
OerHeksnvidia is just not ready for wayland00:00
BundestrojanerI just don't want to buy a new Laptop and end up with the decision between not using its full potential (IGP only) or being forced to use Windows...00:00
OerHekslatest intel igp can play youtube/dvd fine, so what power do you need more?00:01
BundestrojanerOerHeks: I want to use it sometimes for gaming at lans or when i'm visitting my parents for longer time00:02
OerHekssteam and GPU passthrough is also possible00:06
OerHeksthat means your nvidia can be used dedicated00:06
BundestrojanerOerHeks: GPU passthrough = running Linux in a VM on Windows?00:07
OerHeksthat is also possible, yes00:09
BundestrojanerOerHeks: what did you originally mean with GPU passthrough? i've only heard it in the context of using the GPU within a virtual machine00:10
pjswhat is the proper way to format a usb thumb drive using dd (or cli?).. using dd is taking an hour for a 16gb drive (bs=4k).. Is there not a better/faster way? lol00:11
Epx998cli is just using dd isnt it?00:12
pjsEpx998: Yea, just curious if there is a faster way is all. Raise the bs? Only format the first 5mb and that's good enough? etc.00:13
Epx998try fdisk and see if mkfs is any quicker00:13
pjsEpx998: Yea, not a bad idea.. thx00:16
leonardusWhen I turn off my second monitor, the windows on that second monitor don't move to the first monitor. How do I make it so that happens?00:24
Mathisenleonardus, you disable the screen also in ubuntu.. turning off just the monitor wont work00:26
leonardusHow do I make it so that just turning off the monitor moves all the windows that were previously on that monitor are moved to a monitor that's turned on00:27
L_igor__can anyone help me understand tables in iptables00:31
srulican i create a non default keyring? i want a temp keyring that does not interfere with the default one00:46
stan_man_canone of my systemd proceses is inactive saying Active: failed (Result: start-limit-hit)00:48
srulistan_man_can: which proccess?00:49
stan_man_cansruli: a new one i made for radarr00:49
srulistan_man_can: try to log the outpt and see if you can find there00:50
stan_man_cansruli: figured it out ... was using the wrong user in the service file00:52
stan_man_cansorry for the bother00:52
srulino worries00:52
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puffI'm on 16.04 LTS.  A few days ago I did a Software Update.  Somewhere in that process Ubuntu prompted me to let some apps log into my gmail account, I think maybe Empathy was one of them.   I added my password, now I keep getting google Critical Security emails every day or two about it. Where do I go to control this?01:09
puffHm, well I can see where to control it in Empathy.01:09
hyperlumicThe text of the email itself will give some needed info, here.01:10
srulipuff: depending on the message in your emails i believe in your google account you need to set to allow less secure applications to connect01:10
hyperlumicThat, yeah.01:10
puffsruli: aha.01:11
puff"Someone just used your password to try to sign in to your account from a non-Google app. Google blocked them, but you should check what happened. Review your account activity to make sure no one else has access."01:11
srulipuff: thought so, you need to find where in your google accoount you can set it to allow less secure applications to connect or disable your google account in those apps01:12
hyperlumicpuff: My recommendation, if you're not using it already, is to enable MFA for your Google account, then generate an application password specifically for Empathy to use.01:13
srulihyperlumic: didnt know you can do application specific pass.. will look into it for my pidgin01:13
puffhyperlumic: thanks.01:14
puffsruli: Thanks.01:14
hyperlumicSecurity is what I do. Glad to help.01:14
puffRight now I'm dealing with a probably unrelated problem, on my moto x4 it keeps saying "Google has stopped" and "Gmail is stopping", like every couple of seconds. This isn't likely to be related, is it?01:14
puffThis started about 4 hours ago.01:14
hyperlumicI doubt it.01:15
srulipuff: i dont think so, but close empathy for a few minutes and see if the issue persist01:15
puffhyperlumic: Programming is what I do, mostly java and python, though I do a smattering of other languages (and a fair bit of perl, but that was back in the day).01:15
hyperlumicI was a programmer for about 18 months. C, C++, x86 assembly. Rapidly grew to hate it.01:16
puffsruli: I didn't have empathy running, is it running in the background or something?01:16
hyperlumicMoved into the datacenter, then almost immediately into infosec.01:16
puffhyperlumic: I keep thinking of getting into C++ for some stuff.  Did C way, way back.01:16
sruliif we are talking about what we do, i am an expert in wasting my time01:16
hyperlumicNow, I'm a principal security consultant.01:16
puffhyperlumic: All my friends who do C++ seem to alternate between "You really should try C++, it's not that bad" and "DIE DIE DIE C++"01:16
hyperlumicMy issue with C and C++ is how easy it is to write atriciously exploitable code.01:17
hyperlumicsruli: Missed your PM.01:18
puffThere seems to be this paradox, nobody can manage to do a revised/cleaned up C++ to make it saner and safer, without *also* adding in huge issues like memory management or Go's issues, etc.  This is either a matter of human inability to resist temptation, or some fundamental design challenge that can't be (or has yet to be) overcome.01:19
puffYeesh, moto chat support is passing me to their level 2 support, who will call me "within a day".01:22
Some_PersonI have to ask... is there any alternative to Evolution for accessing corporate Outlook 365-hosted email? Corporate IT at work requires the use of MFA, and disabled the use of app passwords today. And the version of Evolution available for 16.04/xenial does not support this. I therefore lost my email and calendar notifications, which is very annoying. Don't know what to do01:25
hyperlumicNot sure I know of a solution.01:27
Some_PersonI looked into backporting a newer evolution (from 18.04/bionic), but there are too many newer dependencies01:29
Some_PersonI don't see yakkety, zesty, or artful on packages.ubuntu.com... where can I find information on the versions that were included in these releases and all of their dependencies?01:32
sruliSome_Person: maybe ubuntuupdates.org01:34
Some_Personlooking for the earliest release with evolution 2.27.91 or newer01:34
rfmSome_Person, since they're all end of life the contents files are removed, so you'd have trouble downloading them anyway01:34
geniiSome_Person: All End-Of-Life Ubuntu versions get archived to old-releases.ubuntu.org01:34
Some_Persongenii: Uhh... that redirects to a scammy site01:35
rfmSome_Person, can't imagine mixing them into a xenial system would be less trouble than upgrading xenial to bionic...01:35
hyperlumicSome_Person: Have you considered an upgrade to bionic?01:35
geniiSome_Person: Sorry, .com and not .org01:35
Some_Personrfm: I wouldn't mix the packages... looking for something I can hopefully compile that'll run on it01:35
Some_Personhyperlumic: I'm a developer and the entire team is on xenial01:35
geniiSome_Person: http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/releases/01:36
genii..is where they all go01:36
Some_Persongenii: Where are the packages in this structure?01:37
geniiSome_Person: http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/01:38
Some_PersonUgh, it's no use. Looks like bionic is the first version that had a new enough evolution :(01:42
databitsfor some reason my audio keeps going out, when I restart it works again. Anyone have any idea's ?01:42
sartanIs there a[current] image viewer that will view an image, and reload it if the file changes on disk?  I dont really want to script something01:43
sartanHm, ofund a builtin - eom01:45
OerHekslots of them, sartan https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/167808/image-viewer-with-auto-reload-on-file-change01:46
Some_PersonI guess I'll try it in a VM, and if it works, suggest that after this damn release is in the bag we all upgrade01:46
Some_Person(this would be a horrible time to do it)01:46
Some_Personuntil then... well, I guess we'll probably be missing a lot of meetings and emails01:47
godmachine81is there a easy to view tool for managing the services enabled/disabled with systemd yet?  I know there is a webmin plugin to do it. but looking for something native. Something similar to YaST's Services addon.02:09
hyperlumicwebmin is cancer.02:10
hyperlumicsystemctl list-unit-files?02:10
sabrehagenI have a headless web server running and I want to run an x server on it at startup. What is the best way to do this?02:12
hyperlumicI hope that web server isn't doing anything important?02:12
rfmsabrehagen, if its a headless server, what would the X server be doiing?  (I think it would help to know a little more about what you're trying to accomplish.)02:17
sabrehagenit will be running a graphical application over X11 forwarding02:17
sabrehagenover ssh02:18
hyperlumicIs that web server internet-facing?02:18
rfmsabrehagen, in that case you run the X server on the local machine, and the X client (graphical application) on the remote headless machine02:18
sabrehagenhyperlumic: yes02:19
sabrehagenrfm: my goal is the other way around: xserver and application running on the host, viewed remotely by ssh02:20
rfmsabrehagen, that's not the way X works, what's sent over the ssh tunnel is the X11 protocol stream, so the server has to be on one side and the client (app) on the other...02:21
sabrehagenAhh, I see. I misunderstood.02:22
hyperlumicsabrehagen: If that server is internet-facing, I would STRONGLY advise against running or installing anything on it not required to serve web content.02:24
