[06:01] https://www.engadget.com/2018/12/04/fallout-76-canvas-power-armor/ @Ivoriesablaze [07:25] @maxolasersquad, ha that's great xD [07:25] @KMyers @AdamOutler Having trouble staying focused while at home. Know anything good I could put int he background to help me stay on task? I'm considering running sims 4 [07:35] I listen to video game boss music [16:08] Mass effect 3 soundtrack, go [16:08] All the lo-fi stuff seems to work well also [16:59] @RazPi - I think I am coping with the eminimal backpack. I only had to go back once for 2 small cables (USB C OTG and a USB C to Micro B). [18:05] @KMyers oh man that's fantastic!!! [18:07] I have a small cable pouch on order to ensure I have all of the cables I would need to carry with me [18:08] I am also looking for a small electronic toolset to carry [18:35] uh oh, raz is rubbing off on keith [18:45] @Ivoriesablaze, Well. My sleep cycle is a mess [18:45] Shakes fist [18:46] What tasks are you trying to perform @KMyers ? [18:47] @AdamOutler, For the toolset? [18:47] Yeah. The tasks dictate the tools [18:48] Wave+ Multi-Tool | Leatherman … https://www.leatherman.com/wave-832533.html?gclid=Cj0KCQiAi57gBRDqARIsABhDSMrO_2rolIFqhnNzXVO_HS3BzsCkSebwRyX6068-8vSDZGcN--w2NJYaAidDEALw_wcB#fo_c=1726&fo_k=f061e908d357f9f4f69626c65329863a&fo_s=gplaus [18:48] @AdamOutler, Just minor PC things. I randomly need to install SSD at times. I am thinking a small iFixit clone [18:49] If I was looking for a single useful tool, that would be it. [18:49] I always carry a multitool and it will work in a pinch but it is not a replacement for a small tool kit [18:49] Notice the tiny Phillips/flathead screwdriver. Also has larger replaceable bits [18:50] That one in particular for electronics though. It's not just a multitool. [18:50] I also need the occasional torx bits to open some things [18:51] I do like that though. I may need to pick it up as well [18:51] leatherman torx bit - Google Search … https://www.google.com/search?q=leatherman+torx+bit&oq=leatherman+torx&aqs=chrome.1.69i57j0l3.4906j0j4&client=ms-android-americamovil-us-revc&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#lbl=OVERVIEW&pie=plaji-i [18:52] Those bit kits fit into the case. [18:52] Ok... Now we are talking. I guess I do need to grab that [18:56] The tip tapers off well on the pliars and is fine enough to work with pins on random things. The blades are great for stripping wires. The only thing is you'll probably tend to put too much torque on the flathead screwdriver. I broke mine once and they sent a free replacement [18:57] That's what I like about Gerber and Letherman. They stand behind their products and replace them when they fail [20:26] @KMyers, Hahaha xD! [21:00] But I am finally cleaning my room a bit this weekend. [21:00] -week