
amazoniantoadI have around 70GB of memory on my computer (xeon processors), but when I run "free" I only see about 36GB of memory in total. Is this listing the amount of memory available per processor?00:24
eelstrebornot really, the mobo may be limited to using 36 GB00:27
amazoniantoadeelstrebor, mobo? Sorry I don't know what you mean00:28
eelstrebormobo == motherboard00:29
eelstreboror mainboard00:29
eelstreborwhere your processor and memory is installed00:29
amazoniantoadeelstrebor, it's a server mobo00:29
eelstrebortake a look at the mobo specs and see how much memory it is capable of00:30
GreyztarDifferent dimms maybe incompatible?00:31
amazoniantoadGreyztar, any way to check?00:32
eelstrebormy mobo is limited to 32 GB00:32
GreyztarMine aswell but he appears to have multi cpu,to check id just power it down and oull them out and compare amazoniantoad00:34
amazoniantoadYeah I have a mobo with two processors guys.00:34
GreyztarNo problem,i dont know but it might be worth a shot amazoniantoad im off then 01:35 here good luck00:36
amazoniantoadGreyztar, I'm almost 100% sure that in a previous ubuntu installation it had my memory listed as 72gb. Do you think that it might be the OS?00:36
amazoniantoadI can't take the computer apart atm00:36
chrismatthewsgrep -c “Time has been changed” /var/log/messages00:38
Greyztaramazoniantoad: i dont think the os would do that,ive never experienced  that other than the was it 2 or 3 gb limit with windows xp due to 32bit /64bit,i think its either bios changes or some modules incompatible or loose or so00:40
Greyztaramazoniantoad: im no expert so might also try the ##linux channel also :)00:41
Jonno_FTWif I leave my machine overnight, it dumps a lot to swap, when i come back in the morning, it swaps back in to RAM and takes forever00:46
amazoniantoadGreyztar, I just restarted my computer and now it says I have 69GB of memory. What gives?00:50
amazoniantoadany ideas?00:50
JFox762My Wifi keeps disconnecting... even though it doesn't show as disconnected01:00
JFox762Like I can't even ping
kantlivelongi can run a service as an microsoft AD account cant i? I have auth working and whatnot01:08
JFox762back sorry01:10
JFox762So like Is aid01:10
JFox762my wifi connection is very.... unstable01:10
JFox762the connection to the internet goes down....01:10
raidghostAD is not much fun.01:10
JFox762and I can't even so much as ping the Gateway01:10
raidghostACTIVE directory, right ?01:10
JFox762The Wifi Symbol shows up with a "?" over it01:11
JFox762all the time it seems01:11
JFox762even when the connection to the internet is established01:11
JFox762but when it goes down01:11
JFox762I have no option, but to reboot my PC01:11
JFox762whcih usually works01:11
JFox762I am running a VPN01:11
JFox762but disablign the vpn doesn't seem to work either01:11
kantlivelongraidghost: yeh. have everything working but having a svc run01:12
JFox762and trying to connect to a different server basically results in a "can't connect" message01:12
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k_sze[work]Why does Ubuntu seem to have two separate clipboards?01:58
k_sze[work]e.g. in the Terminal app, pressing Shift+Insert and Shift+Ctrl+V will paste different things.01:59
k_sze[work]It's really confusing.02:00
TJ-k_sze[work]: maybe that's a Gnome thing; on Xubuntu/XFCE4 they paste the same thing02:01
TJ-k_sze[work]: see e.g. https://superuser.com/questions/68170/how-can-i-merge-the-gnome-clipboard-and-the-x-selection).02:01
hggdhk_sze[work]: you can disable the terminal's shortcuts by editing the terminal's profile02:10
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pi0k3b no medium present, it does this no matter what :/02:56
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TJ-pi0: try another tool to see if it is K3B or the drive/disk that is the problem: e.g. "xorrecord dev=/dev/sr0 -toc"02:58
TJ-!info xorriso | pi002:59
ubottupi0: xorriso (source: libisoburn): command line ISO-9660 and Rock Ridge manipulation tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.4.8-3 (bionic), package size 269 kB, installed size 310 kB02:59
pi0sudo apt install xorriso?03:00
pi0also TJ- xorrecd03:01
moredrowsyHi, guys. My ubuntu has been really slow lately, like it stutters. Typing gets interrupted, opening files takes A LONG TIME. I try using the process manager to see what's going on. When I close everytime, I see that some CPU take up 10-20% CPU usage but the process tab sorting by '% CPU' shows nothing03:09
moredrowsyhell, even trying to call a calculator or log takes over 30 seconds to load03:10
TJ-moredrowsy: sounds like I/O errors; possibly a failing storage device03:15
TJ-moredrowsy: check "dmesg -w" see if there are I/O errors reported03:15
moredrowsycan a power surge cause this?03:16
TJ-moredrowsy: power surges can cause lots of things03:16
moredrowsyi had a storm going on and my power flicker on and off for awhile and restarted my cojmp03:16
moredrowsyand after i restated...this happened03:16
moredrowsyi typed 'dmesg -w'03:17
moredrowsybut it's stuck03:17
moredrowsywell, there's a lot of stuff and afterwards it's stuck03:17
TJ-moredrowsy: no, it isn't stuck, the "-w" makes it wait for more messages from the kernel03:18
moredrowsyoh okay03:18
TJ-moredrowsy: leave it running do some 'stuff' see if you get any messages03:18
moredrowsyasus_wmi: Unknown key 10005 pressed03:18
moredrowsyi get a lot of these even when not typing03:18
TJ-moredrowsy: do things that usually take ages, if you see I/O errors, ata_xxx and lots of weird lookign technical info, then we'll be interested03:18
moredrowsyno errors reported03:20
moredrowsybut my mouse and keyboard is stuttering03:20
moredrowsyi wonder if this is my computer and not linux. i03:21
TJ-moredrowsy: how are they connected to the PC? USB?03:21
moredrowsyi'm gonna reboot into windows and see if this slowdown/stutter in windows too03:21
TJ-moredrowsy: OK, then it doesn't seem like I/O errors which is good03:21
moredrowsyboth are in connected to usb03:21
TJ-moredrowsy: yes, a comparison in Windows is a good idea03:21
moredrowsybrb 5 mins.03:21
moredrowsyokay...it's happening in windows03:24
moredrowsymust be a hardware issue after the power surge03:25
moredrowsygosh, wat the heck03:25
moredrowsythanks for the help03:25
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pi0what is a good app to purge deleted items04:53
Amit_THi, Can anyone please tell, how can I install security-manager package on ubuntu 16.04 ?05:25
TJ-Amit_T: there is no package of that name in Ubuntu05:28
Amit_TChecking for module 'security-manager'05:28
Amit_T--   No package 'security-manager' found05:28
Amit_Tthis is something I see when configuring one application framework on ubuntu16.0405:29
Amit_TTJ- https://git.automotivelinux.org/src/app-framework-main/tree/README.md#n25, for instance this05:31
TJ-Amit_T: you'll need to ask the people that develop that05:32
mindofmateoHello.  I am using Ubuntu 18.04.  Do four finger trackpad gestures work out of the box?  I can swipe up or down on GNOME to switch workspaces, but I don't have touchegg installed.06:49
mindofmateoOr any other trackpad/gesture utility that I'm aware of.  When I was on Ubuntu 16, I remember having to set this up manually.06:50
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SuperLagIf your system locks up, and you have to power down hard, how can you find out why it happened once the system has been rebooted? This is 18.04.1 "journalctl -xe" isn't giving me any smoking guns. Neither is /var/log/syslog07:08
tarzeauSuperLag: check /var/log/syslog ? check temperatures of the computer inside, and watch the memory usage for next time07:26
ducasseSuperLag: 'journalctl -b 1' should show you messages from the previous boot07:29
SuperLagducasse: had to look at that closer. That's actually the very first boot. :)07:47
SuperLagducasse: journalctl -b -1 gives you the previous boot07:47
SuperLagand the only telling thing I can see is when I plugged in my phone to charge it07:47
ducasseSuperLag: sorry, my bad, typo :)07:47
SuperLagbut I can't see *that* making my system hang...07:47
SuperLagIt's a Pixel 3XL07:48
SuperLagIf it matters at all, it's an Intel NUC. 32GB of RAM, 1.5TB of SSD (1TB NVMe stick, .5TB in 2.5" SSD)07:49
SuperLagnice little machine07:49
ducassewhich gen cpu?07:50
pi0how do i check if my cd rom drive is working07:52
ikatamoonshotsim looking for a way to unlock a luks encrypted root partition during boot using a usb stick with a keyfile, all guides i can find only use a usb device and write on the first blocks but no guide using a keyfile - is there a reason this is the case?07:55
GreyztarIf syslogs clean and no gremlins in dmesg and computer still hard reset i might be looking at faulty hardware then?07:55
ducasseGreyztar: or a firmware issue, have you looked for bios updates?07:57
SuperLagducasse: ummmm.... i7-756707:58
SuperLagnot sure which gen that makes it07:58
pi0any suggestions07:58
ducasseSuperLag: first number, so 707:59
SuperLagGreyztar: if that's the case, that suuuuuuucks07:59
SuperLagGreyztar: it's waaaaay out of warranty07:59
SuperLagducasse: oh, I thought you were asking like which *Lake version it is.07:59
SuperLagor something along those lines08:00
Greyztarducasse: ... I just forgot,i recently updated bios ,and ofc all the fun stuff started after,ugh,kinda need that patch though so computer doesnt "melt" down. Had all but forgotten i had updated hehehe08:00
GreyztarSuperLag: thanks for help also08:01
SuperLagGreyztar: I helped?08:02
ducasseSuperLag: in general, the nucs work really well with linux. are you running the latest firmware?08:02
SuperLagducasse: I *think* so, it may be a little bit behind. Not sure how to update it now that I'm not running Windows 10 on it anymore.08:03
GreyztarSuperLag: actually yes,reminded me  of the update because of cpu hehehe08:03
SuperLagducasse: if there's still a means to update it while on Linux... I'd like to get it current.08:03
ducasseSuperLag: you can probably update from a usb stick08:03
elias_api0: Put a disk into the drive and see if it gets read and mounted?08:14
droHello, trying to send a mail in a script sh using this command : printf "$BODY" | mail -s "${SUBJECT}" --attach="${FILE_PATH}" "${EMAIL}"08:15
drobut I receive the email with empty body08:16
drosomething wrong in the command ?08:16
pi0i do not see it mounted08:21
ducasseany errors in dmesg?08:22
pi0what is the cmd for that just dmesg08:23
pi0sudo needed?08:23
ducasseno, just 'dmesg'08:23
pi0cdrom: Uniform CD-ROM driver Revision: 3.2008:24
SuperLagducasse: sure enough. Now I'm current.08:25
neurehow do i burn iso to usb drive?08:27
ducasseSuperLag: good, see if it still locks up08:27
SuperLagducasse: yeah, now it's just a waiting game.08:28
SuperLagneure: Linux ISO?08:28
SuperLagneure: and are you doing it from Linux, or another OS?08:28
neurefrom linux08:28
gambl0r3i want to create a file that will store all my online user account passwords. whats the best way to do this?08:29
SuperLaggambl0r3: I may depart from the hive mind here... but I'd say just use a password manager. LastPass, KeePass, etc.08:29
ducassegambl0r3: use a program like keepassxc08:29
Greyztarneure: you may use dd command: dd if=/path/to/file of=/dev/sdX be carefull though08:29
mircx1Hello why is no possible install mbed TLS in ubuntu 14.04?08:30
gambl0r3are these open source? whats the recommended one to use?08:30
coz_neure, https://fossbytes.com/create-bootable-usb-media-from-iso-ubuntu/08:30
SuperLagneure: what Greyztar said. You can check the tail end of dmesg to see what location your USB stick got recognized at08:30
SuperLaglike /dev/sda /dev/sdb..... and so on08:30
ducassegambl0r3: keepassxc is open source08:30
neureSo I have /dev/sdb108:31
neureshould i write to sdb1 or sdb?08:31
neure~/dell/dell-xps-9560-ubuntu-respin$ sudo dd if=linuxium-v4.20-rc4-ubuntu-18.04.1-desktop-amd64.iso of=/dev/sdb08:33
neuredd: failed to open '/dev/sdb': No medium found08:33
neurehow come?08:34
coz_neure, are you looking for command or gui app?08:34
lotuspsychjemircx1: the exact packagename please?08:35
neureeither will do08:35
gambl0r3how do i see a list of all the PPA's i added to my system?08:35
gambl0r3im using kubuntu08:35
lotuspsychje!sources | gambl0r308:35
ubottugambl0r3: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories.08:35
coz_neure,  install  etcher08:35
neureI suppose because i ejected the drive from nautilus08:35
neurethen the drive disappeared08:35
neurethe drive no longer shows up with sudo fdisk -l08:36
coz_neure,  then reinsert the drive08:36
neurehowever, Disks application still shows it, at /dev/sdb08:36
neurethis is strange08:36
coz_neure, it isnt mounted, reinsert08:37
neurei thought i could dd to sdb even when sdb1 was not mounted08:37
coz_neure, and disks app will tell if it is sdb..etc08:37
dadabidethello, is it possible to install the glfw packave, version 3.2.1, on my ubuntu 16? I compiled it myself and am having trouble linking against it08:37
lotuspsychje!latest | dadabidet08:37
ubottudadabidet: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.08:37
mircx1i try  install mbed TLS in ubuntu 14.04? and i not see nothing08:38
neurecoz_, so is it okay to dd to sdb while sdb1 is mounted?08:38
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge08:38
lotuspsychjemircx1: the exact packagename please?08:38
dadabidetwell glfw 3 2 1 fixes a big bug08:38
coz_neure, it will work its magic08:38
neuretrying now08:39
lotuspsychjedadabidet: we also reccomend using packages from the official repos, instead of compiling your own08:39
neuredadabidet, are you programming your own code which uses glfw, or something else?08:39
dadabidetlotuspsychje, there is a nasty bug in previous versions of glfw08:39
dadabidetneure, yes I am coding something08:39
lotuspsychjedadabidet: wich version?08:39
dadabidetlook at their issues #74708:40
dadabidetfrom april 2016, so it's an old bug08:40
neuredadabidet, if you use cmake in your own project then you can have glfw as subdirectory/git submodule and include it08:41
lotuspsychjedadabidet: what happens on git, ubuntu cant do much about08:41
lotuspsychjedadabidet: can you explain whats your end goal with glfw please?08:41
neuredadabidet, there is also #glfw08:41
dadabidetI don't use cmake in my project only make08:41
Kingsyis there a channel on here for midnight commander ?08:44
lotuspsychje!alis | Kingsy08:45
ubottuKingsy: Alis is an IRC service to help you find channels. For help on using it, see "/msg Alis help list" or ask in #freenode. Example usage: "/msg Alis list http"08:45
gambl0r3ducasse, do you use keepassxc?08:46
Kingsyugh, doesnt look like there is08:46
lotuspsychjeKingsy: if its a package on ubuntu, and you have trouble with it, try here perhaps08:47
gambl0r3do you need a usb drive to use keepassxc?08:47
