[00:08] tkamppeter: are you working on ghostscript 9.26 for disco? I want to use your tarball for the stable releases. [07:23] good morning [07:27] Hi didrocks [07:29] hey duflu === pstolowski|afk is now known as pstolowski [08:53] morning all [09:01] vot up [09:01] morning Laney [09:02] hey willcooke Laney, how are you? [09:02] hi seb128 [09:02] hey again duflu [09:02] lut didrocks [09:02] We've had three applicants already [09:02] nice [09:02] good ones? [09:02] Hi there willcooke, seb128, Laney [09:02] seb128, remains to be seen :) [09:03] :) [09:06] salut seb128 [09:06] hey willcooke, Laney [09:08] hey willcooke seb128 duflu didrocks [09:09] oi oi [09:09] seb128: alright, came second by ½ point in the pub quiz last night though which was annoying! [09:09] and the cough is annoying me [09:09] oh wait [09:09] also I was looking for something last night and I checked inside my suitcase [09:09] ... [09:10] Laney, they allocate half points? interesting :) [09:11] * seb128 waits for what was in the suitcase :p [09:11] * willcooke waits too [09:11] (this is going to be worth it) [09:13] https://photos.app.goo.gl/F1aG8pMnRsov7Kx36 [09:13] omfg [09:14] How long has it been there? [09:14] since rls sprint [09:14] I grabbed that with my hand too [09:14] :(((((((((((((((((( [09:14] ewwwww [09:15] impressive & urg [09:15] Did you hear it crying for help? [09:16] lol [09:17] might have heard *me* doing that [09:20] https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/ubuntu/3538/+build/15714868 [09:20] ✓ [09:22] Ooh, nice. Tracker MIR +1 from security team [09:22] Laney, aces! Thank you [09:23] just https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libcue/+bug/1770871 left now [09:23] Ubuntu bug 1770871 in libcue (Ubuntu) "[MIR] libcue" [Medium,Confirmed] [09:23] although that could probably be disabled if it takes too long [09:24] yeah, those are optional [09:25] though it looks like security team has cycles for reviews atm, they just picked a bunch of our items and assigned them [09:25] so maybe they do libcue this week as well [09:26] not urgent yet [09:27] acheronuk: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/399277799/qtbase-opensource-src_5.11.2+dfsg-7ubuntu1_5.11.2+dfsg-7ubuntu3.diff.gz any comment before I publish? ignore the bits from ubuntu2 [09:33] or mitya57 === zyga|afk is now known as zyga [09:45] morning all! [09:50] Morning andyrock [09:50] That said, I should think about dinner [09:54] hi andyrock, bye duflu [09:54] Yes. Because otherwise I'm about to start on a new fix :P [09:54] Night [09:55] :) see ya [09:58] hey andyrock! [10:03] good morning desktoppers [10:03] hi oSoMoN [10:03] hey willcooke [10:04] lut oSoMoN, en forme ? [10:08] lut seb128, bien et toi? [10:12] ça va, un peu fatigué, ce rhume ne me laisse pas tranquille (bien que ça commence quand même à aller mieux) [10:24] didrocks: https://github.com/micheleg/dash-to-dock/pull/847 [10:24] micheleg issue (Pull request) 847 in dash-to-dock "Add changelog entry for LP: #1769383" [Open] [10:24] Launchpad bug 1769383 in gnome-shell-extension-ubuntu-dock (Ubuntu Cosmic) "Ubuntu dock/launcher is shown on the lock screen" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1769383 [10:24] or Trevinho if he's in the middle of the night XD ^^^ [10:25] andyrock: yeah, let's see with Trevinho please ;) [10:26] it's just a changelog entry [10:26] :D [10:27] would be nice to have write access to that branch [10:27] 😥 [10:35] didrocks, how do the acl work for that project? can we get people added or is it only the owner since it's under a personnal account? [10:46] seb128: something to ask to Michele, he only gave to some people (not even sure who) access to the "ubuntu" branch [10:47] didrocks, so he's the owner/only one who can add people? [10:47] I think so [10:48] sorry I'm unsure how github work in that regard and where I can see who can do what on the branch [10:48] k [10:48] thx didrocks, I'm going to email him (and maybe Cc you if it's ok, because he doesn't know me and might got WTF) to ask if we can add more people added [10:48] I don't know either where this config can be seen [10:48] sure, feel free to CC me [10:48] and yeah, makes sense [10:48] thx [10:48] now I wonder if we should consider it as a packaging branch [10:49] and e.g just add people who have upload right [10:49] or if it's ok to ask for andrea/marco do be added [10:50] hum, I think ti's fine to add andrea/marco [10:50] then, the sponsor just takes care of the debdiff [10:50] and review [10:50] seb128, I emailed him yesterday, want me to tag this on too, so we dont overwhelm him? [10:50] (no reply yet, mind) [10:50] willcooke, yes please [10:50] oki, I will give him another day or so and then follow up [10:51] thx! [10:53] Marco already got access [10:53] he has access to dash-to-dock branches too [10:53] seb128: I'm testing new ubuntu-dock on disco vm [10:54] once tested I can give you the debdiff or the uploader can just use ubuntu-dock branch [10:54] I will handle cosmic and bionic sru too later [10:56] tbh I would move the ubuntu-dock branches under the ~ubuntu-desktop team [10:59] I would be fine with that but Didier is busy enough atm and I'm not sure it's the right time to argue over best vcs use [10:59] so for now let's just get people added to the github acl if we can [10:59] andyrock, I'm happy to sponsor a debdiff, Marco can sort out the vcs later on [11:00] Laney: LGTM [11:02] thx [11:12] synced === cpaelzer_ is now known as cpaelzer [11:25] seb128: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-shell-extension-ubuntu-dock/+bug/1769383/comments/46 [11:25] Ubuntu bug 1769383 in gnome-shell-extension-ubuntu-dock (Ubuntu Cosmic) "Ubuntu dock/launcher is shown on the lock screen" [Undecided,In progress] [11:25] andyrock, thx [11:26] seb128: works in disco on top of gnome-shell from repo and gnome-shell from master [11:30] andyrock, uploaded [11:30] seb128: thx [11:30] thank you for doing the work! :) [12:03] Is there a fwupd IRC channel? [12:04] I'll ask hughsie [12:15] tseliot: Are you aware of this? [12:15] https://www.linuxuprising.com/2018/11/fix-nvidia-graphics-drivers-ppa.html [12:17] https://www.reddit.com/r/linux_gaming/comments/a0zii8/updating_from_the_ubuntu_nvidia_ppa_did_it_break/ [12:21] Wimpress: no, but we have only 410 in the archive (in disco), and we are not going to move to 415 [12:22] Understood. The "feedback" is about the PPA, which now include 415. [12:22] ricotz: have you seen that? ^ [12:23] Wimpress: ricotz and mamarley (in #ubuntu-x maintain that) [12:23] tseliot, yes, and this concerns the 410 disco package [12:24] ricotz: oh, 410 too? [12:24] yes [12:24] just run vulkaninfo [12:24] ok, I'll look into that then [12:25] Wimpress: ^ [12:26] Thanks for investigating ricotz [12:27] I wish people would consider LP bugs and IRC before posting on Twitter and Reddit. [12:27] I'll speak to Liam. [12:28] nice one, thanks chaps [12:28] Wimpress, does Liam do IRC? [12:29] No idea. But making some effort to come to us directly would be far better than stumbling over random post on "the Internet" [12:34] ricotz: I have just downloaded and extracted libnvidia-gl-410_410.78-0ubuntu1_amd64.deb, and nvidia_icd.json looks correct: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/QWxzQMwFfX/ [12:34] this is from the package in the archive [12:35] Package 'uuid', required by 'fontconfig', not found [12:35] naughty fontconfig SRU [12:35] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/fontconfig/+bug/1803534/comments/7 [12:35] Ubuntu bug 1803534 in fontconfig (Ubuntu) "Backport uuid based cache file naming scheme" [Undecided,New] [12:35] just beaten, damn it :-) [12:36] :p [12:36] can we kill that version from proposed pls [12:37] I guess the SRU team wouldn't mind me doing that? [12:37] * seb128 does [12:37] kenvandine, FYI ^ [12:37] thx [12:38] tseliot, looking, I remember I ran into installation problems due to different debian.gz checksums with multiarch [12:40] ok [12:41] Laney, done [12:41] merci! [12:41] de rien! [12:42] on that note I'm starving, moving to work from a lunch place and get a burger :) [12:42] tseliot, yes /usr/share/doc/libnvidia-gl-410/changelog.Debian.gz is different on amd64 and i386 [12:42] is the old gzip bug back? [12:43] let me check. It should come from the same installer though [12:43] I don't remember the gzip bug though [12:44] tseliot, this file get zipped on buildtime by debhelper or so, but i386 and amd64 needs to produce the same binary [12:45] ok, this installation problem cause my breakage of vulkan here [12:47] ricotz: the changelog on i386 seems to be an empty file [13:17] willcooke: ugh... [13:49] seb128: i've uploaded the depends fix [13:51] oSoMoN: did you see the upstream comments on the firefox bug? [13:52] kenvandine, I did [13:52] busy with libreoffice build failures atm though [13:52] oSoMoN: ok [14:05] bah, wifi there is not the best [14:05] kenvandine, thx [14:22] speaking of dodgy wifi [14:22] I need to take my laptop for a walk around the street to test oSoMoN's n-m fixes [14:24] they used to have a normal wifi here [14:24] but now they have one where you need to log through a facebook account to use it [14:24] which I'm not going to do, so I use the one from the place next to them, but that has weak signal :p [14:25] man, I hope the burgers are worth it [14:25] lol [14:25] I ended up changing my mind and taking the steak, it was good :) [14:25] fake facebook profiles ftw [14:26] so facebook thinks they have even more users? ;) [14:26] :) [14:26] Invest in Facebook, register a load of new accounts, sell your shares, profit. [14:26] Buy more steaks [14:27] In related news, I had a cheese sandwich for lunch [14:27] * willcooke phones his stock broker [14:27] :) [14:43] me too [14:44] but I added sriracha mayo [14:44] #lunchnews [14:44] Hi all o/ [14:45] hey clobrano! how are you? [14:45] Laney, fancy! [14:45] Hey seb128, doing fine, how about you? [14:45] hey clobrano [14:45] Laney: :) [14:45] I'm ok, being dealing with annoying cold still but otherwise good :) [14:46] seb128: I see, that period of the year again :) [14:46] indeed :/ [14:47] I'm investigating on using a script to "surufy" the icons of newly installed application. For deb installed Yaru (18.10), there should be no big issues (using Post-Invoke script), what I wonder is how to do the same when the script is provided within the snap [14:51] kenvandine might be able to help you there? [14:56] clobrano: let me ping you later this morning, going into a meeting now [14:57] kenvandine: of course, thanks! [14:57] clobrano: if i don't ping you in an hour, please nag me :) [14:57] oky === Class7_ is now known as Class7 === JoseeAntonioR is now known as jose === pstolowski is now known as pstolowski|afk [18:11] seb128, andyrock : re bug #1765304, I rebuilt gnome-shell for bionic with https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gnome-shell/merge_requests/140, and this fixes the issue with focus on password fields in firefox [18:11] GNOME issue (Merge request) 140 in gnome-shell "keyboard: Do not call KeyboardManager.holdKeyboard() with set-content-type" [1. Bug, 6. Input, Merged] [18:11] bug 1765304 in gnome-shell (Ubuntu) "Ubuntu 18.04's ibus package breaks password fields in Firefox (by lowering & raising window whenever they're focused)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1765304 [18:11] test PPA is here: https://launchpad.net/~osomon/+archive/ubuntu/gs-lp1765304/+packages [18:12] tkamppeter: forget about it, I'm doing 9.26 now, including disco [19:22] night all [20:49] oSoMoN, oh, good ... Trevinho see backlog, would be nice to have the MR Olivier listed in the next gnome-shell bionic SRU === pavlushka_ is now known as pavlushka