
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [T80: Document building and publishing the Lubuntu Manual] Steedalion (Steed) commented on the task: https://phab.lubuntu.me/T80#347802:08
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [T80: Document building and publishing the Lubuntu Manual] Steedalion (Steed) commented on the task: https://phab.lubuntu.me/T80#347902:15
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [rMANUAL6a44bbd0d794: Add how to find version of all packages to tips and tricks] lynorian (Lyn Perrine) committed: https://phab.lubuntu.me/rMANUAL6a44bbd0d79405:37
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [rMANUAL21bdf80a7e5b: Add duplicate slide functionality to loimpress] lynorian (Lyn Perrine) committed: https://phab.lubuntu.me/rMANUAL21bdf80a7e5b05:54
guiverc_d`git clone ssh://.../lubuntu-default-settings` I assume will grab the latest; how do I grab the bionic version?10:20
kc2bezI think if you do a git branch it should tell you what you are on.10:52
guiverc_d:)   thanks kc2bez 10:59
kc2bezYou bet. Happy to help.10:59
lubot<teward001> @kc2bez [<kc2bez> I think if you do a git branch it should tell you what you are on.], it will15:04
lubot<Redious> this group has muslim?15:04
lubot<tsimonq2> I don't think so?15:10
lubot<teward001> not sure the relevance of one's religious identification though for Lubuntu development though15:10
lubot<tsimonq2> Right15:10
lubot<tsimonq2> I'm not Muslim myself...15:10
lubot<teward001> and I'm religion-agnostic - I ascribe to no religious belief whatsoever though I respect everyone else's religious beliefs (to most extents)15:11
lubot<teward001> this said, religious belief has no bearing on Lubuntu development :P15:12
=== ShalokShalom_ is now known as ShalokShalom
lubot<Wafficus> Meeting today?22:13
lubot<kc2bez> According to the calendar.22:14
* lynorian is back from getting groceries22:19
mpmcGeneral q for you guys, how do you deal with phone scammers that claim "your computer is infected"?22:21
lubot<tsimonq2> Aww man, I'm sorry.22:21
lubot<tsimonq2> Who's around for the meeting?22:21
lubot<kc2bez> O/22:21
lubot<tsimonq2> Anyone else?22:22
lubot<kc2bez> @Wafficus  was here22:22
* lynorian is left handed22:26
* guiverc grins22:26
lubot<Wafficus> Here22:27
lubot<HMollerCl> I'm on a parent's meeting in my kids school22:28
docEbrownsorry I'm late22:28
lubot<HMollerCl> I won't be able to participate unless I  speak now22:29
lubot<tsimonq2> @HMollerCl [I won't be able to participate unless I  speak now], Go ahead22:29
lubot<HMollerCl> I've been working on the additional drivers tab22:30
mpmcdocEbrown: shouldn't you be in another time? ;)22:30
docEbrownnot sure... sorry!22:31
lubot<HMollerCl> I have an issue of how pyqt use threads vs pygkt and the final display of all the drivers, initial screen is working ok22:31
lubot<HMollerCl> Beside that I  haven't done other things22:31
mpmcCan I ask who choose to use nmcli for editing connections?22:32
lynorianmpmc: I find nmtui easier for some things but not feature complete22:33
wxl[m]Be here in a few minutes22:33
lynorianI have some of nm-tray22:33
mpmclynorian: Not a complaint at all :) I'm just really happy it WAS chosen.22:34
lynorianyeah it didn't used to exist22:34
lynorianit is now part of network manager as a whole22:34
lynoriannm-tray uses network manager underneath22:35
mpmcAnyway I'm going to shut up & let you guys get on with your meeting.22:35
docEbrownif everyone is done should I go next?22:38
lynorianhmollerCI are you done or busy22:40
lubot<kc2bez> I think Hans is done.22:42
docEbrownok cool.  I'll go?22:42
lubot<kc2bez> Go for it Doc22:43
docEbrownsweet, so the update to Lugito was committed last week and from all reports seems to be running well.  If agreed we can probably close off 22:44
docEbrownha, or lugito proves me wrong ;)22:44
lubot<kc2bez> Ha. Timing22:45
docEbrownI am still working on adding documentation etc... but it also seems like I have a bug to fix.  I don't have access to the server Lugito is running on so I'll need some assistance here with logs etc22:45