Kingsydoes anyone in here know a good way of browsing the network for drives (just like nautilus) or somethinfg could do it but with the terminal? I am trying to us mc but I only see a way of entering the full smb://i.p.address rather than a browser08:48
ducassegambl0r3: yep, it's what i use. you don't need a usb drive, no.08:48
gambl0r3ducasse, you mind showing me to set it up?08:49
gambl0r3its complaining about a yubikey08:49
ducassegambl0r3: you don't need a yubikey, just don't select that08:49
lotuspsychjeKingsy: can this help? https://help.ubuntu.com/stable/ubuntu-help/nautilus-connect.html.en08:50
Kingsylotuspsychje: no, I want terminal only08:50
gambl0r3do i have to create a new database?08:50
ducassegambl0r3: yes, you need one to save your passwords in08:50
gambl0r3ok nevermind. it works. thanks08:51
sentimenthello. I tried to upgrade to 18.4 from 16.4 last night and it was really a hassle, lots of package problems and crap, but finally the system is up, well almost...08:51
sentimentproblem is the context menu and title bars all looking like from the 90s08:52
sentimentis it a gtk package problem?08:52
sentimentthis happens when I choose to login with wayland08:52
sentimentthe other option doesn't work at all!08:52
sentimentbut that's another problem08:52
lotuspsychjeKingsy: smbclient ?08:52
lotuspsychjesentiment: screenshot of the glitch please?08:53
Kingsylotuspsychje: don't you need to know the ip address of the server?08:53
lotuspsychjeKingsy: check the manpage for smbclient08:55
Kingsylotuspsychje: yeah it all talks about specifying a specific server.08:56
sentimentlotuspsychje: I tried print screen but where does it save?!08:56
KingsyI don't know the ip, I just want to "browse"08:56
sentimentthe window title bars are non existent08:56
lotuspsychjesentiment: pictures normally or /home08:56
lotuspsychjeKingsy: http://www.giannistsakiris.com/2007/11/12/accessing-an-smb-remote-folder-from-ubuntu-s-command-line/08:56
sentimentand menus look so ugly, i.e no style at all08:56
lotuspsychjesentiment: lets have a look :p08:57
Kingsylotuspsychje: --> sudo mount -t smbfs //remote-host/folder-name <-- you need to know the ip address08:57
sentimentlotuspsychje: can't find the pics!08:57
sentimentthis is silly08:58
sentimentit should tell me where does it store the screenshots08:58
sentimentand what name08:58
sentimentthis is ridiculous08:58
lotuspsychjesentiment: just made one, saves in pictures08:59
sentimentwhat name?08:59
KyrosHow is smbfs different from cifs08:59
sentimentwindows have no scollbars08:59
sentimentfound it09:00
sentimentlotuspsychje:  ^09:00
ducasseKyros: same thing09:01
lotuspsychjesentiment: thats just your chat window, what about your whole desktop?09:01
ducasseKyros: it was renamed from smbfs to cifs09:01
KyrosFair enough, if it doesnt work you might need to install cifs-utils09:01
sentimentlotuspsychje: desktop is there09:01
Kyrosducasse: ty09:01
sentimentthe windowss have issues09:02
lotuspsychjesentiment: wich desktop please?09:02
sentimentit's a gtk thing i suspect09:02
sentimentubuntu 18.409:02
lotuspsychjesentiment: allright, install gnome-tweak-tool and let us know wich theme is active please09:02
sentimentok bbl09:02
GalactorHello. I am trying to install some software, but it says I am missing the libraries needed. I can't seem to figure out how to obtain them.09:21
Galactorlibpng12.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory09:21
Alina-malinalets say i have a VPS ubuntu server, and i want to share a root with another partner, but i dont want him to see my stuff and i dont want to see his stuff, so how to do this separation on VPS correctly on ubuntu?09:21
GalactorI am running lubuntu as my distro. Any help on how to get it?09:21
jluchttps://askubuntu.com/questions/978294/how-to-fix-libpng12-so-0-cannot-open-shared-object-file-no-such-file-or-direc Galactor ?09:24
Galactorjluc:  I'll give it a look09:25
jlucthat was an easy one !09:25
jluclets hope it'll be ok for you09:25
Galactorgotta turn on my vpn for it tho. yay china internet :P09:25
jlucit says : wget -q -O /tmp/libpng12.deb http://mirrors.kernel.org/ubuntu/pool/main/libp/libpng/libpng12-0_1.2.54-1ubuntu1_amd64.deb && dpkg -i /tmp/libpng12.deb  && rm /tmp/libpng12.deb09:27
neureafter creating usb flash from iso with dd, how can i verify the drive is good and has the right data?09:45
neurenvm, found https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/75483/how-to-check-if-the-iso-was-written-to-my-usb-stick-without-errors09:47
mircx1Hello why is no possible install mbed TLS in ubuntu 14.04?10:01
Oolmircx1: https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=mbed+TLS&searchon=names&suite=all&section=all you can find it for xenial or bionic, trusty seems to old10:05
Oolwith trusty it had an other name: https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?suite=all&section=all&arch=any&keywords=PolarSSL&searchon=names10:06
Oolas you can read it here: https://tls.mbed.org/ :"PolarSSL is now part of ARM Official announcement and rebranded as mbed TLS. "10:07
PeanutHi - while doing security patches (18.04), Ubuntu added a new package: bubblewrap. It installed something setuid, and the only news I could find about it is that Ubuntu was going to -remove- it a while ago, because it can't be audited. Does anyone have further details?10:13
=== LabMunkeh is now known as Mechanismus
lotuspsychje!info bubblewrap bionic10:17
ubottububblewrap (source: bubblewrap): setuid wrapper for unprivileged chroot and namespace manipulation. In component main, is optional. Version 0.2.1-1ubuntu0.1 (bionic), package size 33 kB, installed size 91 kB (Only available for linux-any)10:17
lotuspsychjeseems optional Peanut10:18
TomyWorkI updated my kubuntu 14.04 yesterday evening (about 17-18 hours ago) and shut down the machine when it was done10:29
TomyWorktoday, when I booted up my machine it very soon froze because kwin was hogging the display server10:30
TomyWorkI know that, because killing kwin via ssh revived it10:30
TomyWorkmy question is: is there any known issue? should I expect this to happen again until an update fixes it?10:33
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PeanutTomyWork: It seems optional, but then why did it get added to my system when doing patches this morning?10:34
TomyWorkPeanut can you rephrase the question?10:34
TomyWorkdid you ask a question and mistake my question for an answer to it?10:35
solarsquick question: what's the easiest way to execute a script depending on WIFI name? (adjust screen layout at home or office). I'm not sure how to get the wifi name in a dispatcher.d script10:37
TomyWorksolars i once had a script that fingerprinted xrandr output10:40
TomyWorkbut that wasn't very stable with driver updates. might work better for you :)10:41
TomyWorkthis might be what you want10:42
neurehow do i reset usb drive partitions10:43
neurei wrote ubuntu installer and i now need to restore full size of the disk10:43
blackflow!details | neure10:44
ubottuneure: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel.10:44
TomyWorkblackflow it's pretty clear already. he wrote an ubuntu installer image to his usb drive. now he can't use the full size of that usb drive10:53
blackflowI don't read that from what they wrote.10:53
TomyWorkmaybe it's cause i work in support *g*10:54
blackflowmaybe it's maybelline.10:54
PeanutTomyWork: yeah, sorry about that, it seems I need glasses, and it doesn't help that I had 5 colleagues at my desk all of a sudden.10:59
sruliis there any check/(cheque) scanner application for linux? i will need to find a scanner device that works on linux but i have not found a check scanner manufacturer which has scanning software for linux, with check scanning apart from scanning the image the software needs to read the magnetic text in the bottom of the check11:17
iseneCheck? Wasn't that a type of payment method used in the 80's?11:18
sruliisene: some people have not moved on11:18
iseneSorry, don't have an answer, though11:19
SimonNLsruli: only thing I could think of is use this "linux scanner compatibility list" in search engine11:24
sruliSimonNL: i get nothing, related to check scanner, the hardware is not the real issue, i once tested scanning with libsane was able to get an image, i need a way to utilise the scanner to read the actual magnetic data11:25
SimonNLOCR ?11:26
sruliSimonNL: no its magnetic, ocr might read it but it will also read the rest of the page which i dont want, i have 1 workstation with windows for this and am desperate to get rid of it11:27
tchakataksruli: you already have the scanner itself ?11:27
SimonNLI'm of no use to you I'm afraid11:27
srulitchakatak: yes but dont mind replacing it, its old so i can replace with any11:27
tchakataksruli: did you try to use the native app in wine ?11:28
tchakatakmaybe more easy than fine a linux app for that11:28
alekksanderhm… trying to wite command to do this things as follows, but it doesn't work. i type „sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade && sudo apt autoremove -y” . sorry for noob question, but what am i doing wrong? it stops after update (there are broken repos i don't want to get rid of yet)11:28
neurehow do I make USB stick read/write?11:28
srulitchakatak: didnt think of wine, (havnet used wine since i tried to get IE to work on it in 2012) but would much rather a lightweight solution, doesnt even have to be gui11:29
tchakatakneure: it already should be rw, its your mount option wich is in ro, try to mount it on rw11:29
neurewhy would it be mounted as ro?11:30
tchakataksruli: wine works really nice and is not that bad for memory consumption11:30
tchakatakneure: depend what is on the usb stick.11:31
frisbee23hello is this a good channel to ask about conjure-up kubernetes with MAAS ?11:31
srulitchakatak: will look into that option, thanks11:31
tchakatakneure: if you try to dd a iso to a usb stick the fs will be ro11:31
neurei repartitioned11:31
neureturns out i had to unplug and replug11:31
frisbee23.. i get stuck at juju controller is initializing11:31
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frisbee23.. and logs sit at 'awaiting bootstrapped at ...'11:32
tchakatakneure: so it might be that your repart was stopped in the middle11:33
tchakatakneure: do you have any datas on it ? or can you repart it again ?11:33
frisbee23.. in maas i see a node which got deployed and says in logs 'curtin: Installation finished.'11:33
neureit works fine now after i unplugged and replugged it11:33
tchakatakneure: ok.11:34
neurenautilus still has problems11:36
neurebut could be permissions11:36
neurei put ext4 on the drive11:36
tchakatakneure: what kind of problems do you have on the drive ?11:36
neuretrying to copy files to the drive with nautilus -> "The destiunation is read-only."11:37
neuremeanwhile cp works just fine11:38
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neurealso chrome has no problems saving to the stick11:39
neureso i think this is Nautilus issue11:39
frisbee23just realized #juju is better11:40
tchakatakneure: try to close all instances of nautilus and restart it11:44
AzukawaHello friends, im in dire need of your help11:47
Azukawasomething really weird happened:11:47
Azukawai tried to fix my screen tearing issue in my ubuntu-studio, ran some scripts in terminal, download some updates, boot my system11:48
Azukawanow im running basic ubuntu11:48
tchakatakAzukawa: what de are you using11:49
Azukawatchakatak, excuse my lack of knowledge. What is a de?11:49
tchakatakDesktop Environment11:50
tchakatakAre you using gnome ?11:50
tchakatakor unity ?11:50
tchakatakwhat version of ubuntu are you using11:50
Azukawai dont know, how can i find out?11:51
EriC^^Azukawa: type "lsb_release -sd"11:51
tchakatakin a terminal11:52
Azukawaubuntu 18.04.111:52
tchakatakWhat flavor did you install ? the official ubuntu ?11:53
Azukawathe version that i installed and ran happily for 6months was ubuntu-studio, now after the updates its the normal ubuntu11:53
EriC^^Azukawa: what does "echo $XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP" give?11:53
srulitchakatak: i installed the canon software on wine, it launches, will connect the scanner soon to test, are there any security considerations? can i block that application from accessing the network / internet?11:54
tchakataksruli: you can use ufw if you want to manage how wine is contacting the network11:54
AzukawaEriC^^: Ubuntu: gnome11:54
tchakatakEriC^^: composite manager maybe ?11:55
Azukawabut this is not the one i installed, i installed and ran ubuntu studio11:55
srulitchakatak: thats a whole new level, i dont know ufw and use iptables11:56
Azukawashould i just back my things up and re-install ubuntu-studio, or is there a way back?11:57
tchakataksruli: you can use iptables if you want11:57
tchakatakAzukawa: you can try this, but it switched by itself from ubuntu-studio to ubuntu ?11:58
Azukawayes! not completely autonomys, i installed some updates and run some scripts in the terminal.11:59
Azukawaafter the updates it asked me if i want to boot my system, i say yes and all of a sudden im in basic Ubuntu12:00
tchakatakmaybe the problem is the scripts you run12:00
Azukawanever had that system installed on this computer12:00
tchakatakAzukawa: maybe just by changing the source.list you might have upgrade from ubuntu-studio to ubuntu12:02
AzukawaI was trying to install and later reinstall xorg12:02
tchakatakAzukawa: why ?12:02
tchakatakAzukawa: then you removed the full DE for ubuntu-studio to ubuntu.12:03
Azukawabecause i had to modify a .conf file to fix my screentearing and couldnt find the folder where it was supposed to be12:03
tchakatakAzukawa: the screentearing is not a xorg (not directly) issue12:03
Azukawai figured there reinstall might help, obviously not.12:03
tchakatakand i think you reinstalled the vanilla one.12:04
Azukawai must admit i had no idea what i was doing12:04
tchakatakThe easyest way would be to reinstall fully ubuntu-studio12:04
Azukawasome how the path of trying to find the right .conf file led me to xorg and xorg led me to this.12:05
tchakatakI am pretty sure you upgraded to a LTS vanilla. you might have modified dependencies12:05
tchakatakAzukawa: What you would need is a composite manager such as compton12:05
Azukawathat might be! after certain scripts in terminal it downloaded several hunded mb worth of files12:05
tchakatakSo, thats why :)12:05
tchakatakAzukawa: So, either you can chose the easy or the hard way.12:07
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mircx1Ool i try install from terminal but is not download12:07
tchakatakEasy, backup and reinstal12:07
Azukawaand hard way?12:07
tchakatakAzukawa: the hard way would be to change the sources list, check everything apt modified, desinstall all of it, and reinstall everything in command line12:08
sentimenthello. I need some info about the packages that render the UI in ubuntu 18.412:08
tchakataksentiment: gnome / wayland by default12:08
sentimentbecause I have some problems  with the upgeade from 16.412:08
