhint: not have locally. This is usually caused by another repository pushing07:11
SimonKALIhint: to the same ref. You may want to first integrate the remote changes07:11
SimonKALIhint: (e.g., 'git pull ...') before pushing again.07:11
SimonKALIhow to integrate the remote changes?07:12
lotuspsychjeSimonKALI: please focus on ubuntu questions only here07:12
lotuspsychjeno pasting every step07:12
SimonKALIlotuspsychje, ok, just this small thing I need to know07:13
lotuspsychjeSimonKALI: best to ask your question fresh to the channel, with all details, where you stuck07:14
geirhayou can try git pull to merge the remote changes with your own07:14
SimonKALIgeirha, git pull origin master07:16
geirhamaster is typically tracked already, so just ''git pull'' should do07:17
SimonKALIand then what should I write in console?07:17
geirhagit pull07:18
SimonKALIand then commit?07:18
geirhaif it managed to merge ok, you can now push07:19
SimonKALIno commit?07:19
SimonKALIonly push?07:19
geirhayou already commited, then got the error when pushing07:20
HamiltonIs there a way to make Ubuntu's splash-screen at startup change deterministicly? Now it's like a gif animation with 5 circles with the circles being filled up in an animation. I want to make the progress of the splash-screen have a meaning.07:20
SimonKALIgeirha, I got from terminal: Everything up-to-date07:22
SimonKALIbut when I check on website is not updated07:22
geirhaok, make sure you commited all the stuff you wanted to commit then07:23
guiver_dHamilton: it sounds like you're asking about the plymouth (graphic that hides text messages for default linux) - you can select a different plymouth screen, but I'm not aware of more than that sorry07:23
Hamiltonguiver_d, yeah...so there are text messages being hifdden...07:25
guiver_dif you use grub (most of us do), you can hit <E> for edit, remove the 'quiet splash' & see the default (no plymouth) - you'll see all linux kernel & boot messages (useful for diagnostics, but some errors are normal, eg. no hibernate-image found means a cold boot - so error message is expected!)  the plymouth screen hides this, and it's what I believe you meant in your question.  your plymouth screen can be changed07:27
Hamiltonthis https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/415169/readable-boot-messages-on-plymouth07:27
Hamiltonguiver_d, thanks07:28
SimonKALIgeirha, I edited one file07:35
SimonKALIand used git pull origin master07:36
SimonKALIand I got Already up to date.07:36
SimonKALIand used: git push07:37
SimonKALIand the changes are not on github website07:37
geirhaah so you never commited the changes to the edited file?  use ''git add fileyouedited''  to stage the changes. You can now view the changes about to be commited with ''git diff --staged'', then finally run ''git commit'' to actually commit the changes07:38
SimonKALIgeirha, now is working, thank you very very much :)07:45
SkyriderEy everyone08:00
SkyriderWas hoping someone could help me out.. wanted to upgrade my system today, and got this nice little error list: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/TknmkfkWHg/08:02
SkyriderRunning on ubuntu 18.04 btw.08:02
hartman1986Skyrider: try these commands: sudo apt-get autoclean sudo apt-get autoremove sudo apt-get clean08:05
discovereddpkg -i file --root="/home/user/appl" is not the correct command to install and changing the different directory? I just don't want to install downloaded pacakge as root08:09
Skyriderhartman1986: Same errors I'm afraid08:10
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hartman1986Skyrider: ok, lets try sudo apt-get -f install08:19
SkyriderSame results.08:19
SkyriderEven "dpkg --configure -a" doesn't work08:26
hartman1986Skyrider: If I'm reading your log right it's python3 that has gotten borked. I would try uninstalling it then reinstalling it.08:26
ducasseSkyrider: try 'dpkg -P sosreport' first, then try upgrading again08:27
SkyriderAlready ran the remove command :p08:28
SkyriderThanks though :)08:29
ducassedid you do that before the paste you posted?08:30
SkyriderWanted to fix it without the need to remove / reinstall it.08:33
SkyriderOddly enough, when I removed python from my system python 3.6.7 remained installed and everything works again.08:33
SkyriderLinux can be a weird OS when it comes to errors :-\08:33
hartman1986That is odd..08:34
SkyriderGuess its because 3.7.1 was also installed.08:34
hartman1986makes sense08:35
SkyriderWell, appreciate the help nontheless :)08:36
ducasseSkyrider: try installing sosreport again, that should install the file apt complains about08:39
SkyriderNot sure what that did :p08:44
SkyriderSaid reading database, and this -> Purging configuration files for sosreport (3.5-1ubuntu3.18.04.1) ...08:45
ducassedid upgrade work after installing it?08:51
Skyriderducasse: After I removed python from my system with apt-get remove python3, everything worked again as it should have.09:01
troozersHi, can anyone help with a weird problem that's started happening with my Ubuntu 18.10 desktop; it just seems to lose the network card and launching apps doesn't do anything.  I can still use the mouse, I can still look at System Settings, etc., but everything else is a no-go.  Managed to capture the syslog just as the system went into one of these dives; https://pastebin.com/4T5m1n0109:06
troozers...and then about 5-10 minutes later the network card re-appears and things slowly come back to normal O_o09:09
the_lastI can't resolve hostnames on my network, primarily trying to resolve two ubuntu machines. They both have their network interface (gateways) pointed to my modem IP, and their DNS set as my modem IP. DHCP is enabled and I've assigned static IP's to their mac addresses in my modem. My modem has its dns set to googles ( Whenever I try and resolve the hostnames from either machine I just get unknown host. Does anyone know where to09:21
the_lastbegin troubleshooting this? I must be doing something stupid.09:21
ddoobbHey guys is converting Ubuntu to a rolling release as described here (https://www.howtoforge.com/tutorial/ubuntu-rolling-release/) usable? Has anyone tried it here?09:22
troozersunless your modem also acts as a DNS server as well, and registers DHCP assigned IP addresses to hostnames within the DNS server, you won't be able to resolve the internal clients09:23
the_lasttroozers, ah okay, thank you. Given me more to work with :)09:24
troozersno problem :)09:25
ducassethe_last: you can enter them into /etc/hosts if you can't have the router host entries for them09:25
guiver_dddoobb: my mirror doesn't have a 'devel' release - the current development is called 'disco'09:25
troozersyep, good point ducasse09:26
guiver_dddoobb: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/devel/ shows a devel; if you use main archive it may work!09:27
the_lastTrying to come up with some semi-automated solution ducasse. I've got a NAS that has a DNS server module, so might try install that. To both of you: I take it once I have that set up I'd then point my linux machines dns to the NAS ip address? Or would you point the modem DNS to the NAS ip address and the NAS to -- sorry, I realize this is pretty non-ubuntu specific.09:27
ducasseddoobb: ubuntu is not rolling release, though09:28
guiver_dddoobb: the article also assumes you have a very clean (no ppa; no additions) sources.list file09:28
troozersthe_last: personally i point the modem dns to (it doesn't need to resolve internal clients) and clients to NAS.  Just make sure you NAS DNS Server has a forwarder to configured09:29
the_lasttroozers, great, thanks a lot. I'09:29
the_lastI'll give that a crack*.09:29
troozers(so that they can resolve external hostnames)09:29
troozersI have pretty much the same configuration on my home system,09:30
troozersCan anyone help with a weird issue affecting my ubuntu 18.10 desktop, soon after boot-up it seems to lose its network card and launching apps becomes impossible.  Did capture the syslog at the point it did this; https://pastebin.com/4T5m1n0109:32
ddoobbwhats a good rolling release distro where packages get updated as soon as the people making them release updates?09:33
TomyWorkyou mean one with fresh bugs every day? definitely not ubuntu :)09:33
TomyWorkexcept for the unstable branch09:33
guiver_dddoobb: that's off-topic here, we only support Ubuntu & official Ubuntu flavors !09:33
ducasseddoobb: ask that in ##linux, we only support ubuntu09:34
TomyWorkbut consider whether you need immediate updates to all or even most package09:35
ddoobbDoes 18.10 ship with  LibreOffice 6.10?09:35
TomyWorkno idea, but there's probably a PPA for it if it doesn't09:35
guiver_dddoobb: https://packages.ubuntu.com/cosmic/libreoffice09:36
troozersJust launched libreoffice on my 18.10 and it shows "Version:"09:36
ddoobbOh yeah 6.1, that's it, thanks troozers09:36
TomyWorki was gonna say there is no 6.10 ^^09:37
ddoobbI'm just gonna update to 18.10 for now09:39
