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zygaGood morning06:22
zygaoffie is a bit cold so I'll start from ... bed :)06:26
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mborzeckizyga: hey06:33
zygahi :)06:33
mborzeckizyga: did you look in 2.36 apparmor or should I?06:34
zygaI looked06:34
zygaI was unable to reproduce it for ~5 hours06:34
zygaideas on what is the magic trigger are very much welcome06:35
* zyga wondres what caues commands with leading space to not be recorded in bash history06:54
zygamborzecki: I have something to share07:24
zygajust need a moment07:24
zygamborzecki: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/DS2BFfgYGp/07:32
zygamborzecki: pair with https://github.com/zyga/spread/tree/slices (though it contains extra stuff)07:33
zygamborzecki: in spread.yaml add measure-each: ./measure.sh07:34
zygamborzecki: needs tweaking for running in spread.yaml from snapd07:34
zygabecause I chose different paths07:34
zygashould yield useful fixes very quickly07:35
zygaand may yield some eye-opening mistakes07:35
zygaoddly it fails on bintfmt misc being mounted07:36
zygaperhaps due to automount somewhere?07:36
zygagood morning mvo07:42
mvohey zyga07:42
mupPR snapd#6194 closed: snap: make description maximum in runes, not bytes <Created by chipaca> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6194>07:48
zyganeed to take the dog out, brb07:59
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mvohey pstolowski - good morning08:05
zygaHey Paweł08:08
mborzeckimvo: pstolowski: hey08:18
mborzeckiguys, how about we un-manual fedora-28 until we fix f29?08:20
mvomborzecki: sounds good to me08:22
ackkhi, is there a way to get stdout/stderr from a snap hook even if it doesn't fail?08:25
mupPR snapd#6211 opened: spread: run tests on Fedora 28 again <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6211>08:26
zygaackk: pstolowski would know but I don't believe so08:27
ackkzyga, not even in some log?08:28
zyganot anywhere08:28
zygamaybe some things are logged in tasks in case errors occur08:28
zygabut not sure08:28
ackkyeah you get stderr if the hook fails08:29
pstolowskiackk: not really, apart from manually writing it from withing a hook to a place snap can write to08:29
ackkbut I have a case where it doesn't but things don't work as expected. so far I've been forcing a failure to get the output08:29
zygamvo: hey08:29
ackkpstolowski, I see08:29
zygamvo: some experiments from last week08:30
zygasince nothing can land because everything is perpetually red08:30
mupPR #6212: tests: measure kernel properties across tests <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6212>08:30
mupPR snapd#6212 opened: tests: measure kernel properties across tests <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6212>08:30
zygamvo: to use this for real you need patched spread08:30
zygabut I wanted to share it08:30
mvozyga: thanks, looking08:31
zygait's super simple08:31
zygaI played with it on a toy project08:31
zygatrying to tune some of the things I capture08:31
mvozyga: do you think the kernel is a problem during the tests ? or is this just an example?08:31
zygaall of the "measurables" are working fine in my toy project08:31
zygamvo: I do think it is a problem08:31
zygaas in08:31
zygalook what is measured08:31
zygaI think all of those fail in snapd08:31
zygawithout exceptions08:32
zygasome will need tuning in spread.yaml08:32
zygasome in tests08:32
zygasome in test helper code08:32
ackkpstolowski, unrelated question: I have a clean cosmic install, it seems gnome doesn't find icons for desktop snaps (like gnome-calculator, gnome-system-monitor,...). when I search they all show the default icon. is that a known issue?08:32
mvozyga: silly question - should/could we run this after each restore?08:32
zygamvo: that's exactly when this runs :-)08:32
zygamvo: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6212/files#diff-3c11e56e5f7f82b0f352d0fe1851a107R42908:32
mupPR #6212: tests: measure kernel properties across tests <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6212>08:33
zygait runs when the system state is supposed to be invariant08:33
zygamvo: realistically I think it will be a long while before we can really merge this08:33
zygabut I wanted to share what I have08:33
mvozyga: spread.yaml has "measure-each" - this is not in the released spread, yes?08:33
zygausing this locally can yield real fixes08:33
zygamvo: that's right but that's not the problem08:33
zygathe problem is that we have many tests and complex setup that is broken08:33
zygait will be a while before this turns green08:33
zygamvo: the upside is that unlike causual spread debugging08:34
mvozyga: what I mean is, could we run this even without measure-each by running it last in restore-each?08:34
zygathis is failing fast08:34
zygamvo: no, they run at the wrong order08:34
mvozyga: and we can't put them in the right order without changing spread?08:35
zygabut that's irrelevant really08:35
pstolowskiackk: i don't know that, you may want to ask around on #ubuntu-desktop08:35
zygaspread ownership is a separate topic08:35
zygathis will not pass yet08:35
zyganote I only enabled kernekl08:35
zygaout of all the set of measuremetns08:35
zygaI think kernel will show the biggest offenders08:35
zygastray processes08:36
zygaand stray mounted stuff08:36
ackkpstolowski, ok. thanks. do you know what would be the right lp project to report the issue?08:36
zygamvo: next we should look at files, specifically /var08:36
zygamvo: anyway, anyone can run this trivially08:36
zygaand see what they can carve of the mess plate08:36
mvozyga: why can't it run on restore? pardon my ignornce08:39
pstolowskiackk: probably one of the affected projects on LP - e.g. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-calculator - you may also ask on the forum https://forum.snapcraft.io/08:39
zygamvo: it must run before any prepare and after all restore08:40
zygamvo: there's no wat do do that08:40
zyga*no way08:40
mvozyga: because spread provides no way to order things?08:41
mvozyga: I mean in the toplevel spread.yaml we have "prepare-each" - we cannot run it there before we run anything else?08:42
zygamvo: if you hand tune a project you might run it at the right order08:42
zygabut it can be broken by simple changes to unrelated parts08:43
ackkpstolowski, thanks08:43
zygamvo: but that's not the problem, really08:43
zygamvo: the problem is we have a backlog of things to fix in our suite first08:44
Chipacamoin moin08:44
Chipacathe staticcheck pr refuses to go green :-(08:45
pedronismvo: hello, bit of a high number of open PRs08:45
mvozyga: I think I'm missing things here, the "but it can be broken by simple changes to unrelated parts" is something I don't grok, I would assume this only breaks when we change the toplevel prepeare-each and do something else before the "measure", or what am I missing?08:45
