
TheSilentLinkHi I when I press print screen nothing happens no sound and no screenshots in the picture folder. Anyone know why or where I can look to fix this? All my keybinds are default20:28
fossfreedomTheSilentLink, is this Ubuntu Budgie - or have you installed ubuntu + budgie-desktop ?20:29
TheSilentLinkit's ubuntu budgie20:29
fossfreedomYou have reset all the keybindings ?20:29
TheSilentLinkyep but that didn't fix ti20:30
fossfreedomresetting the keybindings resets the custom keyboard shortcuts for running gnome-screenshot20:31
TheSilentLinkI see at the bottom it says custom shortcuts and the screenshot one is disabled20:32
TheSilentLinkIf I try to add print screen key to the custom shortcut nothing happens I doesn't want to accept it20:33
TheSilentLinkalthough the normal ones accept the print key20:34
fossfreedomyeah - you first have to remove the print screen keybinding under the screenshots section20:35
fossfreedomthen you can set a custom keybinding for printscreen20:35
TheSilentLinkthanks works now!20:36

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