ddoobbI like LTS but being stuck with old software for two years is not cool09:40
troozersis it possible to disable the fwupd service on 18.10?09:40
ddoobbSo I am updating to 18.10 from 18.04 and it says one of the packages I installed with a ppa (openfoam6) is going to be removed. What can I do about that? Does that mean it won't be possible to install it on 18.10? It's not removing some other packages I also installed with ppas09:52
guiver_dddoobb: let it remove the PPA; you can always put it back after do-release-upgrade (ideally you replace the ppa with the cosmic version if you do need it)09:53
ddoobbguiver_d openfoam6 only seems to have a ppa for bionic. Can I still install it on cosmic?09:57
FaultsYeah, I just checked that Bionic is latest officially supported09:57
FaultsSo you might have problems... but if it works OK then again when 19.04 comes it can cause again problems.09:58
ddoobbSigh...I don't want to upgrade if it's not going to work on 18.10 since openFOAM not running on windows is one of the major reasons I even have Ubuntu09:59
guiver_dddoobb: it would depend on the dependencies of whatever you want from the ppa.  I don't know  (could be yes, could be no, you'd have to check deps of package..)09:59
troozersUbuntu 18.04 is LTS (and as of a few weeks back VERY long term support)10:01
FaultsYeah... I wonder what happens on 2028 when I do apt-get dist-upgrade from 18.04 to 28.04 :D10:25
the_lastI've got entries in /etc/resolv.conf that I can't figure out where they're coming from. I've checked /etc/network/interfaces and /etc/resolv.conf/resolv.conf.d/base (which is empty). my interfaces file has, but somehow the resolv.conf still has, any idea where else that could be coming from?10:26
tarzeauthe_last: systemd resolvd10:29
tarzeauthe_last: google home phoning spyware10:29
tarzeaugoogle gets all your dns queries with or
guiver_dFaults: do-release-upgrade only jumps you to the next LTS; so it'd be 18.04 -> 20.04, then do it again to 22.04 .....  I suspect that won't be changed; so you'll be penalized more if you wait longer.. :)10:31
lotuspsychjeguiver_d: i think he refers to the 18.04 10y support10:33
blackflowand you have to pay for it.10:35
lotuspsychjeFaults: 18.04 lts having 10y support doesnt mean there will be a gap of 10y too10:35
discoveredsearch for adobe premier pro alternative in ubuntu. Any recommendation?10:36
lotuspsychje!info openshot | discovered10:38
ubottudiscovered: openshot (source: openshot-qt): create and edit videos and movies (transitional package). In component universe, is optional. Version 2.4.1-2build2 (bionic), package size 4 kB, installed size 17 kB10:38
lotuspsychje!info flowblade | discovered10:40
ubottudiscovered: flowblade (source: flowblade): non-linear video editor. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.12-1 (bionic), package size 4892 kB, installed size 18961 kB10:40
discoveredthanks lotuspsychje ! i will try these app :)10:42
discoveredBlender is not a video editor?10:43
discoveredlotuspsychje, what you recommend for desktop recorder?10:46
lotuspsychjediscovered: kazam or recordmydesktop10:47
lotuspsychjediscovered: blender is more a CAD alternate10:47
discoveredoh i see10:47
INSANUneed help with an issue, i had nvidia drivers installed from the repo. After sometime I installed new drivers from the .run that nvidia provides. Now, during boot I get the message: Failed to start Nvidia Persistence Daemon10:50
lotuspsychjeINSANU: nvidia drivers are best installed from the official repos, or the ubuntu graphics ppa10:52
lotuspsychjeINSANU: what shows: ubuntu-drivers list ?10:53
INSANUbcmwl-kernel-source and nvidia-driver-39011:00
INSANUlotuspsychje: =)11:01
blackflowINSANU: you broke it, now you get to keep the pieces. that .run should have un-installation capabilities. uninstall it, reboot (it should use in-kernel nouveau) and then use official Ubuntu packages, incl. the PPA11:01
discoveredhehe. I don't see the kazam tray icon anywhere of gnome panel :(11:01
INSANUbut i'd like to use the latest driver, isnt possible?11:01
discoveredcan't stop recording11:01
blackflowINSANU: you can use the ones from the graphics-drivers PPA https://launchpad.net/~graphics-drivers/+archive/ubuntu/ppa11:02
lotuspsychjediscovered: did you specify a stop recording hotkey?11:03
discoveredWhere i need to do that? In Preferences?11:03
lotuspsychjediscovered: holdon im gonna install it too, cause there were gnome indicator bugs on other packages11:04
lotuspsychjediscovered: i have the indicator icon in the right upper corner11:06
lotuspsychjediscovered: clicking icon gives me start, pauze,stop11:06
discoveredI don't see indicator here. I am on gnome-desktop11:06
lotuspsychjediscovered: gnome shell or gnome vanilla?11:07
discoveredgnome vanilla11:07
lotuspsychjediscovered: ah ok, i havent played with vanilla for long time, do you have other working indicators?11:08
=== Dreaman is now known as Blade
discoveredall i see is sound icon, workspace, network manager. not the kazam icon around there11:09
lotuspsychjediscovered: maybe you need a gnome extension, to unhide your indicators11:09
lotuspsychjediscovered: but im not sure on this for vanilla11:10
discoverednot sure what extension i need. After long time i am back to gnome11:10
INSANUblackflow: how do I add this?11:11
discoveredlotuspsychje, SUPER-CTRL-F worked :)11:12
discoveredlotuspsychje, what is the difference between gnome-shell and vanilla?11:12
lotuspsychjediscovered: gnome vanilla is the 'classic' version of gnome shell, thats what you wanted right11:13
blackflowINSANU: the page I linked has instructions.11:14
discoveredlotuspsychje, you mean old style gnome is vanilla?11:14
INSANUblackflow: thanks =)11:14
lotuspsychjediscovered: yes, you installed this manual yesterday because you didnt like gnome-shell right? thought you knew?11:15
discoveredlotuspsychje, no. I just wanted to install Gnome. asked here. and someone told me to install vanilla. I just wanted to have original gnomee :)11:17
lotuspsychjediscovered: thats what vanilla is yes, without the ubuntu tweaked gnome11:17
discoveredoh then i am in right track hah11:18
lotuspsychjediscovered: i wonder why kazam indicator doesnt show there11:22
lotuspsychjediscovered: can you make a screenshot plz?11:22
discoveredlotuspsychje, http://pix.toile-libre.org/upload/original/1542972316.png11:25
lotuspsychjediscovered: no other indicators on that unfold on the left?11:26
discoveredNothing there of kazam11:27
lotuspsychjeok weird11:27
adikwokdear seniors, hello,11:28
adikwokhow to choose apps to be installed in ram with preload for faster loading?11:28
adikwoki need libre office and thunderbird, to be loaded faster when i click the apps.11:28
discoveredlotuspsychje, It is developed only for Ubuntu ?11:28
lotuspsychjediscovered: not sure how vanilla works, can you do another test and install qbittorrent plz? this should also use an indicator in the right corner11:31
BluesKaj'Morning folks11:31
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discoveredlotuspsychje, i installed! It comes to my Plank Docker. No indicator11:34
lotuspsychjediscovered: ok that can mean 2 things, or you need an indicator package, or there's a vanilla gnome bug on indicators11:37
discoveredI see many package just crash. REported two crash already. Now flowblade ! :(11:38
discoveredwhy everything keep crashing?11:47
discoveredrecordmydesktop also crash? What am i doing wrong?11:47
lotuspsychjediscovered: what does the crashes say?11:47
discoveredI am just clicking send report to ubuntu group11:49
discoveredlotuspsychje, For the indicator i need something like? https://extensions.gnome.org/extension/779/clipboard-indicator/11:52
lotuspsychjediscovered: no, that to copy from clipboard11:53
lotuspsychjediscovered: what i think you need, is the indicator area itself, so indicators can showup11:53
discoveredlotuspsychje, found a extension. It works now : https://extensions.gnome.org/extension/1031/topicons/11:57
lotuspsychjediscovered: ah, great find and tnx for the feedback11:58
discoveredlotuspsychje, perhaps qbittorrent is better than transmission ... right?11:59
discoveredi see it has some more options than transmission. I used qtorrent before12:00
lotuspsychjediscovered: its about personal likings, the users choice12:00
mdihhi is it possible to know what process that's making '/dev/shm'? we are running docker (17.05.0-ce) and kubernetes 1.8 on ubuntu 16.04 (4.4.0-138-generic). and for some reason it's spawning around 30k `/dev/shm` :(12:01
blackflowmdih: spawning where?12:03
mdihon the host it self, like on the worker node12:03
mdihexample: # mount | grep -i 'shm on /dev/shm type tmpfs' | wc -l   , returns 3027112:04
blackflowmdih: uh those are (bound) mounts then, of ONE /dev/shm12:04
blackflowmdih: pastebin an example of one or two of them?12:04
elfrannetrying to find any document about source.list entries deb-amd64 and deb-all12:05
