
sgenSo Im trying to preseed a ubuntu 18.04 install on a virtualbox vm with packer00:06
sgenThe install is hanging on choosing which disk to install to00:07
sgenIm not sure if theres a default working preseed file for 18.04. Im using one that worked for 12.04 but I suspect something may have changed00:07
sgenThis is my preseed file https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/kXQ6XSmKYZ/00:07
GalactorHello! Is there an easy way to make a back-up of my current lubuntu/i3wm set-up that includes my settings and installed programs, but not my misc. files like word documents, pictures, etc?01:51
Galactorall my important documents are backed up to the cloud, but if anything ever happened and my current OS and features needed to be reinstalled, it would take me weeks. It was a huge effort to configure my machine properly due to my use of odd software, wonky drivers, personal preferences, etc.01:52
rfmGalactor, the wiki has a pretty good article on the various ways to take backups and restore from them. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem02:09
rfmGalactor, and the Arch wiki has a full example of using rsync (including a list of the filesystems that don't need to be backed up)  https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Rsync#Full_system_backup02:15
Galactorrfm:  Thank you for the info! I'll look into it02:17
ahi2alacarte and menulibre wont allow me to make and save changes to the applications menu. any ideas?02:29
ahi2fresh install. worked fine on previous install of 18.04.102:30
texlaHow to change fonts size on grub 2.02 menu in ubuntu 18.0402:33
rfmtexla, pretty good answer in https://askubuntu.com/questions/54067/how-do-i-safely-change-grub2-screen-resolution02:35
texlarfm, Tried that uncommented grub-gfxmode and changed from 640x480 to 1920x1080 and ran update grub no changed in menu02:38
rfmtexla, as the answer says. 16x9 modes don't seem to work.   try a 4x3?  may have to try several before you find one that works...02:41
texlarfm, Where do I find different modes02:42
rfmtexla, read step 1 of the askubuntu answer, where it mentions the videoinfo command02:44
texlarfm, one commentor said when he tried videoinfo he cound not exit program ???02:46
rfmtexla, so just hit the reset button, you're way early in the grub boot process02:47
JFox762How do I check to see why my Wifi Indicator has a question mark on it?02:48
texlarfm, Thanks for the info will try that program02:48
Krematorfolks, usually how much last deprecated release mirrors online?03:31
Krematori mean, i know 14.04 is going to be supported until april next year, for how much time it's repositories are going to be online03:31
leftyfbKremator: I would not rely on Ubuntu 14.04 repositories being online past the EOL date03:33
Krematorleftyfb, and does nto canonical have something like "archive" repositories just as debian project?03:35
Krematorbecause i would probably have to downgrade to 14.04 because reasons...03:35
Krematorbut it only have 6 months more of support or so03:35
leftyfbKremator: why do you need 14.04?03:35
Krematorleftyfb, i have a mobile AMD 7520g gpu, it can only use 2 screens at the same time if i use flgrx03:36
leftyfbKremator: have you tried 18.04?03:36
Krematorthe new video open driver/stack works wonders perf wise. but since my card is not _Strictly_ supported i lack some features03:37
Krematorleftyfb, yes, same problem03:37
Krematorits not the release is just my card not being completelly fully supported anymore03:37
Krematorwith flgrx works wonderful03:37
leftyfbKremator: you tried the drivers from AMD's website?03:39
Krematorleftyfb, the flgrx is only installable in 14.04 and 15.1003:39
Krematorafter that those drivers doesnt work anymore in *buntus03:40
leftyfbKremator: drivers from AMD's website. Not flgrx. Did you try the drivers from the AMD website? It's a binary03:40
Krematorleftyfb, i though AMD didnt release "drivers" anymore but just straight worked onto the open stack03:40
leftyfbKremator: https://www.amd.com/en/support/kb/release-notes/rn-prorad-lin-18-2003:43
leftyfblooks like it might not work with your chipset though03:43
leftyfbmaybe time to upgrade03:43
Krematorleftyfb, too poor for that otherwise i would had upgraded long time ago03:43
Krematorand sadly, to a laptop without AMD card03:44
Krematorthey basically left me out in the air too soon03:44
=== andyhuzhill_ is now known as andyhuzhill
MiarHey, I am having some issues having palm detect enabled while typing on my touchpad. Could someone help?05:15
Rembohow can i install openssl 1.0.0 alternativ to current version of openssl on debian 9?05:19
lotuspsychjeRembo: this is ubuntu support here05:30
lotuspsychjeRembo: whats your endgoal exactly?05:41
amazoniantoadWhy would a vm just turn off after having been turned on? I keep turning on my vm's and then they seem to turn off on their own after some time.07:11
amazoniantoadUsing xen07:11
godmachine81not sure if this is the place to ask a more advanced question regarding zram/swap on older systems, or would it be better asked in #kernel or #linux?07:20
lotuspsychjeamazoniantoad: ca you launch vm from terminal? see what errors you get?07:20
godmachine81only relevance I see to ubuntu is that the system i'm tuning is running 18.04 LTS07:21
lotuspsychje!swap | godmachine8107:21
ubottugodmachine81: swap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info07:21
godmachine81thanks lotuspsychje i know what swap is07:22
godmachine81my question involves more in depth things like dirty pages and dirty ratios07:22
lotuspsychjegodmachine81: if its related to ubuntu, just ask your question to the channel?07:22
godmachine81anyway the system is an old ibm thinkcentre (pre-lenovo) and it has 4GB ram but 3GB is usable.  The system runs flawless until it gets about 20 hours of uptime and a few FF/chrome tabs opened.  when it starts swapping the disk I/O is overwhelming07:23
godmachine81so i'm trying to tune it to optimal, as I know a lot of this swapping isn't necessary, and it often happens at times when there isn't any activity07:24
amazoniantoadlotuspsychje, I launch from terminal using virsh and it launches just fine07:24
godmachine81i've done picked through the cron jobs and scheduled tasks.  i've watched the memory consumption with top/htop.07:24
godmachine81zram seems to add a lot of improvement.  I'm seeing mixed things online about vm.swappiness=10 and vm.swappiness=100 while using zram07:25
godmachine81i know that using only zram and no disk swap is just a disaster waiting to happen when the actual physical memory is fully used.  my zram priorities are 5 and the swapfile priority is -2 which seems approrpiate07:26
godmachine81i'm curious to what a good setting for the dirty ratio settings and the swappiness is in a system like this with low memory, a hdd that's not optimal and probably just 5400rpm anyway.07:27
amazoniantoadlotuspsychje, so it just says, "booting from hard disk" and then just powers off07:28
godmachine81yea i could upgrade the hardware, but I tend to prefer to get as much use as possible out of things without forking out the $$.  this machine is about a $20 PC and it works wonderful for its purposes until the I/O issue07:28
godmachine81lotuspsychje: now see why i asked if this was the approripate chan to ask such a thing?07:29
godmachine81i know you guys are usually overwhelmed with questions by non-technical users or people completely new to computing07:30
godmachine81i've been a Linux SysAdmin for going on 20 yrs, and do a lot of devops related work.  I definitely could figure this out on my own, but I'd appreciate some pointers for anyone else that might have exerienced a similar situation on old hardware running new kernels/os07:31
WoCgrub question, when using grub-mkimage, do one still have to use ins_mod for each of the embedded modules ?07:41
=== kallesbar_ is now known as kallesbar
lotuspsychjegodmachine81: do you have preload installed?08:03
lotuspsychjegodmachine81: there are many tweaks you can do, to make a system go smoother overall08:04
lotuspsychjeamazoniantoad: details about your installed vm?08:04
godmachine81lotuspsychje: i know how to optimize a system for smoothness but this is all pertaining to how the kernel is handling memory/cache08:06
godmachine81not sure what you are referring to as 'preload'08:06
lotuspsychje!info preload | godmachine8108:07
ubottugodmachine81: preload (source: preload): adaptive readahead daemon. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6.4-2build1 (bionic), package size 33 kB, installed size 102 kB08:07
lotuspsychjegodmachine81: older machines= choose a mightweight flavor, with updated kernel08:08
godmachine81i definitely don't need to preload things into memory based on what it 'thinks' i am going to do08:08
godmachine81lotuspsychje: of course, i'm running xubuntu, configured to a bare minimal resource friendly config08:08
ddoobbFor regular people is the LTS or the latest vresion recommended?08:08
godmachine81and using a 4.19.4 kernel with zram08:08
lotuspsychjeddoobb: the users choice ddoobb08:09
godmachine81ddoobb: lts is recommended for people who want to install a stable system and not be nagged about updates often08:09
godmachine81LTS is good for setting 'automatic updates' to security patches only and only upgrading when a new LTS is available08:09
godmachine81regular releases are more for those who just can't go without the bleeding edge software08:10
godmachine81LTS versions of ubuntu usually have backports for the new software introduced in new releases08:11
godmachine81so unless you just want to test the overall system and contribute to development then i'd suggest a LTS release08:11
godmachine81if you plan to do dist-upgrade on a daily basis and you are OK with things being broken from time to time, then there is no benefit in using LTS.  but if you want a stable system you configure to your liking, and you don't desire unwanted change, then LTS is recommended08:13
