
mupPR snapd#6217 opened: tests: reset snapd state on tests restore <Created by sergiocazzolato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6217>02:48
mupBug #1753760 changed: Adding public RSA Key doesn't make login on device possible <Snappy:Expired> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1753760>04:18
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
=== zyga|afk is now known as zyga
geodb27People : hi !07:34
zygabrb, need to take the dog out07:48
=== pstolowski|afk is now known as pstolowski
pstolowskiback to yesterday's test panic issue, the debug log from zyga shed some light on it07:58
mvopstolowski: good morning and good luck wit hthat07:59
zygaHey Paweł, Michael08:00
zygamvo: I’m off the 2.36 bug08:00
zygaNo progress made08:00
zygaNeed to finish my stuff now08:00
mvozyga: ok08:04
pstolowskizyga: may i ask you to try one more patch>08:06
pstolowskizyga: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/Kgs7tXTfRH/08:19
mvopedronis: re 6195 - shall we (after this got a second review) merge and do 2.36.2 and then look for a better place for this than link_snap.go? or would you rather like to look for this place now before it goes to master?08:26
mupPR snapd#6218 opened:  snapstate: update fontconfig caches on install (2.36) <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6218>08:31
pstolowskizyga: actually that patch won't help; i'll have another one soon08:59
pstolowskii wish i understand what the delta is between our setups and why it doesn't fail for me on travis, pretty weird09:00
zygapstolowski: re, sorry, had a delay and network woes09:17
zygapstolowski: yeah09:18
zygapstolowski: if you want I can give you ssh access09:18
zyganot sure if that would help09:18
zygato my box09:18
zygawhere this happens09:18
zygaI can work on another09:18
pstolowskizyga: yeah, that could help, thanks. also question, did we change anything related to finding if apparmor should be enabled or not recenlty? it looks like setup-profiles in this test now wants to read vanilla snap-confine profile of core; this happens if we find that release.AppApparmorLevel != NoApparmor. we're not mocking vanilla profile in the mock core snap obviously09:23
pstolowskimvo: you might know as well^09:24
zygapstolowski: not sure when is recently09:24
zygawhen apparmor is not entirely disabled we operate09:24
zygaincluding making a special profile for snap-confine itself09:24
zygaif you think mocking is missing by all means, add some09:24
pstolowskiyep. it's just curious it's not happening consistently09:25
Chipacamoin moin09:26
zygahey Chipaca09:26
Chipacahave you seen https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/disable-enable-not-longer-working-when-snap-have-gpio-pins-as-connect/6473 ?09:26
zygaoh noes09:26
zygathis is a bug we fixed09:26
Chipacazyga: "withthe edge channel" of core presumably?09:27
pstolowskimorning Chipaca09:27
zygaChipaca: your questions got me curious09:28
zygaso I did some more experiments on https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/614709:28
mupPR #6147: cmd/snap-confine: use snap-discard-ns ns to discard stale namespaces <Per-user mount ns  🐎> <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6147>09:28
zygaand I believe we understand why additional permissions are required09:29
zygamy only question now09:29
zygashould I split the permissions so that snap-update-ns is called with the existing profile transition09:29
zygaand the only permission we have remains "r"09:29
zygaadding a new block for snap-discard-ns which runs with the same profile09:29
zygaor is the patch as-is good enough?09:29
Chipacazyga: WWJ(S)D?09:30
zygasplit it09:30
zygafor maximum confinement09:30
zygaI'll do that09:30
zygabtw, love the acronym :D09:30
zygaChipaca: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6147 is ready now09:39
mupPR #6147: cmd/snap-confine: use snap-discard-ns ns to discard stale namespaces <Per-user mount ns  🐎> <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6147>09:39
mupPR snapd#6219 opened: overlord/tests: [WIP] fix panic in managers test <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6219>09:50
zygaI need a 2nd review for https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/614710:00
mupPR #6147: cmd/snap-confine: use snap-discard-ns ns to discard stale namespaces <Per-user mount ns  🐎> <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6147>10:00
zygaChipaca: thank you!10:01
zygaI also need a 2nd review on https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/615910:21
