
DoXiDThe misses is threatening to pull the main fuse in the house now tho, it's 1AM here ^^ Big thanks to you tho!00:00
DoXiDHave a great night everyone! I'm gona sleep so good now that this is resolved haha.00:01
TJ-DoXiD: g'night... midnight here, I'll escape now too!00:01
DoXiD*waves* /zz00:02
=== daniel is now known as Guest19834
timmi92I've been trying to change 18.04 Desktop to use systemd-networkd using netplan, rather than NetworkManager but it doesn't receive broadcasts (the most annoying consequence being no ARP requests, so I have to ping a client from the machine before the client can ping back). I've searched online for hours and confirm subnets are OK, same driver is in use, permissions OK on .network file, etc. What am I missing? :(00:03
TJ-timmi92: that sounds extremely weird00:04
trupsalmsany network guru's in the house00:06
TJ-timmi92: is it ethernet wired, or wireless?00:07
timmi92TJ-: yeah very weird, it's wireless. I've posted a bunch of configuration info on askubuntu here if that's helpful: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1095566/18-04-desktop-doesnt-receive-arp-requests-when-configured-with-netplan-and-netw00:08
TJ-timmi92: why can't you use Network Manager?00:09
timmi92TJ-: I guess I can haha, I just started following guides for DHCP & DNS which used networkd instead, then when it didn't work it just motivated more investigation00:11
backnforthI dislike how on my Ubuntu 18.10 machine that pressing shift-ctl-ctab doesn't quickly jump me to the tab on the left.00:12
TJ-timmi92: OK, In your AU you say "...           | askubuntu here if that's helpful: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1095566/18-04-deskto00:12
TJ-                     │00:12
TJ-timmi92: you say "... created /network/interfaces/config.yaml  ..."00:12
TJ-timmi92: is that path correct? should that be "/etc/netplan/config.yaml" ?00:13
timmi92TJ-: you're good! that's a typo, it's at /etc/netplan/config.yaml00:14
TJ-timmi92: also in the systemd-networkd /run/systen/network/10-netplan-wlp3s0.network you've got "Name=w1p3s0" <--- notice that says 'w1' (one) not 'wl' eL00:14
trupsalmsi have a cloud base vpn server configured, i'd also like to configure it as a dns server?00:15
TJ-timmi92: did you not copy-paste that?00:15
TJ-timmi92: when it is having problems, run "ip link show; ip addr show; ip route show"00:16
timmi92TJ-: damn, that's another typo I didn't copy-paste. https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/gB8wbqvGS6/00:19
TJ-timmi92: you notice there is no default route00:21
TJ-timmi92: are the clients in the sub-net ?00:23
TJ-timmi92: I've seen this kind of thing recently, and it was caused by flakey Cisco APs00:24
timmi92TJ-: oh there's another typo in my static netplan - 193 instead of 192. Yep all in that subnet. I'm going to switch back to dhcp, goodness knows what else I've mis-typed. I noticed after that post that networkctl shows 'configuring' status on that interface, but when I stop NetworkManager and restart systemd-networkd, that shows00:24
timmi92TJ-: 'configured' instead. I wasn't able to disable NetworkManager completely though via systemctl disable00:25
TJ-timmi92: "sudo systemctl mask network-manager.service00:25
TJ-timmi92: also, one command I forgot you'll find useful: "ip neigh show"00:27
timmi92TJ-: will try mask. Also it's a cheap TP-Link AP00:30
TJ-timmi92: if the interface is getting a DHCP lease, but not seeing ARP requests, that suggests some issue with the wireless link00:31
TJ-timmi92: have you confirmed that systemd is connecting using the same frequency, especially if the AP offers dual-band00:33
TJ-timmi92: I'm wondering if you've got problems due to how NM and networkd handle wpa_supplicant00:34
eriscoI have a Ubuntu server. A process is crashing. "Aborted (core dumped)". All I want to do is see the core dump. How do I do that.00:34
eriscoI've read everything I can find on Apport and ulimit and w/e.00:34
TJ-erisco: if there is a crash captured it'd be in /var/crash/00:35
eriscowell, there is nothing there00:35
timmi92TJ-: Yes same frequency, and two win 10 machines on different frequencies can still reach each other. I did sudo systemctl mask network-manager.service and restarted but systemctl status NetworkManager still shows active (running)00:36
timmi92TJ-: if I do systemctl stop NetworkManager and systemctl restart systemd-networkd, clear my windows ARP cache and ping the ubuntu machine it works.00:38
TJ-timmi92: do you have a "ls -l /etc/systemd/system/network-manager.service -> /dev/null"00:38
TJ-timmi92: right, so you've got systemd-networkd and NM fighting over controlling the wifi :)00:39
TJ-timmi92: masking a unit simply creates a symlink to /dev/null for the unit in /etc/systemd/system/00:39
timmi92TJ-: yep just double checked and I have network-manager.service -> /dev/null00:40
TJ-timmi92: in which case network-manager should not be able to start at all00:40
timmi92TJ-: silly question... but is network-manager and NetworkManager the same thing?00:40
TJ-timmi92: lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root   22 Nov  2 19:06 network-manager.service -> NetworkManager.service00:41
timmi92TJ-: ok cool, so I just need to disable NM, which is already disabled haha00:42
timmi92TJ-: yet runs...00:42
TJ-timmi92: what does "systemctl status network-manager" show ?00:42
eriscoso if there should be a log in /var/crash and there isn't, why would a crash not be captured?00:43
eriscooh damn there it is finally, in the same directory I ran the program in00:44
TJ-timmi92: "sudo systemctl mask NetworkManager-dispatcher.service"00:44
timmi92TJ-: Loaded: masked (/dev/null; bad), Active: inactive (dead)00:44
eriscoenabling apport must have finally worked00:44
erisconow why I decided to cat it is beyond me00:44
TJ-timmi92: and possibly "sudo systemctl mask NetworkManager-wait-online.service"00:44
TJ-erisco: right, apport collects in /var/crash/ but regular crash-dumps are written (only if there is permission to write) into the directory the process ran from00:45
eriscoTJ-, well it wasn't doing it initially, and then I did a lot of stuff trying to enable crash reporting00:46
eriscoand I guess somewhere along the line it started working00:46
TJ-erisco: firstly /etc/security/limits.conf for '$USER {soft,hard} core {0,1}'00:48
eriscothat was ulimit which I said, I think00:49
timmi92TJ-: it works! required all three to be masked00:49
TJ-erisco: right, that's the other one, often set via /etc/profile.d/...00:50
TJ-timmi92: so they were arguing00:50
timmi92TJ-: do you know why they would've been fighting over the interface? I understood setting up networkd in netplan and removing the NM netplan would do the trick00:51
TJ-timmi92: not sure, but I suspect you have a residual static config in /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/00:52
timmi92TJ-: and when I did that, nm-gnome showed the interface as unmanaged from memory00:52
timmi92TJ-: oh of course! that is still there00:52
TJ-timmi92: there you go then :D00:53
timmi92TJ-: so in theory, I could remove the config from /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/ and unmask NM and my understanding would be correct. Although there's no need for this if I don't need NM of course.00:53
timmi92TJ-: my understanding that nm will leave it alone00:54
timmi92TJ-: thanks so much for your help, I spent an embarrassing number of hours trying to figure it out. How do I refer to the irc log when I answer the AU?00:59
TJ-timmi92: no need to, just self-answer01:06
timmi92TJ-: thanks again! I will certainly be back to hopefully return the favour to others01:09
eia1xHi, some time ago I messed up my dpkg and now I get a warning message like: 'files list file for package 'X' missing; assuming package has no files currently installed'. How can I recompile the information again?01:10
m27Does anyone here ever used MacOs?01:10
m27I noticed that the default keyboard shortcuts in macos are more optimal than in ubuntu01:11
m27on the mac you have 'cmd' 'alt' 'shift' 'ctrl'01:12
m27but not one key is mapped to dumb app switcher, as in ubuntu01:12
m27so on macos, you can 4x3x2x1 combinations01:12
m27but on ubuntu only 3x2x1 combinations01:12
m27(because one key is hijacked by that menu item, in ubuntu)01:13
GigabittenCan I expect a Ubuntu-oriented GTK theme to work on official flavors? (what CAN'T I expect this behavior of?)01:42
QuirkyCarladoes anyone here know how to find your HexChat logs on ubuntu?01:43
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OerHeksQuirkyCarla, open settings > logging, standard would be .config/hexchat/logs iirc01:49
