
Extreminadordoing it... it's a little bit slow since i was updating the system00:01
Bashing-omExtreminador: :) We work at your pace .00:02
Extreminadornone line after the command yet... is it normal this be that slow or having the software updater on it's making it really slow ?00:04
Extreminadoror maybe cause it can't gather the info about the SSD ?00:05
Bashing-omExtreminador: what is the pastie command that you ran ?00:05
Extreminadorhere https://pastebin.com/VuXt6N1v00:13
acoctresAny way to fix this error00:14
acoctresGetting an error about kerbal version not working00:15
Bashing-omExtreminador: And the command is valid .. did you provide the system your password when asked ?00:16
Extreminadorit did not asked for any password00:16
Extreminadorand if it did i had no idea withc one it would be00:16
Extreminadorbut now mouse does not move even... i guess we need to wait00:17
Bashing-omExtreminador: Could be that you have the poor system over-extended . how powerful is this machine ?00:18
Extreminadorwell it's not that bad ut not that good either... could it be that he is traying to get the info from SSD but it's not able to do it and it keep traying it like infinite loop ?00:20
Towseris there any way I can see the boot logs so that I can see why it shows a black screen for so long before the  ubuntu logo comes up?00:20
Extreminadori will restart it...00:20
Bashing-omExtreminador: Nope . system will report there is an issue . A quick check on performance. terminal command 'free' . how much swap is used ?00:21
Extreminadorno idea it is froze the window00:22
Extreminadorrestarting it00:23
Towserit will show a black screen for a while before i see the ubuntu logo00:23
Bashing-omTowser: journalctl -b -0 shows messages from the current boot ;'  systemd-analyze blame ' to see what is going on when and how long .. assumming a systemd system .00:24
Towserit takes like 5+ minutes to boot, I think that's too long00:25
Bashing-omTowser: YUP ! .. way to long ...00:25
Towserbootup is not yet finished. does that mean it's still loading?00:26
Extreminadorhttps://pastebin.com/sZsWMptX here it is00:26
Extreminadorafter restar it was fast the command00:26
compdocExtreminador, what have you found out?00:28
Extreminadorhi compdoc ... Bashing-om have started to help me00:29
compdoctheres an easy way00:29
Extreminadori was just checking where the drive was to check it i think00:29
Towseri see some couldn't get size or UEFI db list errors, is that normal?00:29
Towserinvalid PCI ROm header signature  as well00:30
Towsersome sort of reuccuring error seems to be some sort of flip_done error, what is this?00:31
TowserExtreminador, the error that keeps coming up has a flip_done error00:32
Towsershould I just pastebin it for you guys to see what the problem is?00:33
Bashing-omExtreminador: Houston, we have a problem .. All that is presented is Windows ! .. there is no ubuntu present !00:33
Towserok so the longest thing on the list is the apt-daily-service00:35
ExtreminadorBashing-om i guess it migh be casue this i the portabl version... i dont have the ubuntu installed it's on a usb stick00:38
Bashing-omExtreminador: Ubuntu on that 8 Gig USB - Fat32 file system ? Then I am the wrong guy to help .00:41
Extreminadorhumm it was just a 1.8Gb file or something00:41
Extreminadori place it on a pen using the Rufus software00:42
Extreminadorand them i did open ubuntu ... i mean instead using the option to install it i used the option "try it"00:42
Bashing-omExtreminador: OK, beginning to understand now . Are you now booted into that "try ubuntu" ?00:43
Bashing-omExtreminador: Amd the end goal here is to verify that Windows drive that is seens as ' sda ' ??00:44
Extreminadorit's one drive that at this moment (since this last restart)  it's not being showes (not even unmounted) in the program "Devices & Location"00:45
Extreminadorit's an SSD that for some reason stopped working last night00:45
Extreminadorit's showing now again there let me run that command again00:46
Towsercommand to connect ethernet?00:46
Bashing-omExtreminador: So we have an additional drive not seen ? // reboot and see if Bios sees the drive as you boot up . If Bios does not see the drive there is no way that software will see it ,00:46
Extreminadorbio can see it but can't read from it00:47
Extreminadormaking now the command "sudo parted -l" it's stuck i guess00:47
Extreminadori mean after the command it's all black no aditional lines00:47
Bashing-omExtreminador: try and hit the enter key .. as there is no set password in " try ubuntu " mode .00:49
Extreminadorthe ... pointer key thing just changes line but all black00:50
Extreminadorso it's like Command that i wrote , them a empty black line an them cursor00:50
Extreminador"cursor" was the word lol00:50
Extreminadorcheck here a image of it https://ibb.co/nFuT2A00:52
Extreminadorit's the last one that say's "Jogos" --- "Unmounted"00:53
Extreminadori guess SSD is really broke lol... glad that is still on the warranty00:54
Bashing-omExtreminador: Have you verified that Rufus did a good job of burning ? reboot and at the bios splash screen spam the escape key -> language screen - escape key to accept the default; -> boot menu -> "check disk for defects" .00:54
Extreminadoryehh i see that option if i reboot indeed00:54
Extreminadordo i run it ?00:54
Extreminadorrunning atm the last option on it00:56
Bashing-omExtreminador: yeah .. run it .. we need to take the tool as malfunctioning out of the equation here .00:56
Extreminadorhumm after a while it asked me to press any key to reboot the system00:58
Extreminadordoes that means all ok ?00:58
Extreminadorback on the grub now again00:58
Bashing-omExtreminador: If the report is " no errors found" then yes reboot .. and we go again .01:02
Extreminadordone i am insie ubuntu again01:02
Extreminadorevre firts time (after reboot) and if i go to the "Disk Usage Analyse" the SSD does not show on it01:03
Extreminadorit seems that (i think) ubuntu try to read from it but them remove it from listening01:03
Extreminadorwhat i do to listen on it is to turn off and on again the docking station (it's where SDD is atm)01:04
SimonKALIanyone ustng ubuntu 18.10 as vm?01:04
Bashing-omExtreminador: Now execute terminal command ' sudo fdisk -lu | nc termbin.com 9999 ' and pass that URL back here .01:04
Extreminadorall black after the command01:08
Extreminadorlet me run just the command with out the link01:09
Bashing-omExtreminador: K01:09
Extreminadorit stops after showing the firts device the "dev/sdb1"01:10
Extreminadorlet me paste what it shows so far01:10
Extreminadorthe firts terminal that is running the same command but with the site link is still all black01:12
Bashing-omExtreminador: That again says there is but the 0ne hard drive and a USB device installed to this system .01:13
Extreminadorwell has you saw on the image there is a drive called "Jogos" ... it's Games in eng01:14
Bashing-omExtreminador: Let;s see if ' sudo blkid ' sheds light on what you are seeing .01:15
Extreminadorlol no line was placed after the command01:17
Extreminadori guess SSD is reaaly broken them01:17
Bashing-omExtreminador: Or perhaps what we have here is one Windows drive with 4 partitions .. and maybe a linux tool just does not do Windows partition reading ??01:21
Extreminadorsee here the pic https://ibb.co/m1mTkV01:21
Extreminadorwell naaa01:21
Extreminadorok lets see ... the laptop (the computer where linux is have atm)01:22
Extreminador3 partitions + pen drive + docking station (with the SSD on it)01:22
Extreminadorpen drive = linux bootable01:23
InteloHow can I connect freenode via tor?01:23
Bashing-omExtreminador: And the docking station is not seen . what shows ' lsusb ' .01:26
Extreminadorit shows this https://pastebin.com/4tGVPpLz01:27
Extreminadorso the scandisk is the pen where the linux is01:27
Extreminadorsorry sanDisk01:28
Extreminadorhave no idea what the dicking station migh be01:29
Extreminadorups docking01:29
Extreminadorgoing to turn it off and run that cmd again01:30
Extreminador4 things are gone now from the list when i turned off the docking statio01:33
ExtreminadorJMicron Technology Corp. / JMicron USA and the 3 ones below that one01:33
Extreminadorit makes sense cause it's a all in one docking station01:33
Extreminadorso it should be the id: 152d:2338 , 048d:1336, 1a40:0101 and 1d6b:000201:34
Extreminadorforget that last one the 1d6b:000201:35
Extreminadorjust the 3 other0s ones01:35
EDinNYHi all, I am running xubuntu bionic and am I trying to setup a 4k monitor. The display settings gui does not list 4k as a resolution to select. Does anyone know of a guide to manually select a non-recommended display setting?01:39
EDinNYHow can I tell if my install of ubuntu is running xorg or wayland?01:43
Bashing-omExtreminador: Agreed the docking staion os the " JMicron Technology Corp. " device . However, beyond my skills now to know what is inserted in the station .01:43
Extreminadorohh well mate thanks for all your efford01:44
Extreminadori guess it's ecure to say that SSD is broken lol01:45
EDinNYI found I am running X11, thanks01:45
=== wendellslaulau is now known as mokezero
swift110aww that sucks Exterminador02:07
Extreminador yehh i guess its better happen now after 1 year that still has 1 year warranty02:10
olinuxtrying to recover some files from windows laptop that wont boot, using ubuntu usb i can see the win disk /dev/sda, fdisk -l shows /dev/sda1, however cant mount /dev/sda102:19
acoctresolinux: work with disk images02:22
acoctresIf you NEED the data send it to recovery service.02:22
Bashing-omolinux: ubuntu has mininal tools to deal with Windows file system . you can try ' sudo ntfsfix /dev/sda1 ' . See if it clears a dirty bit .02:22
olinuxok thanks, it's been a long time since i needed but used to recover with knoppix02:23
olinuxacoctres work with disk imageS?02:24
swift110sup olinux02:25
olinuxmounting /dev/sda1 says No such file or directory02:25
acoctresYa work with images.   Read disk to image then recover files from image02:29
olinuxls /dev/ shows /dev/sda but not /dev/sda102:30
WoCHow would one find a backup of the following page ? https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/installation-guide/en.powerpc/index.html03:05
_nedRWoC, Tried searching the  internet archive?03:08
_nedRWoc, https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/installation-guide/powerpc/index.html03:11
_nedRWoC, sorry. i meant https://web.archive.org/web/20121022184806/https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/installation-guide/powerpc/index.html03:12
_nedRThats from october 2012, you can check later dates to see the most updated version03:13
malwar3hun73ri'm running into issues with having apache use a customlog format03:32
