
Dominique_MichelHi! I have a strange issue with launchpad.net. When I login, I can see Personal details when clicking on My account, but as soon I go to another page, I am not logged in.12:46
Dominique_MichelAs example, https://bugs.launchpad.net/geda/+bug/148519912:47
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1485199 in gEDA "gschem: window redrawing problem related to right side bar" [Medium,New]12:47
Dominique_MichelI wrote the last comment and want to write a new one, but cannot do it anymore.12:48
Dominique_MichelAt the time I wrote that last comment, I updated my email adress in My account.12:49
Dominique_MichelAt https://loginhttps://login.launchpad.net/+emails the site tell me my new address is verified.12:50
cjwatsonYou aren't in your browser's incognito mode or something?12:52
cjwatsonOr a restrictive cookie configuration?12:52
Dominique_MichelI disabled ublock and now get an error: (Error ID: OOPS-10207eb1d7430da1e1279533c7a5103a)13:02
cjwatsonDominique_Michel: I guess you deleted and recreated your login.u.c account at some point13:09
cjwatsonDominique_Michel: We can fix things up, but it'll need to wait until tomorrow since I need to get a sysadmin to help13:09
Dominique_MichelMaybe. I can wait. And thank you, it will be helpful.13:13
Dominique_MichelFor the cookies, chrome is configured to delete them when I quit the session and to block their access by third parties.13:16

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