mupPR #6159: cmd/snap-confine: handle mounted shared /run/snapd/ns <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6159>10:21
pstolowskizyga: +1 with one question10:31
mupPR snapd#6159 closed: cmd/snap-confine: handle mounted shared /run/snapd/ns <Created by zyga> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6159>10:33
zygathanks! :)10:33
zygamvo: what's the 2.36 weather like?10:33
mvozyga: medium, still see failures but can't reproduce them10:37
zygamvo: magic10:38
zygamvo: pstolowski is working on a fix for the panic I can reproduce trivially10:38
zygaI'll just run tests for his incremental patches10:38
pstolowskizyga:you can try https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/621910:38
mupPR #6219: overlord/tests: [WIP] fix panic in managers test <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6219>10:38
zygasure thing10:38
pstolowskizyga: btw, it's green, does it mean anything?10:39
zygatest in progress10:39
pstolowskicause i can't repro here, pretty annoying10:39
mvopstolowski: I can try to run this after my current run, I had some luck reproducing the panic10:40
pstolowskimvo: thanks. i tried running it with spread -debug -repeat 10 google:ubuntu-16.04-64:tests/unit/go10:45
pedronismvo: I hopefully answered in the PR10:51
mvopedronis: ta11:02
* pedronis goes back to swap daying11:03
mvopstolowski: I am running it now again, lets see11:04
zygaBrb, coffee or something warm11:13
mvopstolowski: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/9rj8ydFg5p/ <- I cherry picked  1c5b166643a5623b0a534fd1a8acb7d03d50d856 from 6219 earlier11:26
pstolowskimvo: aha, interesting, let me mock core rev 1 as well11:29
mvopstolowski: shall I run it again?11:30
mvopstolowski: I mean, after you upated the pr?11:30
pstolowskimvo: i've just pushed a change11:35
pstolowskimvo: thanks!11:35
cachiopedronis, I am working again with the #571411:35
mupPR #5714: tests: new test for cifs-mount interface <Created by sergiocazzolato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5714>11:36
mvo6195 needs a second review11:50
zygamvo: I reproduced 2.36 bug again11:55
zygapstolowski: no panic yet11:55
pstolowskizyga: are you running with the update i pushed  a few minutes ago ^ ?11:56
zygapstolowski: no, the one from earlier today11:56
zygamock vanilla profile for snap-confine11:56
zygamvo: same thing, apparmor parser killed by signal11:57
pstolowskizyga: ok; yeah, i think one more revision of core in the tests needs it too, i added it11:57
mvozyga: anything interessting why its killed?11:59
zygamvo: I cannot find any information about why11:59
mvozyga: or what signal? sigter11:59
zygahits appreciated11:59
mvozyga: meh :(11:59
zygaI suspect sigterm because it says "terminated"12:00
zygasomething interesting12:01
zygamvo: look at this12:01
zygalots of terminated errors https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/FVHUi8t8/12:01
zygaI thought it is just one time12:01
zygamvo: it's not just once12:02
zygait seems to happen all the time12:02
zygasnap changes https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/2UoYFGwX/12:02
zygamvo: note that this branch doesn't have the tweak I used before12:04
zygaso the error was not fatal12:04
zygaI was testing pawel's patches12:04
zygaI will record the seed and continue unless anyone has some better idea12:04
zygaok, seed is -seed=154331516112:07
zygaI will pull more of pawel's patches12:07
zygaas well as my stashed error handling12:08
zygaand let's see12:08
mvozyga: thank you12:08
mvozyga: I run it also with your diff to make the error fatal12:08
mvozyga: but so far no luck in reproducing12:09
zygaback to working on feature12:09
Chipacawhat's holding back snapd on debian?12:13
zygaChipaca: AFAIK there's a test failure that happens there12:14
zygabut no investigated12:14
ChipacaI mean packaging-wise12:14
Chipacait's on 2.3012:14
Chipacaand no reexec12:14
zygaI believe you are wrong, there is reexec12:15
zygaas for the package, nobody released updates12:15
ChipacaI wonder if deepin mangles os-release or sth, then12:17
* Chipaca installs deepin12:17
zyganote that we have a blacklist, not a whitelist12:17
Chipacano we don't12:17
ChipacaI mean12:17
Chipacaif !release.DistroLike("debian", "ubuntu") {12:17
Chipacathat's a whitelist, even if it has a "not" in front of it12:18
zygathat's new to me12:19
Chipacazyga: reading a bit of above, "terminated" is the %s of signal 1512:19
zygathat's odd12:19
zygawonder why we do that12:19
Chipacazyga: /usr/share/go-1.6/src/syscall/zerrors_linux_amd64.go12:19