Steven_MHi, how do I verify http://ftp.citylink.co.nz/ubuntu-releases/18.10/SHA256SUMS against http://ftp.citylink.co.nz/ubuntu-releases/18.10/SHA256SUMS.gpg?08:28
Steven_Mwhich key do I need to import etc?08:37
shaaradSetven_M: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToSHA256SUM08:41
shaaradis that something you wanna check?08:41
hexhaxtronHi! I just installed Ubuntu and it looks really good! However everything is very very slow. Any help with this?08:47
shaaradhexhaxtron: what's your system configuration? which version of Ubuntu did you install?08:48
shaaradyou can do some basic information gathering with commands like free -m or top to see how much memory is occupied and which processes are taking the top CPU08:50
Steven_Mshaarad: I know how to sha256sum the iso and check it against the hashes file, but I don't understand how to check the hashes file against its gpg sig?08:51
shaaradSteven_M: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto ?08:52
Steven_Mshaarad: Thank you. :-)09:03
shaaradSteven_M: no issues! Glad o help09:03
=== Greyztar_ is now known as Greyztar
boritekwhat will be the next default filesystem in ubuntu after ext4?10:18
boritekis it btrfs or xfs or something else?10:18
boritekor zfs?10:19
feedbackmonitorHi, I am trying to partition an SSD drive I bought a couple of weeks back but gparted keeps reporting failures. Do I have ay options at this point?10:26
=== mkv is now known as m4v
feedbackmonitorWhy can't gparted format an ssd drive?10:35
ikoniafeedbackmonitor: it can10:36
feedbackmonitorikonia, Gparted says different10:36
feedbackmonitorGparted says you may as well buy a Mac10:36
ikoniafeedbackmonitor: I suspect that's something specific to your system10:36
feedbackmonitorAbd never ever look back10:36
ikoniafeedbackmonitor: don't be silly - id didn't say that10:37
feedbackmonitorEnd quote10:37
ikoniafeedbackmonitor: what's the real problem,10:37
feedbackmonitorgparted sucks10:37
ikoniafeedbackmonitor: either state the REAL problem or please be quiet10:37
ikoniathis channel isn't for messing around10:37
V7feedbackmonitor: What error do you get?10:37
feedbackmonitorI have this nextstart TX external hard drive reader, could that be the culprit, maybe you cannot format drives on those things10:37
ikoniafeedbackmonitor: is the drive "seen" by the system ?10:38
V7feedbackmonitor: SD is not SSD10:38
feedbackmonitorNexStar TX10:38
V7This is a case for 2.5''10:39
feedbackmonitorWell I was formatting and then I get 'cannot complete, input/output error'10:39
V7Check dmesg10:39
feedbackmonitorI was trying to make it go ntfs10:39
feedbackmonitorI used gparted and kde partition10:39
feedbackmonitorsame results, maybe if I open up my machine, yank out some drives, reboot and try to format while the stupid ssd is inside10:40
ikoniafeedbackmonitor: stop with the silly comments, I won't ask again10:40
V7feedbackmonitor: Do you see the same situation w/o NextStar TX?10:41
feedbackmonitorikonia, I am reporting what is happening10:41
ikoniafeedbackmonitor: yeah, so do it without the silly comments10:41
feedbackmonitorNow gparted just scans the drives and does nothing, the scanner indicated is going left to right and back like Kit's dcanners from nightrider10:42
ikoniaV7: the chipset in that caddy looks very questionable10:42
feedbackmonitorI think Ubuntu does not like the external hard drive reader10:42
ikoniaV7: I suspect it's probably not got solid suport and is resetting10:42
feedbackmonitorNormally I am able to format a drive with ease10:42
V7ikonia: Probably10:42
ikoniaV7: it's nothing well supported like the oxford chipset, looks like it's some questionable chipset, with various comments about it10:43
=== [1]MrMobius is now known as MrMobius
V7feedbackmonitor: Try with conneting this SSD directly10:43
feedbackmonitorV7, Yeah, I am going to kick my mobo rip out some drives and then shove that ssd in and reboot10:43
ikoniafeedbackmonitor: pretty sure you're not going to do any of that10:44
feedbackmonitorIt's almost 6 am and I have spent too much time with this10:44
nekowaiidesuhi all.. last night i was playing SWAT4 with PlayOnLinux. game crashed and i had to hard reset. now when i boot, the machine gets to login screeb and my fans just start spinning like mad. dont think i ever heard them rev this fast10:44
feedbackmonitorHulk smash10:44
nekowaiidesuxubuntu 18.0410:44
ikoniafeedbackmonitor: do you mean "I'm going to take the disk out of the caddy and put it in the machine directly"10:44
nekowaiidesuany ideas? i dont have adsl, and very limited mobile data (how im here) - so i cant spend a load of time searching the web for solutions10:45
V7feedbackmonitor: Next time, please, take a time and remove any unsupported/unknown/strange hardware and try making it as usual before attempting try new features10:45
ikonianekowaiidesu: can you login ?10:45
nekowaiidesuyes i can login normally. its just unsettling with my fans sounding like a 74710:46
ikonianekowaiidesu: it may just be writing crash dumps from the previous hard reset10:46
ikonianekowaiidesu: check the temperatures and give it a short while to calm down10:46
ikonianekowaiidesu: you also maybe having a hardware failure10:46
nekowaiidesui was worried about gpu failing too, but it seemed to be okay on my live boot xububtu10:47
nekowaiidesuso i figured its more likely some kind of playonlinux/ubuntu/swat4 catastrophe10:47
ikonianekowaiidesu: try booting into safe mode10:48
nekowaiidesuim goinf to give it a few minutes to spin. sadly its a pretty fresh install so i dont have much software10:50
nekowaiidesumy CPU is idling at like 1% .. dont know how to see gpu temps and stats10:51
nekowaiidesusorry for false alarm - it seems to be fixed after reseating gpu . think i am in denial that its my hardware :")11:03
=== lotuspsychje_ is now known as lotuspsychje
lotuspsychjeboritek: whats your purpose exactly11:25
kreyrenfresh installation of ubuntu, USB headset (G533 logitech) not working, can you provide more info?11:46
kreyrenresp. not detected in pavucontroll in ubuntu's settings11:46
kreyrenanyone here?11:48
lotuspsychjekreyren: could you pastebin the output of: tail -f /var/log/syslog after plugin your headset11:48
tchakatakare you using the proprietary dongle ?11:49
lotuspsychjekreyren: your ubuntu version and kernel version would also be handy11:49
kreyrenok one moment11:50
kreyrenhttps://pastebin.com/Qz7P6tNn tail -f /var/log/syslog11:51
kreyrenits ubuntu 18.10 using 4.15.0-39-generic11:51
kreyrenupgraded from 16.04 since 18.04.1 and 18.10 are corrupted from source on squashfs (tested on two devices)11:52
BluesKaj'Morning all11:52
Apachezanyone else noticed that the lockscreen in ubuntu 18.10 has a flaw where the desktop screen will be visible before you type in the password?11:52
tchakatakApachez: depend witch de you use.11:52
Apachezde ?11:53
tchakatakand how it is configured11:53
tchakatakDesktop Environment11:53
Apachezusing the default one11:53
Apachezunity went missing in 18.0411:53
blackflowApachez: yea, I've noticed it on 18.04 even11:53
Apachezso its gnome or whatever default it is11:53
Apachezmight add that this is an upgraded installation since ehh 16.04 or so11:53
Apachezso 16.04 -> 16.10 -> 17.04 -> 17.10 -> 18.04 -> and now 18.1011:54
XATRIXHi guys, can you advice ? I'm trying to upgrade my xenial to bionic11:54
XATRIXBut i always have the same error during do-release-upgrade11:54
lotuspsychjekreyren: your kernel doesnt look right for cosmic11:55
kreyren<lotuspsychje>: meaning?11:55
lotuspsychjekreyren: it should be
XATRIXwhat's wrong with my setup11:55
kreyrenok trying to update11:55
lotuspsychjekreyren: .39 kernel is for bionic11:55
ni1sIs it possible to create a "meta" package or set where I can specify  multiple *-dev packages for easy install or removal11:55
kreyren<lotuspsychje>: using Ukuu to update the kernel is sane?11:56
ni1siirc gentoo had "sets" where you could specify packages if you needed11:56
kreyrenmeaning https://github.com/teejee2008/ukuu11:56
blackflowni1s: sure, it's possible to build your own meta package that pulls in whatever you want as a dependency11:56
lotuspsychjekreyren: for git issues, contact the git maintainer, thats something ubuntu cant be responsible of11:57
kreyren<lotuspsychje>: i'm asking what the recommended way to update the ubuntu kernel?11:58
blackflowapt upgrade11:58
lotuspsychjekreyren: i never said update the kernel, i said your kernel seems not correct for cosmic11:58
tchakatakkermyt: you want to upgrade or you want a custom one ?11:58
kreyren<lotuspsychje>: my fault then, what do you recommend?11:59
lotuspsychjekreyren: well first we need to investigate why your cosmic has bionic kernel?11:59
tchakatakkreyren: did you use Ukuu ?11:59
lotuspsychje!ltsupgrade | XATRIX12:00
ubottuXATRIX: Upgrade from 16.04 to 18.04.1 is now available, if you do not receive the upgrade window try update-manager -c12:00
lotuspsychjeXATRIX: also, try to disable ppa's before the upgrade process12:00
XATRIXlotuspsychje: sure, i disabled all ppa's before i started. but still get error. you can see it in the pastie12:01
kreyrenNo i had issues with ISO of ubuntu 18.04.1 and 18.10 (results in squashfs error from ubuntu source on two different devices) so i installed 16.04 and updated it on 18.10 using do-release-upgrade to 18.04.1 and then again on 18.10 with changes /etc/apt/sources.list12:01
tchakatakkreyren: why would you do that like this ? what kind of issue did you had ?12:02
lotuspsychjeXATRIX: yes, im seeing compare issues xenial kernel vs xenial HWE in your logs12:02
tchakatakbtw there is a bug with the new kernel (4.19) and ext412:02
kreyrentchakatak: SQUASHFS error it woudn't load the installer12:02
XATRIXlotuspsychje: sorry, what should i do ?12:03
lotuspsychjeXATRIX: could you pastebin: sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade first please?12:03
tchakatakkreyren: did you check the install media ?12:03
lotuspsychjeXATRIX: lets see if apt complains about something first12:03