elfranneanyone has some ressources about it ?12:05
lotuspsychje!sources | elfranne12:06
ubottuelfranne: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories.12:06
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blackflowelfranne: the sources.list(5) manpage explains those12:07
mdihblackflow: okay, just a sec, thanks for the reply by the way12:09
mdihblackflow: is this what you need? https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/rJkDhXzfwZ/12:10
mdiham not sure which process is doing it or is it done inside a container. is it possible to know the process id making it?12:11
blackflowmdih: yes but isn't what I was expecting. is this on the host or container?12:11
mdihon the host it self. where docker and kubelet is installed12:12
elfranneblackflow, i saw this but there is no mention of deb-all deb-amd64 but only deb and deb-src12:13
blackflowmdih: and I'm guessing you don't have 30k containers there? no idea what created those, and by the looks of it, I'm guessing they're all namespaced which isn't immediately visible12:13
mdihblackflow, yeah only 12 containers :( am guessing that maybe this is caused by one of them? about the namespace is it possible to know which namespace? sorry for a noob question :(12:16
blackflowelfranne: I'm not really sure what you're talking about. you're not talking about the arch(itecture) config option?12:16
blackflowmdih: no idea. I tend to stay miles away from docker.12:17
AzukawaHello friends, im in dire need of your help12:18
mdihblackflow: ah it's okay. thanks for the help nonetheless12:19
elfranneblackflow, it s a arch thing but can t find any info about it, it s basicaly an entry source.list that looks like: deb-amd64 https://repo.com/ubuntu bionic main12:20
Azukawai download this beta version of lmms software, and it was an .appimage file. now i wanted it to my start menu/launcher next to my other audio programs. so i watch this tutorial on youtube, download a app caled menulibre, get the lmms12.appimage to my launcher only to find that all my other audio software are nowhere to be found anymore12:20
blackflowelfranne: that's not a valid entry afaik. it can be only deb or deb-src, but arch= can be amd64, all (default iirc), etc...12:21
Azukawai cant find them with search. If i go to the appstore/software store, i can see that they are installed, but cant find them anywhere12:21
elfranneblackflow, then it s an undocumented thing because it s working fine but want to find what the different options are12:23
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BluesKajAzukawa, run alsamixer in the console, it'll show, also pavucontrol if installed12:25
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BluesKajpavucontrol  is agui12:26
AzukawaBluesKaj, thank you for your advice! What will the alsa mixer show?12:27
BluesKajaz just type alsmixer in the console , it's self explanatory12:28
* BluesKaj gets more coffee12:29
Azukawawell thats a mixer allright, but where are my apps? i cant find them anywhere12:30
blackflowelfranne: look into the source code, if you can find it.12:30
blackflowelfranne: https://salsa.debian.org/apt-team/apt    and no mention of "deb-amd64" in the source code, by grep. it's invalid. if it "works" it works by ignoring the entry.12:33
BluesKajAzukawa, which desktop ?12:35
AzukawaUbuntu studio12:36
BluesKajso that's gnome 2 ?12:41
Azukawai guess so?12:41
elfranneblackflow, i ll try to get more info about it. It actually works because it s the only entry providing this packages.12:41
blackflowelfranne: is this Ubuntu?12:41
BluesKajAzukawa, https://ubuntustudio.org/tour/12:43
blackflowelfranne: I doubt that.   "E: Type 'deb-amd64' is not known on line 53 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list"  is what I get on Bionic.12:43
AzukawaBluesKaj, thank you. Im not sure what information you want mee to look up on that website12:45
elfranneblackflow, it works on 16.04.12:45
elfranneblackflow, but i ll try to get more info ... thanks for the help12:46
blackflowelfranne: I _seriously_ doubt that.12:46
BluesKajthere should be a reference there how to find your applications in the panel, i'm not a gnome user , Azukawa12:47
BluesKajAzukawa, also there's a #ubuntu-studio chatroom12:49
Azukawaill go check that out, thank you BluesKaj!12:49
INSANUXI removed the nvidia.run drivers from my machine and installed the graphics drivers from the graphics ppa with apt-get install nvidia-driver-415, but it seems that my X is not being able to use the driver, when I call for nvidia-settings I get an "ERROR: Unable to load info from any available system" and the module nvidia seems to exist with lsmod12:50
BluesKajINSANUX, using nouveau then I presume12:52
INSANUXprobably, well, I don't know exactly what to do..12:53
BluesKajdo you have a desktop or?12:56
lotuspsychjeINSANUX: your graphics card chipset please?12:56
INSANUXit's a gtx 108012:57
lotuspsychjeINSANUX: try the 396 version from the graphics ppa12:57
lotuspsychjeINSANUX: wivh driver does your system reccomend? ubuntu-drivers list ?12:58
INSANUXbcmwl-kernel-source nvidia-driver-390 nvidia-driver-410 nvidia-driver-396 nvidia-driver-41512:59
blackflowubuntu-drivers list doesn't really do proper recommendations. one should look at nvidia.com what's the recommended driver version, though I suspect 415 should work fine for gtx 108012:59
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INSANUXX -configure is using nouveau as the driver, i suppose i am missing something13:00
BluesKajisn't the 415 somewhat bleeding edge ?13:00
BluesKajINSANUX, make sure dkms is installed13:01
blackflowINSANUX: did you do exactly as initially suggested? used .run uninstall function, rebooted so no nvidia proprietary driver is installed, then installed from a package?13:01
INSANUXblackflow: yeah, i did follow your instructions =)13:01
INSANUXBluesKaj: it is installed13:02
INSANUXxserver-xorg-video-nvidia-415 is also installed13:02
INSANUXif I try to install 410 as its a long term support13:03
INSANUXwhat do I need to do?13:03
INSANUXI suppose that remove the last installed driver, apt-get remove nvidia* ?13:03
blackflowINSANUX: can you pastebin the Xorg log? /var/log/Xorg.0.log   if it's running as root, otherwise ~/.local/share/xorg/Xorg.0.log13:04
lotuspsychjeINSANUX: sudo apt purge nvidia* makes you fallback to nouveau13:04
INSANUXthats the log13:09
INSANUXgrepping for nvidia seems it cant load the module nvidia13:09
blackflowINSANUX: does this return anything?  find /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/ -name 'nvidi*'13:11
INSANUX- /lib/modules/4.15.0-39-generic/updates/dkms/nvidia.ko /lib/modules/4.15.0-39-generic/updates/dkms/nvidia-uvm.ko /lib/modules/4.15.0-39-generic/updates/dkms/nvidia-drm.ko /lib/modules/4.15.0-39-generic/updates/dkms/nvidia-modeset.ko /lib/modules/4.15.0-39-generic/kernel/drivers/net/ethernet/nvidia /lib/modules/4.15.0-39-generic/kernel/drivers/video/fbdev/nvidia /lib/modules/4.15.0-39-generic/kernel/drivers/video/fbdev/nvidia/nvidiaf13:13
blackflowINSANUX: and can you pastebin  `dmesg | grep nvidia`?13:13
blackflowINSANUX: right, look at the version mismatch errors. I'd recommend you to purge all installed nvidia packages, reboot to make sure you're using nouvau and tehre aren't any leftovers, THEN install from the packge.13:15
INSANUXwill try that13:15
INSANUXthanks for helping me13:16
Azukawaok i found out that its a bug related to using menulibre on ubuntu studio13:16
Azukawafixed it using software called alacarte13:16
BluesKajAzukawa, good to know13:16
BluesKaj I wonder which kernel INSANUX is using if modeset wants the 390 driver13:18
blackflowBluesKaj: it doesn't WANT. there's multiple modules installed13:19
BluesKajyeah, but the 390 is prominent there and the 4.15 kernel is a bit old iirc13:20
blackflowit's THE kernel in Bionic13:21
blackflowfor the next.... 10 years :)13:21
BluesKajyeah sure13:21
blackflowpurge all, install just one package. On Bionic there's a bit of a mess with those, as package name changed from nvidia-<version> to nvidia-driver-<version>, which borked upgrades and required purge.  in this case, there was some additional mess with upstream .run installer being used13:22
blackflow(and also in this case there's a change from default bionic repo to the PPA for nvidia.... purge purge purge purge! then install cleanly just one ;) )13:22
INSANUXI did purge everything, but I still got some crap in /lib/modules13:23
INSANUXlike /lib/modules/4.15.0-39-generic/updates/dkms/nvidia-modeset.ko /lib/modules/4.15.0-39-generic/kernel/drivers/net/ethernet/nvidia /lib/modules/4.15.0-39-generic/kernel/drivers/video/fbdev/nvidia /lib/modules/4.15.0-39-generic/kernel/drivers/video/fbdev/nvidia/nvidiafb.ko13:24
INSANUXmaybe I can delete those on hand13:24
blackflowINSANUX: taht'd be from that .run .  yeah, I'd delete them by hand. re-installing proper package will install proper modules.13:24
