
geekodour08Hello, can someone help me with what are the high level steps on how you build ubuntu for a different arch. eg. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/S390X For now, I just want to build ubuntu for x86 in my laptop.04:30
geekodour08when i lookup "build ubuntu" i get https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/BuildYourOwnKernel does this mean building the latest ubuntu that i can boostrap on my machine?04:31
RAOFgeekodour08: I'm not sure exactly what you're trying to do, but https://wiki.debian.org/DebianBootstrap is a pretty decent overview.05:53
RAOFgeekodour08: We do some things a bit differently, but it's basically the same as bootstrapping a new Debian architecture.05:53
infinitygeekodour08: Why would you need to bootstrap to build for x86 when Ubuntu it already built for x86...?06:17
geekodour08RAOF: thanks a lot! and infinity: just for educational purpose, i just wanted to know what is done. the debian bootstrap guide looks like a nice resource.06:25
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tjaaltonhm, so I was planning on maintaining mesa on lp git, but I see that it's owned by the "server dev import team" and I can't push there (as a core dev), so where should I put these then, under some team?10:27
tjaaltonnot that importing that repo would be sane either :)10:29
tjaaltonyeah, I'll use ubuntu-x-swat instead10:31
Laneytjaalton: core-dev?11:04
Laneyit would be good if all uploaders could push to it11:04
tjaaltonwould be11:05
tjaaltonoh you mean core-dev team?11:05
LaneyOr add core-dev to that team I guess11:07
tjaaltonthat'd be nasty, since it'd get all the bugmail11:07
Laneyshould go to https://lists.launchpad.net/ubuntu-x-swat/, since the team has an email address set11:08
tjaaltonhmm right11:09
LaneyI think there might be a way to point https://code.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mesa at something else though11:10
Laneyhmm, though I'm not sure if that would get the distro ACLs11:11
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tjaaltondoesn't matter11:17
rbasakbdmurray: do you know where https://git.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-release-upgrader/diff/DistUpgrade/apt_btrfs_snapshot.py?h=ubuntu/xenial-proposed&id=7c0245c13bdeb92fb005aa7073c50bd78db99693 came from in your 1:16.04.26 upload of ubuntu-release-upgrader? Was that intentional?13:12
jbichaxnox: please consider adding ~ubuntu-core-dev to https://launchpad.net/~timezonemap-team/+members13:42
xnoxjbicha, no....13:43
xnoxjbicha, not everyone in core-dev is allowed to commit to that.13:43
jbichaok, I'll send you a merge proposal then :)13:44
jbichaxnox: maybe it needs to be added to https://www.canonical.com/projects/directory & https://github.com/canonical-websites/www.canonical.com/blob/master/templates/projects/directory.html13:50
jbichaand maybe a note about the CLA added to the source code somewhere?13:50
Laneynot sure about it being under the CLA13:52
LaneyIIRC its origins are external13:52
xnoxLaney, jbicha - it was confusing last time i tried to check all that.13:53
xnoxas in, eternal origins, are/were/maybe based on our stuff13:54
jbichaI did update debian/copyright a bit in my merge proposal13:54
xnoxanyway Laney is also a committer ;-)13:54
jbichathere are some parts that are clearly not owned by Canonical (tzdata & geonames)13:55
Laneyxnox: Make me an adminstrator then and I'll add core-dev13:56
seb128rbasak, hey, if you do SRU could you look at moving the fwupd/bionic one to -updates? bug #1719797 is listed as not verified but it was verified, it's just that a gnome-software SRU (ab)used the same bug number and that did lead to have the tags reset to verification-needed. Those don't need to go together and I checked with Mario, the fwupd is good to migrate14:33
ubottubug 1719797 in gnome-software (Fedora) "Firmware update seemingly not working" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/171979714:33
bdmurrayrbasak: it's updated as a part of the pre-build.sh script so it was somewhat intentional.15:03
smoseranyone else seen this or know how to fix? i'm sure i'im just missing something.15:26
smoserthis is a disco client trying to ssh with password auth to a 18.04 server15:26
smoserthe server *does* have PasswordAuthentication enabled15:26
smoserand a fresh lxc container for bionic can connect with just 'ssh host'15:27
smoserbut disco doesn't like it15:28
tewardsmoser: the specific error messages and logs might be useful?15:28
teward(not sure if you already got help on this or not)15:28
smoserteward: yeah, i'm getting them15:29
tewardi'm spinning a disco lxd up to try and SSH to the host computer it's on (this laptop, which also has OpenSSH on it for reasons)15:30
tewardto see if I can replicate.15:30
teward(slow net is slow >.<)15:30
smoser^-- cosmic15:32
tewardsmoser: confirm /etc/ssh/sshd_config has 'PasswordAuthentication yes' on the server15:33
tewardbecause it's not offering password auth as an option15:33
tewardat least according to your logs15:33
tewardsmoser: E:NOREPRO with 'PassswordAuthentication yes' and no special AuthenticationMethods definitions on an 18.04 server with a Disco client15:35
smoseralso important is to type the ip address correctly15:36
tewardthat'd help :P15:36
smoserso that you attempt to connect to the system that you enabled password auth on15:36
smoserrather than a different system15:36
tewardsmoser: so it's working then :)15:36
tewardYAY, crisis averted.  *goes to find more coffee*15:36
smoserthank you15:37
rbasakbdmurray: I was reviewing ceph in Trusty :-/16:02
bdmurrayrbasak: The task was Incomplete and I'd subscribed to it16:08
rbasakI had assumed that since your question was answered (clearly satisfactorily) that it was expected to be picked up by the next person on rota.16:09
bdmurrayI try and subscribe to ones I set to Incomplete so I can follow up as I already have context and as next person might not get to that SRU.16:10
rbasakThat's a good thing to do. But we should have a method to avoid collisions.16:11
dokotkamppeter: about hplip. I think that hplip installs something from the network in a system location, when downloading drivers ...16:43
dokoso better ask about which files do *not* belong to a package16:44
rbasakcyphermox: are you taking care of n-m vs. dnsmasq autopkgtest? Wondering what to do with my Trello card on it.17:46
rbasakcyphermox: I do have https://git.launchpad.net/~racb/ubuntu/+source/network-manager/commit/?h=python-dep8-improvements which I think would be useful to land in n-m in Disco for the future. Want a proper MP for it?17:46
rbasakcpaelzer: I'm going to continue looking at the qemu/libvirt SRUs tomorrow morning.17:48
cyphermoxrbasak: desktop team owns network-manager17:51
cyphermoxrbasak: I'll have a look, but please feel free to push your code.17:51
rbasakcyphermox: thanks. Was your first statement in relation to my n-m vs. dnsmasq or my branch? If the latter, I guess I need to coordinate with the desktop team for the n-m issue then? Is that seb128?17:52
* rbasak EODs17:54
cyphermoxrbasak: my point was for the code, you should feel free to push to the right NM branch (which used to be https://code.launchpad.net/~network-manager/network-manager/+git/ubuntu/+ref/master, but it appears out of date), and I'll have a look at the dnsmasq issues later17:58
rbasakOK, thanks!18:11
seb128rbasak, hey, feel free to create a mp for those changes, we can review them. Or just ping me tomorrow if we want to get them commited without going through submitted a proper merge request20:50
seb128rbasak, cyphermox, the current vcs is https://git.launchpad.net/network-manager/log/?h=cosmic and it's almost uptodate, just mdeslaur didn't commit his CVE fix there20:52
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