
floridagram-bot3<govatent> ?04:27
floridagram-bot3<KMyers> @govatent, Not bad for a Chromebook04:28
floridagram-bot3<govatent> Ahhhh04:28
floridagram-bot3<govatent> That's super decent04:28
floridagram-bot3<govatent> Bad luck Alan. Gets wemo smart plug and their cloud is broken with Google assistant right now04:28
floridagram-bot3<RazPi> I'd like for there to be another open mobile system05:38
floridagram-bot3<RazPi> I know ubuntu tried and so did tizen05:39
floridagram-bot3<RazPi> So maybe I'm really just looking for a way to feel more comfortable programming on android05:40
floridagram-bot3<RazPi> .. and maybe that involves emacs.05:40
floridagram-bot3<RazPi> I swear I didn't plan that it just came into my head.05:40
floridagram-bot3<ahoneybun> Ubuntu Touch still exists and Tizen is on smart watche05:41
floridagram-bot3<RazPi> For some reason I have a hard time thinking about my phone as "tinkerable"05:41
floridagram-bot3<RazPi> in the way that laptops are05:41
floridagram-bot3<RazPi> I know I can run shell scripts05:41
floridagram-bot3<RazPi> so the heck is stopping me05:41
floridagram-bot3<RazPi> Maybe I just need to become more familiar with the android file system hierarchy05:42
floridagram-bot3<KMyers> And Ubuntu on Samsung's Dex works incredibly well05:50
floridagram-bot3<AdamOutler> @RazPi  … 1. ADB push BusyBox ArmV4L … 2. ADB shell … 3. ADB busybox --install /data/local/tmp/ … 4. export PATH=$PATH:/data/local/tmp/ … 5. ADB install kingroot.apk … Now download the kernel source and go to town.05:53
floridagram-bot3<AdamOutler> https://busybox.net/downloads/binaries/1.28.1-defconfig-multiarch/05:55
floridagram-bot3<AdamOutler> BusyBox arm v7l will work.05:55
floridagram-bot3<AdamOutler> It has all your favorite Linux tools.  There are statically compiled bash and emacs as well.  Oryou can use the default vi.05:56
floridagram-bot3<AdamOutler> GitHub - andrew-d/static-binaries: Various *nix tools built as statically-linked binaries … https://github.com/andrew-d/static-binaries05:58
floridagram-bot3<govatent> https://sailfishos.org/ and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sailfish_OS @RazPi06:22
floridagram-bot3<govatent> or kde mobile as well06:22
floridagram-bot3<RazPi> @AdamOutler @KMyers ooh thanks I'll loko at these06:35
floridagram-bot3<RazPi> @KMyers You're compiling an NN framework, is that for your udemy class?06:36
floridagram-bot3<RazPi> @AdamOutler  you know, maybe I could shell into my phone? that'd be cool if I could adb via bluetooth and edit via emacs and tramp06:37
floridagram-bot3<KMyers> Not exactly. More for that Intel movidius06:37
floridagram-bot3<RazPi> then I could do some services or testing06:37
floridagram-bot3<RazPi> Oooh cool!06:37
floridagram-bot3<RazPi> I think that would do it for me, shelling into my phone and making custom services and scripts06:38
floridagram-bot3<KMyers> @RazPi, And kudos to you for picking up on that06:40
floridagram-bot3<RazPi> ty07:07
floridagram-bot3<RazPi> !07:07
floridagram-bot3<RazPi> @AdamOutler are you suggesting building a custom android kernel? :o07:55
floridagram-bot3<RazPi> Found a nice breakdown of the android filesystem hiearchy http://www.uobabylon.edu.iq/eprints/publication_4_13681_1356.pdf07:56
floridagram-bot3<AdamOutler> @RazPi I'm suggesting a remedy for not thinking about your phone as "tinkerable".12:52
floridagram-bot3<govatent> https://slickdeals.net/f/12389440-google-home-mini-wemo-mini-smart-wifi-outlet-29-99-free-shipping-add-google-chromecast-3rd-gen-for-44-99?page=2#commentsBox17:51
floridagram-bot3<govatent> Target has a free Google home with the purchase of a 29.99 wemo switch.17:51
floridagram-bot3<govatent> So I got another switch and now have a Google home mini17:51
floridagram-bot3<KMyers> That is a sweet deal17:52
floridagram-bot3<govatent> Yea17:52
floridagram-bot3<govatent> They have another with for ten bucks more with a chromecast.17:52
floridagram-bot3<RazPi> @AdamOutler Fair enough! I didn't k ow I could have BusyBox in Android that's cool. Do you know if Android will properly sleep a c program I've daemonized?18:27
floridagram-bot3<RazPi> Or do I need to write an interrupt?18:27
floridagram-bot3<AdamOutler> Not sure.  I don't get into development on that level.  I mainly look for problems.18:28
floridagram-bot3<RazPi> Have you guys heard about Unix for home systems?21:03
floridagram-bot3<RazPi> It's rad21:03
floridagram-bot3<AdamOutler> No21:04
floridagram-bot3<RazPi> You can use it as a sign goes user system21:10
floridagram-bot3<RazPi> *single21:10
floridagram-bot3<KMyers> Wait... I thought you said eunuchs... Now I am going to have a lot of explaining to do21:11
floridagram-bot3<RazPi> XD21:21
floridagram-bot3<SivaMachina> What the f.... … https://fossbytes.com/f-words-in-linux-code-replaced-with-hugs/22:06
floridagram-bot3<KMyers> @SivaMachina, Damn that code of conduct. .22:06
floridagram-bot3<AdamOutler> What the Hugs is going on in this Hugsing place?22:50
floridagram-bot3<SivaMachina> Stupid hugsing CoC23:04
floridagram-bot3<Abrerr> So uh - That Xen trailer looks amazeballs23:27
floridagram-bot3<Abrerr> And with the godray updates to Black Mesa in December, think I'll give it a run through23:27
floridagram-bot3<Abrerr> w823:37
floridagram-bot3<Abrerr> That update already happened? amg23:37

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