blackflow(lessons learned I hope, never install software from unsactioned sources (meaning software that's not in official repos, PPAs, or snaps))13:26
pragomerlightning addon for thunderbird 60.2.1 is in english ... how can I set it to german?13:26
blackflow((as root, ie. messing system files))13:27
TJ-Hmmm, I've hit an interesting roadblock. Renamed the root LV and it causes "update-grub" to fail since the mount table (and kernel cmdline) still show the old name13:27
blackflowpragomer: see bug #54577813:27
ubottubug 545778 in thunderbird (Ubuntu) "xul-ext-lightning is only available in English" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54577813:27
INSANUXawesome, everything is fixed13:30
INSANUXthanks blackflow13:30
BluesKajINSANUX, the nvidia website driver only works until the next driver or kernel upgrade13:31
pragomeroh ok.. so its a bug.. then i am going to use just gnome calender so setup with google kalender13:31
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gordonjcpsee this "What's new in Ubuntu" popup, how can I completely remove it?14:20
gordonjcpit pops up for every newly-created user14:20
gordonjcpor is the answer just to tell everyone "keep clicking next until it goes away" and hope it doesn't confuse them?14:21
tchakatakHello community. I'm currently using i3 on xorg, and i was wondering if a DM such as GDM was really helpfull or if i should use a .xinitrc ? (trying to be as minimalist as possible on this system)14:36
blackflowtchakatak: you mean startx from the console? for that you need either suid xorg or fiddle with permissions for input/output /dev(ices). I'd just use a DM and have it sort all that out properly.14:38
_nedR<rant> As someone who has used ubuntu on and off for a decade+ i must say that ubuntu keeps getting worse and worse. During the last 3 hours, every step of the way , gnome/ubuntu has been unhelpful, blocking, frustrating, stupid. Even the simplest things gnome seems to be no longer able to do without drama. I find myself wishing for features that existed during 10.04. That was the last ubuntu that i actually enjoyed truly using, Gnome3orwhatever is so bad14:38
_nedRit makes me miss unity. </rant>14:38
blackflow_nedR: you can still install unity.14:39
_nedRhow the hell do you create a encrypted 7z in ubuntu 18.0414:39
blackflowit's just not a default DE any more, 'sall. keyword: default.14:39
tchakatakblackflow: exactly. but i was actually wondering if the memory consumption could get lower by starting x with a shellscript and then initiating the wm with .xinitrc14:40
blackflowtchakatak: I don't think a DM adds any significant memory overhead. TIAS, tho'14:40
blackflow(and there's also LightDM if you're really worried about that)14:41
_nedRblackflow, thanks... unity had actually good stuff, even though it was frustrating at times. gnome is the same frustration without any of the perks. But the idea of installing unity and dealing with all the pandora box of issues that will unfurl just fills me with a existential terror.14:41
tchakatakblackflow: i'l check that out then :)14:41
blackflow_nedR: which is not really the fault of the distro. Gnome is a PoS that's getting worse and worse over time but thankfully you've got many options to choose from.14:42
_nedRAm currently on a liveusb. I cant create an encrypted 7z14:42
blackflow_nedR: install p7zip-full package, if it's not already installed, and use the 7z command line. see the manpage or examples online for encryption.14:47
blackflow_nedR: also you can use File Roller directly, I see it still has options to encrypt.14:49
bmomjianHas anyone successfully used Windows registry setting RealTimeIsUniversal for a dual-boot system with Ubuntu?  I have found many web pages explaining how to configure it but can't get it working. Where would I ask for help on this?14:56
blackflowbmomjian: in #windows. Windows registry and Windows' problems with tracking time have nothing to do with Ubuntu. That said, you can reverse and use timedatectl in Ubuntu to designate the clock as local.14:57
bmomjianYeah, I don't want to mess with Ubunty since that is what I use 99% of the time.  If someone said "I used to use this all the time but it stopped working" or something, that would have indicated I wasn't crazy.  Anyway, will ask there.14:59
blackflowbmomjian: there's nothing to it, really. it's only the question of what time is tracked by the hardware clock. the linux/unix standard is that hw is UTC and then use you timezone settings to show local time. In windows, the hw by default is in local time. how to change that, I don't know, but that's the core of the issue.15:01
blackflowand fwiw, when I used to dual boot with windows many years ago, I wouldn't bother with it. didn't care that time in windows was off. I used it for games only anyway.15:01
bmomjianAgreed on games.  :-)   Anyway, I don't want to bother others with this Windows issue but if someone wants to IM me privately I can ask more questions.  It is good to know people are using it successfully here.  Thanks.15:03
lotuspsychje!pm | bmomjian15:03
ubottubmomjian: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice.15:03
bmomjianI don't think I should ask here.  Ubuntu is operating properly and sanely by storing the CMOS in UTC.15:05
TJ-I need some sneaky ideas to fool update-grub>grub-mkconfig>grub-probe into using a different device-name for the root-fs (having done an LV rename). I've tried bind-mounts of alternative /proc/cmdline and /proc/mounts15:09
ioriaTJ-, just an idea : https://askubuntu.com/questions/765058/how-do-you-rename-the-volume-group-that-contains-the-root-volume-in-lvm15:09
TJ-That doesn't address grub unfortunately. I'm just about to try having a 2nd symlink under /dev/mapper/ with the old name to the actual ../dm-1 device15:15
TJ-nope, that neither! Hmmmph. I've been trying to figure out the grub-probe source but this aspect is particularly obfuscated15:16
TJ-It is getting from something 'live' but I cannot think of anything else other than /proc/cmdline, /proc/mounts15:16
TJ-I guess it must be calling the mount syscall rather than reading /proc/mounts etc15:18
TJ-Ahhh, I know, I won't! I'll just sed -i 's///' /boot/grub/grub.cfg... then run update-grub on the next reboot15:20
TJ-OK, found a nasty hack to do it. Edit /usr/sbin/grub-mkconfig, and temporarily change the line GRUB_DEVICE="`${grub_probe} --target=device /`" so / is /mnt/rootfs and then "sudo mount /dev/mapper/VG-LV /mnt/rootfs" ... run "sudo update-grub" then remove the change from grub-mkconfig.15:27
ioriaTJ-, that's good15:28
TJ-that is really annoying though, and not a great bug15:29
TJ-especially as the path it detects for the root-fs is a symlink; if it returned the actual device-mapper node /dev/dm-1 it would always work15:29
redlegionanyone know how i might fix dns leaks in ubuntu with openvpn?15:31
redlegionthe openvpn-resolved script doesn't seem to be doing anything15:31
TJ-redlegion: which ubuntu release? resolved has been dropped in favour of systemd-resolved recently15:32
redlegionergh, 18.10, TJ-15:32
TJ-redlegion: this may help: https://serverfault.com/questions/732317/openvpn-and-systemd-resolved15:32
redlegionyeah, that's the script i'm trying to get to work, but dnsleaktest is telling me that it's not doing what it's supposed to in the slightest15:34
redlegioneven though log output states otherwise15:34
redlegion<14>Nov 23 10:21:15 update-systemd-resolved: Adding IPv4 DNS Server
redlegiondnsleaktest says that entry is a bitter lie15:34
redlegionTJ-: do i have to force an update with resolvectl or something?15:36
MarkusDBXDocker-ce from docker.com vs the native packages, which should I use? Does it matter?15:38
TJ-redlegion: the openvpn DNS may only be set to do on-link domains15:42
redlegionTJ-: thanks, i'll dig around to see if defining dhcp-option DNS client-side changes it15:44
redlegionerp, i have it defined client-side and server-side already15:45
TJ-redlegion: "systemd-resolve --status" should give an overview of what is set15:46
platzhirschTried to tunnel through a paid WiFi Hotspot using my VPN which listens on UDP port 53, the setup works but in the WiFi I get: LS Error: client->client or server->server connection attempted from  … is it possible that the router inspects the UDP packets and drops non DNS requests?15:47
redlegionTJ-: yes, i see settings for each interface, but the global settings remain the same15:47
TJ-redlegion: also, if you're using Network Manager then "nmcli" gives a summary of DNS config at the end of its output15:47
TJ-redlegion: /etc/resolv.conf points to the systemd-resolved stub resolver on ?15:48
xdruppihello can someone give me advice on this? I'm going to switch from Windows to Ubuntu indefinetly and I don't know if I should pick LTS or regular version ,I know their differences but I'm still in doubt.15:54
xdruppiwhich one is more convenient?15:54
tchakatakxdruppi: LTS are long term support, not the other one15:54
