
=== TJ_Remix is now known as TJ-
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
ahasenacktjaalton: hi, around?13:26
ahasenacktjaalton: I saw that the freeipa dep8 tests errors are ignored now, in the test itself. I guess the intention is to not have it block other packages13:27
tjaaltonahasenack: yes13:27
ahasenacktjaalton: I'm working on fixing the samba+winbind startup issue, for now I'm trying to remove winbind from the test as it's not used, but I saw in catalina.out what looks like another problem:13:28
ahasenackCaused by: java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: org/mozilla/jss/ssl/SSLSocketListener has been compiled by a more recent version of the Java Runtime (class file version 55.0), this version of the Java Runtime only recognizes class file versions up to 52.013:28
ahasenackdoes that ring a bell?13:28
tjaaltonwhere's this from?13:28
ahasenacktjaalton: /var/log/pki/pki-tomcat/catalina.out13:28
tjaaltonah, you have the fresh libjss-java?13:29
ahasenacktjaalton: the test run fails like this: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/gs26bM4F8Y/13:29
tjaaltonwhich builds with jdk11 now13:29
ahasenacktjaalton: it's disco, I might13:29
ahasenackyes, that one13:29
tjaaltondogtag itself needs to be fixed, it'll take a while until new resteasy3.0 with jackson2 provider is available (just uploaded it)13:30
tjaaltonafter that dogtag 10.6.8 should be fine, and I've fixed it to build with jdk1113:30
tjaaltonnow checking resteasy 3.6.2 if it can replace src:resteasy3.0..13:31
ahasenacktjaalton: as a workaround for the samba+winbind issue, my intention was to replace the test depends on "@" to a list of packages that excludes freeipa-server-trust-ad, which is what pulls winbind in13:32
ahasenackbut I can't verify that the freeipa tests still run correctly because of the issue I pointed out above13:33
tjaaltonthe freeipa test isn't blocking samba, if that's what you're after13:33
ahasenackit is becuse samba's postinst fails when winbind is running13:33
tjaaltonoh right13:33
ahasenackit's a samba bug13:33
ahasenackhttps://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/Yc4WPKxQXd/ is what I have, that doesn't trigger the samba bug13:34
tjaaltonyeah that's fine, the ad stuff isn't used there anyway13:34
ahasenackthat installs these packages: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/8GTNNYjVnQ/13:35
ahasenackwe don't get freeipa-tests13:35
tjaaltonthat's fine13:35
tjaaltonit's purpose is somewhat unclear to me anyway :)13:36
tjaaltonupstream doesn't use it either13:36
tjaaltonso might just as well drop it, maybe13:36
ahasenacktjaalton: I'll proposed this: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/vnntfcNWwV/13:38
tjaaltonupload away13:39
ahasenackI got some comments from ab@samba.org (Alexander) on that issue, but no changes yet13:39
ahasenackthere is a lot of confusion, people see "winbind is running, this must be security = ad or = domain"13:40
dokodidrocks: MIR team meeting13:58
dokotjaalton: dogtag-pki autopkg tests timing out on amd64, triggered by openjdk-8. could you have a look?14:55
tjaaltondoko: it's WIP, migrating to jdk1114:55
tjaaltonjss migrated, that's causing the timeout14:55
ddstreetxnox for systemd uploads, do you prefer to check patches into your ubuntu-core-dev systemd repo before a systemd patched pkg is uploaded to the queue?  or do you keep the systemd git up to date after the systemd pkg is sent to -updates?14:56
ddstreetalso thnx for updating disco for the systemd dns bug14:56
xnoxddstreet, by the time it lands -updates, it's useless, as sru team need access to git repository to review the diff before accepting from unaprooved.14:57
xnoxddstreet, i'm not sure what your actual question is, but i suspect is that what you really want to know is that no actions are currently needed from you.14:57
ddstreetxnox i'm asking for future systemd sru uploads, should i instead bug you (or some other core dev) to push the patch into your git before I upload the systemd sru pkg14:58
xnoxddstreet, as there is a new systemd upload in cosmic unapproved queue with your edns patch; among 6 other bugs14:58
xnoxddstreet, and bionic is currently blocked on validating snapd specific changes, thus i'm not uploading anything there.14:58
ddstreetyep thnx for that - this was a question for future systemd sru uploads14:58
xnoxddstreet, it depends.14:58
xnoxddstreet, single-patch small srus can go in, however. the larger multi-bug srus have been "hard to review" by the sru team, thus I'm trying to present/show my work in one change per git commit linear format.14:59