sentimentit has messed things up ui wise12:09
sentimenttchakatak: there are two menu options beore I login12:09
sentimentone is  wayland and it has issues with the rendering of the window parts like scrollbars and title bars12:09
sentimentthey are non existent12:09
tchakataksentiment: there is a change from 16.04 to 18.04 from unity to gnome12:10
sentimentthe other option (non wayland) totally breaks up because input gets disabled12:10
AzukawaTchakatak: Thank you thousands for your help. What do you think, as someone who got myself in to this mess, should i even consider the harder way? What about the amount of work compared to reinstall?12:10
tchakatakAzukawa: harder way will be more rewardfull for knowledge :012:10
sentimenttchakatak: I know,  but this is about a problem. not a change.12:10
tchakatakAzukawa: more work i have to say12:11
sentimentI need to understand what package renders the window in wayland so I can try to fix it12:11
sentimentcan you please guide me?12:11
sentimentis it GTK?12:11
tchakatakAzukawa: take a look at apt / sources.list and how it interact with the system12:11
tchakatakAzukawa: look also the script you used12:12
tchakatakyou should have a modification on the source.list12:12
sentimenttchakatak: look at this screenshot please https://pasteboard.co/HPyFhoB.png12:13
sentimentsee the title bar12:13
sentimentall components of windows are messed up like that12:13
guiverc_dsentiment, tchakatak is currently helping another person, please be patient if you'd like help12:14
sentimentsome package has been messed up during the upgrade process12:14
tchakataksentiment: mhh... first i would use xorg12:14
tchakataknot wayland for now12:14
sentimentcan't use xorg at all12:14
sentimentit is worse because all input gets disabled12:14
sentimentafter I login, that is.12:14
tchakataki would actually fix this :)12:14
sentimentguiverc_d: ok12:14
sentimentI tried reinstalling all the packages that seemed to be related to UI to no avail12:15
sentimente.g ubuntu-desktop, gnone-shell, xorg...12:15
tchakatakguiverc_d: i already reply to the other person :)12:15
sentimentis that a GTK issue in Wayland? (the screenshot)12:16
sentimentbecause at least I can use the desktop in wayland unlike xorg which is totally borked12:16
tchakataksentiment: just to know, it happend before you upgrade ?12:17
Azukawatchakatak: ran the first two lines of this tutorial before realizing that it was propably a mistake :12:17
tchakatakDid you try to re apt update/upgrade ?12:17
tchakatakAzukawa: i will take a look12:17
sentimentbtw, there was another package issue with python3-gdbm that I just installed OK12:18
sentimentI don't think that has something to do with UI12:18
sentimenttchakatak: it happened after upgrade12:18
sentimentbecause the upgrade process was not smooth at all, there were various package issues12:18
sentimenttchakatak: I tried re upgrade and update many times12:19
sentimentI  see no  problems with packages as far as apt-get reports12:19
sentimentapt-get check is ok12:19
sentimentbut it was not yesterday12:20
Azukawaafter that i did sudo apt-get update, and i believe after that i went to the software and drivers guided by another tutorial, and after updating those, i was running Ubuntu instead of studio12:20
tchakatakAzukawa: Can you tell me what other script you used ?12:20
sentimentjust someone please tell me what package handles window components? is it GTK?12:20
sentimentI could find my way from there12:21
sentimentright now I am focusing on the wayland issue.12:21
blackflowsentiment: GTK is a framework/lib which indeed does it but the primary renderer is the the WM/DE you're using12:21
sentimentbecause xorg is totally messed up, doesn't accept input at all.12:21
sentimentwhich is wayland؟12:22
blackflowsentiment: if I were you, I'd concentrate on solving whatever xorg issue you've got there. There's a reason wayland is not yet the default12:22
blackflowno, wayland is a protocol12:22
sentimentgnome then12:22
sentimentso it is a problem with gtk and gnone? but gtk is gnome12:22
blackflowright, gnome/mutter is a wayland compositor12:22
sentimentso gnome is messed up12:22
blackflowno idea which element in that chain is responsible.12:23
sentimentmaybe I should check mutter state. what is it anyway?12:23
sentimentin a few words12:23
Azukawatchakatak: I dont recall running other scripts :/12:24
blackflowsentiment: ask google, you'll get more info12:24
sentimentok, I just dpkg -s Mutter12:24
sentimentand it is ok12:24
sentimentalso read the description there12:24
sentimentso it IS the window manager right now12:25
sentimentand it is OK installed12:25
sentimentI wonder what package is it then12:25
sentimentOK now I try to reinstall Mutter12:26
tchakatakAzukawa: Maybe without knowing12:27
sentimentdpkg: warning: files list file for package 'linux-sound-base' missing12:27
sentiment^ after I tried reinstalling mutter12:27
sentimentit installs with alot of such warnings12:27
sentimenttchakatak: any clue please?12:28
tchakataksentiment: did anything went wrong during your upgrade ?12:28
sentimenthad to run the upgrader twice12:28
sentimentlots of package dependency problems eetc12:28
sentimentbut that's kind of beside the point at this moment12:29
sentimentis it not?12:29
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tchakataksentiment: dont look like it12:29
sentimentdpkg: warning: files list file for package 'libswscale-ffmpeg3:amd64'12:29
sentimentlots of such warnings12:29
tchakatakit look like you have a lot of dependencies wich are not here anymore12:30
tchakataksentiment thats why your imput dont work, and all ui is messed up.12:32
sentimentbut the apt doesn't report problems with dependencies12:32
tchakatak sudo apt-get purge xorg "xserver-*"12:33
tchakataksudo apt-get purge lightdm plymouth12:33
tchakataksudo rm -rf /etc/X11/xorg12:33
sentimentnow I try to reinstall some of those packagtes12:33
tchakataksentiment: i would do that12:33
sentimentOK thanks, but in that process I will lose all GUI12:33
sentimentso I'd better run that from a login shell right?12:33
tchakatakDont past what i pasted... what a past mistake12:34
tchakataksentiment: i would look at every warning package12:35
tchakatakand reinstall them12:35
tellus83Hello, I need some quick help. In 16.04 i used udev to change the interface name based on the KERNELS ID.. how can i do the same in 18.04 ?12:35
tchakataktellus83: you can still use udev under 18.0412:36
sentimentis there a command for checking and resolving that kind of errors?12:38
sentimentI am at the login shell now12:38
ikoniasentiment: what did you exactly change and how12:39
sentimentI just purged xserver xorg12:39
blackflowtellus83: are you talking about the NamePolicy=kernel for default links?12:39
sentimentikonia: I just tried to upgrade to 18.4, I was actually hesitant to make that move.12:39
sentimentnow I kind of regret that I did12:39
ikoniasentiment: ok ?12:39
ikoniawhat's the actual problem rather than the tale of woe12:39
blackflowsentiment: just back up all your data, and reinstall from scratch12:40
sentimentwell lots of package file missing for some package warnings12:40
tchakatakikonia: he have no input under xorg, and no ui under wayland12:40
sentimentand problems with xorg and wayland UI12:40
sentimentxorg doesn't accept input at all12:40
ikoniasentiment: package files are missing how ?12:40
sentimentand wayland renders windows badly12:40
sentimentblackflow: thanks but no thanks12:41
sentimentikonia: lots of package list file missing12:41
sentimentyou know12:41
blackflowsentiment: it's fastest and easiest thing to do at this point12:41
sentimentI need to get a grasp of the cause though12:41
ikoniasentiment: you already sad package files are missing12:41
tellus83I used this on 16.04. "SUBSYSTEM=="net", ACTION=="add", KERNELS=="0000:01:00.0", NAME="DMZ"" .. if i compy the file from 16.04 to 18.04 the name dont change.12:42
sentimentikonia: can you scroll up?12:42
sentimentI pasted some examples12:42
ikoniasentiment: yeah, I'm asking why package files are missing12:42
ikoniaas they don't just vanish12:42
blackflowbotched upgrade12:42
sentimentwell I think I explained that as far as I could12:42
sentimentyes ^12:43
Azukawatchakatak: if i cant figure which script i ran, then reinstall is the only option?12:43
tellus83blackflow: no .. i dont want the eth0 .. but my own name based on witch interface it is.12:43
lotuspsychjesentiment: lts upgrades only bork, when users have maintained their system a bad way before, adding external ppa's and other goodies12:43
tchakatakAzukawa: the easyest yes.12:43
blackflowtellus83: I wasn't talking about eth0 but naming policy (and order of it). you can always rename the interface with the systemd-networkd  .link and .network units12:44
tchakataktellus83: just to know, why dont you us ip to do so ?12:44
Azukawawell thats what im propably going to do this friday night then!:)12:45
tchakatakAzukawa: enjoy :)12:45
neurrewhat can i use to change cursor size?12:45
neurrei remember there was a tool which had numerical setting12:45
tchakataktellus83: like'ip link set blablabla naame blablablabla2'12:45
tchakatakneurre: which cursor ?12:46
lotuspsychjesentiment: how about some pastebin on: sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade for us please?12:46
neurretchakatak, mouse cursor12:46
neurreits too small for me12:46
Azukawatchakatak: thank you once again, the helpfullness of you and this whole community is something i find very valuable and rare these days!12:46
AzukawaHave a nice weekend everybody!:)12:47
tellus83tchakatak:  I'm deploying this on 80 boxes and the mac is difrent. .. chan i use the id and not the mac to change it whit ip command ?12:47
blackflowtellus83: look at the Match section     https://www.freedesktop.org/software/systemd/man/systemd.link.html12:48
tchakataktellus83: yup. ip is using the default name of the device12:48
tchakatakAzukawa: Your welcome12:48
tchakatakneurre: Are you using gnome ?12:49
tchakataklook in tweak tools if so i am pretty sure you will find it there12:49
neurretweak tools did not have cursor size :(12:49
neurrebut I found it in dconf-editor12:49
tellus83Perfect. Thanks blackflow and tchakatak .. love the ubuntu community. you can always get help :)12:52
tchakatakneurre: watch out with dconf-editor.12:53
tchakatakneurre: you might broke your system.12:53
gigirock!info nvidia-driver-34013:02
ubottuPackage nvidia-driver-340 does not exist in bionic13:02
gigirock!info nvidia-driver13:02
ubottuPackage nvidia-driver does not exist in bionic13:02
gigirock!info nvidia13:02
ubottuPackage nvidia does not exist in bionic13:02
bindiyou can pm the bot as well13:03
ioria!info nvidia-34013:03
ubottunvidia-340 (source: nvidia-graphics-drivers-340): NVIDIA binary driver - version 340.107. In component restricted, is optional. Version 340.107-0ubuntu0.18.04.1 (bionic), package size 28665 kB, installed size 139972 kB (Only available for i386; amd64; armhf)13:03
VjdfMQHey all13:07
VjdfMQWhat could cause "Permission denied (publickey)." rather than different keys?13:07
VjdfMQI've faced same situation already twice.13:07
VjdfMQCreated keys, copied to server public key to authorized_keys and was able to connect. Later, tomorrow, I've tried to connect, but got "Permission denied (publickey)."!!!13:08
VjdfMQWhat could this be? This is insane.13:08
VjdfMQI lost control already and don't know what to do ...13:08
tibyketrying to do a 3 member scenario: 1 nfs server + 2 clients who mount a share with the same username but with different uids. I just cant get the bloody clients to use the mapped UID so basically have the same owner. any idea on that?13:08
VjdfMQThis damn public key ssh system is crap or something ...13:08
lotuspsychje!language | VjdfMQ13:09
ubottuVjdfMQ: Please avoid any language that may be considered offensive, including acronyms and obfuscation of such - also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines || The main channels are English only, for other languages, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList13:09
hateballVjdfMQ: no usernames or hostnames changed?13:09
VjdfMQhateball: Users are same.13:09
VjdfMQWhat do you mean by hostnames?13:09
VjdfMQSorry, lotuspsychje13:09
VjdfMQTry to imagine that you've lost control for your server with only one door13:09
VjdfMQThis is what happened:13:10
tchakatakVjdfMQ: take a look at the .ssh folder in your home directory13:10
tchakatakyou can use also ssh -vvv to see where the problem can came from13:10
VjdfMQWe've generated keys, copied public key to authorized_keys on remote server and tested connection. All worked. Disabled plain password.13:10
blackflowVjdfMQ: possibly some cloud-init nonsense reset the key in the meantime?13:11
VjdfMQLater, tomorrow, we've tried to connect to server and got "Permission denied (publickey).". No changed were at ALL!13:11
VjdfMQblackflow: This is own server(not cloud)13:11
tchakatakVjdfMQ: Any pupet running on the server ?13:12
VjdfMQtchakatak: Already, files exist13:12
tchakatakare you sure the local key is accessible by ssh?13:12
blackflowVjdfMQ: but is cloud-init installed? (it is on default server ISOs)13:12
VjdfMQI'll send all permissions and -vv output13:12
VjdfMQblackflow: What is cloud-init?13:12
tchakatakVjdfMQ: ok please use pastebin13:12
blackflow!info cloud-init13:12
ubottucloud-init (source: cloud-init): Init scripts for cloud instances. In component main, is extra. Version 18.4-0ubuntu1~18.04.1 (bionic), package size 368 kB, installed size 1863 kB13:12
VjdfMQtchakatak: Can we use termbin?13:12
blackflowtermbin's fine13:13
tchakatakanything you want13:13
VjdfMQblackflow: I don't know13:13
tchakatakVjdfMQ: you can also use the /var/log/auth.log on the remote server to see what is happening13:14
tchakatakand syslog too13:14
lotuspsychjeVjdfMQ: you protect ssh with fail2ban?13:15
VjdfMQssh output: http://termbin.com/bc9613:16
tchakatakVjdfMQ: echo_1 ?13:17
VjdfMQlotuspsychje: Already tried to login with different ip. Same.13:17
VjdfMQoh, sorry: http://termbin.com/3gcn13:17
VjdfMQFile for output was echo_1 ^^13:17
VjdfMQtchakatak: So that's would be good, but we can't to login to server because there's only one door "SSH"13:18
VjdfMQAnd it's closed13:18
VjdfMQcan't login*13:18
tchakatakit looklike it come from local...13:20
blackflowVjdfMQ: do you have some kind of (virtual) console access to the machine? IPMI?13:20
tchakatakid_rsa => no such file or directory13:20
VjdfMQblackflow: Yes, and we're searching for password (for IPMI) right now.13:20
tchakatakbut your key is : debug2: key: /home/user/.ssh/id_rsa (0x17xba716b95)13:21
VjdfMQtchakatak: https://hastebin.com/vefeboquma.sql13:21
blackflowwell that key was not accepted (But it was offered)13:22
VjdfMQYou mean wrong public key?13:22
VjdfMQOr private key?13:22
VjdfMQThe thing is that we didn't change any keys13:22
blackflownot necessarily. the reason for rejection is not stated13:22