xdruppitchakatak: I know15:54
tchakatakOn lts you will only have security update, and bug fix, no new features15:54
redlegionTJ-: this looks promising: https://goyoambrosio.com/2018/06/Preventing-DNS-Leaks-in-VPNs/15:55
xdruppitchakatak: I like newer packages, but I also appreciate stability, is regular version much more troublesome than LTS?15:55
tchakatakthen dont take the LTS15:56
tchakatakbut you cant have both. LTS are generally more stable than the latest.15:56
xdruppitchakatak: i think I'm going to use Ubuntu 18.10 until current cycle ends, and if I feel uncomfortable with that, I'll switch to LTS15:57
xdruppitchakatak: thanks15:57
tchakatakxdruppi: is the computer a working / business machine ?15:57
xdruppitchakatak: it's just my personal computer, nothing that could disrupt my workplace15:58
tchakatakthen the latest should be fine :)15:58
xdruppitchakatak: btw, does regular version come every 6 months? if so should I switch ASAP when it comes out or wait until current version cycle ends?15:59
TJ-redlegion: that infers your openvpn config is setting a link-specific search domain. Prevent that, and it should work. You should not need to specifically set a "~."15:59
TJ-redlegion: I've got 2 VPNs here, wireguard and openvpn up. neither has a "DNS Domain" reported for their link by systemd-resolve --status16:00
jeffreehow do I bring up the grub menu when timeout=0?16:00
tchakatakxdruppi: generally yes, .04 and .1016:00
TJ-jeffree: tap Esc very fast indeed!!16:00
TJ-redlegion: I'm guessing your openvpn link does have a DNS DOMAIN reported?16:01
xdruppitchakatak: oh ok so it is recommended to update asap, alright, btw do i need to reinstall everything or simply run the updater?16:01
TJ-redlegion: right, so that is the cause16:01
jeffreeTJ-: thanks, I'll try it16:01
tchakatakxdruppi: if you upgrade to a .10 to a .04, you will have to wait to the .10.1 or the .04.116:02
tchakatakBut generally remember than a new thing can have a lot of bugs16:03
redlegionTJ-: the funny thing is i get the same result with 'dhcp-option DOMAIN-ROUTE .' as without.16:04
jeffreedidn't work16:04
jeffreehow do I bring up the grub menu when timeout=0?16:05
jeffreewithout changing the timeout16:05
jeffreeubuntu 18.04, since it seems there are multiple answers on the internet16:05
tchakatakjeffree: edit the /etc/default/grub16:06
TJ-jeffree: tap Esc is the only way, or if it is BIOS, hold down shift key16:06
TJ-jeffree: if you've set timeout to 0 then you need to change that to giv etime for grub to detect your key-press16:06
brainwashshift key is the answer16:07
TJ-brainwash: only on BIOS, not on UEFI16:07
jeffreeI admit that I don't know how the related hardware and software works but is it not possible to have software detect if a key is depressed?16:07
redlegionoh wow16:07
redlegionapparently this is a known bug (https://github.com/systemd/systemd/issues/6076)16:07
TJ-jeffree: As I've told you, it does! but when you set the timeout to 0 you've got to have the key being pressed in a very short window of time. Increase the timeout and you've got more change16:08
jeffreeTJ-: no, what I mean is a key is held down, in the tiniest fraction of a second, can software not detect that?16:09
redlegionTJ-: thanks for the help16:09
jeffreeof course having to play a game of 'hit this key in this tiny window' would not be a solution any sane person would choose16:10
jeffreeso you just detect a key held down, if physically possible16:10
tchakatakjeffree: just, why not increase the timeout by 1 sec ?16:11
myselfOkay, so this is a dumb question, but when I'm in Ubuntu Software and search for something like 'inkscape', I see two results. Same icon, different description, very slightly different versions. Wth?16:13
myselfOne says the source is 'snap store', the other says the source is 'ubuntu-bionic-universe'.16:13
tchakatakmyself: maybe a snap version and a apt one ?16:13
myselfShould I just pick the one with the newer version number? or why would I care beyond that?16:14
compdocIve been installing snaps stuff16:14
tchakatakmyself: they are both different16:14
compdoclike chromium and firefox16:14
tchakataksnap (provided by snapcraft) give you the package and all the dependencies in like drive. Everything is prepackaged by the maintainer16:14
blackflowmyself: I'd suggest use packaged version, and snap only if you really need it16:15
tchakatakthe other one, is provided by ubuntu with packaged.16:15
myselfhow would I know if I 'need it'? both seem to work fine.16:15
tchakatakmyself: you dont need it.16:15
blackflowmyself: if you don't know then you don't need the snap.16:15
myselfOkay then, bionic universe it is.16:15
myselfTo whom could I direct a request for clarification somewhere within the ubuntu software app? As a new-ish Windows convert, this is super confusing.16:16
tchakatakdirectly here ?16:17
myselfif I don't need snaps, then maybe they should be hidden by default, or something.16:17
myself(unless the only available version is a snap, as in the case of Slack, I figured that out)16:17
tchakatakmyself: you have the choice to use one or the other.16:17
myselfbut zero reason to prefer one or the other16:17
myselfso it's a meaningless choice16:17
tchakataklet me explain to you16:18
myselfwhich means it's not a choice, it's a confusion16:18
brainwashthe snap version can be updated by the maintainer at any time16:18
brainwashso, it should be up-to-date usually16:18
tchakatakpackages can be given either by the maintainer, or by canonical.16:18
myselfdo both versions update themselves through the Software Update thing that pops up once in a while?16:18
tchakatakin case of snap package they install a lot more than they should do, and also they run as a virtual hard drive, in their own space16:19
tchakatakmyself: yes.16:19
tchakatakmyself: the ubuntu version is made and packaged for ubuntu, snap are made to work anywhere.16:20
tchakatakubuntu versions are generally less buggy, but might comport less features than Snap packages.16:20
myselfoh I think I've seen that plethora of snap virtual hard drive things, when I went to look at how my drives were being recognized. good lord, talk about polluting a namespace that really wasn't meant to have 400 entries and lacks the tools for sensibly displaying same...16:21
myselfit just hit me that I could uninstall the snap versions of things and probably clean up that mess? Hmm..16:21
jeffreebrainwash: do you know this to work with ubuntu 18.04?16:22
tchakatakyou can.16:22
blackflowthe purpose of snaps is to put software packaging directly into the hands of the vendor, and cut out the maintainership middleman.16:22
tchakatakblackflow: it generate a lot of crap stuff on the system still.16:22
brainwashjeffree: like said before, it won't work if you have a system with UEFI16:22
blackflowthe benefit of tha is straight from teh horses mouth software, latest, and being containerized, it doesn't pollute the rest of the OS. you can simply `snap uninstall` something and be done.16:23
blackflowtchakatak: only loop mountpoints16:23
myselfas opposed to interacting with other dependencies, you mean?16:23
tchakatakmyself: yep.16:23
jeffreebrainwash: thanks, I missed that16:23
blackflowall that virtue is also the problem of snaps. you get the latest, upstream packaged version which is not integration-tested within the distro.16:23
blackflowALSO... snaps autoupdate and you don't get to change that. for that alone, snapd should be autoremoved on every new installation.16:24
myselfwithout prompting me during the Software Update dialog, you mean?16:24
blackflowthere's no software update dialog for snaps. they just autoupdate with zero notification to the user.16:24
TJ-redlegion: after reading that issue and also 5755 arguing over semantics, the problem for most of those is caused by packet-loss causing systemd-resolved to find another DNS server that is good. I don't think that si your problem unless your openvpn link is unreliable16:25
* myself shudders16:25
redlegionTJ-: it's a dollar a month vps, but at this point i'm not sure16:25
TJ-redlegion: In that circumstance I'd recommend disabling the ISP DNS servers totally16:25
tchakatakmyself: you can easily remove snap from your system to avoid that :)16:26
redlegionTJ-: invoking the connection by connecting with NetworkManager seemed to prevent DNS leaks, although the nameservers reported are neither defined by me nor the server16:26
TJ-redlegion: well, in those isssues, when systemd-resolved is logging to debug level, the clue is the VPN DNS server timing out and so resolved switches to another DNS server. enable debug logging and check if that is the case16:26
myselfwell, then I'd lose the few apps that're only available as snaps, like Slack16:27
brainwashblackflow: what if you disable snapd? that should disable the auto-updating16:27
blackflowbrainwash: and everything else snap-related, no?16:27