XATRIXlotuspsychje: yeap, check it pls, https://pastebin.com/pZYDpKiA12:04
kreyrentchakatak: yes i've used NTFS and EXT4 and redownloaded the iso multiple times.12:04
lotuspsychjeXATRIX: uname -a also please?12:05
tchakatakfirst did you try to update to the latest state of your 16.04 ?12:05
kreyrentchakatak: yes using apt update, upgrade and dist-upgrade12:05
XATRIXlotuspsychje: Linux SYSADMIN-NB 4.4.0-139-generic #165-Ubuntu SMP Wed Oct 24 10:58:50 UTC 2018 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux12:06
kreyrentchakatak: same on 18.04.112:06
kreyrenprior to invoking do-release-upgrade12:06
XATRIXlotuspsychje: i wonder, what causes apt, think it should remove update-manager O_O12:06
tchakatakcan i have the exact error ?12:06
kreyrentchakatak: i try to reproduce sec12:07
lotuspsychjeXATRIX: yes thats weird, just noticing in your logs12:07
lotuspsychjeXATRIX: maybe before lts upgrade, try moving towards HWE kernel?12:07
lotuspsychje!hwe | XATRIX12:07
ubottuXATRIX: The Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack12:07
kreyrentchakatak: i dont have the old iso so i try to redownload it12:08
tchakatakkreyren: no problem :)12:08
kreyren(old meaning downloaded today, but removed due mensioned issue)12:08
lotuspsychjeXATRIX: im also unsure why system says this: 2018-12-01 14:53:21,712 DEBUG Comparing 4.4.0-139 with 4.15.0-3912:08
XATRIXno idea12:09
XATRIXi had ukuu kernel 4.19 installed before12:09
XATRIXI removed, and got back to original12:09
lotuspsychjeXATRIX: something must have scrambled things..12:10
lotuspsychjeXATRIX: try to move to 4.15 xenial HWE kernel12:10
lotuspsychjeXATRIX: after that try update-manager -c12:10
XATRIXdo i have to remove 4.4 kernel before ?12:11
tchakatakkreyren: where come from the iso ?12:11
kreyrentchakatak: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/513033574337740831/518398835559497738/DSC_0243.jpg?width=445&height=59412:12
tchakatakkreyren: Official website ?12:12
kreyrentchakatak: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/513033574337740831/518398835559497739/DSC_0242.jpg?width=709&height=53212:12
tchakatakkreyren: it look likes a problem with your media12:12
kreyrenalso this ISO was downloaded using UPC mirror in czech republic12:12
kreyrentrying other media now12:13
tchakatakkreyren: i really think it come from the USB12:13
kreyrentchakatak: used this device no issues for other linux distros.12:13
V712:17 AM How's this possible? Isn't this 00:17 PM?12:14
kreyrenmeaning gentoo, argent and systemrescuecd12:14
V7tchakatak: Hey there :)12:14
tchakatakV7: Hey :)12:15
lotuspsychjekreyren: another idea would be, trying a liveusb to test your headset usb, see if it works from there12:15
kreyrenUSB headset worked today on argent linux (30 mins ago)12:15
lotuspsychjekreyren: wich kernel was that?12:15
kreyreni have custom kernel on argent linux12:15
XATRIXok, let's see12:15
V7Got BMC password hashes, our manager didn't give us any credentials documnet because he's hadn't arrived today ...12:15
kreyrenbased on 4.18.65 i think12:15
lotuspsychjekreyren: id reccomend trying this on ubuntu LTS, then start testing other kernels12:16
tchakatakV7: Enjoy12:16
V7If someone could help :D ADMIN:$rakp$7f53b9ef19000000734397720626e8999871cd0847e45c4f0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000140541444d494e$b1bb7f7c2f5d17ca2f7ba016c461174f1701afb212:16
XATRIXlotuspsychje: the same crap...12:17
V7This's already not funny, but ..12:17
tchakatakkreyren: i could reproduce the same kind of error than you while removing the usb device12:17
kreyrentchakatak: So its confirmed?12:18
tchakataki really think its your media12:18
tchakataknot the iso itself12:18
lotuspsychjeXATRIX: you are booted into .39 kernel now?12:18
kreyrentchakatak: i try to verify and file a bug report if present then12:19
lotuspsychjeXATRIX: can you pastebin us your sources.list too please?12:19
kreyrentchakatak: updating the kernel should fix the issue with headset?12:19
TJ-XATRIX: what is "ubuntu.org.ua" - that name doesn't resolve for me, and it is NOT an authorised mirror of the ubuntu archives eeither12:19
lotuspsychjeXATRIX: see what TJ- adviced12:20
XATRIXTJ it's about the fastest mirro which i try to connect from my current location12:20
lotuspsychje!sources | XATRIX try revert to the orirignal xenial ones12:21
ubottuXATRIX try revert to the orirignal xenial ones: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories.12:21
XATRIXalright i'll try12:21
tchakatakkreyren: why do you want to have a kernel updated and not the full distrib ?12:21
kreyrentchakatak: meaning? it seems to be 18.10 with wrong kernel12:22
TJ-XATRIX: there is a problem though, since DNS cannot resolved "ubuntu.org.ua"12:22
lotuspsychjetchakatak: he has like the bionic kernel, on cosmic12:22
tchakatakkreyren: ok. lets comeback from the begining in this things. you want to upgrade to 18.10 right ? and you have a sqashfs problem12:22
tchakataklotuspsychje: then ukuu12:22
tchakatakbut it will not work12:23
tchakataktryed it. way too much problems12:23
XATRIXTJ-: i can12:23
kreyrentchakatak: now i'm already on 18.04 i've used 16.04 and upgraded it due the issue with SQUASHFS on 18.04.1 and 18.1012:23
XATRIXTJ-: 64 bytes from mirror.mirohost.net ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=56 time=43.7 ms12:23
tchakatakkreyren: if you want a custom kernel , use UKUU and install the latest one, but they are NOT supported.12:23
lotuspsychjekreyren: lsb_release -a ?12:23
TJ-XATRIX: must be something weird going on with DNS in Ukraine then12:23
tchakatak18.04 on 4.19 is broken.12:24
kreyrenlotuspsychje: outputs 18.10 cosmic12:24
XATRIXTJ-: seems, like. BTW i switch to the main one mirror12:24
tchakatakso kreyren your on 18.1012:24
kreyrentchakatak: i believe so, but as i said the issue is with USB headset not detected in ubuntu (G533 logitech)12:25
lotuspsychjeXATRIX: you might wanna report this .ua problem to #ubuntu-mirrors too perhaps12:25
TJ-XATRIX: The reason I mentioned it was in case you've been affected by a man-in-the-middle attack12:25
XATRIXthe same error i have still12:25
tchakatakkreyren: can you please put the dongle and give us the result of tail /var/log/syslog ?12:25
kreyrentchakatak: https://pastebin.com/Qz7P6tNn12:26
XATRIXmy apt still wants to remove update manager during upgrade12:26
lotuspsychjeXATRIX: apt update after your sources.list fix12:26
=== mquin is now known as ISO3103
kreyrentchakatak: is it sufficient?12:27
tchakatakkreyren: i look at it12:28
TJ-kreyren: tchakatak wanted a NEW tail, not the one you posted 1/2 hour ago12:30
tchakatakkreyren: can you paste the result of dmesg | grep usb12:30
XATRIXlotuspsychje: yea, but i think it does the same during upgrade procedure12:30
tchakatakand yes, a NEW tail -_-12:30
kreyrentchakatak: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/B728RyJ35C/12:30
dedzeHi, is this good configuration for UFW? https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/whhcdhW5xT/12:30
lotuspsychjeXATRIX: an idea perhaps: try to remove update-manager and reinstall?12:31
kreyrentchakatak: new tail https://pastebin.com/aBp6461Z12:31
kreyrentchakatak: invoked tail.. pugged-in USB reciever waited for 30 sec and CTRL+C12:32
XATRIXlotuspsychje: yea, i did it. still no go12:32
tchakatakkreyren: not like this12:32
lotuspsychjededze: perhaps the #netfilter guys might help you on that12:33
kreyrentchakatak: how then?12:33
dedzeThank you12:33
tchakataklet me check the dmesg first and i tell you how to12:33
kreyrenthanks btw12:33
lotuspsychjeXATRIX: did you chnage your sources to another country?12:34
lotuspsychjeXATRIX: .us for example12:34
TJ-tchakatak: are we expecting a USB storage device, or did I miss something?12:35
tchakatakTJ-: its the avnera AV620112:35
XATRIXlotuspsychje: yea, i set to Main. http://i.imgur.com/9X11eDz.png12:35
lotuspsychjeTJ-: its a logitech headset usb12:35
tchakatakwe are expecting a sound device12:35
kreyrentchakatak: Avnera AV6201 seems to be the reciever that is used for G533 headset12:35
TJ-tchakatak: OK, I got confused with someone else's issue then!!12:35
tchakatakkreyren: i know12:36
lotuspsychjeXATRIX: ok and you did sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade after?12:36
TJ-tchakatak: the issue looks to be that there is no device driver that recognises that device, so I'd first recommend "pastebinit <( lsusb -v )" to determine what the device endpoints are12:36
lotuspsychjeXATRIX: come join in #ubuntu-mirrors please?12:36
tchakatakTJ-: i'm trying to fine a driver for him online12:37
limbo_My machine won't boot. Starts up to a black screen, can't even get into grub options by holding down shift. Earlier, I could get it to boot by selecting an old kernel, but whenever I'd log into my desktop the session crashed and booted me back to the login screen.12:37
limbo_Any ideas? I'm downloading a 18.10 iso to put on a usb stick now.12:38
kreyrenTJ-: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/NMC7JMZg9X/12:38
tchakataklimbo_: version ?12:38
TJ-tchakatak: there is no linux driver for 170D:0100 in the kernel, up to 4.19, that claims that as a modalias12:38
tchakatak4.19 is already in the repo in ubuntu ?12:38
kreyrenif it's relevant it worked on older version, but i dont remember the kernel12:38
kreyren4.19 is in UKuu12:38
limbo_tchakatak: 18.1012:39
kreyren(sorry if im annoying)12:39
tchakatakkreyren: i know its in ukuu12:39
kreyrenok ok sorry12:39
tchakatakbut everything in ukuu is not in official12:39
kreyrenis that a problem?12:40
tchakatakbut yes you can try 4.19.412:40
lotuspsychjelimbo_: your graphics card chipset please?12:40
kreyren4.19.4 in Ukuu?12:40
tchakatakkreyren: well you can have instabillity, incompatibility...etc12:40
TJ-tchakatak: no, I'm just pointing out even mainline kernel doesn't have that device claimed as a modalias for any driver12:40
lotuspsychjehey ioria12:41
kreyrenor is there something like .config and recompiling the kernel?12:41
iorialotuspsychje, hi lotus, how are you doing ?12:41