tchakatakblackflow: the local /var/log/auth.log could not state it ?13:23
blackflowcould be a number of reasons on the server side where sshd responds with "Next auth method"  (meaning, "try again")13:23
blackflowtchakatak: local on the client? no. on the server? might13:23
blackflowI'd look into  journalctl -u ssh.service    tho'13:23
blackflowsome examples where it could go wrong:  you've set AllowUser or AllowGroup in sshd_config but didn't add your user to those lists. Or, you did not unlock the user with passwd -u.13:24
blackflowat any rate, you should observe what's going on from the server side.13:24
VjdfMQblackflow: We were able to connect to it yesterday13:24
blackflowVjdfMQ: maybe you think you did. could've reused whatever existing ssh connection you had and didn't really actually TRY the new user with a new connection?13:25
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blackflowssh connections can be cached to speed things up, on client side. some older ansible configs suggested that, for instance.13:25
VjdfMQUh  ...13:26
VjdfMQBtw only user and password should match for default configuration?13:26
tchakatakVjdfMQ: yes.13:26
VjdfMQOh dear13:26
tchakatakVjdfMQ: your user is the only one who can use the .ssh13:27
tchakatakif you have a priv key for user, user2 is not able to use it13:27
VjdfMQUser and passwors^13:27
blackflowunless it's set in user2 authorized_keys as well  (you can share same key with multiple users)13:28
VjdfMQThis is strange ...13:28
tchakatakVjdfMQ: Just thinking, did you set disabling the root user to connect ?13:28
tchakatakyou might use this side then13:29
VjdfMQRoot is disabled13:29
VjdfMQOnly one user is permitted13:29
tchakatakipmi / ilo13:29
VjdfMQOnly one key was generated13:29
VjdfMQUh ... men13:29
tchakatakVjdfMQ: Well last resort is going to the datacenter :D13:30
VjdfMQOr IPMI bruteforce13:31
tchakatakgood kuck13:31
blackflowVjdfMQ: reboot to rescue system?13:32
blackflowsurely the hosting company supports PXE booted rescue environments?13:32
tchakatakblackflow: without ipmi... will be impossible13:33
blackflowwhat would?13:33
tchakatakConnecting physically on the server and chrooting it to modify the user ?13:33
blackflowboot the machine into a "rescue mode". can it do that? it's usually done with PXE booted "rescue" OS13:34
tchakatakblackflow: yes, but he dont have access to the server itself other than ssh13:34
blackflowtchakatak: well yes, ssh is what I mean. depends on how the server is set up. if it's a hosted dedicated machines, almost all hosting companies support booting into a "rescue mode", which has ssh access.13:35
tchakatakblackflow: i know. but he is looking for the ipmi password.. so its his own one.13:36
blackflowwe're talking past each other13:36
BluesKajHi folks13:36
blackflowIPMI is irrelevant here, if they can PXE boot a rescue OS13:36
tchakatakblackflow: then yes13:36
tchakatakBluesKaj: Hi o/13:37
BluesKajhi tchakatak13:37
dserodioMy computer often shuts down as soon as I open Chromium. Has anyone seen this? How can I troubleshoot this problem?13:38
MrKeunerhi, is there a way to find out why a package was installed? (what other package required its installation?)13:38
tchakatakdserodio: a full power off ?13:38
dserodiotchakatak: yeah. It's a Dell laptop13:39
tchakatakMrKeuner: aptitude could do it.. look in the apt manual13:39
tchakatakdserodio: look at /var/log/syslog13:40
VjdfMQ_Thank you all btw!13:40
tchakatakVjdfMQ_: you found ?13:40
VjdfMQ_Nope, actually. 'll drive to server locally and recover an access. (it's over 500km over there)13:41
gigirockinfo nivida-driver-34013:43
gigirock!info nivida-driver-34013:43
ubottuPackage nivida-driver-340 does not exist in bionic13:43
gigirock!info nivida-34013:43
ubottuPackage nivida-340 does not exist in bionic13:43
tchakatakVjdfMQ_: Ok. If you need a hand dont hesitate to comeback when your in the front of your server13:43
gigirock!info nvida-34013:43
ubottuPackage nvida-340 does not exist in bionic13:43
gigirock!info nvidia-34013:43
tchakatakgigirock ?13:43
ubottunvidia-340 (source: nvidia-graphics-drivers-340): NVIDIA binary driver - version 340.107. In component restricted, is optional. Version 340.107-0ubuntu0.18.04.1 (bionic), package size 28665 kB, installed size 139972 kB (Only available for i386; amd64; armhf)13:43
blackflowVjdfMQ: so you're absolutely sure you can't PXE boot that machine into a rescue OS?13:43
VjdfMQOnly locally13:45
tchakatakVjdfMQ: you could ask someone from the DC to do so ?13:45
TJ-blackflow: VjdfMQ_: did you do a port-scan at the host in case there is some other potential method of access?13:45
VjdfMQ_Only mail and ssh13:46
blackflowVjdfMQ: inwhich case I'd honestly recommend you to find another hosting solution, one that allows you to fix things remotely and not drive 500 km if you lose ssh access.13:46
blackflow(even colo services can do that)13:47
TJ-what kind of DC doesn't provide remote hands ?13:47
tchakatakTJ-: Online, ovh...13:48
tchakatakoh doesnt13:48
tchakatakTJ-: if you just host it, and its your own server, and you dont configure the ipmi...13:49
Exterminadorhello guys: so, I was upgrading my VPS to Ubuntu Bionic via a web console provided by the hosting and at some point the console errored. how can I be sure that the upgrade has completely made, without any mistakes?13:49
tchakatakrun another dist-install ?13:50
tchakataklook at the log ?13:50
TJ-tchakatak: right, but even in colo there's usually a remote hands service jsut for this kind of issue13:54
neurrehow do i make alt-tab NOT group multiple shell windows into single?13:55
tchakatakTJ-: They provide the network... not the access itself wich is on the server you own.. especially for ilo / ipmi13:57
TJ-tchakatak: I'm aware, I have CoLo, but in every facility there is a remote hands service for just this kind of issue. Usually involves sticking a rescue image USB in13:58
tchakatakDepend your agrement with the dc14:00
neurrehow do i remove alt-tab delay?14:11
tchakatakwhat kind of delay ?14:13
neurrei press alt-tab - it takes some time before i can see the menu14:14
neurremaybe 200 ms14:14
neurrecould be even more14:14
neurrei cant find any such delay with dconf-editor :(14:15
blackflowneurre: in gnome?14:45
neurreyes, in gnome14:47
blackflowneurre: that's just gnome. its UI is javascript based, so yeah, it's visibly slow in reponse14:47
neurreno, it is not due to js14:48
neurrethey intentionally put a delay there14:48
* blackflow shrugs14:48
neurreso if you alt-tab between two apps, you dont get disturbed by the menu14:48
neurrehowever this is not my typical use case, i have lots of windows open all the time14:49
neurreand I typically switch between windows that are not just the last two14:49
neurreI would have imagined they made this delay configurable somewhere14:50
neurreand I do remember fixing it in my previous linux desktop14:50
neurrenow I cant find it :/14:50
babou_tuntanyone encounter issues with external 4k monitor over HDMI limiting to 30hz via GTX 960m15:02
lordcirthbabou_tunt, what graphics drivers are you running?15:04
babou_tuntI was on the default nvidia closed source driver for 18.1015:05
babou_tuntbut i enabled PPA for beta and let it upgrade to..... 4... something one second15:05
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lordcirthnvidia's website recommends 410.78 for that card15:05
babou_tuntmmm... i think im typing the command wrong... "ubuntu-drivers devices15:06
lordcirthbabou_tunt, running 'nvidia-smi' will display it15:06
babou_tuntahh thx15:06
babou_tuntlordcirth 415.1815:07
lordcirthbabou_tunt, you did a full-upgrade and reboot when installing it?15:09
babou_tuntah.. one second. i forgot i was logged into wayland...15:13
babou_tuntok, I'm back15:17
tchakatakCan we desactivate HyperThreating on a linux kernel without touching the bios ? like loading the kernel with a --nohyperthreading ?15:18
Platonidesthere's probably a kernel setting for that15:19
adroit_machineMy bluetooth doesn't used to work on ubuntu 14.04, I upgraded to ubuntu 16.04, now the devices can connect to my computer via bluetooth but the conneciton is not persistent. Is it a problem with my laptop's bluetooth radio or a problem with OS?15:19
tchakatakPlatonides: I do think so.. but can't find it15:20
tchakatakadroit_machine: If it connect now.. i would look into the OS more than the radio itself15:21
Platonideson https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=49933 they suggest ht=on for the opposite15:21
Platonidesmaybe try ht=off ?15:21
tchakatakIl try that :)15:21
tchakatakDont want to flash another bios to disable it so :)15:22
tchakatakThanks Platonides15:22
Platonideson https://serverfault.com/questions/806770/turning-off-hyperthread-by-bios-or-kernel15:22
Platonidesthey say that you should simply set maxcpus to the number of physical cores15:22
tchakatakI would prefer a kernel htoff :) i want to desactivate it for the latest bug with HT... but i cant use the bios for that :)15:23
tchakatakanother question, is there anyway to start openvpn trough a terminal, sending it user/pass, and closing the terminal without loosing the vpn session ?15:27
tchakatak(Without NM / NM-applet)15:28
babou_tuntahhhh... so i think my nvidia issue is died to... what is that called.. optimum, optimus, prime displays15:28
sud0x3tchakatak: You can pass ovpn config to opemvpn on the cli15:28
tchakataksud0x3: i just dont want to store the user/pass in the ovpn file15:29
ca-on-adamSomehow through accidental keyboard input I have disowned two ssh processes, their parent is now PID 1.  Does anyone know which keyboard command did this?  And is there a way to re-own these ssh sessions to make sure I don't have unsaved work before ending them?15:29
tchakatakand i need a challenge from an otp :)15:29
tchakatakca-on-adam: you could try to play with the ssh_agent in /tmp15:30
ca-on-adamtchakatak: if you run openvpn under screen/tmux you can close the terminal and the process won't die.15:30
tchakatakca-on-adam: i dont want to run in under screen/tmux. I would prefer something integrated to ovpn directly.15:30
tchakatakmaybe a composant with connect trough cli to openvpn and just pass the user/pass info15:31
tchakataki will script it if it dont exist... but i would prefer using something built in for it15:31
sud0x3tchakatak: If you dont provide password / username you will be asked for it whem running via terminal15:31
tchakataki dont mind sending them via the terminal15:32
tchakataki just dont want to let the terminal open after i sended the login/password15:32
ca-on-adamtchakatak: the easy way is to create client key without any passphrase required, but if you want the hard way, I understand that that 'expect' scripting language can automate keyboard input for interactive CLI programs.15:32
ca-on-adamI don't know how to write expect scripts ... yet.15:32
tchakatakjust because you need to be root to execute openvpn. Leave it in a screen would be horrible securitywise for this computer.15:33
ca-on-adamor, in a twist of fate, my keyboard accident could solve your open terminal issue?  Perhaps?? XD15:34
tchakatakif i want to run it as an unprivileged user, i need to create a tun/tap before wich create complication.15:34
tchakatakca-on-adam: ?15:34
mircx1Hello why is no possible install mbed TLS in ubuntu 14.04?15:34
ca-on-adamAnd if I understand you correctly, the file15:35
ca-on-adamsrw------- 1 adam adam 0 Nov 17 20:22 /tmp/ssh-oXvPIMWCtKRr/agent.185315:35
ca-on-adamcould help me to communicate with the 2 disowned ssh sessions?15:35
blackflowmircx1: because it was called polarssl in Trusty15:35
babou_tuntwell, for now i switched it back to intel low power mode and still stuck at 30hz most likely due to the prime display issue15:36
tchakatakca-on-adam: yep.15:36
ca-on-adamtchakatak: if you disown the openvpn process, that will let you close the terminal without killing openvpn15:36
tchakataknot sure. Never used it this way. but you should be able to reown the connexion itself15:37
ca-on-adamAnd today I'm here because I accidentally have disowned ssh sessions that I didn't want to disown, through hitting some keyboard combo unexpectedly.15:37
ca-on-adamI don't know how to connect the process back to a tty.15:37
ca-on-adamso I can kill it, and hope I don't lose unsaved work.15:38
ca-on-adambut I can't see what it was displaying anymore.15:38
tchakatakjust trough ssh-add15:38
tchakatakdont kill it.15:38
ca-on-adamssh-add just changes keyfiles.15:39
tchakatakyou can try to unlock the agent itself.15:39
tchakataklook at the man15:39
ca-on-adamit's not related to ssh protocol, it is the general problem of attaching processes to a terminal after they are disowned.15:39
tchakatakca-on-adam: what i am suggesting is reconnecting to your previous ssh connexion trough the ssh.agent still running on your server15:40
BluesKaj use the gnome equivalent to yakuake, if you're on gnome, you can exit that terminal without losing your vpn connection15:40
tchakatakBluesKaj: There is no other way to communicate trough cli with openvpn without that ?15:41
ca-on-adamhmm, okay, so start a new ssh session, log in to the server, then try to connect to sshd somehow?15:41
ca-on-adamI can see how that could work on the server side.  If sshd owns a nano process, I could theoretically re-own nano and save and quit, and voila.15:43
ca-on-adamthen I could kill the ssh sessions on my client side knowing I won't lose anything.15:43
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tchakatakca-on-adam: yep. You should not even have to resupply a key or a password to 'steal' it.15:43
tchakatakyou can also look at forward_agent15:44
tchakatakinto sshd15:44
tchakatak(and desactivate it next time... :D)15:44
tchakatakThats a really really bad things.15:44
BluesKajyes there is,  tchakatak one can add the openvpnauto file to /etc/init.d/ and the vpn auto connects at boot15:45
babou_tuntanyone know why ubuntu one in the application store would logout everytime you reboot?15:45
ca-on-adamI still need to figure out what the heck caused the disowning in the first place.  I have a "Microsoft Multimedia" keyboard with special buttons in a column on the left and right edges, maybe one of those keys causes the right character code that disowns processes in the terminal.15:45
tchakatakBluesKaj: Dont want a auto lunch it but i take a look at openvpnauto15:46
tchakatakbabou_tunt: your password is not set in the keyring ?15:46
dhruvasagarHi, is there a way to make 'always on visible workspace' permanent15:46
tchakatakdhruvasagar: gnome-tweaks15:46
dhruvasagartchakatak: I have that installed, where in it15:46
ca-on-adambabou_tunt: that seems like the default behavious, admittedly I haven't used the application store in a long time.15:46
babou_tuntthat might be it15:47
ca-on-adambabou_tunt: maybe there is a "stay logged-in" option that needs to be enabled.15:47
tchakatakca-on-adam: there is a xorg command to see what your imput does in real time...15:47