tchakatakmyself: you can install a non snap version16:27
mmkumrHow to set default file manager from natilus to ranger.16:28
TJ-redlegion: "nmcli" will give a summary of what connection has under  "DNS configuration"16:28
redlegionit's utterly bizarre though16:28
blackflowmmkumr: ranger the command line manager? you don't.16:28
redlegioncloudflare DNS servers are in use16:28
redlegioni don't get it16:28
TJ-redlegion: the obvious solution is to remove the ISP provided DNS servers if they are not trusted, not leave them in place16:28
mmkumrblackflow: Can I set to spacefm16:29
TJ-redlegion: I think cloudflare may the default fallbacks if no others are set, but I may be wrong there. If so they come from a build-time config16:29
redlegionoh wow16:29
blackflowmmkumr: I don't know what that is. but ranger is command line and thus there's no xorg application to associate with mimetypes16:29
redlegioni think i'm closer to a fix16:29
mmkumrblackflow: It is a gui based file manager16:30
blackflowmmkumr: like this?  https://askubuntu.com/questions/84929/how-to-set-up-dolphin-as-default-file-manager16:31
blackflowincluding this   https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DefaultFileManager16:32
mmkumrblackflow: Thank you.16:34
redlegionTJ-: weird, even when i define DNS servers in the imported *.ovpn or in NetworkManager itself, everything goes through Cloudflare16:34
redlegiondoesn't respect any settings anywhere16:35
redlegionbut i guess it's better than a DNS leak16:35
TJ-redlegion: can you directly query the VPN-provded DNS servers using "dig @vpn.dns.server.ip somehost.com "?16:36
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thanzexHi there! i`m fairly new to ubuntu, i made myself a color theme that i`d like to apply wherever i can, i modified ubuntu.css to edit the background color and image, however i`d like to edit the color of the user 'box', where can i find docs about all the elements and where to find them in the css? Thanks16:45
geniithanzex: https://developer.gnome.org/gtk3/stable/theming.html16:50
vedosonko kukaan saanut Wickr Me:tä toimimaan Ubuntu 18.10:ssä?16:51
vedossorry.. in English. has anyone got Wickr Me to work on Ubuntu 18.10 ?16:52
thanzex@genii thanks!16:54
geniithanzex: Good luck, hope your customizations work out!16:55
adrian_1908!fi | vedos16:59
ubottuvedos: Tämä kanava on tarkoitettu vain englanninkieliselle keskustelulle. Jos haluat suomenkielistä apua (K)ubuntun ongelmiin, liity kanavalle #ubuntu-fi / #kubuntu-fi :-)16:59
adrian_1908I only know "vittu" and "perkele", alas.16:59
vedossorry for writing Finnish, but the question was translated line below.17:01
BluesKajadrian_1908, you wouldn't want to translate those words here :-)17:01
howudodatI am trying to setup a printer on my server which is currently running 16.04.  Most of the tutorials show a desktop environment.  1: is there a tutorial that shows a server side setup?  2: is the desktop widget really just calling CUPS underneath?  if so, I can just set it up using CUPS.17:08
kk4ewtuse cups17:09
TJ-howudodat: you can access the CUPS web admin on that system via port 63117:09
howudodatok, perfect was just 2x checking.  I wasn't sure if the printing widgets on the desktop do anything else other than CUPS17:10
RonaldsMazitisI upgraded from 16.04 to 18.0417:25
RonaldsMazitisI like looks of login manager and stuff17:26
RonaldsMazitisproblem is my  USB mouse still can't connect after disconnecting few times17:26
RonaldsMazitisI have to restart pc to use my mouse17:26
qwebirc36744Good evening gentlemen17:27
RonaldsMazitisit's surely wonderfull evening17:27
qwebirc36744I have strange question ... we all do at some point . Don't we17:28
qwebirc36744As I not been able to find answer in Google so here I am17:28
RonaldsMazitisnobody has problems with usb mouses on ubuntu at google17:29
adrian_1908usb mice are such old and well established tech, that nobody runs into this issue anymore. you're alone with this, on this earth.17:29
RonaldsMazitison windows there is driver page17:30
RonaldsMazitisso You just uninstall and install it again17:30
qwebirc36744My question is regarding ubuntu software center . As we are open source project , how we can be part of it . I mean is there a way to get this project listed there ? Any links or tips ?17:30
RonaldsMazitisshould I recompile kernel every time or something?17:31
HipHop-openboxGithub I would think17:31
RonaldsMazitislol You wanna pay some money to be member of ubuntu?17:31
qwebirc36744No not member17:31
qwebirc36744Just asking any one so I can chat with about it17:32
HipHop-openboxWants to work on project snappy17:32
adrian_1908RonaldsMazitis: it really should just work out of the box. USB/Mice/HID are robust tech, as I said.17:32
qwebirc36744Ok looks like just trolls here17:33
RonaldsMazitisok then why my mouse looses connection, I can plug it in my other home pc and it works17:33
RonaldsMazitismy usb plug is weak, it looses connection from time to time17:33
HipHop-openboxGithub I thought was way you contribute to the project snap?17:33
qwebirc36744I think you misunderstand me here17:34
qwebirc36744As project is not part of ubuntu17:34
qwebirc36744It's bit difrent approach17:35
RonaldsMazitisI just put my mouse in other ubuntu pc and it worked17:35
RonaldsMazitismine is stuck till reboot17:35
RonaldsMazitismust be ubuntu issue\17:35
RonaldsMazitisI thought 18.04 upgrade will fix it17:36
qwebirc36744So I will ask again . Is there any one pospble to talk to or am a community or so17:36
RonaldsMazitisthanks to almighty developers atleast upgrade was snappy17:36
coconut^qwebirc36744: Two ways; first is a PPA, second is the new snap. All other projects come out of the communities on the internet and not from just one person.17:36
RonaldsMazitisexcept for the part where mysql needs cf.config file17:37
RonaldsMazitisso it could update it's version17:37
qwebirc36744It's not just me17:37
qwebirc36744We work on it for 2 years now . And counting17:37
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HipHop-openboxqwebirc36744, I read on issue,but snap might be in early phase... Not sure didn't catch any help in GitHub17:38
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RonaldsMazitisqwebirc36744: what exactly do You work on?17:38
jmgb4Hey fellas, trying to get ubuntu to accept a repo that doesnt have a release file... --allow-unauthenticated doesnt seem to work. Suggestions?17:38
qwebirc36744Don't want to say name in out open17:39
RonaldsMazitisHipHop-openbox: nice nick17:39
tchakatakqwebirc36744: sorry, changing network17:39
RonaldsMazitisYou must be artifical inteligence17:39
tchakatakqwebirc36744: what about your package ?17:39
qwebirc36744Give me a moment I will join this chat with stationery as I can't use bloody phone to chat17:40
RonaldsMazitisbest irc client17:40
adrian_1908qwebirc36744: because you asked about getting it promoted, or why do you not want to talk about it? Software Center carries programs that the community deems popular/useful.17:40
tchakatakRonaldsMazitis: irssi, best irc client :)17:41
coconut^qwebirc36744: https://askubuntu.com/questions/71510/how-do-i-create-a-ppa17:41
RonaldsMazitisgithub, I heard ms soft bought it17:42
RonaldsMazitisbig boogy os company17:42
coconut^RonaldsMazitis: it's true17:42
tchakatakRonaldsMazitis: As true as ibm bought red hat17:42
RonaldsMazitisavoid windows17:43
RonaldsMazitisby any means17:43
RonaldsMazitis*uses bricks to build wall instead17:43
HipHop-openboxqwebirc36744, this is the best web info for snappy... https://launchpad.net/snapcraft17:45
RonaldsMazitisI have to learn how to code in c# at school17:46
RonaldsMazitisso what I have at home is vs code in virtualized linux17:47
SimonKALIis it possible to copy all directory including directories and files except one file or two?17:48
RonaldsMazitis(pretty much does the job, except it has no resharper, and I don't really jet understand debugging)17:48
SimonKALIvia terminal I mean17:48
blackflowSimonKALI: yes with rsync and --exclude option17:48
SimonKALIblackflow, how to do with command then?17:49
SimonKALIi meant local files17:49
tchakatakSimonKALI: man rsync to look at the syntax17:49
tchakatakbut should be rsync source --exclude exclude destination17:50
RonaldsMazitis"Attach as separate attachments to your bug report ~/dmesg_boot, ~/dmesg_diff, ~/Xorg.0.log and ~/Xorg.0.log_diff."17:51
RonaldsMazitishow do I do that?17:52
SimonKALItchakatak, in bash is not possible?17:53
jmgb4....trying to get ubuntu to accept a repo that doesnt have a release file... --allow-unauthenticated doesnt seem to work. Suggestions?17:54
RonaldsMazitisLANG=C ? is that for bash?17:55
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RonaldsMazitissuch interesting debugging tutorial, why not just give c code18:00
RonaldsMazitisand let it compile18:01
RonaldsMazitisno, we must use damn tty18:01
TJ-jmgb4: Release file is required --allow-unauthenticated is about not requireing gpg signatures18:01