sabrehagenrfm: Then the X server would be my local machine which is behind a NAT.02:27
hyperlumicYou're still installing additional code on the server in the form of applications that can be exploited or misused. Secondly, NAT is not a security layer.02:28
rfmsabrehagen, not a problem since the ssh tunnel end is on your system, so the connections to your local X server will be coming from the localhost.02:29
hyperlumicX forwarding is a bizarre creature. Neat, though.02:30
srulii am struggling with ssh and custom config / key file. "ssh -F /path/to/config" the config file has a path to IdentityFile but ssh ignores that config file and goes for the .ssh/config file and uses the key from there, the only way to force it is to put "IdentitiesOnly yes" in the config file but then it does not check the keyring for passphrase and asks each time, how do i get around this?02:32
OerHeks!info xvfb02:32
ubottuxvfb (source: xorg-server): Virtual Framebuffer 'fake' X server. In component universe, is optional. Version 2:1.19.6-1ubuntu4.2 (bionic), package size 815 kB, installed size 2390 kB02:32
sabrehagenrfm: what if i were to switch around and run the X server locally, and the application on the remote machine. (this is my desired setup as I have recently learned)02:32
rfmsabrehagen, yes, yes, the X server should run on the machine that has a display, the one you're sitting in front of.   The application (X client) runs where the computation needs to be done (where the data is, etc.)02:33
sabrehagenrfm: cool, I understand now :)02:34
sabrehagenas for the technical specifics, what's the best way to make my local machine available to the computation machine?02:34
rfmsabrehagen, well, if you mean "available to be a X display" ssh's X11 tunneling is about it.02:36
leonihi, is simple scan supposed to be this slow when scanning? I've tested my printer (which contains a scanner) both wireless and plugged with USB, and when I run a scan wireless, it's incredibly slow and delayed03:00
OerHekshi dpi scans surely can take more time, wireless03:01
leoniOerHeks: i do not intend to compare os here, just wanna point out that the scanner works flawlessly on windows,is it simply different here on ubuntu?03:02
leoniI mean, why is it delayed? not trying to say its bad, but it simply stops for a few seconds and then it continues, repeating the same thing until it scans the document03:04
OerHeksubuntu uses cups to transfer, that might be the culprit; a simple scan to file on disc would go faster03:05
leoniOerHeks: although i could look this up on google, would you kindly tell me what is cups? is it a "techique" for scanning? sorry im dumb03:06
leonithanks anyways03:07
OerHekscups is the printer server03:07
ubottuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NetworkPrintingWithUbuntu03:07
leoniby the way OerHeks is there a command to view all ubottu's commands?03:08
leonilike "!help"?03:08
OerHeksyes https://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi03:08
OerHeksyou can play with it in DM too03:09
leonivery well, thanks a lot OerHeks i think my problem is solved, i think i can handle the wireless speed of CUPS03:09
OerHekshave fun!03:10
leoniim pretty excited about ubuntu being my new main OS, i was doubting it because i thought it couldnt recognize my printer (which i need), but now that it's all set up i feel confident03:12
leonigood bye!03:13
xdruppiis uninstalling firefox a bad idea? i mean is it going to break my ubuntu?03:34
OerHeksxdruppi, no, you can, remove the .cache/mozilla and .mozilla folder too04:04
xdruppithanks OerHeks04:04
lotuspsychjemefistofeles: did you solve the cuda?04:24
fishcookeri tried to change priority and nicelevel using start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --chuid "$FAIL2BAN_USER" --nicelevel 13 --iosched 'idle' --exec $DAEMON but won't change the prio and nice level https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/MzgznDnn6C/04:35
fishcookerbefore and after still same04:36
kinghat"XBackBone require PHP >= 7.1, writable storage path and PDO, with installed the required extensions (ex. php-sqlite3 for SQLite, php-gd and php-json)." so just `sudo apt  install php` or `php-cli`?04:37
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MJCDkinghat, #php ;)05:15
kinghatya. i think i gots it05:15
alazylpstat -a tells me printers that are not actually connected to this computer are accepting requests. Can I get lp/cups to detect whether an installed/configured printer is really online?05:22
xibalbai'd like to forward incoming traffic from eth0 into tun0, any recommendations on the best approach to take? i've tried iptables and ufw with no luck this far. the ubuntu 18 system just sends ICMP redirects to the main LAN's gateway
xibalbaalso i have this set in sysctl.conf so i dont know why it's sending ICMP redirects, net.ipv4.conf.all.send_redirects = 005:43
xibalbaunless one of the more specific options overrides the "all" option, https://puu.sh/Cc7l8/0061ca837e.png05:48
xibalbamy commands for iptables are currently, https://puu.sh/Cc7yt/5f9f48fc8d.png05:57
xibalbaopps accidently flipped ens160 and tun0 around, https://puu.sh/Cc7Cf/8497f041d5.png06:00
lotuspsychjexibalba: check the #netfilter or ##networking channel06:04
xibalbaroger that06:04
neurreis there something to change gnome window manager colors?06:34
neurrewindow title background and text color to be specific - ubuntu 18.0406:34
lotuspsychje!themes | neurre06:54
ubottuneurre: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://freecode.com/tags/theme - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy06:54
kinghatdoes anyone know what the proper permissions should be for apache install? its root:root and thats not going to work.07:03
yelowfishhi all.my log folder says its 30gb + but upon expanding it,theres no file bigger than 1gb.im using the disk usage gui.. my apps shortcut are lost as well07:04
EriC^^kinghat: you mean the /var/www/html dir?07:05
kinghatEriC^^: ya. i dont know if /var/www needs changed as well?07:05
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yelowfishi emptied the trash as well.but still disk full..07:06
geirhayelowfish: may be the offending logfile has been removed (unlinked), but a program still has the logfile open, so the actual space used can't be freed07:07
yelowfishhmm.let me check again07:09
yelowfishwhat is the command line to open the gui of disk usage? (sorry,but all the app shortcuts went missing)07:09
yelowfish16.04 xenial07:09
EriC^^yelowfish: baobab07:10
sabrehagenI want to have a folder rsynced any time a file in it is changed. Is there a way to do something like 'rsync --watch'07:10
EriC^^kinghat: root root works07:10
geirhaAnd for a view in terminal, you can run    du -haxd1 . | sort -h07:10
geirhaoh and probably with sudo07:11
yelowfish(baobab:2758): Gtk-WARNING **: Attempting to store changes into '/home/a/.local/share/recently-used.xbel', but failed: Failed to write file '/home/a/.local/share/recently-used.xbel.WYPNTZ': write() failed: No space left on device07:12
yelowfishno files & app open except irc and disk usage.2 terminal windows07:13
yelowfishlog folder on 32gb,upon checking the contents there are no files bigger than 1gb.there is 1 file grayed out: speech dispatcher07:16
yelowfishi think i interrupted nautilus while its doing a trash empty procedure.. there is this new pie graph indicator on the toolbar saying preparing files after i press on empty trash07:17
kinghatwhat is happening if i `grep httpd`? its just a blinking cursor07:20
kinghatnot returning anything07:21
* yelowfish anybody home? knock knock07:34
geirhayelowfish: see if you can find the storage hog from the terminal, then:  cd / && sudo du -haxd1 . | sort -h    # then cd into the largest dir and run sudo du -haxd1 . | sort -h again. Rince and repeat07:42
yelowfish1 moment.07:43
pierre365hi, i'm trying to use the nvidia card on an old inspiron 7559 laptop with integrated graphics+dedicated card, on ubuntu 18.04. tried to install nvidia proprietary drivers, now startx fails. xorg.log reports the error that "module nouveau doesn't exit" - well of course i removed it. I could not find any reference to the string "nouveau" in /etc/X11 or /usr/share/X11 (grep -rn nouveau). Does anyone know07:56
pierre365why xorg still try to load nouveau drivers? how to make it stop?07:56
pierre365thanks for helping07:57
pierre365Anyone has an idea by any chance?08:01
afx_pierre365, check this https://wiki.debian.org/NvidiaGraphicsDrivers/Optimus08:06
afx_and this https://wiki.debian.org/Bumblebee pierre36508:06
pierre365afx_ did check those but doesn't explain why nouveau is being loaded by default while not configured?08:10
neurrei dont want a whole new theme, i just want to change couple of colors08:11
neurreis there a theme editor?08:11
ducasseneurre: afaik you just use a text editor, they're simply css or something08:13
neurrewhere do I find the file?08:14
ducassei'm not sure where the gnome themes live, gtk themes should be under /usr/share/themes, i think08:15
ducasseneurre: there is a #gnome channel, i would ask them for help about theme editing08:17
neurrehow do i know which window manager I am using?08:17
ducassegnome uses mutter, i think08:18
GortiZHi everybody, I have a problem with 14.04 (I know it's "old" but it's on a production system and I can't update it right now). When we ask for a shutdown it starts the shutdown process, but at some point we read messagese like: "* Starting internet superserver inetd" and it doesn't shutdown08:24
GortiZDoes anybody have a clue about why the server starts some services during a shutdown? What signal/service/broken software can cause a startup during a shutdown?08:25
GortiZIt doesn't happen always, but even few times it means that somebody has to go there and reboot manually...08:25
yelowfishis it safe to delete syslog file? 17gb08:30