ddstreetah that makes sense sure14:59
xnoxddstreet, for non-urgent things, or staging things whilst there is an existing upload in proposed, git works great for that.15:00
xnoxddstreet, in general =) i'm very happy about anyone doing systemd work ;-) as long as it gets done from start to finish, and not like leave autopkgtest regressions in security uploads and the like ;-)15:01
xnox(and however they like)15:01
xnoxand i try to minimize the amount of "boring" stuff they might need to do, after the hard part of figuring out what to fix is done.15:01
ddstreetxnox much thnx for all your systemd fixing and especially for helping me (and others on my team) apply fixes :)15:03
brainwashdoko: please look into this packaging issue bug 180519715:24
ubottubug 1805197 in xfce4-settings "cannot switching keyboard layout with xfce4-keyboard-settings" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/180519715:24
brainwashdoko: comment #715:24
dijuremoHi, where would be the best place to get some help with Ubuntu 18.04 and grub problems. Seems like the grub package released with 18.04 does *not* have built-in XFS support.15:43
naccdijuremo: you want #ubuntu, afaict (support, not development)15:45
TJ-dijuremo: are your referring to the UEFI signed version?15:48
naccdijuremo: if so, it's LP: #165282215:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1652822 in grub2 (Ubuntu) "grub efi doesn't install fs module needed to access root" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/165282215:49
dijuremo#ubuntu was not helpful at all... :(15:51
dijuremoYep, so pretty much I had found that bug, but is there a workaround? I am not so knowledgeable of grub15:52
naccdijuremo: that bug lists some workarounds15:53
nacccyphermox: --^ do yo uknow?15:54
dijuremoDo note that bug was opened 2016-12-27, so nothing really has happened in a long time...15:54
dijuremoThe workarounds are *not* permanent, after any kernel install they require manual intervention15:54
naccdijuremo: i never said they were?15:55
dijuremonacc: I wanted to stick to XFS over ext4, guess this bug and stupid Dropbox are forcing me to change.15:57
naccdijuremo: i mean you can do the workaround until the bug is fixed. It looks like Debian has fixed it15:57
cyphermoxxfs is indeed not in the prebuilt grub uefi image15:59
nacccyphermox: thanks for confirming15:59
cjwatsondijuremo: When you say "nothing has happened", I fixed that bug in Debian a bit over a month ago.  Just needs merging (although of course updating a stable release requires more care)16:13
cyphermoxcjwatson: yup, will do soonish16:21
cjwatsonYep, not a nag :)16:21
nacccjwatson: cyphermox: thanks!16:21
dijuremonacc: Cannot really do the workaround to deploy hudnreds of machine and risk an update breaking them all...17:01
=== jdstrand_ is now known as jdstrand
gQuigsubuntu minimal c loud images have grown a lot in cosmic/disco (http://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/minimal/daily/disco/20181129/) - seems to be the inclusion of snap:core/snap:lxd..   is that an intentional change?17:19
rbasakfginther: ^17:20
naccdijuremo: understood17:24
ahasenackgQuigs: oldest one is http://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/minimal/daily/disco/20181129/ and shows 289M, do you know what the size was before?17:34
gQuigsahasenack: just look at bionic - http://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/minimal/daily/bionic/current/17:35
ahasenackok, so it's a comparison between distros, I thought initially it was a bump during the development cycle of disco17:37
gQuigsI think it may have happened during cosmic17:42
Odd_BlokegQuigs: rbasak: ahasenack: The increase in minimal image size is due to lxd migrating from a deb to a snap, which did indeed happen during the cosmic development cycle.17:43
gQuigscan we drop lxd from the minimal image?  it's not really minimal with it...   (report a bug here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-meta/ ?)17:57
Odd_BlokegQuigs: Please do report a bug, against the cloud-images project.18:05
Odd_BlokegQuigs: https://bugs.launchpad.net/cloud-images/+filebug18:05
gQuigswill do, ty18:13
gQuigsreported -https://bugs.launchpad.net/cloud-images/+bug/180675218:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1806752 in cloud-images "Consider not including LXD on Minimal Cloud Images" [Undecided,New]18:47
=== gurmble is now known as grumble

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