jmgb4TJ-, So the only way then is to download and unzip it myself18:01
RonaldsMazitishow do I make this code work18:02
RonaldsMazitishaven't really done anything in c for years18:02
hggdhRonaldsMazitis: please stay on-topic18:03
TJ-RonaldsMazitis: are you being silly? lines 12 through 16 are shell commands, not C language18:03
RonaldsMazitisok thats sheel18:04
RonaldsMazitisreally silly18:04
hggdhRonaldsMazitis: second request. Please stay on-topic18:04
RonaldsMazitisI'm debugging ubuntu mouse18:05
TJ-RonaldsMazitis: if you're confused by "LANG=C" that is a shell environment variable that ensures commands that check LANG don't use some translated values due to a locale. See "man 5 locale"18:05
RonaldsMazitisI runned those commands from terminal and got those 4 new files18:05
TJ-RonaldsMazitis: if you do "locale" you'll see the usual settings in the environment18:05
RonaldsMazitiswith bunch of jibberish that means everything that system has done I guess18:05
RonaldsMazitisso how do I report them in bug report18:06
RonaldsMazitisI'm guessing that mouse don't get the correct id number or something18:09
TJ-RonaldsMazitis: create the bug report manually and attach the files to it, via https://bugs.launchpad.net/Ubuntu/+source/<package-name>/+filebug18:10
jmgb4TJ-, ?18:11
hggdhRonaldsMazitis: or just use "ubuntu-bug xorg", as suggested in the wiki.18:12
RonaldsMazitisjust discovered that I started from 12.0418:14
RonaldsMazitisnice 7 years18:14
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ubottuLaunchpad bug 1804874 in Ubuntu "can't reconnect mouse/mouse stops working after a while" [Undecided,New]18:22
hggdhRonaldsMazitis: we are missing a LOT of details, like Ubuntu version, flavour, etc.18:26
WalterQHi all, anyone can explain me how to resolve the error on ubuntu Live loading "Problem loading UEFI:db X.509 certificate (-65)"? I'm going crazy obout that!  I tried to load with and without secure boot activated but this error is always there.18:27
WalterQI use Ubuntu 18.04.01 Lts18:27
RonaldsMazitisI use openbo18:28
RonaldsMazitisbut I have kde and gnome installed18:28
RonaldsMazitishggdh: what else 18.04.1?18:28
hggdhRonaldsMazitis: run apport-collect 180487418:29
hggdh(I already reset the bug to be against xorg)18:29
RonaldsMazitisERROR: The python3-launchpadlib package is not installed. This functionality is not available.18:29
tewardso install it.  `sudo apt-get install python3-launchpadlib`18:30
RonaldsMazitisapport-collect must be sudo?18:31
RonaldsMazitisok now it has a lot of information18:37
hggdhRonaldsMazitis: yes. It should have been this way from start. This is why we usually do not like direct bug entry.18:39
hggdhRonaldsMazitis: now you will have to wait for someone to go thru it18:39
RonaldsMazitisok thank You18:40
g0uZHi, can someone explain why DNATRAW has been removed from the pkg xtables-addons-common in bionic server lts ?19:00
brainwashg0uZ: https://sourceforge.net/p/xtables-addons/xtables-addons/merge-requests/4/19:06
Strykarwhy would 'lsusb' print this error for my mouse: 'Bus 002 Device 004: ID 046d:c07e Logitech, Inc. Couldn't open device, some information will be missing'19:09
g0uZerf, thx brainwash19:10
Strykarthe mouse works fine19:10
brainwashStrykar: did you try "sudo lsusb"?19:14
brainwashit could be a permission issue19:14
Strykarbrainwash, weird, it was19:22
xdruppihi im running ubuntu from a live usb, and my monitor is not being detected, I mean, theres output but it doesnt recognized my monitor and therefore the resolution is messed up19:52
xdruppiwhat can i do19:52
swift110hey all19:53
lordcirthxdruppi, open the Display settings window and set your resolution?19:54
xdruppilordcirth: it doesnt recognized my monitor, max resolution available is 1024x768 but it should be 1600x90019:55
xdruppilordcirth: i can assure you my view is so huge its annoying19:55
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johnjayhey i have an old laptop with a usb bluetooth AC600 device i cant' get working20:08
johnjayis the mobo being bad a possibility?20:09
johnjayis that something I could check in ubuntu somehow?20:09
johnjaylike if modprobe <drivername> fails does that mean the hardware is flawed?20:09
ioriajohnjay, modprobe of what module ?20:12
johnjayi don't have it in front of me but it was related to an AC600 usb wifi adapter20:12
johnjayi tried to get it working under 16.04 i think and couldn't get it to work20:12
johnjaynow i'm debating installing 18 onto this old laptop to get some use out of it20:12
johnjaybut without wifi i can't really do much20:12
ioriajohnjay, can we know the specs of that hw ? like lsusb or dmesg | grep <interface>  ?20:14
TJ-johnjay: most AC devices require non-free drivers currently, such as rtl8812au20:14
TJ-johnjay: or out-of-tree driver modules20:14
ioria!info rtl8812au-dkms xenial20:15
ubotturtl8812au-dkms (source: rtl8812au): dkms source for the r8812au network driver. In component universe, is optional. Version (xenial), package size 999 kB, installed size 7596 kB20:15
TJ-johnjay: you need to identify the device ID, using "lspci -nn -d ::280" the ID is the last bit inside [] brackets, e.g. [1234:5678]20:16
pjsanyone recommend a simple image editing utility? I know about gimp but seems like overkill if I just want to draw an arrow over an image or something20:23
sheinzpjs: maybe 'pinta' but i'm not sure if it has arrows20:24
sheinzit's like 'paint' in windows :) but way better20:24
pjssheinz: hah that's fine.. if I can use my mouse to like, circle something, it's cool.20:25
pjssheinz: lame, pinta keeps crashing lol20:28
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CookieMkolourpaint, ms-paint replacement20:32
RonaldsMazitis winehq-staging : Depends: wine-staging (= 3.20.0~bionic) bet to neplāno instalēt20:37
RonaldsMazitisE: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.20:37
RonaldsMazitiswhy can't install staging version20:38
johnjayyeah rtl8812au sounds famililar, i think that was the one i tried20:42
ikarosuusiIs ubuntu *still* spying on it's users?20:44
brainwashRonaldsMazitis: install wine-staging and see what error it gives you20:44
RonaldsMazitissame error20:47
ikarosuusiHello? Has ubuntu somehow changed it's user spying?20:48
discovereduser spying? ikarosuusi explain it please?20:49
RonaldsMazitishe thinks unity amazon searches were spying20:51
ikarosuusiOh "he thinks" ?20:51
ikarosuusiHe thinks or me clueless and naive?20:51
za1b1tsuSo about 3 times today, I tried to dual boot ubuntu on a macbook pro, but I loose the mac partition. The APFS partition disspears something to do with UID. I'm no expert, but I don't know how to avoid this situation, any tips?20:52
ikarosuusiI talking about collecting user data and sending it to places20:52
RonaldsMazitissame shit20:52
ikarosuusiThere isn't very much "he thinks" in it though20:53
ikarosuusiIf you're sending data to people who develop deep learning toolkits20:53
discoveredikarosuusi, Are you serious? That could be done only by microsoft. An Opensource OS can't do that20:54
ikarosuusiYou have to be stupid as brick to think they wouldn't abuse it.20:54
melkorhow can I find out why rm: cannot remove 'junk/': Device or resource busy20:54
melkorIt is an empty folder that a thumbdrive was mounted to.20:54
ikarosuusidiscovered: how about this: "Will Cooke, on behalf of the Ubuntu Desktop team, announced Canonical's plans to collect some data related to the users' system configuration and the packages installed on their machines."20:54
RonaldsMazitisit did send data to places, but it was just because unity had scopes20:54
RonaldsMazitisI don't think gnome does that20:55
Gigabitteninteresting. I mounted a partition to copy some files over only to find that the files weren't there on a reboot, including changes I made before rebooting. .bash_history reveals that I used cp folder -r to copy them over. The files were in a symbolic link in the Windows partition, but other than using it as a directory, I didn't interact with the symbolic link at all. What went wrong?20:55
kk4ewtyou would be surprised20:55
discoveredikarosuusi, It can be ignored when asked!20:55
Bashing-ommelkor: "thumbdrive was mounted to" safely un-mounted ? .. what shows ' mount ' ?20:56
ikarosuusiI'm asking if there is still "Unity Dash" that gives me shopping suggestions or something like that?20:57
melkorBashing-om: hmm, now it says that /dev/sdb1 and /dev/sdc2 are mounted to junk20:57
kk4ewtdiscovered, https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2018/05/this-is-the-data-ubuntu-collects-about-your-system20:57
melkorFunny, the efi partition gets mounted so I can edit it, but the main partition is 'write protected'20:58
discoveredikarosuusi, no. No Unity! It gnome now. But ubuntu team has tweaked it so that it looks like a Unity20:58
melkorI had to kill nautilus and then I could unmount the derelict mounts and remove the directory.21:00
