
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
=== marcc is now known as kub
xubuntu02duhhh I don't know if this is working or not.06:10
xubuntu02dI need some assistance.06:10
diogenes_xubuntu02d, ?06:11
xubuntu02dMy little brother installed Xubntu on to my desktop years ago but doesn't remember the password he set for the user.06:12
xubuntu02dI've been trying to do a factory reset or something simuler to that cause I can't get the update for  xubuntu 18.1006:13
diogenes_xubuntu02d, i guess a re-installation is the way to go06:16
xubuntu02dI see, offtopic question.06:17
xubuntu02dIt seems like Xubuntu runs faster then Windows 10 which makes me curious if simple games like Payday 2 or Left4Dead2 would be able to run on this operating system.06:18
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu06:20
ubottuValve have officially announced that they are developing Steam and are working with !ubuntu during their development, see http://blogs.valvesoftware.com/linux/steamd-penguins/ for further details, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Valve for install instructions, you can also join #ubuntu-steam for discussion.06:20
diogenes_with steam play quite possible06:20
xubuntu02dAlright, thank you.06:26
wyseguyi liking this xfce better than osx07:04
diogenes_wyseguy, way better07:06
wyseguydiogenes_, only thing i miss is messages07:08
wyseguyany alternatives?07:09
wyseguyand time machine for backup07:09
diogenes_dejadup is good for backup07:10
diogenes_no clue about messages07:10
wyseguyability to text on the computer and have it sync on the phone07:12
xubuntu51wI installed xubuntu 18.10 from the scratch. The installation goes rather well. Unfortunately there's a irregularity with my ACER laptop keyboard. A number of keys ( accessible with key FN ) generates the FN character. The wanted  normal character cann't be typed. Those keys status are before the installation is correct ( checked during before installation) This failure occurs in Xubuntu 18.04, 18.04.1 and 18.10. Is this a known fai07:12
diogenes_wyseguy, https://www.igeeksblog.com/best-imessage-alternatives/07:13
diogenes_xubuntu51w, what characters it doesn't type?07:16
wyseguyxubuntu51w, menu, settings, keyboard, layout, keyboard model07:24
xubuntu51wthe characters m, j,k, l,u,i, p. Instead the FN characters are given in spite the FN key hadn't been pressed07:25
diogenes_try deactivating numlock07:26
xubuntu51wmodel: 105 keys with dead keys , international. layout: english (VS) international.07:27
xubuntu51wThose incorrect  keys have typed properly in Ubuntu 18.0407:28
xubuntu51wI have disable all options in vanin07:30
xubuntu51win vain07:30
diogenes_what laptop model?07:30
xubuntu51wacer TMB 116 with a standard US keyboard07:31
diogenes_what character shows up when you press u?07:32
well_laid_lawnxev is a handy cli tool for finding out how X sees the keypresses07:34
xubuntu51wm = 0, j = 1,k = 2, l =3 ,u = 4,i =5 , o = 6  p = *07:39
diogenes_xubuntu51w, find a key labeled as 'num lk', 'num lock' or some times a '# symbol'. these keys are used for turning on and off the number lock facility. Sometimes these keys are associated with a 'Fn' key on the key board. Then you have to press and hold this 'Fn' key and then press the 'num lock' key.07:39
diogenes_that's not an issue, i had it many times on some laptops07:40
diogenes_you can also watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=20BKGs91Oq807:40
xubuntu51wOK I try it later Thx U all07:42
xubuntu51wthe mistyped key Irregularity in xubuntu 18.10 with acer laptop has been solved due to the tip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=20BKGs91Oq8. Thank U all08:22
=== tsglove2 is now known as tsglove
Xateneva friend of mine just has a new notebook with xubuntu 18.04 minimal13:55
Xatenevnow when he launches any browser (tested with ff, chrome) the font of links seems to be gone for some reason? http://i.imgur.com/zPATnNK.png13:55
Xatenevits really weird, ive never seen something like this lol13:55
Xatenevin the green button should be "Sign in"13:55
Xatenevthe top left links should be visible too, not just the first letters :P13:55