malwar3hun73ri specified the log in the vhost file for the site of interest and i specified the log format in apache2.conf03:33
malwar3hun73rbut, after restarting apache, it continues to use the old format03:33
malwar3hun73ri'm including %I %O %D which supposedly need mod_logio, but i believe this is compiled into apache03:35
Wayward_VagabondSo, stupid question. Something seems to have a lock on dpkg. I can see nothing obvious that would- how can I force it to release, or at least see what's using it?03:49
Bashing-omWayward_Vagabond: What shows ' sudo lsof /var/lib/apt/lists/lock ' ?04:04
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=== capella|away is now known as capella
BlankspaceCan any one help me how to do what is written in comment07:01
cfhowlettBlankspace, ps -x07:01
cfhowlettthat will list processes.  then kill -9 (process ID number)07:01
cfhowlettHOWEVER: this is unlikely to cure it as you must be able to boot first07:02
BlankspaceHow do i know which process to kill07:03
cfhowlettas i said: poor advice was given.  broken kernels have no relation to processes07:03
BlankspaceThen how can i resolve it07:04
BlankspaceAny suggestion?07:04
BlankspaceShould i kill jupyter notebook process or not07:04
cfhowletthowever: reboot, hit <escape> after the splash screen.  that will take you to the grub menu.  choose to boot the older kernels07:04
BlankspaceWhat does pts/18 means under tty07:05
Kon-How's 18.04.1 support for the B450 chipset? The actual CPU in the socket is a slightly older Ryzen 5 160007:06
BlankspaceWhen i list processes07:06
Kon-For a fresh install07:06
BlankspaceThanks cfhowlett07:08
cfhowlettare you all sorted out, Blankspace?07:08
BlankspaceKilling the process helped07:08
cfhowlett:) sweet.  happy2help!07:08
BlankspaceThanks ti you :)07:08
BlankspaceIt was sucha small step to resolve and i was thinking about reinstalling and stuff07:09
cfhowletttis the magic that is ubuntu!07:10
BlankspaceYes it is wonderful :D.07:11
cfhowlett!fcm | Blankspace07:11
ubottuBlankspace: fcm is THE Ubuntu Community Magazine - find it at www.fullcirclemagazine.org, or #fullcirclemagazine07:11
BlankspaceIs it ubuntu monthly magazine?07:13
royal_screwup21any hacks to speed up the start time for atom text editor on ubuntu 16.04? :( I've tried uninstalling packages I don't need but I only see a marginal difference07:14
BlankspaceWhat is -x option in ps command for07:16
cfhowlettBlankspace, time to learn!  do this: man ps07:16
cfhowlettthis will list the manual documentation for the command.07:17
BlankspaceOk .thank you.07:19
BlankspaceIll check out.07:20
leonardusCan I have a GTX 750Ti for running my desktop but then also have a RX 580 in there for GPU passthrough for games? Is that configuration possible?07:32
cfhowlettnvidia has card switching apps.  not sure which you would need.  perhaps Disconsented knows07:33
DisconsentedJust be aware that as part of setting up vfio you blacklist the RX580 so it will work on linux07:34
acresearchpeople i have 500 images that i am trying to rename, but from ubuntu 18.04 Gnome i cannot start from a user specified number, only from one (i want to start from 27)07:54
acresearchanyone can help me rename muy files starting from 27?07:54
ikoniawhat do you mean by start from a number ?07:57
ikoniahow are you identifiying the number07:57
acresearchikonia: do i have a database that i am building,    i have 26 images in my database and i want to add 500 more, they are sequencially named   001,002,003,004 etc..     i want to rename my new images starting at 027 so that i can just add them to the databse07:59
ikoniaI dno't understand what you mean, are they in a database so you want SQL to rename them, or are on a file system ?08:00
acresearchikonia: no just images in my desktop08:00
acresearchno SQL08:00
ikoniajust move the first 26 out so you only have a directory with the ones you want and then rename08:01
ikoniayou can always put the other 26 back when done08:01
ikonia(keep it easy if you're not good with scripts)08:01
acresearchikonia: i did that, but i cannot rename the new images starting at 1708:01
ikoniawhy ?08:01
acresearchso they are sequencial08:01
ikoniahow are you trying to rename them and what is the problem08:01
acresearchrenaming from the GUI08:01
ikoniaok....how are you doing it and what is the problem08:02
acresearchi select the images, right mouse click rename and choose [001,002,003]       problem - there is no option to start from 027   only from 00108:03
ikoniaso you can't do it that way then08:08
ikoniayou need to do it through a script or a different tool08:09
acresearchikonia:  what is the script or what is the tool?08:13
bindirename the 27 that already have been renamed along with the 500 others?08:14
acresearchbindi: i cann't because they are already connected with other files that annotated them08:16
TJ-acresearch: you want to rename the files in the file-system first?08:17
bindiacresearch: add 27 fake files?08:19
acresearchforget it this is too convoluted, i will just write a python script08:20
TJ-All it needs is perl 'rename' with multiple -e clauses to renumber as well as rename08:20
acresearchthanks guys08:20
MonsieurBonI would like to mount an additional drive in one of the folders in my home directory. This is the line I added to /etc/fstab: UUID=some-uuid-of-the-drive /home/my_user/directory ext4 defaults 0 2 This works, but it is mounted as root and I have no rights to write in /home/my_user/directory. Can I somehow change the fstab entry so it is mounted as my user?08:23
bindican't you just chown it to yourself?08:24
MonsieurBonbindi, hum, didn't think of that... :D Will that be permanent?08:26
MonsieurBonOk, I'll give it a try. thx08:27
MonsieurBonbindi, the options are good with "default 0 2"?08:28
bindidunno, never used fstab08:28
bindicould just use "defaults"08:28
bindiis 0 even an option?08:29
MonsieurBonthat's the dump option08:30
bindinevermind i'm tired08:30
bindilooks like they're fine then but again i don't have any real world experience with fstab08:31
bindii only use zfs and i thought about your question for a bit and i remember i just chown'd the mountpoints to whatever i needed08:31
bindiand they stick08:31
=== capella is now known as capella|away
WoCMonsieurBon, "default 0 2" will force fsck on every boot, you want 0 0 unless you want the fsck08:33
WoCBon Chance08:34
MonsieurBonWoC, keeping the 2 sounds like a good thing08:35
linux_gnuHi guys , I installed a .run file from ubuntu forum (conky-manager) ,and now rkhunter shows some files have been modified and I m not aware of updating them ,can anyone do a   sha256sum   on one of the following file (ubuntu 18.10 up to date) so I know if I m infected ... many thanks ,files are :  /sbin/init  or  /sbin/runlevel or  /bin/systemd or  /lib/systemd/systemd     one of them would be enough to reassure me !!!08:36
MonsieurBonlinux_gnu, https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/TGTBgWXzRq/08:38
linux_gnujust a sha256sum on /sbin/init please ,I don t want to reinstall for nothing!!08:39
MonsieurBonlinux_gnu, https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/TGTBgWXzRq/08:40
MonsieurBonlinux_gnu, hang on...08:40
MonsieurBonlinux_gnu, just installed updates: this are the current checksums: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/DxHKpjHSbH/08:41
linux_gnumonsieurBon THANK YOU ,I m gooood!!!monsieur est trop bon :)08:43
MonsieurBonlinux_gnu, you're welcome08:44
TJ-acresearch: Perl 1-liner to renumber from 0028 :  rename  -e 's/\d+/sprintf "%04d", 28 + $0++/ge' *.jpg08:51
SimonKALIis any shortcut to open activities?09:11
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elias_aSimonKALI: What do you mean with "open activities"?09:35
SimonKALIhow to install newest version of phpmyadmin on ubuntu 18.10?09:36
SimonKALIdefault on ubuntu 18.10 is phpmyadmin -v 4.6.609:36
elias_aSimonKALI: Use ALT + TAB key combination?09:39
elias_aSimonKALI: Follow the installation instructions of phpmyadmin.09:40
elias_aSimonKALI: I'd rather stick to older version because it is so much to update it from the repositories.09:41
yao_ziyuanjust installed ubuntu 18.10 on a new Samsung 860 EVO 1TB SSD, with only one partition "/". anything else i should take care of?09:41
SimonKALIyao_ziyuan, only backups like always09:43
yao_ziyuanSimonKALI: of course09:43
SimonKALIvery good disk, I have EVO 256GB09:44
yao_ziyuanSimonKALI: yes, 860 EVO has the highest TBW among big-brand SSDs. however there is "BPX Pro" from "MyDigitalSSD" that offers even higher TBW, but it's not available (nor does it offer warranty) in china.09:46
SimonKALIfastest is non always good, I prefer to buy somethig cheaper but stable09:48
yao_ziyuanSimonKALI: TBW is terabytes written, meaning endurance09:49
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soulissonHi. I've ubuntu running on a MAC. Right click doesn't work. I tried "tweaks" to enable right click on the pad but it doesn't work. Any idea, please?10:15
=== Dembrovszky is now known as Morfeus^
funabashihi guys11:09
funabashildlinux32 i get when i try to boot from usb11:10
soulissonany one for my issue?11:20
ZaZaQRi just gone here11:22
guivercsoulisson: i can't help with mac issue sorry, but repeating your question may not hurt (it was >60mins ago, newer people in room may not have seen it)11:34
guivercfunabashi: maybe read this - https://askubuntu.com/questions/927804/failed-to-load-ldlinux-c3211:36
B1ack0pi am having this error : https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/BSGWKzDBRP/  when i make sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade command11:39
B1ack0pwhat can be the problem?11:39
guivercB1ack0p: you could try `sudo rm /var/lib/apt/lists/arc*`  (delete existing files for sites arc* [will delete all archive.ubuntu.com lists]) & try again11:44
B1ack0pguiverc: thx i did but still same error11:46
taratorHi guys, I have the package `openjdk-11-jdk` installed on my Ubuntu (Budgie) 18.04 machine. It should have been updated form Java 10 to java 11 already, since Java 11 is GA. But it's still on version 10.0.2. Does anybody know when it's finally upgraded to java 11? What does `java -version` say on your machine?11:52
guivercB1ack0p: the only time I get the errors are b/c my isp's mirror is syncing (or out-of-sync), and i just ignore, and try again later (it's fixed usually in a few hours) - but you're not using a mirror so I don't know sorry11:53
B1ack0pguiverc: thx is it related with update servers?12:00
taratorIf anybody is interested in the Java 11 problem: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openjdk-lts/+bug/179602712:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1796027 in openjdk-lts (Ubuntu) "Update openjdk-11 to 11.0.1 -> Backport it from Ubuntu 18.10" [Undecided,Confirmed]12:03