tchakatakkreyren: you dont need to do anything with ukuu12:41
TJ-kreyren: did you install some out-of-tree driver yourself for that device?12:41
kreyrenTJ-: no this is fresh installation12:41
tchakatakTJ-: he is on a fresh install12:41
lotuspsychjeioria: a braincracker for you lol: XATRIX tryes LTS upgrade https://pastebin.com/nvyDJDdm we tryed sources move to .us and move to HWE, but no dice12:41
limbo_lotuspsychje: When I was able to boot to the login screen, I was running a 1070 over hdmi. then I only got blackscreens after a few reboots, so I removed the card and am using 7700k iGPU.12:41
tchakataklimbo_: did you just upgrade the kernel ?12:42
lotuspsychjelimbo_: to bypass black boots on GTX cards try !nomodeset12:42
TJ-kreyren: the other thing I'm suspicious of is the lsusb report for that device looks to me to be incomplete... as if the device isn't fully reporting its capabilities. Does it by chance have some kind of standby/low power button on it?12:42
kreyrenTJ-: there seems to be a button on it, but i'm not sure if its even functional.. seems to be cosmetic or covering unwanted feature12:43
iorialotuspsychje, a borked upgrade from 16.04 to 18.04 ?12:43
kreyren4.19.4 installed restarting12:43
lotuspsychjeioria: he cant upgrade yet12:44
iorialotuspsychje, i see12:44
blackflowkreyren: don't use 4.19 yet, it has that nasty ext4 corruption bug12:44
ioriaXATRIX, what happens when you try to run do-release-upgrade from terminal ?12:44
limbo_tchakatak: yes. But only due to regular system updates. Is there an issue with recent kernels? (I forgot to mention, I had better luck booting to login scren by using an older kernel)12:44
limbo_lotuspsychje: I was going to try that, if I could get into grub again.12:45
lotuspsychjeioria TJ- XATRIX the #ubuntu-mirrors confirmed its not a source issue neither, rather upgrade bug12:45
XATRIXioria: most of time, i do release-upgrade from CLI12:46
ioriaXATRIX, yes... and ?12:46
tchakataklimbo_: yes.. there is something about kernel crash when ext4 old version is migrated to new one12:46
tchakatakthis bug is in 4.1912:46
kreyrenusing 4.19.4-041904-generic didn't resolve the issue12:46
kreyrenUSB reciever is still not present in ubuntu settings nor usable12:47
tchakatakkreyren: just to be sure, what does says pulseaudio ?12:47
kreyrentchakatak: in ubuntu settings it detected TV reproductors12:47
tchakatakkreyren: can you please take a look at pulseaudio (like pavucontrol) and see if the usb device is not just mute ?12:48
kreyrenapting pavucontrol12:48
kreyrentchakatak: device is not present in pavucontrol12:48
tchakatakno more idea.. TJ- ?12:49
limbo_tchakatak: Any idea how to check if that affects me?12:49
lotuspsychjekreyren: try your device in 18.04.1 LTS live12:49
tchakataklimbo_: so far i just heard of this problem, take a bit a look on the web12:49
TJ-kreyren: tchakatak the 'lsusb' shows the device reports the interface device class 3 (HID) but USB AUdio Class is 1 .... that explains the problem. I don't know why the device is doing that though12:49
kreyren<lotuspsychje>: How do i downgrade? changing /etc/apt/sources.list?12:50
TJ-tchakatak: the only thing I can imagine is the device needs some kind of usb_modeswitch12:50
lotuspsychjekreyren: kernel switching isnt done with editing sources12:51
lotuspsychje!mainline | kreyren12:51
ubottukreyren: The kernel team supply continuous mainline kernel builds which can be useful for tracking down issues or testing recent changes in the Linux kernel. More information is available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds12:51
TJ-tchakatak: kreyren as in line 33 of the pastebin, "bInterfaceClass         3 Human Interface Device"12:51
XATRIXioria: https://pastebin.com/SWj39QTg12:51
tchakatakTJ-:  ok12:51
kreyrenlotuspsychje: so changing /etc/apt/sources.list and using previous kernel?12:51
tchakatakTJ-: just found this https://github.com/pwr/Solaar12:52
limbo_tchakatak: That's super hard to do when I don't have a working computer.12:52
TJ-kreyren: tchakatak this looks related: http://www.tomshardware.co.uk/answers/id-3282479/razer-mano-war-usb-dongle-problem.html12:52
ioriaXATRIX, do you have some packages pinned ?12:53
tchakatakTJ-: found something about unifying reciver12:54
TJ-kreyren: tchakatak also this thread https://www.reddit.com/r/LogitechG/comments/48jdzt/trying_to_return_broken_logitech_g933_seems_like/12:54
XATRIXioria: i have no idea :(12:54
kreyrenTJ-: in gentoo it worked using `CONFIG_SND_USB_AUDIO` isn't there some alternative to it on ubuntu?12:54
LantiziaOK quick game of... "guess which component in Ubuntu has the bug"... I pop a DVD-ROM disc in the drive and get this... https://i.snag.gy/vt86RQ.jpg12:56
ioriaXATRIX,  that is the tail of main.log, OK, but i asked you what happens when you run again do-release-upgrade cmd ....12:56
LantiziaI get the same on the command line... https://i.snag.gy/XHGV96.jpg12:56
LantiziaUnless I specify the type (which you'd think it could autodetect)... https://i.snag.gy/wJlnr9.jpg12:56
TJ-kreyren: that option is already enabled12:56
XATRIXioria: i did it one more time, and the paste of the main log, is the latest one12:57
XATRIXor do i misundestand you ?12:57
TJ-kreyren: you can check with "grep CONFIG_SND_USB_AUDIO /boot/config-$(uname -r)"12:57
V7Can we suggest password's lengths by looking at haschat/johntheripper hashfiles? For example admin's password is longer than ADMIN's, right? https://hastebin.com/ocoduqexub.bash12:57
tchakataksorry, needed to reboot12:58
kreyrenTJ-: CONFIG_SND_USB_AUDIO=m12:58
kreyrenset it to included mby?12:58
ioriaXATRIX,  run ' do-release-upgrade'   and paste the error  you got12:58
TJ-kreyren: try "sudo modprobe snd-usb-audio"12:59
DreamanXATRIX:  se the setting remova only stable12:59
BluesKajsometimes snd_usb_audio is listed as "options snd-usb-audio index=-2" in /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf, hence it's blocked12:59
TJ-kreyren: is it loaded? "lsmod | grep snd-usb-audio"13:00
kreyrensudo modprobe snd-usb-audio outputs nothing13:00
kreyrenlsmod | grep snd-usb-audio13:00
TJ-kreyren: *nix command don't unless there is a problem13:00
ioriaXATRIX,  ppa, external sources, or pinned packages13:00
kreyrenoutputs also nothing13:00
BluesKajkreyren, then it's loaded13:00
XATRIXioria: nothing enabled. bu ti don't know about pinned packeges, how can i check it out ?13:01
TJ-kreyren: OK, so the module isn't loaded13:01
kreyreni just remembered i think i was able to change the volume using headset on 18.04.113:01
ioriaXATRIX,   paste  sudo apt-get update13:01
BluesKajkreyren, but it might be at -2 so that means it's bypassed13:02
kreyren-2 meaning?13:02
XATRIXioria: https://pastebin.com/StfLpKzq13:02
TJ-kreyren: aha, the underscore is needed! "lsmod | grep snd_usb_audio" will show it loaded I bet13:02
kreyrenbtw. i can't change the volume using headset now so it was probably detected on 18.04.1 in theory downgrading the alsa+pulseaudio?13:03
TJ-BluesKaj: no -2 just prevents the device being the default device13:03
BluesKajminus 2  means  it's a negative it has to 0 or plus 1,2 etc13:03
ioriaXATRIX,   cat /etc/apt/sources.list13:03
kreyrenhttps://pastebin.com/m2QuWp07 TJ-13:03
kreyrenlet me try to change the /etc/apt/sources.list from cosmic on bionic to test it13:04
kreyrenor you have other ideas?13:04
XATRIXioria: http://paste.debian.net/1053966/13:05
BluesKajTJ-, I ran 2 audio cards for a while , Card 0 and card +1 and both worked as options13:05
ioriaXATRIX,   why do you have this : deb http://archive.canonical.com/ precise partner13:05
XATRIXioria: no idea13:06
ioriaXATRIX,   try to remember,please13:06
XATRIXpossilby i did upgrade from the precise in past13:06
ioriaXATRIX,   apt-cache policy13:06
TJ-BluesKaj: the point is though, the /device/ is not presenting as a USB Audio Class so the driver won't bind to it anyhow13:07
XATRIXioria: http://paste.debian.net/1053967/13:08
BluesKajTJ-, I had to choose which option in the player, VLC/Audio/Audio device13:09
BluesKajTJ-, so it's not showing up at all13:10
TJ-kreyren: tchakatak: BluesKaj: there is no audio software device node being created, because the USB so-called unifying receiver has dropped into a failure mode (there are massive numbers of these reports affecting these devices; usually it required a firmware upgrade or more to fix)13:10
kreyrenTJ- reciever worked few mins ago i believe that its unlikely13:11
BluesKajbloody usb audio, what a pita13:11
kreyrenhow do i downgrade on 18.04.1 ? https://linuxconfig.org/how-to-downgrade-ubuntu-linux-system-to-its-previous-version results in https://pastebin.com/dDWJz1Yu13:12
ioriaXATRIX,   do you have a /etc/apt/preferences   file?13:12
BluesKajaudio on linux is a dog's breakfast at the best of times13:13
XATRIXioria: no13:13
XATRIXonly preferenced.d folder, but it's empty13:13
BluesKajkreyren, what about pavucontrol , is it listed there?13:14
XATRIXioria: i have much ppa's in sources.list.d folder, but it's disabled13:14
kreyrenits not listed in pavucontrol13:14
TJ-kreyren: the evidence is in front of you; the device IS NOT presenting a USB Audio Class13:14
kreyrenTJ-: let me try it on argent linux then, rebooting13:15
TJ-kreyren: here's a datasheet for the averna chipset in it: https://fccid.io/X5B-PL051014T/User-Manual/Datasheet-239915813:15
ioriaXATRIX,  usually, i purge them with ppa-purge , but i think there is also a problem with unsupported packages from the precise repository13:15
XATRIXioria: but how to find em13:15
lotuspsychjeXATRIX: its hard to know what you did to your system before13:16
ioriaXATRIX,  with aptitude13:16
XATRIXyea, i understand13:17
XATRIXmaybe i can give a temaviewer if you have some time ? i'm totally stucked in this13:18
ioriaXATRIX,  aptitude search ~i -F "%s# %p"13:19
lotuspsychjeioria: if that can help, he also played with ukuu, kernels switching13:19
iorialotuspsychje, why ?13:20
lotuspsychjenot sure13:20