hateballyelowfish: unless you need to save the logged data08:31
geirhayelowfish: yes, but I'd look into why it hasn't been logrotated08:31
GortiZyellowfish: if it's that big there should be something wrong or sending a lot of log messages on your systems08:31
GortiZgeirha: yeah.. or it's not logrotated properly08:31
yelowfishcan i look into it sometime and delete it now? i need space to make this xenial work08:33
neurrrrelooks like gnome-color-chooser interacts badly with sshfs: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/bGBXdykFpq/08:34
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=== neurrre is now known as neurre
neurreis there a way to kill process which is in uninterruptible state?08:35
afx_following this https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/202891/how-to-know-whether-wayland-or-x11-is-being-used I have two sessions: one for my user and one for gdm . The one for my user gives X11 and the one for gdm gives Wayland . So what's the deal ?08:35
yelowfishit will recreate itself after deletion right? minus the large contents08:36
yelowfishcan i delete kern.log ?08:37
yelowfishcan i delete kern.log ? its 18gb08:37
geirhaso it's the kernel that's spamming log messages?08:37
yelowfishthey are 2 : kern.log and syslog08:38
geirhamh, those log messages are probably written to both those files08:39
yelowfishim not sure if its the kernel.08:39
GortiZyellowfish: the kern.log messages are contained in the syslog08:39
yelowfishi see08:39
yelowfishthat explains they have the same size08:39
geirhanote that deleting it will not free up the space. You also have to reload the syslog service so that syslog closes the deleted file08:39
yelowfishhmm.what is the proper sequence in deletion?08:40
yelowfishis my disk usage analyzer broken? coz it doesnt show the big files08:41
geirhaanother option is to just truncate it. That avoids the need to reload the service08:41
karoshiI'm getting the following message - "Stackscript: Ubuntu 18.04 LAMP successfully installed :D" - but can't find the .html file in the usual place (var/www) - any ideas?08:41
geirhaIt might be misbehaving due to lack of space08:41
yelowfishhow to truncate?08:42
=== GortiZ1 is now known as GortiZ
geirhasudo bash -c '> /var/log/kern.log'   or   sudo truncate -s 0 /var/log/kern.log08:43
geirhabut it's just going to fill up again unless you fix the real problem08:44
geirhaconfirm that space is available again with   df -h08:45
yelowfishit created some free space08:48
geirhatail -F /var/log/kern.log    see what the kernel is complaining 17GiB about08:49
yelowfishsyslog file is still on 18gb. should i retain it?08:49
geirhaup to you. I'd at least look inside it, to get an idea of what's wrong08:51
solsTiCehi. chromium an't find my chromecast on the network. any idea why ?08:56
hateballsolsTiCe: are you connected to the same SSID?08:57
hateballsolsTiCe: there are no fw rules or such in ubuntu by default that would block it08:57
solsTiCeI am on ethernet. same netwrok. VPN disabled. ufw stopped08:58
damianso i think i'm forgetting a critical step in this. i'm trying to get my ubuntus 14.04/16.04 to remember my id_rsa passphrase, but it's not persisting through logout09:03
damiani've ran the ssh-agent, ssh-add, added IdentityFile into ~/.ssh/config .. and i'm lost09:03
yelowfishi think it went back to the old issue.i have to adjust it again..09:04
yelowfishpls confirm syslog is safe to delete09:05
danst[    0.265089] pci 0000:00:02.0: BAR 2: assigned to efifb09:08
dansthow do you get rid of these09:08
dansthow to tell efifb stop touching gpu09:08
geirhayelowfish: it's safe to delete, but you lose information about what's happened recently. You should look inside it to see what's going wrong first, else it will just happen again and again09:11
AzukawaGood morning friends!09:12
damianAzukawa! buddy!09:12
damianwhat's happening friend09:12
yelowfishgeirha, tnx a ton09:12
AzukawaAll good, still wrestling the same old screen tearing issue. Last time i tried to fix it i ended up changing my ubuntu-studio to normal ubuntu by accident!09:22
Azukawanow back after reinstall09:22
AzukawaSo friends, would you please help me with this:09:22
zzarr_hello! I'm on 18.10 and nether SUPER + TAB or ALT + TAB switches windows09:23
zzarr_I upgraded from 18.0409:23
GortiZsorry.. my connection dropped.09:24
GortiZby any chance has anybody answered my question? :(09:25
tchakatakGortiZ: what is your question ?09:25
Azukawaoh i think i got it firends, ill boot and check back on you later! thanks:)09:26
GortiZI have a problem with a 14.04 system which fails to shutdown/reboot 50% of times. When it fails I can see that it's starting services instead of shutting down09:26
GortiZunfortunately I can only see few messages at the end of the logs and they refers to inetd/nfs/openssh "starting"09:27
tchakatakcan you connect on the computer like in rescue mode ?09:28
tchakatakIf not you can try a sudo systemctl status09:28
GortiZtchakatak: sorry I don't understand... when it's in that status I can't connect via SSH to the system (I can't ping it either) it's in the shutdown/reboot process09:29
GortiZso how am I supposed to run those commands?09:30
GortiZshould I run them before sending the "sudo shutdown -P now" command?09:30
tchakatakGortiZ: no09:31
tchakatakGortiZ: send journalctl -xe09:31
tilerenderingis ubuntu 18.04 workstation only unstable in a guest virtualbox, or is it the case for hosts as well?09:31
tchakatakand study the systemd log09:31
tchakataktilerendering: you can use it wherever you want09:32
GortiZtchakatak: we are talking about 14.04... does it have "journalctl"?09:33
tchakatakGortiZ: should,09:33
GortiZok, I'm asking for it :)09:33
tchakatakif not you can cat /var/log/syslog and /var/log/boot.log09:33
tchakatakthe idea is to see what is happening09:33
tchakatakand 14.04 was the first one with systemd09:34
GortiZtchakatak... I'll send you the syslog... 14.04 is the last with upstart09:34
tchakatakGortiZ: sorry. its upstart not systemd09:35
tchakatakjust checked it09:35
GortiZthcakatak: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/QwR8JmGQQg/10:03
GortiZI have a script trying to connect to a Samba share every 5s waiting for another PC to startup. This script stays alive even after the mount and re-mount in case of "unmount"10:04
GortiZit's launched by KDE at logon, so I suppose it to be closed by KDE at logout10:04
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tchakatakGortiZ:  i take a look10:10
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tchakatakGortiZ: visibly your 'script' is lunched at startup, not a really good idea10:12
tchakatakNov 30 17:29:27 TGIV-DataProcessing kernel: [  147.891949] CIFS VFS: Error connecting to socket. Aborting operation.10:13
tchakatakyou have differents error. somes from the network10:14
tchakataksomes from cifs10:14
tchakatakbut it looklike your server is starting xorg10:14
tchakatakjust to know do you have any access to a screen connected to the server ?10:14
=== Scotty_Stumps is now known as Scotty_Trees
AzukawaHello friends, i got my ubuntu now running better than ever!10:40
Azukawaone last issue that i thought i could live with, but since i got all fixed so good lets try to fix the last one10:41
AzukawaI got presonus audiobox external soundcard and it works otherwise perfectly, exept when i start the system i need to remove the usb and put it back in order for the computer to recognize the card10:42
Azukawaany idea how to fix this issue?10:42
AkumaSarucan anyone here give me an understanding LXC/LXD in a running environment vs say ESXi?10:43
AkumaSaruI run into some hardware issues with ESXi, specifically network cards etc.  And was wondering if LXC/LXD does the same, if not better for VMs10:44
boritekhello, I have installed Tilix, and something is blocking ctrl-alt-D shortcut in ubuntu 18.0410:44
boriteki also tried to reset all shortcuts in gnome settings10:45
RovanionHow do I synchronize the system time to ntp with timedatectl?10:48
RovanionI can only find old instructions for ntpd online.10:48
Deknoshey, what is the official way to connect to an IPSEC/IKE Network with Ubuntu 18.04 Desktop?10:50
[bma]Hi - quick question - we have had a java update bork one of our legacy apps - unfortunately this was in a minor way and wasn't noticed until the snapshot was removed. Anyhow, we wanted to just downgrade the java version back down, but Ubuntu has completely removed the version we had from the repo. Any ideas why/how I can go about getting this package? it's openjdk-8-jre version 8u181-b13-0ubuntu0.16.04.110:53
cyborg101bma: Is this what you want? https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openjdk-8/8u181-b13-0ubuntu0.16.04.110:55
GortiZtchakatak: sorry... the connection is really bad.10:55
GortiZsorry... the connection is really bad10:55
GortiZtchakatak: yes I have a screen and a guy at the server, that's why I can tell you that the server shows systems "starting" at shutdown10:56
cyborg101bma: You can get the tarballs there10:56
GortiZtchakatak: https://www.picpasteplus.com/view.php?i=3pvpg4bpcpb404w4apupg4dj.jpg10:57
GortiZthat's what he sees at shutdown/reboot10:57
[bma]cyborg101: thanks - guess it's going to be a source build :?10:58
cyborg101bma: yeah I think you're gonna need to build it. There may be some place to get a deb binary, but I'm not sure.10:59
ChaserHello, how do I set hostname on Ubuntu server 18.04.1  ? I tried hostnamectl set-hostname <mynewhostname> but doesn't persist on reboot.11:04
blackflowChaser: modify /etc/hostname too  (and for static IP, lock it to IP and fqdn in /etc/hosts as well)11:06
[bma]Cheers cyborg101 - I'm so glad my job involves maintaining these legacy apps!11:06
cyborg101Chaser: If /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg exists, change 'preserve_hostname' to true11:06