FreeBDSMwhat the hell? I installed `smartmontools` package to get `smartctl` util but it also installed `postfix`! I then uninstalled `smartmontools` package and did `autoremove`, but `postfix` package did not get deleted!12:05
FreeBDSMwhat a crappy idea to bind disk tools with mail tools12:05
blackflowFreeBDSM: --no-install-recommends   and it won't12:07
blackflowsmartmontools has an MTA as recommended. default MTA in Ubuntu is postfix, thus the virtual dependency.12:08
blackflow(technically it has mailx/mailutils as recommended because smartd can send mail, and THAT then pulls in the MTA)12:09
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UbubeginHi, anyone here12:39
UbubeginI have some installation issues.. anyone here can help12:40
TJ-!ask | Ububegin12:41
ubottuUbubegin: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience12:41
Ububeginkk, while installing Ubuntu 18.10 via my USB on my laptop, the installation crashed. After I tried again, there was this error. https://imgur.com/a/as7c7Xg .. t12:45
TJ-Ububegin: did you install in SecureBoot mode? Those messages are the reporting that the MOK (Machine Owners Key) executable wasn't installed (probably due to the installer failing before completion of copying the files to the EFI system partition)12:46
blackflowUbubegin: "Something has gone seriously wrong".  yeah :)   my guess is the USB thingy has errors12:47
TJ-Ububegin: did you accidentially install to the USB the installer is on?12:47
UbubeginActually, I reinstalled the entire Ubuntu image to the USB via Rufus and tried again... but still the same error12:48
UbubeginAre u saying my USB is fcuked ? or something wrong in the windows boot drive (or something)12:49
TJ-Ububegin: well, from that photo, it tells us a) the system is using the removable-media boot path (/EFI/BOOT/....) and that something - either GRUB, or the PC firmware, is not finding the MOKManager (mmx64.efi)12:50
ioriait's a bug; did you select 'install updates' Ububegin ?12:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1798171 in grub2 (Ubuntu) "System fails to boot with \EFI\BOOT\mmx64.efi - Not Found" [Undecided,Fix released]12:50
UbubeginYeah, while installing.. I choose to install all updates/drivers everything , I selected12:50
UbubeginWill downloading and installing Ubuntu 16.04 or something lower  help with this issue12:51
blackflowwait a minute. what is erroring out? the INSTALLED instance, or the installER USB?12:52
ioriaUbubegin, 18.04 should be ok... are you using secure boot ?12:52
blackflowif the installER is erroring out, it has nothing to do with what you selected during installation, UNLESS you overwrote the usb thing by.... installing on itself but I'm not sure the installer would even allow that to happen12:53
coconutHi. Is it possible to scan a windows pc with a live cd with ClamAV?12:53
blackflowcoconut: yup.12:53
TJ-blackflow: looking at it in more depth, it seems like the /installed/ grub is still looking on the removable media path for the MOK12:53
Ububegin@ioria : Do I need to disable SecureBoot in windows ? and try again with Ubuntu 18.0412:54
blackflowTJ-: I can't tell that from the screenie, unless mmx64.efi is not part of the USB iso?12:55
ioriaUbubegin, you said you're testing 18.10 ...12:55
coconutblackflow: it can still read all binaries then?12:55
TJ-blackflow: I was reading the bug report ioria linked to as well12:55
ioriaUbubegin, the bug is with cosmic not with bionic (18.04)12:55
Ububegin@ioria : if Ubuntu 18.10 has the bug, I dont mind using one version back12:56
multifractalI have ubuntu 16.04 and Windows10. I would like to shrink the ubuntu partition and make windows larger. Can this be done safely with Gparted, will I need to run Windows/GRUB repairs or anything like that afterwards?12:56
ioriaUbubegin, ok, problem solved then :þ12:56
blackflowcoconut: you can access the (NTFS) filesystem and thus read all the files on it. with some fringe exceptions like NTFS streams but that's... fringe12:56
coconutblackflow: thanks man! :)12:57
blackflowTJ-: which is all possible, I was only cueing on Ububegin's statement that the installation crashed and when tried again, that error was presentd. what's unclear is what "again" means. Installation that went ok, but after reboot it errors out? or attempting again does that error when booting the usb.12:57
blackflowbecause " Actually, I reinstalled the entire Ubuntu image to the USB via Rufus and tried again... but still the same error"   which I'm guessing means the USB thingy shows that error on boot12:58
blackflowthat part should be cleared first -- what's failing -- before support can continue ;)12:58
TJ-blackflow: ahhh, I took Ububegin's comments to mean the 1st install run crashed. or installed-image boot failed, assumed the installer might be corrupt so re-wrote it to the USB device, ran the install again, and got this error on trying to boot the installed system13:00
blackflowyeah much confuse. needs clarification :)13:03
TJ-whichever way, it seems to be due to a firmware bug - using the wrong path searching for the file that shimx64.efi is asking for13:03
TJ-solution being to put a copy of mmx64.efi in the removable media path as well as the ubuntu path13:04
UbubeginTo clear up.. While installing Ubuntu, i was clicking screen by screen, then suddenly the Installation crashed.. So Ubuntu wasnt installed into the PC.. When I reboot the PC, there was this error13:04
TJ-Ububegin: And is SecureBoot enabled?13:05
UbubeginI didnt change anything in the Bios.. is it enable or disabled by default13:06
TJ-Ububegin: depends on the PC13:06
Ububegini just bought the laptop today13:06
Ububeginkk, let me check my Bios...13:06
TJ-Ububegin: do you get this same error over multiple reboot attempts?13:06
UbubeginYes, always the same error.. even after I rewrite the USB drive with rufus13:07
ioriaUbubegin, you want to dual boot ,right ? (windows/ubuntu)13:08
Ububegin@ioria : Yup..13:08
ioriaUbubegin, in the meanwhile i suggest to download 18.04.113:09
ioriaUbubegin, http://releases.ubuntu.com/18.04.1/13:09
Ububegin@ioria : i am downloading now as we speak13:09
TJ-Interestingly, the 18.10 file list only has /EFI/BOOT/{grub,BOOT}x64.efi13:10
Ububegin@ioria : https://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop , is this link ok, or shld I get the one , u specified13:10
ioriaUbubegin, it's ok13:10
UbubeginHI guys, Secure Boot is Enabled in my Bios.. Shld I disable it ? Will there be any repercussions like the installer overwriting windows etc13:12
ioriaUbubegin, if you face the same issue, yes, maybe you want to try to disable it13:13
blackflowUbubegin: ah I think I see what it is now. you were installing, it crashed, then on reboot..... it actually booted from the disk, and not the USB thingy, because the (partial) bootloader was there. you need to force USB boot from thebios menu13:14
TJ-I see what is going. PC's EFI is starting shimx64.efi, which has a check_mok_request() which checks NVRAM variables for any Mok* names (which would have been set during the failed install run). If those variables are found it does "efi_status = start_image(image_handle, MOK_MANAGER);" - which fails for the installer ISO images with  "perror(L"Failed to start MokManager: %r\n", efi_status);"13:18
Ububeginblackflow : actually, I booted from the USB, and still had this error13:21
UbubeginTJ- : Do you have any solution ?13:21
Ububeginor will trying ubuntu 18.04 fix all this... i am still downling and try with that13:21
TJ-Ububegin: I'm trying to think of one!13:28
TJ-Ububegin: try 18.04 but I suspect it would fail in the same way13:28
TJ-Ububegin: I don't have both the installer ISOs to hand to check right now13:29
adikwokdear seniors,13:30
adikwokplease help, how to load selective apps to be installed in preload boot,13:30
adikwokfor faster loadig when i click the icon app,13:30
adikwok 13:30
adikwoki need, libreoffice, thunderbird, to be loaded faster in the first icon click ..13:30
adikwoki am using ubuntu 18.04.1, acer 4315, intel celeron 1,73ghz, 80gb hdd.13:30
adikwoknow it took around 12 - 15 second to be loaded.13:30
TJ-Ububegin: I've added a comment about the recovery problem to bug #179817113:32
ubottubug 1798171 in grub2 (Ubuntu) "System fails to boot with \EFI\BOOT\mmx64.efi - Not Found" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/179817113:32
TJ-adikwok: 15 seconds isn't a long time13:33
adikwokTJ-: it felt like take longer time, than i used to use excel in windows with readyboost 32gb13:34
adikwokTJ-: now i only use ubuntu lxde, .no windows no more.13:35
TJ-Ububegin: the only way around it right now is to copy the mmx64.efi into the USB EFI System Partition before trying to boot from it13:37
adikwokTJ-: yes you are right, .. i can accept it as fast. since when i click libreoffice again, it took only 1-3 second to be loaded, .. thank you for your reminding.13:38
TJ-adikwok: you might be able to influence the "readahead" tool to pre-load those applications and their libraries into the page cache13:38
adikwokTJ-: how to use that 'readahead'?13:40
TJ-!info ureadahead | adikwok13:40
ubottuadikwok: ureadahead (source: ureadahead): Read required files in advance. In component main, is standard. Version 0.100.0-20 (bionic), package size 19 kB, installed size 72 kB13:40
TJ-adikwok: see "man ureadahead"13:41
adikwokTJ-: i have not understand the "man output" .. writen like blah [options]..<command>13:42
JimBuntuadikwok, Maybe this will help? https://www.systutorials.com/docs/linux/man/8-ureadahead/13:43
adikwokTJ-: "man ureadahead"13:44
adikwok       ureadahead [OPTIONS]...  [PACK]13:44
TJ-I'm not seeing any easy way to influence ureadahead, unless youu start it, run the programs, then stop it. That seems to be how it works on boot13:44
adikwokTJ-: ok, im trying, start ureadahead, run the programs i need to be loaded faster, then stop readahead.13:47
TJ-adikwok: you'd need to use the "--timeout=" option I think13:48
adikwokTJ-: im trying to understand the writen in "man ureadahead" is it gonna be:13:54
adikwokureadahead --timeout=6013:54
adikwokthen i reboot, wait boot completed, login, open libreoffice, open thunderbird, open firefox, open chrome, open other programs that needed, in 60 seconds after login?13:54
adikwokTJ-: where must i type this command: ureadahead --timeout=6013:56
adikwokin the lxterminal screen?13:56
r007shi all.. i cant get android to be recognized on lsusb (linux), i try the udev rules but no success.. there is anything that i could be missing?14:02
TJ-r007s: if 'lsusb' does not report the device, then it hasn't connected14:03
r007sTJ-, thats strange part... the devices start charging.. but no usb sign..14:05
TJ-r007s: well, power rails connect, but the data lines may not. You know some USB cables for 'phones only are for charging and don't have the data lines connected?14:06