zyga(not really us probably)12:19
zygaze errorz zey keep koming!12:19
ChipacaI think it's just shorthand for "zee autogeneraed files"12:20
Chipacazyga: 15 is TERM, so what else would you call it?12:20
zygaah, sorry12:21
zyga9 is kill12:21
zygaI did make tea, not coffee12:21
zygaso terminated12:21
Chipacaand 9 would say "killed"12:21
zygamaybe test setup?12:21
zygathere is one silly way to fix it :)12:22
zygawe could wrap aa-parser with an apparmor profile12:22
zygathat rejects SIGTERM :D12:22
zyga(I'm half serious)12:22
zygamight help us to pinpoint the sender12:22
zygabecause we would get a denial12:22
* pstolowski lunch12:25
zygais maciej around today?12:33
zygaah, he called in sick12:33
Chipacahttps://forum.snapcraft.io/t/cannot-run-any-program-trace-breakpoint-triggered-errors/8707?u=chipaca if anybody has clues about apparently x11 being broken on deepin12:43
* zyga thinks12:44
zygaI know12:45
Chipacazyga: i'm going to get lunch, but i'll read when i return12:45
zygals /tmp/.X11-unix12:45
zygaon ubuntu we use abstract socket to talk to x12:45
zygaon some systems we don't12:45
zygawithout special support we won't have x socket12:46
WimpressIf snap A connects to snap B via a content interface, can snap A execute binaries within snap B?12:51
zygaWimpress: yes, but must use the internal interface, not via "snap run ..." or /snap/bin/..."12:51
zygaand said binaries run with confinement of snap A12:51
Wimpresssnap A is confined.12:52
Wimpresssnap B might be classic ;-)12:52
zygaby internal interface I mean by knowing how to execute the binary directly from where the content sharing is establieshed12:52
zygaWimpress: content sharing shares bits and bytes12:52
zyganot changing anything else12:52
zygadoes't grant more permissions to run12:52
zygaor not run12:52
WimpressOK, so by virtue of having the snaps connected, snap A can not execute binaries from snap B. Correct?12:53
zygano, that's not correct12:53
zygaif I have a snap that contains a shell script12:53
zygaand I expose that via a content interface12:53
zygaand that interface is connected to some other sna12:53
zygathat other snap can invoke that shell script12:54
zygathat shell script may not be an exposed application12:54
zygaand in fact if it is an exposed application12:54
zygaI cannot use that exposed application from any snap12:54
zyganote that this doesn't imply any more permissions12:54
zygaif you content-connect to LXD, for example, you don't get to run LXD with all the powers attached12:55
WimpressSo snap A would have to invoke the binary in snap B via a full path?12:55
zygait's just a way to share bytes12:55
zygaWimpress: with path, environment and any other quirks required12:55
zygait's as easy or hard as the associated binary implementation details are12:55
WimpressWould binaries snap A want to execute from snap B be referenced via /snap/snapA/current/bin/foo or via /snap/snapB/current/bin/foo? Or will $SNAP be fine?12:57
zyganeither, you need to use the real path where they are shared12:57
zygaso if you share them to, say12:57
zygaand find them there12:57
zygayou need to know to call $SNAP/plugins/foo/bin/plugin.bin12:58
zyga$SNAP or any other variables are not aware of that12:58
zygathey will not know anything about any connected content interfaces (perhaps many)12:58
zygathey will always point to the snap for which the main process was started12:58
zyga(snap A in this case)12:58
WimpressOK. Sounds promising.12:58
WimpressSo, if snap A (confined) is connecting to snap B (classic), snap A can execute binaries exposed from snap B but within the confinement defined by snap A. Correct?12:59
zygait's really just the same13:00
zygaas if they were copied into snap A13:00
zygait's just a way to share bytes13:00
WimpressJust wanted to be clear.13:00
Chipacazyga: am back. Indeed /tmp/.X11-unix/X0 is where it's at13:00
Chipacazyga: so what do I do?13:01
zygawe can easily fix that too13:01
zygahold on13:02
zygalooking for something13:03
zygaChipaca: in cmd_run.go we handle XAUTHORITY13:05
zygawe could handle X11 socket13:05
Chipacazyga: handle it how?13:06
zygaha, that's tricky13:06
zygawe can see the socket13:07
zygabut not access it13:07
zygaperhaps we should preserve /tmp/.X11* in snap-conifne13:07
zygawhich is not terribly hard but not super easy either13:07
zygaChipaca: can you please file a bug13:07
zygaor find one13:07
zygaI bet people reported it13:07
zygathere are also mentions of this on the forum13:07
cachiozyga, hey13:07
Chipacazyga: I mean, this is from the forum :-)13:08
