
QuantosAnytime Neighbor00:39
scalrFor some reason, when I run "du -sh /home/" in my terminal, it reports that there is 134 GB of disk usage, but when I actually run it on my home directory, it reports 61 GB of usage. I am the only user on this computer, so what might be the deal?01:29
scalrIn other words, "du -sh /home" reports 134 GB, and "du -sh /scalr/" reports 61 GB.01:29
scalrI wanted to change my username on this computer, and so I have a symbolic link acting on my home directory, so is it likely du is counting my home directory twice?01:30
scalrWait... There is a hidden directory in /home/ called ".ecryptfs", and "du -sh /home/.ecryptfs" reports 73 GB, so that's probably where all the extra space is getting used, but why is this folder here?01:33
valorieit sounds like X and Plasma aren't loading at all02:41
valorieI was scrolled up02:42
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lordievaderGood morning08:22
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=== mkv is now known as m4v
BluesKajHi folks12:23
EquusGrevyiHello! Is here the right place to ask about disabled drivers in the latest kernel update? Or would that be #ubuntu ?17:35
acheronukEquusGrevyi: kubuntu has no control over kernel builds/decisions, so I would guess elsewhere would be better17:37
EquusGrevyiarcheronuk: Ah, my apologies :) #ubuntu is probably the place I want, I would think then.17:40
=== Quantos is now known as Grampa
=== Grampa is now known as Quantos
IrcsomeBotFernando Santos was added by: Fernando Santos19:31
=== himcesjf_ is now known as him-cesjf

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