mvopedronis: yes :/08:45
mvozyga: let me play with this real quick, maybe then I understand things better08:46
mvopedronis: and good morning - hope you had a good trip back08:46
zygalook at spread patch08:46
zygasee what it doeas08:46
zygait is easier to discuss things08:46
zygaI added it to the PR08:46
zygaI pushed a typo fix as well, my local measure.sh was slightly different and some editing broke it, it should work now08:47
mvopedronis: also 2.36 is not passing tests right now and tests are flaky in general, not great times08:47
* Chipaca hugs zyga 08:47
zygaChipaca: hey :)08:47
zygamvo: the patch is https://github.com/snapcore/spread/pull/4708:48
mupPR spread#47: Add support for project-wide measure-each stanza <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/spread/pull/47>08:48
Chipacazyga: really sorry I answered your feedback on 6205 so grumpily on friday08:48
mvozyga: maybe we need to talk during the standup I still don't get why we can't do it in prepare-each08:48
mvozyga: I read the diff08:48
mvozyga: anyway, let me play with this08:48
mvozyga: I'm sure my ignorance will fade then08:48
pedronismvo: will it help something immediate, this?08:48
zygapedronis: no but fixes from running it will08:48
zygaI'm trying to land my stuff08:49
zygabut since it's always red08:49
zygaand normal debugging doesn't yield results08:49
zygaI wrote this08:49
pedroniszyga: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6147 this is green and without reviews08:50
mupPR #6147: cmd/snap-confine: use snap-discard-ns ns to discard stale namespaces <Per-user mount ns  🐎> <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6147>08:50
zygapedronis: god knows how many times I retriggered test last week08:50
zygait's utterly wasteful08:50
pedroniszyga: mvo: we should have a HO08:51
mvozyga: does measure.sh already raise the red flag(s) you describe in your spread PR?08:51
mvopedronis: sure, happy to08:51
zygamvo: as in does it really fail?08:52
mvozyga: aha, yes - I see it now08:52
pedronispstolowski: hi, how it's going with hot plug and conflicts?08:52
pedroniszyga: this one fails very consistently in one test fwiw: https://api.travis-ci.org/v3/job/454933150/log.txt08:53
pstolowskipedronis: hey, i need to push the changes, will do in a moment08:53
pedroniszyga: mvo: can we do a HO now?08:53
zygapedronis: what's the PR link if I may ask?08:53
zygapedronis: yes08:53
mvopedronis: sure08:53
pedroniszyga: #614908:53
mupPR #6149: cmd/snap-confine: capture initialized per-user mount ns <Per-user mount ns  🐎> <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6149>08:54
zygapedronis: did you notice the comment on that PR?08:54
zygapedronis, mvo: so shall we join the standup HO08:55
pedroniszyga: which comment?08:55
mupPR #6149: cmd/snap-confine: capture initialized per-user mount ns <Per-user mount ns  🐎> <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6149>08:55
zygait depends on another PR going in first, I proposed it for full context08:56
pedroniszyga: ok, we do really need this HO08:56
zygastuck in HO again08:57
zygacan we please try meet, I don't know how to fix this08:57
zygapedronis, mvo: ^08:58
zygatried logging out and back in08:59
zygatrying with my personal account08:59
zygano luck08:59
zygaI gave up09:00
zygapedronis: can we please try meet?09:01
mvozyga: sure09:01
zygathanks, sorry, I really don't know what's wrong with HO09:01
pedroniszyga: mvo: https://meet.google.com/bwv-hykn-thy09:01
zygasame browser, same network09:01
mupPR snapd#5792 closed: [RFC] {config,snap}state: add new refresh.metered=force option and flip default <⛔ Blocked> <Created by mvo5> <Closed by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5792>09:15
mupPR snapd#6174 closed: many: add snap debug refresh-catalogs <Created by zyga> <Closed by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6174>09:15
mupPR snapd#6184 closed: perf: add performance helpers <Performance 🚀> <⛔ Blocked> <Created by zyga> <Closed by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6184>09:15
mupPR snapd#6110 closed: spread.yaml: add openSUSE Tumbleweed <Created by zyga> <Closed by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6110>09:16
mupPR snapd#6209 closed: run-checks: discard test good/bad banner <Created by zyga> <Closed by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6209>09:16
mupPR snapd#6212 closed: tests: measure kernel properties across tests <Created by zyga> <Closed by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6212>09:16
mupPR snapd#6111 closed: packaging/opensuse: move most logic to snapd.mk <Created by zyga> <Closed by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6111>09:17
mupPR snapd#6163 closed: interfaces: tweak deny-auto-connect policy tests <Created by mvo5> <Closed by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6163>09:17
mupPR snapd#6164 closed: wrappers: rename the desktop file to their apps <Created by mvo5> <Closed by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6164>09:17
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mupPR snapd#6166 closed: tests: run gpio test on core18 <Created by mvo5> <Closed by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6166>09:18
mupPR snapd#6205 closed: many: staticcheck fixes <Created by chipaca> <Closed by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6205>09:18
Chipacazyga: any news on the 2.36 fix?09:19
zygaI cannot reproduce it!09:19
zygabut I was running main in a loop09:19
zygaout of 2.36 release branch09:19
zygaperhaps it is broken by other suites?09:19
Chipacapstolowski: mborzecki: #6104 has half a review from both of you :-)09:20
mupPR #6104: snapctl: add "services" <Created by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6104>09:20
Chipacazyga: what is 'running main in a loop'?09:20
zygarunning the main suite in a loop09:21
Chipacazyga: how were you running it?09:23
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zygaChipaca: spread running xenial main suite out of the 2.36 release branch09:33
zygaI'm running again without just main (so all suites)09:33
zygalet's see if I can hit this09:33
Chipacazyga: in the run I have here the failing  tests didn't run non-main tests before failing09:33
Chipacazyga: (search for /runs)09:34
zygaso why did it not fail for me09:34
zygaeh eh09:34
Chipacazyga: MAGIC09:34
zygalet's see if I'm more unlucky today09:35
mvozyga: fwiw, I ran http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/FqXw8pMSVV/ but get tons of errors after the lxd test, it changes the module/sysctl state quite a bit09:36
mvozyga: anyway, running 2.36 now to see what is going on there09:36
zygamvo: I'm also looking at 2.36 now09:38
zygawe can chat after that one is fixed09:38
pedronismborzecki: hi, so far the loop devices mount bug, if we have a reproducer and are waiting for answers from upstream? is that right?09:40