Tin__manyes, under the home directory (hidden) unless otherwise.01:51
=== Tin__man is now known as Tin_man
Steristis there such thing as a multi architecture installation, or any crafty way to achieve it using a common home directory02:19
guivercSterist: some links - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MultiarchSpec , https://wiki.debian.org/Multiarch/HOWTO ,  maybe also https://askubuntu.com/questions/3446/how-to-create-and-administer-multi-architecture-ppas/345502:22
Steristisn't a PPA a repository / package host server?02:23
Steristbeen a while, I may be mistaken.02:23
guivercPPA is a personal package archive (not a respository; it's up to you to verify the author can be trusted, supports your distro etc..) - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PPA02:25
guivercall the audits/steps/checks made before things make it to a repository are NOT done for PPA's - it's up to the user/owner of the PPA to do it..  (personal!)02:26
Steristmy idea was to set up my new external hdd with an Ubuntu installation for each architecture but share the same /home mount point, so regardless of what it's connected to it would boot, and always utilize a same personal space02:28
SteristI'm going to set this aside though. perhaps another day02:29
guivercwhat has that to do with PPA?    (ppa is a 3rd party place to get software, like you do a repository; not on your local machine)02:29
Steristthe link you had provided was regarding a PPA server02:31
guivercyes you can share /home partition; I've done it before; however decided it was more hassle than it was worth (if you have different versions of software being used; they can make changes that make the other version claim it's invalid.. i had issues with evolution when one using shared $HOME was updated, the other wasn't running much much older software)..  i share specific folders only now, not all of /home02:31
Steristbut that's okay, no worries :)02:31
Steristand yeah I see what you mean02:32
guivercyeah sorry, I concentrated on the multi-architecture ..02:32
alazyI'm trying to get talk/talkd to work, but can't even between users on the same machine. Google > change /etc/inetd.conf, but still no joy. Does anyone know what to do?02:32
GigabittenI was reading the hexchat documentation and it suggested a particular gtk theme as an example that seemed to fit my needs pretty well. https://hexchat.readthedocs.io/en/latest/appearance.html#gtk-theme Now I can't for the life of me successfully do apt-get update except with the --allow-unauthenticated option and I can't figure out how to clear this key out to make it work again02:42
GigabittenI've already discovered apt-key del but02:43
Gigabittenit says it isn't signed at all so02:43
GigabittenI don't care about this specific theme! I just want to get it out and move on02:44
Gigabittenin /etc/apt/sources.list there's not even an antry for it! ugh!02:48
fasslGigabitten, does this help? https://askubuntu.com/questions/604988/how-to-remove-a-apt-key-which-i-have-added02:52
fasslthe nuclear rm bit in particular02:53
Gigabittenfassl: YES! I couldn't get the sig of the relevant key to show up with just apt-key list02:55
fassloh so the sudo did it then?=02:57
Gigabittenthis is an rsa2048 key, uh, do I put that big long string of hex into apt-key del?02:57
fasslno clue, this one guy just deleted the file it seems02:58
Gigabittenokay, pouring the expired rsa key into apt-key delete didn't work02:59
fassltry to just put in some first few characters which would already make it distinct in your particular case03:02
Gigabittenno dice03:03
Gigabittenbut this relatively nuclear option does seem promising03:04
Gigabittenooh that's bad03:05
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* fassl hides03:05
Gigabittenlol it's ok03:05
vedoshas anyone got Wickr Me to work on Ubuntu 18.10 ?03:06
Gigabittengrepping for Horst (which should show up in anything relevant to this) doesn't provide any results...03:06
GigabittenWait! Finally, something! It's here in /etc/apt/sources.list.d03:06
Gigabittenand it's not in /etc/apt/sources.list03:08
Gigabittenuh, that means I should be able to take it out of sources.list.d and things would work... .... right?03:08
Gigabittenthis is a directory03:09
Gigabittenno wonder I couldn't edit it in emacs03:09
fasslremove the file from this dir and do apt update03:09
fasslwhy wouldn't you can! :P03:10
Gigabittenthat worked03:10
fasslemacs is an os nevertheless, i heard03:10
Gigabittenthanks for the tangentially helpful link03:11
Gigabittencan you seriously use emacs as an os03:11
Gigabittenthat's uh03:11
fasslit was the first hit on google when searching for force remove apt key or something, cannot remember was already 10 minutes ago03:11
Gigabittendamn it03:11
Gigabitten"force remove apt key" is such good search terms03:12
Gigabittenmy google-fu is not very good03:12
fassllike "force peace" or something, one would not think of that03:12
Gigabittensomeday I will learn the arts of the google fu masters, that it is not the crazy syntax constructs, but simply good keywords that get you the right result03:13
Gigabittenis this on this server03:14
Gigabitten+karma fassl03:14
Gigabittenor whatever03:14
Gigabittenyou did good, thanks03:16
fasslthaha np, glad it helped though03:16
Gigabittenfor sure. keep up the awesome work!03:17
=== deathonater is now known as Smeef
SineDeviancehi all. is there a way to get network-manager-l2tp in cosmic (18.10)?03:27
fasslGigabitten, i dont work here, i just hang out ;) TJ- is like _the_ supporter here from what i can tell, if anything, thank him03:28
SineDeviancenevermind, they were nice enough to roll it into the main repos!03:28
fasslGigabitten, because if he (?) would have been here, he would have helped03:29
donofrioso what'd i do wrong here? https://tinyurl.com/ycxtuosw hw info at http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/8ShhhdJsr5/03:30
Gigabittenfassl: actually, tj was the one who helped me diagnose an issue I had where my efi files had to be "trusted" in order to work! heh, that was just a few days ago03:38
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VozivMy mouse stopped working after a reboot (Logitech G502). It works fine in windows though. Doing lsusb I see it listed and xinput shows the mouse attached. If I attach a different mouse (wireless) the cursor moves03:50
fasslGigabitten, nice, i wouldnt expect anything else, let thy executables be blessed by the lord03:51
fassllord being a placeholder for whatever you might put in there03:51
fassl*good things03:51
VozivHmm plugging the keyboard (both mice are plugged into the keyboard's hub) into a different usb port seemed to have fixed the issue which is quite odd03:57
fassli can just think of udev rules maybe not applying because it is a different port04:16
=== capella|away is now known as capella
da7nielI have a new asus motherboard and I need to install drivers for ethernet and audio, but I can't find the drivers online + the additional drivers tab shows me that there is nothing to install. I am checking for proprietary drivers. I'm using 16.0404:29
alazyI'm trying to get talk/talkd to work, but can't even between users on the same machine. Google > change /etc/inetd.conf, but still no joy. Does anyone know what to do?05:40
za1b1tsuHow can I change the shortcuts for copy, paste, select all etc in Ubuntu gnome? I am searching with dconf-editor but can't find these keybindings05:43
=== capella is now known as capella|away
jorianhello, I have a quick question.  (accidentally asked this in the unreg channel before)  There is a fix I need in jdk8 191.  I see it is in debian experimental currently.  Does that generally mean it will end up in the ubuntu repos soon?  I wasn't really sure how that worked.06:18
cfhowlettjorian, not necessarily.06:18
jorianah, gotcha.  I guess in that case, is there anyway to find out if that fix will make it into 18.04?06:19
cfhowlettfew if any debian experimental packages are available in ubuntu repos.  if you truly need the latest/greatest/shiny packages, consider compiling from source06:19
cfhowlettalso, the pacakge may/may not be brought into backports06:19
WoCcfhowlett, is there a simple way to set your system up so no binary packages gets installed but everything is built from source ?06:21
cfhowlettwha ... why ... errr, yes?06:21
cfhowlettlinux from scratch project would do that, I think06:21
WoC100% of the packages for my system is built wrong with the exception of the kernel06:22
maxcell_there is a distro for that i think06:22
cfhowlett"wrong" means ... ?06:22
WoCi wish06:22