docEbrownI am also looking at https://phab.lubuntu.me/T75#3464 which is posting the blog updates to wordpress.  It seems logical for this to be included in the Lugito package.  One question though:  Are the blog posts committed to Phabricator before being published?22:46
docEbrownI was thinking of using the commit log and diff to detect whether it is a new post or an update and auto commit to wordpress from there22:46
docEbrownI'll ping @tsimonq2 RE: Lugito being down22:47
docEbrownthats it from me.  If anyone knows about the blog publishing it'd be great if I could bother them for a couple of mins22:48
mpmctsimonq2: Thank you for suggesting https://phab.lubuntu.me/T32 =D22:49
lubot<kc2bez> I think @tsimonq2 is the guy for that.22:49
lubot<Wafficus> I'm up22:49
lubot<Wafficus> So22:49
lubot<Wafficus> I'm still waiting on assets from @TheWendyPower but she said she'll provide me the png and svg files I need. Other than that, still learning qt and c++ through a related book and video tutorials for the same reason. Since I'm still waiting I'll make sure that all buttons function on the first screen first22:51
lubot<Wafficus> Other than that, been applying to related jobs atm and have been stressed out since no takers yet. Other qa tester freebie internship thing has been going well. Trying my best to not break down at work but ah well.22:52
lubot<Wafficus> Anyway that's it for me.22:52
lubot<kc2bez> Thanks @Wafficus22:53
mpmcWafficus: Sorry to hear of your troubles.22:53
lynorianmy turn?22:53
wxlkeep on keeping on, @Wafficus. you'll get there22:54
wxlgo lynorian 22:54
lynorianI have redone adding hashes to the manual to link locally after I found the page we linked to confusing22:55
lynorianI did a ton more on libre office impress and more work on qpdfview to start the prefrences dialog22:55
* wxl makes the loudest applause ever, directed in lynorian's direction22:55
wxlthat's like the numnber one support topic22:55
lynorianI merged some fixes to typos on that steedlion did22:56
wxlgo steedlion22:57
lynorianI also had more on extracting files by right clicking in pcmanfm22:57
mpmcShame there is no Tilix for lxqt :(22:57
lynoriansome things like openbox configuration now have mulitple screenshots22:58
wxlsure there is mpmc. it's called tmux.22:58
lynorianalso keyboard menu naviagtion for some things as a new chapter22:59
docEbrown+111111 for tmux!22:59
docEbrown\away meeting @ work22:59
wxl> boots fresh install23:00
wxl> installs tmux23:00
wxl^^^ ALWAYS the case23:00
lynorianoh since last meeting I more on compton conf23:00
wxloh nice23:00
mpmcwxl: I meant an actual qt clone of tilix :p23:00
wxlmpmc: yeah no need for that. just use your terminal of choice and tmux.23:00
kc2bez_Awesome work lynorian!23:02
wxlseriously, fantastic stuff23:02
mpmcwxl: Does tmux allow you to: Change font size? Copy as HTML? Find text in a terminal? :)23:02
wxli owe you a beverage of your choosing :)23:02
wxlmpmc: terminal does; no... that's weird?; yes23:03
mpmcI have yet to find anything as nice as tilix.23:04
wxlgo get a good terminal emulator and tmux then XD23:04
wxlok anyone else?23:05
kc2bez_I can go.23:05
lynoriannope I am done23:06
wxlgo dano go23:06
kc2bez_Worked on https://phab.lubuntu.me/T17023:06
kc2bez_The libfm patch has been pushed to phab.23:06
kc2bez_Will try to build the pcmanfm patch after that lands.23:06
kc2bez_Thanks to wxl teward and apt-ghetto for the help.23:06
kc2bez_I learned a great deal so far.23:06
wxleveryone needs to give kc2bez_ a pat on the back because this one was a bit of a doozy.. and it was his first go at packagaing23:07
kc2bez_Thanks. I really think I understand it better now. I'm almost there on the second part.23:08
* guiverc pats kc2bez_ on back & says 'well done mate!'23:08
kc2bez_I had a lot of help.23:08
wxl@tsimonq2: we need you to get that libfm-qt patch in proposed so kc2bez_ can do the work on pcmanfm-qt ^^^23:08
lubot<tsimonq2> Ack23:08
kc2bez_That is it for me. I appreciate the support.23:09
wxlthanks again dan!!!23:09
kc2bez_You wxl or @tsimonq2 I think.23:11
wxlok i'll go23:11
wxlso the usual bug triage and support and all that really :)23:12