zygaChipaca: let's cross reference them then13:08
zygacachio: hello13:08
cachiozyga, I could make the cifs test work but ...13:08
cachiozyga, just adding this to the interface "/run/mount/utab rw,"13:08
Chipacazyga: I wonder if there's a way to tell X to use abstract sockets13:08
zygaI think we discussed that13:08
zygacachio: we should not do that13:09
zygaChipaca: some systems don't have one13:09
cachiozyga, based on the comment we shouldn't13:09
zygacachio: we cannot add that permission because that would allow snaps to confuse the host's libmount about what certain attributes are13:09
Chipacazyga: it seems to also have an abstract socket, @/tmp/.X11-unix/X013:11
zygaChipaca: is there anything in the environment13:11
zygaany X... variable set?13:11
zygamaybe we can do a low cost fix13:11
zyga"unset XSTH"13:12
Chipacanothing that I can see13:13
zygadunno then13:14
Chipacazyga: and if I install with devmode it workss13:18
zygathat's odd13:18
Chipacazyga: so it's not the /tmp/.X11 socket13:18
zygawhat's the denial?13:18
Chipacazyga: it's access to the socket itself13:18
pstolowskimvo: any news on the 2nd run of https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6219 ?13:18
Chipaca1 sec because I accidentally killed the vm :-)13:18
mupPR #6219: overlord/tests: [WIP] fix panic in managers test <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6219>13:18
zygapstolowski: I ran it again, 0 failures13:19
zygarestarted (thanks for reminidng me)13:19
pstolowskinice, thanks13:19
pstolowskifwtw travis pass was green again13:19
Chipaca[  157.486384] audit: type=1400 audit(1543324906.843:348): apparmor="DENIED" operation="create" profile="snap.xbill-xaw.xbill-xaw" pid=3187 comm="xbill" family="unix" sock_type="stream" protocol=0 requested_mask="create" denied_mask="create" addr=none13:22
Chipacahad to purge the charon thing to get to see that13:22
zygahold on13:22
* Chipaca goes to check on the soup13:22
Chipacasoup for lunch isn't that weird13:23
Chipacai've got a bad cold13:23
Son_Gokuniemeyer, zyga: https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-EPEL-2018-ba8845b83b13:23
Son_Gokuthis might make you guys happy :)13:23
zygaSon_Goku: mborzecki is sick, he's off today13:23
zygabut I'll make sure he knows13:23
Son_Gokuah, that's too bad13:23
Son_Gokuhope he feels better soon :)13:23
zygaChipaca: which interfaces do you have connected13:24
zygaChipaca: x11 plug grants socket AF_NETLINK, not unix13:24
zygaalso allows some x abstractions, reading on those now13:24
zygaChipaca: but nothing grants access to that socket13:25
zygaChipaca: could it be the case that apparmor simply doesn't handle abstract sockets13:25
zygaand we never noticed?13:25
Chipacasounds like a jdstrand question :-)13:26
Chipacaor, maybe a jjohansen ? if i remember people right13:26
* Chipaca often doesn't13:26
Chipacammm, tasty tasty schadenfreude http://forum.asrock.com/forum_posts.asp?TID=1017413:30
zygaChipaca: both would know13:32
Chipacaok, i'm off to have actual lunch now13:32
zygagood idea13:32
zygaI'll wait till after standup13:33
zygaI'd love to land https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/614713:33
mupPR #6147: cmd/snap-confine: use snap-discard-ns ns to discard stale namespaces <Per-user mount ns  🐎> <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6147>13:33
zygamvo: can you do a quick review, in mborzecki's absence13:33
Chipacazyga: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/B5d5n36p2h/ might this be relevant to the x11 thing?14:22
zygamvo: the bug is https://bugs.launchpad.net/snapd/+bug/180518214:27
mupBug #1805182: /tmp is sometime cleaned up after snaps are launched <snapd:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1805182>14:27
mupPR snapd#6220 opened: cmd: drop cruft from snap-discard-ns build rules <Simple 😃> <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6220>14:53
zygamvo: can you do a quick review of https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6147 please14:53
mupPR #6147: cmd/snap-confine: use snap-discard-ns ns to discard stale namespaces <Per-user mount ns  🐎> <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6147>14:53
zygait's green and if it lands I can continue14:53
zygaand has one and a half review14:53
mvozyga: I try, have a lot of meeting now :/14:54
zygapstolowski: perhaps you ^14:54
pstolowskizyga: ^14:54
zygameanwhile, 2.36 branch for those errors14:58
zygamvo: I just realized something15:02
zygathe terminated error is not new15:02
zygawe probably had it since forever15:02