irwissor use gentoo, probably about 1 tree worth of carbon emissions for every emerge world06:22
WoCno bootloader06:22
WoCre GenToo06:22
cfhowlettthat's not wrong, that means the user didn't select/configure the bootloader at install06:23
WoCcfhowlett, wrong as in ppc as opposed to ppc6406:23
cfhowlettohhhhh taht06:23
WoCyaboot doesnt build on gentoo06:23
cfhowlettmy gosh, PPC machines are still running?!06:23
* cfhowlett salutes!06:24
WoCatm running FreeBSD though06:24
lotuspsychjeguys keep on ubuntu topic06:24
lotuspsychjewe have a nice #ubuntu-discuss if you like06:24
maxcell_sounds good06:25
=== kallesbar_ is now known as kallesbar
cfhowlettit's a support channel.  ask no questions, get no answers.06:54
ZaZaQRokay sorry06:55
gambl0rehow do i upgrade my kernel version?07:08
lotuspsychjegambl0re: sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade07:09
gambl0relotuspsychje, that will upgrade to the latest kernel?07:17
gambl0reis it recommended to use the latest kernel? i want to improve my battery life. do you think upgrading the kernel will help? im currently running 4.15.0-39-generic07:18
DroHello, if I take a HDD where I have my ubuntu installation to another computer, its not supposed to work ?07:37
EriC^^Dro: if it's uefi it needs a little tweaking07:39
DroEriC^^: well I just cloned my whole hard drive (All partitions) into an USB hard drive and tried to use it in another computer, but when I select the USB HD nothing happens (the default system boot)07:42
DroAny idea how can I do to make this works?07:42
EriC^^Dro: are you booted into ubuntu right now?07:42
DroEriC^^: yes07:44
DroBTW I have Ubuntu in both computers07:44
EriC^^Dro: type "ls /sys/firmware/efi"07:44
EriC^^on the one you cloned07:44
DroEriC^^: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/yZyHJJndSh/07:45
gambl0reis it recommended to use the latest kernel? i want to improve my battery life.07:45
EriC^^Dro: ok, so it's uefi07:45
EriC^^Dro: plug in the usb you cloned and type "lsblk"07:46
DroEriC^^: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/wGx94VZbnM/07:46
DroThe original is sda , and the clone is sdc , (sdb is an other disk)07:47
EriC^^hmm can you type "sudo parted -ls"07:47
DroEriC^^: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/826Kbgmbwc/07:49
ducassegambl0re: use the latest kernel that comes with your release of ubuntu, thtat is the recommended one07:49
EriC^^Dro: ok, type sudo mount /dev/sdc3 /mnt07:49
ducassegambl0re: (and the only supported one)07:50
DroEriC^^: done07:50
EriC^^Dro: btw it's only using 128gb since the partition table is cloned, you can fix it to use the whole 1000gb07:51
DroEriC^^: my source partition is only 128gb07:51
Drothats why it used only 128gb i guess07:51
EriC^^Dro: type "for i in /dev /proc /sys; do sudo mount -R $i /mnt$i; done"07:51
EriC^^easy enough to fix though07:52
DroEriC^^: in the cloned disk ?07:52
Droah thats ok07:52
EriC^^why not07:52
DroEriC^^: done07:53
EriC^^Dro: sudo chroot /mnt07:53
DarwinElf'E: The repository 'http://ppa.launchpad.net/enlightenment-git/ppa/ubuntu bionic Release' does not have a Release file. N: Updating from such a repository can't be done securely, and is therefore disabled by default'07:53
DarwinElfwhat does this mean?07:54
EriC^^Dro: done?07:55
WoCDarwinElf, trying to upgrade a ppc install ?07:55
DroEriC^^: yes07:55
ducasseDarwinElf: it means that ppa is not updated and has no paxkages for your ubuntu version, find another ppa or contact the maintainer and ask for updates07:55
EriC^^Dro: type "mount -a"07:55
DroEriC^^: this will change root directory?07:55
EriC^^Dro: yeah07:55
Drookey, done07:56
EriC^^Dro: grub-install --removable07:56
DroEriC^^: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/cW5qjVKpG7/07:57
Drono command found07:57
EriC^^grub with a "b"07:57
Drosorry :P07:58
DroEriC^^: Installing for x86_64-efi platform.07:58
DroInstallation finished. No error reported.07:58
Drothis is working in the cloned disk only, right?07:59
Droor for both07:59
EriC^^Dro: type "ls -R /boot/efi/efi"07:59
EriC^^Dro: yeah cloned disk only07:59
EriC^^is it a flash disk or a spinning disk?08:00
DroEriC^^: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/Nrr4nTJg22/08:00
DarwinElfWoC, no. Ok, found a better one08:00
Droits a USB disk08:01
DarwinElfi don't have a PPC.  Ok, thanks, bye08:01
EriC^^Dro: wow didnt nknow they mae them 1000gb08:01
DroEriC^^: yes its a usb hard disk lol :D08:01
EriC^^i mean a spinning one?08:02
EriC^^or an electronic? how big is it :D08:02
DroEriC^^: well not sure about this :|08:02
EriC^^Dro: type "cp /boot/efi/efi/ubuntu/shimx64.efi /boot/efi/efi/microsoft/boot/bootmgfw.efi"08:02
DroEriC^^: it look like this https://consumer.apacer.com/eng/content.php?sn=908 :p08:02
EriC^^Dro: lastly type "ls -lR /boot/efi"08:03
EriC^^Dro: the reason i ask is that if it's an actual flash disk it would die quickly qith an os running on it, so it's more reason to use the whole 1000gb as the main root fs so it uses less sectors each time08:04
Droaha ok, but i guess that 128GB is quiet enough for a Ubuntu system , not ?08:05
DroEriC^^: last command output : https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/DqbyXS83fW/08:06
qwebirc27878How do I create a conf file for apt-sortpkgs such that it lists fieds in user defined order?08:08
EriC^^Dro: yeah but why would you not use the full 1000gb08:09
DroEriC^^: I was planning to use the rest of disk for some backup :D08:09
EriC^^Dro: well that's what i mean, you cant right now cause the partition table is cloned08:10
EriC^^i was talking about fixing that so you can use the rest of the space :P08:10
DroEriC^^: there is "free space" there, it must be not allocated08:10
DroI guess I can add a new partition using that space,not?08:10
EriC^^you can't allocate it my friend08:10
EriC^^no, you have to recreate the partition table (erase and recreate with same starting sectors for current partitions)08:11
EriC^^right now the partition table thinks the disk ends at 128gb, so you cant create anything after 128gb08:11
Drohmm I though things are much easier then this :P lol08:11
Droit won't appear in gparted then ?08:12
EriC^^gdisk might have a setting that can do this for you08:12
EriC^^first type "exit" in the chroot08:12
EriC^^type "sudo umount -R /mnt"08:12
Droumount: /mnt/dev/pts: target is busy08:13
Dro        (In some cases useful info about processes that08:13
Dro         use the device is found by lsof(8) or fuser(1).)08:13
EriC^^Dro: try "sudo gdisk /dev/sdc"08:13
EriC^^see if it offers to fix the partition table for you08:13
DroEriC^^: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/hs5HGY2VPF/08:14
Drowhich command should I use08:15
DroEriC^^: btw, I can see the unallocated space using the "Disks" UI, and there is a "create partition in unallocated space" button08:17
Droshould I try this?08:17
fengshaunIs there a way to disable touchpad acceleration in 18.10?08:18
fengshaungnome tweaks was able to set the profile to 'flat' in 18.04, but it doesn't seem to do anything in 18.1008:18
ducassefengshaun: see the 'xset' man page, the 'mouse' option08:19
fengshaunducasse, tried, no go08:19
ducassehmm, it should work afaik08:19
EriC^^Dro: try sudo parted /dev/sdc08:20
fengshaunit's extremely irritating08:20
DroEriC^^: and then ?08:20
EriC^^Dro: did it offer to fix anything?08:21
EriC^^Dro: press ctrl+c then try sudo parted -l /dev/sdc08:21
DroEriC^^: no just a command-line08:21
Droyeah it offer fixing now08:21
DroEriC^^: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/8SMyzjxrpk/08:22
DroThats the one you mean ?08:22
roijHow do I create a conf file for apt-sortpkgs such that it lists fieds in user defined order?08:30
DroEriC^^: its fixed now, thank you bro ! :)08:32
DroEriC^^: we're done with the boot issue ?08:38
EriC^^Dro: yeah we are08:46
EriC^^Dro: be sure to set the other pc to uefi mod08:46
DroEriC^^: ok i'll try and get back to you, thank you again!! ~08:47
EriC^^Dro: ok, no problem08:47
DroEriC^^: First try, asking me for passphare.. looks like it will work .. waiting.. :D08:50
DroEriC^^: still waiting, about 8 minutes gone08:56
Droblack screen08:56
Drowell at first i saw something like "/boot/.. .not found"08:56
Droand after few seconds ubuntu loader, and then it asks me for passphare08:56
Dronow black screan :| should I wait or reboot ?08:57
DroOk after +10 minutes of waiting, i'll force shutdown and try with my source computer09:00
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leonardusHow do I check whether I'm on 18.04 or 18.10?09:19
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DroHi again09:24
DroEriC^^: still there?09:24
DroLook like the passphrase I entered was invalid09:25