melkorHmmm, how does a device end up write protected?21:01
compdocwhen they start failing21:01
melkorI doubt this is the case, I have two thumb drives that I made ubuntu boot disks out of. They bot work completely for reading.21:02
melkorI could be wrong, but is there another possiblity that a program that makes the boot disk sets something?21:03
DroOn my laptop I have 128GB SSD and 1TB HDD. In the other side I have 1TB external HDD.. Any idea how can I clone all my laptop to that external HDD so I can use it as a backup ?21:03
melkorDro: did you consider rsync?21:03
discoveredWHat i have saw, it collects data to improve ubuntu21:04
Dromelkor: It will works in this situation ? 128GB + 1TB to 1TB ?21:04
DroPS: the disks are not full21:04
melkorDro: it is a copying utility.21:05
melkorMaybe I am missing a driver, I wrote the drives from fedora possibly I had a different fs installed.21:06
syb0rghi guys. So I made a Kubuntu vm and it automatically loaded kernel modules like vboxguest even though I never installed the guest additions (from a package through apt or from the iso). This is problematic because they aren't working properly and conflict with the official guest additions iso21:26
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syb0rgHow can I stop these modules from being automatically loaded so I can instead install the official guest additions?21:27
xamithanI think its just a package like virtualbox-guest-additions21:30
rleighsyb0rg: Did you do some sort of automated hands-free install?  If so, try the option for a manual install so it won't do any extra addition of things, leaving it under your control?21:31
syb0rgxamithan, I ran apt remove vbox* and apt remove virtualbox*21:31
syb0rgrleigh, no, a normal install from the live media21:31
jrmIs iptables installed by default on 18.04?21:32
syb0rgyeah jrm21:32
syb0rgI suspect that I checked the option to install third party drivers and that causes this, but it is still weird that none of the guest additions packages are installed (that I can find anyway)21:34
jrmsyb0rg: Thanks.  Does the default look like this? https://slexy.org/view/s23234GFdh  I'm not an ubuntu user, I'm volunteering to help someone determine if their system has been owned.21:35
syb0rgjrm, I think the default is pretty empty but all these rules are related to docker which I do not use21:35
syb0rgso I don't know if that is normal or not, and I'm not much good with iptables anyway21:36
syb0rgask in #networking and #security21:36
jrmk, thanks21:36
rleighsyb0rg: I've certainly seen that type of module installation before for both vbox and vmware.  But I can't recall offhand checking the packages themselves.  The other possibility is if the vbox guest installed them behind your back (which is what I was referring to)21:39
rleighvmware can certainly do this, but it's been a while since I used vbox extensively21:39
syb0rgyeah it did somehow install them behind my back, but from what I can see none of the related packages are installed21:40
syb0rgthe one xamithan mentioned is the one that I have used in the past when installing guest additions through apt21:40
syb0rgrleigh, I might end up just installing the server edition of ubuntu and then installing a DE, but I just got done setting everything up the way I like it :-(21:43
syb0rgwhat a PITA21:43
howudodatjust curious if there is an extension that allows for more drop/expansion of windows...currently you can drag a window to the top and it maximizes, left or right and it takes up 1/2 of screen vertical.  I'd like a top/left bottom/left to take up 1/4 of screen21:56
syb0rghowudodat, what DE are you using?21:59
howudodatgnome-shell ubuntu 18.0422:00
syb0rghowudodat, it might be a bit more than what you are looking for, but perhaps tilingnome is suitable?22:01
GreenDimondI have a systemd service that doesnt want to run on startup. It runs with systemctl manually, but not startup.22:03
syb0rghowudodat, I am pretty sure KDE plasma has the option for keyboard shortcuts to do what you want22:03
syb0rgif you are open to changing DEs22:03
howudodatsyb0rg: yikes that took over my desktop and did some kind of vodoo on it.  My windows are all over the place and seem to be jumping around :)22:04
syb0rglol yeah it is a bit of a change from gnome's default way of doing things xD22:04
howudodatsyb0rg: hmm...gtile holds some promise but isn't as simple as I'd like22:08
howudodatah ha! I found one ShellTile...seems to do exactly what I want22:11
howudodatalthough now I have a bunch of extension gank to go delete....whoever thought it was a good idea to remove the remove button should be forced to jump up and down on one foot for two hours chanting I love winders22:14
GreenDimondGah, figured it out. The user wasn't right.22:15
tewardcan gparted on the 18.04 LiveUSB be used to shrink an installed LVM partition?22:19
tewardI need to shrink my install to gain back some space for another OS22:19
Extreminadorhi guys22:24
Extreminadorcan someone explain to me how can i check an SDD health ?22:24
klemaxhello win stuffs on grub menu does not boot anymore. I tried to use boot repair disk to fix it but it did not work22:37
klemaxI dont know whats going on22:37
klemaxcan anybody help me about that?22:37
titouI'm trying to get gnome file application search files from their content. Thus I read that I need to install tracker.. Now I installed tracker it works well in console mode but the gnome file application still doesn't find my files..22:39
titouwhat I need to do in order to have gnome file application using tracker?22:39
titouor maybe tracker is not the solution?!22:40
titouthis problem is quite boring.. I don't understand why gnome does not have this feature by default..22:41
titounoboy knows or is sleeping?22:52
raidghostmight be UTC differences22:53
titouI dunno, I thought I asked a simple question but nobody answer22:54
titouit seems that nautilus is not able to use tracker... gnome developers might think this is a useless feature in 2018..22:58
kk4ewtfind in bash should work23:01
AndyChow888titou, are you looking for a file?23:02
titoufor the content of a file23:02
titou(PDF, ODT, TXT etc.)23:03
titouAndyChow888: like baloo does under kde..23:04
AndyChow888Well titou, you might install baloo. Otherwise, I know of no similar alternatives.23:06
titouAndyChow888: but i'll have the same problem.. nautilus won't be able to talk to baloo.. tracker works well in command line23:07
AndyChow888If your search is simply emails, there is sup or notmuch. But in general, I don't know of any.23:07
titoui just want any file indexer be integrated into nautilus to search file from their content..23:07
AndyChow888It's a known bug. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nautilus/+bug/176781723:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1767817 in nautilus (Ubuntu) "Full text search does not work" [Low,Confirmed]23:09
titouthank you..23:12
Extreminadorguys i was trying to run a check disk on my ssd drive, but gnome-disks it's not showing nothing23:13
Extreminadori mean after i open i go to the top left corner and choose "new disk image" but nothing happen23:14
Extreminadoris that suppose to happen or what i am doing wrong ?23:14
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TiscinGreetings!  I'm having some trouble with mdadm.  Anyone around that can help?23:33
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Bashing-omExtreminador: U can not afvise on the GUI checks .. but, have you considered "testdisk" to check the drive ? ' apt show testdisk ' for some info .23:42
SimonKALIhow to make shortcut on desktop on ubuntu 18.1023:48
ExtreminadorBashing-om will do mate ty23:49
Bashing-omExtreminador: testdisk is the go-to tool I see here a lot .23:50
Extreminadorit says "unbale to locate package testdisk"23:51
Extreminadori am total noob to this ... just using cause ppl advise to use to check the disk23:51
Bashing-om!info testdisk bionic | Extreminador23:52
ubottuExtreminador: testdisk (source: testdisk): Partition scanner and disk recovery tool, and PhotoRec file recovery tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 7.0-3build2 (bionic), package size 391 kB, installed size 1530 kB23:52
Bashing-omExtreminador: ^^ What release .. and is the universe repo enabled ?23:53
Extreminadorlast one portable option when placing it on a usb23:54
Extreminadorso ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS23:54
Extreminadorif i go to "Disck usage Analyzer" the SDD appears with is name "Games" but Unmounted23:56
Extreminadorif i clikc on it using that Analyzer it' says on top "Could not analyze volume An operation is already pending"23:57
Extreminadorthat is why i need to check it for errors or something23:57
Bashing-omExtreminador: At this point we need to identify the device and then we look for what has it "busy" . pastebin ' sudo parted -l '23:59

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