zygabut we would not notice it until the special situation in 2.36 branch15:02
zygathis doesn't change why it is broken15:02
zygabut may help us form new perspective15:03
zygabecause we had ignored those errors all the time15:03
zygawe would just happily carry on15:03
mupPR snapcraft#2417 opened: Revert "lifecycle: make snapcraft init template use > not | (#2393)" <Created by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2417>15:03
mupPR snapd#6221 opened: interfaces: return security setup errors <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6221>15:09
zygamvo: this one is for you https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/622115:10
mupPR #6221: interfaces: return security setup errors <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6221>15:10
mupPR snapd#6222 opened: cmd/snap: handle DNS error gracefully <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6222>15:29
zygapstolowski: nice15:33
zygapstolowski: 0 errors15:33
pstolowskizyga: very nice, thanks, i'm cleaning that PR atm, will push an update15:34
zygapstolowski: I woudn't mind a follow up15:34
zygathis looks sane as-is15:34
pstolowskiwell it outputs debug15:38
pstolowskii'll cherry pick into master15:38
* cachio lunch15:38
zygacachio: offtopic, can we start instances not in us-east15:40
zygait would be awesome if we could do europe too15:40
zygacachio: latency to us-east sucks :/15:40
zyganot sure if this is something you or gustavo needs to handle15:41
zygaspread on travis is ok15:41
zygabut interactive spread for debugging is not15:41
zygaI'm fine with editing my spread.yaml if I can achieve that15:41
mupPR snapd#6147 closed: cmd/snap-confine: use snap-discard-ns ns to discard stale namespaces <Per-user mount ns  🐎> <Created by zyga> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6147>15:49
zygathank you mvo!15:49
zygamvo: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6221 no errors yet!15:51
mvozyga: meeting ended early :)15:51
mvozyga: oh no15:51
mupPR #6221: interfaces: return security setup errors <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6221>15:51
zygawell, there are unit test panics that pstolowski is fixing15:51
mvozyga: its so annoying15:51
zygabut none of the other errors15:51
zygaso while I don't get it, it's interesting output15:52
mvozyga: it seems to be happening all the time in the 6128 PR15:53
zygamvo: 6128 is merged, I assume you mean a 2.36 backport of that15:55
zygawell, let's see15:55
zygaI need to break for dinner now15:55
zygaI will be back15:55
zygamvo: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6220 looks like an easy win15:55
mupPR #6220: cmd: drop cruft from snap-discard-ns build rules <Simple 😃> <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6220>15:55
zygaand helps me move forward too15:56
mvozyga: 6218 - sorry15:56
mvozyga: as a general rule I always approve PRs that have only reds15:57
zygamvo: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6221 didn't fail on that apparmor issue16:17
mupPR #6221: interfaces: return security setup errors <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6221>16:17
zygamvo: do you have any theory as to why the patch may make it better?16:17
mvozyga: in a meeting, can you just retrigger?16:19
cachiozyga, I think we can16:21
cachiothere is a problem16:21
zygacachio: if you tell me how I'd love to try16:21
zygabut I need to take the dog out first :)16:21
cachiothe spread cleaner is configured to clean machines just on us-east1-b16:22
cachioit is basically because you query instances by zone16:22
kenvandinemvo: were you saying desktop-launch in brave was taking ~2s on the 2nd launch on 18.10?16:30
zygakenvandine: AFAIK it was update-mime-cache or something like that16:30
kenvandinethat should only be on the first run16:30
zygapstolowski: I just got a notification that ISS is rising16:32
zygathe app is not even open16:32
pstolowskizyga: :)16:33
zygakenvandine: yeah but from what mvo researched it seemed to be a constant cost16:34
zygaI didn't examine that, I think it's best to wait for mvo to leave the meeting frenzy16:34
kenvandinei just tried it on my 18.10 laptop and i'm getting good results16:35
kenvandinedesktop-launch elapsed time:  0.11675299716:35
mvokenvandine: interessting - here is my second run:http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/hFbMF8CQKT/16:36
zygapstolowski: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6222#issuecomment-44212640616:36
mupPR #6222: cmd/snap: handle DNS error gracefully <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6222>16:36