dhruvasagartchakatak: I have used compiz in the past (long ago) to achieve this, I don't believe gnome-tweaks has the options to do this, I am on ubuntu 18.10, what are my options ?15:48
ca-on-adamActually I am pissed-off that Discord logs in forever, and I want it to forget the password on reboot!  The only way is to click 'log out' before powering off or rebooting.  So insecure...15:48
tchakatakdhruvasagar: i dont run 18.10... cant help you with it exactly. but to modify theses options, i would look into d-conf15:49
tchakatakca-on-adam: stop using gnome keyring15:49
BluesKajtchakatak, you'll need the openvpnauto script from your vpn provider15:49
tchakatakBluesKaj: i am the provider :)15:49
dhruvasagartchakatak: ok, thanks for your help, i'll see if anybody else has better knowledge of this15:50
tchakatakdhruvasagar: lookup online, pretty sure google can help you with that15:50
dhruvasagaris compiz still a thing for gnome3 on ubuntu 18.10 ?15:50
ca-on-adamI think that Discord is doing this internally to itself, and the support staff admit that they did not add an option to forget the password when the application closes.15:50
mustmodifyCan I specify a number of days for logrotate delaycompress? I'm not seeing it in the man pages.15:50
dhruvasagartchakatak: actually it hasn't helped much, i've been looking for long, the only thing that comes close are all related to compiz, which I am already aware of but not sure if compiz is still something I should rely on15:51
tchakatakdhruvasagar: if you run a stock 18.10 i assume you use gnome/wayland15:51
ca-on-adamtchakatak: thanks for the tip on xorg keyboard input real-time info15:51
tchakatakca-on-adam: noprob iam looking for the command15:52
dhruvasagartchakatak: it is freshly installed, I believe it is gnome315:52
ca-on-adamI'll figure that out and press all the multimedia keys on my keyboard until an unimportant process gets disowned.15:52
tchakatakca-on-adam: not really a good idea :) but up to you15:53
ca-on-adamI will make sure that nothing important is running on my PC when I do that experiment.15:53
tchakatakanyway you can usean xk app  to desactivate your keyboard or rebind them15:53
ca-on-adamIf I can learn to 'disable' that key somehow, that would be enough to prevent this mistake from happening again.15:54
tchakatakdhruvasagar: so yep gnome3/wayland by default15:54
tchakatakca-on-adam: how do you start your session ? .xinitrc ? gdm ?15:54
ca-on-adamThe thing that really confused me is there is no visual difference in the terminal between a network failure and a disowned ssh process.  It just appears to be a dropped network connection.15:55
tchakatakca-on-adam: look at xkbcomp15:55
ca-on-adamOnly when I realized that I had myself logged-in 3 times instead of once did I realize there were two disowned processes that didn't die.15:55
tchakatakca-on-adam: another thing15:55
tchakataki dont know on what your working at15:55
tchakatakbut if your on emacs files or so, you can steal the buffer of the running app.15:56
ca-on-adamhmm ok.  No it was just nano so not much extra features.15:56
tchakatakmhh... maybe you can have access to nano's buffer15:57
ca-on-adamIf I wasn't lazy I would have started nano under screen like I usually do, but as luck would have it, or as Murphy's law would confirm, the oops had to happen when I was unprepared!15:57
tchakatakuse emacs-nox :015:57
tchakatakor vim15:57
ca-on-adamvi/vim is on my long list of to-do.15:58
tchakatak:) good choice.15:59
tchakatakca-on-adam: i just looked up15:59
ca-on-adamUntil then I just use a script to flock nano so at least I won't clobber other people's work when doing collaborative projects.15:59
tchakatakon the serverside try to look at /tmp15:59
tchakatakyou might have the nano buffer there15:59
ca-on-adamnope, my nano has put nothing in /tmp16:00
TJ-ca-on-adam: sounds like you'd benefit from setting something like tmux as the login shell so it's all automatic16:00
ca-on-adambut as you said, using vim instead would be a good choice instead of compensating for nano's intended simplicity.16:01
tchakatakor emacs.16:01
tchakatakbuffer file / backup file by default16:01
tchakatakmore simple than vim16:01
tchakatak(no double modes)16:01
ca-on-adamOkay, I'm going afk now, I have taken notes on your recommendations into a text file, can't promise I'll try these advices in 2018 but eventually, definitely.  Thanks a bunch!16:02
tchakatakca-on-adam: running and playing on emacs is like a 10 min tutorial :)16:03
tchakatakto have the same features than nano16:03
tchakatakfu*** cat16:04
blackflowhidden verses after Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn.16:04
tchakatakLovecraft 316:05
awakecodingI upgraded from 16.04 to 18.04 and I completely messed up my python3 + pip installation which I think I manually upgraded outside of the package manager. is there a good wiki page on how to manage python3 alongside python2 + possible upgrades properly?16:16
biet1234Hello, I'm using c9 ide with ubuntu installed to learn C programming am at the moment trying to get Makefile to work. Problem is that my *.o keep getting recompiled even though I have it set to only compile files that got changed. I tried to make -d to get debug info and 'make' seems to have an option somewhere that it forces to recompile everything. "Making `test.o' due to always-make flag.". I am new to linux and really dont ahve16:17
biet1234I looked in a file called bashrc and looked for environment options with printenv but can't find anything. Anyone have a clue where such options can be found/edited?16:19
lordcirthbiet1234, is your ide calling 'make' with --always-make, or -B?16:20
TJ-biet1234: show us the Makefile in a pastebin16:20
lordcirthSeems fine.  I bet it's the IDE doing it16:21
biet1234when I 'make' it just says  - gcc -O -c test.c - gcc -O -c link.c16:21
TJ-biet1234: change "test.o: test.c" to "test.o:" and same for "link.o:"16:23
TJ-biet1234: also, you should declare "clean" as a ".PHONY: clean"16:23
TJ-biet1234: that's a separate, new line, that tells make that the 'clean' target doesn't produce anything16:24
biet1234thanks, will try it now16:24
TJ-biet1234: but it is likely, as lordcirth said, that the IDE is forcing a rebuild with "-r" option16:24
TJ-biet1234: might be useful to capture the command-line the IDE is issuing to make to be sure16:25
biet1234yeah, no luck. if it helps, the ide seems to use GNU bash, version 4.3.11(1)-release (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu)16:25
TJ-biet1234: e.g. create /usr/local/bin/make with "#!/bin/sh" and "echo $@ > /tmp/make.log" and "/usr/bin/make $@", save, then "chmod +x /usr/local/bin/make" then use the IDE to build then look at /tmp/make.log. Also, remove the script with "rm /usr/local/bin/make"16:27
TJ-biet1234: if the ide uses PATH to find make the above interceptor will work; but if IDE uses the exact path to make it will not16:28
biet1234do I just type "/usr/bin/make $@" ?16:33
biet1234i am getting a make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found.  Stop. when I try that16:34
babou_tuntwhich jabber XMPP client do y'all reccomend to use with cisco jabber16:36
TJ-biet1234: no, those commands would go in the temporary /usr/local/bin/make as I mentioned16:36
biet1234Oh i think i read your explanation incorrectly, im supposed to make a file make and put those command in it right16:36
biet1234sorry terribly new to linux and terminals16:37
TJ-biet1234: yes :) it's a temporary interceptor that should be be found before the real make, so you can capture the arguments sent to it16:37
TJ-biet1234: if you do "echo $PATH" you should see /usr/local/bin is listed before /usr/bin so if a file of the same name is found it gets executed16:38
biet1234I navigated to /usr/local/bin/ and when i try "touch make" or "> make" Im getting permission errors16:40
biet1234I guess the sytem doesnt let me allow to do anything in these folders?16:40
biet1234touch: cannot touch ‘make’: Permission denied16:41
biet1234!! thanks16:42
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)16:42
tchakatakby default /usr/local/bin is not writable by a user16:42
tchakatakyou shouldnt make it directly in /usr/local/bin16:42
tchakatakbiet1234: you can modify $PATH var env for this16:44
TJ-biet1234: use sudo16:44
TJ-tchakatak: that will not work16:44
tchakatakTJ-: he is trying to make a file in /usr/local/bin.16:45
TJ-tchakatak: the IDE will have a separate env16:45
TJ-tchakatak: yes, for a 20 second test after which it gets deleted16:45
tchakatakTJ-: you can always export the path of the env from the ide no ?16:45
tchakatakIs it not better to add the path to a dev env ?16:46
tchakatakand then execute everything ?16:46
TJ-tchakatak: this way is much easier, drop something in /usr/local/bin/ then remove it16:46
tchakatakok. :)16:46
TJ-tchakatak: I do it this way because usually I'm trying to intercept something an already active process is doing16:46
biet1234ok i think i got it copied into that folder and did sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/make16:47
biet1234now do i just make like i normally do, right?16:47
biet1234and then check that tmp file?16:47
TJ-tchakatak: as I said, this doesn't help if that process calls the target binary with absolute path. Then I use dpkg-divert :)16:47
TJ-biet1234: use the IDE to build the program16:47
TJ-biet1234: if you're in luck, it'll end up calling your make script and we'll capture the arguments16:48
biet1234Yeah I just type make when in my c program folder on the terminal16:48
TJ-biet1234: OK, do it whichever way usually causes the rebuild16:48
biet1234nothing seems to get written to make.log as it is 1 byte and the date doesnt change hmm16:53
biet1234just to be sure: https://pastebin.com/7Fw9D7CT this should be in the make file, right?16:54
tchakatakbiet1234: what are you trying to do exactly16:55
TJ-biet1234: correct, did you "sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/make" ?16:55
TJ-tchakatak: the shell-based IDE is causing 'make' to always rebuild all targets16:55
tchakatakOk :)16:55
TJ-tchakatak: so we're trying to see what arguments the IDE is sending to make16:55
sentimentI can't open nautilus!16:55
sentimentafter upgrading to 18.416:56
TJ-sentiment: that's to prevent it sinking :)16:56
sentimentit writes this error to console gconf-editor16:56
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sentimentg_type_add_interface_dynamic: assertion 'G_TYPE_IS_INSTANTIATABLE16:56
biet1234yeah i did sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/make and then compiled with 'make' the usual way16:56
sentimentTJ-: what?16:57
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TJ-biet1234: so, the IDE must be calling /usr/bin/make and not relying on the PATH16:57
blackflowTJ-: not everyone has read Verne it seems :)16:57
TJ-biet1234: lets' do something a bit more invasive then: "sudo mv /usr/bin/make /usr/bin/make.real" then "sudo mv /usr/local/bin/make /usr/bin"   - this puts your script where the real make used to me, then rerun the IDE build :)16:58
biet1234tchakatak: whenever i invoke make it seems to use --always-make option even tho i am not specifying it16:58
TJ-blackflow: apparently not :)16:58
biet1234ohh i like invasive16:58
blackflowkids these days.16:58
biet1234sorry im slow as a turtle. i appreciate your help16:58
sentimentman this upgrade completely fucked my system up16:58
sentimenteverythign botched16:59
sentimentjust when I thought it's over here is another one16:59
sentimentthere's another one16:59
sentimentGLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: 20:27:55.160: g_type_add_interface_dynamic: assertion 'G_TYPE_IS_INSTANTIATABLE (instance_type)' failed17:00
sentimentI mean WTF...17:00
sentimentam I supposed to go and read the source code?!17:00
sentimentfor gods sake17:00
TJ-sentiment: have you done "apt -f install" to ensure all packages are fully upgraded?17:00
sentimentI swear I did that a hundred times already, but I'll try again17:01
blackflowsentiment: there was a reason I told you to back up data and reinstall Bionic. you could've been done several times by now :)17:01
sentimentTJ-: no problems17:01
sentimentblackflow: I dunno man :(17:01
biet1234it said "/usr/bin/make: 3: /usr/bin/make: Cannot fork" on the console and when i now check the make.log file it has the -B option for make!17:01
tchakataksentiment: you dont know how to backup your data ?17:02
TJ-sentiment: hmmm17:02
sentimentno, I am not sure if that is the best way17:02
sentimentin the linux world17:02
TJ-biet1234: well that is something17:02
sentimentin Windows world everyone does that17:02
blackflowsentiment: I've been using and installing linux distros for over 10 years. I've built LFS even. I've never been able to recover from ubuntu botched upgrade. ever. reinstalling from scratch has always been the best solution, if upgrade fails.17:02
babou_tuntvirtual machines or (insert best opensource container solution for ubuntu here)17:02
tchakatakblackflow: you can, but it's painful17:03
biet1234you are a genius sir/mam. what does this mean? :-)17:03
TJ-biet1234: so now you've confirmed it, remove your script and put things back: "sudo rm /usr/bin/make; sudo mv /usr/bin/make{.real,}"17:03
sentimentblackflow: I don't have an image for Bionic though17:03
tchakataksentiment: you can download it easily17:03
sentimentI have the 16.4 CD thugh17:03
TJ-biet1234: see "man make" and you'll see "-B --always-make" are the same thing17:03
sentimentno not easily, it wastes my traffic, sorta17:03
tchakatakdo you have network enough to download 18.04 and install it ?17:04
sentimentI have a traffic cap17:04
TJ-biet1234: so you do need to persuade your IDE not to pass -B17:04
blackflowsentiment: then install 16.04 and straight upgrade to 18.04, with nothing else added (especially not any PPAs)17:04
sentimentbut I have enough  I think for that, it's just that I'd rather go back to 16.4 if push comes to the shove17:04
sentimentblackflow: How likely is that to succeed?17:05
TJ-sentiment: it'd be easier to track down the error; search for bug reports on bugs.launchpad.net for example, or your favourite search engine17:05
blackflowsentiment: also consider that upgrading does not give you full Bionic experience. some things are not done for upgrades. so upgraded bionic != installed from scratch. for that reason I'd always recommend install from scratch.17:05
sentiment I might buy the cd from a retailer  then17:06
tchakatakanyway downloading 18.04 or 16.04 and ugrading will be almost the same17:06
TJ-sentiment: my initial research suggests this is due to bad shell extensions17:06
tchakataknetwork wise17:06
blackflowtchakatak: true that17:06
sentimentTJ-: yes, I went that far17:06
TJ-sentiment: here's an example; maybe you can figure out how to disable extensions?  https://github.com/andyholmes/gnome-shell-extension-gsconnect/issues/29317:07
sentimentI really shouldn't have taken the plunge17:07