TJ-r007s: that used to a be a problem many years ago but I've not seen it with recent cables14:06
r007sTJ-, i didn't no that =).. but the cable is new..14:07
TJ-r007s: hmmm, maybe the phone needs to be put into data mode? I know some Android devices by default only do charging. Have you checked the device's notifications ?14:12
r007sTJ-, it only display charge notification... nothing about data transfer or similar14:13
TJ-r007s: I'm not sure then, but for Linux, if a device connects it will be reported by lsusb. You could check for errors in the kernel log, e.g. "dmesg -w" and then connect the device. You should see the device being recognised14:14
JimBuntur007s, Although it was an old problem, it's still a problem... ALSO, in the device, see what the USB mode is via notifications, you may need to change it from 'Charge Only'14:15
roraclehey guys, just got 18.04 LTS installed.  I was reading up and discovered that binary files can no longer be run from the file manager, so is there another way of doing this?  Trying to launch ioquake314:15
roracleI know how to do it from the command line, but it was so much easier doing it from the file manager14:16
JimBuntu!cookie TJ-  for this channel and others, we thank you14:17
ubottuJimBuntu: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:17
JimBuntu!cookie | TJ-  for this channel and others, we thank you14:17
ubottuTJ-  for this channel and others, we thank you: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!14:17
r007sJimBuntu, it only shows charge notifications...14:20
JimBuntur007s, If you tap on the notification, you may be able to change the connection type14:22
roracleany help guys?  I just need to make a link I can click on to start this program, so any info would help14:28
spaghetticodeI'm wondering if there is a driver available for the Elecom Deft Pro trackball?14:28
TJ-roracle: that sounds like you need to create a .desktop file, and put it in $HOME/.local/share/applications/ - I thought most sane GUI file-managers could do that for you14:29
roracleTJ-: i already did that, but it didn't do anything.  and no, this one doesn't allow it, i had to create my own .desktop file14:29
spaghetticodeI'm using it at present, it has basic functionality, as well as the back and forward buttons, but I can't configure the other function buttons on the trackball.14:29
roracleit's ioquake3, and i have it installed in /home/roracle/ioquake3.  they only release binary files, so there's no way it's a simple install like most things would be14:30
TJ-roracle: which file-manager are you using?14:30
roracledefault for 18.0414:31
roraclei'm guessing nautilus?14:31
roracleif i doubleclick the .desktop icon, it says it has an error trying to launch it14:31
roraclecheck this link out: https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2018/05/nautilus-remove-ability-launch-binaries-apps14:32
TJ-ahh; I use Xubuntu, and in Thunar, when I bring up the Properties dialog for a file, it has a Permissions tab, which has a checkbox "Allow this file to run as a program"14:32
roraclewell there's still the checkbox that says "Allow executing file as a program" and i have that checked, but it just doesn't allow it14:33
TJ-roracle: Ahhh, Gnome! I've not touched that in years14:34
roracleLinux is getting harder and harder to use :'(14:34
roraclei mean it used to be easier and easier, now it's all concertized it seems...and devs are following suit14:34
TJ-roracle: that articles says the change was reverted since the article was published; is that commit definitely in Ubuntu?14:35
roraclei don't think so, otherwise i wouldn't be having this issue, i'm guessing?14:35
roraclebecause i can't do exactly what it says i can't do14:35
TJ-roracle: For a long time Gnome project devs seem to have had the attitude "we know best" and "user cannot have choice"14:35
roracleyeah, i might switch over to KDE...14:36
roracleseriously though, Mint was always a good option, too, but they don't offer KDE flavor officially anymore, so it's gone all goofy...14:36
roraclei guess cinnamon isn't that bad though14:37
roraclei mean, what do you guys suggest for a "traditional" linux distro?  Ubuntu has gone by the wayside, and i thought it was 18.10 alone, but having installed 18.04 now, I see it's the entirety of the project14:39
roraclei tried Manjaro, too...but it has it's own issues, being Arch based, which isn't supported by everyone making software for Linux, so even though it's amazing, it's hard to get support for14:41
TJ-roracle: just install a file-manager that doesn't limit you, there are plenty of them14:41
roracleyeah, i just wanna make sure everything works fine, because i'm running into problems compiling with mono, and other stuff... it's just difficult because things used to work smoothly14:43
roraclei haven't had to do this must customizing since the early 2000's in a linux system14:43
roracleat some point it seemed things were getting streamlined, but now it's back to "basics"14:44
ioriaTJ-, did you get any feedback about Ububegin 's issue ?15:17
TJ-ioria: no15:17
ioriaTJ-, ok, tx15:17
TJ-ioria: I realised it's a form of DoS so going to discuss it with the security team15:18
Ububeginioria : When I used Ubuntu 18.04, it was smooth... Now I am in Ubuntu..  :D15:18
ioriaTJ-, Ububegin   good to know15:18
TJ-ioria: basically, I think there needs to be an additional MokWorked=true type variable added by MokManager itself after it has loaded at least once15:18
mircx1Hey i need please help i will try find install mbedtls in ubuntu but i not get this someone can give to me link for it?15:18
ioriaTJ-, yeah, probably15:19
TJ-!info libmbedtls10  | mircx115:19
ubottumircx1: libmbedtls10 (source: mbedtls): lightweight crypto and SSL/TLS library - tls library. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.8.0-1 (bionic), package size 68 kB, installed size 198 kB15:19
mircx1i try ti TJ but not work in ubuntu 1415:20
TJ-!info libmbedtls10 trusty15:20
ubottuPackage libmbedtls10 does not exist in trusty15:20
TJ-!info libmbedtls9 trusty15:20
ubottuPackage libmbedtls9 does not exist in trusty15:20
TJ-!info polarssl trusty | mircx1 it was renamed from15:22
ubottumircx1 it was renamed from: Package polarssl does not exist in trusty15:22
TJ-!info libpolarssl5 trusty | mircx1 it was renamed from15:22
ubottumircx1 it was renamed from: libpolarssl5 (source: polarssl): lightweight crypto and SSL/TLS library. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.3.4-1 (trusty), package size 180 kB, installed size 522 kB15:22
Ububegini just restarted the laptop after some updates.. Now it is showing a blue with "Perform MOK management"  https://imgur.com/a/DCXEQwR .. Which option shld i choose ?15:23
TJ-I wish ubottu would report source packages as well as binaries15:23
UbubeginI cud do "Continue boot"... But this blue screens pops up everytime..15:24
elias_amircx1: Is Ubuntu 14 still supported? :O15:24
ioriaUbubegin, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UEFI/SecureBoot/DKMS15:24
TJ-Ububegin: it seems you've got SecureBoot enabled and so you need to enroll your own signing key, in order to be able to sign and be able to load out-of-tree proprietary kernel modules like nvidia and some network modules15:25
Ububeginioria : Thanks for the link.. will use this method "Method 3 - Disable Secure Boot from BIOS"15:26
UbubeginIssues has been fixed... thanks iora and TJ for saving me from a miserable long day..15:30
BluesKajHi folks15:32
ioriaUbubegin, you're welcm15:33
younderI am finally getting CUPS. The plug and play nature of Ubuntu's print system meant that I never really had to until I bought a really old CAD printer and had to set it up manually.15:51
younderHP DeskJet 1055CM is now operational..15:52
Mixxitso confused guys, why is my interfaces file empty16:01
Mixxit(ubuntu server 18)16:01
younderlook in interfaces.d it has been split up16:02
Mixxitwhere is that16:02
blackflowMixxit: because ifupdown is no longer the default way to configure the network, as of 17.10 iirc. there's now netplan which confiugres a backend: systemd-networkd (server) or NetworkManager (desktop)16:03
Mixxitoh nooo16:04
ubottuNetplan is a network configuration abstraction renderer which uses YAML descriptions of a network to work with either a NetworkManager or Systemd-networkd "renderer". More information at https://netplan.io/16:04
blackflowMixxit: keyword: default. meaning you can reinstall ifupdown and disable netplan (by removing any config in /etc/netplan/ directory)16:05
Mixxitmy /etc/netplan folder is empty16:05
blackflowMixxit: do you have an explicitly set networkd unit then? look under /etc/systemd/network/16:06
Mixxit50-default.network  50-public-interface.link16:06
blackflowthere you go16:06
Mixxiti put my settings in there?16:07
blackflowis that a hosted server? something your hostin company defined like that?16:07
Mixxitlooks like they did yeah16:07
Mixxitcomment at the top '# It was created by the OVH installer, please be careful with modifications.'16:07
blackflowwhat do you want to change?16:07
Mixxiti added a second ip16:07
Mixxitto the device and want to configure it16:07
blackflowMixxit: right, i'm guessing you need an Address=   stanza in the .network unit16:07
Mixxitok great!16:08
samlamammaI'm installing Kubuntu right now and am setting up my partitions. I've got a 512GB disk and I'll do two partitions (1 mount point / 1 mount point home/). I'm not sure how large I should let my root be16:08
Mixxitthanks so much guys16:08
samlamammaIf I err on the conservative side and leave some space like ROOT FREE HOME then can I resize my partitions later if I need more for ROOT or HOME?16:09
blackflowMixxit: see the systemd.network(5) manpage for details on the unit16:09
blackflowsamlamamma: no. if you leave free space like that, then you can only grow the partition/fs _before_ it. unless you use something like LVM16:11
samlamammablackflow: Alright, would you just go for a 50/50 split between root and home?16:12
blackflowbut then you can grow it only up to free space left, there's no guarantee you wouldn't need more.   typically I would not go below 20G for a "regular" desktop. If you plan on playing Steam games, know that modern games are in tens of GB in size.16:12
blackflowsamlamamma: well if you ask _me_, I am using ZFS which is a pooled fs, meaning I don't have to think about partition sizes.  btrfs is also pooled, so I'd recommend you go with one of those two.16:13
swebi cant add https apt ng cache accoutering the docs https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/McsHFkFSCX/16:14
samlamammablackflow: I've heard of ZFS. I'll probably go with ext4, not for technical reasons but for support reasons (more people use ext4 so I can get more help w/o consulting documentation). Thank you for being accomodating!16:15