mvokenvandine: maybe specific to my machine, its a pretty beaten setup :)16:36
kenvandinemvo update-mime-database and update-icon-cache should only run on the 1st run16:37
mvokenvandine: ok, should I set -x the script to see what is going on?16:37
mvokenvandine: let me do that16:37
kenvandinemvo:  that would be useful16:38
kenvandinemvo: that should only run if needs_update is true16:39
pstolowskizyga: damn, i think it's not deteministtic... saw that error once but then stopped getting it as the test was tweaked16:39
kenvandinemvo: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/C2M7Y6XQpf/16:40
mvokenvandine: it looks like the user-dirs.dirs check is setting needs_update=true16:41
mvokenvandine: I'm trying to figure out now why16:41
kenvandinemvo: that's not setting it for me16:42
kenvandineso maybe that's the trigger16:42
kenvandineperhaps we shouldn't overload needs_update there16:42
mvokenvandine: I have no .md5sum file in my dir it seems16:43
kenvandinemvo: what's your actual $HOME/.config/user-dirs.{dirs,locale} look like16:45
mvokenvandine: I don't have a user-dirs.locale16:46
kenvandinei wonder why not16:46
mvokenvandine: I have no idea :/16:46
mvokenvandine: but its there on my other box - what creates it?16:46
kenvandinenot sure16:47
kenvandinemvo: so for you it's doing a bunch of things on every run that it shouldn't16:47
mvokenvandine: indeed16:47
kenvandineseb128: ^^ what creates user-dirs.locale?16:47
roadmrhey folks, a question! two old revisions of each snap are kept for rollback purposes. But these are squashfs-mounted. Why are they mounted if they're not really in use?16:48
zygaroadmr: two reasons16:49
zygaroadmr: we didn't do it better16:49
zygaroadmr: we don't cache meta/snap.yaml16:49
zygaso we really go and look each time you ask16:49
zygawe also rely on the filesystem being there to discover things like hooks16:49
roadmrok :)16:49
mupPR snapd#6220 closed: cmd: drop cruft from snap-discard-ns build rules <Simple 😃> <Created by zyga> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6220>16:51
zygaroadmr: given that they consume memory it would be nice to not have to mount those16:51
zygaroadmr: we might get to a point where snapd caches enough stuff about them to stop needing that16:52
roadmrzyga: indeed, it did seem weird and wasteful but doesn't seem to be the end of the world :)16:52
zygapstolowski: I keep getting panics16:52
zygathose that your PR fixes16:52
zygacannot wait for 621916:53
pstolowskizyga: noooo..16:53
pstolowskizyga: uh oh, you getting them without my PR?16:53
zygainside your pr16:53
zygawhat were the calls to the "snap" command like?16:53
zygacan you check that in the test quickly16:54
zygaeven locally16:54
pstolowskizyga: probably none, i added just in case run-hook is exectued, as this was a case in many other tests before. i can probably remove it here, but there is no harm in leving it16:55
zygacan you just double check before this goes in16:55
cachio zyga already tried mounting on /run/mount but still get the same denial17:01
cachioapparmor="DENIED" operation="open" profile="snap.test-snapd-sh.with-cifs-mount" name="/run/mount/utab" pid=24510 comm="mount" requested_mask="wrc" denied_mask="wrc" fsuid=0 ouid=017:01
zygacachio: you'd have to change the interface17:01
zygacachio: to do two more things:17:01
zygaallow that path to be written17:01
zygaand create a symlink in /run/mount/utab17:01
zygathe problem is that it's not easy to do 2)17:01
zygafor the moment I have no solution17:01
pstolowskizyga: no calls to snap cmd, verified with fmt.Printf("%q\n", ms.snapCmd.Calls()) in teardown17:02
cachiozyga, ok, I'll try that17:04
zygacachio: no, please don't17:04
zygacachio: there is no fix now17:05
cachiozyga, ah, ok17:05
zygasorry, no easy win17:05
zygamvo: one more trivial https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/622317:05
mupPR #6223: cmd/libsnap: move apparmor-support to libsnap <Simple 😃> <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6223>17:05
zygathis all setting the stage for the big tool cleanup that mborzecki requested17:06
mupPR snapd#6223 opened: cmd/libsnap: move apparmor-support to libsnap <Simple 😃> <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6223>17:06
pstolowski#6219 failed on unrelated stuff, for the 2nd time17:22
mupPR #6219: overlord/tests: fix panic in managers test <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6219>17:22
pstolowskicannot create temporary directory for /var/lib/snapd mount point: Permission denied17:23
