[00:01] oh shoot, if we order over 100, we can get a price break, so that would be about 52.33 across each of us [00:02] http://www.maxkeyboard.com/cherry-mx-red-keyswitch-mx1a-l1nn-soft-linear.html [00:02] i'd be down for that [00:02] yeah [00:02] @KMyers ? [00:03] I'll still continue compiling information like bill of materials and gotchas and things [00:03] feel free to contribute information [00:03] I am down [00:11] I think the custom keyboard keycaps is where joel will get happy https://techkeys.us/collections/keycap-sets [00:13] https://www.pinterest.com/nicolaspfefferl/custom-keyboard/?lp=true [00:14] ooh last linkdump promise https://www.pinterest.com/zFrontier/pbt-keysets/?lp=true [00:15] dor the cost of those keycaps, may as well just get a mechanical keyboard [00:15] hm [00:15] I guess so, but the whole point is you're building a mechanical keyboard that's ergonomic [00:16] what about 3d printing them, and then get stickers to attach to them? [00:16] xD [00:16] Oh yeah keith was interested in printing they key caps [00:17] though, not sure what the process would be to maybe laser the letters on the keycaps [00:17] would probably take forever [00:17] you could probably print them out as a sheet once we got the dimensions right [00:17] then laser it in one shot [00:17] but yeah ould take a whuile [00:17] *would take a while [00:19] we'll cross that bridge when we get there [00:56] NVIDIA Makes PhysX Open-Source - Phoronix … https://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=NVIDIA-Open-Source-PhysX [01:38] @KMyers I thought you might like to poke fun at this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8_7xGj4tKYo [01:43] "This is for developers. If you're not a developer, i recommend cutting this straight out of here and just using dex" [01:45] Wow. Cringe [02:30] Why do people STILL encrypt passwords? [03:56] holy cow [03:56] I need to rage [03:56] STOP USING LAMBDAS LIKE ITS CANDY [03:57] Link? [03:58] I like lambdas. They are optimized. [03:58] sec I'll pull it up [04:00] https://github.com/IntelRealSense/librealsense/blob/master/common/model-views.cpp#L5433 [04:00] Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong but they define a lambda, assign it to a function and use it once as a function and nothing else about 300 lines later, polluting the method with more methods [04:00] save_to_json could have easily been another method, or even a class collecting the json operations into its own namespace [04:01] but instead I'm wading through this like its alphabets oup [04:01] I could understand if maybe it was being returned like a closure but not even that, it's just me wading through noise [04:02] Wait I'm mistaken on the last part, they wrap a lambda in a lambda and pass that [04:02] I'm still angry. [04:03] I would like to say that if you have a file that's 6000 lines long that's probably a sign it could be organized better. [04:03] Like break it up and put it in a folder [04:15] This lambda is almost 100 lines long https://github.com/IntelRealSense/librealsense/blob/master/common/model-views.cpp#L5461 [04:29] Sorry for the outburst I needed to vent 😔 [04:32] I can't tell if you have strong feeling on this subject [04:33] I've just never had to deal with code that was so hard to parse and navigate, and I don't know if it's my fault or theirs. [04:33] Visual Studio is literally doing progress bars with intellisense [04:33] That never happens [04:34] I'm going between VS and emacs just to try and doubleteam it [04:35] @RazPi, ^ me looking at predecessor's scripts [04:36] hnnnnngh [05:23] I'm not really familiar with lambda in C. In java they usually are helpful. [05:23] There is no reason to make any class 5000 lines long though. [05:36] Thank you. I needed that validation 😭 [14:11] RazPi, https://dilbert.com/strip/2013-02-24 [14:12] I took over a code base once with every line in the equivalent of a try-catch block with the catch just silently ignoring. [14:50] I just found out people stopped using 2-spaces after a period a long time ago. But then I read and found out science suggests 2-spaces makes it easier to read text. Should I worry about it? [14:52] It depends on the use-case. For mono-space fonts two spaces can be beneficial. [15:07] Which is what the two-spaces was originally used for. [15:08] Variable-spaced fonts should use one space as the font should already be designed to for the correct width for readability. [15:10] But universally they are not. [15:10] The period is universally smaller than any other character or the space. [16:26] I did a test in LibreOffice Writer using Liberation Serif at 12 points. Two upper-case Ts seperated by a space are spaced exactly three pixels apart. Two upper-case Ts seperated by a period and then a space are exactly seven pixels apart, more than double. Two upper-case Ts seperated by a period and then two spaces are exactly eleven pixels apart. [16:27] The period adds four pixels of spacing, while a space is adding three pixels. [16:27] Take from that what you may. [18:42] Nowhere near the amount from 2 spaces. [18:43] Anyone yet to a BBQ or meeting in the next 2 weeks (not this Saturday but next) [18:46] I currently work Saturdays. [21:16] Or Sundays would work [21:39] My weekends currently are on Wednesday and Thursday. So I most likely will just sit this one out.