wxlwas reminded of an sru on lubuntu-default-settings (removing the "lubuntu next" session from lxde versions) but it looks like it's failing to build, so set guiverc in the right direction to fix that23:12
wxlyes, we're training even more packagers23:13
* wxl squees with joy23:13
* mpmc while crying and applauding, throws roses as wxl :)23:13
wxlalso with a little help from my friends at kubuntu, had an idea on how we might fix the efi/encryption issues: see if kde neon has fixed it. they're using calamares in their unstable versions. i have the iso but haven't looked deeper yet. still, promising23:14
wxli tooted about us being in forbes :) https://mastodon.technology/@lubuntu/10115568561038239123:15
lubot<tsimonq2> @wxl [<wxl> also with a little help from my friends at kubuntu, had an idea on how we …], When I tried using their exact config it didn't work23:15
lubot<tsimonq2> But hey23:15
lubot<tsimonq2> Maybe it's changed23:15
wxl@tsimonq2: yeah, i was thinking more of comparing piece by piece rather than grabbing it all wholesale23:15
lubot<kc2bez> I saw your toot. ^^ and boosted it.23:16
wxlthx @kc2bez :) 23:16
wxlfor tweeters, toots get tweeted and vice versa so you can twitter.com/LubuntuOfficial, too23:16
wxland i think that's it23:17
lubot<kc2bez> Thanks for everything you do wxl23:18
lubot<kc2bez> Guiverc needs to go too I think.23:20
guivercnot sure I can say much, I'm trying to understand what wxl passed me, but i'm slow (it's all new to me  - i'll get there, just not quickly..)23:21
lubot<kc2bez> You're not alone.23:21
wxljust keep cracking at it and asking questions. we'll get there together. that goes for all of you!23:23
* mpmc is installing 19.04 fresh on thinkpad.23:24
guivercthanks wxl; for help & support. (seconding kc2bez's earlier statement)23:25
wxlvery happy to help, seriously.23:25
mpmcBleh, efi bug again.23:26
mpmcI forgot what I did to get it to boot :/23:28
kc2bez@tsimonq2 you still here?23:29
mpmcHas something changed in the latest dev images? no option to create an esp fs for efi.23:31
kc2bezwxl I think that is everyone. I don't think we missed anybody.23:33
wxlok i think we're good then23:33
wxlthanks everyone for showing up and all your hard work23:33
wxlyou're making magic happen!23:33
mpmcwxl: you missed someone! :p23:34
wxlspeak up! 23:34
mpmcUsers in general :p23:34
wxloh i never forget them but they gotta speak up if they have something to say :)23:34
mpmcI'm not sure if users are allowed to chat in meetings or not :)23:35
mpmcI think the only things missing in 19.04 are 1) efi fix, 2) live sessions don't honour keyboard layouts chosen, 3) missing show-password from nm-tray. 4) minimal install, 5) T32.23:38
wxlwe've got tasks for most of those23:38
wxlyou should make a task for 2, 323:39
kc2bezHereis the 1904 tracking task https://phab.lubuntu.me/T11723:39
kc2bezHere is ^23:40
mpmcwxl: Well, opening a task and I'm told "Oh, and please don't use this for bugs. Lubuntu's Phabricator is primarily for development." 2 is a bug :p23:41
wxlyou mean you boot the thing and then go through the install process... and then expect that the overall session will pick up on those settings?23:42
mpmcwxl: By default they keyboard layout is us, so certain keys for other layouts (gb in my case) are wrong. This causes all sorts of issues with password etc. especially those that use @ or ".23:44
wxlmpmc: the question is where are you setting the layout and where do you expect to see it working?23:45
mpmcwxl: Ah, during the install, using the installer you're told to pick a keyboard layout and given the option to test it, well if you select GB and attempt to test it the layout is still us.23:47
mpmcSame thing happens with entering wifi passwords.23:48
wxlmpmc: so you're saying within calamares itself???23:48
mpmcwxl: partly yes, but I think the issue could be solved by asking to select a keyboard layout pre-session load.23:49
wxlmpmc: ok, well to me, i see that as a really confused issue. there's a lot of ways to look at it. so i'd actually make a task23:50
mpmcwxl: Ok will do.23:50

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