sentimentSo silly of me17:07
sentimentI was reeaaly hesitant to upgrade exactly because of this kind of issues17:07
tchakataksentiment: how is your system at the moment. what is working and what is not ?17:08
sentimentTJ-: ok, thx, gonna give it a shot17:08
TJ-sentiment: search the file-system for suspects with something like "dpkg -S nautilus-python"17:08
sentimentoh ok17:08
TJ-sentiment: that'll clue you in on what (python) extensions are installed... maybe there's one leftover from 16.04 that isn't in 18.04 and wasn't removed17:09
sentimenttchakatak: well the window issues were solved at last17:09
sentimentthe title bars and stuff17:09
sentimentit's running stable enough in wayland17:09
sentimentexcept that nautilus thing and rhythmbox problem with mp3 even though I have all the gstreamer plugins installed17:09
sentimentall the bad and good and ugly that is17:10
sentimentTJ-: ok thanks, let me see...17:10
tchakatakyou could try to purge completly nautilus and reinstall it17:10
TJ-I'd think there'd be greater success removing the extensions :)17:11
tchakatakTJ-: by purging the package, you dont remove his extensions ?17:11
sentimentBTW I stil have some package files list warnings in dpkg17:11
sentimentthough alot less than before17:11
blackflowdid anyone suggest running a loop for apt install --reinstall, for each of the packages from the installed database? and perhaps removal of packages that are still listed from old repos, if they fail to reinstall17:11
TJ-tchakatak: I doubt it, unless also doing "apt autoremove" - dependencies aren't removed17:12
sentimentwarning: files list file for package 'libxtables11:amd64' missing; assuming package has no files currently installed17:12
sentimentfor instance ^17:12
TJ-sentiment:  OK, so those do need solving17:12
sentimentI tried to reinstall it but it said can't be done17:13
sentimentlet me try again17:13
sentimentReinstallation of libxtables11 is not possible, it cannot be downloaded.17:13
sentiment^ for all the other such warnings17:13
tchakatakTJ-: And using aptitude to resolve the problem ? there was a module for it if i remember well17:14
TJ-sentiment: libxtables11 was updated to libxtables12 in 18.04, but on my 18.04 libxtables11 is also still installed but doesn't cause such errors17:15
sentimentI searched for Reinstallation of libxtables11 is not possible, it cannot be downloaded.17:15
sentimentoh sorry17:15
sentimentI tried sudo dpkg --list *nautilus* and it returned just 6 results17:15
sentimentlibnautilus-ex ,nautilus, nautilus-data, nautilus-exten, nautilus sendt, nautilus-share17:16
sentimentTJ-: so it's irrelevant17:16
sentimentI suspect those warnings are irrelevant to this case17:17
sentimentbtw, how do I make alt+tab between windows of same application easily switch between them?17:17
sentimentas it is, it switches between different applications only17:17
sentimentand this is really annoying17:17
naccsentiment: alternatetab extension, iirc17:18
sentimentremoving every extension listed now17:21
sentimentI removed libnautilus-extension1a and it removed ubuntu-desktop too!17:23
sentimentdoes it matter?17:23
goodafternoon https://pastebin.com/5HaNKhye why I can't ping with my wireless usb (enx0cb6d2d1a525) ?17:25
goodafternoonI followed these instructions https://shapeshed.com/linux-wifi/17:25
biet1234TJ-: thanks for your help. i tried looking around in the IDE but cant find an option to disable it :-(17:26
biet1234at least I learned a few more linux commands :>17:27
meph1st0hey everyone17:29
tchakatako/ EriC^^17:30
tchakatakgoodafternoon: route ?17:31
tewardgoodafternoon: you sure you set up th4e device properly?  `ip route list` please, also confirmi that you have the proper IP range set on the device.17:32
tewardyou might also need to share the configurations you've set, because it sounds like your network and the network that the wifi works on are different17:33
teward(your network meaning the settings you've set)17:33
goodafternoonhttps://pastebin.com/FmfuTNAm enp4s3 works properly btw17:35
swebi create use but seems be problem after login to user. PS1 not executed and .bashrc not loaded.17:37
tewardgoodafternoon: the next question is why are you connected to the same network twice?17:38
tewardbecause it sounds like you've got IP route conflicts because both are on the same IP subnet17:38
tewarduse one or the other, not both.17:38
swebthe use acctually created by ansible17:38
goodafternoon > /etc/network/interface https://pastebin.com/8VY8jnnT17:39
goodafternoonteward because I want my device to connect with wifi instead of ethernet17:39
goodafternoonand I use ethernet to connect to it17:40
tchakatakgoodafternoon: what device ? the usb one ?17:40
tewardgoodafternoon: so unplug your ethernet.17:40
tewardthen test.17:40
tewardthe problem I see is you have two routes going on here17:40
tewardand there's a network route conflict17:40
goodafternoondoesn't work, should I down enp4s3 ?17:42
tewardgoodafternoon: or reboot.  the problem is you've got two devices trying to use the same network, over the same route over different interfaces (Which doesn't work)17:43
goodafternoonNetwork unreachable now17:43
tewardyou might want to reboot without the LAN connected17:43
goodafternoonok I do that17:43
tewardwhen you start to do stuff like this with both wifi and ethernet on the same network segment it can cause issues17:43
goodafternoondid you check my /etc/network/interfaces ? does it look ok for you ?17:45
goodafternoon(reboot in progress, it takes minutes lol)17:45
goodafternoonoh yes it works !17:53
goodafternoonthank you17:53
goodafternoonbut now my reverse ssh doesn't work : Warning: remote port forwarding failed for listen port 2222217:56
goodafternoonWhat is the difference between wireless and ethernet ? I thought it wouldn't change anything17:57
inkypowertop is listing docker as top power consumption. i removed docker and restarted, but it is still there. there are no docker services running. how can i completely remove docker?18:04
nomoney4uI am running caddy on ubuntu 14.04. So I get why my service crashed, too many attempts, but now how do I start it again? "Job for caddy.service failed. See "systemctl status caddy.service" and "journalctl -xe" for details."18:11
leftyfb14.04 didn't have systemd18:12
nomoney4uoops, 16.04 sorry, was mistaken it with another vm18:16
naccnomoney4u: caddy does not appear to be an ubuntu package18:16
tewardnomoney4u: the answer is "Read the logs output from those commands"18:18
tewardand then fix it18:18
tewardbut that doesn't seem to be a program within the Ubuntu repositories18:18
nomoney4uteward: I'm not sure I understand.  So the command `sudo service caddy start` is reading a file /lib/systemd/system/caddy.service and then throwing the errors in `journalctl -xe` ?18:25
tewardand possibly in `systemctl status caddy.service`18:26
tewardbut yes, error messages and such get dumped to the journal18:26
tewardwhich journalctl and such can access.18:26
tewardbut again, caddy isn't in Ubuntu, so you might be forced to find external support from Caddy's devs to solve any issues you find18:26
nomoney4uteward: I see, so in general, the .service file would be the source that would tell systemd to stop the server if something was to go wrong?18:30
tewardyou should really read up on how systemd works to understand this better.  https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/understanding-systemd-units-and-unit-files18:30
nomoney4uwill do, thanks18:31
lordcirthAs far as I can tell, gdm3 is completely ignoring /etc/gdm3/custom.conf.  What am I doing wrong?18:36
lordcirthIt prints the contents to the log, but it neither obeys it nor throws a syntax error18:40
nacclordcirth: you're sure you restarted gdm3 properly?18:54
lordcirthnacc, I rebooted just in case18:54
nomoney4uis there a nice way to ban these people?  I see a lot of sshd log: `Invalid user ___ from _____ `  is there an "autoban" or something of that nature for these attempts?19:02
tewardnomoney4u: properly configured fail2ban19:02
iorialordcirth, what part of custom.conf did you change ?19:02
tewardnomoney4u: disable password authentication and use only SSH key auth and it'll help a bit more with security.19:03
tewardyou'll still see attempts but they won't be able to successfully login19:03
nomoney4uteward: first thing I did was do that, it's just annoying to see it flood the journalctl19:03
lordcirthioria, http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/ht9kn8YHHv/19:03
nomoney4uI'll look into fail2ban19:03
iorialordcirth, automatic login does not work ìcause a bug19:04
lordcirthioria, I suspected so.  So far it seems to have taken less time to switch to lightdm19:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1719128 in gdm3 (Ubuntu) "Automatic login works only for wayland session" [Undecided,Confirmed]19:04
iorialordcirth, you can try lightdm, yes19:04
lordcirthIt works perfectly.  Just testing that I put it in Salt correctly.19:06
clovermintCouldn't get size: 0x800000000000000e19:19
mutanteCouldn't parse context19:20
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tewardclovermint: we'd need more context - where are you encountering this, what were you doing that triggered the error, etc.19:22
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TJ-clovermint: It's a UEFI SecureBoot message caused when there's no MOK certificate db19:26
compdocanyone use published apps through x2go? it works so great19:30
* clovermint 19:37
EvilAIMMuch quieter :)19:40
sud0x3lordcirth: I setup lightdm with salt for a thinsation like setup, http://dpaste.com/0NTX0CF19:43
lordcirthsud0x3, thanks.  I don't really want it to do anything except autologin.  Testing it now19:45
sud0x3lordcirth: That was all i need from lightdm also gdm needed too many dependencies and i chose to use openbox as i could easily lock it down. If you want aa look at any of the contents of lightdm config just let me know.19:48
YounderNVIDIA, No CUDA 10 has no 32 bit libs. rhe .run does does mess with the .deb in ways that will break your system. Blaklisting the Noveaux helps. Steam should be 64 bit by now. bitch, bich.. Ie I don't use steam anymore.19:55
YounderI have a Titan V and i need the newest updates. If you don't  'ubuntu-drivers autoinstall' should works fine.19:56
YounderAnyhow the focus now is on varicad. To my mind the only CAD system that cut's the mustard for mmechanical engeneering. The free versions seem like glorified drawing programs. They might cut it for defining for a 3D printer (additive modeling) but seem to lack libs for DIN parts and the like.20:17
kur1jI have about 20 Desktop machines I need to image. I was thinking of using MAAS and then Salt or Ansible to configure and bootstrap the machine. How would I go about automatically adding the keys and stuff though?20:17
YounderIt sells for 1000 EUR which is pretty cheap for a CAD (CADD)20:18
Younderkur1j, Neither Ansible nor salt can make images for bottstrpping the machine. You need something like werewolf.20:19
lordcirthkur1j, I have a PXE server than installs Salt in the d-i preseed.  I accept the keys on the salt-master when they finish booting, and state.apply.  More automation is possible, but I didn't find it worthwhile20:19
lordcirthkur1j, alternatively, you could use Packer's salt-masterless provisioner to build an image, then push it out with clonezilla or something20:20
kur1jlordcirth: I didn't want to try and maintain an image20:20
lordcirthLooks like packer only does VM images anyway20:20
YounderPXE booting is done using a dedicated ip address. It is DHCP that looks at this address and uses TFTP to install the image.20:20
YounderWithe the correct configuring.20:20
lordcirthYeah, I use dnsmasq to handle all that20:21
YounderI am a member of the beawolf newsgroup. there is also a mag called HPC (High performance cluster) which has a newsletter. I suggest you follow these to get a better idea of what others are doing.20:22
kur1jlordcirth: what is "d-i"?20:22
lordcirthdebian-installer, sorry20:22
lordcirthYou can give it a preseed file which answers all the questions it normally asks, and it automates it.  MaaS does a lot of this for you, might be a good option20:23
kur1jlordcirth: I'm going to go ahead and setup MAAS and play with it and see what options it provides20:24
kur1ji think that might provide the answers I need20:24
lordcirthkur1j, let me know how that goes, I look at MaaS ages ago and didn't end up using it, but it's probably improved20:24
YounderFor 20 machines saltstack and ansible perform about equal. However satstack scales better.20:24
kur1jI just need it to PXE the machine and then allow me to run configuration on the system20:24
kur1jinstalling python, java, development tools, etc20:25
kur1jI'll take a look at Salt, I've just use ansible in the past20:25
kur1jhow difficult is it to deal with updates and stuff for machines with Salt?20:26
kur1jfor example, say I want to run an update to Ubuntu 16.04.4 to 16.04.5, can you "manage" those 20 systems and have it do that upgrade20:26
YounderIs it a heterogeneous environment or are all your nodes configured the same to do MPI or such?20:26
lordcirthkur1j, salt 'minions' pkg.upgrade dist_upgrade=True20:27
lordcirthWhere 'minions' = a pattern that you want to target.  possibly '*' for all machines20:29
YounderYes, but I am takling about 'plug and play'. Yo just connect a new computer to the system and it automatically installs the OS. Not the BOX OS but a image customized by you to contain the tools you want.20:30
lordcirthYounder, MaaS will do that, I think20:32
lordcirthkur1j, #salt channel exists here too, I'm also on there20:33
kur1jlordcirth: thanks. is salt all cli, programming based like Ansible or does it use some type of UI?20:35
lordcirthkur1j, there's an enterprise webui, which I've never seen a need for.  I use it purely cli.  It's pretty easy to learn20:35
YounderI just have a toy system here consisting of 20 PI's 10 PI 2 and 10 PI 3 B. they are controlled by a dell server.  A Poweredge T110 II. THey run the usuual tuff. MDI cerberus, ldap, NFS, apt-cache, clock, slurm etc20:36
lordcirthYounder, fun20:36
tnecnivhi, i have ubuntu installed on an embedded system (like a raspberry pi but not an RPi specifically). unfortunately, i set up the user account a while ago and do not remember the password. i'm logged in because apparently i did not specify the system to require a password to log in. is there a way to recover / reset the account password without reinstalling? i tried holding shift during boot to get into grub but that didnt work so i'm guessing20:37
tnecniv there is no grub?20:37
leftyfbtnecniv: sudo su    then passwd <user>20:38
tnecnivleftyfb doesn't work. sudo requires a password.20:38
tnecnivit appears the account does have a password, i just have no clue what it is20:39