cyborg101Chaser: That will preserve hostname after reboot11:07
Chaserah thank you. Let me try those11:07
Finalighthello everyone. i'm thinking of buying an intel core2 laptop for the purpose of learning linux with the ubuntu distro. would a core2 be good enough as in decent/quick for even the display environment. If this isnt the case. What would be a good one that is less then $50011:08
cyborg101bma: Cheers mate :D11:08
Chasercyborg101: changing perserve_hostname to true did it ! thanks11:09
cyborg101Chaser: Awesome :)11:09
[bma]@Finalight You may as well get a lower-end modern laptop rather than spending money on 10 year old hardware.11:10
[bma](he says whilst fighting 10 year old software)11:11
blackflowChaser: so you did it the wrong way. cloud-init shouldn't be used for persistent configuration of the system. You should really edit proper config files.11:16
Finalight[bma]; well, that was my question11:17
=== Class7_ is now known as Class7
=== GortiZ1 is now known as GortiZ
=== capella is now known as capella|away
omnomnomnomso I am trying out the latest ubuntu version from the live usb. I would like to install xorriso but apt-get complains saying11:41
omnomnomnomE: Package 'xorriso' has no installation candidate11:41
omnomnomnomhow can I rectify that_11:41
enzotibomnomnomnom, xorriso is in component universe, are you sure it is enables?11:45
omnomnomnomenzotib: i do not know, I am running the live usb11:45
omnomnomnomomnomnomnom: the installation one for 18.111:45
omnomnomnomerr enzotib11:45
omnomnomnomdo you know how I could check that?11:45
enzotibomnomnomnom, grep universe /etc/apt/sources.list11:46
omnomnomnomenzotib: nothing shows up11:47
omnomnomnomenzotib: do you know how to enable universe_11:47
enzotibomnomnomnom, you should edit the file, with admin permissions11:51
enzotibomnomnomnom, first make a backup copy, in case something should go wrong: sudo cp /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/source.list.bak11:51
enzotibomnomnomnom, next edit the file: sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list11:52
enzotibomnomnomnom, add the word "universe" at the end of lines starting with "deb"11:53
omnomnomnomthank you11:54
enzotibomnomnomnom, after saved the file, you should run: sudo apt-get update11:55
=== daniel is now known as Guest92942
=== tsglove2 is now known as tsglove
R13oseI got a freezing of the machine, then a black screen and then an xmessage saying "Could not start ksmserver. Check your installation." Then logged out and I am back in.  How do I fix this?12:26
strixdiolspci doesn't show my nvidia quadro p1000, any thoughts?12:28
strixdioand I take that back, it just doesn't have "VGA" in the description.12:28
Kingsyhm, so if I have a pakcage like this --> https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libzip <-- and it has a proposed version of 1.5.1, is it possible to add this version to apt-get without having to just download the .deb file and install it with dpkg ? so it just replaces the old version?12:29
strixdiothis laptop is strange. It's new and things aren't showing the way I'm used to on old hardware, LOL12:29
=== Richard is now known as Guest17989
NoCodeHey, how do I increase my top panel size in gnome 3, 18.04?13:03
NerdTheThirdyou can't afaik13:08
NerdTheThirdonly the side one13:08
NerdTheThirdor wait13:08
NerdTheThirdif you put the top bar down it will increase13:08
NerdTheThirdother than that i don't think it possible when it's up13:08
=== Butterfly^ is now known as Guest77235
=== luna_not_bull- is now known as luna
dijuremoIs this the best place to get some help with 18.04 and boot issues related to grub2 with EFI and /boot being XFS?13:50
InteloIs there a way to cap CPU utilization over a certain percentage for all or a specific app ie. "my cpu should not go over 70% overall or by a specific app utilization"?13:54
InteloMy postgres is taking cpu alot13:55
dijuremoIntelo: not so sure about setting percentage cpu usage, but can you use "nice" so that if other processes need the cpu then postgress allows them to use it?13:57
hateball!info cpulimit13:58
ubottucpulimit (source: cpulimit): tool for limiting the CPU usage of a process. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.5-1 (bionic), package size 16 kB, installed size 42 kB13:58
hateballIntelo: ^13:58
Intelohateball,  what about nice/renice?14:00
hateballIntelo: you can use that too, sure14:01
dijuremoAnyone here knows about grub2 problems in 18.04 with XFS?14:02
sonOfRaI'd probably go with nice; You can set niceness inside the systemd unit file. And it allows postgres to use 100% CPU if no other service currently *needs* the cpu14:02
* eelstrebor has some kind of memory issue - free memory gets less and less even though no additional programs are being executed14:03
dijuremoIt seems to me like grub2 on 18.04 lacks xfs support in the grubx64.efi binary, whereas in 16.04 it does have it.14:03
sonOfRaNote that nicing your db server is likely to also decrease performance of everything downstream of your DB14:03
Intelohateball, I have a gui task manager built in kubuntu. I can change priority there but am unable to precisely cap at 70%14:03
Kazdaxcap that ass at 100 percent :P14:07
=== [1]MrMobius is now known as MrMobius
R13ose I got a freezing of the machine, then a black screen and then an xmessage saying "Could not start ksmserver. Check your installation." Then logged out and I am back in.  How do I fix this?14:11
=== [1]MrMobius is now known as MrMobius
* eelstrebor found a solution to memory problem - clearing the memory cache gets the job done - time to create another cron job14:14
sonOfRaeelstrebor: that is not a bug, and clearing those caches is not a good idea.14:14
sonOfRacache memory is treated as "free" if an actual program wants to allocate memory and is released14:15
sonOfRaThe only thing you're doing by dropping that cache memory is make programs run slower, because they'll have to do I/O that they otherwise wouldn't have needed to do14:15
Kazdaxits like in this room people have the God complex14:18
KazdaxLu_tze arrived and we had the sonofRa14:19
Kazdaxwhat next God will appear ?14:19
lu_tzeKazdax: God became man so that man could become God14:20
leftyfblu_tze: can we help you with something?14:20
lu_tzeat the moment no, I was just responding14:21
leftyfbKazdax: can we help you with something?14:21
leftyfbThis is a support channel. If you want idle chat, please go to #ubuntu-offtopic14:22
sonOfRaeelstrebor: for example, in this output of the free command: https://gist.github.com/sonOfRa/76eb0f8b333a26217c7217c94ae34a17, I have 15G memory in total. 8.1G is used by programs, and 4.1G is currently "cached". This is files that were read that are still in memory, and should a program access them again, they will be read from memory, rather than from disk. If the "used" column approaches my 15GB mark, and there's still things under "cache", the14:22
sonOfRathings under cache will be dropped, and memory will be allocated from there.14:22
* eelstrebor says so many admin commands, so little human memory14:24
=== capella|away is now known as capella
ChryzoGood morning, how can I configure a linux service to use LDAP credentials to connect to a database (Equivalent of windows service running with domain credentials and using SSPI)14:50
XenophonFChryzo: depends on the service and the database14:55
XenophonFlet's say it's PostgreSQL14:56
XenophonFyour PostgreSQL client would authenticate to the database no differently14:56
Chryzocustom service developped with .net core and connecting to PSQL :)14:56
XenophonFit's the database config that needs to be changed to enable LDAP auth14:56
ChryzoLet's say I enable LDAP auth.14:57
XenophonFif you want something equivalent to SSPI, you'd use Kerberos and srvtab and so forth14:58
XenophonFwhich may also be possible with PostgreSQL, but I'm not sure14:59
Chryzok, thanks, that is what i wanted to know. I'll look into those technologies14:59
XenophonFI'm not sure it's worthwhile.14:59
XenophonFPostgreSQL + TLS + auth via LDAPS would be pretty solid14:59
XenophonFand either way you'd be saving a credential on the client side in the clear15:00
XenophonFbut you do you :)15:00
BluesKajHi folks15:03
ChryzoXenophonF, that is the objective, removing credential on the client side for applications15:10
pragmaticenigmaI have searched google, but can't quite find the right answer. I have a USB thumb drive that takes forever to transfer an average size file (700 MB). With Windows, it takes maybe 1 to 2 minutes at the very most. With the same my Ubuntu machine can take up to 30 minutes to transfer the same file. The drive is formated in NTFS, but I cannot figure out why it would take so long between the two environments. Anyone15:10
pragmaticenigmahave some suggestions on where to look? Google finds all the buffering questions which I'm certain is not the case here.15:10
blackflowpragmaticenigma: because NTFS on linux is done with FUSE. extra slow there.15:13
pragmaticenigmablackflow: I could see that FUSE would add some overhead, but a difference of 25 minutes seems excessive15:15
lordcirthpragmaticenigma, wikipedia says it should be fine if you have a good CPU: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NTFS-3G#Performance15:17
lordcirthWhat's your CPU usage when copying?15:17
pragmaticenigmalordcirth: I never thought to look15:18
lordcirthpragmaticenigma, https://www.tuxera.com/community/ntfs-3g-faq/#slow15:19
blackflowpragmaticenigma: the difference in X minutes is irrelevant as it scales with total file size15:20
pragmaticenigmablackflow: The transfer time is not irrelevant, it shouldn't take the exact same file a difference of 4 to 8 times longer to transfer between to different OSes, on the same hardware15:22