Chipacapedronis: https://github.com/systemd/systemd/issues/1087209:45
pedronisChipaca: thx09:47
pedronisit actually was also in the card09:47
zyga2.36 tests running... so far green :(09:49
mborzeckipedronis: yup, in the card too09:52
pedronismborzecki: saw that now, moved/updated the card to reflect status, thank you09:53
mupPR snapd#6196 closed: many: validate title <Created by chipaca> <Merged by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6196>09:54
zygamvo: any luck with 2.36? can you trigger it?09:56
Chipacamborzecki: I think #6183 is gtg (github only counts one of its +1s but it does have two)09:57
mupPR #6183: sanity, spread, tests: add CentOS (2.36) <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6183>09:57
Chipaca(as of just now)09:57
mvozyga: I just got a failure this second09:57
zygahow did you run spread?09:58
mvoDisable one alias for aliases snap09:58
mvoerror: pattern not found, got:\nRemoved:09:58
mvo  - aliases.cmd2 as alias209:58
mvoin 2018-11-26 10:57:46 Debug output for google:ubuntu-16.04-64:tests/main/parallel-install-aliases :09:58
mborzeckiChipaca: i was waiting for #6189 but no luck so far09:58
mupPR #6189: daemon, vendor: bump github.com/coreos/go-systemd/activation, handle API changes (2.36) <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6189>09:58
mvozyga: looks very unrelated .(09:58
zygathat's not the issue that was een09:58
zygaanother random fluke09:58
mvozyga: spread -v -debug google:ubnuntu-16.04-6409:58
Chipacamborzecki: ah drat09:58
zygasame here :/09:58
zygaI'll get a coffee09:58
mborzeckiChipaca: that way Neal would be able to rebuild the package on his end09:59
mvozyga: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/FYqWkFmVbN/ <- looks also wrong at least at first glance09:59
zygamvo: looks like stdout vs stderr10:00
zyganot sure10:00
zygait looks like IO intertwined10:00
zygano idea10:00
mvozyga: yeah, I have not seen this I poke a bit more10:01
mborzeckiwonder why auditd is not started in our fedora images on gcp, while the cloud image starts it by default10:03
zygamvo: got it!10:04
mvozyga: nice10:04
zygaNov 26 10:02:44 nov260941-894159 audit[24801]: AVC apparmor="DENIED" operation="mkdir" profile="/snap/core/6013/usr/lib/snapd/snap-confine" name="/tmp/snapd.quirks_wlXkFF/" pid=24801 comm="snap-confine" requested_mask="c" denied_mask="c" fsuid=0 ouid=010:05
zygagoogle:ubuntu-16.04-64 /var/lib/snapd/apparmor/profiles# pastebinit snap-confine.core.601310:06
mvozyga: oh, we removed the quirks profile generation but not in 2.3610:09
zygabut we knew that10:09
zygaI said that last week when first reports came in10:09
zygathe question is why the profile is not matching 2.3610:09
zygamvo: the kernel profile != disk profile10:10
mvozyga: yeah, exactly, why is there a mismatch10:10
zygadisk profile is correct10:10
zygaanother cache bug?10:10
mvozyga: uhhh10:10
zygaI'll get that coffee first10:10
mvozyga: that sounds likely, oh boy10:10
zygamvo: the measure state dumper I wrote can measure that too :)10:10
mvozyga: maybe we should enable that then instead of the kernel one first10:11
mvozyga: can you get the timestamps of the kernel profile and the disk profile?10:12
zygamvo: looking10:17
zygakernel profile has no timestamp, looking at what is in the cache10:18
zygathat is /var/cache/apparmor/10:19
zygaa bit odd10:19
zygaI have a hunch now, hold on10:20
zygamvo: it's super interesting that we do skipReadCache10:21
zygaif we had actually got to the phase where snap-confine profile is loaded we would pass an argument to apparmor parser that instructs it to skip any cache reads10:21
zygaI see the bug now10:22
zygaone liner fix coming up10:22
mvozyga: cool10:22
mvozyga: curious to see what it is/was10:24
pedronismvo: I put some comments in #618510:27
mupPR #6185: snap: add new `snap run --trace-exec` call <Performance 🚀> <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6185>10:27
pedronisChipaca: we are getting failures of the funcarg completion tests with timeouts10:30
Chipacapedronis: yes10:31
pedronisChipaca: see for example https://api.travis-ci.org/v3/job/458809746/log.txt10:31
pedronisChipaca: any idea what is happening?10:31
zygamvo: 2nd depth to the problem10:33
Chipacapedronis: no10:33
zygamvo: it's not cache10:33
* pstolowski is having network outage10:33
zygaNov 26 10:02:33 nov260941-894159 snapd[24445]: backend.go:312: cannot create host snap-confine apparmor configuration: cannot reload snap-confine apparmor profile: cannot load a10:33
zygapparmor profiles: signal: terminated10:33
pedronisChipaca: can you investigate when you have a bit of time?10:34
Chipacapedronis: yes10:34
Chipacapedronis: on it already10:34
Chipacapedronis: I wish I'd get something as clean as that logfile though10:34
pedronisChipaca: that zyga branch seems to be failing with that error or many of it10:35
pedronisall the time10:35
Chipacaok, i'll try on that, thanks10:35
zygamvo: so I though it was missing skipReadCache10:39
zygamvo: but that's not it10:39
zygathe cache timestamp and profile timestamp warrant a cache skip10:39
zygabut apparmor parser was killed10:39
zygaand snapd ignores the error10:39
zygawhy it gets killed is unclear yet, looking10:39
zygamvo: I made the error fatal10:49
zygabut no clue as to what triggers it yet10:49
zygamore debugging in progress10:49
zygaanother random failure:10:53
zygapanic in unit tests https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/BaMV9MrJ/10:53
pedronisthat's definitely a bug or test flakiness, first time I see it tough10:57
mborzeckihmm, core snap pulled from the store does not have selinux labels in xattrs, but the tests repack the core snap and it picks up user_home_t in the process :/11:00
mvozyga: thanks, sorry, had a meeting reading backlog11:00
mvomborzecki: do we need to append -no-xattr to our mksquashfs when we repack?11:01
mborzeckimvo: iirc s-c was supposed to not use +s bur rely on xattr caps, not sure if that's true for the core snap now11:03
Chipacamvo: you need to not append it for non-app snaps11:03
Chipaca(snap pack dtrt)11:04
pedronismborzecki: yes, I remember was conversations around that11:04
pedronisnot sure what was the outcome11:04
Chipacahttps://github.com/snapcore/snapd/blob/master/snap/squashfs/squashfs.go#L325 fwiw11:05
mvozyga: backscroll :) so it seems the issue is not entirely clear yet?11:05
mborzeckiChipaca: yup, that's the line11:05
zygamvo: the origin is not, the mechanics are11:06
zygamvo: we ignore the error from compiling the apparmor profile of snap-confine11:06
mvozyga: uh, ok11:06
zygathe error is that apparmor_parser is killed with a signal11:06
mvozyga: thanks, that sounds like a bug in itself11:06
pstolowskizyga: i'll take a look at that panic11:06
zygamvo: the reason for the signal is unclear11:07
zygaI made the error not ignored11:07
mvozyga: right, so no error output just a signal?11:07
mvozyga: is the error reproducible?11:07
