
=== kameloso^ is now known as kameloso
=== jalcine is now known as jacky
lordievaderGood morning10:50
BluesKajHey folks12:39
Dil3mm4Hello there.16:11
Dil3mm4I'm quite having a problem with KDE, put it short, it won't logout. Instead it loads again the session.16:12
Dil3mm4Is someone aware of this issue?16:12
Dil3mm4Also, no NVIDIA cards around, just a i3 380M on iGPU.16:12
diogenes_Dil3mm4, and ctrl+alt+del16:13
Dil3mm4diogenes_: yeah, when I press ok to logout, it just reloads the session.16:14
Dil3mm4It loads again the KDE loading screen and I'm back at the desktop.16:14
diogenes_Dil3mm4, try: killall sh16:15
Dil3mm4diogenes_: stuff is, if killall works, how do I change the graphics behaviour while using ctrlaltdel ?16:15
Dil3mm4My main concern is to get everything working within the UI.16:16
diogenes_first see if it works16:16
Dil3mm4sh: no process found diogenes_16:17
diogenes_Dil3mm4, i suppose there might be two reasons: 1. sddm bug 2. driver bug16:18
ubottuError: Launchpad bug 2 could not be found16:18
diogenes_to rule out the sddm bug16:18
diogenes_i'd suggest to try gmd16:18
diogenes_for testing purpose16:18
Dil3mm4I don't even know if I'm on sddm atm or not tbh.16:19
Dil3mm4About the driver bug, wasn't this happening only over NVIDIA AMD PCI cards?16:20
diogenes_Dil3mm4, cat /etc/X11/default-display-manager16:22
Dil3mm4diogenes_: lightdm16:22
diogenes_ah, that's why try sddm16:22
Dil3mm4sddm seems installed, gotta change default-display-manager value with nano to /usr/bin/sddm ?16:23
Dil3mm4Trying brb.16:25
Dil3mm4diogenes_: gdm3 works OOTB.16:40
Dil3mm4SDDM, hangs with the blinking "_"16:41
diogenes_Dil3mm4, so use gdm316:41
Dil3mm4I don't want to guess why, even if the gdm3 screen looks crap xD16:41
Dil3mm4diogenes_: thanks for your support.16:41
diogenes_well that the screen that you got to see for 3 seconds16:41
diogenes_so no big deal16:41
diogenes_you're welcome16:41
Dil3mm4diogenes_: yeah, that's why I'm not bothering that much :P16:42
Dil3mm4I have just a couple of questions left.16:42
Dil3mm4Is there a way to customize animation speed?16:42
Dil3mm4Also, on login, KDE seems busy loading the app opened on my last session leaving behind the desktop loading, is there someway to invert the criteria?16:43
diogenes_probably kde i set to save the last session, you might want to disable that, don't ask me how because i'm on xfce )16:44
Dil3mm4Mhm, I should consider some digging about this16:45
Dil3mm4Thanks again!16:45
kinghatlast couple of updates for kubuntu 18.10 has made one of my monitors in a 3 monitor system start doing weird things. now i just did a reboot and it is not found. i was just watching YT videos on it before the restart.18:23
kinghatbaloo is crashing at startup when i log in as well18:28
kinghatalso, when i log in it always says its like 6hours later on the clock then adjusts.18:28
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makhavelliHello, world20:56
bpromptmakhavelli:    it worked!  allo allo20:56
kinghatwhat. is going on here? this happened after puter started acting up and had to hard reset: https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/mOECtGoF/image.png and then terminal log is doing this: http://paste.debian.net/hidden/1b0c50ea/23:13
valoriekinghat: did you "See system logs and 'systemctl status vboxweb-service.service' for details"?23:18
kinghatnot yet. had to leave the PC.23:19

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