blackflowpragmaticenigma: another thing to note, due to so many context switches (because U in FUSE) and meltdown/spectre mitigations, all those syscalls are gonna be even slower15:22
blackflowpragmaticenigma: no I mean the number of 25 minutes is irrelevant15:22
blackflowcould be hours if you had dozens of GB15:22
pragmaticenigmablackflow: the minutes is not irrelevant to the example15:23
blackflowbut it's FUSE. you have extra context switches. it cannot be THE same time as in-kernel Windows NTFS15:23
pragmaticenigmaI'm not expecting the exact same time blackflow ... but I'm also not keen on it taking such a magnitude longer15:24
blackflowbut it does. it's always been like that15:24
blackflow(especially recently with meltre mitigtions that heavily affect syscall-heavy workloads)15:25
InteloHow to limit an app to just use one core (postgres in this case)?15:26
blackflowIntelo: cpu affinity via cgroups -- but... do you really want to?15:26
blackflow(cpu affinity a.k.a cpusets)15:27
leftyfbIntelo: http://blog.scoutapp.com/articles/2014/11/04/restricting-process-cpu-usage-using-nice-cpulimit-and-cgroups  # first result on google15:27
blackflowthat link doesn't deal with cpu affinity15:28
Inteloblackflow,  what would cgroup do?15:28
blackflowIntelo: eh?15:28
Intelowant to limit postgres not to use more than 70% cpu15:29
Inteloleftyfb,  ok15:29
pragmaticenigmalordcirth: I've seen the comments about low-speed mode before, but I haven't seen anywhere on how to determine if that's the way device is mounted or how to force a change (other than one person forceably unmounting and remounting until the drive behaved)15:29
InteloHow to know the parent pID of postgres. I see many processes15:29
blackflowpostmaster is the parent15:30
lordcirthIntelo, in general, if you start htop and press 't' it shows the tree15:30
leftyfbalso, tree15:31
blackflowor ps axuf15:31
Inteloleftyfb,  blackflow  lordcirth sudo cpulimit -l 50 -p 861 but its not affecting anything. My cpu is still 95%+ used15:35
blackflowthat's not how it works. the limit is relative to total number of processes waiting in queue15:37
lordcirthIntelo, I think you want -m15:37
lordcirthOnly limiting the parent won't do much good if it's the children that are working15:37
blackflowthough initially you asked about affinity (limiting a process to a single core), now you're doing limits. what do you actually need to do?15:37
blackflowand to add to what lordcirth just said, you need a cgroup limit, not PID, so then all the procs in the group would be limited in total.15:38
Intelolordcirth, V15:38
Intelosudo cpulimit -ml 50 -p 86115:38
Inteloblackflow,  need postgress not to cross 70% cpu utilization15:39
blackflowcpu% is a bit of a.... vague thing.   Take a look at this, and limit the entire service using proper kernel facilities via systemd units:  https://www.freedesktop.org/software/systemd/man/systemd.resource-control.html15:40
blackflowideally you want to set up shares, and relative shares between process (groups). limiting just one process to a vague % that's not even a real metric, is pointless.15:41
InteloI added sudo cgset -r cpu.shares=512 cpulimited15:42
naccalso, read the manpage, `cpulimit` seems super out of date. HZ=100 assumption?15:42
InteloHow to add postgres PID parent 861 to it?15:42
Inteloblackflow, ^15:42
blackflowIntelo: don't. use the systemd resource control facility I linked above15:42
naccIntelo: navigate to the cgroup and echo the pid in?15:42
naccIntelo: or do what blackflow is suggesting, which is far saner15:43
Intelonacc, didnt go you15:43
blackflowIntelo: also note that setting shares to ONE process or group is pointless, because they're all relative to each other15:43
Inteloblackflow,  following  http://blog.scoutapp.com/articles/2014/11/04/restricting-process-cpu-usage-using-nice-cpulimit-and-cgroups15:43
blackflowIntelo: which is a rather old document. these days systemd APIs do that.15:44
blackflowif anything your cpulimit is not persistent across reboots. systemd units' resource limits are.15:44
piercedwateryall niggas need to mour15:46
Inteloblackflow,  nacc  what exactly to use? renice, cgroup, systemd? Can you paste a command to limit PID 861 to 50% or cap it not to use more than 70% of cpu?15:47
leftyfbpiercedwater: can we help you with something?15:48
piercedwaterleftyfb, you can shut up all these inconsiderate fucks15:48
blackflowIntelo: did you even read a word of what I said?15:48
leftyfbpiercedwater: this is a support channel. Please stay on topic15:48
InteloI did15:48
Inteloblackflow,  iam confused15:49
blackflowIntelo: then why are you pursuing that vague metric that's not really applicable?15:49
naccIntelo: also, rather than starting with an implementation detail, can you perhaps explain what you are seeing that is leading you down this path?15:49
blackflowI think there's an XY problem going on here. How about you explain what problem you have (not the solution you think would be)15:49
naccblackflow: +1 :)15:50
Intelohow can I add pid 861 to the cgroup I created sudo cgset -r cpu.shares=512 cpulimited15:50
Intelonacc,  as I said many times, my cpu is taken near 100%  by postgres. I want to somehow limit/cap it to 70%15:50
Inteloidle or not idle15:51
InteloI cannot run my laptop with this constant computation15:51
blackflowIntelo:  and as _I_ said many times, that metric of cpu% is not what you think it is.15:51
lordcirthIntelo, why is postgres using so much?15:51
Inteloblackflow, what to do then15:52
naccIntelo: uh, that's the first time I can see in grep for your nick and 100%, so no, not many times. Also, the point is to figure out *why* your pg is taking so much cpu.15:52
Intelolordcirth,  I nicely asked it15:52
blackflowIntelo: first look at the process state. Is it D?15:52
naccIntelo: if your pg is busy doing actual work, then limiting it will slow that work15:52
Intelonacc, ^15:52
Intelomostly R , few S15:53
blackflowio activity counts into cpu% (one of many reasons why its' a vague and meaningful metric per se), so if you have a slow disk there and the db is waiting on io, that's your primary problem to solve15:53
Intelosamsung SSD altest model15:54
naccIntelo: are you trying to run a heavy db workload on your laptop while using it actively?15:54
blackflowso have a look at what postgres is really doing, as in most use cases it is NOT cpu-intensive (unless you're doing very complex queries with indexes and sorts)15:54
Intelonacc, yes15:54
Inteloits doing big io and computation. My point is, is there a way to limit it?15:55
naccIntelo: that seems like a mistake then.15:55
naccIntelo: you can't expect your system to be super responsive to interactive usage while doing heavy db work "in the background", imo15:55
Intelonacc,  I programmed the app. Its intentional..15:55
naccIntelo: ok, so it's intentional that you can't use your laptop interactively. ENOBUG?15:56
Intelonacc, ... thats why I want to limit postgres15:56
blackflowIntelo: you can set CPUQuota in the postgres service unit file, say to 50% and see what changed15:56
naccIntelo: use the systemd parameters that are specifically for doing this, then15:56
Intelonacc,  its not about just using interactively. its about not blowing your laptop if constant 100% cpu is used15:56
Inteloblackflow,  how to do that15:56
Intelonacc,  command for systemd?15:57
naccIntelo: 'blowing your laptop'? What does that mean.15:57
naccIntelo: blackflow has given it a few times, or you could read about systemd in the manpges15:57
Intelonacc,  constanct 100% cpu for laptop = heatup issues, blowing15:57
blackflowIntelo: run systemctl edit postgresql@10-main.service    (I am assuming Bionic and postgres 10).  That will put you into edit mode for unit override under /etc/systemd/...15:57
Intelowearing fast15:57
pragmaticenigmaIntelo: First issue I see is running a database on a laptop. The assumption is that you power down that machine regularly. All databases do regular maintance, build indexes and other function when there is minimal requests coming in for other actions. When you power down your system, postgre has to catch up with all those tasks it missed.15:58
InteloCan AnYoNe suggest a command/way15:58
blackflowIntelo: you really only need to add CPUQuota entry under [Service] iirc15:58
Intelopragmaticenigma,  agreed15:59
Intelobabilen,  ok how exactly15:59
blackflowpragmaticenigma: yeah no quite for postgres15:59
pragmaticenigmaIntelo: Second issue, artificually limiting the resources isn't going to resolve your problem. You should be using the tools in Postgre to see what queries and operations it is performing to make the assessment on what is causing postgre to chew up resources.15:59
Intelopragmaticenigma,  I am chewing it.15:59
pragmaticenigmaWith that assessment, you can see that there may be features within postgre may not be needed and you can turn them off16:00
lordcirthWhat are you using postgres for, anyway?  Also, you could perhaps reduce overhead by reducing how many workers it spawns, or something like that16:00
* Intelo thanks all but gives up; at lease for the moment. This is going in circle, Intelo needs a command16:00
blackflowIntelo: I gave you16:01
lordcirthAlternatively, run the whole thing in an lxc container with resource limits - but that might add enough overhead to be pointless.16:01
leftyfbIntelo: As mentioned, I would focus on limit the work your DB is doing using the tools available in the DB solution as opposed to limit it trying to do what you told it to do after the fact. Tell it to do less.16:01
blackflowyeah why LXC when you already have cgroups set by systemd......16:01
Inteloblackflow,  exact16:02
leftyfbIntelo: tell you DB to do less work. Give it work in small batches, or optimize the DB, or run it when you're not using the laptop16:02
