
brainwashbluesabre: I noticed that the bug text for bug 1795135 describes one thing, but the report is now used for another thing16:49
ubottubug 1795135 in X.Org X server "XFCE window buttons are not clickable at the top of the screen" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/179513516:49
brainwashit was originally filed against Greybird16:51
brainwashand ochosi has fixed something in the panel code and greybird css16:51
brainwashhowever, this is not tracked by the report16:51
ubottubugzilla.xfce.org bug 14729 in Window Buttons "Buttons do not respond to click" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]16:55
brainwashso, I think we need a copy of that launchpad report, and adjust the text of the existing one to match the tracked bug16:58
=== MrTulias_ is now known as MrTulias
ochosibrainwash: actually it's all pretty well described in the commit: https://git.xfce.org/xfce/xfce4-panel/commit/?id=e56e86921:20
ochosibut agreed, this one also helped: https://git.xfce.org/xfce/xfce4-panel/commit/?id=52d4c333269452a03a0f1f8c527861b5cd21792d21:20
ochosiand this is the related greybird commit: https://github.com/shimmerproject/Greybird/commit/0904216995f1108f517b98432000fb70a021932d21:21
brainwashochosi: you agree that a separate report is needed? or should everything be tracked in one report?21:24
ochosithe main question for me is: what is the point of the report21:24
ochosiis it to do an SRU?21:25
ochositracking the issue itself is probably not that relevant if we don't want to SRU this, because it has been fixed already and will be gone with the 19.04 release21:25
ochosiso i don't have a strong opinion if we want to track this issue in multiple reports that are all "fix committed" or just in one umbrella-report21:26
brainwashochosi: I'll wait to see what bluesabre says about this21:34
brainwashit's his report after all :)21:35
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
bluesabreIt's something that should be SRU'd... If we ship a panel on top layout, the experience shouldn't bite22:35
ochosiit's actually only two commits, the cosmetic panel one could be omitted22:36

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