DroAnyway to reset passphrase or recover it ?09:25
erle-what text-to-speech systems are available from the Ubuntu repos?09:48
erle-by that I mean engines09:49
erle-which one are recommendable for English and for other European languages (German, French)?09:49
ducasseleonardus: lsb_release -d09:49
luna_erle-: i know about orca09:50
DroI forgot my passphare, how can I recover it please ?09:58
leonardusDro: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LostPassword09:58
erle-luna_, which one is Firefox using? it has one built in09:59
luna_erle-: Mozilla TTS i did not know this until you told me10:00
erle-luna_, orca just seems to be a front-end btw, not an engine10:00
luna_ah sorry10:00
erle-luna_, you have to switch in "reader mode"10:00
Droleonardus: I have the password10:00
erle-icon in address bar10:00
DroI just forgot the passphare (for encrypted home)10:01
luna_erle-: cool then i learned something new about Firefox today :)10:01
erle-orca has the same voice as firefox10:01
funabashiHello all, I get ldlinux32 i get when i try to boot from usb10:03
ducasseDro: if you've lost the passphrase the data is probably lost too10:03
ducasseDro: that's sort of the point of encryption10:03
leonardusDro: Depending on how strong the passphrase is, you can try to brute force it.10:04
leonardusBut that's really your only hope.10:04
Droducasse: in fact i'm trying to use my disk in another computer, and its asking for passphrase10:05
Drothats why I need it10:05
Drobut I can login to my session in my computer wihout problem :)10:05
Droany idea guys ? :(10:07
lotuspsychjeDro: you just had your answers from volunteers10:09
Drolotuspsychje: thats ok thanks :)10:28
DroDoes this line "/dev/mapper/cryptswap1 none swap sw 0 0" have to be commented or uncommented under /etc/fstab ?10:29
roijHow do I create a conf file for apt-sortpkgs such that it lists fields in user defined order?10:52
DroSolved the message asking for passphare with the first comment here https://askubuntu.com/questions/946864/cryptswap1-messages-after-reseizing-root-partition10:53
DroThe message disappeared now, but still not able to get in my Ubuntu system.. black screen there10:53
DroEriC^^: are you there?10:54
roijHow do I create a conf file for apt-sortpkgs such that it lists fields in user defined order?11:12
DroI have Ubuntu installed in my internal hard drive, and Ubuntu installed in my external hard drive.. after doing update-grub in my external drive it looks like it configured the sda3/ as itself (while it belong to my internal drive)12:12
DroSo any time i try to connect to my USB external drive it redirect me to the internal instance :|12:12
Droany idea how to fix this ?12:13
blackflowDro: so, you ahve two disks, both having Ubuntu installed, both having grub on them?12:19
BluesKajHi folks12:20
Droblackflow: I guess so, the first (internal) with 14.04 and the external 16.0412:21
DroI run update-grub in the external instance (16.04) , and after reboot when I choose external USB drive I get redirected to the internal one (14.04)12:21
blackflowDro: choose where? bios menu?12:22
Droblackflow: yes boot menu12:22
DroI can choose either my internal hdd or my external one12:22
Drobut now after grub-update it always go to the internal one (sda)12:22
blackflowthing is, if you have multiple grubs you'll have problems. if both disks are mounted during any kind of grub-update run, os prober will find them and cause a mess. Ideally you should limit yourself only to a single grub instance.12:22
Droblackflow: any idea can I remove this configuration using chroot ?12:23
DroI must modifiy my external instance grub12:23
blackflowDro: depends on what you want exactly. not sure you even need chroot. I'd guess you wnt your internal disk to be the "normal" one? with bios_boot (I'm assuming GPT) and the grub menu?12:25
Droblackflow: what I want to do is: when I choose external drive in the boot menu I get the ubuntu instance for that drive12:27
Drocurrently the grub of my external drive is redirecting me to /dev/sda (which is my internal drive)12:27
kusmariooops sorry12:27
blackflowDro: well, in order to fix the external drive grub menu, yeah you'll have to mount the external drive's root (and /boot if it's separate) in a chroot and run grub-update in there, so it sees only the mounted paths from the external drive12:29
premobossI am using ubuntu 18.04 onto an ARM embedded board. Now Y wish to install gambas3, (I already did of course apt update) I do the usual apt install gambas3 but apt does not find the package. I see in /etc/apt/source.list there is http://ports.ubuntu.com/ bionic main restricted universe multiverse. if I use a web browser and go to http://ports.ubuntu.com/pool/universe/g/gambas3/ I see all the .deb I need. but apt seems not found them. Am I doing something12:31
blackflowDro: and if I understand your setup correctly I think you'll need to disable the grub OS prober so that the future grub-update runs don't see the internal drive and mess with the menu. For that, set GRUB_DISABLE_OS_PROBER=true  in /etc/default/grub12:32
blackflowDro: on the external drive. You might wanna do that on the internal too, if you think you'll have them both mounted when grub-update is run in the internal disk boot session12:33
Droblackflow: after using chroot, and doing update-grub in the external drive: the output shows "Found Ubuntu 16.04.3 on /dev/sda1"12:33
blackflow!gambas3 bionic12:33
blackflow!info gambas3 bionic12:33
Droand thats wrong, /dev/sda1 contains ubuntu 14.04 which is my internal drive12:33
ubottuPackage gambas3 does not exist in bionic12:34
blackflow!info gambas3 xenial12:34
ubottugambas3 (source: gambas3): Complete visual development environment for Gambas. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.8.4-2ubuntu3.1 (xenial), package size 9 kB, installed size 38 kB12:34
Droshould I edit the grub manually?12:34
blackflowpremoboss: looks like there's no gambas3 for bionic12:34
blackflowDro: no. how did you run the chroot? did you mount all the special filesystems like /dev, /sys and /proc ?12:34
Droblackflow: yes I do12:35
Droblackflow: I have done this: mount /dev/sb3 /mnt12:35
Droand then : for i in /dev /proc /sys; do sudo mount -R $i /mnt$i; done12:35
blackflowDro: can you check inside the chroot if /proc/self/mounts shows root mounted correctly (from the external drive)?12:36
Droblackflow: no 'root' inside that file12:37
Droblackflow: but the partition (/dev/sdb3) is there12:38
Drois normally its proper12:38
blackflowno there's no "root" keyword, but it'll show something like    /dev/sdb3 / rw,relatime,......    so that second component,   /    , means root12:39
blackflowDro: and did you set the GRUB_DISABLE_OS_PROBER=true in /etc/default/grub  ?12:39
premobossblackflow, look to that web path,  there are all the .deb of gambas3.12:39
premoboss!info gambas3 bionic12:40
ubottuPackage gambas3 does not exist in bionic12:40
blackflowright. the deb file might be on the ports. repo but not for bionic12:41
premobossblackflow, there is a way to install those packages? maybe have i to pass some parameters to apt?12:41
Droblackflow: no i have to add GRUB_DISABLE_OS_PROPER=true ?12:42
blackflowpremoboss: you could try backport it from the 19.04's src deb.12:43
premobossblackflow, i mean, there is a way to isntall from http://ports.ubuntu.com/pool/universe/g/gambas3/ ? this link is present in my /etc/apt/source.list.12:44
blackflowDro: I would guess the os prober is the one that finds your internal installation and adds it to the grub menu, so I'd suggest you disable it, yes.   meanwhile, you can pastebin the outputs of:  1) blkid   and 2) /boot/grub/grub.cfg   from inside the chroot12:44
lotuspsychjeseems there's like an ubuntu gambas pps too https://launchpad.net/~gambas-team/+archive/ubuntu/gambas312:45
blackflowpremoboss: you can't just take any .deb and install it. I mean, yeah you can try, but packages are built for specific environments, library versions, etc... so no, you can't just use any .deb12:45
blackflowah nice, if there's a PPA, use that12:45
blackflowbut i'd investigate first why it was dropped for Bionic and then reinstated for the dancing doggo12:45
premobosshow to install gambas from PPA or backports?12:49
Droblackflow: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/tpqb5yDKP312:49
premobossah, i see info in webpages. ok12:49
Droblackflow: (sdb3 contains my external drive ubuntu)12:50
Drobtw I have done a update-grub after adding the disable os prober line12:51
Droshould I re-try now?12:51
blackflowDro: that looks like grub is confiugred too boot from /dev/sdb3 and use it as root.12:52
