[00:19] Can anyone tell me why my two displays seem to have different definitions of space? [00:21] <[Relic]> different resolutions? [00:21] When I go across the bottom edge on my right monitor I get a very small dip as I transition to the left monitor. When I do the same on the top it's a huge dip now. [00:22] They are different resolutions but I've seen Kubuntu handle this before [00:23] <[Relic]> gfx card? [00:23] Well this isn't helping [00:23] <[Relic]> wondering if it was the way the monitors are looking in the display settings [00:27] If anyone wants to provide an answer that's not a trolling response that'd be dope [00:28] I'm using VEGA-M graphics, but I've upgraded the kernel to 4.19. This just seems like a very silly bug. [00:31] wow, 12 minutes total on the channel [00:32] hi coderphive [00:32] Sup! [00:32] IIRC you can control the "alignment" of the virtual displays [00:32] You can! [00:32] I recall adjusting them vertically [00:32] Alignment is not my issue unfortunately [00:32] what kind of "dip" are you seeing? [00:33] I can make it so when running my mouse along the bottom of the screen I get a very smooth transition. When I do it along the top the mouse moves down probably 3 inches on my left screen [00:34] as it transitions [00:34] Does that make sense? [00:34] I think? But to me it seems like the "top" of your right screen is aligned 3 inches above the top of your left screen [00:35] But you've said that's not it so my imagination is failing [00:35] Yeah, notice what I said about the bottom [00:35] if they are different sizes it makes sense... [00:35] They are different resolutions [00:35] so I guess that's the answer then. That's incredibly sad. [00:35] like, I have a monitor that is vertical and one horizontal, so the number of pixels is greater on one than the other [00:36] yeah, that's not how that works [00:36] so one is "shorter" than the other and if I move my mouse along the top of the taller one it jumps down to the shorter one [00:36] I have an nvidia desktop sitting over here that I just moved off of [00:36] It worked fine there [00:37] I get what you're trying to normalize, but that doesn't make sense [00:37] OK! [00:37] It's just an annoyance, but still a pretty good annoyance [01:14] <[Relic]> jaafar, I was trying to see if he had them lined up at the bottom rather than the top since that would make a bigger jump at the top rather than the bottom [05:08] [Relic]: yesss, my thinking as well but he seemed to reject it [05:14] <[Relic]> people are far to impatient these days, it is the internet and I want it yesterday [07:06] safeer_pasha was added by: safeer_pasha [07:08] Good morning [07:09] Good morning [07:09] :) [07:10] Can you ppl read me. [07:10] safeer, yes [07:19] @safeer_pasha can we help you? [07:25] Thank you very much. I am glad to be a member of this group and of this community. [07:26] :D [07:27] nice to hear, @safeer_pasha [07:29] Is there an off-topic kubuntu group in telegram? [07:29] safeer, yes it is #kubuntu-offtopic [07:29] Assuming you mean here on IRC [07:30] No. I mean telegram [07:39] I found a bug in Plasma. It has already been reported and noted in the bugtracker by a person. Is there anything I can contribute in the form of logs or was the bug submitter's report enough [07:40] https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=400650 [07:40] KDE bug 400650 in Samba "kdeinit5 crashes in SMBSlave::fileSystemFreeSpace() when browsing smb:// in Dolphin" [Normal,Unconfirmed] [07:48] @safeer_pasha the Telegram channel that links to #kubuntu-offtopic is called Kubuntu-Cafe I think [07:48] no dash, just Kubuntu Cafe' [07:50] invited you [08:11] what are the possibilities for getting the latest stable kernel (that was listed at kernel.org) on beaver creek? [08:12] got someone who says he wants to upgrade his kernel because of some battery time issues [08:14] !mainline [08:14] The kernel team supply continuous mainline kernel builds which can be useful for tracking down issues or testing recent changes in the Linux kernel. More