limbo_I ran boot-repair, and now I can get a TTY shell on the machine by opening TTY2. the GUI still won't start though. Also, every time I switch back to TTY1, it's just a single cursor in the top right, that's frozen for a minute or two. (while frozen, I can't switch back to tty2)13:20
lotuspsychjeukuu says more easy switching kernels?13:20
lotuspsychjelimbo_: did you try to get in with !nomodeset?13:21
limbo_lotuspsychje: not yet, couldn't get into grub menu.13:22
ioriaXATRIX,  also this:  grep Package /var/lib/apt/lists/archive.canonical.com_ubuntu_dists_precise_partner_binary-amd64_Packages13:22
limbo_lotuspsychje: just tried booting again, but there was no reacction to me holding down shift.13:22
lotuspsychjelimbo_: how about ESC13:22
lotuspsychjelimbo_: you dualboot or singleboot ubuntu?13:23
limbo_ok, that works, but I think I held it too long, and now I'm at a "grub>" prompt13:24
lotuspsychjelimbo_: good!13:24
lotuspsychje!nomodeset | limbo_13:24
ubottulimbo_: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter13:24
limbo_single boot, sepaerate drive for /home/13:24
XATRIXioria: i have no such... maybe i can provide teamviewer, if you have a time ?13:24
ioriaXATRIX,  grep Package /var/lib/apt/lists/archive.canonical.com_ubuntu_dists_precise_partner_binary-amd64_Packages13:24
lotuspsychjelimbo_: great, after entering your system with nomodeset try to install the nvidia driver13:24
XATRIXioria: grep: /var/lib/apt/lists/archive.canonical.com_ubuntu_dists_precise_partner_binary-amd64_Packages: No such file or directory13:25
ioriaXATRIX,  paste  /var/lib/apt/lists/13:25
lotuspsychjeXATRIX: teamviewer & sharing su might not be the best idea on irc13:25
limbo_lotuspsychje: I have removed my 1070 and am currently using my iGPU. You think this would be easier with the card in?13:26
XATRIXlotuspsychje: i can do it via PM13:26
lotuspsychjelimbo_: yes, put back your gtx in, otherwise its a waste of your big card right13:26
limbo_also, how do I get from a grub> shell thing to the menu?13:26
lotuspsychje!pm | XATRIX13:26
ubottuXATRIX: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice.13:26
XATRIXioria: http://paste.debian.net/1053969/13:26
XATRIXlotuspsychje: yea, i understand13:27
ioriaXATRIX,  grep Package archive.canonical.com_dists_precise_partner_binary-amd64_Packages13:27
ioriaXATRIX,  you have that file13:27
lotuspsychjelimbo_: we have a lot of users with good experiences with the ubuntu graphics drivers ppa on gtx cards13:28
ioriaXATRIX,  check if you have one of those installed13:28
XATRIXioria: at least i have skype installed. it is in this list13:29
KreyrenTJ- headset it working on argent Linux so I suspect bug in 18.1013:31
KreyrenLoading backup ATM since Ubuntu corrupted argent (causing freezes)13:31
ioriaXATRIX,  nope, then you need to run apt-cache policy on that pkg and be sure it's from xenial and not from precise13:32
TJ-Kreyren: then there must be something in argent enabling the USB audio class. did you collect the lsusb output from it so we can compare?13:32
XATRIXioria: http://paste.debian.net/1053973/ seems it's like from precise13:33
KreyrenTJ- Will provide after a backup is finished.13:33
ioriaXATRIX,  very good, go on13:33
XATRIXioria: simply remove it ?13:34
ioriaXATRIX,  no, sy, it's not installed13:34
XATRIXdpkg get selections says13:34
ioriaXATRIX,   it's not installed13:35
ioriaXATRIX,  try this :   grep Package archive.canonical.com_dists_precise_partner_binary-amd64_Packages | awk '{print $2}' | xargs dpkg -l13:37
XATRIXioria: http://paste.debian.net/1053976/13:38
ioriaXATRIX,  try this :   grep Package archive.canonical.com_dists_precise_partner_binary-i386_Packages | awk '{print $2}' | xargs dpkg -l13:41
limbo_lotuspsychje: how do I stop the grub menu thing from dropping to that minimal bash shell thing when I hold esc?13:42
=== daniel is now known as Guest83822
ioriaXATRIX,  apt-cache policy  acroread-bin:i38613:42
XATRIXyes, it's from precise13:43
XATRIXand installed13:43
limbo_Seems like hitting esc makes it appear, and also makes it disapear and enter a shell-like environment in grub.13:43
ioriaXATRIX,  this is an example, but might be the case with others : i suggest you remove/purge all of them13:44
XATRIXnothing changed13:49
XATRIXi removed all 'evil' packages13:49
lotuspsychjeXATRIX: is there anything you recall from the past you should tell us?13:50
XATRIXbut still the same error duing do-release-upgrade13:50
XATRIXlotuspsychje: no idea, it was an update from precise -> xinial. i tried different kernels, i tried beta graphic drivers + beta xservers13:51
ioriaXATRIX,  you can't upgrade precise to xenial13:51
ioriaXATRIX,  there is trusty in the middle13:51
XATRIXyea, maybe i mistake13:52
XATRIXi remember i did an upgrade befoe13:52
lotuspsychjeXATRIX: maybe an apt autoremove, kernel cleanup and bleachbit can clean your system?13:52
lotuspsychje!kernelcleanup | XATRIX13:52
ubottuXATRIX: For information about removing old kernels to free up space on /boot, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RemoveOldKernels13:52
ioriaXATRIX,  purge the ppa, commnet the precise source in sources.list13:52
XATRIXhow can i find all packages from ppa ?13:53
lotuspsychjeXATRIX: normally we cleanout the ppa's with ppa-purge to disable the ppa's AND the packages that come with it13:59
lotuspsychjeXATRIX: on this condition, the user recalls his ppa url's13:59
limbo_running " grep -RoPish 'ppa.launchpad.net/[^/]+/[^/ ]+' /etc/apt | sort -u | sed -r '''s/\.[^/]+\//:/''' " lists ones on your system. I've got that aliased to apt-list-ppas.14:02
lotuspsychjeXATRIX: try bleachbit14:05
XATRIXdone bleachbit14:07
XATRIXstill no go14:07
lotuspsychjeXATRIX: then consider a clean install 18.0414:08
lotuspsychjeXATRIX: you can save your /home from the setup or back in front14:08
lotuspsychjeXATRIX: if your system borks before upgrade, its not a good base to proceed agree?14:08
limbo_lotuspsychje: ok, managed to boot with nomodeset. (could also get into desktop) The section under software and updates says I have the proietary nvidia driver installed. (nvidia-driver-390 (propietary, tested))14:08
lotuspsychjelimbo_: for your card, i would test a 396 from the ubuntu graphics ppa14:09
XATRIXi have tons of software setup before. i have to resetup and reconfigure too much14:09
limbo_ppa URL?14:10
limbo_ppa:graphics-drivers/ppa ?14:12
lotuspsychjelimbo_: yes14:12
lotuspsychjelimbo_: https://launchpad.net/~graphics-drivers/+archive/ubuntu/ppa14:12
kreyrenCan anyone download Ubuntu 18.10 or 18.04.1 and try to boot it? Just to confirm that it's corrupted as I claimed ?14:14
lotuspsychjelimbo_: you can also try the 410 version14:14
lotuspsychjekreyren: its not corrupted14:14
lotuspsychjekreyren: iso's get verrified before14:15
limbo_kreyren: I booted the 18.10 release from the downloads page from USB about an hour ago, worked fine for me.14:15
kreyrenlotuspsychje tried 4 medias now all results in squasfs error all the time on two different PCs14:15
kreyrenlimbo_ interesting thanks for info14:15
lotuspsychjekreyren: your software to create the usb?14:16
kreyrenDrivedroid, gparted and extracting the content of the Ubuntu ISO on it.14:16
kreyrenTried NTFS and EXT4 as filesystems14:17
lotuspsychjekreyren: try the ubuntu disc creator tool14:17
kreyrenAlso same method worked for Debian, arch, Gentoo and argent..14:17
blackflowkreyren: wait, "extracting the content of the Ubuntu ISO" does not sound correct14:17
limbo_kreyren: try imaging the iso onto the USB drive. usin dd, gnome-disks, etc..14:18
blackflowthe ISO is an image that you byte-for-byte apply to the USB drive14:18
kreyrenblackflow: that's practically what ISO creators are doing.. what is the recommended approach?14:18
limbo_kreyren: restore the disk image as-is onto a usb drive.14:18
kreyrenlimbo_ can you give me your checksum of ISO you used?14:19
blackflowkreyren: from windows? I'd use windd. I have no idea what those "ISO creators" do. For windows ISOs, for example, it's NOT byte-for-byte image, at least it wasnt' pre-win1014:19
kreyrenblackflow no from argent or systemrescuecd I meant general like ubuntu disk creator tools etc .14:20
limbo_kreyren: 818affdaea8d38bbbe620009bfa788a7cbc583c7c61c2d278f61dd3c43e030a0  Downloads/ubuntu-18.10-desktop-amd64.iso from sha256sum14:21
blackflowkreyren: just saying that "extracting ISO content" sounds wrong. one shouldn't be concerned with the content of the ISO file. just apply it byte-for-byte from offset 0 of the USB device, ie dd14:21
kreyrenlimbo thanks14:22
kreyrenblackflow I try, but same method worked for other distros and checksum is correct too.. I rather suspt that it's bios config14:23
limbo_kreyren: if you are on windows, unetbootin/rufus are hand-holdy enough ways to get a bootable USB stick. (why are you even trying to copy the contents out of the iso?)14:23
kreyrenTJ- argent needs recompiling lots of packages since my backup was old I will provide requested info once it's finished and verify if the driver is working on 18.04.1 as I suspect issue in 18.1014:24
kreyrenLimbo: no lol I'm on argent which is Gentoo fork.. Im not using Windows anymore14:24
kreyrenLimbo: based on provided information I understand that it's the correct approach but I try using 'dd' too14:26
blackflowkreyren: how? what's the dd command you're using?14:26
kreyrenblackflow I was using GUI since I never had issues with other ISO will try did once argent is finished compiling.14:28
kreyrenblackflow I was using ark on argent and Drivedroid on Android14:30
kreyren(Drivedroid allows rooted phones to be mounted as installation media)14:30
blackflowkreyren: you said you tried using 'dd' too14:30
blackflowdd is command line, and I was wondering what exact command you used14:30
kreyrenblackflow: no I said that I will try `dd`14:31
blackflowah, ok, I misunderstood then.14:32
=== daniel is now known as Guest72863
blackflowkreyren: dd if=/path/to/iso_file.iso of=/dev/sdb bs=128k            where /dev/sdb is the proper device for the USB stick, make sure you don't accidentally overwrite your main OS disk. no partition number, nothing but raw disk device under /dev .  check the manpage of dd to see what these options do14:33