pstolowski(previously it failed on the .mnt unit bug)17:23
zygacachio: some quick comments on 621717:24
zygapstolowski: eh17:25
zyga2.36 of doom17:25
zygapstolowski: perhaps we should merge the two 2.36 fixes into one branch17:25
zygawe foudn some useful stuff17:26
cachiozyga, tx17:26
zygaerror from apparmor-parser https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/4APIpXG2/17:26
zygajdstrand: hey, I recall there were some parser incompatiblity with older LEAP releases17:28
zygathis looks similar ^17:28
zygado I recall if you had a PR that fixed this in master17:28
zygathis comes from a PR that makes errors actually reported: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/622117:29
mupPR #6221: interfaces: return security setup errors <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6221>17:29
zygait is against 2.36, not master17:29
pstolowskizyga: !17:30
mupPR snapd#6224 opened: interfaces: return security setup errors <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6224>17:31
zygaI opened one against master17:31
zygalet's see what happens17:31
zygaI need to take Bit out for that walk!17:31
zygaI'm terrible at tracking time sometimes17:31
=== pstolowski is now known as pstolowski|afk
zygamvo: I'll break to get some groceries with wife18:03
=== zyga is now known as zyga|afk
* cachio afk19:05
mvozyga|afk: hm - so "AppArmor parser error for /var/lib/snapd/apparmor/profiles/snap-confine.core.6016 in /var/lib/snapd/apparmor/profiles/snap-confine.core.6016 at line 103: Exec condition must begin with '/'." - in my profile line 103 is: "    change_profile unsafe /** -> [^u/]**,19:14
zyga|afkmvo: I know what that is but I m afk now19:53
zyga|afkmvo: still here?20:28
mvozyga|afk: back now20:36
=== zyga|afk is now known as zyga
zygaso long story, we use a incompatible format in master20:36
mvozyga: you know what it is?20:36
mvozyga: meh20:36
zygayes, we knew about it20:36
zygaI think jdstrand assumed that leap is not needed anymore20:36
zygaand because we didn't return the error all the way20:36
zygait was non-fatal20:36
zygaI actually think there's some correlation between this and the unit test failure20:37
zygaif some things weren't mocked20:37
zygaand really ran20:37
zygathey may really fail20:37
zygaand then we'd start undoing20:37
zygalook at master version of the PR that uncovers this20:37
mvozyga: hm, so why is it flaky then and does not fail all the time?20:37
zygathe error in master is exactly the panic that pawel was chasing20:37
mvozyga: and its incompatible with 16.04?20:37
zygait depends on what ran before20:37
zygaI don't think it is incompatible with xenial20:37
zygabut I don't know yet20:38
zygaI just realised what it was while outside20:38
zygaI will see for myself on leap 42.3 - i have all those VMs around20:38
mvozyga: ok, thats great that we finally have a lead20:38
zygaI didn't check20:38
zygaor I don't remember20:38
zygaif the unit test failure was specific to one system20:38
mvozyga: I'm still puzzled that we see these failures on ubuntu20:38
zygaor was it all over20:38
zygawhat's curious is that here (now) we got a message from apparmor parser20:39
zygawe got the output saying "stuff is bad here and here"20:39
zygapreviously it was just "terminated"20:39
zygathat's still hinting at another problem20:39
zygathat's all the insight I have so far20:39
mvo2018-11-27 17:11:14 Error executing google:ubuntu-16.04-64:tests/main/parallel-install-interfaces-content:common :20:39
mvocannot create temporary directory for /var/lib/snapd mount point: Permission denied20:39
zygathat means you run with edge profile20:39
mvozyga: aha, ok20:39
zygabecause you were not able to load the real profile20:39
zygamaybe 16.04 _is_ incompatible20:40
mvozyga: yeah, indeed20:40
zygaI'll check20:40
zygafun stuff20:40
mvozyga: that would be nice, thanks a lot, again, great to hear the progress20:40
zygalogging a problem vs returning it20:40
zygabecause reliability20:40
zygawhile I have you20:41
mupPR #6223: cmd/libsnap: move apparmor-support to libsnap <Simple 😃> <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6223>20:41
zygapretty plesae20:41
mvozyga: heh, ok20:42
zygaI'm moving this because the next PR will add a tool.c tool.h combo that is all about "I want to run snapd tool from another snapd tool written in C"20:43
zygathis is the cleanup that maciej requested20:43
zygaso I'm shaving some yak there20:43
zygamvo: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6149 this is the next critical in the pipe, but that's for tomorrow20:43