information is available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds [08:15] running 4.19.4 here and it runs fine [08:20] bauchhaus, on a desktop? laptop? something else? [08:42] hateball, thanks [08:42] laptop [08:44] bauchhaus, did you notice any change in how much time your battery gave with the later kernel? === Fire-Dragon-DoL- is now known as Fire-Dragon-DoL === jwon_ is now known as jwon [12:11] My laptop is so crap it always just lasted 40 min max on battery [12:43] Howdy folks [14:06] bauchhaus, jim: For me the 4.18 -> 4.19 transition was quite noticable. My battery drain went from 7-ish Watts to 3-3.5 Watts. [14:22] lordievader, good to know; so they told him the right thing then [15:29] aliemtakarai was added by: aliemtakarai [15:41] Hello guys. what's wrong with my mount config. i have several configs for one partion: [15:41] "/dev/sda7 /media/yuriy/work ext4 defaults 0 0 " [15:42] "/media/yuriy/work/storage/mysql_data /var/lib/mysql none rw,bind 0 0" [15:42] they do what i need [15:42] #ask can i upgrade kde 5.12 to 5.13 on kubuntu 18.04? [15:44] the problem with dolphin file manager - for some reason it show me - can not enter folder /var/lib/mysql, whe i try to open /media/yuriy/work [15:45] when i do "cd /media/yuriy/work" in terminal it shows me files correcly [15:48] those configs from fstab file [16:17] @aliemtakarai, Not at the moment. 18.04 has Qt 5.9 and Plasma 5.13 or 5.14 need at least Qt 5.10 to build and work. [16:34] @acheronuk, thanks i like blur on plasma 5.13 [19:07] Bek_dag was added by: Bek_dag [19:11] А кто русский язык понимает тут? [19:17] Bek_dag, da [19:35] Can someone help me understand why xrandr is saying my display is disconnected? [21:26] Hey, I installed the United theme and it's great but it changed the application launcher (like the start menu in Windows) and I'd like to change it back but I have no idea how to change it back (and googling tells me nothing). [21:27] what is the united theme? [21:28] valorie: It's a theme you install as a new Feel and Look. It's basically a Unity look-alike [21:28] you did it through systemsettings? [21:28] Yup [21:29] can't you change it back the same way? [21:29] I've heard someone else having a problem with that same thing but they didn't stick around [21:29] so I never got any details [21:30] valorie: Yeah I could just change it back to the default (I haven't tried it though) - but I basically like all the rest of the stuff [21:31] afaik with a theme it's take the whole thing or leave it [21:31] you can't tinker with parts [21:31] I usually use krunner (alt+space) to launch apps so.... [21:32] Dang. Well, most of the stuff I can do by default (just moving around widgets in panels mostly) [21:33] Thanks for the help. I'm really new to this KDE stuff, did you just learn through googling or is there some really good resource that explains most of it? It seems super customizable compared to GNOME [21:34] samlamamma: I learned most by hanging out here [21:34] slowly learned enough to help others [21:34] making my own mistakes along the line [21:36] valorie: Alright. Well, KDE is way snappier than GNOME so far so hopefully I'll get to do the same :) [21:36] KDE is the community [21:36] plasma is pretty snappy these days! [21:37] the more you hang out here and watch the conversations [21:37] the more you'll learn [21:37] there is an offtopic chan too: #kubuntu-offtopic [21:43] valorie: Aha, so I guess KDE = Plasma + bunch of Qt Apps? [21:43] well, a bunch of KDE applications [21:43] there are qt-only applications some of which we (Kubuntu) provide [21:44] but they chose not to be under the KDE community umbrella [21:44] Yeah, distros mix and match a bit to their liking I guess? [21:44] right [21:44] we have provided Qt stuff when KDE stuff wasn't working right or so [21:45] in general, all of what we provide by default is made by KDE [21:47] Cool, is most of the Qt stuff Qt5 now a days? [21:57] yes, we're trying to get the last of Qt4 gone in both Debian and Kubuntu === MechWarrior234 is now known as Revan-