
didrocksgood morning06:53
dufluMorning didrocks, seb12807:00
didrockshey duflu07:01
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willcooketop o' the mornin08:59
willcookesunny today08:59
didrockshey willcooke09:00
didrocks*unsunny* here :p09:00
LaneyYES! SUNNY!09:01
seb128hey willcooke, Laney09:01
willcookedidrocks, do you have the storms as well?09:01
seb128sunny friday!09:01
willcookehey seb128 Laney09:01
seb128re didrocks, hey duflu09:01
dufluHi willcooke, Laney, seb128 again09:02
willcookear'noon duflu09:02
Laneymoin seb128 willcooke duflu09:03
dufluLaney, was I correct yesterday in guessing your desktop uses Nvidia?09:26
LaneyIt does09:27
dufluLaney, yeah I've been meaning to deduplicate those bugs. I think you will find at least one relating to your fallback not working (https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gdm3/+bugs?field.tag=nvidia)09:28
LaneySeems likely09:30
LaneyI might have a look into it a bit later on09:30
didrockswillcooke: well, big wind, but no storm09:52
willcookestory of my life10:20
didrockslalala lala lalalala10:23
andyrockmorning all!10:57
didrockshey andyrock10:57
andyrockseb128: https://github.com/micheleg/dash-to-dock/pull/84812:01
gitbotmicheleg issue (Pull request) 848 in dash-to-dock "SRU fix for LP: 1769383" [Open]12:01
ubot5Launchpad bug 1769383 in gnome-shell-extension-ubuntu-dock (Ubuntu Cosmic) "Ubuntu dock/launcher is shown on the lock screen" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/176938312:01
andyrockI'll update the bug description12:01
andyrock to make it SRUable12:01
andyrockseb128: also we need to ask Trevinho to add commits and tags once it's released12:03
andyrockseb128: bug updated!12:43
seb128andyrock, thx12:59
popeyI'm on 18.04. On 18.10 (or future plans?) is it possible to have different scaling factors on each display?#13:47
popey(I just got a HIDPI display and when I change the scale it seems to affect all displays, oddly).13:48
willcookepopey, you could try in the wayland session, I think that will let you apply different scaling factors13:51
popey:( wayland on nvidia isn't fun13:51
willcookeT_revinho is working on fractional scaling in X this cycle.  I /think/ that lets you apply different scaling to each screen13:52
Trevinhoandyrock: hey15:35
andyrockTrevinho: morning15:35
andyrocknot sure seb128 is around atm15:36
andyrockTrevinho: how is Mexico?15:36
Trevinhoandyrock: Mexico is always amzing... But I'm in Cuba now :)15:38
willcookehey Trevinho15:38
Trevinhohi willcooke15:38
andyrockTrevinho: say hi to your sweet half ❤️15:40
* andyrock meant your OTHER sweet half15:41
LaneyMarco "carbon emissions" Trevisan ✈️✈️✈️✈️✈️✈️✈️✈️✈️✈️✈️✈️15:43
Laneyhi 😘15:43
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TrevinhoLaney: heeeeey, yeah... I made the global warm to be real. Otherwise someone doesn't believe it's true. So need to stress :-D15:44
Trevinhoandyrock: ahahaha, thanks15:45
jbichaseb128: re LP: #1805426 there is a bug (webkit?) causing GOA to not work in (some?) VMs16:30
ubot5Launchpad bug 1805426 in gnome-initial-setup (Ubuntu) "Not able to log in into Google Account, aswell as Microsoft account" [Low,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/180542616:30
jbichahmm, I guess my comment isn't relevant here though16:32
jbichaLaney: I guess we can upload nautilus with tracker dependency now?16:42
Laneyjbicha: if the bugs are Fix Committed, if not then you need to go back to the MIR team16:43
LaneyIf it were me I'd wait and do it with 3.30 all at once though16:43
Laneywill need an MIR for the desktop icons of course16:44
jbichaLaney: I'll let you handle it16:44
Laneybut that one could be seeded later on16:44
k_alamseb128: Hi, can you review few unity patches ? they are small16:52
seb128k_alam, hey, not today, I'm about to call it a week17:09
seb128on that note17:09
seb128good w.e desktopers!17:09
willcookesee you seb12817:09
seb128willcooke, enjoy the w.e!17:10
willcookeyou too17:10
seb128andyrock, did you need me for something earlier when you said I was not around, I see no context ... anyway let me know, I let IRC open and read the backlog later17:10
seb128but if it can wait for monday it's probably for next week :)17:10
seb128k_alam, same for your reviews17:11
andyrockseb128: it can wait! we wanted to discuss about the possibility to move ubuntu-dock branches under our git17:11
andyrockbut let's discuss it mon/tue17:12
kenvandinewillcooke: i have yelp integration working in snaps :)17:13
Laneythis cafe is blasting out christmas tunes17:21
kenvandinewillcooke: yeah, for help17:23
kenvandinenever worked before17:23
kenvandinei have a patch for snapd that fixes it17:23
willcookeOh wow17:23
kenvandineit's been bugging me for ages17:24
kenvandinenow to get this landed :)17:24
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willcookenight all, have a good weekend18:14

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