blackflowoh, hug it.14:33
limbo_lotuspsychje: I tried installing the 410 version from the "additional drivers" window, but still get a black screen unless I use nomodeset. when I use nomodeset I can boot to the login screen, but the screen stays black for a very long time after logging in. (I hought it had froze before my mouse showed up)14:34
blackflowlimbo_: btw, you sure that the nvidia driver is actually being used?14:36
limbo_blackflow: pretty sure, as it's acting like it. The ones added by the ppa are marked as open-source, but are called "driver metapackage nvidia-driver-410"14:38
limbo_Is there a better way to check?14:38
blackflowlimbo_: yeah in actual xorg log, see what driver is attempted14:38
limbo_What'm I looking for?14:41
lotuspsychjelimbo_: this is 18.10 you are on right?14:41
lotuspsychjelimbo_: pastebin the output, so volunteers can all take a look14:42
limbo_I am. I was just planning on doing that. /var/log/Xorg.0.log , right?14:42
blackflowor ~/.local/share/xorg/Xorg.0.log    if our xorg is run as non-root14:43
blackflowlook at their timestamps if you're uncertain. the correct one will have the latest14:43
blackflow*if your14:43
lotuspsychjelimbo_: can you recall your gtx working on other ubuntu versions?14:43
solsTiCehi. I can't play mp4/aac audio file with audacious. This is a 4 years old bug supposed to be fixed. So ?14:45
OthenUserHello all=) Are there freeradius server specialists here?14:46
lotuspsychjeOthenUser: this looks like a good tutorial: https://thebackroomtech.com/2018/08/16/how-to-install-freeradius-on-ubuntu/14:48
limbo_lotuspsychje: yes. It worked fine yesterday before I updated some software on 18.04 and rebooted my system. (I upgraded to 18.10 in a bad attemt to fix it, as I suspected broken packages or something)14:48
limbo_blackflow: Here you go: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/CTvRTHsSqY/ The one in my home folder is really old.14:48
lotuspsychjelimbo_: this is info, you should have provided us from the start14:48
limbo_also worth noting that my PC hadn't been rebooted since ~50 days before I rebooted it yesterday.14:49
lotuspsychjelimbo_: after wich software update did your screen turn black?14:50
limbo_lotuspsychje: updating all availible packages in aptitude.14:50
BluesKajaptitude still around?14:51
lotuspsychjelimbo_: would have been good, to see dpkg logs to see what could borked it14:51
lotuspsychjesolsTiCe: details? bug url?14:53
lotuspsychjelimbo_:  if i was you, i would reinstall 18.04.1 and see what happens, in the future if something goes bad on LTS try to investigate first instead of upgrading to non-lts as a fix14:55
limbo_lotuspsychje: I still have the logs. I just don't know which one to give you. Here's everything from /var/log/dpkg.log.1 from that package upgrade. (based on time) https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/2HqvpQRTWc/14:56
blackflowlimbo_: k, so yeah, that shows nvidia is really  used14:56
lotuspsychjelimbo_: that seems like a real big update, was that after you clean installed 18.04?15:00
limbo_no, I'd been using 18.04 since I upgraded from 17.10 (and so on since I first installed ubuntu) Each time using do-release-upgrade to do the update.15:01
lotuspsychjelimbo_: ok tnx15:02
limbo_Is there a Q&A somewhere so I can divulge as much relevent info as I can about my setup?15:02
lotuspsychje!info inxi | limbo_15:03
ubottulimbo_: inxi (source: inxi): full featured system information script. In component universe, is extra. Version 2.3.56-1 (bionic), package size 139 kB, installed size 623 kB15:03
lotuspsychjelimbo_: after install inxi -F15:04
lotuspsychjelimbo_: another idea, would be trying to boot another kernel from your system in current state15:05
lotuspsychjelimbo_: dmesg is also mostly used for troubleshooting your system15:05
limbo_https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/CYTS9Ms69R/ < inxi -F15:12
alnrmy icon launcher is not displayed until i click 'activities'. Its there after rebooting, this happens some time later. i'm on 18.04.1 LTS. anyone know what this issue is?15:14
limbo_lotuspsychje: I've tried looking at dmesg, but I don't seen anything obvious in there. I've been trying the most and second most recent kernels on boot, and until I used nomodeset, the latest one would only black screen. The second most recent one (can't recall number) booted, but the desktop crashed back to the login screen when I signed in.15:14
HelenahI'm using an Nvidia GPU with 8 display outputs to allocate seats around my house. I'm using nested X servers per monitor and assigning paricular keyboards to them.15:43
HelenahThe problem is, I don't know the ordering of outputs on my card.15:43
=== SimonNL is now known as SimonNL_Afk
HelenahYou'd think the first port on the card would be DP-0, etc, but this is not the case.15:43
ntdcd /sys/class/drm15:54
WafficusHi there, can anyone help me install Unity 3D for Ubuntu?16:01
ZeZupipe: Too many open files16:10
ZeZuI thought that limit was immensely large16:10
grkblood13how do i completely wipe an sd card thats hosed beyond repair? even dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdb doesnt seem to return it to its virgin state16:12
ZeZuthen it's dead16:13
ZeZuthat write directly to every sector16:13
ZeZubut also16:13
grkblood13no matter what the partition table says?16:13
ZeZuidk how you're define it's virgin state16:13
jeremybI would use a hammer16:14
ZeZuoh you need to remove and reinsert or resync the part table16:14
ZeZupre-partitioned = you can't get it back there after zero you need to do yourself16:14
blackflowthere's no partition table after that dd16:14
ZeZuthere is none but the kernel doesn't necessarily know16:14
blackflow"hosed beyond repair" usually implies "can't do anything with it", so... I don't understand the question here :)16:15
ZeZuI'm now thinking he meant the bit about pre-partitioned : it needs to be done16:15
grkblood13hosed beyond repair meaning the data on it. cant save it.16:15
ZeZuno after you ran dd it was a goner16:16
ZeZuif you want it to work again16:16
Helenahntd: I got card0 dir in that sys directory path you gave me, however, there is no status file.16:16
ZeZuuse gparted or something16:16
ZeZusaves you from messing with it manually16:16
grkblood13gparted doesnt recognize it16:16
ntd /sys/class/drm$ cat card0-DP-1/stats16:16
ntdstatus even16:17
ZeZuwhat do you mean it doesn't recognize that it exists?16:17
ZeZuor that there are filesystems there?16:17
grkblood13it doesnt show up16:17
blackflowgrkblood13: not sure what you're trying to do, but that dd command will wipe out all sectors on the drive, starting from 0 up to as much as possible. whatever dd can't reach (because of bad sectors), you can't reach, theree's no returning to "virgin state"16:17
ZeZugparted has a drop down box,  it doesn't show drives like windows16:17
grkblood13i know...16:18
ZeZuyou need to select the same device you're running dd command on16:18
ZeZuWell idk how it could show up in /dev and not be in gparted16:18
ZeZuthat's ... new16:18
ZeZuuse fdisk manually16:18
ZeZufdisk /device16:18
blackflow/dev/sdb   according to that dd16:18
ZeZuh for help16:18
ZeZucreate new part table16:19
ZeZucreate new part16:19
ZeZuleave all defaults16:19
ZeZuthen you should see a partition16:19
ZeZuwhich can be formatted16:19
acoctresDumb question.   How do I use serial port stuff in ubuntu Usually I use putty on windows Is there a native way in linux to type stuff into com0?16:30
ntd /dev/tty*16:30
ntd /dev/ttyS*16:30
TJ-Humorous issue; using the hotkeys for display brightness -/+ the notification popup shows the Bell icon :)16:47
=== coconut__ is now known as coconut
limbo_GUI stuff seems to be working on my machine now, as long as I boot with nomodeset. Although, my motherboard's sound output isn't being detected anymore. The only output channel is HDMI out.17:17
kreyrenTJ- Now i have a problem that you mensioned it seems that ubuntu is causing some kind of software issue on USB reciever to the point where it's not detected even on argent. Can you provide more info?17:28
kreyrenIs there in theory a way to fix the firmware on the reciever?17:29
TJ-kreyren: Everything I read suggests those devices (the unifying receiver) fail internally in as much as the firmware, or its stored config, get corrupted17:30
kreyrenTJ-: I see, can you recommend course of action?17:31
TJ-kreyren: /but/ I read one report that was confirmed by 3 people where they powered the PC (laptops I thiink) down completely and removed the battery for an hour and that solved it. That tells me the USB device probably needs a full power drain to cause an internal reset.17:31
kreyrenTJ- There is also a button on the PCB of the reciever (i disassemble it) i tried to press it, hold it and press it multiple times which seems to not do anything.. There aren't any super capacitors so if thats a case it would already by drained i believe17:32
TJ-kreyren: so if you have a desktop PC you can plug that into (or it is on a desktop PC already) power it down, unplug from the wall, the **press the power button to start it**. That will drain internal capacitors and may also drain any residual in the USB device itselc17:33
TJ-kreyren: From what I read that button is used to put the device into firmware update mode. I saw several reports where that was done and an LED started rapidly flashing to indicate the firmware update mode... this was in the context of the device failing on Windows PCs and Logitech's recommended firmware update fix17:34
kreyrenTJ-: I believe that its drained but it won't even flash an internal LED to me it seems that the firmware that i loaded on the chip got corruped cause of ubuntu..17:34
TJ-kreyren: Ubuntu doesn't do anything, the devices themselves seem easy to get themselves corrupted.17:35
