
xibalbaals i'm wondering how do i get ubuntu to stop issuing ICMP redirects? → ICMP 126 Redirect . I've disabled it in sysctl.conf and reloaded. net.ipv4.conf.all.send_redirects = 000:15
xibalbai ran the following, https://8n1.org/14114/5bd100:22
koffelhey all i have a dell r610 poweredge is ubuntu server supported01:16
mybalzitchis it a 64bit cpu with an intel/amd chip? chances are pretty good it will at least boot01:45
Intelo_How much a laptop be constantly used in 24 hours for cpu usage above 70% and 90% ram. A laptop like m6700?01:49
mybalzitchthe cpu will throttle if the cpu temps get higher than spec01:51
Intelo_mybalzitch,  how can I check temps?01:55
Intelo_using kubuntu01:55
Intelo_mybalzitch,  nevermind. will manage01:58
Intelo_mybalzitch,  if the temperature is undercontrol, I can use it 24/7?01:58
mybalzitchwhy wouldn't you be able to02:04
koffeli getting errors left and right then stops in middle of install02:08
Intelo_mybalzitch, https://imgur.com/a/sS094YU02:10
senapshi all, i have installed danted and ocserv in ubuntu server 16.4, but i don't have any access to filtered websites i tried to bypass using danted or ocserv. but, i can connect to ocserv and then use my danted service!17:02
senapsanybody able to help me with configuring danted? i can pass websites not blocked by our government, but twitter and other websites are not passed with this proxy.17:23
senapswhat can be wrong? why is it passing part of the traffic only, and with another isp, i don't have that problem...17:24
senapshi all, i have ocserv installed and configured, i am able to connect just fine using `openconnect` but no traffic is through18:32
InteloSending mail via echo "My message" | mail -s subject user@mail.com    works fine but when I send via a thirdpart nodemailer (nodejs lib), it says lost connection after RCPT. 451 4.3.0  <user@mail.com>: Temporary lookup failure;20:01
bjonnhhow hard would it be to install a ubuntu over an existing fedora with only a ssh access to the machine?20:10
bjonnh(it is using uefi)20:10
mybalzitchthere used to be software for that20:14
mybalzitchdamned if I can remember the name of it20:14
bjonnhIntelo: no baremetal machine20:16
Intelobjonnh,  ok. don't know20:16
bjonnhI wish I had a kvm20:17
mybalzitchbjonnh: https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/installation-guide/i386/apds04.html look at that! a framework20:18
bjonnhreally nice20:20
bjonnhI just stumbled on something similar too20:20
compdocthats cool21:14
bjonnhok I'll try that right now21:18
bjonnhwill keep you posted ;)21:18
bjonnhgetting from fedora 26 to ubuntu21:18
ChmEarlbjonnh, fedora has debootstrap... install ubuntu into a chroot21:34
ChmEarlbjonnh, stay in fedora and control the install before rebooting into ubuntu21:35
bjonnhdebootstrap from fedora refused to install21:35
bjonnhE: Error executing gpgv to check Release signature21:36
mybalzitchsurely you can google that error and work around it21:36
mybalzitchperhaps you need to install gpgv21:36
bjonnhI'm following the ubuntu guide21:37
bjonnhat least I will have an up to date debootstrap too21:37
bjonnhsame error21:38
bjonnhoh nm21:39
bjonnhworks now21:40
bjonnhmybalzitch: I didn't had gnupg at all (I thought I did though)21:42
bjonnhW: Failure trying to run: chroot /mnt/ubuntu mount -t proc proc /proc21:45
bjonnhsays that mount doesn't exist21:46
bjonnhtrying with bionic instead of cosmic21:46
bjonnhI also disabled selinux21:47
bjonnhthat could help21:47
bjonnhnope same thing…21:48
bjonnhlooks like it should use an absolute path21:50
bjonnhso it really didn't like the debootstrap from ubuntu22:00
tewardbjonnh: that sounds like something specific to the Fedora debootstrap22:02
tewardbjonnh: are you just trying to get an Ubuntu system available on Fedora, or are you trying to replace Fedora with Ubuntu?22:02
bjonnhyeah so I just took the cosmic recipe from it22:02
bjonnhteward: I am replacing fedora22:02
bjonnh"apt install makedev"22:07
bjonnhno package makedev…22:07
bjonnhI'll just bind mount22:08
tomreynhi, what's the recommended application server for RoR production deployments these days? Unicorn, Puma or Passenger? and for the webserver, i assume nginx + wsgi is fine?22:26
tomreynoh wait (u)wsgi is python, so scratch this part of my question, please22:28
bjonnhwill see what happens…22:31
bjonnhit refuse to reboot…22:34
mybalzitchgood thing you have a ipkvm to troubleshoot remotely?22:34
bjonnhif I had a kvm that would probably have been easier ;)22:36
bjonnhI think the install is clean, it is just fedora that refused to reboot22:36
bjonnhwill see tomorrow22:37
bjonnhwhen I can get to the machine22:37
bjonnhalso that's a mac pro so EFI is touchy22:42

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