blackflowIntelo: exact yes. you have to override a systemd unit. overrides, aka "drop-ins" go under /etc/systemd/...   The best to create one is "systemctl edit <unit file>"16:02
naccIntelo: did you try the systemd changes?16:02
leftyfbAlso, don't do this sort of thing on a laptop16:02
blackflowIntelo: but.... I'm only givign you exactly what you asked for even though its WRONG. Do as everyone else is recommending, me included, find out what the DB is doing and start with that.16:03
pragmaticenigmaIntelo: what it appears to me, more than anything, is that postgre needs some tuning for you usage case. If you are using it as a development environment for your applications, you can tune it to such a role that will help16:04
pragmaticenigmaYou won't have performance issues, and postgre will "behave" for what it is being used for. Assistance can be found for such tuning in the PostGre support forums.16:05
blackflowpostgres is not as mysql. tunning is most often not needed16:05
pragmaticenigmablackflow: I'm aware, however, it's clear this isn't a "production" type need, which means they might not need all the bells and whistles turned on16:05
blackflowpragmaticenigma: there arent' any16:05
blackflowand the whole point here is taht CPU limits are red herrings. if something really needs limiting from outside of postgres itself, it's the IO, *not* the CPU16:06
pragmaticenigmai respectfully disagree with your assessment of tuning, https://www.postgresql.org/docs/10/kernel-resources.html16:07
blackflowbut if you ask me.... add moar RAM and make sure the workloads fit in it. that's always been like the ultimate thing to do when you need to speed up or improve the performance of postgres.16:07
blackflowpragmaticenigma: well I never said there aren't tuning parameters. only that it's not like mysql where you have a megaton of them and can't do much without carefuly adjusting them16:09
blackflowbut..... again..... it's pointless to talk about tuning when it's not clear what the DB is doing. cpu% of a single process means nothing.16:10
sentimenthow can I reinstall nautilus and all its dependency tree in one go?16:12
calamariif I get to the grub menu from the ubuntu live installer, can I assume that I made it past the UEFI step?16:13
naccsentiment: `sudo apt-get install --reinstal nautilus` ?16:13
sentimentsince I upgraded to 18.4, nautilus and banshee and rhythmbox have been completely riuned16:13
pragmaticenigmanacc: I think you missed an "l" on reinstall?16:13
naccpragmaticenigma: ack, sorry16:14
sentimentnacc: that doen't reinstall the whole tree16:14
calamarithat won't reinstall dependencies16:14
sentimentthat is what I am looking for16:14
naccsentiment: sorry,, you're right. Nothing will16:14
naccsentiment: you can write your own wrapper to do it, probably16:14
pragmaticenigmasentiment: the problem is when you attempt to remove nautilus, it's going to take the entire Gnome desktop with it16:15
nacccalamari: UEFI step of ... the install?16:15
sentimentwell I wish I had the time and energy for that, and also the knowledge. I am not proficient with bash16:15
calamarinacc: sorry I'm probably wording this terribly. I'm unsure whther this computer has one of those funky 32-bit EFI's16:15
CarlFKhow do I remove syslinux* ( like -common, -efi and anything else)  * gets me:   The following packages will be REMOVED:   syslinux*   ... 1 to remove -16:16
sentimentpragmaticenigma: I tried and it didn't16:16
calamarinacc: since I got to grub, I'm hoping that means it's not an issue16:16
nacccalamari: well, there are two uefi interactions here, one is the live boot itself, the second is hte install of the bootloader. I couldn't tell which one you meant16:16
Intelopragmaticenigma,  if a pg server does a lot of io/computation: only this does not means it needs tuning.16:16
calamarinacc: the live boot itself16:16
sentimentthis has been bugging me since 4 days ago and it's freakin ridiculous that dpkg doesn't report problems and yet some programs are obviously failing to work correctly.16:17
sentimente.g the whole GStreamer pack has some issues16:17
sentimentand I reinstalled everything related to no avail16:17
sentimentI wonder what goddamn package is at fault here16:18
sentimentsame with nautilus16:18
TJ-sentiment: have you installed any software that isn't from the Ubuntu archives? Any PPAs?16:18
calamarisentiment: one challenge is that a package might be installed because it's recommended or suggested, but is not strictly a dependency16:18
pragmaticenigmaIntelo: Without the use case of what you are doing with postgre (especially on a laptop) and what operations you are running... we're in the dark and can only suggest high-level attempts to help. At this point you are best to seek assistance from the PostGre community. They will have better resources available to help determine a better solution for your situation16:18
naccsentiment: how did you upgrade?16:18
sentimentcalamari: right :/16:19
naccsentiment: dpkg doesn't know what "correctly" is. It is ridiculous that you think it should report problems when all it understands is packages, IMO :)16:19
sentimentTJ-: I did before the upgrade. One microsoft , one Opera and... I need to check what else but I think that was it16:19
sentimentnacc: that upgrade command16:20
TJ-sentiment: and how precisely are these programs "ruined" ?16:20
naccCarlFK: can you use a pastebin and show the exact command and ouptut? Use -s to apt-get16:20
Intelopragmaticenigma,  I see my question is not about "help me tune an app" but about "how to limit cpu usage of an app". Dont expect me to tell all the details, architecture, db schema if in this case my app is postgres. This can be any app. any senario. Wish is to limit cpu utilization for that app/daemon/proces16:20
naccsentiment: what "upgrade command"?16:20
sentimentnacc: I still think it's ridiculous that it doesn't understand conflicts16:20
sentimentobviously there are some conflicts here16:20
TJ-sentiment: until you show us exact commands and the errors reported we can't really help much16:21
naccsentiment: it understands package conflicts. That's all it understands.16:21
naccsentiment: it's not obvious to me there are "conflicts here", as we don't know the precise behavior you are seeing, what errors you get, if any, etc.16:22
CarlFKnacc: derp, seems I didn't type * on my apt command.  now I get  3 to remove (what I expected)16:22
naccCarlFK: :)16:22
pragmaticenigmaIntelo: And as you were told, that isn't going to solve anything. Because the next question you are going to come here with is why is it taking forever to run my query on postgre16:22
Intelopragmaticenigma, I will not16:22
sentimentnacc: the do upgrade command16:23
naccsentiment: did it emit any errors? i think it is logged as well16:24
sentimentdo release command16:25
hggdhsentiment: do-release-upgrade?16:25
calamarisentiment: this command should reinstall all packages on your system. please don't run it until someone double-checks it for safety: sudo apt-get --reinstall install $(dpkg-query -f '${binary:Package}\n' -W | tr '\n' ' ')16:27
sentimenthggdh: yes16:29
sentimentnacc: it did16:29
sentimentcalamari: thx, does it reinstall just one tree or everything?16:29
naccsentiment: it did emit errors?16:29
sentimentyes, in fact i had to re run the command16:30
calamarisentiment: it builds a list of all packages, uses tr to put them all on one line, then runs apt-get --reinstall install against that huge list of packages16:30
naccsentiment: ... well that's not exactly gret16:30
naccsentiment: so an unsuccessful release upgrade can lead to serious breakage16:30
sentimentwell yeah16:31
TJ-calamari: the problem is not of re-installing, it is that the do-release-upgrade broke between releases, so there may be previous-release packages mixed with new-release packages16:31
calamarisentiment: I'd say try to understand the upgrade breakage before trying my command16:31
sentimentwhat kind of breakag is this though?16:31
calamariTJ-: beat me to it :)16:31
TJ-sentiment: you need to show us the report from do-release-upgrade, or anything else reporting errors, in a pastebin16:32
sentimentTJ-: previous release?16:32
sentimentTJ-: OK :)16:32
sentimentwhat do you mean by previoius release?16:33
naccsentiment: after a failed release upgrade you have a mix of 16.04 an 18.04 packages16:34
sentimentI re ran the cmd right after the first time16:34
TJ-sentiment: you used "do-release-upgrade" that implies there was a release upgrade from, say, 16.04 to 18.0416:34
TJ-sentiment: did it report any errors on the second run?16:34
sentimentI think yes16:35
sentimentI will paste it16:35
TJ-sentiment: what does this report? "sudo apt -f install |& nc termbin.com 9999"16:35
TJ-hmmm, I think that isn't a valid option for apt; *thinks hard*16:37
TJ-oh, it does :D16:38
hggdhTJ-: apt is getting better in passing parameters :-)16:38
TJ-hggdh: yes but it still catches me out when I'm surfing releases16:39
calamariTJ-: what is '|&'? does that only pipe/run the second command if the first command succeeds?16:40
TJ-calamari: it pipes both stdeer (&) and stdout (|)16:41
calamariTJ-: cool!16:41
TJ-calamari: otherwise it is embarrassingly easy to miss the vital data you intend to capture!16:41
calamariTJ-: I was always doing 2>&1's and such16:41
lordcirthMe too, that's a good thing to know16:43
TJ-it doesn't work for sh/dash, but does with bash16:44
leftyfbI love learning new things every day :)16:45
calamariyeah I figured as much16:45
leftyfbI just learned about "until" yesterday16:45
calamaribut still useful16:45
TJ-I rather like the 'timeout' command16:47
lordcirthtimeout is *very* handy16:48
calamari(ubuntu live usb) removing quiet splash and adding nomodeset still gives a black screen (no kernel output) right after grub, with no USB activity, so I'm assuming that means it's a hang very early in the kernel. any suggestions on what to try next? Intel cpu/graphics16:58