blackflowDro: yes you can retry, but anyway, according to that post? it's set up to boot from sdb3. So, if you're getting sda booted from, either you're choosing wrong disk in the menu, or there's another issue that results with sda being booted from and sdb grub never consulted.12:53
Droblackflow: I guess it was fixed after disabling the os prober & running update-grub again12:54
Droanyway i'll re-try and see :D12:54
blackflowDro: is that pastebin BEFORE or after you disabled the os prober?12:54
Droblackflow: after disabling it12:55
blackflowmakes sense then. yeah try now, it should boot properly.12:55
Droblackflow: it works as charm now ! :D thank you dear12:56
blackflowyou're welcome12:56
roijHow do I create a conf file for apt-sortpkgs such that it lists fields in user defined order?13:14
roijHow do I create a conf file for apt-sortpkgs such that it lists fields in user defined order?13:40
howudodatubuntu 18.04, gnome-shelll, curious why my wifi icon in the top bar typically shows as a ? even though I am connected to wifi and connected to the internet13:51
lotuspsychjehowudodat: yes, that happens sometimes13:51
lotuspsychjehowudodat: to deeper investigate, open a tail -f /var/log/syslog at the time you see the ? you could trace whats going on13:52
howudodatok, I'll give that a try and see what happens....sadly (or happily) at the moment I have the regular wifi icon13:55
blackflowI'd suggest tail journal directly.   journalctl -f13:56
lotuspsychjehowudodat: what is your wifi chipset?13:56
emilsphowudodat: in the end, it's the Networkmanager that decides what to show in that icon, if you enable extra debugging, it might help you find out why.13:57
howudodatlooks like it's a broadcom BCM43602 802.11ac Wireless LAN SoC14:10
lotuspsychjehowudodat: see also the driver loaded with: sudo lshw -C network14:13
howudodatdriver=brcmfmac driverversion= firmware=01-ea662a8c14:14
emilspif he's connected to the network, none of that driver stuff matters14:15
lotuspsychjeemilsp: we dont know yet what syslog spits out exactly14:16
lotuspsychjeor journal14:17
howudodatyeah, I'll have to wait until it happens again and gather the log14:17
lotuspsychjehowudodat: how often do you see the ?14:18
howudodatI thought I saw it more often than not, but ...let me check something, maybe my desktop has it14:18
* BluesKaj shrugs, if he's connected to the internet, why worry about a misbehaving icon, it'll sort itself out with updates and upgrades eventually14:19
lotuspsychjeBluesKaj: i also have this at some times, my guess is a network glitch and reconnect after14:20
emilsplotuspsychje: the person did say that it's connected to the internet, is just NM has faulty checks in this case.14:20
lotuspsychjeemilsp: but we arent sure if he is for sure right?14:21
emilspsure, the user can always lie14:22
BluesKajNM is necessary for wifi IMO, but not for ethernet14:22
howudodatmy desktop is good at the moment too...guess I'll have to wait until it happens again.  and BluesKaj: it goes to producing a polished product.  step 1 for any software is solid functionality, step 2 is polish.  software that isn't polished gives the impression that the whole project is sloppy.  I can say this and point the finger at myself becuase I've written software for the past 30 years14:22
lotuspsychjeemilsp: i dont mean it like that mate, could be like a glitch while irc keeps going online, and just lag, then network recconects fast14:22
lotuspsychjethats what happens on my bionic14:22
emilsplotuspsychje: what does happen?14:23
howudodatlotuspsychje: it's not happening at the moment, but when the icon goes the ? it stays there.  next time it happens I'll grab the syslog and look for NM messages14:23
lotuspsychjeirc lag==>? icon ==>irc lag gone14:23
howudodatso if NM dictates the icon state, what criteria does NM use?14:24
howudodatperhaps I should be looking at GENERAL.STATE (nmcli dev show int) next time it's a ?14:25
BluesKajhowudodat, this isn't a debate about writing software, it's about an icon that's misbehaving, if you're connected to the internet then it's not a a big problem, there are others here who have bigger issues than an icon that doesn't work14:25
howudodatBluesKaj: I agree there are bigger problems.  but the board was quiet.  quiet time is a good time to look at smaller problems isn't it?14:26
lotuspsychjeif you guys can remember early 18.04 iso's had these kinds of bugs too wifi icon==>network icon14:29
lotuspsychjehowudodat: here found it: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-shell/+bug/172225614:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1722256 in gnome-shell (Ubuntu) "Wifi connection status icon shows a "?" question mark when connected" [Medium,Triaged]14:30
lotuspsychjehowudodat: feel free to add yourself affected14:31
howudodatfascinating, that bug seems to point to a possible dns config issue14:32
howudodatbrb, going to bounce my network14:34
emilsphowudodat: https://jlk.fjfi.cvut.cz/arch/manpages/man/NetworkManager.conf.514:38
roijHow do I create a conf file for apt-sortpkgs such that it lists fields in user defined order?14:49
lotuspsychjeroij: does the manpage show anything usefull?14:52
melkorHello, I used a ppa to install bazel, and they version that I get is too new. Is there a way to get an older version from the ppa?14:56
lotuspsychjemelkor: we dont support external ppa's here, try to contact the maintainer of the ppa for that14:57
DroHello, I'm running Ubuntu 16.04 and copying about 200 GB of data from disk A to an external disk B, I noticied that the copy operation will take about 18 hours.. Do you think there is a faster way to do this? Clonezilla maybe?14:58
melkorlotuspsychje: would it be possible to install an older package using the normal repos?14:59
melkornot bazel, but any package.14:59
leftyfbDro: sounds like the limitation is the fact that you're copying over usb14:59
leftyfbDro: Also, I'd recommend using rsync to copy so you can continue where you left off the process halts for any reason15:00
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lotuspsychjemelkor: we advice to use package versions, meant for your specific ubuntu version15:00
Droleftyfb: Yes, I think so :/ do you think I can do this using clonezilla and can have a faster result ?15:00
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lotuspsychjemelkor: older packages 'could' hold security flaws, hence why not ideal15:01
melkorSo apt doesn't offer that ability, there would actually need to be some separate package, similar to gcc.15:01
melkorbazel is a security flaw.15:01
leftyfbDro: clonezilla will copy the exact same data, except it will need to be done out of band(not having either drive mounted/OS running)15:01
lotuspsychjemelkor: depends, whats your endgoal with installing an older package for example?15:01
leftyfbDro: no, I don't15:01
melkorIn this instance, I need to build some software, but the newer version of bazel broke then build process.15:02
Eduard_MunteanuThat seems to be like 3 MiB/s, which is fairly slow even for USB 2.0.15:03
Droleftyfb: I thinked about clonezilla because the data I'm copying are in a same disk ,so maybe cloning the whole disk can be done faster15:03
DroI just worriying about if clonezilla will destroy the already existing data in the target disk :)15:03
lotuspsychjemelkor: whats the software you try to build?15:04
Eduard_MunteanuAlthough said estimation may be wrong.15:04
leftyfbDro: "Hello, I'm running Ubuntu 16.04 and copying about 200 GB of data from disk A to an external disk B"   <~~~~ That doesn't sound like the same disk to me15:04
melkortensorflow r1.815:04
DroEduard_Munteanu: yes, its about 2MB/s :/ really slow.. by the way, the copy operation window don't appear, not sure why :| can see the current rate15:05
Droleftyfb: Yes, I mean the whole date (to copy) are in disk A, and the target is disk B :)15:05
Eduard_MunteanuDro, possibly because it's not done counting the files / total size yet.15:05
leftyfbDro: Clone the drive if that's what you want to do. But if you want to preserve any data already on disk B, then I do not recommend you use clonzilla and use rsync instead15:06
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Droleftyfb: thats why I didn't do it already :P not sure what Clonezilla will do exactly15:07
leftyfbDro: clonzilla has decent documentation15:07
Droleftyfb: Yes I know that, I already copied my System partition using Clonezilla, with device-device option15:08
lotuspsychjemelkor: there's a #tensorflow channel if you like15:08
DroBut the target disk was new , I didn't had any data in :) not sure if it can support a target with a data15:08