pedronispstolowski: btw do ping me if there is something ready for me to review/re-review11:07
zygamvo: we collect output but there is none11:09
zygamvo: ran it again and it passed11:09
zygarunning it again until I hit the bug11:09
pstolowskipedronis: #6114 is ready; travis failure unrelated11:09
mupPR #6114: overlord/ifacestate: handler for hotplug-disconnect task <Hotplug 🔌> <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6114>11:09
Chipacasergiusens: ping11:09
Chipacaor was today a holiday in .ar11:10
mvozyga: thank you!11:12
zygamvo: one more observation from running measure.sh, we never remove any apparmor profiles11:15
zygamvo: (running two loops)11:15
zygaas in, from the kernel11:15
zygathey stay there forever11:15
pedronispstolowski: ok, thx, I'll look at it after lunch11:17
mvozyga: aha, interessting, that sounds like a bug too11:17
zygayes, fixed locally now11:17
mupPR snapd#6213 opened: interfaces: let NM access ifindex/ifupdown files <Created by alfonsosanchezbeato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6213>11:20
zygagot the panic again11:23
zyga... Panic: change 1 unexpectedly became unready (Do) (PC=0x45ECEE)11:23
zygacarrying on with debugging11:24
pstolowskizyga: running these tests in a loop, no panic (yet)11:25
zygapstolowski: FYI, this is on 2.36 release branch11:25
zygamaybe fixed since11:25
zyganot sure11:25
pstolowskizyga: i doubt it, we haven't touched this area afaik11:25
zygapstolowski: if you want to try spread it was google:ubuntu-16.04-64:tests/unit/go11:25
pstolowskizyga: thanks, will try (running net on my mobile atm, my isp is down)11:27
zygatry with -repeat or -count (forgot which one is real)11:27
pstolowskizyga: ok11:27
zygamvo: reproduced again11:29
zygalet me inspect snapd11:29
zygamvo: same Nov 26 11:27:30 nov261108-796129 snapd[9598]: helpers.go:187: cannot regenerate apparmor profile for snap "core": cannot create host snap-confine apparmor configuration: cannot11:30
zygareload snap-confine apparmor profile: cannot load apparmor profiles: signal: terminated11:30
zygaNov 26 11:27:30 nov261108-796129 snapd[9598]: apparmor_parser output:11:30
pstolowskizyga: i suspect task runner doesn't like the fact that we manually mess with task status in the test, and if i read change.go code correctly, it doesn't like that task status became out of sync with change status (a race provoked by SetStaus in the test?). we might have been lucky not to hit this earlier11:30
zyga(nothing, no output011:30
zygamvo: I can load and compile the profile manually11:31
zygathen things work11:31
zygamvo: my patch made us return an error but it just got logged still, something is also wrong11:31
zyganone of the changes recorded the error11:33
zygamvo: again, we ignore setup errors in ifacestate11:34
mvozyga: ok11:35
zygafixed that too, trying again11:35
mvozyga: thanks!11:35
zygastill no insight into what kills that process11:35
zygamy patch so far11:36
zygamvo: hopefully with this run I will pinpoint the moment this breaks, maybe that will suggest something11:39
mvozyga: ta11:41
mvozyga: and fingers crossed that this yields some results11:41
mvoChipaca: I get some :funcargs errors currently too, should we disable this test until this clearer what  is going on or are you already close to a fix?11:42
Chipacamvo: I can't yet see why it's failing11:43
* zyga is happy to see people attacking test issues11:43
=== tinwood_ is now known as tinwood
mupPR snapd#6214 opened: spread.yaml: disable _/funcarg test for now <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6214>11:47
zygapstolowski: I get the panic each time, wonder what upsets the timing now11:54
pstolowskizyga: haven't seen it yet. i see "main.go:158: Exiting on %!s(<nil>) signal." though, is that what you discussed above?11:55
zygapstolowski: can you provide more logs please?11:55
zygapstolowski: that's not the error I'm seeing though11:55
zygabut that is what Chipaca found last week11:55
zygabroken daemon shutdown11:55
zygawe should cherry pick the fix into stable11:56
zygaprobably is proposed and cannot land11:56
Chipacazyga: I closed that PR because it never got green11:56
zygabut I did not chcek11:56
zygaheh :-)11:56
Chipacarestarted the tests all weekend :-(11:56
Chipacabut I'll open a new one with just that bit11:56
Chipacaor you can11:56
zygaChipaca: my hands hurt after hitting restart for the billionth time11:57
Chipacayou monster11:57
pstolowskizyga: i don't think i can have more logs atm, running it on spread11:57
zygamvo: when we restore in spread we are unpacking the tarball11:58
zygaso we are putting apparmor profiles on disk11:58
zygamvo: when we do that we may confuse the code that looks at the profiles to see what to do11:58
pstolowskizyga: ^11:58
zygapstolowski: if anything the log message needs improvements11:59
zygamvo: we only restore the disk profiles, not the kernel state11:59
=== cpaelzer__ is now known as cpaelzer
zygamvo: no more progress yet, given that I see it very infrequently we may attempt to restart 2.36 tests on travis12:09
zygamvo: no failure since introducing trivial changes not to ignore errros12:38
sergiusensChipaca: pong?12:44
pstolowskimvo, pedronis interesting failure - i've just tried to test something on an old VM which was stuck on 2.25: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/Rg4CTMrGDr12:44
sergiusenswith no context 😉12:44
sergiusensholiday was last week12:44
sergiusenstoday is only a major strike day 😛12:45
pedronispstolowski: interesting12:48
pedronispstolowski: does installing hello-world works?12:49
pedronisChipaca: I reviewed #610412:49
zygapstolowski: report the bug or we'll forget soon12:49
mupPR #6104: snapctl: add "services" <Created by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6104>12:49
pstolowskipedronis: yep, and afterwards it's all fine as expected12:50
pstolowskizyga: good point, doing12:50
pedronispstolowski: it's a store bug btw, we cannot really change old versions12:51
pedronismvo: could you review #6126 ?12:53
mupPR #6126: dirs, wrappers, overlord/snapstate: make completion + bases work <Created by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6126>12:53
pedronisChipaca: I added some questions in #603412:59
mupPR #6034: many: save media info when installing, show it when listing <Created by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6034>12:59
pstolowskipedronis: reported https://bugs.launchpad.net/snapstore/+bug/180514013:06
mupBug #1805140: 'snap find' on old version of snapd 2.25 produces error about base <Snap Store:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1805140>13:06
pedronispstolowski: thx13:11
mupPR snapd#6215 opened: tests: reset the snapd package to make the first test on the suite work properly <Created by sergiocazzolato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6215>13:25
pedroniscachio: hi, what's the status of #5174 ?13:28