sentimentTJ-: 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.17:00
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Some_PersonHow can I revert all packages from a certain PPA to their official versions?17:16
lotuspsychje!ppapurge | Some_Person17:16
ubottuSome_Person: To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html17:16
Some_PersonUhh.. it didn't seem to work17:18
Some_PersonDidn't seem to do anything at all17:18
srulilotuspsychje: thunderbird doing it again, not showing new message counter17:21
Some_PersonNot sure what to do?17:22
naccSome_Person: `apt-cache policy gvfs` ?17:24
Some_Personnacc: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/hCcTQqzdMs/17:24
naccSome_Person: is it possible you had the ppa added twice?17:25
naccSome_Person: try purging the same again, as it indicates it's still enabled17:25
Some_Personnacc: I just ran it 3 more times... no difference17:25
lotuspsychjesruli: did you try sending an email to yourself, then restart thunderbird?17:26
Some_PersonI think it's unlikely to have been added 4 times17:26
srulilotuspsychje: yes, works for the first ~hour after restarting and then stops17:27
leftyfbSome_Person: sudo grep -R martin-salbaba /etc/apt/17:27
lotuspsychjesruli: you leave thunder bird open, or closed?17:27
Some_Personleftyfb: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/jVjhPRq8Fd/17:28
srulilotuspsychje: in general? not sure i understand yuor question17:29
lotuspsychjesruli: you leave thunderbird open launched, or keep it closed17:29
srulilotuspsychje: in general i never close thunderbird, for testign purposes now i restarted it17:30
leftyfbSome_Person: sudo rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/martin-salbaba-ubuntu-ppa_libimobiledevice-xenial.list* && sudo apt update ; sudo apt install gvfs=1.28.2-1ubuntu1~16.04.17:30
lotuspsychjesruli: ok good, so can you reproduce the email count error if its closed or open?17:31
srulilotuspsychje: when its closed it never shows the counter on the icon.. only when running17:31
lotuspsychjesruli: allright17:32
srulilotuspsychje: my issue is that it does not work when open (after running for more than an ~hour)17:32
lotuspsychjesruli: consider creating a new !bug for it17:32
lotuspsychjesruli: perhaps also launch thunderbird from terminal, maybe after an hour you get errors?17:33
srulilotuspsychje: will try17:33
Some_Personleftyfb: E: Version '1.28.2-1ubuntu1~16.04' for 'gvfs' was not found17:34
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nacc~16.04.2 i believe, Some_Person17:35
naccSome_Person: sorry, i was on the phone for a bit17:35
naccSome_Person: you'll need to specify it for each of the packages listed with that version17:37
naccSome_Person: all one line17:37
Some_PersonI want to revert every single package I have installed from that PPA17:37
naccSome_Person: yes, that's what I just said.17:37
Some_Personso I need to manually check each one? That kind of sucks17:37
naccSome_Person: check? no, just add them to the list to apt-get17:38
Some_Personnacc: I mean, check each one for the version to specify17:38
naccSome_Person: it just told you17:38
naccSome_Person: you need to resolve the dependencies for apt, because you're downgrading17:38
lotuspsychjesruli: related: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/thunderbird/+bug/172611617:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1726116 in thunderbird (Ubuntu) "Thunderbird "unread email" counter doesn't always update when unread emails are opened" [Medium,Confirmed]17:38
Some_Personnacc: That's not every package from the PPA17:38
Some_PersonI guess I'll go through them all with apt-cache policy17:39
srulilotuspsychje: that bug refers to thunderbird not removing opened emails from the counter, not sure how much its related, in any case there is no solution there adn if i understand correctly that bug is for unity17:41
lotuspsychjesruli: if you feel its not related, create a new one17:42
lotuspsychjesruli: feel free to add the url to us afterwards17:42
naccSome_Person: iirc, there's a way to grep it out; TJ- --^ do you recall?17:43
Some_PersonIt's okay. I just finished doing it manually. Thanks17:43
TJ-nacc: sorry, not been paying attention? grep what from where?17:49
Some_PersonI've noticed in my repository list that the entry for slack is tracking "jessie"... that seems odd18:00
lotuspsychjeSome_Person: keep in mind we dont support external ppa's here, we strongly advice to cleanup your whole system of ppa's back to vanilla18:01
Some_Personlotuspsychje: I've basically just removed all the unnecessary ones18:01
lotuspsychjeSome_Person: maybe share your sources.list, we can have a look?18:02
Some_PersonEverything else is either software that doesn't exist in the official repos or software that was added in a later version of ubuntu18:02
TJ-nacc: Some_Person  apt-cache policy '*' | awk  '/^[^ ]*:/{PKG=$0; IN=1} /Installed: \(none\)/{IN=0} /http.*\/\/ppa/ && IN==1{print PKG, IN, $0}'18:03
naccTJ-: thanks :)18:06
Some_Personslack isn't from a PPA, it's from upstream's official thing. Pretty sure I manually installed their deb package and it set it up18:07
naccSome_Person: slack is also a snap, which is the recommended way to install it on ubuntu now, i believe18:07
Some_PersonWhat is a "snap"?18:07
nacc!snap | Some_Person18:08
ubottuSome_Person: Snaps are containerised software packages similar to flatpaks or appimage. For more info, see https://snapcraft.io18:08
Some_Personhttps://paste.ubuntu.com/p/HjD52Wh3TS/ -- the result of that command btw18:09
TJ-geee, it works!! :D18:09
Some_PersonI've always preferred to have apt manage everything I have installed18:10
Some_PersonI'm just cleaning things up right now before attempting an upgrade to 18.04 (will probably try this weekend)18:10
Some_PersonI don't even remember why I had that libimobiledevice PPA enabled18:13
Some_PersonThe remaining ones make sense though18:13
lotuspsychjeSome_Person: the most of your packages, are on the official repos18:14
Some_Personlotuspsychje: In xenial?18:14
lotuspsychje!latest | Some_Person18:14
ubottuSome_Person: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.18:14
lotuspsychjeSome_Person: you can apt-cache search packages on your own system/ubuntu version to see whats available if you want18:15
Some_Personlotuspsychje: I know HexChat is in there, but I needed a newer version18:15
Some_PersonThe other stuff basically doesn't exist in the official repos, at least not in xenial18:16
lotuspsychjeSome_Person: its your system, we cant argue about that :p18:16
lotuspsychjeSome_Person: we can only advice, to keep the system as vanilla as possible18:16
Some_Personopenfortivpn, for example, appears to have been added in bionic18:16
Some_Personlotuspsychje: And I generally do that. Honestly, I was surprised I had that libimobiledevice repo in there; I have no idea why I did that18:17
lotuspsychjeSome_Person: openfortivpn            1.3.0 is on snap18:18
eggNogCommiemy .bash_history no longer logs my commands. any idea why?18:23
eggNogCommie(been this way a few years, only care enough to ask for help now)18:23
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Some_Personlotuspsychje: The PPA I'm using for that also provides the network manager plugin and the GNOME configuration UI for that18:28
Some_Personwhich I use18:28
ryuoeggNogCommie: well, if you have multiple shells running at the same time, they'll be competing for the same history file.18:47
ryuoeggNogCommie: it could effect the contents.18:47
ryuoeggNogCommie: other ideas; the history file is symlinked to /dev/null18:47
ryuoeggNogCommie: or you lack permission to write to it.18:50
varaindemianCan I see the history of connected devices to my computer?19:15
varaindemianWith the time stamps19:15
varaindemianUSB connected devices*19:15
leftyfbvaraindemian: only to a certain point. Try: dmesg -T19:22
Some_PersonWhat's a good way to image a drive btw? I've used dd in the past, but IIRC it's pretty slow19:24
hyperlumicspecify a block size equal to the drive's cache size.19:27
hyperlumicSpeeds things up greatly.19:28
leftyfbSome_Person: take a look at fog. It's fast as hell, though a bit tricky to get working19:29
hyperlumicdd if=/dev/sdx of=img.bin bs=32M19:29
Some_PersonIn this case, the drive is a modern M.2 SSD, if that matters19:30
varaindemianleftyfb: I am interested in those from ysterday. I saw a msg in my  Gnome notifications that there was a device connected to this laptop. But I cleared instantly..19:33
leftyfbvaraindemian: unlikely you'll see anything from yesterday. But it's easy to check19:34
varaindemianleftyfb: How?19:37
leftyfbvaraindemian: I already told you19:37
varaindemianI checked...19:37
varaindemianNothing from yesterdat19:37
varaindemianIsn't there a log?19:37
gpI just hit an issue rebuilding with an updated ubuntu 14.04 base image. It no longer includes deb-src in sources list.  Is there any quick fix for adding those automatically?19:39
gpIs there any installable package that automatically adds dec-src to sources list or will I have to script it?19:42
pragmaticenigmavaraindemian: There isn't an explicate log that would identify when devices are added and/or removed. dmesg is usually the location such events appear and the command lefty provided would offer up the information if it is still available.19:43
pragmaticenigmagp: what do you mean by "rebuilding with an updated ubuntu 14.04 base image"19:44
leftyfbgp: why are you reinstalling with 14.04?19:44
leftyfb14.04 will be EOL in less than 5 months19:45
gpI copied that from docker chat. The base ubuntu docker image isn't including deb-src in sources list for some reason19:45
leftyfbgp: try #docker?19:45
gpWell I need to fix it in my local image. I was hoping not to have to script it myself19:46