melkorI know about it.15:08
melkorI am just asking if apt gives a mechanism here to request an older package.15:09
ducassemelkor: it does, but they're generally not kept in the repos15:09
Drobtw, guys do you know how can I show the copy dialog ?15:10
Droit disappeared , and nothing happen when I click "Show copy dialog"15:11
melkorducasse: If I knew how, I could have tried and seen whether they have the old version.15:11
Droit does not appear when using ALT-TAB too :/15:11
melkorit doesn't matter, they offer a dpkg.15:11
rapidwaveStartup Disk Creator seems to get stuck halfway through.15:57
lotuspsychjerapidwave: wich iso are you burning?15:58
rapidwaveubuntu desktop15:58
lotuspsychjerapidwave: could you launch it from terminal, and also open a tail -f /var/log/syslog to see whats going wrong15:59
rapidwaveIn terminal it says it doesn't exist16:00
lefreuthey guys. i'm trying to compile qemu with gvtg capabilities on 18.04 and the default guide doesn't make all my actual VM non bootables. so i'm wondering what options i'm missing, any way to find how an ubuntu package have been ./configured before compiling?16:00
lefreuttldr: any way to know the ./configure used when an ubuntu package have been compiled?16:00
lotuspsychjerapidwave: usb-creator-gtk16:01
emilsplefreut: have you looked at the scripts/code that construct said package?16:05
lefreutemilsp: i haven't been able to find how to find it using apt / launchpad ;(16:06
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emilsplefreut: you should be able to download the source package here https://packages.ubuntu.com/bionic/qemu16:08
lefreutemilsp: thanks, seems pretty dependent on what libs are installed i'll have a deeper look16:32
coconutAny log location for what firefox has been doing all day?17:17
lotuspsychjecoconut: a good start would be, launching firefox from terminal and tail -f /var/log/syslog17:24
mattgphotoHello everyone! I've got a bit of an issue and need to know how to go about troubleshooting it, was hoping someone here could help. How do I determine the cause of a Call Trace?17:26
mattgphotoFor example: What is causing this call trace to happen when my Ubuntu VM is under load/transferring data between samba shares (as client): https://i.imgur.com/sBNZ2My.png17:26
mattgphotoThis is on 18.04.1 server btw.17:28
lotuspsychjemattgphoto: checkout the #ubuntu-server channel for mindlike volunteers17:29
mattgphotoFair enough17:29
coconutlotuspsychje: sorry, i was not clear on this to you. I mean a log of all extra connections who are made by websites visited.17:37
lotuspsychjecoconut: extra connections?17:39
ioriacoconut, ~/.mozilla/firefox/*default/sessionstore-backups/      (have fun with the new mozilla-lz4 compression )17:43
coconutlotuspsychje: i want to search for Linux equivalent things like this on windows -> https://i.imgur.com/W0Tf2Hz.jpg17:46
coconutwhich  are probably not there, but anyway...17:47
lotuspsychjecoconut: firefox has already a warning for insecure login17:50
coconutlotuspsychje: insecure login?17:50
lotuspsychjecoconut: explain a bit what you want first17:51
lotuspsychjecoconut: you want a defender for ubuntu, for what reason?17:51
TJ-coconut: maybe this article will help if you're concerned about Firefox's own connections. https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/how-stop-firefox-making-automatic-connections?redirectlocale=en-US&redirectslug=how-stop-firefox-automatically-making-connections17:54
coconutlotuspsychje: no i do not want a defender.... I would like to see all what firefox has been doing with the suspicion of things in the category of this screenshot. (which i know, would not work like this on linux like on windows)17:55
coconutlotuspsychje: so for finding fake security popup sources done by a firefox session.17:58
coconutlotuspsychje: for where they would come from17:58
lotuspsychjecoconut: perhaps firefox debug or jconsole and addons like noscript or so17:58
fengshaundid ubuntu 18.10 remove the possibility to turn of pointer acceleration17:59
fengshaunneither xset m 0 0 and gnome tweaks do anything17:59
fengshaunand there is no native option anywhere17:59
coconutand thnx TJ- :)17:59
coconutand of course yt lotuspsychje!18:00
coconutoops, gone....18:00
coconutBut is there any syslog location for made conncections with these things part of it?18:02
coconut(although it would be hard to find them between others)18:03
fengshaunoh, there is an option in dconf18:03
fengshaunway down a rabbit hole18:03
fengshaunnope :(18:05
blackflowcoconut: the only way to find out what FF is doing is to audit its syscalls. for example put it under an apparmor profile that allows nothing and then look at the audit trail. for network connections, you'd have to run it in a network NS and then use IP accounting to find out the traffic specific to it18:06
fengshaunhmm there is literally no way to set accel to 0 while manipulating pointer speed18:10
coconutblackflow: i think this goes too deep for me, but thanks. :D18:11
coconutReally, i appreciate it.18:12
DroTrying to install ubunti 18.04 , but it stick at keyboard language :( grr18:20
WBILLwoudlnt't this reboot my server if i out it in the crontab?18:33
WBILL< /sbin/shutdown -r now>18:34
WBILLminus the greater and lesser than signs of course18:35
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spaceswatch out with windows users here people they are very senstive in ##windows, even more then they are an op!19:03
norrinHi Everyone.19:08
norrindoes "Ubuntu Software" see a different repository from regular apt? I see a newer version of Remmina in the software app, but apt-cache showpkg shows the older version that I have installed.19:09
norrineven after apt-get update19:10
gijoe3kHey Guys! In your opinion, whats the best way to install the Steam client on a fresh install of Ubuntu 18.10?19:10
norrinand the software app doesn't say upgrade, it says Install.. then again I don't know that it would say upgrade.19:10
gijoe3kI see i have two options. One, i could do it through the Apt repositories. Two, I could do it through Flatpak Hub19:10
norrinI would use apt repo.19:10
norrinI don't know if there would be an advantage with Steam itself to use the other method.19:11
ducassenorrin: the newer one in the software app is probably a snap19:13
gijoe3k@norrin, gotcha. Any particular reason why?19:13
tewardnorrin: if i had to guess the Software App also searches the snaps19:13
gijoe3kah i see19:13
norrinthank you, but what are snaps?19:14
ducasse!snap | norrin19:14
ubottunorrin: Snaps are containerised software packages similar to flatpaks or appimage. For more info, see https://snapcraft.io19:14
norringijoe3k: you already have apt in ubuntu.. that flatpak hub thing is something additional you have to install, no?19:15
norringijoe3k: and when you start depending on multiple package managers, you run the risk of conflicts19:15
norrinducasse and teward, thanks!19:15
norrinbut there you go, I didn't know what flatpak hub was19:16
gijoe3kyeah, it will be interesting to see who "wins out". Snap or Flatpak19:19
gijoe3kover the years19:19
blackflowthey'll both collapse as a broken model19:20
norrinwhat was wrong with apt? :)19:21
norrinor yum.19:22
HamiltonWhat's the difference between apt and snap and flatpak? Do they two latter ones download duplicate libraries for every app?19:23
blackflowapt works with .deb packages. snaps are mini-OS roots squashfs that are loop mounted and run as containers using hosts's kernel19:24
blackflowor in other words, when you package a snap, you package the whole filesystem root tree with all the files and dirs essential for teh app to run19:25
blackflowwhich allows you to run, containerized, any software with little regard to what's already installed on the system -- as it's isolated from it. no package collisions, no library/dependency issues. a snap is a fully contained mini-OS tree sans the kernel.19:25
blackflow(in practice it's a bit less than a full os tree because of core snaps and reusability of them, so you don't literally have to pack everything for every snap, if it's shared by ubuntu core snaps)19:27
Hamiltonblackflow, so do snap apps run slower due to these abstractions?19:28
HamiltonAnd I've never encountered a dependency collision. How does that happen?19:28
blackflowHamilton: they _start_ slower, but once run, there's no virtualization or emulation that would slow it down19:28
blackflowHamilton: I just literally explained why. :) they're isolated root filesystems.19:29
blackflowan OS inside an OS, but without the kernel (using the host's kernel)19:29