mupPR #5174: interfaces/default,process-control: miscellaneous signal policy fixes <Created by jdstrand> <Merged by jdstrand> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5174>13:28
pedronisgah, sorry13:28
pedroniscachio: I meant, #571413:28
mupPR #5714: tests: new test for cifs-mount interface <Created by sergiocazzolato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5714>13:29
mvopedronis: sure, I have a look now13:29
zygacachio: so 6215 should the reset instead go to per-suite restore function?13:29
mvozyga: hm, hm, no errors still?13:30
cachiopedronis, it was failing but not because of the test13:30
mvopstolowski: looking13:30
cachiopedronis, I was waiting a fix for that, I'll update it and see the current status13:30
pedroniscachio: ok, it has a conflict now, thx13:30
zygamvo: apart from the panic, no13:30
zygamvo: I reproduced it twice in total today13:31
cachiozyga, the problem is happening on the first completions test after run other test suite13:31
cachiozyga, because before we were calling the reset13:31
zygacachio: and why should this not run in per-suite restore?13:32
cachioI zyga we need to split it and reorganize it a bit more so we dont need to do it at suite level13:33
cachiojust on test level13:33
zyganot sure I follow13:33
cachionow I am trying to define the initial/end state at suite level, and test level13:33
cachiobecause we have a mix of things currently13:34
cachiozyga, conceptually, we should define a state for the whole environment when we run any suite13:34
cachioand a different one for the tests13:35
zygayeah, I agree about that 100%13:35
cachioso then we make sure each suite and test leaves the same env on the restore13:35
zygaso what is wrong now?13:35
cachiobut currently it is not happening 100%13:35
zygawhat is the state we want to have at suite level13:35
zygaand at test level13:36
cachionow the first test in the suite is not getting the same env than the rest13:36
pedroniswhat changed?13:36
zygaI suspect https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6202/commits/8b174e8daec7b21f3091a0e99fb79467f56625ab13:37
mupPR #6202: tests: restore in restore, not in prepare <Created by zyga> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6202>13:37
zygacachio: can you be specifc, do you know what is actually not the same now13:37
cachiowhen we moved the reset to the restore13:37
pedroniswell, sounds like that needs reverting until we understand more13:37
pedronisfor sure I'm seeing bizarre errors I have never seen13:38
cachiothe snapd state is restored on the reset13:38
cachiowhen we run the first test suite13:39
cachiothe first test runs with the initial state with is ok13:39
cachioand as any test is calling the reset in its restore13:39
cachioall the tests receive the correct snapd state13:39
pedronisthen next suite?13:40
cachiothen when the suite calls its restore13:40
cachioit cleans snapd13:40
cachiothen next suite is called13:40
cachiobut the first test receives a different state13:40
cachiobecause the reset is not called13:40
zygabut ... ?13:40
zygasuite-a/restore => calls reset13:41
zygasuite-b/prepare => ...13:41
pedronisanyway I'm not sure why this is better than the old approach13:41
zygasuite-b?/test => runs in what was left by reset.sh13:41
pedroniseven if the old approach was called confusing :)13:41
cachiozyga, suite-a/restore => is uninstalling snapd13:41
ChipacaI personally like the tests that do "snap try" in prepare, and "rm -rf underlying/dir" on restore13:42
cachioafter the reset13:42
pedronisChipaca: without remove ?13:42
cachiozyga, so there we clean the state again13:43
ChipacaI don't know if snapd copes well enough with that to be in a sane state :-)13:43
zygacachio: my point is that now each suite restore calls reset.sh, the change you are proposing is making the prepare.sh run the same thing13:43
zygaseems like a no-op13:43
zygathere must be a part missing13:43
cachiozyga, the change I did it is just a workaroud to fix the tests13:43
pedroniszyga: there is a prepare in suite13:43
pedronisbetween that restore13:43
pedronisand the suite13:43
pedronisin the old world13:43
zygayes, I know13:44
zygabut that is all calling reset.sh13:44
zygawe used to call it in prepare.sh13:44
zygasorry, we used to call it in suite prepare13:44
pedronissimpler I think13:44
pedronisif confusing13:44
zygaafter suite prepre we run tasks, then suite restore13:44
cachiozyga, I think we need to reorganize a bit the prepare/restore at test suite level13:44
zygaI bet this will work13:44
zygabecause we essentially revert that patch13:44
zygabut I think we don't understand why exactly (or perhaps just me)13:45
pedroniscachio: zyga: it's all good but given the state of things I would prefer we get back to a state that was known to work a bit more13:45
zygabecause the sequence of calls to reset.sh seems to be the same13:45
pedronisbefore reorganizing again13:45
cachiozyga, the workaroud which I proposed is to run the reset at the begining of the test suite13:46
pedronisbasically first revert https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/620213:46
mupPR #6202: tests: restore in restore, not in prepare <Created by zyga> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6202>13:46
cachionot for each test13:46
zygacachio: I'd love to understand this better when time is not ticking13:46
cachiozyga, we have standup in 15 mins :)13:47
zygaoh, I need to take the dog out then13:47
cachiozyga, let see that there13:47
zygacachio: I would rather understand the details of what is wrong13:47
zygarevert the thing I pushed that broke master13:47
zygaand later on fix master so that we can clearly agree that the prepare/restore logic is ok13:48
pedronisyes, that's my preferred approach13:48
pedronisas well13:48
mupPR snapcraft#2411 closed: cli: snapcraft init with a base <Created by sergiusens> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2411>13:48
mupPR snapcraft#2412 closed: schema: add support for title <Created by sergiusens> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2412>13:48
zygawith perhaps revert even before the understand :)13:48
zygasorry for breaking master for everyone13:48
zygamvo: I will try with seed, still 0 reproducted cases13:49
pedroniscachio: can you prepare a revert of #6202 ?13:49
mupPR #6202: tests: restore in restore, not in prepare <Created by zyga> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6202>13:50
zygapedronis, cachio: perhaps just https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6202/commits/8b174e8daec7b21f3091a0e99fb79467f56625ab13:50
zygathe rest is not related13:50
Chipacais the standup via hangouts still?13:52
zygaare they broken for you?13:52
Chipacazyga: weren't you unable to use it?13:52
zyga(asking for a friend :)13:52
Chipacano, my browser works13:52
zygayes, same thing today13:52
zygavideo starts, then ... nothing13:52
zygameet worked13:52