blackflowsweb: why don't you define apt proxy instead. https://wiki.debian.org/AptConf16:18
swebblackflow: as you can see ~500Mb package i need cache mechanism over https16:19
blackflowsweb: yeah and? you can configure apt to use http proxy, no need to hack the URL16:19
Mixxitso i create two new files for the enp2s0 interface 50-failover-interface.link and 50-failover.network and adjusted all the settings but systemctl restart systemd-networkd doesnt show the second interface16:23
Mixxitwhen i do ifconfig16:23
blackflowMixxit: ifconfig is deprecated and doesn't understand some modern features. use `ip`16:23
Mixxit3: enp2s0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST> mtu 1500 qdisc noop state DOWN group default qlen 100016:24
blackflowand btw... not sure you're doing it right, if I understand you correctly. TWO files for one interface (enp2s0)?16:24
blackflowif you want to add the second IPv4, you just add another Address= entry under [network] in the one .network unit file16:24
blackflows/in the one/in the existing/16:24
Mixxitbut isnt it a different mac address and device16:25
Mixxiti filled the other mac in the other files i made16:25
blackflowMixxit: not unles you actually have another NIC with another MAC16:25
Mixxitand the other gateways etc16:25
Mixxiti do have another mac but im not sure if i have another nic16:25
blackflowhow about we avoid the XY problem and you start from the beginning, what exactly you want to achieve.16:26
Mixxiti want to configure enp2s0 but my interfaces file is empty16:26
blackflowyou can't have two MACs for the same NIC unless you resort to virtual nics bridged over one physical NIC16:26
blackflowMixxit: right, interfaces is no longer used. OVH prepared the /etc/systemd/network/....  unit files directly (not even using netplan)16:27
Mixxiton my other server just have eth0 and eth1 with their associated settings16:27
aljoniHow can I change the hostname of a system running "Ubuntu Server 18.04.1".  I've tried changing the value of "/etc/hostname", running the "hostnamectl" and "hostname" commands but after rebooting the name is not what I set it to and the value in "/etc/hostname" is reset back to what it was before changing it.16:28
blackflowMixxit: that's two network interfaces. btw, you can still use ethX naming if you really want.16:28
Mixxittwo items listed under lshw -C network16:28
Mixxitwith different 'serial'16:28
ellyachtcd ~/.profile is returning -bash: /root/.profile: Permission Denied16:29
Mixxitthats weird16:29
Mixxiti seem to have different mac than i was expected on enp2s016:29
aljoniellyacht: ".profile" is a file not a directory?16:29
SineDeviancehi all. i am running a system based on ubuntu 18.10. can someone please recommend a good GTK music player that isn't rhythmbox? I wanted exaile, but it seems they have not packaged it for 18.10 yet16:30
ellyachtI need to add adb and fastboot to my PATH. '# add Android SDK Platform tools to path16:30
lambdafunkaljoni: First edit /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg and set the parameter "preserve_hostname" from "false" to "true" and then edit /etc/hostname.16:30
aljonilambdafunk: Thanks.16:31
aljoniThat fixed it, thanks.  Was starting to pull my hair out with it resetting itself.16:33
blackflowwhy are you even using cloud init16:33
Mixxitok i think i was just getting mixed up backflow, they have a customer management portal where you can generate virtual macs, i removed the virtual mac and added a secondary ip to the main interface as you suggested and its all working now16:33
transfusionellyacht: you should do something like export PATH=$PATH:/path/to/Android/Sdk/platform-tools16:33
blackflowthat's the cause of the problem in the first place16:33
transfusionellyacht: adding commands to .profile or .bash_profile will make them run on shell startup16:34
OerHeksSineDeviance, tons of good managers, i like clementine, with build-in equaliser, and fast handling large music collections  https://fossbytes.com/best-linux-music-players-ubuntu/16:34
aljoniblackflow: I just want through the setup normally: enter disk info, network, user details, and installed that way using the normal installer from ubuntu.com.16:34
blackflowMixxit: great :)16:34
aljoniwent through*16:34
Mixxitthanks again for your help i would have never found this new configuration hehe16:34
Mixxithave a great weekend!16:35
SineDevianceOerHeks: forgot about clementine. thanks :D16:35
blackflowaljoni: well that's the thing, th default server iso installs quite  variety of nonsense. cloud init is very specialized tool for very specialized tasks16:35
SineDevianceOerHeks: large collection is the main reason, it's taking rhythmbox forever to scan my collection over the network. foobar2000 in windows does it in like two minutes.16:37
ellyachtwhat is the command to take ownership of a directory again? chown...16:37
SineDevianceellyacht: chown -R16:37
OerHeksSineDeviance, that would be my main reason, 90k+ songs, and it gives alot of plugins for services and such,have fun16:39
SineDevianceOerHeks: i don't have that many, it's more like 13,000. but half of them are 24-bit FLAC and I guess rhythmbox takes a while16:42
ellyachtman I keep getting -bash: /root/.profile: Permission Denied16:43
ellyachtim trying to follow this tutorial https://wiki.lineageos.org/devices/dumpling/build but so far no good16:44
LantiziaAnyone here use cdrdao?  I'm assuming any "Q sub-channels with CRC errors" messages just mean any scratches have been worked around and read correctly?16:59
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fuxachesHello, I'm trying to figure out why this new ubuntu machine isn't cooperating with postfix to send form mail - anybody up for helping a noob?17:54
ioriafuxaches, what's the problem exactly ?17:57
fuxachesJust wanting to use isp smtp to send form mail. I have 2 other ubuntu machines with it working. Best I can tell, this one is setup the same way.17:57
fuxachesloria. The mail bounces and never sends - according to the log...17:58
fuxachesloria: to=<celter@shaw.ca>, relay=mail.shaw.ca[]:25, delay=1.1, delays=0.07/0.01/1/0.03, dsn=5.1.0, status=bounced (host mail.shaw.ca[] said: 550 5.1.0 <terry-xps-8500.shawmail.ed.shawcable.net> domain rejected (in reply to MAIL FROM command))17:58
ioriafuxaches, well, if you just want to send an email with your isp account,postfix is overkilling17:59
fuxachesokay, I'm listening...17:59
ioriafuxaches, i suggest ssmtp ; but if you reconfigure postfix as'Satellite' mode it should  work out of the box iirc18:00
ioria!info ssmtp18:00
ubottussmtp (source: ssmtp): extremely simple MTA to get mail off the system to a mail hub. In component universe, is extra. Version 2.64-8ubuntu2 (bionic), package size 41 kB, installed size 2 kB18:00
fuxachessatellite instead of internet + smarthost?18:01
ioriafuxaches, yes18:01
fuxachesI will give it a try - thank you...18:02
ioriafuxaches, https://blog.eitchnet.ch/archives/286   (a bit old thou)18:02
TJ-fuxaches: "terry-xps-8500.shawmail.ed.shawcable.net> domain rejected "18:05
Sven_vBWhat's wrong with my freshly debootstrapped Ubuntu bionic? file permissions seem correct but still, "Couldn't create temporary file /tmp/apt.conf.skKQLr for passing config to apt-key" https://paste.debian.net/plainh/ecd03adf18:05
TJ-Sven_vB: is there a /tmp/ directory in the chroot?18:06
fuxachesTJ-: Yeah, I know, but the same setup on two other ubuntu boxes works fine...18:06
TJ-fuxaches: the domain is wrong; I'll bet the others don't send that string18:07
Sven_vBTJ-, yes, "ls -dFl /tmp" -> "drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 Nov 24 17:55 /tmp/"18:07
TJ-fuxaches: it needs to be in the format user@f.q.d.n18:07
TJ-Sven_vB: apt drops to the user _apt so it won't have Write permission18:07
Sven_vBTJ-, thanks!18:08
fuxachesloria: I tried satellite but no go... When I purged and re-installed postfix using satellite, I notice a couple of messages during the install:18:08
fuxaches1.) mailname is not a fully qualified domain name.  Not changing /etc/mailname.18:08
fuxaches2.)/etc/aliases exists, but does not have a root alias.18:08
TJ-fuxaches: (1) is what I've just pointed out; reconfigure the package and set it correctly18:08
ioriafuxaches, sudo dpkg-reconfigure postfix18:09
fuxachesTJ-: But I'm just using ubuntu desktop and the ISP's smtp to send, why all that crap?18:09
TJ-fuxaches: I assume you have an email address someone@shawmail.ed.shawcable.net ?18:09
fuxachesno its ***@shaw.ca18:09
fuxachesbut if you look at my account info on irc you'll see the account translates to the last bit18:10
TJ-fuxaches: usually the ISP email servers will refuse to accept outgoing email if the SMTP envelope is not set to the email address they've assigned you.18:10
TJ-fuxaches: test it with a manual telnet session18:11
fuxachesokay I'll run the re-configure utility and ill ask per prompt18:11
TJ-fuxaches: or look at how your other PCs are configured18:11
fuxachesI did and they seem to be configured exactly the same... That's why I severely puzzled18:12
fuxachesall machines run 18.04.118:12
jeffrey_fwhere can I find a turnkey multi-OS pxe server18:12
jeffrey_ffor Virtualbox18:12
fuxachesdifference is this one was installed fresh to 18.04.1 and the other 2 have upgrade from previous versions18:13
TJ-fuxaches: is this PC trying to send mail through a VPN ?18:13
fuxachesTJ-: no18:13
fuxacheskay - reconfigure - 1st prompt i am going to choose satellite18:13
TJ-fuxaches: and what is the ISP mail server set to? mail.shawcable.net ?18:13
fuxachesas long as you're on their network - no credentials needed18:14
fuxachesI have tried port 587 and same issue and the other 2 are setup as standard port 25 anyways18:14
fuxachesso what do you suggest for system main name - I have always just left it as the computer name terry-XPS-850018:15
fuxachesbut i am figuring this is where the problem is18:16
TJ-fuxaches: try a telnet session. manually send the info. As I said, the MAIL FROM address is bad syntax, it should be user@f.q.d.n18:17
TJ-fuxaches: here's how to do a manual SMTP session using telnet: https://www.port25.com/how-to-check-an-smtp-connection-with-a-manual-telnet-session-2/18:17
ioriafuxaches, if you use postfix as a forwarder, your system main name it's not relevant ; just your smtp server, email address and password18:18
fuxachesno need for password because if you're on the shaw network no crednetials are needed18:19
fuxachesso would i put in ed.shawcable.net or shaw.ca ?18:20
fuxachesemail addresses are @shaw.ca and my ping name is *********.ed.shawcable.net18:21
TJ-fuxaches: it may not matter; the issue is the MTA was sending a bad MAIL FROM18:21
TJ-fuxaches: if you're on their network they may accept any user@f.q.d.n18:22