b0bby|I'm on mint(which has the same network manager as ubuntu) and have a small networking issue. I would like to set it so that both connections can be used but when a program doesn't care it uses the wifi interface rather than the ethernet. For example curl google.com would use my wifi interface and curl --interface eth0 google.com would use my ethernet interface20:39
lordcirthYou can boot a live OS and chroot20:39
leftyfbtnecniv: this is Ubuntu running on the pi or Raspbian?20:39
tnecnivleftyfb ubuntu 16.04. the specific microcontroller i'm using is an up-board20:40
lordcirthtnecniv, so it's install on an SD card?20:40
leftyfblordcirth: it's an image20:40
leftyfbno grub20:40
tnecnivyeah there's no grub when i boot. it's on whatever internal storage the board has20:41
lordcirthlike, a dd'd iso?20:41
leftyfblordcirth: dd of a disk image20:41
tnecnivi installed it from a live USB20:41
leftyfbThat's how SBC's work20:41
leftyfbwait, really?20:41
tnecnivi could just reinstall it but i feel like there should be a simpler way to fix this20:42
leftyfbtnecniv: track down which boot loader it's using and edit the kernel line an add in init=/bin/sh20:42
leftyfbtnecniv: out of band20:43
leftyfbalso, don't forget system passwords20:43
V7Hey all20:49
V7Is it possible to get an access to server via IPMI and user '' with password 'admin'?20:49
lordcirthV7, IPMI support seems offtopic here, unless I misunderstand your question20:49
leftyfbV7: I don't think the IPMI spec allows authentication without a user20:50
tnecnivleftyfb will do, thanks20:50
V7lordcirth: I've been here for a while today and understood that public key for SSH on ubuntu is somehow wrong20:50
YounderEven if it was this would be a massive security breach to reveal it here.20:50
V7So, there's IPMI access, but we can't find credentials to it20:51
lordcirthV7, using pubkeys for ssh is generally good - what's wrong with it?20:51
lordcirthOr do you mean you don't have the right key?20:51
V7Don't know, yesterday all was working, but today it just says: Permission denied(publickey)20:51
lordcirthV7, try with -vvv20:52
V7lordcirth: Already20:52
leftyfbV7: I would get local access to find out what's going on.20:52
lordcirthV7, so, did someone do an update, or something?20:52
V7leftyfb: Server is over 500km from my spot20:52
YounderYoes for a PKI infrastructure you need a public PKI server. If you use a locally generated key the browser will complain that that it is not a secure key. I suggest ignoring it.20:52
leftyfbV7: ok, then if you don't have a plan to get in OOB, then you failed to plan appropriately.20:53
lordcirthV7, who is hosting the server for you?20:53
VjdfMQV7 and VjdfMQ are friends20:54
V7Yup we are20:54
VjdfMQSo, btw thank you: https://hastebin.com/vefeboquma.sql http://termbin.com/3gcn20:54
VjdfMQThese are permissions and -vvv output20:54
YounderAgain cerberus and PAM is a pin to set up but wit will work. If you want to bigger Globus. Look up a book called 'PKI infrastructure' at amazon20:55
VjdfMQlordcirth: This server is ours, no datacenter is used20:55
leftyfbYounder: none of this helps their situation20:55
lordcirthVjdfMQ, so you have someone in the building, then?20:55
VjdfMQYup, far 500km from here20:55
hggdhVjdfMQ: the permissions for the provate keys are wrong20:56
VjdfMQWhich should be?20:56
leftyfbthat'll do it :)20:56
hggdhthey are 644, should be 60020:56
hggdhthe public keys can be 644, no biggie there. But the private cannot20:57
lordcirthhggdh, ssh isn't complaining in -vvv output, though?  And the dir is 70020:57
VjdfMQNow they are -rw-------  1 user user 3326 Nov 22 13:04 id_rsa20:57
VjdfMQBut this output is given with sudo20:57
VjdfMQIf without sudo it gives: ls: cannot access '.ssh/id_rsa': Permission denied20:57
VjdfMQ-????????? ? ? ? ?            ? id_rsa20:57
lordcirththe client logs show that it sends the key properly20:58
VjdfMQGives Failed to add the host to the list of known hosts (/home/v7/.ssh/known_hosts).20:58
hggdhlordcirth: sort of. ssh stated it cannot find the keys20:58
lordcirthdebug2: key: /home/user/.ssh/id_rsa (0x17xba716b95)20:58
lordcirthdebug1: Offering public key: RSA SHA256:i18HW71hWDicayDJWDi19wjDYDmcnxzMVkvnIWDD83o /home/user/.ssh/id_rsa20:58
lordcirthIts found the key and is trying it20:59
lordcirthAnd its denied.  You need to look at sshd logs on the server.20:59
VjdfMQOh, sorry Failed to add the host to the list of known hosts (/home/user/.ssh/known_hosts).20:59
VjdfMQlordcirth: We can't20:59
V7No other way to get an remote access to it20:59
lordcirthVjdfMQ, I thought you said you have someone there?21:00
VjdfMQOh, you mean a guy21:00
VjdfMQNope, noone there, me nor V721:00
lordcirthWell, you dun goofed21:00
YounderLook sudo can look at everything, you have to give it read access first with chmod +r <dir>21:00
VjdfMQYounder: fixed21:01
lordcirthVjdfMQ, I do notice that the client keys were edited on Mov 2221:02
VjdfMQYup, they were modified about week ago or so21:02
lordcirthThat seems like a red flag21:02
lordcirthDo you know what the change was?  Have backups?21:02
V7Yesterday we were able to connect, but today - nope21:03
hggdhlogithack: the .ssh directory should br 700, the pub keys 644, and the private keys 60021:03
hggdhlordcirth: ^ logithack -- sorry21:03
VjdfMQhggdh: fixed permissions. The same.21:04
lordcirthVjdfMQ, what are the OS versions on the client and server?21:04
hggdhVjdfMQ: also, please show another -vvv in pastebin21:04
leftyfbVjdfMQ: why are you using sudo to do anything with ssh?21:04
VjdfMQleftyfb: What do you mean?21:04
VjdfMQlordcirth: Client KDE Neon21:04
VjdfMQServer is Ubuntu 16.0421:05
leftyfbVjdfMQ: <VjdfMQ>If without sudo it gives: ls: cannot access '.ssh/id_rsa': Permission denied21:05
lordcirthVjdfMQ, kde neon is a Ubuntu respin.  What version?21:05
lordcirthVjdfMQ, what user's homedir is .ssh in?21:06
YounderWhat usually messes me up with ssh is login in to another machine with a different user that I created the key for. NEVER allow root access.21:06
leftyfbYounder: keys do not care about users21:07
lordcirthleftyfb, I think he means trying to login as the wrong user21:07
YounderTHey so do21:07
lordcirthnot the client side user21:07
leftyfbYounder: ssh keys do not care about users. It only matters which user's directory on the remote system the public key resides in21:08
kur1jwhats the difference in the "ubuntu-18.04.1-live-server-amd64.iso" image and the "ubuntu-"?21:08
leftyfbYounder: you can use and keypair for any user on any system, regardless of which user you create the key for/as, as long as you copy the key files to the appropriate directories21:09
SKaplanIs there a list of the most up to date version of the openssl FIPS packages? I know they're only available for download by Advantage Advanced subscribers, but I need to verify that the versions are keeping pace with non-fips versions.21:09
VjdfMQlordcirth: KDE Neon 5.1421:09
YounderSort of, but that is resticted by the access restrictions of a user.21:09
VjdfMQAlso, this is new -vvv21:09
SKaplanExample: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/xenial/+source/openssl This is the openssl version listing for 16.04. I need to know the fips versions available.21:09
VjdfMQlordcirth: /home/user/.ssh21:09
VjdfMQhggdh: ^21:09
lordcirthVjdfMQ, ok, so why is sudo involved here?21:10
VjdfMQI don't know21:10
VjdfMQWhat do you mean?21:10
lordcirthif you are logged in as 'user', and the keys are in 'user''s homedir, and owned by 'user', then you shouldn't need sudo21:11
VjdfMQlordcirth: habit21:11
lordcirthBad habit.  Don't use sudo unless you need it and know why21:12
lordcirthIt causes problems21:12
VjdfMQYou're 100% right21:12
leftyfbBAD habit21:12
OerHeksvaluable lesson21:12
SKaplanBecause there's no FIPS-specific security advisories, I was assuming that the FIPS versions would keep pace with the non-FIPS versions. But someone's trying to tell me that 1.0.2g-1ubuntu4.fips.4.6.3 is the latest FIPS version and honestly I don't believe them.21:12
VjdfMQBtw, we have an access to IPMI on 623 port21:12
VjdfMQAlso we know login '' and password 'admin'21:12
leftyfbSKaplan: try #ubuntu-security21:13
lordcirthVjdfMQ, so can you get a terminal?21:13
VjdfMQBut IPMI tells "insufficient privileges"21:13
SKaplanOh thanks. I hadn't seen that one on the list.21:13
VjdfMQlordcirth: Nope, without correct password for ADMIN user21:13
leftyfbVjdfMQ: you need a user21:13
YounderSeems to me the blaze attitude twoards security is what caused this problem. Don't just copy a key from one user to another create a new key.21:14
VjdfMQWe just can't find it on out credentials server. Someone just forgot to copy them to notes21:14
hggdhVjdfMQ: your server is offering s DSA key. You do not have a DSA key21:14
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VjdfMQWhat do you mean21:14
VjdfMQIs it possible to create DSA key using RSA?21:14
hggdhas far as I know, no21:15
lordcirthhggdh, what line are you referring to?21:15
lordcirthAnd no21:15
YounderDSA and RSA are created with the same tool genkey21:15
hggdhlordcirth: line 71 -- debug1: Server host key: ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 SHA256:Aj1Cwu219ajDHawju18wdjAWDu281ADkvoiNJDu28HJ21:15
lordcirthhggdh, that's ecdsa, not dsa21:15
lordcirthAlso it's being accepted21:15
lordcirthIt is probably some simple problem - on the server end21:16
leftyfbVjdfMQ: why can't you get someone local to the server to help you out?21:16
lordcirthsomeone removed the key, or mangled the permissions, or broke /etc/sshd_config21:16
VjdfMQleftyfb: Only tomorrow21:16
VjdfMQWe though that we could recover it tonight21:17
lordcirthVjdfMQ, wait till tomorrow, and come here for help if you have trouble once you have access21:17
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VjdfMQSo, we don't have any idea how to get an access?21:17
VjdfMQw/o local access21:18
leftyfbVjdfMQ: we do, but you didn't manage things properly so we cannot help you in doing so21:18
VjdfMQWe have RSA key and IPMI running on 62321:18
leftyfbVjdfMQ: If you have the credentials for IPMI, then you can use that21:18
VjdfMQHere we have another problem. Only one user with name '' and password 'admin', but IPMI says 'insufficient privileges'21:19
leftyfbVjdfMQ: you do not have the proper credentials for ipmi21:19
VjdfMQSeems so21:20
leftyfbVjdfMQ: That is a problem of mismanagement of credentials and beyond the scope of this support channel since it has nothing to do with OS21:20
VjdfMQWe'll talk with manager tomorrow21:20
lordcirthVjdfMQ, SSH is quite good at keeping out people who aren't allowed in, and you goofed :P21:20
VjdfMQThank you  btw guys, really.21:20
VjdfMQSo, all in all, the problem: public key is invalid?21:21
VjdfMQor private? or both?21:21
leftyfbVjdfMQ: At this point, get local access and create a new keypair21:21
lordcirthVjdfMQ, the server is rejecting it.  Which could be for any number of reasons.  odds are 'systemctl status ssh' on the server will tell you exactly why21:22
VjdfMQThank you21:22
lordcirthAnd fix IPMI and document the credentials :P21:22
leftyfbVjdfMQ: if you're having this much trouble getting into your own server (assuming multiple people involved), there's no telling who has access or where those keys live.21:22
lordcirththis is a fair point21:22
doreihello, is there a way to disable all the fixes/workarounds for spectre/meltdown/etc ?21:22
lordcirthdorei, what for?21:22
doreithere's no need to patch my home pc for spectre/meltdown/etc21:23
doreiis there?21:23
leftyfbdorei: why?21:23
VjdfMQThis is small firm company, but ... this is unbelievable ...21:23
lordcirthdorei, does it have internet access?21:23
doreileftyfb: i think the reason we have spectre/meltdown is the crazy unsecure optimizations that intel made21:23
doreilordcirth: yeap, but no other users can login to my home pc21:24
leftyfbdorei: ok, why do you want to disable the patches?21:24
VjdfMQI mean, this disrespect of credentials and staff21:24
lordcirthdorei, if it has internet access, let alone a browser, you need the patches21:24
doreito make it faster, no?21:24
hggdhdorei: wait. So you intend to solve the crazy insecure optimisations by allowing them to be exploited?21:24
leftyfbdorei: you won't notice a difference21:24
lordcirthdorei, 1) without those patches a website could root your PC 2) the performance impact is quite small21:24
doreihggdh: i think that only on cloud environment they can be exploited, no?21:24
beepbeep_trying to install openvpn, but getting errors, how do I figure out what's going on here? https://gist.github.com/aaronmu/0268fa07940bacde660b20441b1f97e321:25
doreilordcirth: isnt a specially compiled firefox enough?21:25
lordcirthI believe both are needed21:25
leftyfbbeepbeep_: which version of ubuntu?21:25
hggdhdorei: no. Many of the exploits can be given to you, some even in Javascript (erm, via a web site)21:25
doreihggdh: then i have a bigger security issue, my browser, no?21:25
ash_worksiis anyone else having trouble getting chrome to run in the system tray on ubuntu?21:26
beepbeep_leftyfb: 18.1021:26
leftyfbbeepbeep_: what's the output of: sudo apt-cache policy openvpn  # use pastebin21:26
hggdhdorei: not the browser as much as the lack of all other fixes, partial or not, so far implemented21:26
Younderash_worksi, never heard of it til now21:26
lordcirthdorei, short version: Linus would not have put the patches into all kernels if it were not needed by basically everybody21:27
lordcirthat least if they had performance impact21:27
Younderash_worksi, It is probaly not what you think21:27
ash_worksiI think maybe it has something to do with appindicators?21:28
hggdhdorei: also, most of the browsers implemented a few workarounds for some of the spectre exploit collection21:28
doreihggdh: if these workarounds are enough, then there's no need to patch the kernel21:28
leftyfbdorei: You are good. No need to do anything21:29
hggdhdorei: if they solved everything, they would not be workarounds, they would be solutions.21:29
doreii don't collocate servers in my home pc, i only need a browser that's immmune to spectre/meltdown21:30
ash_worksiat one point I was trying to move notifications from the top of the screen to the bottom right21:30
ash_worksiI don't remember how I was advised to do that21:30
leftyfbdorei: You do not need to change anything. You will not notice any changes in performance if you remove security parches from your kernel21:30
ash_worksican anyone help me out with that?21:31
Younderash_worksi, Yes that makes more sense. You ysed the GUI in a way not anticipated and something broke.21:32
doreialways stay on the happy path xD21:32
ash_worksiYounder: so if you wanted to move the notification bubble to how it used to be on 17, what would you recommend someone do? (I am trying to figure out what I attempted)21:33
Younderash_worksi, Let's see. At firsr it worked.21:34
Younderash_worksi, How about the steps that lead to it not working. (For me I never remeber every detail sharply enough, but maybe you are better)21:35