zygaI can do standup from phone13:52
mvopedronis: thanks for your review on 6185 - do you want me to move some code to osutil/strace there ? or would you prefer to do that in a followup?13:53
cachiozyga, pedronis sure13:53
pedronismvo: I think there, as I also said the code seems right but probably some better naming of thing/comment would help explaining but is doing13:54
pedroniss/but is/what is/13:54
mvopedronis: sure, happy to do that. thank yoU!13:54
pedronisthere are probably also some assumptions around how exec are expected to happen13:54
pedronisthat maybe need to be explicit13:54
mvopedronis: I will move code around and use the opportunity to clean naming a bit more, I agree its not ideal13:54
* mvo nods13:54
pedronisthank you13:55
pedroniscachio: zyga: I made a note in 6125 about this13:58
mupPR snapd#6216 opened: tests: revert "tests: restore in restore, not prepare" <Created by sergiocazzolato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6216>14:00
geodb27People : hi !14:02
geodb27I suspect a problem on my kubuntu18.04 laptop with the "service" named "run-snapd-ns-lxd.mnt.mount" what are the common log-files or log-programs that can help diagnose a problem (or not) for snaps ?14:09
zygageodb27: hey14:17
zygain a call, please hold14:17
zygathat is not a service as you noticed14:18
zygageodb27: can you tell me what the problems are14:19
zygathat file is a mount namespace14:19
zygabelonging to the lxd snap14:19
geodb27of course I can zyga, thanks a lot for your help.14:19
geodb27What I suspect is the following : my system boots, the /tmp is mounted. But, at one point, the snap lxd service is started and somehow bind-mounts something *OVER* the /tmp.14:20
zygaover the /tmp on the host?14:20
zygageodb27: can you you please run cat /proc/self/mountinfo on the host where lxd is running14:20
geodb27http://dpaste.com/0H48WSH here it is14:21
zygageodb27: according to that log there is nothing mounted over /tmp14:22
zygageodb27: perhaps you meant that something is in /tmp inside the containers started by lxd?14:22
geodb27You will get some more infos here https://github.com/lxc/lxd/issues/5171 since I've already discussed this issue here.14:22
zygageodb27: so can we get back to the problem, how is that file a problem?14:24
geodb27The output I gave you is the one I got after having run "systemctl stop run-snapd-ns-lxd.mnt.mount"14:24
zygasorry, I still don't understand, when you inspected mountinfo, was the system affected by this issue?14:25
geodb27Well, here is what I've observed on my machine and the conclusions I came to : when my machine boots, the sddm service is broken (I can enter my password, but the "connexion" button does nothing). To access my desktop, I must go on a virtual console, log-in as root and issue systemctl restart sddm.14:25
geodb27That's one point. And I came to suspect that the run-snapd-ns-lxd.mnt.mount was the problem. I suspect it to remount the /tmp after the sddm service is started, so that sddm loses it's tmp files).14:26
zygawhy do you suspect that?14:27
zygathe .mnt file is not a service14:27
zygait's a virtual unit created by systemd14:27
zygafor every entry in the mount table14:27
zygayou will see one14:27
zygait is a specific mount namespace used by all the processes of the lxd snap14:27
zygait cannot execute code so it cannot mount or otherwise over /tmp14:27
geodb27Indeed, that's what I've observed. However, when I issue systemctl stop run-snapd-ns-lxd.mnt.mount the content of the /tmp folder is altered.14:28
zygacan you show me mountinfo *before* that stop and *after* that stop14:28
zygaI suspect that what happens is that stop on that unit affects other units14:28
zygathat also stop14:28
zygabut that's not the unit per se, just something related to it14:28
geodb27I can do that. Give me the time to do so :-)14:29
zygasure, thank you14:29
geodb27I'll have to reboot my machine. I'll be back when it is done. Thanks a lot for your help.14:29
craigulliottGood morning everyone. Is there an appropriate channel where I can ask about manual review for a snap we have created. I believe it failed automatic review because it uses an X11 plug and slot (message said due to 'deny-connection' constraint for 'on-classic' from base declaration).14:50
mupPR snapd#6215 closed: tests: reset the snapd package to make the first test on the suite work properly <Created by sergiocazzolato> <Closed by sergiocazzolato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6215>14:52
niemeyerServer is not responding.. is it just me?14:55
zyganiemeyer: seems so14:55
niemeyerBack.. the tubes are broken14:55
geodb27back again. Sorry for the time it took me zyga. Here are all the facts I've collected from boot : http://dpaste.com/2CFWT2S14:56
zygageodb27: thanks14:56
roadmrcraigulliott: you can ask in https://forum.snapcraft.io/c/store but you don't need to; the manual review queue is checked periodically by reviewers14:56
zygageodb27: that's not quite what I asked for,  I wanted to see the mount table alone (cat /proc/self/mountinfo) across the stop of that mount unit14:57
craigulliott@roadman Great, thank you! Do you know how long it usually takes? I'm not looking to expedite, just to plan according.14:57
zygageodb27: one thing is sure, there's nothing mounted over /tmp in your log14:57
craigulliott@roadmr Great, thank you! Do you know how long it usually takes? I'm not looking to expedite, just to plan according.14:57
zygageodb27: let me read it in detail though, maybe something interesting shows up14:58
roadmrcraigulliott: there's no "standard of service" unfortunately :/ depends on the reviewers' workload really.14:58
zygastgraber: hello14:59
zygastgraber: one question14:59
zygastgraber: does this mount entry look normal to you?14:59
zyga860 844 0:3 mnt:[4026532713] /var/snap/lxd/common/ns/shmounts rw - nsfs nsfs rw14:59
zygathat's a mount namespace over shmounts14:59
zygais that something that lxd does?14:59
craigulliottroadmr: thanks!14:59
geodb27The last command I launched is indeed the systemctl stop run-snapd-ns-lxd.mnt.mount. I provided all this to show that before this command, the lxc profile edit throws an error related to /tmp, while after it runs fine. So, to me, there definetly is a problem related to this virtual service.14:59
pedroniszyga: can you check whether #6216 does what you expected from the revert?15:00
pedronisotherwise it can land I think, it's green15:00
mupPR #6216: tests: revert "tests: restore in restore, not prepare" <Created by sergiocazzolato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6216>15:00
stgraberzyga: yeah, that's normal, it's the logic we have to be able to keep our mounts across snap mntns changes (when core gets refreshed)15:01
geodb27Hi stgraber :-)15:02
stgraberzyga: on first startup we create a separate mount namespace, setup propagation both ways (rshared) with the snap-confine mntns and put a reference to it in the initial mount namespace so we can recover it even when our mntns is completely destroyed15:02