gpNo response in docker and there is already a github issue on the repo19:46
gpFigured someone else has encountered this and may have been able to say yeah use this package19:46
pragmaticenigmagp: this wouldn't be the place for that. IRC support takes time and patience. If you haven't waited 24 hours since you posted something in a channel, with some reasonable repeats, then you haven't waited long enough19:48
gpUbuntu chat isn't the place for asking for a package recommendation? My bad...19:49
pragmaticenigmamany of the channels are run by volunteers. It's best to stick to the room that matches your topic (#docker in this case) and wait it out. Also, you mentioned there is an issue on the project's page, which means someone is aware of it in that group. best to keep things in one place19:49
gpI am not trying to fix it in the upstram. I updated the issue to let them know. I am trying to script a fix in my local applciation that runs on Ubunut. It isn't docker specific. But thanks for your help. I'll go my own way19:50
afx_Hello is there a way man can do this on Linux https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Arn8ExQ2Gjg  ?19:53
pawshow can i can resize all *.jpg in a specific directory keeping the same name? i tried, "mogrify -resize 50% *.jpg" but that adds ~ at the end... ex 0123.jpg~19:55
leftyfbpaws: man mogrify19:57
leftyfbpaws: hint: look for "filename"19:57
calamaripretty sure that my installation problem earlier was caused by Secure Boot being enabled in the BIOS. I disabled it in order to try Debian, and it booted that20:15
Katronixhi all, for some reason my system all of a sudden stopped accepting the wifi card built into my system. the installer sees it just fine. lspci sees it as a 06:00.0 Network controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8822BE 802.11a/b/g/n/ac WiFi adapter, any help greatly appreciated!20:21
kuz3i think i got hacked by a hindy bredon on fb20:28
leftyfbkuz3: This is a support channel. Trolling is offtopic.20:29
Katronixanyone able to offer any suggestions? Only other way this computer can access the net is via cat-5 cable and I don't have one that long :(20:34
blackflowKatronix: "all of a sudden". was there a (kernel) update?20:36
S3xyL1nuxhow to make show application botton less delay20:37
ranticAnyone here using Ubuntu on a Dell XPS 13 by chance? I'm having a terrible time with display scaling in Gnome on Ubuntu 18.0420:37
rantic100% is too small and 200% is massive, I don't seem to have any options like 150% etc ... and just modifying the font scaling only fixes half the problem20:38
Katronixblackflow: there could have been, I did do a re-install of Ubuntu and it did an update right away and I think that killed the network then too20:39
hggdhrantic: Gnome does not, currently, accepts any middle-values for scaling. I have the same problem (but on a different manufacturer).20:41
S3xyL1nuxrantic telinit 3 then apt remove gnome which will uninstall the gnome which came with ubuntu then reinstall gnome again by apt install which will install the native gnome ,,,, this should fix it ,,,u will lose some application in your favorite where u suppose to fix it manually or reinstall them again20:41
hggdhrantic: what I did was lower the resolution to 2560x1440...20:41
hggdhS3xyL1nux: huh?20:42
S3xyL1nuxjust trolling20:42
hggdhS3xyL1nux: I strongly suggest you to NOT troll anymore.20:42
eggNogCommiethanx ryuo . i doubt it's any of those. i mean, i DO use multiple shells, but i know what that behavior (used to) cause: the most recently closed shell writes out first, regardless of the time i issued a particular command20:45
Katronixbefore doing an update, is there a way to capture how my network card is working? so I can resume it to that state?20:47
ikoniaKatronix: why do you think the state will change20:47
Katronixikonia because right now if i boot off my hard drive into linux, the gui insists I don't have a wifi nic20:48
Katronixikonia: however if I do a lspci it still shows it20:48
ikoniaKatronix: so your card isn't working20:48
hggdheggNogCommie: make sure you are issueing "20:49
hggdhshopt -s histappend" in your .bashrc20:49
Katronixikonia: correct, however under the "install linux usb stick" it does, and before the first update it does20:49
bpromptKatronix:  maybe is just the GUI not the wifi adapter itself, the one that's not working20:49
ikoniaKatronix: so you need to look at why it's not working rather than just try to stop updates20:50
Katronixikonia, any suggestions? :)20:50
Katronixbprompt: could be20:50
ikoniaKatronix: debug it - ask for help debugging it20:50
ikonialspci has nothing to do with it working or not20:50
S3xyL1nuxhow to make show application botton less delay20:51
ikoniait just detects PCI-ID's of cards that in your machine and references them against a database20:51
bpromptKatronix:   the updates might have updated something it "was hooking to" to pick up the network activity, and without the hook it it gets thrown off20:51
Katronixokay well right now I'm in the install linux usb stick, anything I can do currently (while its working) that will help?20:51
ikoniaKatronix: identifying what card it is, and what kernel module it's using would be a good start20:51
S3xyL1nuxsomeone answer my question or i shoot every single body20:53
Fuchshello S3xyL1nux20:53
Katronixikonia, bprompt here is what lspci -v shows: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/2CdzxkqBS7/20:53
ikoniaKatronix: so make a note of the card type and the kernel module it's using20:54
bpromptKatronix:   hmmm I'm inclined to think is the GUI at fault20:55
bpromptI mean, is not unusual20:55
Katronixhow do I tell it to start loading it when I reboot?20:55
ikoniastart loading what ?20:56
Katronixdon't I have to tell the driver to start loading? I'm thinking its not because web browsers tell me there's no internet20:56
ikoniaKatronix: do you know the drivers not loading ?20:56
Katronixikonia it hadn't occurred to me to check with -v before20:59
ikoniaKatronix: you need to understand the problem before focussing on how to fix it20:59
Katronixikonia: okay so lets say I reboot and lspci -v shows its not loading anything, can I tell it to load the driver?21:00
ikoniaKatronix: lets not say that21:00
ikoniaKatronix: lets find out what the problem is and address it21:00
Katronixikonia okay what would be the next step? I'd prefer not to have to constantly reboot to get the next direction :)21:01
ikoniaKatronix: the next step is to boot into the broken mode make notes and come back with fact21:01
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katronixhi all, brought up my laptop to help with my desktop issue21:15
katronixcan anyone here help me with my nic issue?21:29
katronixduring normal run time my desktop doesn't use the wifi, but during install it does21:31
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katronixanyone able to help?21:45
S3xyL1nuxWhen I unplug my ipad from usb the plug it back it doesn't charge unless i reboot ubuntu again .... plz pl21:46
S3xyL1nuxHow to plz plz21:46
OerHekscall 0800-apple?21:47
OerHeksubuntu on an ipad, new to me21:48
S3xyL1nuxI am from iran I can't call usa21:48
OerHekswait, you are *charging* your ipad through an ubuntu machine?21:51
OerHeks.. what happens if you use a different port, when you plugin again?21:52
S3xyL1nuxIts works once in each port21:53
naccS3xyL1nux: are there any messages/errors in `dmesg` when you unplug and plug21:53
setremy old laptop becomes with ubuntu becomes unresponsive when compiling haskell with stack/ghc. is there anything I can do to remedy this?22:19
setreunresponsive as in even the mouse pointer gets extremely laggy22:20
xamithanDepends why it is unresponsive.  If its using too much CPU lower the nice setting,  if its using too much IO you just wait22:21
TechSmurfIs there a way to download a set of recursive dependencies based on a given package to a specified directory?23:24
TechSmurfI need to load a package on an airgapped system.23:24
TJ-!info apt-offline | TechSmurf23:25
ubottuTechSmurf: apt-offline (source: apt-offline): offline APT package manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.8.1 (bionic), package size 45 kB, installed size 223 kB23:25
TechSmurfsweet. thanks23:25
OerHeksi wonder what happens when you get the snap package23:32
TechSmurfOerHeks: ?23:39
OerHekssome packages in bionic and on, are snaps, like gnome-calculator23:39
TechSmurfNot so much a worry with xenial, fortunately23:40
Platonideswhy would the calculator need to be in a snap?23:40
* TechSmurf sets up a vm with a basic offline install to test deps against, so he doesn't have to drive back and forth 20 minutes each way figuring this out23:42
TechSmurfI suppose I could really cheat... just install the package and copy all the downloaded debs to a usb stick.. call it a day..23:44
Krematorfolks, the "pgpgpg"package in repos (16.04) is a version of GPG, PGP or OpenPGP ??23:47
TechSmurfIt's a wrapper for using gpg in programs designed for pgp23:49
KrematorTechSmurf, the thing is then, i cannot install gpg by itself, it is not in the repos23:50
TechSmurfyeah... gnupg is the package you seek23:51
Krematorand which is the diff. between GPG and ssh keys?23:52
* TechSmurf shrugs23:52
TechSmurfpgp/gpg aren't something I've fiddled with.23:53
PlatonidesKremator: they are used for different things23:53
Krematormhmm, github and gitlab does use both for the same stuff, auth23:54
Platonidesssh keys are used for accessing remote systems23:55
Platonidespgp is used to encrypt or digitally sign messages/files23:55
sta7icI did something stupid and removed linux-firmware. however i think the package was still in the local repository and we re-installed it but now wifi  and ethernet and who knows what else isnt working23:59

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