kreyrenTJ-: The device worked for 4 years no issues on gentoo the moment i tried it on ubuntu its not working..17:35
TJ-USB works by asking the device to enumerate its functions (which is what lsusb -v reports). It's up to the device to internally initialise itself, both hardware and internal firmware.17:35
kreyrenI see.. but it still seems as that ubuntu *somehow* corrupted the data on chip that is on USB reciever.. Can you recommend course of action for this usecase assuming that i'm correct?17:38
kreyrenor like can i in theory mount it?17:39
TJ-kreyren: what is the actual brand and model number on? All I know so far is it is an AV6201 chipset17:40
kreyrenin /var/log/syslog it outputs as Avnera AV6201 on PCB it says PLOTECH 6 84V-0 E169497 1645K TU747HF HB1607-DONGLE-R2 2016092917:41
kreyrenand there is a table with V 1 2 3 4 and HW SW let me make a photos for you17:41
TJ-kreyren: You're not going to believe this, but I'm looking at a solution that simply sticks a thin piece of paper inside the module - it fixes a problem due to the contacts not making full contact!!17:43
kreyrenlol show me17:44
TJ-kreyren: this seems to be the first, but there are more that follow on. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1NlYRsVJB7417:44
kreyrensaw that too but its a different reciever :/17:45
TJ-kreyren: it makes sense... over time the spring-contacts lose their springiness and make intermittent connections17:45
kreyrenlol the lightning is terrible let me fix it17:46
TJ-kreyren: OK, so yours has the USB A soldered in place17:47
sonicwindlol at that video TJ-17:47
TJ-kreyren: /if/ the cause is physical/electrical, with similar devices I've found that the connector pins solder pads sometimes have gone dry-joint or fractured... I've fixed that on countless devices by reflowing the solder/adding a little more.17:48
TJ-kreyren: can you detect even slight flexing of the USB A connector against the PCB?17:48
kreyrennone flex sorder joints seems good17:49
kreyrenbetter images: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/513034194243289108/518483600841375753/DSC_0250.jpg?width=709&height=53217:49
kreyrenThere is this button that seem damaged but its okay it just looks worse on the camera17:51
kreyrenit seems that my paper clip damaged the outter layer17:51
TJ-kreyren: is it connected to a USB 3 or USB2 port?17:54
kreyrenUSB2 trying USB 317:54
TJ-kreyren: OK, the usual issue is the other way around but it is worth trying any permuation17:55
kreyrensame on USB317:56
TJ-kreyren: it was a long shot :)17:56
kreyrenanything is helpful.. is there any way i can reprogram the chip on PC?17:57
kreyrenor in theory mount it somehow?17:57
TJ-kreyren: the only thing I've seen is the Logitech firmware update via Windows, but if that isn't a Logitech branded device that isn't going to help you17:58
kreyrenits logitech G53317:59
kreyreni try it17:59
TJ-kreyren: that's the model I've seen lots of failure reports about18:01
kreyrensource? afaik there was issues with G93318:01
kreyrenhttps://www.google.com/search?client=ubuntu&channel=fs&q=G533+issue&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8 Quick google search revels just bunch of end-users not knowing how to configure it in window GUI o.o18:03
TJ-kreyren: the logitech model number is for the HID itself (headset, keyboard, mouse, etc.) - the same unifying receiver is used by multiple devices18:04
kreyreninstalling W10 in VM18:09
kreyrenits already lagging lol18:10
happyhoboI need help with something that isn't in the repositories but would be great if it was.18:12
ioriahappyhobo, like what ?18:13
happyhoboWell   I don't like the gnome interface but I install ubuntu to have a solid base to install deepin because deepin is antiquated on some packages.  I used tutorial after tutorial to install deepin and all it did was make a mess.18:14
happyhoboI installed*18:14
ioriahappyhobo, iirc, there is the leaeasy ppa18:16
happyhoboIt didn't work.  There was something about unsecured repository, gga-pg18:17
happyhoboAlso the tutorials are for 18.04 not 18.1018:18
ioriahappyhobo, are you on cosmic ?18:18
ioriahappyhobo, the ppa is for bionic, so ... how did you install deepin ?18:19
happyhoboIs there a tutorial for cosmetic?18:21
ioriacosmetic ? nope18:21
Izochhey guys, after reading this blogpost https://blog.ubuntu.com/2018/11/15/openstack-summit-berlin-mark-shuttleworth i noticed that it says that 18.04 will be supported for the next 10 years; but the wiki https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BionicBeaver/ReleaseNotes#Support_lifespan (also here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases) does not seem to be updated to reflect the announcement. Not sure why this is so i thought i should just drop a line in here :)18:22
=== [1]MrMobius is now known as MrMobius
happyhobo[1]MrMobius:   Which part of Virginia?18:23
TJ-Izoch: I suspect it means Canonical's ESM, not community support :D We've heard nothing about it18:23
hggdh^ +118:24
happyhoboioria:   I added the repositories after the keyring18:24
kreyrenTJ-: How do i make virtualbox to see the Reciever to be used for W10 ?18:24
kantlivelongis there a standardized way to auto renew service account kerberos tickets?18:24
ioriahappyhobo, lost you, sy18:24
TJ-kreyren: no idea; I don't use virtual box. PResumably some kind of USB pass through?18:24
happyhoboit wouldn't let me ioria  sorry it's cosmic not cosmetic18:24
happyhoboforgive the et18:25
ioriahappyhobo, what repo did you add ?18:25
happyhobohttp://www.ubuntubuzz.com/2013/07/install-linux-deepin-desktop-on-ubuntu.html      this is what I did.18:26
happyhoboIt failed.18:26
kreyrenanyway thanks for helP TJ18:27
happyhoboDeepin has an antiquated firefox and several other packages.  Ubuntu is incredible and up to date.  If I could combine the amazing dde and ubuntu I'd be cookingg.18:27
happyhoboubuntu has random deepin packages default it looks like but nothing major ioria18:28
ioriahappyhobo, you see that those instructions are  for raring  ?18:29
happyhoboUm really, that's like 99.0418:29
happyhoboI can18:29
happyhobo't find the one for cosmic18:29
ioriahappyhobo, 'cause there is none : http://packages.linuxdeepin.com/ubuntu/dists/18:30
ioriahappyhobo, why don't you just run deepin in vm18:31
happyhoboI want to run it straight.  I do too much to bounce in and out of vm18:31
happyhoboI have trouble saving and mounting and all of that with vm.18:31
ioriahappyhobo, then use bionic18:32
happyhoboI would love to but I don18:32
happyhobot know how without a tutorial18:32
happyhobobionic and cosmic will interweave, I know that much.18:32
ioriahappyhobo, no, you reinstall ubuntu (18.04) the use the ppa18:33
happyhoboHow do I use the ppa?18:34
RonaldsMazitisif I randomly unplug my mouse and then start using touchpad I can18:39
RonaldsMazitisreconnect mouse18:39
RonaldsMazitistill restart18:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1804874 in linux (Ubuntu) "can't reconnect USB mouse/ USB mouse stops working after a while" [Medium,Incomplete]18:39
RonaldsMazitisI made bug report18:39
RonaldsMazitisguy said I had to go to upstream kernel18:40
RonaldsMazitisnever have tried that18:40
RonaldsMazitisin fact, my mouse is dead right now18:40
pikapikaDoes Ubuntu come with a program via which one can see which programs are using the Microphone, and give/revoke mic perms to programs?18:41
pikapikaoh nevermind found it18:43
happyhoboioria:   due to the complicated nature of this and the fact that I would be stepping backward would I be better served to use Deepin and fight to get the antiquated packages up to date18:43
RonaldsMazitislsusb shows no mouse18:53
hggdhRonaldsMazitis: so you are not going to check on upsteam kernels, correct?18:59
RonaldsMazitisI don't remmeber last time I have installed kernel manually19:06
ioriaRonaldsMazitis, may i ask you why you have compiz installed on  18.04 ?19:12
hggdhRonaldsMazitis: instructions are in the link, in the bug. Pretty much, your only hope is to try and find out which kernel broke it (or fixed it)19:13
RonaldsMazitisthis does not seem easy19:17
RonaldsMazitisI think I will get more problems by doing this19:17
RonaldsMazitisthan fixing my mouse19:17
RonaldsMazitisI don't understand how mouse can be problem in 18.0419:17
RonaldsMazitisokay I'm down for kernel version 4.2019:20
vach0nRonaldsMazitis: I wasn't here when you explained your issue. Can you tell me what your issue is? :-)19:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1804874 in linux (Ubuntu) "can't reconnect USB mouse/ USB mouse stops working after a while" [Medium,Incomplete]19:21
amazoniantoadWhy would a vm just turn off after having been turned on? I keep turning on my vm's and then they seem to turn off on their own after some time.  I tried to investigate what was going on and my vm's just say "booting from hard disk" and then just power off. Here is the command I use to install the vm: sudo -S virt-install --name test-1 --ram 200 --disk path=test-1.img,format=raw --noautoconsole -v --import19:23
RonaldsMazitislet's how "high" linux works19:24
RonaldsMazitislinus torvalds prolly sparked it19:24
RonaldsMazitisof course after fixing intel security problems19:25
RonaldsMazitisukuu says that it is only 4.19.619:27
RonaldsMazitisnot 4.2019:27
RonaldsMazitisit also say there are some changes about USB19:29
=== daniel is now known as Guest73388
azi`is there any variant of ubuntu that will run swiftly on a machine with only 32gb disk?19:41
gordonjcpazi`: any of them19:42
gordonjcp32GB is masses19:42
gordonjcpazi`: the more "full-featured" versions like "normal" Ubuntu will need quite a bit of memory and a fastish processor19:42
azi`yeah I am not really concerned with using it for day to day19:43
azi`so I can install the vanilla ubuntu19:43
azi`if i only have 32GB of disk space?19:43
SwedeMikeazi`: yes, that's plenty.19:43
gordonjcpyeah, the installer is only about 2GB19:43
gordonjcpall expanded out it's about 4GB or something19:43