Xatenevand top right is a link too next to the icon13:55
diogenes_Xatenev, that's because you've got a dark theme14:00
Xatenevdiogenes_, dark theme of what exactly?14:00
diogenes_of your xfce desktop14:01
diogenes_what theme are you using in Appearence?14:01
Xatenevyes adwauta-dark14:02
diogenes_ok then open the terminal14:02
diogenes_run the following commands:14:02
diogenes_cd ~/.mozilla/firefox/*.default && mkdir chrome14:03
diogenes_tell me when done14:03
Xatenevcybeaer, was the friend i talked about, he joined in now too :p  so you can directly communicate lol14:03
cybeaerhi, typing the command right now ^^'14:04
diogenes_cybeaer, ok tell me when done14:04
diogenes_you gonna see no output14:04
cybeaerdone and just switched to folder klsu8ig.default14:04
cybeaernothing else14:05
diogenes_cd ~/.mozilla/firefox/*.default/chrome && touch userContent.css14:05
diogenes_mousepad ~/.mozilla/firefox/*.default/chrome/userContent.css14:06
diogenes_it will open a blank doc14:06
cybeaeryes (opened with vim)14:06
diogenes_ok in that file you paste the following content: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/qrZz2qgkpY/14:07
diogenes_save, close, re-launch firefox14:07
diogenes_should be fine14:07
cybeaernope still the same14:09
diogenes_cat  ~/.mozilla/firefox/*.default/chrome/userContent.css | curl -F 'f:1=<-' ix.io14:10
diogenes_share the link here14:10
Xatenevdiogenes_, Are you sure it should be called userContent.css and not userChrome.css ?14:11
Xatenev(Found some references related to userChrome thus the question :p)14:11
diogenes_Xatenev, on my system it's userContent.css14:12
Xatenevah :)14:12
diogenes_also can you give me the link that you had troubles with14:12
diogenes_and i check it on my ff14:12
diogenes_cybeaer, yeah, looks right. If i had the link to the page i could test it.14:13
cybeaertried with a light theme too (greybird) because at the moment i use adwaita_dark14:13
Xatenevfwiw userChrome.css seems to be used to modify firefox actual interface and not the webpage :)14:14
diogenes_cybeaer, look fine here with that trick: http://i.imgur.com/lXJ3Ac7.png14:15
diogenes_let me try without that trick14:15
cybeaercould it be that some fonts are missing? i installed the xubuntu minimal14:15
cybeaerif i remove the "font-weight" attribute (is set to normal) from the button the text is displayed14:20
diogenes_for me that website displays normal14:20
diogenes_with or without any tricks14:20
cybeaer :/ every item containing the font-weight: normal or light wont show... bold and others work...14:21
cybeaerdiogenes_: which firefox version do you use exactly?14:22
diogenes_cybeaer, 63.0.314:22
diogenes_but also i'm on a slightly different debian based distro14:23
* diogenes_ is offline14:23
cybeaerso the missing font/package could still be it?14:23
cybeaerif anyone want to know... it was the ms fonts that where missing... (ttf-mscorefonts-installer) seems there is no fallback font for them14:43
cybeaerif diogenes is back, pls tell him a big thanks from me ^^14:44
HealingTroutI've been trying to do a full re-install & don't know how to do it.19:25
HealingTroutBeen looking online & everything but so far came up with nothing.19:25
diogenes_HealingTrout, what's exactly the issue you're facing?19:27
HealingTroutWell my brother installed Xubuntu on my computer, he forgot the password that he placed for it & so now I can't install anything on it.19:28
HealingTroutI was told last night that a re-install would fix it.19:29
diogenes_HealingTrout, first of download xubuntu iso19:29
diogenes_write it to usb19:29
diogenes_is it on usb?19:29
HealingTroutAlright aside form writing it to usb19:30
HealingTroutI've moved the file to an external hard drive cause that's what I have currently.19:30
diogenes_you need to write it to eitehr usb or dvd19:30
HealingTroutSo it won't write to a external hard drive?19:31
diogenes_HealingTrout, nope, to a usb19:31
diogenes_to the external drive you copy all the data19:32
diogenes_because you will have to delete everything, (if you don't have a separate /home)19:32
diogenes_which i doubt19:32
HealingTroutAlright give me a second, lookin' for a usb right now.19:33