zygamvo: I'll get to that apparmor issue now20:43
mupPR #6149: cmd/snap-confine: capture initialized per-user mount ns <Per-user mount ns  🐎> <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6149>20:43
zygaand let's see what we get20:43
mvozyga: ok, my critical pipe is 2.36, can we somehow test the theory that its incompatible apparmor? and if incompatible, what exactly is incompatible and is there something we could revert back to?20:44
zygaone part of the syntax is20:44
zygaI have it on screen now20:44
zygaI don't think we can revert it easily20:44
zygait was intertwined with other work jdstrand did for docker and some other snaps20:44
zygawhat we have now is rich enough to know we have old apparmor parser20:45
zygaso we might be able to offer alternative syntax20:45
zygastay tuned20:45
zygago get some rest20:45
zygago get github.com/mvo5/rest20:45
zygaleap 42.3 has apparmor parser 2.10.320:46
zygachecking 14.0420:46
zyga14.04 has 2.10.9520:47
zygafeels like the .95 is a "backport of lots of stuff"20:47
zygaI'll check compatibility now20:47
zygaTW has 2.1320:48
mvozyga: thank you20:49
pedronismvo: zyga: do we have issues in 2.36 that affects only SUSE ?20:52
pedronisdo we turn on apparmor by default there?20:52
zygapedronis: it affects one suse release but it seems that there's some overlap with other distributions because the error was ignored20:53
zygabut we don't special case that in apparmor backend when  setting up core/snapd20:53
zygawe could also fix it there somewhat20:53
pedronisis this specific to snap-confine own profile?20:53
pedroniszyga: so we did something there that breaks on some distros != ubuntu where we do use apparmor?20:54
pedronisbut didn't notice because we were ignoring apparmor parsing errors?20:54
pedronisfun, not20:54
zyganot really parsing errors, we ignored all setup errors20:55
zygawith a comment saying "better to carry on"20:55
zygaI guess this goes back to the age when we had mysterious errors when snap revision was not in the state20:55
zygaand we just ignored it20:55
zygawithout knowing what that ultimate cause was20:55
zygabut as I told mvo, I think that's not the full story20:55
zygaand that we are missing something20:55
pedroniszyga: in which sense?20:56
zygaI think there are two issues related to apparmor parser20:57
zygaone has a clear message that says we use unknown syntax and happens on leap 42.320:57
zygaanother has no message at all20:57
zygaand happens all over the place20:57
zyga(certainly on xenial)20:57
pedronisthis is related to recent changes to the snap-confine profile?20:57
pedronissince when is this broken?20:58
zygaI think ~2 months20:58
zygalet me check20:58
pedronisalso on xenial?20:58
pedronisyou are saying 2.35 ... ?20:58
pedronisor just that 2.36 has been around so long?20:58
zygaI don't believe xenial parser has issues with this20:58
zygaone sec, git blame'ing20:58
zygahmmm, no that's not right20:59
zygait must be something else20:59
zygathe patch introducing this syntax is from 201620:59
pedroniswell you said we have two problems20:59
zygaback to the idea board20:59
pedroniszyga: anyway this sounds more and more a needs fresh brain issue, that solve it now21:00
zygaI will check the backend code now21:00
zygaI'm just happy we have something to look at now21:00
pedronisI would recommend to sleep on it and we talk in the morning21:00
zygaall yesterday was chasing ghosts21:00
zygagood idea21:00
zygalet's EOD21:00
zygasee you tomorrow21:01
pedronismvo: if it's not a regression we can decide to do 2.36 anyway21:01
pedronismvo: sounds like too many moving parts atm21:01
pedronismvo: we should discuss in the morning21:01
zygapedronis: he's left now21:01
pedronisgood either way21:01
pedronisas stand by my "needs fresh brain" "proclamation"21:02
pedronislet's chat in the morning again21:02
=== zyga is now known as zyga|afk
pedronisroadmr: brain emoji?21:04
roadmrpedronis: you wanted fresh brain :)21:04
pedronisnow you make me sound like a zombie, "brains" "brains"  :)21:05
roadmrthere's unsurprisingly also an emoji for that :P21:05
* pedronis is unsurprisingly unsurprised :)21:06
kyrofaIt's so tiny here, I thought it was ice cream21:10
roadmrkyrofa: oh, you mean, like: https://bit.ly/2AsL6KS ?21:11
mupPR snapd#6225 opened: tests: fix for failover test on how logs are checked <Created by sergiocazzolato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6225>21:34
=== phoenix_firebrd is now known as murthy

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