
floridagram-bot3<RazPi> OMG, I FINALLY HAVE LIVE C++ INSPECTION ON EMACS @_@08:24
floridagram-bot3<RazPi> ON WINDOWS08:25
floridagram-bot3<RazPi> https://i.gyazo.com/1d36227b7a40266d1268573fd3dea6b9.mp408:27
floridagram-bot3<RazPi> Its so beautiful 😢 I've wanted this for years. Rtags had trouble working on windows- then GoodGuyMicrosoft put out the Language Server Protocol a few years ago, and people have been migrating over to it. This is now using CQuery, Clang, and LLVM.08:27
floridagram-bot3<RazPi> COMPLETION https://i.gyazo.com/a6c881ccad12ece15bc762d8130dadbc.mp409:06
floridagram-bot3<RazPi> Now the big question is, once I get some Linux binaries compiled, can I do this through console? The color theme is specifically 256-color supported for terminals, and the completion mode doesn't utilize anything other than buffer writing I think.09:08
=== meetingology` is now known as meetingology
floridagram-bot3<Abrerr> Similar functionality in my vim environment. Works great in a remote session (or tty). Let me know how yours goes16:09
floridagram-bot3<RazPi> The LSP protocol should provide instant support for emacs, vim, VSCode, atom, whichever has an lsp client16:10
floridagram-bot3<RazPi> So you may be able to get even c# on vim16:10
floridagram-bot3<AdamOutler> It's Cyber Monday! Who's doing cybering?16:10
floridagram-bot3<AdamOutler> Who wants to Cyber?16:11
floridagram-bot3<RazPi> Any good deals?16:11
floridagram-bot3<Abrerr> @AdamOutler, Bro16:11
floridagram-bot3<Abrerr> Cyber all the things16:11
floridagram-bot3<KMyers> @AdamOutler, Last time I said yes to that, you sent me some photos that I am still going to a therapist weekly to get the images out of my head16:12
floridagram-bot3<Abrerr> @RazPi, Any support for R?16:12
floridagram-bot3<AdamOutler> https://www.amazon.com/b/ref=CMDO18_GW_Desk_Dashboard_EN?node=5550342011&pf_rd_p=1149a8c1-8f48-4640-b364-50b20f29b92c&pf_rd_r=VF9P23JXHBSS732NZP0C16:13
floridagram-bot3<Abrerr> Got about a week to get caught up on R16:14
floridagram-bot3<govatent> I didn't see any good deals that peaked my interest16:29
floridagram-bot3<RazPi> @KMyers @Ivoriesablaze @AdamOutler I found battletech stuff..17:23
floridagram-bot3<KMyers> I thought you found all that is still around17:23
floridagram-bot3<RazPi> I got all the models and two sourcebooks for a huge duscount17:24
floridagram-bot3<RazPi> *discount17:24
floridagram-bot3<KMyers> In NC?17:24
floridagram-bot3<RazPi> Yes! Asheville17:29
floridagram-bot3<RazPi> I walked in because I thought it was a videogame store but it was an actual gaming store17:30
floridagram-bot3<RazPi> You know how sometimes you find programmers in the mountains. They have one or two hobbies like retro computers and model airplanes and wear flannels and kinda keep to themselves?22:12
floridagram-bot3<KMyers> Yes, I have seen this for myself22:12
floridagram-bot3<Ivoriesablaze> sounds like the a good life22:12
floridagram-bot3<Ivoriesablaze> and yes, raz, we can totally see you doing that22:13
floridagram-bot3<RazPi> It hit me while I was collecting old computer magazines from a bookstore out in the middle of nowhere.. yep.22:13
floridagram-bot3<KMyers> @Ivoriesablaze, I cant see him growing a neckbeard however22:13
floridagram-bot3<RazPi> 6_9 I like it and I'm scared of it at the same time.22:14
floridagram-bot3<Ivoriesablaze> you never know22:14
floridagram-bot3<RazPi> Hahaha22:14
floridagram-bot3<RazPi> I can't grow a beard xD so there's that22:14
floridagram-bot3<RazPi> But it's like, hey, sounds comfy.22:14
floridagram-bot3<RazPi> But also, I need the excitement and the bleeding edge. I need the storms. But man, working on my emacs config the past few days has been some of the most  serene development environment out there in the woods. You could really focus22:20
floridagram-bot3<RazPi> Maybe you don't need to be in a tech hub to be bleeding edge of research.22:20
floridagram-bot3<Ivoriesablaze> you just kinda need access to amazon, i would think23:05
floridagram-bot3<Ivoriesablaze> "i need this particular part" *orders from amazon*23:05
floridagram-bot3<ahoneybun> I love it when the energy and gas company says my payment is late when I setup Autopay 10 days before the bill was due.23:06
floridagram-bot3<AdamOutler> When Amazon fails, use eBay23:16
floridagram-bot3<govatent> Xcell billing is a joke23:40
floridagram-bot3<govatent> I can't believe I'm gonna say this, but I miss fpl23:41

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