mvo6216 needs a second review15:06
mupPR snapd#6214 closed: spread.yaml: disable _/funcarg test for now <Created by mvo5> <Closed by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6214>15:08
zygastgraber: thank you for confirming15:10
zygapedronis: looking15:10
zygapedronis: yes, merged now15:10
zygathank you15:10
zygaI'll grab quick lunch now15:10
zygamvo, pstolowski: still 100% reproducing that race in unit tests and 0% reproducing that 2.36 issue15:11
stgrabergeodb27: still that weird /tmp behavior? :(15:11
stgrabergeodb27: we had one other report of something similar so far, but that user was running tmpreaper, so that made sense and was easy enough for them to fix15:11
mupPR snapd#6216 closed: tests: revert "tests: restore in restore, not prepare" <Created by sergiocazzolato> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6216>15:11
mvozyga: I'm running the branch with your diff too, but no success so far15:12
pstolowskizyga: wait, i thought you were reproducing it in 2.36 release?15:13
geodb27indeed, still the same very problem. Well, for now, the solution is "simple" as you can see : issue first a "systemctl stop run-snapd-ns-lxd.mnt.mount" and then "systemctl restart sddm" to have my laptop behave as expected. The fact is that I really want to understand why it is so.15:13
geodb27(I'm somehow stubborn and obstinate and really want to understand) :p15:14
mvopstolowski: I get the "... Panic: change 1 unexpectedly became unready (Do) (PC=0x45ECEE)15:17
mvo" panic pretty reliable here currently when running google:ubuntu-16.04-64 from upstream/release/2.36 fwiw15:17
pstolowskimvo: thanks, interesting i couldn't repro locally with 2.36 (although kinda expected if it's a race)15:18
kyrofazyga, interesting feedback from a snap user: https://help.nextcloud.com/t/nextcloud-snap-users-please-list-the-issues-youre-facing/1979/152 . Does a revert after a refresh that changes a channel not revert the followed channel as well?15:20
mupBug #1805162 opened: Impossible to get newly settled props <configure> <props> <snapctl> <snapset> <validation> <Snappy:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1805162>15:20
zygaback now15:30
pedronispstolowski: probably speed of the hardware (virtual or not) is relevant15:30
zygageodb27: we want to understand as well :)15:30
geodb27I'm sure you want :-)15:31
zygakyrofa: I think .. I don't know - perhaps not, we just revert the revision, not the tracking change operation15:31
geodb27hang on, I've found something that might interest you, zyga.15:31
zygapedronis, pstolowski: I was testing on google15:31
* cachio lunch15:31
zygageodb27: cool15:31
geodb27as @stgraber suggested and pointed out on the discussion we both had on github, look at this : http://dpaste.com/0C35VXQ and in particular line 71.15:33
geodb27This is from my system, right now, so after the systemctl stop and when things work. However, this looks weird to me : the source of the mount point is indeed deleted.15:34
geodb27oups, typo, line 7315:34
zygaoh, nice15:34
zyga661 751 259:2 /tmp/snap.0_lxd_M9HkFH/tmp//deleted /tmp rw,relatime - ext4 /dev/nvme0n1p2 rw,errors=remount-ro,data=ordered15:35
geodb27yep, that one. I've checked, there is nothing instructed to wipe /tmp at boot time.15:35
zygathis says that /tmp/snap.0_lxd_M9HkFH/tmp/ of the ext4 filesystem at device /dev/nvme0n1p2 is mounted at /tmp and that the source has been removed15:36
zygaas I see it15:36
zygawhen you boot you get /tmp from ext4 on nvme15:36
zygathen lxd snap starts up and creates that lxd.mnt file you know about in /run/snapd/ns/15:36
zygathat file captures the mount namespace of the lxd process15:36
zygathough lxd is special because it has more permissions than most snaps, so it can do many mount changes by itself15:37
zygathen something cleans up /tmp15:37
zygaremoving the snap.0_lxd_$random directory15:37
zygaso I have an ide15:37
zygageodb27: what is your distribution?15:37
geodb27kubuntu 18.04 lts15:38
zygageodb27: at least on ubuntu there's a systemd unit that wipes /tmp15:38
zygaone sec, let me check something15:38
geodb27take your time... I'm not in a hurry :-)15:40
zygacan you share the output of systemctl status systemd-tmpfiles-clean.service15:41
geodb27Sure : here it is http://dpaste.com/2NMEPHJ15:42
zyga   Active: inactive (dead) since Mon 2018-11-26 15:46:46 CET; 55min ago15:43
zygacan you try to corelate that to the snap.lxd.service please?15:43
geodb27http://dpaste.com/0X9RW2S I think that you got it !15:45
zyga   Active: active (running) since Mon 2018-11-26 15:31:51 CET; 1h 12min ago15:45
zygalxd starts before the tmpfsiles wipe job15:45
geodb27But I guess that systemctl disable systemd-tmpfiles-clean.service will not be the right solution.15:45
zygawhen you unmount that .mnt file you get a clean slate15:45
zygabut one suggestion15:45
zyganext time instead of doing that15:45
zygasudo /usr/lib/snapd/snap-discard-ns lxd15:45
zygathis does more than that umount alone15:46
zygageodb27: no, it's started by a timer15:46
zygaand it is a good idea anyway15:46
zygabut this feels like a systemd bug15:46
zygait seems, unless I'm mistaken15:46
zygathat it can wipe /tmp at any time15:46
zygaCC: stgraber ^15:46
zygageodb27: I would appreciate if you could add this to the bug report15:46
geodb27which bugreport ? The one on github I pointed to ?15:47
zygato capture that tmp is wiped with that service15:47
geodb27I'll do it right now. Thanks a lot for your kind help !15:47
zygaand this causes the tmp subdirectorty that is used by lxd as /tmp is gone15:47
zygathank you!15:47
zygaand I'm back to debugging other things15:48
zygapstolowski: do you have any patches, even early on that I could try15:49
zygaI hit that error every time I try now15:49
stgraberzyga: right, so not specific to LXD at all, this would break any snap that's started on boot, LXD just happens to be a very common one of those15:49
zygastgraber: exactly15:49
stgraberzyga: still odd that geodb27 is the only report we've seen of this15:50
geodb27@stgraber not really... I don't think that lxd is much used on Kubuntu... on ubuntu there is no doubt at all... But on a desktop distro ?15:52
pstolowskizyga: no, nothing yet15:52
pstolowskizyga: will let you know as soon as i've something15:53
mupBug #1805170 opened: Extend snapd REST API to get conf props from change transaction <Snappy:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1805170>15:56
stgrabergeodb27: sadly Kubuntu itself reports Ubuntu through lsb-release so we don't get any idea of number of users15:57
stgrabergeodb27: I do however see about 500 users on KDE neon 18.04, so at least those are desktop users of LXD using KDE15:57