SwedeMikeazi`: if you had said 4GB I'd be worried. 8GB might be a streth if you want to do more. 32GB is plenty.19:43
ioriaazi`, maybe ram and cpu are relevant too19:44
gordonjcpeverything except /home on this laptop is about 12GB19:44
gordonjcpand that's got masses of stuff installed, truly masses19:44
azi`right, makes sense now that you told me =)19:46
leonardusHow do I enable direct rendering? I just got a new RX 580 and I don't think direct rendering is enbaled.19:47
yveslevierThis is a test19:47
=== capella is now known as capella|away
RonaldsMazitisI'm now on 4.19.619:54
RonaldsMazitismouse has not disconnected yet19:54
RonaldsMazitisno mouse still can't reconnect20:05
leonardusHow do I install AMD GPU drivers?20:05
amazoniantoadleonardus, their website should allow you to download the drivers.20:07
NerdTheThirdarent those already baked into the kernel?20:12
amazoniantoadmaybe, probably. But you can also get the drivers from their website20:12
blackflowI'd start with in-kernel ones20:12
amazoniantoadyeah definitely20:12
NerdTheThirdi still they are baked into the kernel, so no need20:12
leonardusIs it possible that the drivers from their website are better?20:13
NerdTheThirdi think those in kernel are better optimized20:13
blackflowI think it's the very same thing20:13
NerdTheThirdthen again, im talking out of my ass here, so double check it20:13
leonardusHow do I check to make sure direct rendering / 3d acceleration is on?20:13
blackflowunless you really thing they're wasting time with two different codebases for..... what purpose?20:13
NerdTheThirdoptimization, idk20:13
amazoniantoadleonardus, the drivers from their website will definitely be the latest20:14
iorialeonardus, glxinfo | grep render20:14
NerdTheThirdi like your nickname ioria20:16
amazoniantoadWhat about me?20:16
NerdTheThirdalso dope20:17
amazoniantoadI'm a slimy toad20:17
NerdTheThirdthat's cool if you're into such stuff20:17
* amazoniantoad rebbit20:17
amazoniantoadWatch out NerdTheThird, if you touch me you could get warts20:17
NerdTheThirdwhere does your nickname comes from?20:22
NerdTheThirdinb4 amazon20:22
Linux-Hippieamazoniantoad, it's not the warts I'm worried about, it's the poison20:22
ioriaNerdTheThird, are you mit ?20:22
Linux-HippieThe hallucinogenics I don't mind so much.20:23
NerdTheThirdam i what?20:25
NerdTheThirdmit is myth in my language, but i don't believe you're asking me that lmao20:25
NerdTheThirdI AM A LEGEND20:25
NerdTheThird_insert dramatic music_20:25
ioriaNerdTheThird, Massachusetts Institute of Technology20:27
NerdTheThirdnah, i'm south east europe20:27
ioriaNerdTheThird, ok, sy20:28
NerdTheThirdno need to apologize20:28
CarlFKhow do override this wiht the apt command?  APT::Install-Recommends "false";20:33
CarlFKi installed qemu, but now I want the recommends20:33
ntdapt-get install package --no-install-recommends20:34
ntd--reinstall and the opposite20:34
CarlFKreinstall - that's what i need ... i think...20:35
SkyWayi have a transmission user <debian-transmission> and it can not write to folder .. drwxrws---   2 rock64 rock64     6 Mar 19  2018 completed20:36
SkyWayi did `sudo usermod -a -G rock64 debian-transmission`20:37
SkyWay<SkyWay> but still no20:37
SkyWaywhat can i do ?20:37
NerdTheThirduse qbittorrent20:37
SkyWayusing transmission for 4 years now20:38
ntdor let the transmission user have perms for the dir?20:38
SkyWayi think it's a matter of chmod20:38
SkyWayntd, i added debian-transmission to rock64 group20:38
NerdTheThirdidk qbittorent can search torrents from within itself20:38
SkyWayisn't that suppose to be enough ?20:38
SkyWayam i missing something?20:38
ntdSkyWay, you should do it the other way around20:39
ntdthat way rock64 users have access to transmission files, not the other way around20:39
SkyWayi'm listening :)20:39
ntdofc, appropriate chmod20:39
CarlFKhow do I see what the recommends are?20:40
SkyWayntd, groups debian-transmission20:40
SkyWayshows debian-transmission : debian-transmission rock6420:40
ioriaCarlFK,  apt-cache depends pkg20:40
SkyWayso you say to `chown -R debian-transmission: /path` ?20:41
ioriaCarlFK,  orapt-cache show pkg20:41
SkyWayso that the owner is transmission .. no ?20:41
=== Skybot is now known as OhPie
eelstreborwhen creating a dual boot machine, do i need to create a separate efi partition for each OS?20:52
compdocyou would think a boot manager would handle that, but Ive never done it so I'll shutup now20:54
TJ-eelstrebor: no21:03
eelstrebordidn't think so - seems redundent to have more than 1 - been having trouble getting ubuntu and windows 10 to install on a ssd so i was wondering21:05
Mixxithey im trying to install ubuntu server but the install screen is showing twice and all weird21:06
Mixxiti cant select the language properly due to it21:08
eelstrebornot sure if i can do anything about this since it seems it's a hardware issue and not firmware: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/Vx32nQnmyV/21:11
* eelstrebor hates error messages that can't be fixed or easily fixed21:12
eelstreborlooks like there's a patch for fwupd at github but i don't like messing with unofficial stuff21:13
Mixxiti have do nomodeset to get around it for now guys21:18
Mixxitbut i dunno why its all screwy like that21:18
Mixxitand wow the new install gui is very fancy :)21:19
SchnabeltierchenMhm is someone good with curl? i´m trying to send some data via curl gathered by some script, but i cant get curl to send the variable. any idea? https://nopaste.xyz/?450364e7c14f38cd#I7gfHr3H5x5PJn4ulOKpmmc2l/F9rJIYZ1RxgI+nfrk=21:24
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
gambl0r3how do i open a executable file?21:30
wpkgambl0r3: ./filename21:32
wpk(to execute it)21:32
eelstreborSchnabeltierchen, my programming skills are rusty but don't you have to initialize x to some integer value?21:32
Schnabeltiercheneelstrebor the infos gathered are good, i checked them with "echo $text" instead of curling it...21:33
gambl0r3wpk, i did that but nothing happens21:34
evilaimI have an email server, I send email to a gmail account, goes into spam.  Is there a way to stop that from happening server side?21:35
gambl0r3it seems like all it did was show the contents of the executable file21:35
Schnabeltierchengamblor3 try "sh filename"21:37
Schnabeltierchenor chmod +x filename21:37
OerHekscheck if the file is executable, or check the manual21:37
wpkgambl0r3: if nothing happens (no error) then the file was executed21:42
gambl0r3the file is executable file but i had to move it o /usr/bin/21:43
gambl0r3then it worked. thanks21:43
gambl0r3anyone can recommend a good linux book? no pdf's.21:44
ikoniagambl0r3: bit off topic here21:54
=== patr0clus is now known as s3nd1v0g1us
paanyone on a touchscreen notebook/tablet?21:59
pai somehow can't get multitouch to work in kde plasma, even in applications22:00
NerdTheThirdtry with ubuntu22:03
NerdTheThirdgnome has better touch support afaik22:03
* WoC looks for a phone with pre-installed uBuntu ;]22:06
* WoC realizes the search is futile...22:07
NerdTheThirdyou can install ubuntu on your phone, you just need the right phone22:08
WoCNerdTheThird, wouldnt happen to know anything about that ?22:08
WoCi.e. which phone ?22:09
WoCi thought ubuntu-touch was eol22:09
NerdTheThirdcommunity continued making it22:10
WoCk, great news, ty22:10
NerdTheThirdnp, but do more research about it22:10
NerdTheThirdi'd rather go with something like lineageOS or sailfishOS22:11
WoChammerhead ?22:12
WoCno outstanding issues on the hammerhead, nexus 522:13
WoCdo you know if android is still on it?22:13
NerdTheThirdon what?22:14
WoCnexus 5, hammer =head22:14
NerdTheThirdidk dude22:14
WoCk, ty though22:15
WoCnot a android fan22:15
Mixxithow do i install ubuntu on a ryzen in raid configuration?22:16
WoCandroid too slow and too retarded compared to ubuntu22:16
Mixxitlspci says i have raid bus controller 7916 rev 61 and raid bus controller 43bd (rev 02)22:16
Mixxitbut does not see the drive22:16
Mixxitive tried version 18.04, 18.10 and am now trying 19.0422:17
OerHeksfor Raid, see https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/advanced-installation.html.en22:20
Mixxitthis is software raid right22:31
=== daniel is now known as Guest67088
MadLambHello, I have my battery icon indicator oscilating constantly from charging/not charging. I tried to google but wasn't able to come up with a solution. Any ideas?22:57
SwaggerArchMadLamb: power supply22:58
SwaggerArchMadLamb: tower or laptop?22:58
MadLambSwaggerArch, laptop. Thinkpad T440p22:59
MadLambSwaggerArch, Ubuntu 18.1022:59
guivercMixxit, just fyi:  i use hardware raid on a couple of servers, `lsblk` does not see any physical drives (though I can smartctl to them with options), - lsblk see's a large 'disk' which is made up of drives my hardware raid controller controls22:59
OerHeksis your laptop able to work on that battery?22:59
SwaggerArchMadLamb: check if brick is hot plugged in all the way and22:59
MadLambSwaggerArch, brick?23:00
MadLambyes I'm sure it is23:00
SwaggerArchMadLamb: Hot or smoking hot?23:01
SwaggerArchMadLamb: how long has this laptop been running without a restart?23:01
SwaggerArchMadLamb: got windows installed on dual boot and no problems then yes you have a issue with idicator23:03
MadLambHello, I have my battery icon indicator oscillating constantly from charging/not charging. I tried to google but wasn't able to come up with a solution. Thinkpad T440p, Ubuntu 18.10. Any ideas?23:35
=== capella|away is now known as capella
Mixxitguys this doesnt seem to work for me23:47
Mixxiti dont have half the options it describes at the top23:47
Mixxitmine looks like a new file system thing23:47
Mixxiti have like a red installation ui that looks different ot the old ones23:52
Mixxitso if i try to use the new uis create raid method, it says i must put two active volumes into the raid array but then says if i put all disks into the raid array there will be no where to put the boot partition23:57

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