fuxacheskay, that I don't understand...18:22
fuxachesand that seems correct, from looking at the logs on the other machines that work18:22
fuxachesseems to use a big alpha numeric@machinename.shawcable.net and works, but not on this machine18:23
TJ-fuxaches: what is generating the emails that postfix is trying to deliver?18:23
tgm4883fuxaches: the from address would be coming from the application that is sending the emails18:24
fuxachesyou mean my website mail form?18:24
TJ-tgm4883: not always; postfix allows it to be set in the config18:24
ioriafuxaches, /var/log/mail.log and  /var/log/mail.err might help18:25
fuxachesloria: I have been looking there and it makes me more confused18:25
tgm4883TJ-: do we have postfix config pastebins somewhere?18:25
TJ-fuxaches: yes; there are several ways the SMTP envelope From: field can be set; if the sender is using something like "sendmail ...-fuser@f.q.d.n" or it could be set in postfix config via the canonical table18:27
TJ-tgm4883: not so far :)18:27
fuxachesTJ-: is there a way to go change that?18:28
fuxachesBecause it is something wonky like that. There must be a difference thr way this machine sees itself18:28
TJ-fuxaches: what code is the web-site using to send the email? If it is php, is the email config correct?18:29
fuxachesTJ-: PHP, yes. I have never had to modify the php.ini file to do this, but I changed the sendmail path in case, but same issue.18:30
blackflowfuxaches: that error sounds like something the recipient server should solve18:30
TJ-fuxaches: what is the current sendmail path? the default is "/usr/sbin/sendmail -t -i"18:30
fuxachesTJ-: yes that is the path18:31
fuxacheswell the recipient server would be shaw isp18:31
blackflowfuxaches: the one you originally posted. according to that log your server is queuing, connecting to, issuing SMTP commands, but the recipient server is rejecting.18:31
TJ-fuxaches: OK, are you able to show us one of the failed emails? if sendmail isn't given the -f option, it sets the SMTP envelope with the email's From: field18:32
fuxachesblackflow: I know, yet I have two computers with the same postfix configuration working correctly...18:32
TJ-fuxaches: if the envelope is correct, or not attached, and the From: field in the header is correct, then we will know it is a postfix misconfiguration18:32
fuxachesI can show you the log of when I fill out and send the form mail from the mail.log18:33
blackflowfuxaches: right, so it's on the recipient side to correct things. you said your network was allowed without credentials? I guess this server that's being rejected is not on the white list18:33
blackflow(mynetworks, in postfix config speak)18:33
TJ-blackflow: it is the ISP SMTP relay that is refusing the delivery from fuxaches's postfix, due to malformed SMTP MAIL FROM18:33
fuxachesmyhostname: terry-XPS-8500.ed.shawcable.net18:34
blackflowTJ-: malformed how?18:34
fuxachesyes, malformed seems right. I need to correct it18:34
TJ-bounced (host mail.shaw.ca[] said: 550 5.1.0 <terry-xps-8500.shawmail.ed.shawcable.net> domain rejected (in reply to MAIL FROM command))18:35
blackflowTJ-:  that says nothing about MAIL FROM being malformed18:35
TJ-MAIL FROM: user@f.q.d.n is expected, there is no user@ in <terry-xps-8500.shawmail.ed.shawcable.net>18:35
blackflownote that postfix checks are done after RCPT TO. "mailformed" MAIL FROM could also be due to the domain being blacklisted.18:35
blackflowTJ-: there shouldn't be in that error message. DOMAIN rejected, and the domain is listed18:36
fuxachesblackflow: if it wer blacklisted you would think the two other machines i have here would not work neither - right?18:36
blackflowfuxaches: not necessarily18:36
fuxacheshmmm, okay.18:36
blackflowthe message here could be red herring depending on how the recipient is configured to run checks18:37
za1b1tsuSo I've spent some time on a macosx because of work, I like linux more, but there is something that I would like to bring to linux. The OS keys, for ctrl they preserved the readline (emacs?) shortcuts, for example 'ctrl-a' goes do the start of the line, but 'super-a' selects all. Also 'super-c', 'super-v' copy pastes everywhere. Is there a DE or WM that can help me achieve this?18:37
fuxachessometimes when i restart the postfix service one of the mails in the queue actually fire and deliver18:37
fuxachesthe recipient is me18:38
blackflowfuxaches: you can run tcpdump and observe what's in the smtp proto, unless it's encrypted but you can force it unencrypted18:38
fuxachesthat form mails to me18:38
blackflowfuxaches: by "recipient" I mean the relay= in thatmessage18:38
fuxacheshow do i do a tcpdump?18:38
fuxachesjust tcpdump at command line18:39
blackflowask google :)   there is also #postfix here on Freenode, folks is very helpful, but prepare all the logs and configs in advance to a pastebin18:39
blackflowat any rate, this doesn't seem like Ubuntu issue18:39
fuxachesooops, didn't know ther was a postfix channel - sorry18:39
TJ-fuxaches:  "the shaw mail servers will reject any hostname in the smtp helo negotiation that does not have a reverse dns"18:40
blackflowthe error message is different for that18:40
TJ-fuxaches: so, I'm guessing you need to set the hostname to that of your public interface18:41
gavimobilehey folks, i got myself into a little pickle. i have a ubuntu device with very little hd space. i installed a few packages using apt-get and now i have no space and cant do anything. the process didnt finish. when i try to remove the apps i installed i get the following message E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem., which cannot complete either because that also ends with18:41
gavimobileor of no space18:41
blackflowit's "550 5.7.1 Client host rejected: cannot find your reverse hostname"18:41
blackflowunless that postfix is not configured to reject_unknown_reverse_client_hostname  but uses some other (custom) check18:42
TJ-I'm going on a report from a shawcable customer with the same issue, who said that was the cause, when the shaw SMPT server reported "The error message indicates18:42
TJ-that the locally defined domain in the "from" address was rejected.18:42
TJ-fuxaches: see https://community.shaw.ca/thread/3124918:43
blackflow"hostname does not have a rdns" is a fallcy. rdns is for IPs not for hostnames18:44
gavimobilewould appreciate any assistance18:44
TJ-fuxaches: didn't you say earler that on the working PCs the hostname shows as "S010620aa4beb86d8.ed.shawcable.net)" ?18:44
blackflowwhoever wrote that has no clue what they're talking about18:44
fuxachesTJ-: in the log it's actuall an aplha numeric set devided by a "."18:45
blackflowwell why don't you pastebin THAT then.18:45
TJ-fuxaches: your current public hostname is what I wrote above? is that what the other working PCs are using?18:45
fuxaches@terry-xps-8300.ed.shawcable.net for one of the other machines18:45
fuxachesmakes me wonder if its a dns issue18:45
TJ-fuxaches: right, there's an "@" symbol18:45
fuxachesthe other machines are manually set and this one is using dhcp18:46
TJ-fuxaches: anyhow, this isn't an Ubuntu issue. as blackflow said you need to ask in #postfix18:46
fuxachesdfs987f9s7fdsf7.dfas7f8sd7f8ds7@terry-xps-8300.ed.shawcable.net  this one works18:46
tgm4883gavimobile: what sort of partitioning do you have setup?18:46
fuxachesterry-xps-8500  gives the error i supplied from the log18:47
tgm4883fuxaches: I think you'll need to supply both the config and the actual log file18:47
fuxachesgive me a few for that. I have to go fond my pastebin crap18:48
tgm4883ideally, the config for both a working server and a non-working server18:48
gavimobiletgm4883: not sure how to answer your question. would df -h be the answer?18:48
tgm4883gavimobile: yea18:48
gavimobiletgm4883: https://pastebin.com/tSvF5MR718:49
tgm4883wow you're right, that is pretty limited space18:49
tgm4883I wonder if there's some old kernel stuff we can get rid of18:50
gavimobiletgm4883: or cache18:50
gavimobiletemp files18:50
TJ-gavimobile: obvious one is to clear /var/cache/apt with "apt-get clean"18:51
tgm4883TJ-: +118:51
gavimobileTJ-: there is nothing in there18:51
TJ-gavimobile: the other is to check how much space /var/log/ is using: "du -sh -d 1 /var/log"18:51
gavimobilei ran apt-get clean also18:51
tgm4883gavimobile: 'dpkg -l | grep linux-image' although I'm doubful there's any old ones there18:51
gavimobiledu: warning: summarizing conflicts with --max-depth=118:52
TJ-if tmpfs is only 30M that suggests there isn't a lot of RAM either18:52
gavimobileTJ- is that a typo18:52
TJ-gavimobile: oh, of course, drop the -d18:52
gavimobileTJ-: and leave the 1?18:52
TJ-gavimobile: drop the "-d 1"18:52
gavimobile1.5M    /var/log18:53
TJ-gavimobile: OK, not much there then18:53
TJ-gavimobile: what was the last package you installed that hit this18:53
tgm4883gavimobile: out of curiosity, is this a vacuum?18:53
gavimobile /var/log/apt/history.log says that i attempted to intall  apt-get install aptitude synaptic wajig dpkg-dev apt-doc python-apt18:53
gavimobiletgm4883: yes18:53
ioriaguess an arm device18:53
tgm4883gavimobile: nice18:53
gavimobilehow did you know18:54
tgm4883your hostname is rockrobo18:54
jurgentjeHeya, I'm really happy with the KDE connect integration with Android... but I keep getting "Configure..." when right clicking on the phone icon. I would like to try sending an SMS18:54
gavimobileahh, that gave it away18:54
gavimobile apt-get install aptitude synaptic wajig dpkg-dev apt-doc python-apt was the last command that worked before i screwed it up18:54
TJ-gavimobile: have you been able to use "dpkg --remove <package>" on anything, or does that just trigger the configure warning18:55
gavimobileit got full during the install18:55
gavimobileTJ-: im not sure how. doesnt package represent a specific package name/18:55
gavimobilewhere would i find them?18:55
TJ-gavimobile: try this: "dpkg -r aptitude"18:55
blackflowfuxaches: please pop into #postfix, and pastebin:  1) the test email your sending (complete with headers, best use sendmail for that),  2) logs during the smtp event,   3) postconf -n18:56
gavimobileTJ-: dpkg: error: failed to write status database record about 'libpolkit-gobject-1-0:armhf' to '/var/lib/dpkg/status': No space left on device18:56
tgm4883gavimobile: assuming this has internet access, 'dpkg -l | nc termbin.com 9999'18:56
TJ-gavimobile: thought so, OK we have to get brutal :)18:56
gavimobileTJ-: http://termbin.com/om2y this was the output18:56
gavimobileif i ran apt-get install aptitude synaptic wajig dpkg-dev apt-doc python-apt, where is ubuntu storing the packages?18:57
gavimobilealso, is it in the middle of a job? can i cancel the job?18:58
TJ-gavimobile: "cat /var/lib/dpkg/info/{aptitude,synaptic}.list | while read file; do [ -f $file ] && rm $file; done"18:58