drleviathanI've been able to fix a lost password without actually re-installing.19:37
HealingTroutBack now19:38
HealingTroutWell there was another user telling me that I would need to do a full re-install to fix it.19:38
HealingTroutIf there is another way that would be nice.19:38
drleviathanThe method was: (1) boot from USB or DVC with "try xubuntu" option (NOT "install xubuntu")19:38
drleviathan(2) Once logged in to trial xubuntu: open terminal19:39
HealingTroutAlso how do I go about writing it to the usb.19:39
HealingTroutYea sorry, I know nothing of this, but my brother was using my computer as a sever & then he moved out.19:39
HealingTroutWithout telling me how to revert it back.19:39
drleviathanto make a bootable USB...19:40
drleviathanuh... do you have a working xubuntu system?  or are you on windows?19:40
HealingTroutI'm on a working Xubuntu System19:41
HealingTroutI know nothing about this system or how to use it.19:41
HealingTroutSo yea.19:41
drleviathanso fist plug the USB into a slot19:41
drleviathanthen open a terminal19:42
drleviathanand type:  dmesg19:42
drleviathan(which will print a lot of text to screen)19:42
drleviathanbut you're interested in the lines at the bottom19:42
drleviathanthey say something about detecting the USB and you want to know which device it is using19:42
drleviathanlike:  /dev/sdb or /dev/sdc19:43
drleviathanperhaps your system will automount the USB.  The question is: which device?19:43
HealingTroutGive me a second19:44
HealingTroutThis is what it gave me19:45
HealingTroutDamn, can't copy & paste19:46
HealingTroutWell then19:46
drleviathanjust need to know the device19:46
drleviathanonce you know the device you want to make sure it is not mounted (my system always automounts the USB) so I type: umount /dev/sdb1  (or whatever the device + partition is)19:49
HealingTroutI think I found it.19:49
drleviathanalternatively from dmesg, if your system automounted the USB drive you can type:  mount  (to list all mount points)19:50
drleviathanthen once unmounted you would type:  sudo dd if=/path/to/your/xubuntu.iso of=/dev/sdb bs=1M19:51
drleviathanwhere "if" stands for "input file"19:52
drleviathan"of" is "output file"19:52
diogenes_drleviathan, he can't do sudo19:52
diogenes_only on live system19:52
HealingTroutDon't know what a partition is.19:52
drleviathanoh, hrm19:52
HealingTroutLike I said, I know nothing about how Xubuntu runs or works19:52
drleviathanso is there a DVD writer and do you have a blank DVD?19:53
HealingTroutYes to the writer, give me a second to find one, remember someone leaving a stack of it somewhere.19:54
HealingTroutGot it.19:55
drleviathanit has been a while since I've gone the DVD route19:55
drleviathanI need to look up some info.  Perhaps someone else remembers.  I think I used the cdrecord command but that command isn't available on my system right now19:56
drleviathanand if you need to install it... then this path wouldn't work19:56
diogenes_xubuntu afaik is shipping with xburn19:56
HealingTroutAlright then, well I've place the blank CD into the computer.19:56
drleviathanHealingTrout, is it a blank CD or blank DVD>19:57
drleviathanI don't see any xburn but I do see an xfburn (which I've never used before)19:58
HealingTroutThe package on it says "TDK CD-R For Computer Burning Writeable Surface"19:58
drleviathanyeah, that won't be big enough for a full xubuntu install image19:58
drleviathanbut perhaps you could download a smaller minimal installer and use that19:58
drleviathanthe internet says lubuntu can fit on a CD-R20:00
drleviathanbut no, the 64-bit version is 1.6G20:00
drleviathanah, HealingTrout you want the "Ubuntu minimal CD" image20:01
HealingTroutHonestly @ this point I kida want to get Windows 10 back on here.20:01
HealingTroutGive me a second, I just decided to message my brother, didn't know if he was busy or not,20:02
drleviathanwow, the minimal install is only 64MB20:02
HealingTroutGive me a second, he's texting me though the steps.20:03
drleviathanhowever, the minimal might be "install only" and might not have the "try ubuntu" option20:03
drleviathanI've got to go AFK.  Back in 1 hour.20:08

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