geodb27I beleive you @stgraber :-) This was just a guess. Thenafter, my machine was updated from kubuntu 16.04 to 18.04 with a do-release-upgrade. I don't say that this is what caused the problem, but it could somehow be (though I don't know how at all).16:01
zygamvo: can you reproduce the issue with 2.36 branches16:02
zygaI will re-trigger them now16:02
zygaI cannot reproduce the issue at all16:02
mvozyga: I have not reproduced the permission denied issue yet, I run it again, I ran it ~2 times16:11
mvozyga: or three maybe16:12
zygamaybe not super critical16:12
zygaif it happens once in ~10 hours16:12
pedronisChipaca: #6126 got +2  , don't know if I need to look at it as well, or if there is  still some open Q there16:13
mupPR #6126: dirs, wrappers, overlord/snapstate: make completion + bases work <Created by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6126>16:13
Chipacapedronis: ah i missed the second +116:20
Chipacapedronis: should be gtg16:20
mupPR snapd#6126 closed: dirs, wrappers, overlord/snapstate: make completion + bases work <Created by chipaca> <Merged by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6126>16:21
geodb27zyga, with your kind help and some reading, I've added a /etc/tmpfiles.d/snap.conf file with this content : x /tmp/snap* X/tmp/snap* (on two lines).16:22
zygathis won't unlink those directories16:22
zygaperhaps snaps should ship that?16:22
zygageodb27: is there a bug report about this on launchpad.net?16:22
zygaspecifically bugs.launchpad.net/snapd16:23
zygaif no, can you file one, while we cannot reproduce this straight away shipping those exclusion rules in snapd seems possible16:23
geodb27I'll be heading for this when I'll be 100% sure that this solves the problem, indeed !16:32
zygageodb27: thank you!16:32
zygagood luck :)16:32
pedronispstolowski: I reviewed the hotplug PR that you fixed, lgtm,  I think the one I reviewed now need a pass by mvo. And as I said we should try to chat on wed about more global issues about event sequences for the same device16:37
pstolowskipedronis: thanks, wed sounds good16:38
geodb27zyga : https://bugs.launchpad.net/snapd/+bug/1805182 job done. Thus, I'm sure not to forget about it :-)16:47
mupBug #1805182: /tmp is sometime cleaned up after snaps are launched <snapd:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1805182>16:47
zygageodb27: thank you!16:47
geodb27Time to go, my day's work's over.16:47
geodb27Again, thanks a lot for your kind help !16:47
zygathank you for the detailed reports!16:47
mvopedronis: I look at the hotplug PR tomorrow16:48
pedronismvo: there's a couple where I requested your review16:48
zygamvo: can you look at that bug please^16:48
pedronisyes, tomorrow is fine16:48
zygamvo: just triaged it to high16:48
mvopedronis: thanks, will do those tomorrow as well16:48
zygamvo: seems that we could ship a tmpiles removal rule that would exempt removal of /tmp/snap.* directories16:49
zygamvo: all the details are in the bug16:49
mvozyga: ok, I check that tomorrow as well16:49
mvozyga: ?16:49
* zyga wonders if EODing on time is a good idea16:49
mvozyga: heh, I play hockey in some minutes16:49
* mvo looks forward to this16:50
zygamvo: thatt's a great thing to do :)16:50
sacardeI installed vlc 3.0.4 from snap in ubuntu-18.04, but I dont find binaries: cvlc nvlc...  is right?17:00
pedroniscachio: does 5714 need a 2nd master merge?17:05
pstolowskizyga: puzzled by that panic, can't repro on spread either - (release/2.36*) $ spread -debug -repeat 10  google:ubuntu-16.04-64:tests/unit/go17:07
zygawonder what I do17:08
zygaanyway, let me know if you figure out the error, may be some debug log can help17:08
zygae.g. extra logging we do in that test case17:08
roadmrsacarde: looks like the vlc snap does not provide those commands.17:13
pstolowskizyga: can you try with this patch https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/sGzrRdbV6Y/ and show me the output?17:16
pedroniszyga: #6206 has a conflict now also probably needs master merge anyway17:18
mupPR #6206: many: fix composite literals with unkeyed fields <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6206>17:19
pstolowskizyga: also, let me know if you run it differently; nb i believe my 2.36 is up-to-date, last commit 84e5ab2ad44511cb287a6450f5be6074563ea53517:19
mupPR snapd#6199 closed: Revert "cmd/snap, tests/main/snap-info: highlight the current channel" (2.36) <Created by chipaca> <Merged by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6199>17:20
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
zygapstolowski: I'm getting this error each time I run a snap17:58
zygawarning: cannot open cookie file /var/lib/snapd/cookie/snap.sublime-text17:58
zygathis particular snap that is17:58
zygapstolowski: it is classic, is this expected?17:58
pstolowskizyga: no17:58
zygapstolowski: and I have some good news17:58
zygapanic with debug messages https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/HTj9vvG7/17:59
zygapstolowski: can you reproduce that quickly with sublime-text?17:59
pstolowskizyga: oh, re panic, we're not mocking something?17:59
zygapopey: well, we always paniced18:00
zyga... Panic: change 1 unexpectedly became unready (Do) (PC=0x45ECEE)18:00
pstolowskizyga: sublime installed fine, cookie created, no error when run18:03
* zyga wonders18:03
pstolowskizyga: did you mess up with state or anything else could get out of sync?18:04
zygathat's fun18:04
zygaI don't have sublime-text installed18:04
zygasomething is veeery broken on that system18:05
zygano worries, thanks for checking18:05
zyga^ this runs sublime-text from classic package18:05
zygafun, eh?18:05
zygastray alias entry can run any command on host18:05
* Chipaca wanders off18:08
pstolowskizyga: i wonder if we shouldn't mock snap-confine wrt to that setup-profiles error in the test? still, wondering why i don't see it18:19
zygapstolowski: I'm happy to try more patches tomorrow, I'm wrapping up now18:20
zygaand working on something else still18:20
zygasorry if I'm not more helpful18:20
pstolowskizyga: yeah, me too18:20
pstolowskizyga: you helped a lot, thanks!18:20
=== pstolowski is now known as pstolowski|afk
=== zyga is now known as zyga|afk
* cachio afk19:07
sacarderoadmr, who build package vlc(snap or deb), ubuntu or snap ?19:26
mupPR snapd#6206 closed: many: fix composite literals with unkeyed fields <Created by zyga> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6206>19:34
roadmrjdstrand: are you around?20:42
roadmrsacarde: the vlc developers are responsible for maintaining that snap20:42
roadmrsacarde: you can find contact and support info here https://snapcraft.io/vlc20:43
sacarderoadmr, in #videolan reply to my question, that command are alias from vlc command20:44
sacardethank you20:44
roadmrsacarde: glad you got it sorted out :) cheer20:44
ijohnsonroadmr: jdstrand is out today and tomorrow20:44
roadmrthanks ijohnson ! I'll poke him on Wednesday then20:44

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