ash_worksiI don't remember when it broke, but yes, when I opened chrome and set 'allow processes to run background' under chrome's settings, it would show an icon in the system tray; this would also allow hangouts to run in the system tray21:35
ash_worksiYounder: I can't remember; I was told to install x or y from a recommended webpage21:35
leftyfbash_worksi: hangouts will run in the tray without the "run in background" setting enabled. When chrome is opened.21:36
ash_worksileftyfb: well, it's not working :\21:36
leftyfbash_worksi: which part isn't working?21:36
ash_worksithe part where it shows an icon in the try21:37
EvilAIMleftfb is still here?21:37
EvilAIMda fook? haha21:37
* EvilAIM == tekky21:37
ash_worksitray*; actually, I really don't care if chrom(ium) shows in the tray, but I've never seen the hangouts extension properly put an icon there without seeing the chrom(ium) icon there as well21:38
leftyfbEvilAIM: from EFnet21:38
leftyfbash_worksi: I'm not sure how it works with chromium21:38
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ash_worksiI can't remember which webpage I was referred to to get notify-osd21:38
ash_worksileftyfb: what I mean is, it _was_ the same situation between chrome and chromium21:39
leftyfbash_worksi: https://askubuntu.com/a/1056242 maybe?21:39
leftyfbash_worksi: is it just chrome apps or anything that runs in the notification tray?21:39
EvilAIMbeen a while haha21:40
=== EvilAIM is now known as evilaim
ash_worksierm, I specifically mean the little icon where the speaker and battery icons are on 18.0421:40
bjonnhanybody has a recent guide on how to run docker in lxd?21:40
evilaimWell, I'm back at it so I'll help out again.21:41
evilaimbeen a bit lazy in my days haha21:41
bjonnhI did put security.nesting = true on a container but it still refuses to run (docker-ce)21:41
ash_worksiisn't lxd a container software in-of-itself?21:42
Younderash_worksi, Did you do a 'remove from favorites' when you right clicked the icon?21:42
leftyfbevilaim: 2013/02/2321:42
ash_worksiYounder: not that bar21:42
bjonnhash_worksi: in a different way21:42
Younderash_worksi, In what bar?21:42
ash_worksibjonnh: why do you want to run docker in lxd?21:43
leftyfbbjonnh: you might try #docker or #lxcontainers21:43
ash_worksibjonnh: dunno if I can help, but curious21:43
bjonnhoh nevermind it was an issue with the fact that I use a ubuntu minimized21:44
bjonnhash_worksi: to test deployment systems21:44
bjonnhI use lxd to make sorts of mini-vms without the overload associated with vms21:44
bjonnh(because I have less needs for isolation here)21:44
evilaimwowsa.  5 years ago :)21:44
ash_worksiwhats that url shortener called again?21:44
bjonnhbut I'm working on projects that require docker so I would like to leverage my servers running lxd21:45
evilaimI think I've been doing ubuntu since 7.04...21:45
evilaimI feel so old :(21:45
leftyfbevilaim: same here21:45
ash_worksiI don't know much about lxd, so I guess I can't appreciate that statement21:45
bjonnhlxd works great21:46
ash_worksibut I'll look into it I guess.21:46
Younderbjonnh, What is lxd?21:46
bjonnhyou really handle the lxc' containers like real machines21:46
ash_worksierm... omg... I used it so many times...21:46
evilaimleftfb, you run this place or?21:46
bjonnhYounder: a canonical front-end thingy (in go) for lxc21:46
evilaimcan I shove a bot here for testing? No spam/channel interaction21:46
leftyfbevilaim: no. Lets take it to #ubuntu-discuss21:47
evilaimhmm, nm, I'll just run my own network21:47
ash_worksiYounder: https://bit.ly/2ABn0xD -- where the volume and battery icons are in the top right21:48
YounderLook I nibble at my part, you nibble at yours. This system is to big for any of us to see the whole picture.21:49
bjonnhash_worksi: I deploy my services fully on my servers directly from ansible21:49
ash_worksibjonnh: :)21:49
bjonnhash_worksi: "I want a 'machine' with 4 cpus and 64GB ram then install all of that on it"21:49
ash_worksibjonnh: is lxd like rancher?21:49
bjonnhand I can have server loads or client loads (using x2go)21:49
ash_worksibjonnh: or maybe rancher would be better for you?21:49
bjonnhso I can have clean and reproducible Xorg environments for my users21:49
bjonnhash_worksi: what would it bring?21:50
bjonnhis that some kubernetes stuff? no too convoluted21:50
leftyfbbjonnh: you should take the server discussion over to #ubuntu-server21:50
ash_worksiwell, I don't that much about linux environments, but xorg sounds like you have people spawn desktop environments?21:51
bjonnhyeah probably21:51
bjonnhleftyfb: but it is also about ubuntu clients ;)21:51
Younderbjonnh, No, If it was kubernetes ti would probaly be familiar to me21:51
leftyfbbjonnh: eh. Regardless, we try to keep the chatter down here. Keep it to support questions/help only21:51
bjonnhash_worksi: yes I have full fledged xorg environments my users connect to using x2go (so they can have a Ubuntu desktop from any OS)21:51
bjonnhleftyfb: sure I'll move21:51
leftyfbbjonnh: there's also #ubuntu-offtopic21:52
bjonnhwell it is not offtopic21:52
YounderWe need a new group #ubuntu-cryptic ;)21:52
bjonnhfor kubernetes discussions? absolutely21:53
leftyfbbjonnh: if it's not looking for or helping with support, it's offtopic21:53
leftyfbbjonnh: #ubuntu-offtopic is for discussions or all sorts. This channel is for support only21:53
Younderyes, sort of..21:54
YounderBut there are so many packages, not all in the standard distributien discussed here21:54
leftyfbYounder: packages not available in the official repos are not supported here21:55
bjonnhleftyfb: lxd is standard repo…21:55
Younderleftyfb, I was talking about packages not installed by the installer.21:56
bjonnhanyway for those that were curious: https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/lxd.html21:56
bjonnhand lets move that to #ubuntu-server21:56
leftyfbbjonnh: There's also #lxcontainers21:56
ntdhow do you trigger the touch keyboard? having to type "onboard" without a physical one seems like an oversight21:58
ash_worksiso any help in the system tray department?22:00
leftyfbash_worksi: tried the link I gave you?22:01
ash_worksimaybe I missed it?22:01
lordcirththis one ?https://askubuntu.com/a/105624222:03
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ash_worksileftyfb: oh I see it; I'll look22:03
ash_worksiwhats Budgie?22:03
lordcirthA desktop environment22:04
ash_worksioh; what DE is 18.04 use by default again... gnome?22:04
lordcirthgnome3, yes22:04
lordcirthBudgie shares some stuff with gnome, not really familiar, though22:05
ash_worksifound the site i was referenced: fossmint.com ... is that a popular site to link to in here?22:07
leftyfb2018 Nov 16 13:52:29 <OerHeks>ash_worksi, gnome-tweak does not, but this page gives that time tweak https://www.fossmint.com/notifyosd-desktop-notification-bubbles-in-ubuntu/22:08
ash_worksithat's the one22:08
ash_worksiI followed both those actually (even though I think it's an OR thing)22:09
ash_worksishould I reverse those steps?22:09
jmgb4Holy cow. Anybody else think libreoffice is a pos?22:11
k0d3g3arjmgb4: depends what you are using it for22:12
leftyfbjmgb4: please take rants to #ubuntu-offtopic. This is a support channel22:14
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* Younder reaches for his crutch ;)22:15
ash_worksino advice on the fossmint thing?22:15
leftyfbash_worksi: I'm about to head out so I will not be able to dive deep enough to help you with i22:16
Youndermint is fine, not ubuntu22:16
jmgb4oh yeah I forgot its not alright unless the higher uppers do it leftyfb22:16
ash_worksithanks for the help so far leftyfb  :)22:16
ash_worksiYounder: that's just then name of the site... it's a ubuntu 18 system we're talking about22:17
fx9something weird happening with ubuntu, I created a new user and in the home directory there's a folder called Template but it is in chinese characters, what is going on? There seems to be 2 word docs in it, 2 powerpoint files, and 2 excel files. All with chinese characters in the filename. wierd22:18
fx9everytime i create a new user, this pops up22:18
fx9note, i don't speak or read chinese22:18
pi018.10 k3b not recognizing any media i put in :/22:19
pi0sheep dip :(22:19
Younderfx9 not suprising as there is no language called Chinese. There are a 130 languages in china..22:19
leftyfbYounder: There are 2 that start with "chinese"22:20
fx9people had this before?22:21
Younderprobably Canji22:21
JFox762hi :)22:23
JFox762So I need to know why my internet connection keeps going down, requiring me to reboot my system22:24
fx9Younder, https://pastebin.com/rBHQL9Q622:24
JFox762which seems to resolve the issue until it goes down again22:24
fx9any ideas?22:24
JFox762Additionally, the WiFi Indicator at the top, has a question mark on it22:25
Younderfx9, lol, have you accidentally set the language22:26
fx9Younder, how did that happen?22:26
Younderfx9, I have no idea. But you should be able to check it22:27
ash_worksiany help on my indicators problem?22:30
fx9Younder, chinese isn't even installed22:30
fx9its on english22:30
ash_worksihow can I check what repos have been added to apt?22:31
ash_worksior rather, if a specific one exists?22:31
wishieso, a friend has just asked me about an error to do with 'ejecting' a hard disk in a hot swap bay.. Nautilus reports that the commend failed with a non-zero exit status..22:33
wishieI am assuming this is because his 'hot swap bay' probably reports itself as 'removable', so nautilus puts an 'eject' icon next to the drive.22:34
wishieclicking that icon does in fact unmount the drive, but then tries to 'eject' the drive, which fails.22:34
wishieis there a way to tell nautilus to not display the eject icon for that item?22:35
ash_worksiis it safe to remove libnotify-bin?22:38
ash_worksiit says it will remove ubuntu-desktop22:39
Younderdoes it sound fine to you?22:39
ash_worksinot really, but I had to install it as part of the process earlier on fossmint22:40
TJ-ash_worksi: "ubuntu-desktop" is just a virtual package that depends on everything required to make the desktop - removing it won't actually remove anything important22:42
TJ-soory, not virtual, 'meta'22:42
ash_worksiTJ-: that felt like a contradiction22:43
ash_worksiI'm not saying it is, but how is something that is required to "make the desktop" not important?22:43
TJ-ash_worksi: there's nothing useful in ubuntu-desktop, it just has a control file that has a Depends: on every package required to make the DE22:44
YounderI seems to me mint and gnome share a lot of the same libraries, so it is probably used by both.22:44
ash_worksiso... I can remove it?22:44
fx9Younder, thanks, I solved it, there was that weird chinese directory in /etc/skel which was probably put there by wps-office, removing that dir in /etc/skel solved it22:44
ash_worksiI mean, I just had it removed, then got cold feet and reinstalled it22:44
TJ-ash_worksi: it's not recommended but yes, it won't stop the desktop working22:44
ash_worksi(and haven't logged off yet)22:44
ash_worksiwhat about libnotify-bin?22:45
Younderfx9: glad you resoved it. That was a really wierd error22:45
TJ-ash_worksi: I thought you said that trying to remove that wants to remove ubuntu-desktop? in which case that suggests only those two will be removed22:45
ash_worksiwhen I removed that, it removed ubuntu-desktop, but when I installed it, it didnt' say it was installing ubuntu-desktop, so I assume I can install ubuntu-desktop without libnotify-bin22:45
TJ-ash_worksi: that package only contains the notify-send CLI tool22:46
TJ-ash_worksi: ubuntu-desktop declares libnotify-bin as a dependency, so if you install u-d it'll pull in libnotify-bin. That's why u-d has to be removed to allow libnotify-bin to be removed22:47
YounderYes, but why was it so important to remove it that you risked compromizing your entire system?22:48
ash_worksiTJ-: okay, so let me start from the beginning, I wanted to revert the 18.04 notification bubble to the way it looked on 17; I was directed to fossmint where it told me to install libnotify-bin (to no avail); where I then continued to try notifyosdconfig which I don't even know if worked because I didn't see anything I could actually configure... in any event, since then (approximately) chrome doesn't22:49
ash_worksishow up in the system tray and I can't pin just hangouts because it comes up as a chrome window22:49
ash_worksiTJ-: okay, but then what did `sudo apt install libnotify-bin` do for me in the first place? nothing? (I assume that 18.04 ships with u-d, right?)22:50
TJ-ash_worksi: that sounds like you removed libnotify itself22:50
JFox762_back sorry22:51
ash_worksiTJ-: I just followed this: https://www.fossmint.com/notifyosd-desktop-notification-bubbles-in-ubuntu/22:51
=== JFox762_ is now known as JFox762
JFox762So I need to know why my internet connection keeps going down, requiring me to reboot my system22:51
JFox762which seems to resolve the issue until it goes down again22:51
JFox762Additionally, the WiFi Indicator at the top, has a question mark on it22:51
TJ-ash_worksi: according to the package descriptions for libnotify-bin and libnotify4, the notification-daemon package does the actual work of displaying22:51
OscarFMji D:22:52
ash_worksiTJ-: so... I assume the leolik package of libnotify-bin was just an unncessary step for me perhaps?22:52
TJ-ash_worksi: that article does say "I’m not sure of Ubuntu 16.10 and later but the following instructions work with Ubuntu 14.04 up to 16.04"22:53
* ash_worksi "wah wah waaah" noise plays22:53
TJ-ash_worksi: when you plan on making changes to core functionality it does help to read the entire article and consider what downsides there might be22:53
ash_worksieh heh ^ ^;22:54
ash_worksiso uh, recommendations?22:54
TJ-ash_worksi: as well as testing in a virtual machine before messing up your primary host :D22:54
leonardusHow can I make sure my graphics card is being used instead of integrated graphics right now?22:56
ash_worksik, I guess I'm gonna try restarting... I removed those ppas and notifyosdconfig and reinstalled libnotify-bin22:56
ash_worksiso I hope it all works22:56
ash_worksidoesn't appear to have had any effect... should I completely restart my machine?22:57
ash_worksimaybe there was some other configuration change I made that's causing this issue?22:59
ash_worksiany ideas on where I should start looking?22:59
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ash_worksistill no dice23:10
JFox762_anyone know what might be causing my connection issue?23:13
JFox762_It seems like my Lenovo keeps losing connection with the hotspot23:13
OerHekssome hotspots give a lease of 5 minutes, or 10, 1523:15
sgenWhat does the d-i stand for and/or do in a preseed file?23:17
TJ-sgen: "debian-installer"23:17
TJ-sgen: the preseed files sets answers to questions the installer would otherwise ask the user23:18
sgenTJ-: Cool thanks!23:18
=== Richard is now known as Guest21610

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