norrinyeah I wouldn't think performance would be an issue, just access to files and things19:29
norrinand file sizes19:29
Hamiltonblackflow, no I mean dependency collision for regular apt package19:29
olabazhey, sometimes I open programs from the terminal but it forces me to keep the terminal window open. Is there a way to open the program and then be able to close terminal?19:29
norrinand I hate it when people make containers and don't include things you need.19:29
blackflowHamilton: again, they're isolated filesystems :) there's no collision because the files in teh snap don't exist on the host's filesystem19:29
Platonidesit will depend on the program19:30
Hamiltonblackflow, I'm talking about apt packages not span19:30
Platonidesrunning nohup <program> will usually work19:30
olabazPlatonides: ok I'll look into that. Thanks19:30
blackflowHamilton: think of it as if it were a VM, a VirtualBox VM, except it's not hardware isolation and it uses the host's kernel and runs as a normal (but namespaced) process19:30
blackflowHamilton: why would there be a collision then?19:30
norrina VM experiences a bit of performance loss, no?19:31
blackflowthe repo is tested and curated. you get collisions when you start using various PPAs19:31
norrinI would think of it as chroot19:31
geirhaolabaz: better to hit Alt+F2 and run it from there instead of from the terminal19:31
norrinor bsd 'jail'19:31
Hamiltonblackflow, forger snap and flatpack...I'm said I've never encountered collision in my apps installed via apt19:31
HamiltonHow does that happen?19:31
blackflowHamilton: why would there be a collision?19:31
norrinwhen an app needs a newer version of a lib but another app needs the older version?19:31
Hamiltonblackflow, I don't know...you said apt apps may have collisions19:31
blackflowthen such apps are not part of the same repository19:32
norrinwhen you use multiple repositories19:32
norrinthey might have a python3.2-blah vs the python3.2-official, or something19:32
blackflowHamilton: apt apps? no I never said that.19:32
olabazgeirha: ah ok, never seen that command, thanks19:32
norrinand your app can't use python3.2, it needs python3.319:32
norrinor something19:32
Hamiltonnorrin, so it happens when I add different PPAs19:33
blackflowbtw, package/library collisions are artifact of poor .deb/apt design. it is very much possible to install on the host with no containerization or isolation, and have NO collisions.19:33
Hamiltonbut sticking with ubuntu's ppa, there'd be no collision?19:33
blackflowit would require the packaging systems to do that, something like slots in portage.19:33
blackflowHamilton: there might be19:34
norrinmost good PPAs will try to use official deps as much as possible, I've noticed.. but some start trying to do their own thing, as if theirs is the only repo you're going to use19:34
Hamiltonblackflow, which package manager does that? pacman? apk?19:34
blackflowHamilton: portage19:34
blackflowI know of portage and no other19:35
blackflow(doesn't mean there aren't any)19:35
Hamiltonportage is gentoo's manager?19:36
HamiltonDoesn't gentoo need to compile everything? Then its package manager should be cmake or autotools, no?19:37
norrini'd rather just get source from the source than use gentoo :)19:37
norrinftp.gnu.org, etc19:37
norrintar zxvf package, cd packagedir, ./configure --prefix=/usr, make, sudo make install19:38
Hamiltonnorrin, yeah this. What is the need for portage?19:39
Platonidesyou miss the multiple "libfoobar not found" errors inbetween :)19:39
blackflowHamilton: the same reason you need apt and aren't installing from prebuilt tarballs19:39
blackflownumber one: dependecy resolution19:39
blackflownumber two: structured package management. if you "make install", there's no central DB of what's installed where. good luck maintainng that.19:40
blackflownumber three: this convo is more suited for #ubuntu-discuss or -offtopic than here :)19:40
Hamiltonblackflow, why doen't ubuntu/debian design a better package manager?19:40
blackflowHamilton: because it wouldn't be ubuntu/debian any more19:40
HamiltonYou mean backward compability?19:42
tgm4883can this discussion get moved to #ubuntu-discuss? It really isn't on topic for this channel19:42
Hamiltontgm4883, ok19:42
WBILLshouldn't this on eliner in my crontab work to just reboot my server19:47
WBILL < 52 13   *   *   *    root     shutdown -r now >19:47
WBILLminu the <>symbols of course19:48
nZacAnyone have tips on ssh-agent? I am at a loss here. ssh-add -L shows the key, connecting to the remote and printing out the AUTH_SOCK shows a link to a file in /tmp and the file is there, yet when I use the key to connect to another remote I get a permission denied. From the host of the ssh-agent, the key works fine. sshd_config has `AllowForwardHost yes`. ssh -v to the remote shows it is not offering the key.19:48
TJ-WBILL: only if "shutdown" is on the cron's PATH, and/or it exists19:48
WBILLwhich shutdown19:49
WBILL< /sbin/shutdown >19:50
WBILLyes it does19:50
WBILLwhy wont it19:51
WBILLany clues19:51
ducasseWBILL: if you mean the crontab you edit with 'crontab -e', then you should leave out the 'root' part19:52
fluvvellis anyone au-fait with hDpi and two monitors on wayland ?19:58
fluvvellI mean HiDPI19:58
ioriaWBILL, how did you create the cronjob ?19:59
WBILLi figured it out i used sudoedit and hd to use thr root crontab to do the job right20:00
amaljaaHello! I'm a beginner at using linux and I'm trying to set up a driver for getting my huion tablet working in Ubuntu. I'm actually almost done but it's asking for some xrandr information and I'm afraid I can't make heads or tails of it.20:05
WBILLok about cron stuff shouldnt this technically work on every Sunday @ said given time??20:05
WBILL< 52 13   *   *   0    root     shutdown -r now >20:05
WBILLminux the <> symbols of course again20:06
amaljaahttps://github.com/joseluis/huion-linux-drivers/wiki/Multi-Monitor is what I'm working on. My edited version of the config.ini is here: https://pastebin.com/raw/i3NFfD9i with my (mostly finished) bit being [monitor_4] in the monitor setup section.20:07
WBILLi think this will tell you the info for your monitor etc20:07
WBILL< xrandr | grep " connected " | awk '{ print$1 }' >20:08
WBILLminus the <> symbols20:08
amaljaaEr. Sorry for the curseword in the edited part of the pastbin link. ;; I was getting frustrated. Whoops.20:08
amaljaaAlso, I'll give that a go.20:08
amaljaaThis is actually a little spooky for me. I only started trying to use linux a week ago or so.20:09
bpromptamaljaa:    hmmm is "grandr" in the "software center" listed?  you could use that, which is a frontend for "xrandr", namely a GUI for it20:13
moredrowsyHi, I've just bought a laptop, dell 9570, and i want to install ubuntu on it. I've been reading around and there seems to be a lot of issues with the discrete nvidia 1050 that comes with the laptop. One of the arch linux wiki says to set nomodeset to the kernal or completely disable various modules. How do i disable these modules during install instead of post install?20:21
moredrowsyor rather, does anyone have experience install ubuntu on the 9570? Any advice would be much appreciated. thanks20:22
ikoniajust try installing it20:22
texlaUbuntu 18.04.1 My numlock key pad numbers are not recording..the numlock light is on and the enter key is working.I have to use keys above letters to enter numbers to any program20:22
crimson_kingmoredrowsy: try installing it first without any workarounds. If it fails, then look for a workaround.20:22
ikoniaand report back with a real error20:22
moredrowsyalrighty then.20:23
amaljaaarandr worked.20:25
amaljaai had it save it as a shell script and opening it i found this:20:25
amaljaaxrandr --output DisplayPort-0 --off --output DVI-D-0 --primary --mode 1920x1080 --pos 0x0 --rotate normal --output DVI-D-1 --off --output HDMI-A-0 --mode 1920x1080 --pos 0x1080 --rotate normal20:26
amaljaawhich is what i needed20:26
fluvvellI have a 157.35 and 90.05 PPI monitors, 1 rotated - can they be run with separate scaling?20:29
texlaUbuntu 18.04.1 My numlock key pad numbers are not recording..the numlock light is on and the enter key is working.I have to use keys above letters to enter numbers to any program20:31
fluvvellor which file is current screen res and orientation held in ?20:31
amaljaagonna reboot20:31
SimonKALIi have something like this: removing files in  that are older than 0 days: rm: remove write-protected regular file '/swapfile'? what should I do?20:32
DbuggerHi everyone. I was thinking of building me a new workstation, but I am afraid of building some hardware that does not play along with Ubuntu. Is there any brands, CPUs or components that I should watch out?20:33