gavimobileoh snap, he didnt just say that :-D18:58
TJ-gavimobile: that ^^^^ should give you enough headroom to get things in order18:59
gavimobilecat: /var/lib/dpkg/info/synaptic.list: No such file or directory18:59
gavimobilelet me double check the directory18:59
TJ-gavimobile: OK, try it again with just aptitude18:59
gavimobilemaybe oyu have a type-o18:59
gavimobilebut dont i need aptitude?18:59
TJ-gavimobile: "cat /var/lib/dpkg/info/aptitude.list | while read file; do [ -f $file ] && rm $file; done"18:59
TJ-gavimobile: we're just trying to free enough space for the tools to be able to operate18:59
TJ-gavimobile: no, aptitude is optional19:00
gavimobileisnt aptitude apt?19:00
TJ-gavimobile: for package management all that is required is dpkg and apt19:00
gavimobileTJ-: this command worked but outputted nothing19:00
TJ-gavimobile: no it won't; but you may have a little space now. try "df -h /" again19:01
gavimobilei did, same thing19:01
TJ-gavimobile: if not enough, then we need to attack those other packages19:01
gavimobile/dev/root       494M  492M     0 100% /19:01
TJ-gavimobile: "cat /var/lib/dpkg/info/dpkg-dev.list | while read file; do [ -f $file ] && rm $file; done"19:01
TJ-gavimobile: "cat /var/lib/dpkg/info/apt-doc.list | while read file; do [ -f $file ] && rm $file; done"19:02
gavimobilelet me tell you what is the ls -l of /var/lib/dpkg/info/19:02
TJ-gavimobile: some of these commands may fail if the packages were not installed, so just ignore the error and move on19:02
gavimobilenevemrind, there are a bunch19:02
TJ-gavimobile: "cat /var/lib/dpkg/info/wajig.list | while read file; do [ -f $file ] && rm $file; done"19:02
TJ-gavimobile: then "df -s /"19:03
TJ-gavimobile: then "df  /"19:03
gavimobile/dev/root         505764 501258         0 100% /19:03
gavimobilebut the 3 lines above worked with no output19:03
TJ-so there is 4MB free :)19:04
gavimobileis that enough to install apt-undo19:04
TJ-gavimobile: try "dpkg -r wajig"19:04
gavimobile/dev/root         505764 500968         0 100% /19:04
TJ-gavimobile: if we've deleted the files we need to tell dpkg the packages need to be gone, too19:04
gavimobileit did something19:04
TJ-gavimobile: "dpkg -r aptitude"19:05
TJ-gavimobile: same for each of apt-doc synaptic19:05
gavimobile/dev/root         505764 500955         0 100% /19:05
fuxachestgm4883: here's the stuff -  https://pastebin.com/cTg4vjTp19:05
TJ-gavimobile: after that, then you may be able to get the tools to work: "apt-get --fix-broken install"19:06
gavimobile/dev/root         505764 500420         0 100% /19:07
gavimobilewhat will that do?19:07
gavimobileapt-get --fix-broken install19:07
gavimobilei dont want to install anything else. i want to consintrate on uninstalling19:07
gavimobileNeed to get 854 kB of archives.19:08
gavimobileAfter this operation, 2212 kB of additional disk space will be used.19:08
gavimobileDo you want to continue? [Y/n]19:08
gavimobile using apt-get --fix-broken install19:08
fuxachesTJ-: I posted this in #postfix, but if you're interested -   https://pastebin.com/cTg4vjTp19:09
TJ-gavimobile: OK, say no19:10
TJ-gavimobile: that tried to install packagse due to dependencies. try "dpkg --configure -a" to clean up to begin with19:11
gavimobileok, but this will also need space19:11
TJ-gavimobile: yes, but we're trying to get the system back into a sane state19:12
gavimobileno hd space left19:12
TJ-once we've done that we can selective find and remove other packages. E.g. "apt autoremove" may remove packages that synaptic/aptitude brought in19:12
gavimobile/dev/root         505764 505764         0 100% /19:12
TJ-gavimobile: are you able to pastebin the output from that failed command ?19:12
gavimobileTJ-: https://pastebin.com/jRPffHKW19:14
TJ-gavimobile: eeek! you've tried to install so much ... going to have to take out the big packages19:16
gavimobilestill there or am i disconnected?19:16
gavimobileignore that19:16
TJ-gavimobile: I think we try to take out gcc-4.8 first, since that installed size is around 14MB19:18
TJ-gavimobile: "cat /var/lib/dpkg/info/gcc-4.8.list | while read file; do [ -f $file ] && rm $file; done"19:19
TJ-gavimobile: then try "dpkg --remove build-essential" and "dpkg --remove dpkg-dev"19:20
gavimobilethe second one i had to use purge instead of remove19:21
gavimobiledf ./19:21
gavimobile/dev/root         505764 494135         0 100% /19:22
TJ-gavimobile: OK, looking better19:22
gavimobileyes it it19:22
TJ-gavimobile: let me look through the list for more candidates19:22
gavimobiledpkg --configure -a?19:22
gavimobileTJ-: ok19:22
TJ-gavimobile: "dpkg --remove apt-xapian-index"19:23
TJ-gavimobile: "dpkg --remove python-apt"19:24
gavimobileis this python ?19:25
gavimobiledpkg --remove python-apt19:25
TJ-gavimobile: then, without letting this command run, pastebin what it reports: "apt-get --fix-broken install"19:25
TJ-gavimobile: no, it's python-apt, required by apt-xapian-index and aptitutde/synaptic19:26
gavimobilei guess it doesnt matter, dpkg: warning: ignoring request to remove python-apt which isn't installed19:26
buZzwhats the method to report a malicious snap developer thats causing ppl to lose money when they install his snaps?19:26
TJ-gavimobile: that's good then, it never got there or didn't record that it did19:26
TJ-gavimobile: then, without letting this command run, pastebin what it reports: "apt-get --fix-broken install"19:26
gavimobileits running19:26
TJ-buZz: that's snapcraft.io I think19:27
gavimobilei didnt forget:)19:27
buZzsomeone namesquatted the 'bitcoin' snap and made it install a outdated and poorly compatible client (thats not the official one)19:27
TJ-gavimobile: OK, thought you might have got lost in the messages :)19:27
TJ-buZz: snaps aren't supported by Ubuntu, they're a Canonoical/snapcraft.io thing19:27
TJ-gavimobile: try "apt-get autoremove" now; if it works it'll clear out a lot that is no longer depended on19:28
A|anI used to know this...how to you establish a root terminal in a non-admin user account19:29
A|anhow do you19:29
gavimobilei litter just tried that and was going to pastebin to you that 150+mb will be free19:29
TJ-gavimobile: it looks like you installed a GUI on that install? is it needed, because that will take up a LOT of space19:29
gavimobileTJ-: no need for gui19:29
hggdhA|an: sudo?19:29
A|ansudo -i doesn't either19:30
TJ-gavimobile: right, and in that list I'm seeing things like GUI libraries, which were likely brought in due to something else you installed19:30
gavimobile/dev/root         505764 374582    105070  79% /19:30
hggdhA|an: please be more specific. sudo -i does not what? And what,m exactly, do you want do do?19:30
gavimobilecan we keep on going?19:30
A|anin the past, I've done some command that established a root terminal with a # promt19:30
TJ-A|an: for a user not in the 'sudo' group?19:30
TJ-gavimobile: yes19:30
gavimobileTJ-: i really appreciate your assistance!19:31
TJ-gavimobile: try "apt-get -f install" again see if it can clean up finally19:31
gavimobile0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 117 not upgraded.19:31
hggdhA|an: if you know the root's password, you can su -19:31
TJ-gavimobile: OK, let's not upgrade right now :D19:31
A|anjust a sec19:31
TJ-gavimobile: so you've got space, and we need to figure out what you've got installed that can be permanently removed19:32
A|anThat prompts for the users passwd19:32
hggdhA|an: su - will prompt for the *root*'s password, not the user.19:32
gavimobileTJ- wont /vat/log/apt/history.log be a good resource?19:32
TJ-gavimobile: now this: "dpkg -l | grep ^ii | grep -v ^lib | nc termin.com 9999"19:32
A|anjust a sec19:33
TJ-gavimobile: that'll send the output to termbin.com, you just need to give us the URL19:33
gavimobilealso, if i run apt-get remove synaptic wajig dpkg-dev apt-doc python-apt aptitude , shouldnt it remove all dependencies and bring me back to where i was before i got myself into this mess?19:33
TJ-gavimobile: yes, although we should have managed those removals already with "dpkg --remove" (dpkg -r)19:33
A|anhggdh: authentication fail19:33
gavimobileincluding their dependencies?19:34
gavimobilebtw, its running i think. no output yet (as if its working)19:34
TJ-gavimobile: no, the "apt-get autoremove" did that19:34
TJ-gavimobile: yes, it'll be a long list19:34
gavimobiledone, no output19:34
hggdhA|an: then you gave the wrong password for root. As an aside, root does NOT have a password set on Ubuntu, by default.19:34
gavimobileno link19:34
A|an(i've done it in the past...i'm going to scratch in my flesh when i figure it out again)19:34
TJ-gavimobile: oh fooey I'm a dope!19:34
gavimobilei ran this  dpkg -l | grep ^ii | grep -v ^lib | nc termin.com 999919:34
gavimobileTJ-: your definetly not19:35
A|anyes, i know it's not set by defautl...i re-entered it 3x19:35
TJ-oh no! I thought I'd not put in the "nc"19:35
A|anjust a sec19:35
TJ-gavimobile: it may be the list was too long for termbin to accept19:35
TJ-gavimobile: I'm testing it here19:35
cnnxI'm unable to play a .SWF file19:36
cnnxI'm having a hard time installing flash player19:36
A|anfails again19:36
gavimobilewhat is termin.com19:36
TJ-gavimobile: typo!! that's why it failed :D19:38
TJ-gavimobile: use this better command anyhow: "dpkg -l | awk '/^ii/{P=P " " $2}END{print P}' | nc termbin.com 9999"19:38
cnnxI have a file ending in .SWF on my desktop19:39
cnnxwhen I click on it it doesnt play the game19:39
cnnxapplication/x-shcokwave-flash decoder is required to play the file, not is not installed19:39
cnnxwhat can I do19:39
A|anok...how do you switch to another user account in a user's account19:40
hggdhA|an: sudo19:43
gavimobileif /var/log/apt/history.log doesnt show anything from 2018 and everything else is from 2015 (i only purchased this device in 2018), does this mean that this is how it was before?19:44
TJ-gavimobile: the only thing there that I suspect may have been pulled in but isn't needed is python3.4 - 14.04, as far as remember, only uses python2.7 for system tooling19:44
TJ-gavimobile: althought I'm not sure why qemu-user-static is required on there either19:45
gavimobilei need wget php5-cli nano19:45
TJ-gavimobile: for now, if "apt-get -f install" reports everything is good (doesn't do anything) then it's back to a sane setup.19:46
TJ-gavimobile: what's the free space like now?19:46
gavimobileit is back to sane19:46
gavimobile/dev/root         505764 374684    104968  79% /19:46
gavimobilewhich im totally fine with19:46
gavimobilei just wish i can do more19:46
gavimobilei also ran19:46
gavimobilejust a sec19:47
TJ-there's things like libpangoft2-1.0-0 which, as far as I know, should only be required by a GUI tool19:47
TJ-gavimobile: oh and "hicolor-icon-theme"19:48
TJ-gavimobile: are you wanting to be able to build software for it ?19:48
gavimobileno building software19:49
TJ-gavimobile: i was wondering why dpk-dev and gcc-4.8 build-essential were being installed19:49
gavimobilehicolor-icon-theme removed19:49
gavimobileTJ-: they were suggested from the terminal19:49
gavimobileshall i remove them19:50
gavimobilelibpangoft2-1.0-0 and dependencies removed19:50
TJ-gavimobile: looks like you're about sorted out "apt-get autoremove" will remove any packages that are no longer required19:52
TJ-gavimobile: I have to stop typing now, about to get flour-covered hands making pizza!19:52
gavimobileTJ enjoy man, thanks very much19:53
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coconutIs there a place where all web browser connections to hosts are logged by default?20:38
TJ-coconut: You mean the NSA?20:40
coconutTJ-: heheh, no i want to know what i.e. firefox does more than only the sites i visit.20:43
coconutI guess this can only be accomplished outside ff.20:44
TJ-coconut: ohhh!!! I thought you meant some global logging of everyone's HTTP connections :D20:47
coconutTJ-: yes, i do mean that. :)20:48
TJ-coconut: you could monitor outgoing connections from the firefox process and child processes if you want to collect them in real time20:50
coconutTJ-: i have to go. Hope i can come on this tomorrow. (and thank you :))21:02
DoXiDI tried my luck in the Arch irc. But hoping someone here is awake that is a god at linux namespaces.. Anyone ever worked with them and have some good ideas (and don't hate reading), do you mind throwing an eye on: https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/483918/dnsmasq-running-in-namespace-cant-take-queries-from-within-namespace22:44
DoXiDtl;dr:   (outside) veth0 <--> veth1 (inside)    can't ping from within the namespace itself.22:45
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TJ-DoXiD: is there a routing table?22:47
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DoXiDTJ: Yup, on both ends. And i can ping outside->inside  inside->outside just not inside->inside22:48
DoXiDand outside->outside address works fine too.22:49
DoXiDRunning wireshark/tcpdump inside the namespace gives me some traffic, mostly ARP's and some SSDP. But when I ping the inside interface address I see no network traffic at all.22:51
TJ-DoXiD: I've read your SO, from the namespace shell can you show me "ip route show" ?22:52
DoXiDdefault via dev veth122:52
DoXiD192.168.42.0/24 dev veth1 proto kernel scope link src
TJ-DoXiD: interesting... give me a few moments to reproduce!22:53
DoXiDI'd be happy to TJ- :)22:53
TJ-DoXiD: nice documentation btw, makes a change to see everything exact :)22:55
DoXiDHeh, thank you! I knew this would be a pain in the ass for anyone trying to help out. So thought, more is better ^^22:55
DoXiDI'm also duplicating the setup on a second machine, forgot to do that.22:56
TJ-DoXiD: before i recreate, have you on the host run tcpdump on eno1? because I have a sneaking suspicion the packets are being punted to eno1 and not seeing veth122:56
TJ-DoXiD: due to the MASQ rule22:56
DoXiDhumm, i have. well a wireshark running on both eno1 and on veth0. But I'll double check, gimme a sec22:57
DoXiDTJ-: Something's fishy, I get barely anything in wireshark on eno1 or veth0. I should be getting this SSH+IRC traffic at the very least.23:00
TJ-DoXiD: the other thing I wonder is, have you done "sysctl net.ipv4.conf.default.forwarding = 1"?23:01
TJ-DoXiD: I see you've done net.ipv4.ip_forward = 123:02
DoXiDTJ-: Not permanently added it to the sys-conf, and not done the default thing.23:02
xdruppihello, i created a xorg.conf file because ubuntu wasn't detecting my native resolution, now it works, but only after logging in, why is that? is there a way to make it so that it works from boot?23:02
TJ-DoXiD: no, doing it via /proc/sys/ is the same :)23:02
TJ-DoXiD: but how about "cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/*/forwarding" ?23:03
DoXiDDid the default, and now i get x5 `1`23:03
DoXiDSo they're all active :) ping still doesn't work :/23:03
DoXiDGot wireshark running, no ping on eno1 :/23:04
DoXiD(but I do see traffic now at least on eno1. So it's behaving again)23:04
DoXiDand nothing is leakin out on veth0 either. ICMP-wise that is23:05
TJ-DoXiD: OK, that's good then, in a way :s23:05
DoXiDHaha, true. At least it's as expected. The big question now is, where does my ICMP packet go. dmesg and journalctl is giving me nothing, and iptables ia flying blind with accept on all tables.23:06
DoXiDIt's so strange that tcpdump inside the namespace can't even see the packet being generated. as if the kernel is eating it up before it lands anywhere23:07
TJ-DoXiD: I've not really played about with netns to this degree but I do know networking, and the thing that I'd be wondered about on a regular host is where is localhost? Because when a local process on Linux kernel is sending to another local process the packets don't traverse the network stack like packets that are forwarded, or come from external hosts23:07
TJ-DoXiD: no, that isn't strange to me, due to ^^^^23:07
DoXiDAh that's true.23:08
TJ-DoXiD: also, have you checked the default policy inside the netns for the netfilters FORWARD table is ACCEPT and not DROP?23:09
DoXiDlocalhost resolves to in the namespace but ::1 ipv6 localhost on the outside. Not sure if that matters.23:09
DoXiDLet me double check, I think I did.23:09
TJ-DoXiD: that's just due to it preferring IPv623:09
DoXiDThere's no rule at all in the forward table. I can put one, a -J ACCEPT23:10
TJ-DoXiD: actually, it'd be the filter/INPUT chain23:10
TJ-DoXiD: not a rule, the Chain policy23:10
TJ-DoXiD: "iptables -L | grep policy"23:10
DoXiDChain FORWARD (policy ACCEPT)23:10
DoXiDIt's accept on all of them23:10
DoXiDsame goes for prerouting, and all the NAT tables. Just double checking without knowing why I'm checking the NAT table heh23:11
TJ-DoXiD: I thought they should be but it's always worth checking23:11
TJ-DoXiD: I find "iptables -S" is the best way to check all tables/chains at once23:12
TJ-DoXiD: right, I'll try to reproduce here23:12
DoXiDThank you, in advance!23:12
DoXiDAnd thank you for the tip on iptables, -S sure is nice!23:12
TJ-your instructions are missing the "ip link add veth1..."23:16
DoXiD#ip link add veth0 type veth peer name veth1   <- that one?23:16
TJ-sorry, no, my eyes skipped :D23:17
DoXiDhaha, mine did too re-reading my own post.. Can't blame you!23:17
Bluekinghmm dhcpd server won't hand out ip's   I can set IP on clients manual to access web/net.. trying to find out who dhcp server fails.. what should I look into ?23:18
Bluekingwho why..23:19
acosBlueking: when was it working last.23:20
acosBlueking: when was it working last??**23:20
DoXiDBlueking: I'd start with doing `dhclient -v` and see if the client tells you anything. `tcpdump -n -vv -i eth0` and see if you get any traffic that is DHCP related.23:20
DoXiDif you own the dhcp server, you can always check `journalctl -u dhcpcd` and see if that tells you anything. `ss -ltn` and see if the port is listening on the interface you're expecting it to.23:21
Bluekingok I will check23:21
DoXiDsorry, `ss -lun` (because it's UDP.. *duh*)23:21
TJ-DoXiD: I notice I cannot "ping" inside the netns, even after "ip addr add dev lo"23:28
DoXiDI got the same phenomena. Which is the same issue with the assigned address to the veth interface. Is this by design?23:30
TJ-DoXiD: I do notice that dnsmasq isn't receiving the query23:35
DoXiDCorrect, in a sense. That's what I get too. I can start dnamasq outside the namespace and queries will work. I just can't do anything inside the namespace with it's own IP :/23:36
DoXiDnor loopback23:36
TJ-DoXiD: yes; i was confirming the extend of the isolation using "dig -b a.b.c.d ..."23:42
TJ-DoXiD: I saw strace was binding to an IPv6 socket, so I added ::1/128 to lo but that didn't help either23:45
DoXiDGood thinking tho, strace was a good idea23:45
timmi92I've been trying to change 18.04 Desktop to use systemd-networkd via netplan, rather than NetworkManager but it doesn't receive broadcasts (the most annoying consequence being no ARP requests, so I have to ping a client from the machine before the client can ping back). I've searched online for ages and can confirm subnets are OK, same driver is in use, permissions OK on .network file, etc.23:47
BluekingDoXiD: founmd reason  : same client/router in AP mode added two times..23:47
DoXiDBlueking: There ya go :D Glad you found it!23:49
Bluekingwasted some hours on this silly thing..  bought some mesh routers.. moving old one into garage23:50
TJ-DoXiD: fixed it LoL we're so silly23:50
DoXiDYou gotta be shitting me? :P23:50
DoXiDTeach me sensei23:50
TJ-DoXiD: "ip netns spacename ip link set up dev lo"  :D --- it was down!23:50
DoXiD*shame* *shame* *shame* :<23:51
DoXiDMan, you're a god!23:51
TJ-Baaahhhm Baaaaahm Baaaaahm!23:51
TJ-^^ best attempt at denumont music23:51
DoXiDofc that's it.. I can't blame anyone but myself, but I really dislike clever optmizations like this :P I expect traffic to go on veth1 not lo xD23:51
TJ-DoXiD: I knew it had something to do with the way localhost is handled, but I didn't look at the basics23:52
DoXiDI can hear it perfectly in my head23:52
TJ-DoXiD: anything routed inside the host uses lo23:52
DoXiDTJ-: You rarely do once you've started to advance in the levels of thinking. I can barely solve outlook problems even tho i worked at a helpdesk for 5 years.. because i've been programming and worked as a integrations tech for several years23:52
DoXiDTJ-: You're 100% correct, stupid of me to not make sure all my interfaces are up. God dang it you're good tho!23:53
TJ-DoXiD: I know the feeling... I'm always reminding people to 'check the cables' and 'is it plugged in'23:53
DoXiDHaha, classic OSI model thinking! ^^23:53
TJ-saves so much time... we forgot to check lo was plugged in and its lights were blinking :)23:53
DoXiDIf you have a SO account, feel free to poke me in the eyes by posting the most simplisic answer you can haha23:54
TJ-DoXiD: I don't :)23:54
DoXiDWe sure did.. so furstrating ^^23:54
DoXiDI'll answer it with a reference to the irc chatlog :)23:54
TJ-DoXiD: just add the "ip netns spacename ip link set up dev lo" and "ip addr add dev lo"23:55
TJ-I wouldn't be surprised if that becomes a top hit :)23:55
DoXiDHehe, probably will once namespaces gets used more frequenctly haha. Oh man, I'm so grateful I dared copy pasting the same question I posted in the #archlinux channel.23:56
DoXiDI hate spamming, but this was getting on my nerves!23:56
DoXiDAnything I can do to thank you?23:56
TJ-DoXiD: help someone else the same way23:58
DoXiDI'll try my hardest to help two people. Gotta love good communitys!23:59

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