ikoniaDbugger: read hardware compatibility guides for linux20:33
ikoniaDbugger: then check the versions of the components against the versions of software ubuntu runs20:34
Dbuggerikonia, could you point me to one of those?20:34
ikoniaDbugger: have a quick good, there are many - also the main  brands show linux compatibility on their products20:35
Dbuggerikonia, so I souldnt worry about stuff like "AMD vs Intel"?20:36
ikoniaDbugger: no20:36
Dbuggerill try to find something20:38
Getattrovskayahello, even though I change permissions with "chmod -R 777" I still get "read-only" error...how can I make the folder readable?20:40
ikoniaGetattrovskaya: probably a read only file system20:41
ikoniaGetattrovskaya: what is the file system you have mounted20:41
Getattrovskayaikonia, ext420:42
ikoniaGetattrovskaya: unmount it, fsck it, re-mount it20:42
Getattrovskayabut FAT didnt help either20:42
ikoniaGetattrovskaya: where is it mounted ?20:42
Getattrovskayaunder /media/live/20:43
ikonia media/live20:43
Getattrovskayawill try fsck20:43
ikoniais it a live media ? eg: like a cd20:43
Getattrovskayathe OS runs on live cd, but the file system in question is an susb20:45
ikoniaGetattrovskaya: ..... that seems odd to be mounted at /media/live20:45
ikoniawhat version of ubuntu is this ?20:45
Getattrovskayait is an old ubuntu20:45
ikoniawhat version exactly20:45
ikonia.x is not exactly20:45
Getattrovskayaone sec20:46
ikoniaGetattrovskaya: and what is the usb - is that a live image or just a flat file system20:46
Getattrovskayait is not iso20:47
Getattrovskayajust fs20:47
ikoniaGetattrovskaya: and how does it get mounted ?20:47
Getattrovskayahow do you mean?20:47
ikoniaGetattrovskaya: how does the usb get mounted, do you do it, is it automounted etc20:48
Getattrovskayait gets automounted20:48
ikoniaGetattrovskaya: so a usb will not get mounted on /media/live by default20:48
Getattrovskayawell it does20:48
ikoniaGetattrovskaya: so why do you thin it's mounted there and why is it being mounted as a live media20:48
GetattrovskayaI see the path media/live20:49
ikoniaGetattrovskaya: what is the device file for it, eg: /dev/sda120:49
ikonia(for the usb)20:49
Getattrovskayayes, that's sda120:49
ikoniaGetattrovskaya: ok, so in a command line "sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt"20:50
ikoniaGetattrovskaya: "sudo touch /mnt/test"20:50
ikonia(on the command line)20:50
ikoniano error ?20:51
ikoniaGetattrovskaya: then it mounted read/write sucessfully20:51
Getattrovskayaa file named test was created in the formerly unwritable folder20:51
=== akem__ is now known as akem
ikoniayou can now access it on /mnt20:51
Getattrovskayaikonia, the folder is still not writable20:52
ikoniaGetattrovskaya: in /mnt20:52
GetattrovskayaI was able to access all along, but I need to write to it20:52
ikoniaGetattrovskaya: you can't write to it from /mnt ?20:52
Getattrovskayait doesn't let write in /mnt, either20:52
ikoniaGetattrovskaya: please show me the output from the command ls -la /mnt20:53
Getattrovskayaeven after I tried changing perms20:53
ikonia(in a terminal)20:53
gartralhey all, I have an issue with an atheros wifi card in my laptop, stability and range are fine but the card is a QCA9565/AR9565 which is supposed to be a wireless N+BT 4.0 card, I'm not seeing any 5ghz networks AND my wifi speed is limited to... well it's crap... 20mbps down, 3mbps up.20:53
Getattrovskayaikonia, https://paste.debian.net/plain/105320820:55
ikoniaGetattrovskaya: you're permissions are wrong20:55
ikoniaGetattrovskaya: what is your username20:55
Getattrovskayaikonia, "live"20:55
ikoniaGetattrovskaya: then why is the test file we created as root the user "live"20:56
GetattrovskayaI dont know. I ran the commands as you gave me20:56
ikoniaGetattrovskaya: please run the command "touch /mnt/live-user"20:56
Getattrovskayano output (I ran it as you typed, without sudo)20:57
ikoniaGetattrovskaya: ls -la /mnt/20:57
ikoniais the file there ?20:57
Getattrovskayain the output I see both "live-user" and "test"20:58
ikoniaGetattrovskaya: so you can write to it just fine20:58
ikoniaGetattrovskaya: and you can write to it as the user "live"20:58
GetattrovskayaI can not20:58
GetattrovskayaI am trying to copy files to this usb, and still can not20:59
ikoniaGetattrovskaya: I've just proven you can write to the disk20:59
GetattrovskayaI can't. i.e. it is not allowed to create new folder in there, too20:59
ikoniaGetattrovskaya: "mkdir /mnt/test-directory" in a terminal please21:00
Getattrovskayawhereas there are two files named 'live-user' and 'test'21:00
MikeRLRunning Ubuntu 18.04. Is there any way to get a touch keyboard to appear only when tapping a text field on the touchscreen on my laptop?21:00
Getattrovskayaikonia, that works, too..so apparently I should try copying the files from gui21:01
Getattrovskayanot from gui*21:01
ikoniaGetattrovskaya: what tool are you using to copy the files21:01
Getattrovskayaikonia, copying just from within nautilus21:01
MikeRLI don't want it permanently on, such as when I'm just clicking a text field. Just when I use the touchscreen.21:01
MikeRLUniversal access has an option to permanently enable it.21:01
ikoniaGetattrovskaya: are you %100 sure you're not moving them by mistake ?21:02
ikoniaGetattrovskaya: and you're copying them into /mnt21:02
Getattrovskayaikonia, I just tried the terminal way to copy, and it worked21:04
GetattrovskayaI hope I can make use of the copied files-folders, too21:04
MikeRLIf there's no way to trigger this, does anyone know the onscreen keyboard's name so I can file a bug?21:05
texlaUbuntu 18.04 The numbers on my numlock keypad are not working..This system on other linux iso's are working properly..I have to use the number keys above the letter keys..This key pad works for login and the light is on..What system would control this keypad21:06
Getattrovskayaikonia, thank you very much, it seems to be fixed as of now21:06
MikeRLApparently a double tap registers it.21:07
=== [1]MrMobius is now known as MrMobius
rdgtrying to install exfat packages so I can access a USB disk in the ubuntu 18.04 LTS live boot usb ... what packages are required for that?21:25
Getattrovskayahello again, can you please suggest me an error- free way to get and copy a drive image to another drive that is larger than the original one?21:36
GetattrovskayaI tried to install clonezilla but either all my usbs are defective or there is some problem with the iso21:36
=== patr0clus is now known as s3nd1v0g1us
OnkelTemHi all22:26
OnkelTemI need libfdk-aac on Ubuntu 18.04 but I isn't seem to be installed22:26
OnkelTemand I cannot find it among installable options22:26
OnkelTemYeah I read it's sort of non-free, but I don't really care22:27
OnkelTemI just need ffmpeg to convert some crappy videos22:27
Bakkarhello guys, i am have an issue with my ubuntu 18.04, it seems after an update the sound is not working now .. the only way i can get sound working only on VLC when i play and select ALSA from settings as the Audio server, any hep please?22:28
Bakkarand pardon that damaged english of mine22:28
Bakkaranyone can help with the sound issue guys?22:33
MikeRLHmm. Is there any way to use Wayland in Ubuntu 18.10?22:42
MikeRLOh crap my closed NVIDIA driver won't work in wayland.22:44
craigbass76I'm runnign XFCE, but no sure if that matters here... The computer is real sluggish. Mouse pointer is jittery, keyboard can't keep up with whta I'm typing, etc. I know it wil lgo awaywith a rebot ,but I'd like to narrow down what ails it without rebooting. I did restart thedsplay manager already -- nada.23:39
craigbass76And top isn't showing anything too redonkulous.23:40
ahi2how much ram you have?23:41
craigbass76ahi2, 8gigs23:44
ahi2xfce is light. it is what i use23:44
ahi2you must be running something that is making it sluggish23:45
craigbass76Min 17 was fine, I've only noticed it since I threw ubuntustudio (18.04) on. And like I said, I'm prety sure a reboot will fix it, just trying to avoid that23:45
craigbass76Not suer what I'd be running -- it was like that at the login screen. I updated and rebooted the other day, this is the fisrt tmie I've sat down at it since.23:46
ahi2i wonder what the startup apps are?23:46
craigbass76Is there a systemctl comand that will tell me that? I'm still used to init.23:47
ahi2settings>session and startup    is all i know23:48
craigbass76And if it WAS something in there, wonder why it's inconsistent. Maybe only after updates...23:50
ahi2yeah a reboot wouldnt hurt23:51

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